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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2579644 No.2579644 [Reply] [Original]

What do you even do in this situation??

>> No.2579653

You're supposed to call 811 to report the hit. If you can identify the cable, you call the relevant company local manager. You might not know, so that's why you call 811. They'll probably be there in 1-4 hours anyway. They will exactly locate the damage and they know exactly who was working there because of the permits you pulled to work there.

You might dig out and prepare a splice pit for the repair but you dunno what they'll want to do so you may as well just keep working and finish your job.

>> No.2579657

Cover it up.

>> No.2579675

cringe and naive
based and realistic

>> No.2579679

IF they called 811 AND it was not noted and flagged in the 811 report, theyre scott free. IF there was no 811 prior to the dig, their gonna eat a FAT ass ATT&T bill. That's every bit of a 125k repair bill...

>> No.2579681

Point the finger at whoever the utility company hired to mark the undergound lines.
>no spray paint on the ground marking the underground lines
Oh boy.

>> No.2579685

I called 811 once and usually its a "we have no utilities in the marked area"
One time I got an email an several urgent calls "DO NOT DIG" SITE MEETING REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY!!.
REpeat DO NOT proceed.

I get out there and the guy says Right where you wanted to put piers theres a 48" gas main at 500 psi. It goes from here (norcal) to Canada . If you had hit it, the friction of the escaping gas would self ignite and kill eveeryone in a 100 ft radius. It would take out the entire nat gas supply for NORCAL...

PGE will NOT tell you how deep it is, just where it runs...

I pounded a ground rod for a temp power at a custom home build through a 4" plastic gas main early in my career, it sealed perfectly and didnt leak until we went to pull it out and hook up the final service a year later... Shoulda just cut it off... Fire department made such a BIG FUCKING DEALL out of it... (it was loud)

>> No.2579690

Its fucking power contractors setting a new pope, they ain't getting away with shit

>> No.2579721

The best is when the dumbasses hit my water mains and they didn't submit for 811 locating. Those contractors look a little more panicked when streets are flooding and it's causing property damage. The other day someone decided to hop on a backhoe on a Sunday afternoon and dig a wildcat excavation at a job site before Monday started and they hit an 8" water main and took out water to the whole neighborhood, those people were pissed. They said the guy immediately parked the tractor and took off in his pickup.

>> No.2579747

Lose ummarked wires not in conduit have never been anything important in my excavation experience

>> No.2579767

Start applying for food stamps since your gonna be out of both a job and any other field related jobs.

>> No.2579787

There's a 600-1800 pair copper cable. Probably a riser up the pole to a nearby xconnect box

>> No.2579807

You have to be >18 to be on 4chan.

>> No.2579832

You pray that you chose $2M liability instead of $1M.

>> No.2579833

>Right where you wanted
bet you it was more like "somewhere in a 250 ft radius"

>> No.2579842

can trade retards do one fucking thing without fucking it up? literally every time some trade faggot shows up they just break something that someone who finished high school built.

>> No.2579879

>dude just work from home bro, just learn to co-ACK

>> No.2579889

Slam another bang energy down the hatch cause it's gonna be a long day

>> No.2579955

We had a mains water pipe randomly blow out at the bottom of a field once, rang up the water company, told us they didn't have a pipe in that area, hung up.
Next day they were out to in a panic to fix it.

>> No.2579963 [DELETED] 

Call the PM and ask why he didn't call digsafe. Then go home.

>> No.2579967

Not supposed to excavate without locates

>> No.2580039

I developed and managed the software a regional fiber provider used for handling 811. Shit got serious real fast. Requests come in from 811 clearinghouse calling for a report on any buried lines within X/Y area to be answered within 16 hours. Our goal was to respond within 2 hours. The system ran spatial analysis to see if we had any lines within the block of the target location, as well as surrounding blocks. No hit, it got filed. If there was a hit, it immediately sent back in 'investigation in progress' notice and starting paging people. If the first responder group didn't check-in on it within an hour, escalated to their managers. One hour after that, it started pinging to GM and VP of Ops. 24/7/365. Most of their runs were 12 standard fiber forming private networks for major institutions (hospitals, law enforcement, etc). If one of those runs got hit, repairs would start around $80k.

>> No.2580042

s/12 standard fiber/12-strand fiber/

>> No.2580045

>more robust protocol for fiber strikes than most places have for gas line strikes

>> No.2580048

their joke was funnier than yours

>> No.2580054
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Very nice.

>> No.2580055

I could see an argument that the fiber downtime costs more money because SLAs are so prevalent in tech.

>> No.2580074

that looks like a 500 pair, sounds like centurylink's problem

>> No.2580079

>I could see an argument that the fiber downtime costs more money because SLAs are so prevalent in tech.
Depending on what tier you buy Centurylink/Lumens has a 5 9s uptime SLA and if they break it you get credited. Even at their lowest tier SLA you are guaranteed at max about 2d ish downtime per year (99.5% uptime)

Most people I deal with at work take 99.99% uptime SLA since it's so much cheaper than 5 9s.


>> No.2580322

No Doll, they mark it with paint within a 2 foot margin of error.

811 now gives a 48 hour minimum response time

>> No.2580442

>125k to splice some wires

utility companies, fiber internet companies especially, can suck a fat dick

>> No.2580464

fuck you fuck you fuck you you are giving me so much work to do

t. a network engineer

>> No.2580465

Literally every single ISP either owns or leases burial fiber for their backbones you mongoloid retard

>> No.2580466
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Someone will show up and fix it.

>> No.2580467
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>> No.2580471
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>> No.2580473
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>just one more cable bro

>> No.2580508

I watched a couple of these eindian splicer and yeah it was disgusting.

Like that big tumor splice instead of making it a three bank, they kept it two.

They spend so much time unwitting and retwisting pairs and grouping it shows how even their high end trade is just a cargo cult they got no idea what they're doin

>> No.2580514
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>Cover it up.

>> No.2580533
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>> No.2580563

She'lll be fine.

Don't they got metal detector things to find this stuff before you dig?

>> No.2582107
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cant see how these would work with pure fiber lines tho. I suspect, they dont.

>> No.2582121

Spec says to bury the fiber line with a tracer. In a conduit bank with other locatable cables is alsk okay because they're not supposed to hit any of your cables, not just the fiber.

>> No.2582123

I thought underground lines that didn't contain metal on their own had to have tracing wire.

>> No.2582129

Don't most large bundles have a metal cable in them for pulling?

>> No.2582140

No they're usually Kevlar and fiberglass to be light weight. Pulling isn't a big deal.

Pretty rarely there's steel strength members but I think I've only seen that as part of like gopher/bird armored cables

>> No.2582207

2pbp, not my fucking problem

>> No.2582212

>Call before you dig
Realistically you shit on the surveyor as this never happens unless you miss a step or get the newest and most i experienced guy to do it on his own while you fuck around.

>> No.2582215

You're not got wreck and scoot out of there before the phone company shows up unless you hit a 3 pair drop or something.

Are you that faggot hvac guy bragging that he put a damage back together with a 66 block?

>> No.2582672

claim i was sick that day

>> No.2582676

>What do you even do in this situation??
What would I do?
Same thing I always do in this situation...
Just keep driving past, laughing at the tradies who have to work outside in the cold.

>> No.2582680

*enables tethering on phone*

>> No.2582684
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as anon mentioned

>> No.2582697

what are these things

>> No.2582700

Aww little pussy can't own up to fucking up? Kys, faggot

>> No.2582706

That is a giant piece of heat shrink.

You put all the wires together then wrap that over the bundle and torch it.

>> No.2582707

Lol I just noticed this fucker didn't do it right. The green dots are supposed to disappear. It should be solid black. Fucking cargo cult splicers

>> No.2582734


>> No.2582735
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>Noooo!!! y-you can't just not give your money to Mr.Noseberg y-you're a pussy!
Lol @ this retard

>> No.2582760
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>faggot hvac guy
Many such cases

>> No.2582763

put hands in pockets and wait for supervisor/foreman to come and solve the situation

>> No.2584094

>sorry my landline disconnected so i had to switch to 5g, where was i - oh yeah, just learn to code, bro

>> No.2584178

>he didn't call before he digged

>> No.2584181

This would totally be me. I would just kind of stand around staring at stuff randomly while people worked things out behind the scenes. Possibly go home early and hope there is something for me to do the next day.

>> No.2584194

that's a snake digesting a cat

>> No.2584245

Looks like a root to me. Backfill and move the hole over.

>> No.2584305

We don't even splice broken thermostat wires in residential HVAC. They will surely pull new wire. And yes, here's the bill.

>> No.2584307

Typical humor of a coping HVAC hater
Stay mad, and don't forget to change your filters, faggot

>> No.2584317

Did they go right in with the augur? You have to dig by hand to 1.3m here.

>> No.2584339

I've done this before, we pulled up a thicc ass fiber line and knocked out internet to 30,000 people. Nothing happened to us or power company the locators ($10/hr wagies) didn't fucking mark it and we got away with it.

>> No.2584820

>reverse auger
>wires go back together
simples as

>> No.2585285

>not tethering on his company provided SIM

>> No.2585295

I guarrentee no contractor digs holes by hand unless they have to

>> No.2585302

I didn't see anything. I think the other team was fucking around in the area though.

>> No.2585545

>They said the guy immediately parked the tractor and took off in his pickup.
My retarded cousin persuaded me to drive out to Riverside, California to help him rehab a burned out crackshack (worth 500,000 on Zillow) last year. He told me that they can't hire Mexican diggers because they never check the site or get permitted because if something goes wrong they just go back to Mexico and come back a month later with a new identity.

>> No.2585618


>> No.2585619

>be me
>first day as wireless pit supervisor
>there's wires in it

>> No.2585623

Just wrap a trash bag around it and some duct tape like the professionals at the telephone company do

>> No.2585696

I think that when you're talking about a 4 foot thick pipe that has gas running through it at 500 psi, having a 250 foot radius of "don't fuck with it just let it be" around it is acceptable.
lol underrated

>> No.2585698

>let "wireless pit supervisor" supervisor know about the wires in the wireless pit
>change job description to wired pit supervisor
>come in the next day an look in the pit
>the wires are gone

>> No.2585970

>wired pit
>upgraded to wireless, at no extra cost
progress, its inevitable innit

>> No.2585981

Sit down and start tying.

>> No.2586077

Hope it's abandoned, most copper is at this point.

>> No.2586127

My brother and I were laying a gas line connecting a heater in his garage to the gas from his house. (Totally illegal, no permit acquired).
We rented a trench digger, and accidentally severed some underground phone line of some sort. After severing the line, we got a cell phone call about 5 minutes later from the phone company asking if we disconnected our service without permission.
We said "no :)", then proceeded to simply hook the wires back together, wrap it in about 20 layers of electrical tape, then buried it.
They never bothered coming by to check.

>> No.2586229

What joke? You?

>> No.2586243

not being a dumb fucking retard is a good start.

>> No.2586476

refill with extra fertilizer so those roots grow back together

>> No.2586485


it's barqs you zoomer

>> No.2586501
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>it's barqs you zoomer
Is it, you retard?

>> No.2588148

Yes, I was just calling out the other anon for saying the self-important site supervisor PGE "guy" told him he could have killed everyone plus their dog if they went on with the project. Like anon mentioned, the information is classified, probably for homeland security, and they will not tell you where it runs exactly. If you call them up hundreds of times with different coordinates, they won't tell you 99 times "There's nothing here" and suddenly tell you "YES THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE IT RUNS WITHIN A QUARTER INCH" when you hit it right, would they?

>Fire department made such a BIG FUCKING DEALL out of it.
They have to justify their budget.

>> No.2588288

kill yourself tranny scum

>> No.2588293

>cell network's backhaul runs through those wires

>> No.2588433

Those are copper so t1s and EOC shit, not fast enough for cell towers anymore.

Not like oo could tell the difference, it certainly could have been fiber.

>> No.2588448 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2588458

>hurr the contractor should just do things the right way durr
Never been on a real job, eh sport?

>> No.2588468

Based, you need to earn your pay if you're a superior. They know what that bigger paycheck means

>> No.2589911
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what the fuck

>> No.2589930

>me clogging up the internet pipes with my 4chan shitposts

>> No.2589937
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Forbidden spaghetti
keep diggin m8.

>> No.2590258

zoom zoom

>> No.2590321

Bro...you call 811 so they can come locate and mark BEFORE you hit a $80,000 fiberoptic line. You can't splice those either. The whole line must be replaced

>> No.2590341

Depends on conditions. We often repair aerial damages with 200 ft of cable to bring both ends of the damage down to working level.

If a company was dumb enough to direct bury their fiber, yous have to dig a splice pit.

811 will have records for local contacts

>> No.2590363

The right choice