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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 29 KB, 383x464, cat_wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
262785 No.262785 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/namos

I want to build a really great cat wheel for my stupid cats. People online want upwards for $800 for a damn wheel. I have a dremel and a tenuous grasp of how to drill a hole without bleeding.

How do I make a cat wheel?

>> No.262790

cats will not exercise

>> No.262791

thus the reason they are 800 bucks.... Not only are you dumb enough to buy an exercise wheel for your cat, you will probably be dumb enough to pay 800 for it.

>> No.262794

Get a laser pointer instead.

>> No.262795


>> No.262800

some cats will use a treadmill and you can too. build a computer desk into it. check classifieds for used treadmills

>> No.262811

Actually some cats will exercise, I have a cat and a dog and I have been exercising with them both for the past 4 years.

I paid for 3 treadmills so we could run together in the morning, once in awhile we go and run the streets together too.

>> No.262813

Not true... if you electrify the wheel so the cat gets shocked unless it's spinning at a certain rate, the cat will certainly exercise.

>> No.262839

or, you know, jump out of the wheel.

>> No.262877

which is why you should cover both sides of the wheel with plexiglass. Add lots of holes so it doesn't die.

>> No.262881

Or just give the cat to someone who isnt a sadistic psychopath.

>> No.262885

My first thought might be to use the drum from an old clothes dryer. But the diameter would probably be too small and also too heavy.

>> No.262929
File: 10 KB, 356x367, 1336769518812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totaly legit etc.

>> No.262930

You misspelled "Behaviorist".

>> No.263005

This is the worst set of advice /diy/ has ever given for what is a pretty straightforward problem.

>> No.263012

Easiest way to make a wheel like this is to get some thin wood and just bend it into a round shape.

Use that dremel of yours to cut a round piece of wood the same size as the round piece you formed earlier.

Stand should be fairly straight forward, use a long bolt and grease up some copper tube and locknut the bolt through it.and the wheel you have constructed. should be able to hold up a long as time like that.

oh and glue some carpet on the inside of the wheel so the cats can get a good grip.