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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2597516 No.2597516 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone paranoid about leaving the oven on? Is it just going to burst into flames? Assuming nothing is in it

>> No.2597579

>be me, 22
>drunk on tranny beer platinum
>put frozen fries in the stove
>wake up 12 hours later to check on my fries
>black and powdery, just right

>> No.2597581

we had a guy at work who did that
he's a vegetable now

>> No.2597587

First of all its expensive
Secondly I know someone who left oven on overnight turned it off opened the door and the glass exploded. But that might not happen every time.

>> No.2597617

My wife caught something on fire in the oven. Started screaming… i ran downstairs so fast i almost killed myself. I just closed the oven, and said just wait for it to burn out. 30 seconds later it was out and everything was fine.
It was a bit of turkey grease, she turned it on grill for a minute to brown the top.
Probably onw of the safest places to catch something on fire.

>> No.2597689

K but I’m talking about not having anything in it

>> No.2597741

women are retarded

>> No.2597758

Because it's expensive is the main reason. I remember coming home from school and my parents had the oven on the clean cycle thing while they were at work all day. Obviously they're made to sustain heat. Now, I imagine they're not made to sustain heat for DAYS. Probably something will fuck up

>> No.2597764

you'll probably blow out your heating element

>> No.2598142
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Underrated post, have a (you)

>> No.2598598

Will these niggers claim in two hundred years we wuz Gordon Ramsey and sheeeeit.

>> No.2598635

what if its a gas oven

>> No.2598637

6 million