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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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260395 No.260395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

im sick of living in this society. and ive made up my mind that im going to pack my bag and live in the forest. so far i have in my bag; rope, tarp, sleeping bag, mres's, hatchet, knife, machete, and extra clothes. is there anything else i should bring along? and input is helpful at this point.

>> No.260399

The knowledge of the way back out.

>> No.260400

if you're gonna live out there id bring a rifle. You're also going to need something to boil water in, and something to start fire with.

>> No.260401

What are you going to eat?

>> No.260402

also a full first aid kit is a really good idea if you're going to be alone.

>> No.260403


Considering doing the same.

>> No.260406

Chocodiles and a bunch of yoohoo. Once when I went to live in the woods I brought a whole box of chocodiles and like three yoohoos and i kept living in the woods way past my bed time. I bet if you brought more than that you could stay living in the woods until you were like two times past your bedtime. it would be totally awesome.

>> No.260408

I forgot to mention that I have a Remington 270 I would bring. And I have matches lighters and just in case a flint and steel. And a compass clearly

>> No.260417

Waterproof matches
Compass, map
Adhesive bandage
Magnifying glass
Carborundum or other means of sharpening blades
Gun and ammunition
Binoculars or telescope
Insect repellent
Fishing gear
Writing materials
Water purifier
Cooking outfit
Survival rations
Toilet kit: soap, toothbrush, washcloth, etc.
Repair kit: small scissors, adhesive tape, tweezers, pliers, safety pins, small file, sewing kit, etc.
Medicine kit

Be comfortable eating insects and raw fish; they basically contain all the nutrients you need.

>> No.260418


>> No.260420

Imagine all the shit you have to do on a regular basis. Now work those around not living with any modern amenities.
Also, what level of societal separation are you aiming for?

>Procure water
You'll need storage containers and a pot to boil it in before drinking it. You'll also need a way to start a fire to do so. Matches run out. Buy yourself the biggest, thickest misch-metal (ferrocium) rod you can and learn to use it. Alternatively, a fire piston would be a VERY useful accessory.

>Procure food
Unless you plan to return to society to work and earn yourself a paycheck, you'll need to hunt, trap, and forage. Not to mention the knowledge to properly prepare, cook, and avoid the stuff that'll kill you.

You'll need to bathe.

You'll need a form of shelter that will keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Nowhere to plug a fan in. And if you want an indoor fire, you're going to have to put a LOT of work and care into your shelter.

If you plan on retaining a job, you'll need to maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene. Not to mention transportation, storage of the vehicle, taxes and fees, fuel, etc.

Do you plan on owning the property? Or basically squat on publicly accessible land? If the latter, make sure you can be there, lest you end up in the pokey.

>> No.260423

it is enormously difficult to find enough food to eat year-round in a temperate forest, even if you have a firearm.
and I'm even skipping the question of if you can legally hunt year-round.

If you said you had $20,000 saved for food, owned the land and had said that you wanted to transition to living off the land {as much as possible} {within a YEAR},,,,,,, that would be far more realistic.

Just walking into the woods and Rambo-ing it from then on? ummmmmmmmmm nope. you'll be back within two weeks.

>> No.260429

I'm Really not to worried about it. I have about two weeks worth of mre's 3 if I stretch them. And I don't plan on being near any people.

>> No.260431

Or dead.

Before jumping into the woods. Try living out of your car for a few weeks. If you can't pull THAT off without running back to your apartment (or parent's house, whatever), you sure as shit can't survive in the woods.

>> No.260433

You really should read a book called Walden. It's one part autobiography of how a man abandoned society to live in the words and one part manual on how to do what he did.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion."
— Henry David Thoreau[3]

>> No.260434

Thanks dude! Worthy list! I figured I would make some sort of yurt? Or 3 walled lean too with my tarp hanging as the front wall.

>> No.260436

I most certainly will!

>> No.260443

No prob. Your shelter will entirely depend on your region and available resources. The longer you spend on it, the more comfortable and safe you'll be.

Definitely read it. But also keep in mind that Henry didn't last long at Walden Pond before he chose to return to a normal life.

Seclusion sounds good on paper. It can be good for awhile, too. We refer to it as "me time".
But on a longer scale? No. We're social animals. Separating yourself from the herd is neither fun nor good for you.

Just to illustrate my point, my last job was 12am-8am, sitting behind a desk. I spent all my nights alone in a box, and slept days. I didn't get to SEE people, and it took a huge toll. Even if you don't like people in general, and I don't, you become really depressed.

>> No.260444

I don't plan on staying away for a crazy long time. Just a while to find out what I truely want in my life.

>> No.260446

You might want to keep legal representation on retainer back here in the real world, because you'll get hassled constantly by law enforcement who will be sure that you're up to no good. Not trying to discourage you -- would be pointless in some people's case anyway -- but that's the reality of it: you're going to get hassled. Also plan on getting shot at by people whose private property you stray onto, and possibly shot dead by assholes growing marijuana out there in the woods.


>> No.260453

Well then let's call this an extended camping trip. By setting this as your goal, we can offer more accurate advice.

Since I assume you don't own the property, and your shelter isn't a permanent one, you'll lack any form of security. You should be able to protect yourself from both 4-legged (animals) AND 2-legged predators (people).
Also, when you leave for the day, don't leave anything in your shelter you can't live without. Unlike a locked house, bums or douchebags who wander by can just snake anything they want for any ol' reason.

For storing your food, MRE's INCLUDED, keep in mind this sentence above all else:
A bear will smell a sealed MRE locked in a cooler locked in the trunk of a car. There's a reason you're trained to tie your food up, suspended in the air. So much as a scrap of food in your shelter is just ASKING to have a bear tear through your stuff.

>> No.260455

get a torrent of the dick proenneke movies.
Alone in the wilderness and such. This guy did what youre talking about, but in no mans land alaska. Also he had groceries delivered every month. Gives you an idea of how much work it is to get a comfortable life in the wilderness.

>> No.260461

You'll need a mora knife, flint, a tarp and some chord
Maybe a machete.
Don't take much man, and try to use every resource you can get.
Learn how to make traps and try to be near a river with eadable fish.
Don't worry about clothing, just try to learn how to treat leather, it'll help later.
Also, keep walking always, never stop in one location.
From times to times you'll want to go back to the city.
When you do, try to eat as much as you can and use the bathroom as much as you want.
Always avoid people, they won't understand.
Also, learn how to make bombs, they'll be useful when you decide to become a ecoterrorist

>> No.260474

are you the same guy I've seen recommend mora in other threads on /diy/, aka have you recommended on /diy/ before?

>> No.260477

Some parchment and something to write with. It will be more handy than you would think. Good luck, you have the balls to do something I have wanted to for years.

>> No.260494

OP you should become a farmer.