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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 127 KB, 1297x1500, shelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2664643 No.2664643 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good option for garage shelving? I really want to free up some floor space for a compressor and other things. Currently have a huge metal shelf contraption from costco.

>> No.2664680

yeh just make sure the one screw that holds it on the wall is really strong should be fine bet you could park a car on there

>> No.2664709

It will be fine if he use lage blot assclown.

>> No.2664711

Those brackets look expensive. But wall shelves are a good idea, yes.

There's probably 2 per strap

>> No.2664808

You could get something stronger for less, but if you are fond of how they look, go for it.

>> No.2664811
File: 18 KB, 367x384, _think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2664817

A thread died for this.

>> No.2664828

Lots of Ytube examples of good garage shelving you can make from 2x4.

>> No.2664887

good kind has a triangle under the shelves because triangle are very strong

>> No.2664929

>no triangulation
they will sag
you will not cheat the laws of physics
the entire load is bending the angle back open, 1/8" of mild steel will not stop this
please reconsider

>> No.2664935

"muscle rack" or "muscle shelf" in eBay. Chink steel 6' tall, 24" deep shelf should be under $100 .

>> No.2665166

Nope. Terrible idea. Those are for holding up knick-knacks. If you don't want to make it yourself, then maybe the pre-built metal lumber racks you can buy from places like Rockler would work. Just use the appropriate material for the actual shelves. If you can make them yourself, then copy designs for 2x4 lumber racks. 2x4, 2x3 or 2x2 would all be appropriate material for what you need as long as they are designed properly.

I can see you want the cantilevered floating shelf, I get it. A good way to do it is to send a 2x4 on its edge out from another 2x4 screwed or bolted to the wall. Half-lap joint reinforced with screws or bolts will add mechanical strength to the joint and reduce strain on fasteners. It would be worth it to add some type of strut to the projecting 2x4, though. Even if it's small, it will do quite a bit of work to stabilize the shelf and increase load potential.

>> No.2665172

This. Triangle stronk.

>> No.2665177
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x2731, shelves 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the garage, I'm a fan of just building shelves out of 2x4s and OSB when I need them

>> No.2665187

nice, but if you trust the far end supported by studs (which you can if your screws are proper), then you didn't need the vertical 2x4 on the left.

>> No.2665331

i think the symmetry is better with 3 verticals

>> No.2665368

it's not like it's in the louver museum numbnutz

>> No.2665380

My garage has these from the previous owner. The vertical space usage is terrible and they take up the entire back wall. I’m getting mad just thinking about it. Eventually I’m going to finish ripping them out and either buy or build different shelving that’s less retarded and will store more in half the space.

>> No.2665415

It doesn't need to look like shit just because it's in your garage dipshit

>> No.2666379

The middle vertical support blocking the middle shelves just kills me. And that other anon complaining about the vertical support on the left... Goodness gracious. It would be better to just beef up the horizontal supports and send a 2x4 on its edge out from the middle like >>2665166 says.

>> No.2666491

>lage blot assclown
where can I get one of these