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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2570919 No.2570919 [Reply] [Original]

It's been two weeks since I stupidly installed insulation without gloves or long sleeves, and I have been feeling fiberglass itches randomly over every square inch of my body, it has driven me nuts.
I made my wife wash the bed sheets every day, I use a skin scrub brush in the shower, I washed all my clothes multiple times, on hot, and I still feel it.

What can I do, I thought this itch would go away a few days after last touching the fiberglass?

>> No.2570924

Could be the start of eczema, try hydrocortisone on the most itchy spots. Could also be overdried skin from excessive washing. Could try some sort of moisturizer. Best applied before bed, let it sink in overnight. If it's fiberglass, I can't imagine anything but time will help. Your skin sheds and will carry glass fibers out.

>> No.2570927

As someone who has worked with a lot of insulation.

The clothes you used during the work need to be thrown away. No amount of cleaning will get all the fibers out. You are most likely getting recut by the fibers if you put those clothes back on.

When I work it I come home and immediately take off everything until I’m naked. Then I walk to shower and clean up. The clothes I used I throw away. Or sometimes I’ll take those clothes and put them into a bag. Then when I do insulation again I’ll wear those same clothes.

Your bed is probably fine unless you laid down in it with the work clothes on.

Very strange I usually only feel the burn for 24 hours.

>> No.2570967
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And people laughed at me when I used a full 3M suit with a respirator like pic related to remove insulation in my crawlspace...

Not a single inch of me was itchy after doing an entire 1700sqft house. Why do people not take PPE seriously?

>> No.2570982

Good tip

>> No.2570999

We're you rolling in it? Did you rub each batt across your bare skin for good luck? Describe.

I did my whole attic in the summer in shorts and a t-shirt. I was itchy for 1 or 2 days. Mask free just as god intended. Anyone who thinks they can comfortably wear a mask working in confined space when it's 100+ is on some gear.

>> No.2571006

Us a hair remover sticky thing. If you have pets you know what I'm talking about. But this helps along with cold showers. Hot showers open up the pores an that crap seems to dig in. Good luck

>> No.2571083
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Embrace the itch.

>> No.2571087

because "its for pussies"

>> No.2571101

>From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me

>> No.2571321

Ignorance is bliss.
Nothing like doing something like undercoating your car, and then have your lungs hurt for 2-3 weeks.

>> No.2571346

Kinda always wanted to make a full head mask like that I could lock on like the dude from the man in the iron mask for reasons.

>> No.2571352

>Why do people not take PPE seriously?
People are fucking retarded.

>> No.2571475

Bio salts, bathe in bio salts(salt water), or use food to make your body produce bio salts,
bio salts can break down glass particles in the body.

>> No.2571500
File: 702 KB, 462x1800, text2photo-754f7d23d4d30042d611dcdefabc991e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy some gypsum bandages, make print of face, fiberglass cloth + epoxy resin, cut edges and holes.

>> No.2571505


>> No.2571528

>Why do people not take PPE seriously?
It can't happen to me.

>> No.2571530

Just imagine OP this has happened to someone in the world but instead it is within their asshole.

>> No.2571533

>Anyone who thinks they can comfortably wear a mask working in confined space when it's 100+ is on some gear.
A half mask respirator isn't great in an attic, but it's not terrible.

>> No.2571561

>Why do people not take PPE seriously?
toxic masculinity

>> No.2571578

Machismo backed by greed and being a jew.
Bossman doesnt want to buy a bunch of expensive PPE, calls you a bitch and questions your manhood for not "being responsible for your own health"

Saves the boss money, makes the wagecuck feel pride in his manliness
Win win

>> No.2571601

Scrubbing ain't gonna do shit m8, cept for making your skin raw and even more itchy.
The trick is tape. Decent grippy masking tape. Just lay it down, bit of a press, then peel the fibers off. Won't cure everything.
Also >>2570927
Throw the clothes out.

>> No.2571602

Put 91% rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and douse yourself on the itchy areas. The alcohol will dissolve the fibers. Otherwise just stop being a pussy and forget about it.

>> No.2571611

sorry autocorrect

>> No.2571616

I am not throwing out my clothes they were nice clothes.

>> No.2571627

I craved the strength and certainty of fiberglass. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Insulation.

>> No.2571647

Idk about you but I would gladly pay $300 to not be covered in fiberglass shards. You could just put them in a bag and wait out the embarrassment of your mistake until you get some sense and throw them out

>> No.2571661


Stay itchy then, dumbass.

>> No.2571905

use soap and a wash cloth to remove fibers, then apply a good benedryl type anti itch cream or even lotion will help, reapply as necessary, aloe or aloe lotion can also help, sunburn spray can help too

>> No.2571912

yes were

captcha sn22d

>> No.2571919

>Why do people not take PPE seriously?
retarded ideas of masculinity

>> No.2571965

I didn’t have any Benadryl cream so I used bengay because it’s supposed to help with pain but now my skin is burning all over.

>> No.2571979

>retarded ideas of masculinity

I worked temporarily at a fibreglass plant. All the permanent labour were Man's Man Boomers, none of them would wear the safety goggles, gloves, respirators, etc. Most they'd do was wear safety toed shoes and ordinary prescription glasses. They complained, constantly, about how painful the work was and how the glass got everywhere. I made the mistake of chiming in to say it wasn't that bad if you just wear the PPE, and they took the opportunity to cut me to the bone with insult after insult about how much of a lady I was for wearing the safety gloves. Meanwhile, the spool operators' hands were so calloused and inflexible from handling the fibreglass spindles that most of them could barely make a fist because of all the fucking scar tissue they had on their hands and how often they broke their fingers.

>> No.2572043

Throw in a bit of overcompensating for their soul crushing deadend job, they literally have nothing to be proud of slaving away all day working for a company that doesn't give a shit about them

>> No.2572061

how many different garments did you wear while installing insulation?

desu I have worked with fibeglass so many times in my life and while yes it sucks to touch I have never had an issue with it getting embedded in my skin or clothes. if you're not retarded and just suffering from dry skin after over scrubbing yourself, then you must have made a serious fucking mess and gotten fiberglass literally all over your entire house

>> No.2572062

>Why do people not take PPE seriously?
no idea but since everything is quoting this why shouldn't i

>> No.2572081

People who laugh at PPE are just trying to copy black culture. So much for being tough “white” “men”

>> No.2572131
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Both of you are gay

>> No.2572156

Two weeks? wtf. That isn't normal. Whenever I've worked with insulation, the itching went away within a day usually, maybe two if there was a lot

Good advice

I use a half-face respirator but not a suit because I'm in Florida and I aint trying to get boiled alive. Some of my bros will do that but that's not my life. Even the respirator gets too hot sometimes and has to be taken off, but I like having it on because the air quality is noticeably better and I already have enough fiberglass inside of me, tyvm

>> No.2572203

Do you have a specific reason for making this or sre you just doing it because you can and it looks neat?

>> No.2572237

Reminder that idiots who bash PPE fell to peer pressure themselves not to wear it and now they're simply continuing the "tradition". You are better than them in every way for using PPE

Health > Everything else

>> No.2572247

>how many different garments did you wear while installing insulation?
a few, I was doing it all day and started in the morning in sweatshirt/sweat pants, but as it warmed up I changed into shorts and a t shirt, it was also lunch time by then and I took a nap with my wife, then finished the evening in another sweater.

>> No.2572255

There’s a MAJOR difference between the safety man being a fucking cunt and common sense PPE. I have never heard anyone give a guy shit for wearing knee pads, gloves, safety glasses, or a hat. Everyone’s here to do their job, that’s it. I wonder where all these imaginary hardo boomers live, because I’ve never seen a single one tell another guy he was a pussy for PPE.

Covid times were a different story. It’s impossible to wear glasses and a hard hat with those silly blue masks because of the condensation, and our safety prick would write guys up for having it pulled down under their nose. I really wanted to hit that guy in the face with a wrench.

>> No.2572457
File: 219 KB, 772x1651, IMG_20230214_134241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blackout anarchy phase
total looter death

Kill looters.
Behead looters.
Roundhouse kick a looter into the concrete.
Slam dunk a looter baby into the trashcan.
Crucify filthy looters.
Defecate in a looters food.
Launch looters into the sun.
Stir fry looters in a wok.
Toss looters into active volcanoes.
Urinate into a looters gas tank.
Judo throw looters into a wood chipper.
Twist looters heads off.
Report looters to the IRS.
Karate chop looters in half.
Curb stomp pregnant looters.
Trap looters in quicksand.
Crush looters in the trash compactor.
Liquefy looters in a vat of acid.
Eat looters.
Dissect looters.
Exterminate looters in the gas chamber.
Stomp looter skulls with steel toed boots.
Cremate looters in the oven.
Lobotomize looters.
Mandatory abortions for looters.
Grind looter fetuses in the garbage disposal.
Drown looters in fried chicken grease.
Vaporize looters with a ray gun.
Kick old looters down the stairs.
Feed looters to alligators.
Slice looters with a katana.

>> No.2572482

>I didn’t have any Benadryl cream so I used bengay because it’s supposed to help with pain but now my skin is burning all over.

for how long?

>> No.2572483

yer gonna have to throw your wife out

>> No.2572534

Fuck you, not helping

>> No.2572565

> Bengay is an analgesic heat rub for muscle and joint pain.

Why are you surprised that you're now feeling hot?
Why did you think it would work to relieve the pain of a physical irritant?
Did you seriously just rub the fiberglass fibers further into your skin?

Are you regarded?

>> No.2573128

It said it helps with pain, not that it makes your skin feel on fire

>> No.2573251

Shit like this is what toxic masculinity meant before the purple hair set commandeered it to mean sitting on the bus in a fashion they don't approve of.

>> No.2573896

blacks only respect violence and death

>> No.2573905

i am now also quoting this

i wear a half-mask respirator for welding, machining cast iron, and all but the quickest of grinding (angle grinder, die grinder, bench grinder) jobs. if i can't hold my breath comfortably through the job, i wear the respirator. is this enough? honestly my throat still feels dry and kinda scratchy when machining cast iron even with the respirator

>> No.2573909

Indeed, I am well-regarded.

>> No.2573910

Do you guys have any stories about this?

I'm not a tradie but my dad is and my parents ask me to help them out with renovation projects and construction projects
They're always so flippant about PPE, when I was a kid I just went along with it but now that I'm in university I'm a bit more averse to just risking my body and so do the research
For example my dad wanted me to help him mix concrete and he didn't think I needed gloves, eye protection or a mask
I refused to help him despite him calling me a pussy and bought a mask from a hardware store, I have breathing problems and I don't want to make them worse

I searched this up on google and there's a forum for arborists and one guy's going off on how he doesn't wear PPE and that chicks dig scars and shit...

>> No.2573932

The average homeowner can make their own choice about it. The exposure is much lower than pros since they take on less intense projects much less often.

Don't bother replying with your bullshit well actually stories about how many projects you do so that's why safety is soooo important. Didn't ask, don't care.

>> No.2573934

No I don't do many projects
From what I understand concrete dust is only an irritant for short term exposure but that doesn't mean I'm going to risk it

>> No.2574042

I picked this up from a 70 year old pipefitter when I started out as a tradesman-- if you ever get insulation on your arms or legs, stretch out a piece of pantyhose over your hand and rub the area that has insulation on it in one direction only -- the fine mesh of the pantyhouse will catch the fibers. It works better than anything I've tried.

>> No.2574203

>one guy's going off on how he doesn't wear PPE and that chicks dig scars and shit...
so a crab-bucket coper

>> No.2574271
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>Why do people not take PPE seriously?

>> No.2574505

>that chicks dig scars and shit...
Had someone vomit this from their mouth in highschool. "I dont where ear pro while wrestling, chicks dig cauliflower ear"

Even my young retarded as knowing nothing about women other than boobs are great; knew women dont want to look at your mutated shit ear.

>> No.2576212

It’s officially been 4 weeks and my skin is still itching, it has gotten worse, my
Wife itches too

>> No.2576219

You probably washed the fiber glass into the rest of your clothes and probably even your bed sheets. Might even be in the mattress itself. You have made a huge and expensive mistake. Consider seeing a dermatologist for prescription medicine or whatever to deal with the itch until you can afford to completely replace everything you own. Maybe you can trick some poor soul into buying your sofa too

>> No.2576260
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>> No.2576263
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>> No.2576284

lmao retard keep using your old clothes because it's 'nice' and rub shit all over the place, get fucked pennypincher

>> No.2576384

>See this post with a dozen responses
>They're all in favor of wearing PPE
Pleasantly surprised that attitude has been dying with the boomers, t.b.h.

>> No.2576800
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