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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 523 KB, 1000x644, victorinox-rambler-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2604232 No.2604232 [Reply] [Original]

What multitool do you guys carry with you every day? I have a leatherman wave for a "serious" work on the go when i dont have any real tools with me but i dont like the size or weight of it. I would never take it with me if i dont bring a backpack because its too big to keep in the pocket and i dont like things dangling on my belt. What tool should i get to keep in the small 5th pocket of jeans? Victorinox classic sd alox and rambler are the two i have been thinking of but cant decide which one to get. Allox version of the rambler would be perfect for me but its nearly impossible to get a hold of.

>> No.2604240

I have a $1 folding knife on my keychain and a bag of big boy tools in my car. Anything that can't be fixed with this setup is not my problem.

>> No.2604246
File: 1.12 MB, 1876x2264, IMG_2019-11-27_20-44-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knife, Gerber pliers, and gun.

>> No.2604255
File: 172 KB, 2000x2000, skeletool-silver-fanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carry this Leatherman Skeletool. It's just a knife / screwdriver / pliers. I use it multiple times daily for preparing food, opening boxes, cleaning up 3d prints, cutting things, screwing screws, warding off 'lunchtime rowdies', etc.

I also carry an multi-allen-key tool, in metric, with a few torx / security bits or otherwise on it. That one is pretty heavy though and it stays in a backpack. I don't use that nearly as often.

>> No.2604256

I have Leatherman micra or style with the scissors. Gerber Keychain tools suck.

Edc knife is gay as hell, you're never gonna save someone's day at walmart with your shitty screwdriver.

>> No.2604289

i like the gerber dime. it has scissors, pliers, tweezers, flat-head and philips screwdrivers, bottle opener, and two blades. i use it all the time for small stuff. i did twist off the pliers once though.

>> No.2604680
File: 69 KB, 960x640, SwissTech-Utili-Key-6-in-1-Multi-Tool-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much, but it's only the size of a key, and has lasted for over a decade.

I keep other tools in my car and scattered around the house. I think every room except the bathrooms has a tape measure, scissors, pliers, duct tape, and some type of knife. Also tissues and qtips.

>> No.2604681

Buy a super tinker and put a suspension clip on it. It will disappear

>> No.2604682
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Depends on the attire really

>> No.2604691
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>> No.2604738

It's far from perfect, honestly if it had a belt clip it would be close to perfect.
But it is the most optimal of the lot and I tried them all.
>inb4 optional belt clip exists
It's a turd.
>inb4 blades snapping off
They do that anon, it's true, and you have to ship it off to leather man for them to fix once in a while.

>> No.2604744

get rambler and attach it to your keys
t. rambler user

>> No.2604801
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>What multitool do you guys carry with you every day?
I don't carry a multitool every day.
I don't even carry a multitool some days.
I don't ever carry a multitool.
When I leave the house I carry my wallet, my phone, and the key to the car I'm driving that day.

To those of you who do carry a multitool every day:
How frequently do you actually find yourself in a situation where it's useful?
Do you spend time and energy and money to be "ready" for problems that never occur?

>> No.2604817

Do you repair lawnmowers or vehicles?

>> No.2604821

1/2" drive, 10" adjustable and the smallest swiss army

>> No.2604833

>yourself in a situation where it's useful?
>Do y
i do use it everyday.
i have a leatherman sidekick on me everyday, i use it to open boxes, snacks, and to generaly tinker with stuff.
it already saved me from being stranded in the middle of butfuck nowhere 2 times already(the rubber fuel line of the car had a leak, and the plastic of the key crumbled away living a 0.5cm2 area to turn it with)
it cost me something like 80 euro 3 years ago and allow me to not use my keys like some sort of barbarian(also used to eat if i forget my small knife)

it's simple, EVERY GOD DAMN TIME i forget it, i end up needing it, and have to engineer my way around not having a working tool.

>> No.2604856

Farm and ranch. I do have to repair equipment (small and large) and fabricate things quite frequently though...

>> No.2604868

Ahh, the spark plug gap thing really stood out.
Actually had to think a bit to remember what it was.
Did you crush the sharpie with your butt haha

>> No.2604876

That is a really old pic and i have since armored my sharpie. They would get absolutely mangled in my pocket from carrying heavy shit and crawling around on the ground under tractors and implements. If i remember i will post up a pic of the armored sharpie tonight when i get back home.

>> No.2605138
File: 911 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_2020-01-27_19-49-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted it here before, but here it is again.

>> No.2605142

The one attached to my wallet is one of the tiny swiss ones. If I'm camping or doing other outdoor shit I carry a 6" folding knife and a leatherman surge. I feel a little dorky with one on each hip but it's nice having them right there.

>> No.2605170
File: 616 KB, 643x860, cerakote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To those of you who do carry a multitool every day:

I was at walmart buying doughnuts and reds burritos, when I walked into the Unisex/Family bathroom and the light-switch was flickering and then just turned off.

I went to the customer service, walked one of them over and showed them.

Well they didnt know who to call or what to do.

I said fuck it, pulled out my EDC Surge and my EDC Streamlight Protac
Pulled the cover, pulled it out and could see the hot wire got loose in the back.

I carefully put it back into place, screwed the terminal down and it came roaring back to life.

Put the cover back on and the woman thanked me.

Took me up to the customer service and everyone working was amazed.

They offered to give me a $10 giftcard but I refused.

Its pretty crazy the sorts of situations you find yourself in every single day.

Lifesavers (quite literally in some situations)

Here is a cerakote job I did on one of my favorites.

>> No.2605192

Based! Hex is perfect for machine shop use as layout dye.

>> No.2605193

I'm a mechanic, vintage motorcyclist and much more so my life involves constant interactions with machinery. Mine mostly live in riding jackets now but I always wore one at work for convenience in the Air Force and civilian jobs. The time they save me not having to go further to get other tools is easily worthwhile over the last ~35 years use.

Based. Imma do a couple of mine for coating practice.

>> No.2605196

You are the kind of man i want to be
Or get inside me

>> No.2605207 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 474x711, leatherman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(story cont'd)
Naturally, everyone in the entire store clapped and carried me to their car on their shoulders (and singing "Happy Birthday" for some reason). The staff started calling me "The Fixer" and every time I went in the store, one of the employees came running up to me with a new problem for me to solve:
>tightening up a rattling shelf
>defusing an IED
>opening a can of beans
>performing an emergency c-section
>cutting a birthday cake
>shaving some dude's balls (long story)

After a while they put a permanent photo of me on the wall, next to the Employee of the Month. When the Regional Manager came to visit, he scoffed. But then he went to the in-store Walmart Subway for lunch, and they forgot to cut his sub. Guess who was prepped and ready with a miniature saw?

Eventually my EDC skills came to the attention of the Walton Cartel themselves, and I was hired as the official national Corporate Fixer. Some days, I'm using the flat blade screwdriver to scrape tar off the floor tiles. Other days, I'm using the hook tool to brutally torture a store manager who's been skimming profits from Lawn & Garden. But whatever the job, my Leatherman®™ never lets me down.

>> No.2605208
File: 22 KB, 474x711, leatherman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(story cont'd)
Naturally, everyone in the entire store clapped and carried me to my truck on their shoulders (while singing "Happy Birthday" for some reason).

The staff started calling me "The Fixer" and every time I went in the store, one of the employees came running up to me with a new problem for me to solve:
>tightening up a rattling shelf
>defusing an IED
>opening a can of beans
>performing an emergency c-section
>cutting a birthday cake
>shaving some dude's balls (long story)

After a while they put a permanent photo of me on the wall, next to the Employee of the Month. When the Regional Manager came to visit, he scoffed. But then he went to the in-store Walmart Subway for lunch, and they forgot to cut his sub. Guess who was prepped and ready with a miniature saw?

Eventually my EDC skills came to the attention of the Walton Cartel themselves, and I was hired as the official national Corporate Fixer. Some days, I'm using the flat blade screwdriver to scrape tar off the floor tiles. Other days, I'm using the hook tool to brutally torture a store manager who's been skimming profits from Lawn & Garden. But whatever the job, my Leatherman®™ never lets me down.

>> No.2605221

My Swiss Army Knife comes in handy pretty regularly, sometimes in unexpected ways. Plus it has enjoyable cultural/nostalgic associations, but it's foremost a utilitarian object.
>How frequently do you actually find yourself in a situation where it's useful?
Maybe weekly, but notably in situations where a small, discreet tool is immediately handy (without having to go to the toolbox/car/kitchen).
>Do you spend time and energy and money to be "ready" for problems that never occur?
My SAK is decades old and will probably outlast me. The only time/energy is remembering to put in my pocket or bag. More generally, yes I do prep for certain problems that have never occurred, but because I have experienced the negative consequences of similar problems that did occur.

No offense but people hating on multitools are often autists, confused by the concept of having multiple redundant versions of the same tool appropriate for different situations (autists don't into "appropriate").

>> No.2605222
File: 858 KB, 1841x1707, A7EF4623-8C8B-4395-A0B4-399B806ABCCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2605224
File: 441 KB, 1280x960, 4BBF2AB9-C8A4-4889-8DB0-2B5273CA5992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekend EDC

>> No.2605225
File: 147 KB, 612x612, 078210b9771f56cce8c0be0c1295d84e--vaping-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, can we please get this troll thread back on track, r/EDC is starving for new content.

>> No.2605232
File: 485 KB, 960x1280, C08B869C-FC64-411C-BD87-AED81645DF64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t EDC keys, phone, and a wallet?

>> No.2605247
File: 191 KB, 782x835, 1676679837256103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2605248

lost to the sand dollar

>> No.2605603

SOG Power assist and a small flashlight.


Be warned, Locksmith autists can copy keys from a photograph.

>> No.2605606

Ahh so this is the autist who blurs out his keys.

Dude, it doesn’t take that much effort to get into a house or car if you want to. Copy the car key and get knowhere unless you can bypass the chip in the key. Can you copy that from the pic?

Maybe you can copy the key to my old house! Or my harbor freight tool cart? It will be just like minecraft or whatever game the autists play these days.

>> No.2605624

I don’t carry any because I have real tools I can use when I need them. Why dick around with a Leatherman when I can just grab a pair of Knipex? I have utility knives for when I want to cut things and real screwdrivers, and saws, and nail clippers or whatever the fuck.

>> No.2605918
File: 597 KB, 2160x3840, 20230426_164648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally my keyring
Barely ever used it

>> No.2605999

Fuck I had one of these years and years ago. It makes my palm hurt just looking at it.

>> No.2606019
File: 2.94 MB, 4032x3024, 20230426_200535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol It's fucking tiny, but doubt i could handle with more than my fingers, even if I tried. Practical in a pinch though

>> No.2606043

Oh that’s a mini one, I had a full size like 6”-7” long version of the same thing when I was 12 or some shit.

>> No.2606164

Seconded for skeletool. Your multitool isn't supposed to replace anything, its supposed to be a convinent thing to have when you dont have or dont want to go looking for the correct tool. Your fuckin 8 pound Swiss army meme complete with mini scissors and nail files and magnifying glass is the height of yuro point missing.
>bottle opener
The end. Oh unless you need the magnifying glass to find your pecker.

>> No.2606214

Yeah, small enough to not even be noticeable yet still there just in case. Bought it at a garage sale/old stuff fair for next to nothing; it's actually merchandise, it has a brand name etched on the other side.
Also have picrel with which i managed to (pretty easily, actually, based swiss steel) cut off a 1 1/2 inch thick vine root, ironically enough, at home. My brother used the small screwdriver to (try to) unscrew a (Phillips fastened) thermograph off a reefer trailer (long story); he just screwed it up (the screwdriver, that is), I managed to half unscrew it back into shape. Don't actually usually carry it though.

>> No.2606234

I bought a 2 pack of these at Family Dollar back in like 2000.
I traded the baby sized one for a few SNES games, and I have no clue what happened to the big one.
They were really crappy, im surprised they still make the same pattern.

>> No.2606392

>Leatherman Skeletool
wow, $90, i jacked that off my dad years ago. its a good tool but jesus fuck, i leave it in my tool bag which already has a better set of pliers ($4) and i could just put a knife in there ($2)
how much is a replacement phillips bit it comes with? $17 + $23s&h?
i get my tools from the flea market. ryobi batterys end to be 1/4th the sale price and about 1/2 of them are still in good shape!

captcha:i jack off my dad

>> No.2606668
File: 387 KB, 1268x1039, Screenshot_20230428-025416_Samsung Internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's actually pretty solid for what it is; name (some antihypertensive) goes to show it's a marketing gift. No idea who makes them, though, no doubt some chinese outfit, but have picrel, I just found: https://mybrinde.pt/alicate-multifuncoes-em-bolsa/

>> No.2606671

I just bought a nextool mini flagship for $25. It's fucking tiny. Seems pretty good though.

>> No.2606720

I dont get the hate on tiny scissors. They are super useful on the everyday life opening packages and cutting all sort of things. Its not a coincidense that the classic sd is by large margin the most sold multitool in the world. Lets face it, you need that basic shit far more often than anything else in your life. The most useful knife is the knife that you have on you when you need it and that tiny little toy knife literally disappers in your pocket. But you are right about large sak knives. Just carry a leatherman at that point when you are already taking the weight and bulk penalty. Atleast then you have some actual utility with you.

Victorinox makes nicer plier based tools than leatherman but you get more bang for your buck with leatherman imo.

>> No.2607019

Do those Knippex ever come in handy?

>> No.2607205

Bump for EDC multitool recommendations.

>> No.2607237

that was not your captcha

>> No.2607668

RIP Sharpie

>> No.2607669


I talk shit about people who collect those XS ones. I got the 5” before the XS existed, and the only thing it really works for is overtightened coax cables on your cable box.

If you want some Cobras, get a real useful size like 10” or 7-1/4”.

>> No.2607744
File: 617 KB, 906x1208, 20230429_191437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the leatherman wave for EDC.

>> No.2609386
File: 296 KB, 2000x2000, supertool-300-silver-fanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommendation for anyone that is serious about multitools just get yourself a leatherman surge or wave, one that allows you to screw/unscrew tools so you can customize your multitool throughout your life like >>2605170

And be 100% sure you can customize it, not sure if they have other ones but I figured it out the hard way...

t. supertool 300 owner

>> No.2609395

Be careful about local laws. In the UK you are not allowed to own a knife unless it is shorter than King Charles' penis and folds into its own handle


>> No.2610363

10 cm. blade max, in Portugal

>> No.2610382
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Btw, picrel was my elementary school days' mandatory "hunting" knife, I bought at a local hardware store (doubt it was the same steel, back then, though):

>> No.2610400
File: 231 KB, 2000x2000, free-t2-silver-beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally all u need, fuck carrying around that big autism thing and using 5% on a daily basis.

>> No.2610487

I bought a leatherman Surge 8 years ago and it broke one week after I got it.
I know I can send it in but I've lost faith in it and multi tools in general.
I carry a full size 10-1 screwdriver, a large pocket knife, a small pry bar and a firearm with spare mag now.
If I can't solve my problem with those tools then I wasn't going to survive it anyhow.

>> No.2610492

Most days.

I spend a lot of time around people who don't have tools handy (women) so having access to a screwdriver is extremely helpful.

I also end up cutting up fruit a lot for my daughter

I've had to fix a lot of little things at church (reattaching cabinet doors)

I also find having something that I can pry with is extremely useful. It's one of those things where you can almost always jury rig a solution if you have to, but life is so much smoother with a semi dedicated tool.

I've cut rope with friction and the edge of the pavement. I've opened bottles with lighters. I've the corners of cards as screwsdrivers. All those little bits of suck disappear when you have a multitool

You might not actually find that you need one as much as me as you're not surrounded by as many women and children. But when you grow up you might understand

>> No.2610504

leatherman sperge

>> No.2611956

That looks like the worst screwdriver placement I've seen yet

>> No.2613727

>Victorinox classic
on my keychain

>> No.2614247

I own a Leatherman Rebar. It is Solid! The best thing about it? I paid no money for it and found it in a hotel room I was staying at in Santa Cruz.

>> No.2615097

you posted it
it's small enough to be comfortable on my keys and has enough to it for me to feel alright about it
plus it looks neat

>> No.2615136

Can your fingers even pull the trigger

>> No.2615155
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, 6010575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, you inspired me to pick up one of these here in Australia. Set me back $10.98 AUD.

>> No.2615176

Why wouldn't they be able to?

>> No.2615192

Cheap chinesium one I bought from Walmart. Works good enough for me

>> No.2615381

Chink Crap.