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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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259873 No.259873 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here make their own wood burning stove before?

I am considering trying it, probably nothing as complicated as the picture. Its just badass

>> No.259879

so steampunky.

probably better off with a more "traditional" model.
If you dont have any metal working skills then... you probably should

>> No.259882

I did one this winter. I had a thread on here for it. Ill add some pics tomorrow to this thread. I used a 250 gallon outer steel drum and a 55 gallon drum inner firebox. It works AWESOME! Heats a 3,300 sq ft shop in no time in the middle of winter here in NC.

>> No.259888

does it save much money compared to paying for gas?

>> No.259890

personally I wouldn't do a round one like that. But thats just cause I would use the flat top to heat water or whatever.
2 birds one stone and whatnot

>> No.259894

I built mine bc I have practically unlimited free firewood. So yeah its a lot cheaper than paying for fuel. The thing EATS wood though, if you have it cranked up. It'll go through about 10 barrels of wood a day if you are actively heating with it.

>> No.259897

Feel free to ask anything else. I can tell you too, that it exhausts a TON of heat. If it wasnt in the shop the exhaust would be a fire hazard.

>> No.259899


Dear god this stuff is awesome.

>> No.259909

if it isnt a franklin stove..you're doing it wrong.

as this guy said, the exhaust is basically wasted fuel (in this case wood) franklin designs try to maximize the usage of this heat. there are other models that draw air from say the basement below etc instead of pulling the conditioned air out of your house.

wood burning stoves/fireplaces are a great idea in the room they are in, but for a conditioned house they are brutal on the rest of the home.

>feel free to rage on the passer-by

>> No.259922

NAH! You got it right. Fireplaces are horrible for that too, drawing the combustion air from out of a room, and therefore making the outlying rooms colder rather than warmer. You can do all sorts of stuff to make wood burners more efficient though. I am thinking of adding another expansion chamber on top of mine

>> No.259923


>> No.259925


>> No.259938

Where the hell does this guy buy those mines?
I wonder how much he pays for them

>> No.259940

read the "story" link on the blog. explains it all.

>> No.259955

So, say I live in a very small house. Like 300 sq feet. Would a heater like this be practical for the entire house, even though there are maybe 3 rooms to heat?

>> No.260065
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>> No.260118
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x1836, 2012-07-25_08-53-01_292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping pics I just took of the shop stove
Side view..long side

>> No.260127
File: 2.10 MB, 1536x2048, Picture 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently making one out of a used truck brake drum that i got for free , will post it on diy in a week or so when im finished

it was a cunt to weld up because cast iron needs special nickel rods to weld that are expensive

picture not mine

>> No.260142
File: 1.53 MB, 1836x3264, 2012-07-25_08-54-12_548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Front view.

>> No.260157
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Tab detail

>> No.260188

I'm thinking more along the lines of heating a room,

>> No.260219

There's a type of brick fireplace that does something similar. It goes in the center of the room and has channels that the smoke is forced through. The bricks heat up and radiate heat in all directions. More of the smoke is combusted due to the heat of the innermost bricks. I think it's traditional in some foreign country but I forget what it's called.

>> No.260221
File: 82 KB, 290x410, barrel_stove_kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of people have these heating their garage or whatever around here.

Just need the barrels, not sure where you get the door and everything else, but it cant be that hard as i've seen about 100 of these.

>> No.260232

England cob houses

>> No.260244

Where else would u get them? http://www.ebay com/sch/items/?_nkw=barrel+stove+kit&_sacat=&_ex_kw=&_mPrRngCbx=1&_udlo=&_udhi=&

put the dot in dot com.

>> No.260256

Northern Tool sells the kits and barrels I think. I know they sell the kits bc if you look at the front door of mine >>260142, you'll see its the same brand. they make cool stuff and I was gonna /diy/ the whjole thing but it was just going to be time consuming and not turn out near as well, so I rigged the kit to work. Im going to do a top barrel type of deal sometime this fall to take advantage of all the heat escaping there.

>> No.260276

Dude just make one out of brick&mortar in your backyard. Can be done in a few days. If you don't have a backyard, don't even bother because you'd have to run pipes through other peoples' property or do modifications that you aren't allowed to do on your home.

>> No.260279


>> No.260284

Like, if you plan to make it inside you'd need exhaust somewhere outside your home, which means running pipe upwards into other houses. Actually I doubt it's legal to do that anyways given the fire codes in most cities. That is assuming that in your lease agreement it even lets you make modifications like that and the other residents would allow you to run the exhaust.

I helped one of my construction coworkers make a stone oven in his backyard and he bakes bread for me whenever he is making loaves and I ask. I just realized OP wants a stove, but honestly it's retarded to have an indoor wood-burning stove for any reason if you already have electricity. I could think of ways to make ugly ones out of barrels/empty propane tanks, but to make it nice-looking you'd need some serious metalworking skill.