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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2606690 No.2606690 [Reply] [Original]

What are some annoying things that have happened to you whilst working?

>pressure washing side of house
>reach very untouched, overgrown corner
>proceed to spray 40 years worth of moss, pebbles, chipped paint, bird shit, hornet nesting and grime all over myself and the area I spent 10 minutes cleaning

>> No.2606694

>be me
>work for landlord
>come to job
>it's in ghetto
>see engineering horrors beyond comprehension

>> No.2606724
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>go to telephone/data closet
>time to terminate something on a 66 block.
>someone has fucked the block up.in literally every way possible again. The last 20 people in here, even through dumb random luck never did it right

Never ever ever

It has to be a 40 year opd block that hasnt been touched since the originak graybeard put it n 40 years ago, or one I put in myself and no one else has fucked with yet to be unfucked.

>> No.2606728

Here's some pics I took of strange shit

>> No.2606729
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>Forgets to attach image

>> No.2606731
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>> No.2606732
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>> No.2606733
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>> No.2606735
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>> No.2606736
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>> No.2606737
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>> No.2606745
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>inspecting home
>inspecting the crawl space
>full gear on including respirator
>crawl has a lot of moisture
>somewhat normal to come across this, whatever
>keep trekking through light dampness and mud
>nearly 2/3 through perimeter exam
>locate a broken sewer line
It's happened more than once.

>> No.2606813

What’s the problem, lots of unused punchdowns on that block. Not sure why someone would use solder instead of a punchdown tool though. You don’t even need a tool, you can use a flathead screwdriver in a pinch.

>> No.2606876
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>> No.2606966

>grinding wheel explodes

>> No.2606988

How did you get these pictures of my house

>> No.2607003

> Fail smog.
> Install new exhaust manifold, old one was cracked and leaking.
> Still smell exhaust, fail again.
> Think it's a gasket problem.
> Replace gaskets, use goo, stack gaskets (retard), deplete supply chain exhaust gaskets because nothing worked.
> After replacing gaskets a dozen times, I crack the flange.
> Remove exhaust manifold.
> Leak was from a manufacturing defect, hole in bottom of NEW MANIFOLD.
> But another manifold.
> Install it.
> Pass smog.

Sometimes I hate Dorman.

>> No.2607004
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Forgot pic

>> No.2607797
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>Be me
>Go to customer home for Internet install
>Start chitchatting about food with customer
>Customer from Syria, has great leafy garden
>See bunch of shrooms at base of tree
>Ask him if he eat those where he comes from
>Phone rings, take a quick call
>See customer coming back chewing something, he ate some unknown shroom RAW
>Explain to him shrooms could make him very sick, his face starts to turn sad and blue
>Calls his girlfriend that works as a nurse, >she ask him why he's an idiot
>Had to call/wait for ambulance

>> No.2607873

>Anon asks if he eats those specific things where he's from
>Light-colored sand nigger assumes it's fine because of context
Who here is retarded

>> No.2607888

>Anon, do you jump out of windows where you're from?
>Goes and jump out of window...
Who here is retarded?

>> No.2607914

Never go full Dorman

>> No.2608335

Carry a tourniquet.

>> No.2608343 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 628x492, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a website for a customer
>"The blue needs to be bluer"
>Change the shade a little
>"No Bluer!"
>Changes the shade again
>"I said BLUER!"
>Don't change anything
>"Much better this time. Thanks"

This and the people who want you to do stupid shit like make a font "shiny" make me with "bring a knife to work day" was a thing. Pic related is from the Oatmeal. This shit is industry wide.

>> No.2608346
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>Make a website for a customer
>"The blue needs to be bluer"
>Change the shade a little
>"No Bluer!"
>Changes the shade again
>"I said BLUER!"
>Don't change anything
>"Much better this time. Thanks"

This and the people who want you to do stupid shit like make a font "shiny" make me wish "bring a knife to work day" was a thing. Pic related is from the Oatmeal. This shit is industry wide.

>> No.2608549
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>> No.2608578

glad i got out of web design around when html5 came out
got myself a comfy embedded job where i only take specs from scientists and a different guy does the frontend. i get actual hard figures in my design spec. bliss.

>> No.2608582

>This and the people who want you to do stupid shit

If I had a time machine I wouldn't go back and kill Hitler. I'd go back and kill the fucking nerdshit who started that crap where the video follows you down the page. Like some people forget where it was? "Hello, help desk. I scrolled down the page and now I don't know where the worthless auto-play video is. HALP ME PLS"

>> No.2608760

Asking if he eats those specific mushrooms implies that locals eat those specific mushrooms by virtue of how language works, anon.

>> No.2608761

Why would anyone want to kill hitler? Without him the jews wouldn't have carte blanche to do what they've done to the world.

>> No.2608766

It does not.

>> No.2608772

>Hey guy, check out those sandwiches over there. Do you eat sandwiches where you come from?
>Guy grabs sandwich and starts eating
>Woah woah woah...I didn't mean THAT sandwich.

>> No.2608773

Yes it does and the fact that you don't see that is proof of your extreme social retardation. Please apply for free money from your nearest government welfare office.

>> No.2608777

>Try to remove electric motor from air compressor
>Have backed hex screw as far back as it will go, put bearing puller on it
>Not budging, putting way too much torque on it for it to not be moving at all
>Take dead blow and try lightly tapping around edges of pulley to see if it will give
>Bastard just shatters like it's made of ceramic
>Have to buy new pulley
God damnit

>> No.2608780

>be me
>working at computer
>extremely busy
>new employee
>starts talking and asking questions
>continue working for several minutes
>he's still blathering
>finally finish
>look up and say
Go back out, and knock then come in.
>he looks at me like I am insane
>make him do it
>tell him to come in
>make him ask questions all over again because I heard nothing he said the first time
this happens multiple times over several weeks before he gets it.

fist millennial I ever worked with (I didn't know what a millennial was) this was 2011.

>> No.2608782

Uhh one of my green text lines got deleted
>Need to remove pulley to get shaft out of hand guard

>> No.2608784

I wish I had a picture of the mess that was made by a QWEST tech. we needed 10 phone connections for a 10 port modem. we only needed them terminated at the demarc, somehow he did not get this message

guy comes in and installs 10 phone ports in a wall each one was at a different height, different angle just randomly on the wall. not even flush, just wonkey and retarded.

call QWEST, complain, female supervisor comes out, looks at it, and asks what the problem is?

my boss calls them again and they send out her super, he walk in looks at it for 1 second, says "we'll take care of it", then takes the woman outside and gives here a stern talking to.

>> No.2608785

>Asking if he eats those specific mushrooms implies that locals eat those specific mushrooms
no only and idiot would see it that way.

>> No.2608786

>hey check out that unlabeled bottle. Is that potable water?
>dude runs over and chugs it
>wow, what if that was bleach or poop acid dude?

Anon could have just as easily wondered if the guy was cultivating them and knew what he was doing. Instead, mushroom man assumed anon knew what he was doing. And for some reason didn't even question. Just shoved it in his mouth, like wtf.

>> No.2608787
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pics from a customer site survey.
complaints of network issues

>> No.2608788
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>> No.2608789
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>> No.2608790

>no only and idiot
I've won, how does defeat taste anon?

>> No.2608792
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>taking government computers to surplus
>guy I work with doesn't like my driving
>so I let him drive
>half way there he has to slam on the brakes because following too close
>pic related happens.
nothing broke.

>> No.2608794

The difference is anon didn't ask the sand nigger foreigner if his people had edible mushrooms, he asked if he ate those where he comes from, which implies that the topic of the question is edible. I know nothing about Syria, so for all I know his people don't know shit about mushrooms, and he didn't know mushrooms could be poisonous. The only reason I know mushrooms can be dangerous is basically luck, no one ever told me a thing about them at any point in my upbringing because we don't have them in my area of America.

>> No.2608796
File: 1.26 MB, 2576x1932, 20180426_111313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of our state workers driving to work one day
>depressed beaner decides to commit suicide
>at an intersection he rams in to oncoming traffic
>kills our coworker she had 2 kids
>about a year later
>her laptop (was in front seat) is brought in to go to surplus
>pic related.

>> No.2608799
File: 1.37 MB, 2576x1932, 20180713_073801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one day they take down a bunch of cubicles
>someone puts a tiny little toy traffic cone over a tube sticking out of the floor.
>someone puts a warning sign over that
>I go down to the parking garage and get a barricade and put that over the warning sign

>> No.2608800

forgot to mention that he had forgotten his truck had air bags so he was completely unharmed.

>> No.2608806


>> No.2609515

You sound like an insufferable faggot

>> No.2609523

>this happens multiple times over several weeks

I can't imagine working with an asshole like you.

>> No.2609599

I would kick your stupid door in and scream my questions as loud as possible at you.

>> No.2609616

Boomers are so fucking insufferable

>> No.2609640

Suicide by car is so easy if you hit something solid. Other cars absorb a lot of the impact and you can only impart so much before they move. Dude should have floored it on a rural road and hit a power pole.

It's so selfish to kill someone else just because you hate yourself

>> No.2609675

Gives OT to needy linemen too.

>> No.2610019

>he doesn't like my driving
should've told him he could walk instead

>> No.2610060

im incredibly autistic and used to be the type of anon that would just walk into someones space without knocking

I didn't realize it was a problem until I overheard someone talking about how annoying it was that i would bother them while working without even knocking to get their attention first.

Honestly thank you for teaching the guy to knock first, because if nobody HAD taught him, he might have been pissing a bunch of people off that didnt have the heart to say anything

>> No.2610712

I used to build trusses. I worked the 2nd shift and the amount of times I had to spend the first 2-3 hours fixing some fuckup the 1st shift did literally drove me nuts

>> No.2610967

>customer wants mirror wall installed in apartment complex gym
>go out set all bottom J channel for floor to ceiling mirrors, measure for size
>glass comes in a week later, load up and go on site
>take tools in and check workplace
>gym is open, people are using it
>walk in and see that every bit of J channel I installed is gone, cheap rubber baseboard in its place
>wtf? Call GC down
>he explains that the illegal Mexican floor guys he hired probably removed it and threw it away
>explain to him I've got to go back to the shop, get more material, remove baseboard, and start over, more time
>as we are dealing with this girl comes in starts working out on the machine next to us
>I don't even look at her, preoccupied with the fact that I'm going to be working late redoing everything I've already done, and not in a good mood about it.
>go back to shop, pick up J channel and return
>when I get back apartment manager meets me in parking lot, refuses to let me back in
>"a young woman filed a complaint that the construction pond scum was looking at her in a lewd way"
>that's fucking bullshit I can't even tell you what the bitch looked like, I was focused on dealing with someone else's fuck up
>"call the GC down, he was standing with me the whole time"
>spineless GC comes down, says he doesn't know for sure, sorry for any inconvenience
>right then I realize the GC was probably eye fucking her, and throwing me under the bus
>fuck this I'm gone
Explained to my PM what happened, he agreed that it was bullshit. Adjusted the bill, went back a week later and did the work no problems, GC wouldn't even leave his trailer. PM later told me that turned out to be the most expensive mirror installation in history, he raped them on cost out of principle.

>> No.2611064
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>Fix anything. Purchase anything to make the job easier for everyone. Do anything at all.
>It's broken or gone within a week.
>Sigh, and invoice my time and purchases to the bossman.

>> No.2612433

>All that rust
Bruh. They installed a part from the junk yard. That is NOT a new manifold. Don't buy junkyard shit

>> No.2612706

I can relate
>apartment maintenance
>the units are almost always rented sight-unseen before previous tenant has moved out
>2 days to turn a unit regardless of size
>units are either 2 bed 2 bath, 2x1, or 1x1
>every so often they'll add something extra that is mandatory and company-wide, such as rewiring all bathrooms so that the fan and lights are now connected to a motion sensor rather than each on an individual switch
>no extra time has ever been given
>Supposed to spend day 1 doing a full paint job on entire unit
>day 2 for maintenance
>day 3 the cleaning lady comes in
>day 4 the carpets are cleaned
>day 5 new tenant moves in
>predecessors dealt with deadlines but cutting every corner possible
>usually spend more time correcting previous maintenance "techs" horrendous "work" than anything the tenants did to unit
>can't feather in touch up paint anywhere because it's been done too many times already, so the paint is old and new paint sticks out like a sore thumb
>office manager doesn't know anything about maintenance, often says things like "It's just dirty" when a unit is completely trashed

on 90% of the units, an entire day of drywall repairs / prep for painting would be justified. all of the 2x2s are super shabby compared to the 1x1s.

>> No.2613894

>get call about AC leaking into apartment
>climb onto roof only to see mexican roofers have ripped copper drain lines off and left them scattered around
>roof sheeting is glued to access panel, covering up screws

Most of the units at this apartment complex have been these problems.

>> No.2613902

what are they keeping locked behind the door, anon...

>> No.2613905

What’s going on with the horizon? Is this building in a cave or something?

>> No.2613906

Let me guess, everybody is stupid but you?

>> No.2613911

> power pole
> solid
you'll snap it and not die, retard. a nice big rock face or concrete retaining wall, or off a good 50 foot drop, is a much better choice. or just skip the car and jump off something really tall
t. EMT who scrapes people up regularly

>> No.2613915

I think they call this a "mesh network"

>> No.2613921

The wind is billowing up plastic sheets covering the half finished house, and the picture is taken from inside.

You blind retard.

>> No.2614263

What they are keeping behind that locked door IS anon.