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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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260573 No.260573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so glocks have a small space in the back of the handle that is not used for anything. some people manufacture little compartments you can stick in them that hold stuff and things.

I want to make a little shock sensor i can put in mine that will record every time my gun is shot. like a pedometer only more robust so that only the recoil of a gun will register.

are there sensors small enough to fit along with a battery and support electronics?

>> No.260574

Any kind of pedometer would go off the charts on 4chan.

>> No.260575


>> No.260578

Brooms have handles, guns have grips.

>> No.260580

Shut your faggot mouth up.

>> No.260581

u mad?

>> No.260585

I'd get an Arduino Nano + accelerometer + OLED Screen provided it fit.

>> No.260587

Is that last round for "they'll never take me alive" or what

>> No.260588


Modern accelerometers, like ADXL345, are very small. Sensor itself won't be a problem. Well, assuming the shooting shock isn't too much for it.
I have no idea how much space you actually have there, but based on your pic, it's gonna be a miniaturization excercise, mainly because of the battery, connectors and casing.

>> No.260598

Yeah a tiny accelerometer would be the way I'd do it.

Program your setup to detect short bursts or high acceleration and you can easily measure every time you fire and will easily avoid false positives. It will take a little calibration but it should be fine.

I've never done something like this so here is what I would do.

I would get an accelerometer and attach it to a microcontroller. I would use a coin cell battery as a power supply, and you will likely need a boost-converter if room is low for 3 or 4 coin cells.

I would make a simple contact switch that is closed when you insert a magazine into the Glock. That way it only powers on when you intend to fire and doesn't drain battery while it is sitting on your shelf or in your gunsafe or whatever. A contact switch would be simple as it could just be a tiny piece of copper ribbon attach to the magazine and some thin layers adhered onto the gun. Simple, effective, unobtrusive.

So the accelerometer would register any movement, and you would sample acceleration constantly to check what is going on. To properly calibrate the accelerometer you could simply attach accelerometer, fire a couple rounds, and set a microcontroller to record what happens. Analyze the results, and use these parameters to define what "firing a gun" looks like in terms of acceleration. That way you spinning the gun around like a cool guy, bumping it accidentally, or dropping it like an idiot wouldn't give a false positive.

I've never done anything like this so critique from more experienced talented /diyer/s would be very much appreciated. I'll try and answer any questions because I'm bored and my new soldering iron arrives tomorrow so I am giddy like a school girl for electronics.

>> No.260600

FYI that hole is used to assemble a stockbutt for accurate shooting. used in CQB in some army/police units around the world

>> No.260622


Make sure the magazine is empty and chamber is clear *before* bumping and spinning the firearm around though... :)

>> No.260625

Would be cool to also have a GPS logger, and takes location data of when you fired the gun.

>> No.260636

You'd probably need two accelerometers (x and y axis), a micro-controller to log the data, maybe a micro-sd card to store the data, and some kind of power-supply to power all that.

Browsing digikey I found MMA2301KEG accelerometer from Freescale, which has large range (up to 200g) and is reasonably priced. I'd use MSP430 series µc for low power usage, some random model with at least 2 usable ADCs. MSP430F5172 seems to be available, and in reasonable package. For power supply you'd need something with two outputs, 5V for the accelerometers and couple volts for the µc. MAX1765 seems to fit the bill.

4 small SMD ICs, an µSD card, and some support electronics should fit in there. Biggest problem would be fitting a battery there too. I guess an AAAA cell could fit in, and give at least couple of hours of usage. If that doesn't work out, you'd need to use coin cells, which frankly suck. Maybe an external batterypack could be used? That would make stuff much easier.

>> No.260642


Ya, just make sure you don't murder someone

Shortest murder trial ever

>> No.260644

>>260636 here

Oh, I misread the OP. Single accelerometer should do if you just want to count shots. You could probably use some wizardy to wake the µc up when accelerometer value exceeds some threshold, to increase battery life. I wouldn't be too worried about false positives, the recoil of a shot is probably far greater than any other acceleration in normal operation.

>> No.260648

Im not sure it would mater but what about a noise meter of some sort? (decibelmeter?) So it would record when it "heard" the shot.

>> No.260654

out of interest, why would you want this? Wouldnt you know how many shots you fired by how much ammo you used? I cant see any benefits? Obviously it wouldnt hold up in any legal situation either.

>> No.260662

I'm also curious as to how you would prevent it from going off just by shaking it... the pedo not the weapon.

I also agree with what someone else said. at like 1$ a shot, I know exactly how many I fire in a day xD

>> No.260671

he probably leaves his gun lying around where other people can easily get it and he wants to know if they've shot anyone with it.

>> No.260677

I would like to know how many rounds have been fired over all. Barrels do not last indefinitely, after long ( VERY LONG ) periods of use, they need to be replaced.

>> No.260688


>> No.260692

Sometimes my friends and I will buy a bunch of ammo, dump it all into coffee cans and plink all day long. A lot of times we dump in partial boxes of ammo so we don't know exactly how many rounds we've shot over the course of a day.

>> No.260702

Just inspect the barrel every ten thousand rounds or so. The world has managed to get by without accelerometers for the first three hundred years of routine firearms use.

>> No.260710

You could add a pin.

>> No.260713

If that were the case then he must not clean his gun very often, because how many people are going to use someone's gun without asking first then clean it afterwards? If it's been fired, you'd know.