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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2636232 No.2636232 [Reply] [Original]

Are females good tradies?

>> No.2636249

is she trying to cover the shadow?

>> No.2636250

There's paint all over the fuckin' carpet.
But maybe they are ripping it out
Her technique is balls though. Use paint brush to do a foot of the ceiling line and skirting board line, and then roller the area of wall in between, covering over the brush marks; repeat for each foot of wall.

>> No.2636251


>> No.2636257

She's trying her hardest, anon.

>> No.2636259

>Use paint brush to do a foot of the ceiling line and skirting board line
I just use a tiny roller.

>> No.2636291

Not only that, she’s being adorably cute while doing it. Remember, we let them vote and have important jobs like engineers and cops.

>> No.2636318

A woman can be a professional with an important job, and also have an onlyfans account. We truly love in the most equal of times.

>> No.2636325

Are tradies good females?

>> No.2636364

Is their trade sucking cock or making food? If so then no. They fail at everything other than making simps simp

>> No.2636403

Retard filming instead of teaching

>> No.2636412

What part of this would be resolved by teaching, other than the retarded tape job

>> No.2636417

How do you teach someone not to try to paint over shadows?

>> No.2636427

This is another example
How do you teach this retard
That a question has already been raised, right above him nonetheless, and it does not need to be raised again prior to receiving an answer?

>> No.2636432

>Use paint brush to do a foot of the ceiling line and skirting board line, and then roller the area of wall in between, covering over the brush marks; repeat for each foot of wall.
I hope you're joking.
Who the fuck paints one foot at a time, alternating between brush and roller?

>> No.2636437

>That a question has already been raised
anon's comment is distinctly different fromanon's comment

>> No.2636439

I guess you just roller from the middle out like a chump leaving visible patches in the dried paint? The way I described gives a seamless even coat over the whole surface done in methodical fashion. And with the brush you have more accurate control where paint goes, when doing a straight line, than a roller. If you know what you're doing. Brush for the edges, roller for the big areas.

>> No.2636440

>Who the fuck paints one foot at a time, alternating between brush and roller?

Nobody with any sense, but even with professional painters you run into some absolutely retarded shit, like the guy who insisted we roll ceilings with flat white (fine), but using an 18 inch roller with 3/8 nap, which guaranteed holidays all over the damn place. He said a 3/4 nap would leave too much texture.

>> No.2636442

>And with the brush you have more accurate control where paint goes, when doing a straight line, than a roller. If you know what you're doing. Brush for the edges, roller for the big areas.

The fact that you're explaining this tells us you are not a painter. Why not tell us which end of the brush you hold.

>> No.2636447

Does hairdressing count as a trade?

>> No.2636454

No, the other workers sniff around and hit them up. They are a distraction. True or not, they can make a claim of sexual harassment and destroy the entire crew. Not worth the headaches.

>> No.2636462

Is that a Daughter or a wife/girlfriend?

>> No.2636495

you work on shitty sites. If you cat called a woman on our job sites you'd be quickly booted. Women don't just saunter into a trade job, they usually know or are related to the men on site.

Women on the job site calms the crews down, it is a good thing. I work on pretty high end projects, and while typically they are cleaners on site, I've met many very skilled female painters - specifically faux finishing painters doing marble columns or gold leaf work. We have a female machine operator on site right now too, shes very good at her job and is there on time every day and is quick to help out other trades. Overall it's pretty rare though.

>> No.2636529


>> No.2636535

I painted houses for a couple of years in college, to pay for it. He's 100% right, if you're edging with a roller, you're an incompetent retard.
I know you're probably hurr durr trolling, but fuck off anyway.

>> No.2636539
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I mean, is there any other way to paint.

>> No.2636540

>Retard filming instead of mansplaining
Fixed for you buddy. I used to make the same mistake back in the day, don't worry you'll learn eventually.

>> No.2636544

A foot? Why? You cut in the edges with a brush, maybe four to six inches, and roll the rest. A foot is a complete waste of effort.

>> No.2636546

Some anon in another thread talked about how their workplace carried out a study that looked t job effectiveness of mixrd crews.
He said they found that if around 1/20 in a group were women you got higher performance,
no women and the boys screwed around while more women led to drama

>> No.2636552

This is my point. We are on a 100 million dollar cottage project right now, it's been months. Twice a week a crew of three or four young women come by and clean up any left over dust, wood cuttings, cardboard wtv. in the various work areas. When they come the whole site feels like it cools down, obviously some gawking happens but nobody talks shit or makes them uncomfortable, we all go about our business a bit more carefully and the idle chit chat tends to get quieter.

I swear the billionaire owner knows this as every job of his I've been on has some local crew of young women coming by a few days a week.

>> No.2636554

So you what you really need is a site nanny?

>> No.2636555

is this a common term? never heard anyone else use it other than my dad and his buddies

>> No.2636561

If anyone remembers which thread anon was talking about this in I'd appreciate the reference because I tried and failed at finding it else I would have linked his more detailed post

>> No.2636564

>is this a common term?
here in NC every painter uses that term, and google is very familiar with it, except they say it can be drips, runs, whatever; to me it's just a place that failed to get painted, and can happen with any method - brush, roller, spray, whatever.

>> No.2636565

The carpenters and other workers seem to yes. I own my business and don't waste time dilly dallying, finishing early for me means taking a day off, I make the same money either way. Beyond that, my specific work is pretty niche and nobody talks to me anyways, I spend my days in full face PPE.

>> No.2636612

need a second coat to do that dark spot

>> No.2636678

>implying there is even paint on the roller
Classic coomer mistake

>> No.2637021

Lfmao have u worked constructiin..im telling u right know 80 percent of the spics drink in the morning

>> No.2637026

Sounds like you'd know

>> No.2637054

What's stopping you from opening an only fans account.
There's weirdo's out there for everything.
You could be rich.

>> No.2637283

>Why not tell us which end of the brush you hold.
Who said I paint with a brush?
Also, I don't do colors. White only. It may change colors over time though.

>> No.2638754

This. I would've thrown a shot of black on there and problem solved

>> No.2638756

there's a "female" finish carpenter in my area. He's actually just a dude though. he jacks his dick on chaturbate on the side too. Actually fairly fuckable. Although if you talk to him, it becomes obvious he's a legit schizo.

>> No.2639139

There are 3 women tradies in the company I work for, ratio is probably 50 men.
Woman 1: more of a man than most of the guys, inclusive of having a wife. Great worker.
Woman 2: very smart, extremely competent, and very easy to get along with.
Woman 3: intelligent, good at her job, but socially is a fucking nightmare to deal with. Massive mood swings, any particular sentence you say can be a bomb.
Bonus: Woman 4: just left the business. Incompetent, entitled, and serial complainer to management about alleged misconducts, none of which were ever proven after investigations. Good riddance, nasty piece of work.

Are females good tradies?
Anyone can be a good tradie. My personal experience is that women in trades doesn't work well due to women seeming to hold grudges, and be offended by the smallest slights. I have seen men physically fight one day, and then sit down and eat lunch together the next. (Some) trades are extremely team dependent, and you need a good mesh to start off with, the easiest meshing being shared life experiences, IE; being male or female. That being said, do you think an all female work crew would be a good idea in most cases?

Lots of equality and diversity words are being thrown around at the moment, but good workmanship are reliant on good tradesmen, and good teams.

Tl;dr: Good tradies are good tradies. Most of them just happen to be men.

>> No.2639152
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im so fucking lonely but i have no motivation to go outside
its over for me

>> No.2639154
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>> No.2639165

Knew a troon who worked construction. Completely non-passing.
So, tradies are shit females, I guess.

>> No.2640065

my wife is actually pretty good at painting the rooms and frames and doors, and putting on wallpapers and such.
She did it a couple of times when I couldn't be bothered/was lazy.

>> No.2640078
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Exercise, good diet, and establishing connections are all scientifically approved methods. Assuming you have access to the internet, you can get social stimuli through gaming- though face to face is better. There are no studies into VRs viability, but I posit that it's more effective. You could look up local groups that have similar interests to you- knitting groups tend to be low bar. You can do exercises at home- sit ups, push ups etc. There are some YouTube tutorials. Google depression diets- the Harvard study is pretty good, assuming you can afford it. If not, learning to fish is an option. You probably have depression. You are probably American, meaning the therapy out there has a long waiting list, is stigmatized, and is also expensive. It's going to be difficult, but I believe in you. There are people out there, who you may not have met yet, that will like you. Just luck at some of the people on fourchan, literal scum of the earth, who have thriving social lives. You got this. (:

>> No.2640266


My mum is a god tier painter, does an amazing job.

>> No.2640269

Women have a heightened sense of aesthetics

>> No.2640270

>she’s being adorably cute
Fuck you

>> No.2640339

No they don't, they're good at mimicking whats in the latest 'trendy living magazine '

>> No.2640342

because they like aesthetics
look at manga

>> No.2640734

women dont even have a aesthetic principle

>> No.2640738

The only thing women are good at is whoring.

>> No.2640794

>I took half of my man's everything in the divorce but now noone is willing to risk more of their shit to love me :((((((((((

>> No.2640803

>Men associate the horrible, honest character of pam Beasley from the office with her because of her name
>Literally no one wants to be with a pam

>> No.2641036

they like pretty, they just can't logically connect different pretty things

>> No.2641043

>When they come the whole site feels like it cools down
I really don't understand why men do this. Feels gay af to reel in your behavior for anyone

>> No.2641049

Most accurate, coming from a femoid trade-ster.

>> No.2641891

My experience working with women in all different kind of trades is that they are eye candy to all the old pervs. They never get anything done and never get fired. They always make more than everyone and do less work. They could be a straight sweat hog and all the pervs are on em like chlamydia on a whore.

>> No.2641902

Eh, can't say I've not done worse after a long tiring day.

>> No.2642060


>> No.2642106

at current job as sparky, seen 3 females come through and 1 slept with a bunch of apprentices and then quit in shame, second slept with a couple of journeys and then got fired for complaining too much and causing too much drama, third is a great worker and a pleasure to have on the crew but shes also the wife of one of the journeyman so nobodies trying to bang her so maybe thats the ticket.

>> No.2642168

Females aren't good anythings

>> No.2642347
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women are horrible people

>> No.2642365

She's cute

>> No.2642367

>all these people replying to shit threads
bepis please stop vpn spamming

>> No.2643003
File: 15 KB, 1801x90, female_tradie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the weird turn offs thread

>> No.2643025

well yeah that poster's a dude.

>> No.2643029

I’ve done that before at the end of a 10 hour day.

>> No.2643069

ive seen a couple lady painters, who all seemed fine. some chicks ran a wallpaper and high end paint company who did really good work one general laborer who was I think the wife of a different one, i knew one who tried to be a mechanic but dropped a car off a lift and then crashed a different car on a test drive. last i heard she moved in with a senior tech after he got a divorce.
its a mans world if it's anything super physical. not that that should be surprising for anyone.

>> No.2643074

pay you're debts

>> No.2643090

Best landscaper I ever met in my life was a married mother of two with a king cobra tattoo,

>> No.2643096

Tradies in general are pretty low skill at most things, at least in the US now, its all so bad. But the exceptions make it work. Some women excel bc they try harder, some try too hard, and some are downright garbage. In my experience, 1/10 women on the field are respectable, 3/10 for men.

>> No.2643111

LMAO I didn't get it until I saw your comment.
>we let them vote
But if our county gets invaded, only men have to die to protect it because that's our male privilege

>> No.2643118

No it's just treason. one of many long term schemes designed to weaken and undermine societies before the kill strike is initiated.

>> No.2644343

I don't call my mom for friend's daughter a gay retarded nigger, but wouldn't hesitate with my friends, so there's that.

>> No.2644632

i'm not sure if this is it, but women are not visual creatures like men.
because men hunted for tens of thousands of years, we developed better visual "intelligence."

>> No.2644847

>Are females good tradies?
No I'm not, but I can follow instructions just fine. Looking for a husband ASAP so I can just stick to decorating.

>> No.2645071

Nice post anon, agreed :)

>> No.2645080

>Not surprising for anything physical
Yeah one thing that pisses me off about my body is the skeletal structure and muscle mass being different from a man so I can't logically compete in these jobs, I picked up working out to stay in shape but still, knowing I can lose to some random nerd or teen who doesn't work out when arm wrestling because of this is enraging... And depressing whenever I look over at more physical jobs and needs to ask "Can I sustainably do that ?" before even looking at qualifications. Surely my salt over the mogging will keep pushing me forward though. Stay persistant!

>> No.2645081

before i got fired from sound and comm we had a qt tomboy who would exclusively run our wire (usually alarm or cat6a) in tight spaces. one time i copped a feel pushing her into a drop ceiling and she socked me in the lip. good times

>> No.2645115

no. women are scatterbrained and unable to handle harsh conditions...

short answer is no.

>> No.2645306

The ones Ive worked with have been mediocre but were absolutely praised bc of a combination of simps and low expectations.

>> No.2645312

I'd suggest an exoskeleton. But females can't be assed to engineer anything. Wish it weren't true.

>> No.2645323

>only men have to die to protect it because that's our male privilege
You do know that it's men that are preventing women from taking up combat roles, right?

>> No.2645438

this is satanic what the fuck is wrong with mutts everyone suffers here and they viewer is supposed to relish it?

>> No.2645478

Because women actively hamper combat effectiveness.
/k/ has an entire folder of resources on this topic of women in combat including all of the brass hypocrisy.

>> No.2645501

Women can have bettre colour discernment than men, one of the genes coding for eye colour detector cells is carried on the x chromosome allowing women two different copies.
we also have all the male linked colour blindness.

Not much but it does give some women with the right gene combo a potential edge.

>> No.2645541

It all started with that kike Springer

>> No.2645576

Probably fine motor control as well. I've seen sources credit this to production work in earlier generations but my belief is there's some opposition between neuromuscular threading a needle and grabbing then lifting as heavy as possible. The latter you're trying to tap into that primate motion of firing as much muscle fiber as possible. I notice after doing heavy work that my hands have more difficulty playing music and it's not a fatigue issue.
I'd give them credit for better emotional control. To me this is a product of nurture. Men are cut and devalued since birth in the west while women are put on a pedestal until their eggs dry up.

>> No.2645634

While I was looking over the /k/ archives I saw a few mentions that women seem better at target practice, one anon referred to the best shots on the range mostly being held by older women.
This is second hand information at best giving no indication of distance, type of weapon or barrel calibre.
But one might find independent verification through shooting competition records.

>> No.2645655

If you move so slowly you can only keep a wet edge by doing 1' sections it's either 90° with 0 humidity or your fat ass belongs behind a fucking desk

>> No.2645656

How big is your penis and how tight is your tummy?

>> No.2645667
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It's like how women group up and go to the bathroom together when men are around. A woman on the job site is like a man barging in to women's toilet while they are talking about chads cock and things of that nature.

>> No.2645671

>be you
>take anavar
>take dutasteride
>marry me
Why arent you doing this if it bothers you so much??

>> No.2645878

Exactly. Instead, women nurtured children for those thousands of years, developing the sense of hearing due to the children's cries. A developed mother can actually close her eyes and ecolocate anything with ultrasounds, that's also why the pitch of their voice is usually sharper.

>> No.2646037

Posted before, my aunt was a plumber for a good 10-15 years. She was real small so she could get into tight spots. Said she hated dealing with urinals. After that she got into the oil fields for BP doing whatever out in the field.

>> No.2646100

How butch is your aunt on a scale of 1-10?

>> No.2646387


>> No.2646399


>> No.2648644
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>> No.2648653

I would always rather have a woman that doesn’t give up when she sucks then a woman that doesn’t try to work trades. Changing their own oil, buying a replacement part for a broken appliance, mowing the lawn. Just simple shit please. If my wife’s car gets broken then I have to trade cars with her until me or my mechanic fixes it.
For the past week it’s been down pouring and every day I hear “our grass is so long it’s awful! The guy across the street has a zero turn and it’s all she sees.

>> No.2649048


I don't know man, last year they found breast cancer on my mother. The doctor who did her surgery was a 70 years old female , leading half the oncology wing in the hospital , dealing with 2 surgeries a day, 3 days of the week. Everyone around her respected her , feared her and was jealous of her success and hard work.

There are lazy and incompetent people both male and female.

>> No.2649055
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Not a specific shareable folder tha I know of. just a lot of examples if you search through the archives. I think /k/ uses desuarchive.

Cop out statement, what proportion of the male and female population are up to scratch.
Male and Female cognitive and physical abilities are different

>> No.2649056

when i was in class yesterday the girl sitting in front of me took a selfie 4 separate times during the hour and a half lecture.

>> No.2649763

>woman objectively assessing her limitations

Well now, you're a wierd one.

>> No.2650225

>operating a lift, or car

>> No.2650426
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>> No.2651146

Pam Beasley was great what are you talking about? She was feminine and smart and cute as fuck. Are you sure you’re not just scared of women or maybe just gay?

>> No.2651151

You are supposed to be a mother not competing with men lol you stupid dumb autistic cunt. Just so you know your genes are getting genocided. Any and all females like you will not procreate or have healthy families. Maybe you’ll have one child even more autistic than you at 37 or most likely die alone as another crazy cat lady. Your post is as retarded as a gay man complaining about not being able to get his shitpipe impregnated and giving birth out of his dick

>> No.2651152

>women can't be hardworking and competent
<What about this one woman I know?

>> No.2651187

There are amazing women, always have been. Like my mother. But we are talking about normative behaviors in this the modern hellscape

>> No.2651513

dont know never met one

>> No.2652003

She will cut the post then

>> No.2652051

you need to be barefoot and in a kitchen and your desire to not do this is only bad for you and a product of being lied to

>> No.2652097

You're all retarded. This is Emily Zugay. She also did all of the deliberately bad corporate logo videos.