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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.95 MB, 1334x872, interiordesign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2554845 No.2554845 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your style anon? Mid Century Modern? Japandi? Art Deco? Coastal? Farmhouse? Minimalist?...

Or do you just not give a fuck? Any plans for a house makeover?

Even if you don't adhere to a specific style feel free to share any personal interior design tenets you might have or bitch about others bad taste.

Inspiration pics welcome too

>> No.2554863

Late Stage Capitalism Ikeacore.

>> No.2554896
File: 77 KB, 664x720, a041f65fcff3a9a598a4d346c9659492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I get my house I'm going for the cozy humble cottage feel mixed in with 80s/90s childish nostalgia nerd crap.

My design pet peeve is open shelving which I loathe. My unpopular opinion is how much I love carpet and I prefer when rooms are small and not overly lit by windows

>> No.2554912

I love this

>> No.2554958

I guess I could describe it as minimalist with victorian and weeb accessories.
Now that I've had the house for almost a year I freed up some money in part so I can buy some antique furniture and decoration

>> No.2555001

You should post pics so people can insult you

>> No.2555045
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>> No.2555048

Are you a gay by any chance?

>> No.2555051
File: 292 KB, 1000x1335, 92d2ec7e10c4444b7c4a3bb1a9cef82750030879-watermarked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish

>> No.2555060
File: 311 KB, 1187x1200, 5-seattle-1916-wm-wright-pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craftsman will always be my style. It's got everything - wood, textile, elegant, simple, warm. It's so enduring that it's style is still used in modern decor.

>> No.2555063

Federalist style. I'm slowly adding little touches of detail to my house.
Although I'm a poorfag so it's ending up a little eclectic

>> No.2555083

No thanks

>> No.2555171

I can tell its well put together but it's still a bit of an eyesore

>> No.2555206
File: 1.43 MB, 3024x2874, Trim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My whole house has this white pine(?) trim on all the baseboards, doors, and windows. How do I coordinate cabinet and floor woods/colors with them?
Plant will be fine again in the spring.

>> No.2555218

The bookcase colonnades are peak kino.

>> No.2555222

>How do I coordinate cabinet and floor woods/colors with them?
You don't, matchy matchy is bad decor, different tones add depth and richness plus when you start matching several things the ones that don't match will stick out and look jarring

>> No.2555244

My home furniture wise is an amalgamation of things I got for free from people or off the internet, besides the beds and my couch (I dont think I would ever want either of those things second hand unless I really knew the person.) I also travel all over the world for work, and I've amassed a collection of kitchy shit, so I guess you could say my home is like an international cracker barrel. I would like more house plants, but I have a stubborn cst that won't leave them alone.

>> No.2555245


>> No.2555303

I don't know shit about interior design. Which styles are based and which styles are cringe? I wanna look up references.

>> No.2555556
File: 619 KB, 701x595, caratunnel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone ever watch AD videos and think "You have so much money to do whatever you want and you decide to do... that?"?


>> No.2555791

>calls the leopards in the stairs tigers

>> No.2555927

I said coordinate not match. I was thinking lighter stain white oak cabinets and trying to get enough barn boards before it collapses completely and do my floor. It's quite bleached after 200y.

>> No.2556259

I don't mind this. All the people she hired did a good job for what it is

>> No.2557383
File: 382 KB, 1400x1400, housebrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ideal

>> No.2557386

What's the most illegal thing I can do with a rustic motif?

>> No.2557420

>Late Stage Capitalism Ikeacore.
slaughter all communists

>> No.2557874

why are exposed brick walls so kino?

>> No.2557889


>> No.2558621
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>> No.2560490
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>> No.2560549
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plywood interiors

>> No.2560556
File: 356 KB, 1335x890, chrome-H9kp-NMd-KIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2560564

cool design but i hate the way plain plywood feels, paint that shit

>> No.2560565

Nice $20k chair faggot

>> No.2560567

its a knockoff buddy give me a break

>> No.2560601

fuck off jet, we already watch your gay ass stream

>> No.2560929

Getho cyberpunk

>> No.2561493
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metal brackets with screws instead of wood joints
you can order a cnc milled beam structure nowadays.

>> No.2561503

wood joints are weaker

>> No.2561904

Ive heard about this new guy that is doing press fit metal dowels to attach wooden structural members. I guess its extremely fast and strong.

>> No.2562225

i'd probably spill ssomething and stain it
needs tiles

>> No.2562289


Why i'm so obsessed with japanese-style houses??

>> No.2562299

>I can tell its well put together but it's still a bit of an eyesore
This is how I end up feeling about anything where a designer was involved. It always feels overdone with too many nonfunctional elements. A little art is ok, but if any other elements are added in, it needs to be of personal significance like important souvenirs or family heirlooms. Just buying a bunch of generic decorator shit is retarded.

>> No.2562495


>> No.2562962


>> No.2563093
File: 21 KB, 400x400, FI7cR2AUUAA8JdY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2564156

I love brutalism/desert modernism, but very unlikely I'll actually live in a house like that since the wife hates it and unfortunately I love her more than interior design. I'm also a huge fan of spanish revival, which shes more amenable to, so that's the kind of house we'll hopefully retire in.

Right now we live in a starter home craftsman, so we're kind of locked into that aesthetic, but we're trying to keep it pretty clean and open while experimenting.

>> No.2564198
File: 1.19 MB, 3600x2400, 2022_AD_Imperioli9485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man's house is somehow exactly what I expected him to have, and I fucking loved it. The moment I finished this video I immediately wanted to buy Roman and Catholics busts, and replace my walls with classical wallpapers, holy shit.

>> No.2564207
File: 369 KB, 828x1401, 09ABA23B-0C72-4532-B8F3-8181C74ECAC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wife is trying to farmhouse with this house.

I have all this solid oak furniture that I would love to stain a bit darker like a walnut but seems like such a pain in the ass to try and sand some intricate engraving on the kitchen chairs. Plus the kitchen table has a super nice laquer finish, I’m afraid to ruin that.

I got pic related for one section of wall with no furniture in between the dining room and living room and it turned out better than I expected.

>> No.2564224

Did you have Nick rochefort review your house on a stream recently?

>> No.2564680
File: 196 KB, 1115x765, IMG-20230214-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a lot of styles and have good taste but im also cheap and poor so im leaning into the style my old run down boomer house came with and doing my own thing with it
I would describe it as gothic cottage grannycore
Lots of good quality vintage furniture, mostly msm in teak and oak, lots of lamps, lots of blankets and rugs
Need to paint and do some work in the kitchen and on some of the flooring and 100million other things to make it perfect but i god damn love my house

>> No.2565081

>solid oak furniture
KYS yourself.

>> No.2565082

If the wood fails, all the metal brackets in the world aren't going to help you.

>> No.2565471

I fucking hate those all-neutral rooms. I don't care if they're "aesthetically pleasing" or "calming". I want some fucking colour so I don't blow my brains out. Anytime I see a house and the carpets, walls, and furniture are all cream or have "natural wood accents) I want to blow my brains out.
To summarise, kill all neutralniggers, thank you.

>> No.2565492
File: 142 KB, 750x1125, Neutrals_PracticalBeige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depend on how you to it though, neutral can look really good if you pick classy pieces. Generic vinyl on MDF is always going to look shit.

>> No.2565514

What sucks is the all white(and grey) everything. Creams and browns really are kino.

>> No.2565516

Are you the guy with a puzzle on the table? Think I remember a similar environment in some other thread.

>gothic cottage grannycore
what would you say is gothic about it?

>> No.2565971
File: 81 KB, 700x394, 102e1ad94fafc64f6324ed43b7430a9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

urban jungle
white + wood + as many plants as you can fit
i wish. i moved to the west coast. here they think a "loft" means an upper story in the apartment connected by a ladder. who wants to haul a bed up a ladder?

>> No.2566037

Its easier than hauling it up stairs

>> No.2567082

When I get my house I just know I'm gonna have so much anxiety and ocd with decoration and interior design. I can already feel the analysis paralysis of endless possibilities

>> No.2567525

Enjoy your 70% humidity and black mould.

>> No.2567526

That's what I thought until I got my house. You are limited by time and money to just do what you can and leaving the rest for 5 years.

>> No.2567676


>> No.2567866

gonna smash some priceless antiques next?

>> No.2567883
File: 103 KB, 680x680, 82b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will

>> No.2567908

>Plastic plants
Worse than a plastic wife

>> No.2568018

ngl i really like shitshacks

>> No.2568142

My style is "use whatever you have available, function and economy over aesthetics"

>> No.2568494

dream house, perfect blend of comfy and sophistication

>> No.2568518
File: 2.96 MB, 4160x2972, room 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of those is better than the hoarding mess my parents have.
btw how to make my room more comfy pls

>> No.2568597

Declutter, there's too much visual noise. I'm sure you have plenty of shit that doesn't serve your life you can simply dump.
For most things you can't bring yourself to let go of keep them tucked away out of sight.
For the select few things you really really really want to display, group them in ways that feels very intentional so that you see the group as a single unit.

As an example, if you have a bunch of little figurines that are spread out around the room all over the place, it's a mess of knick knacks. If instead you set up a single spot that is fully dedicated to all of them together it will feel more like a proper decorative piece.

>> No.2568601

Thats doable. I cant really change the furniture for cooler antique ones as it isnt my own house.

>> No.2568697
File: 2.74 MB, 1713x1350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruhlmann's interiors are pvre art deco kino

>> No.2568711

Stop using blankets in place of blinds or cabinetry.
Make sure all your furniture matches or at least is complimentary. Mismatched wood finishes + black drawers on your desk is a big reason your room is in such disharmony. You can repaint it easy.
While we're on paint, if possible, repaint your tan accent walls something brighter, it'll make your room less claustrophobic. Consider repainting the whole thing a uniform color if you cant color match the white.
Declutter in general. Everything should have a place to go and decorative items should be minimal. Commit to getting rid of one of these two things: your anime pillow, 90s tech, and figurines, OR your brown wooden framed paintings and cottage accents (the duck). Personally I'd get rid of the anime shit AND the paintings, and keep your old tech aesthetic, but that's just me. Also why do you have two clocks?

>> No.2568790

Ignore this >>2568711
The different colored walls are comfy. You need to own the fact that it will always be a bit hodge podge and spending much resources to have everything matchy matchy would be a waste of money. I agree that you should declutter some and everything should a proper dedicated place.
One thing that caught my eye is how sad it is for a huge painting to be in the corner obstructed by the monitor, with how much blank space there is on the cream wall above the bed you could easily readjust it so it can fit all your frames, let that be your art gallery.

>> No.2568942

Agreed, it's over the top but there was obviously thought put into it, she got what she wanted, and personally I find it a lot less troubling than people who are afraid to use anything more bold than oatmeal as an inspiration for their home decor, colors, etc.

When I go in a house with zero decorative content it creeps me out, that's what prisons look like, and for a reason.

>> No.2569342
File: 898 KB, 766x1000, frenchgothic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2569468

Always the painting. I was going to bring it back to the thrift store until i tried it behind the monitor.
I have tried but it became worse

>> No.2569711
File: 146 KB, 1024x683, Spacious-soothing-and-inviting-office-space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2571027 [DELETED] 

take me back

>> No.2571029
File: 68 KB, 612x408, tradhome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take me back.

>> No.2571136

>The different colored walls are comfy
they are not
that's a cat piss reeking hoarder grandma's living room from 30 years ago
repaint them white
first of all:
books = comfy (you don't have to read them)
get rid off all the hideous kitsch dust collectors - duck, windmill, toy car, plastic plants, gay anime shit, most of the old cheap consumer electronics and the curtains
get solid color bedsheets
paint all "wooden" furniture in 1 or 2 solid colors to tie it together somewhat - I'd go with off-white and black
and/or make custom fitted shelves to use all your limited room as much as possible instead of the cheapo furniture that's falling apart
only then you can start to make up your mind about what style you want your room to have
right now I'm getting "80yo mid-West Grandma co-habiting with a 25yo Japanese child molestor" vibe

>> No.2571370

This guy is a moron

>> No.2571492
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>> No.2571515


>> No.2572578
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>> No.2572819

>Posted from my iPhone

>> No.2573288

Ill see what random garbage i can get rid off. Doesnt help that i received more things to resell now.

>> No.2573490

I thought the style was called arts & crafts after the movement? Not trying to pwn you, actually just curious because I like it too. Was the architecture and furniture of my childhood home

>> No.2573714

you should post some pictures so I can compliment you

>> No.2573742

whoa, chrissy - I thought I had you wacked

>> No.2573887
File: 397 KB, 2048x1366, MasteroftheHerd_AdobeStock_337279136_1024x1024@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vintage minimalist, wide open spaces with scarce pieces of decor as bold statements of psyche, and ornate/carefully designed window/door/ frames/borders.

>> No.2573897

Interior designers should be federally mandated, with the state of so many homes these days.

>> No.2574147

ugly home

most people don't have creative depth, so when they "design" their home, it's painting the wall a random color and buying printed bedsheets on amazon

>> No.2574173

>So what's your style anon? Mid Century Modern? Japandi? Art Deco? Coastal? Farmhouse? Minimalist?...
Minimize amount of hidden/unkilled spiders. Whatever the fuck it's called.

>> No.2574383
File: 1.84 MB, 850x1135, 1643582824112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white walls are gey
maroon red is better
water your plants fag
gay cuch
super gay couch
white walls are for the poor
get rid of the carpet
gay chair
get a better rug
>le white walls
terrible couches
terrible rug

for me its a dystopian techno future theme

>> No.2574387

Buy trays and proper storage boxes/shelves. Go throughout all your stuff and throw everything out that you don't use/isn't a collectible.

I am always throwing things out, always. The only time where there isn't a thing to throw out, is when everything has a place and there is nothing extra.

>> No.2574658

I don't have a style exactly, as I put function first but tend to prefer a simple coherence. That often groups me with Mid Century Modern and Minimalist, but usability and build quality is more important to me.

Still working on my bathroom (going on a forever project), simple shapes and high contrast black and white with stainless steel. It got this way by first figuring what would have the longest life and lowest maintenance and then some adjustments so things matched up better so it didn't look skitzo. Color was reduced for long term flexibility, soft elements like towels and toiletry cups and bottles bring in the theme and color so they can be easily changed out when I get tired of them without a remodel

Later stage upstairs (still years out) will be bright white walls and ceiling to help the light spread. I work nights so I need good light control to make the night as my daytime so I already got high K value lights with good spread for my indoor daylight. Together the room will be a bit brighter and with hint more blue light then people are use to, but I already added dimmer switches to help tone it down when guests come over and if needed I can flip it back full normal by changing light bulbs and new paint. One odd thing I am doing to further this is I am making my doors and trim a soft gray so the doors and trim are darker then the walls, a bit backwards but the walls have more area so I want them brighter for lighting. Eventually I plan to use bloodwood for the floors both for durability and because I hate the color yellow which most woods have. As it ages the wood floor will become louder with the white walls, so I'll need to think about it again if a blood red floor and bright white walls and gray door is too much, it works functionally to my goals but I do need to be able to sell if needed

Haven't thought about downstairs or kitchen, timeline is too far out given how slow things are moving and how buying the best quality is near bankrupting me

>> No.2575130

How do I find and develop my style?

>> No.2576259

Just be yourself

>> No.2577095
File: 34 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-1352177016-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just moved into a new apartment and have no roommates for the first time

am i gay for wanting this look in my living room

>> No.2577363

seems inoffensive and gender neutral to me

>> No.2577630 [DELETED] 

For me its queen Vanessa Carlton making her way downtown


>> No.2577633
File: 1.34 MB, 1095x595, vanessa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its queen Vanessa Carlton making her way downtown.


>> No.2577692

I'm dumb and autistic. I can't imagine a style, i just want functionality.
I want floors that are easy to clean, a closet with windows so i don't have stinky wardrobes, a big shower, a hot tub, a separate kitchen so i don't stink up the home when i cook, ceilings i can reach with a broom so the cobwebs don't demand a ladder to clean and heating is not a nightmare.

>> No.2577708
File: 162 KB, 1024x576, man of culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the artistic side of home design and strongly value looks, as they do have an effect on the overall experience of being in a room (often more than the practical aspects), but they ALWAYS have to be constrained by the function.
Seeing so many homes be designed by prioritizing form at the expense of function is madness.
There are entire categories of houses that only look cool in a picture or if you're visiting as a guest, but living in them seems like a constant state of frustration and annoyance. Like open spaces and lofts, or those tiny houses that cost as much as a larger house because of how expensive it is to turn them into something just barely livable.
Or the gigantic mansions that require having a team of strangers constantly in your house just to maintain it, and having to waste half your day just walking from wing to wing any time you need to go to a different place in the house.
Plus, so many houses that are overall sensible have specific things that ruin them by putting form over function (For exmaple by not prioritizing the things you mentioned).
Maybe I'm just being autistic and normal people simply don't care, but even then, just a bit of thinking would easily make a tangible improvement on the enjoyment of the home (in a "wow, I didn't know I needed X but now I can't imagine living without it" kind of way).

>> No.2577715
File: 306 KB, 1075x555, mcdavid-oilers-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get the hate this video got normies memed the fuck.put of it.
I've seen much worse cringier rich mansions, the guy is a total dunce of course the chick has to take over and lead the tour

>> No.2578066

She's the one who designed it, makes sense she'd lead the tour.

>> No.2578935
File: 290 KB, 900x506, 15b233cdc8264499ba8e37ea065dc8d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find interesting the materials and design of Communist interiors from official buildings. Mostly from Chinese ones. Verry stylish modern type.

>> No.2578964

this looks like 2009 web design

>> No.2579144


haven't I seen you on /g/?

>> No.2579541
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x1536, ggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the materials
no just no. it's was all shitty sawdust board
t. actually lived in commie interior

>> No.2579734

Alright, where can I find design ideas for real bathrooms? If I go on pinterest or google and search "small bathroom design dark" I get all of these "small" bathrooms that are the size of the bottom floor of my house, and cost more than my truck.

There seems to be a massive gap between "shitty paintjob and some new knicknacks" and "$80k bathroom makeover with a new tub carved from a Himalayan boulder"

>> No.2580035

how about $20k bathroom makeover?



>> No.2580041

did you read what i wrote? Not normal peoples apartments, but official buildings offices.

>> No.2580073


>> No.2580345

Not bad. That is the sort of thing I am looking for. Maybe I can springboard off of that video to other, similar videos. I might actually use that shade of green in a different bathroom when I make it that far

Too rich for my blood, maybe $800 and some upcycled light fixtures would be more my budget

>> No.2580364
File: 47 KB, 678x452, 2550436E-6682-4818-91D0-1CE475CEA655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Victorian contemporary

>> No.2580366


You have to search for a specific colour to get better results

>> No.2580372


I did a new kitchen for $2500

Alas, im a electrician, so I install everything myself.

Built new doors, sprayed with 2 pac enamel paint
Hardwood bench tops, 5 coats of marine polyurethane.
Custom lighting
All the plumbing etc.

I bought everything either on sale or were last of line things

Spanish tiles
European tap ware and sinks

It’s amazing how cheap you can get things

Even installed laminate flooring that I bought for only $250 for 15m2.

People think I spent an absolute fortune on it. In excess of $30000

>> No.2580403

Find God, if you haven't already.
Yes. I don't see him faggotposting as much anymore. Wonder what changed.

>> No.2580417

textural interest to contrast tyhe relative lack of it in furniture, same for the ceiling in that pic.

>> No.2580425


>> No.2580438

The flimsiness of those legs is effeminate, practically begs for a swarthy man to throw down his weight and obliterate their structure.

>> No.2580631

Is there anything wrong with using outdoor furniture indoors?

>> No.2580816
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>> No.2581249
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, 8607F4C9-325C-414B-8D09-EF846C0A7CD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Karnaca art deco?

>> No.2581272

That has some deco-ish elements to it, but overall it looks like more of an art nouveau style.

>> No.2581282

>that drawer shelf

>> No.2581307

I believe that it does fall underneath the arts & crafts movement, but "American Craftsman" refers specifically to the houses of the style that were being made during that era in the US.

>> No.2581554
File: 78 KB, 680x370, Mass_Effect_3_Concept_Art_by_Brian_Sum_29a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ideal would be a combination of monolithic brutalism and utopian Sci fi.
I like the the simple imposing geometry of brutalism, but prefer the aesthetic of glossy white panels over matte black/Grey structure.

>> No.2581576
File: 387 KB, 2245x1054, retrofuturism cyberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a man after my own heart. My ideal design would be a mix of sci-fi themes, but primarily retrofuturism with utopian/solarpunk characteristics.

>> No.2581591

Its not hard to so better than NPCs. Worst is the cabinets. They're not "hard" to make but ungodly labor intensive. Even if you're a solid woodworker you're talking every night and weekend for 8-10 weeks to make an average kitchens worth of cabinets. By the end you just want to murder your family in their sleep and burn the house down because you hate it all so much.

>> No.2581660

Cover concrete with granite panels or partially with aluminum.

>> No.2581715
File: 56 KB, 1560x864, b-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bathroom of the condo I just bought. Any suggestions to spruce it up?

>> No.2581734
File: 523 KB, 737x530, bathroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greenery, even if its fake

>> No.2581737
File: 425 KB, 1080x1080, 45117C5A-15FE-4F2B-A67E-DBE4DA51D91C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2581757


>> No.2581765

I'm pretty set on an ICF build. I was thinking full size quarts panels for cladding. Throw in in a 1 inch reveal at top and bottom for defuse lighting and your good to go.

>> No.2581907


>> No.2582029

At the end feels like they were really struggling to compliment the design from the bitch on the right


>> No.2582138
File: 266 KB, 1080x1350, open loft 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've had this picture saved on my computer for a while, and i am looking for a couch to buy so was going through all my house pictures for inspiration. i came upon this and figured i'd try to find the couch. well i did, and it costs TWENTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS

>> No.2582156

>more than one bowl of antlers
I didn't realize that this was a gore thread

>> No.2582170

Doesn't even look anything special. Looks like something you would find on the side of the street

>> No.2582256

it really is awful. even the morons in the youtube comments are calling it out

>> No.2582724



>> No.2582873
File: 1.25 MB, 2688x1512, foto_no_exif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shitty florescent lights light fixtures are all half broken. Any good replacement I can do? I figured I could replace them with big led tracks, but I have no idea what to put in as a cover where the ceiling drops.
It originally had a plastic grid that fell and broke whole we were fiddling with the first set of broken florescents

>> No.2582885

that decor calls for a chandelier

>> No.2583076

Slowly redoing my house in a peaceful dark green instead of blank white walls. Except for the bathroom. The bathroom's gonna be navy blue.

And the kitchen is getting wood paneling instead of 70s' era fake wood.

Eventually I'll take up the linoleum flooring in the kitchen and bathroom and put in vinyl plank.

>> No.2583092

Just want to declare, I hate drywall so much. I wish there were alternatives. It's really difficult to pull off modern designs when it's still obviously just semigloss on drywall.

>> No.2583175

My wife grew up in a house built in the twenties, with large trim and millwork around all the doors and windows but all the houses that look like that tend to be in poor shape these days. Can you just put that stuff in to a generic bungalow or will it end up looking stupid.

>> No.2583334

comfy ex yu aesthetic

>> No.2583434

Insanely comfy. Get rid of some of the clutter and fix the paint tho

>> No.2583492

I think it could work, you'd just have to maintain it that level of trim throughout the house, interior and exterior. Bungalows are kinda close to arts and crafts, so it's not a stretch to bring in some older style wood work.

I've been turning a small ranch into more of a traditional style cottage. Only thing that gives it away now is the roof pitch and shitty stoop. Just requires thought and planning, have an idea for each room and make sure it matches the theme of the entire house. Drawings and CAD will be your friend.

>> No.2584060

high cri 3000k fluorescent tubes

>> No.2585084

any chance you can show more of the room? it looks really comfy

>> No.2586617
File: 444 KB, 1215x1280, wewhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much?

>> No.2586649

Dust - the Epic Tale

>> No.2586772

people used to have too much free time on their hands, and we were all better for it.

>> No.2586786

What is wrong with open spaces?

>> No.2586948
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>> No.2586950

take a break from the internet anon

>> No.2586952
File: 15 KB, 614x600, pepecircle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't

>> No.2586990

the duke's mansion is awesome. the architecture in particular

>> No.2587023

you literally can you are using hyperbole.

>> No.2587256

What isn't wrong with open spaces?

>> No.2587262

The minisplitter can suck a dick, but the style is on point.

>> No.2587267


>> No.2587301
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Couldn't agree more. It's my dream to own a nice prairie style one day.

>> No.2587440

99% of interior design is determined by structural design, which makes it largely irrelevant and a woman's hobby.

sorry, you arent turning your 90s stick built rancher into a bohodustrial open concept timber frame loft.

>> No.2587441

>99% of interior design is determined by structural design

>> No.2587453

Oh yes stained crown, fluorescent bulbs, wallpaper, and plaster popcorn.

>> No.2587629

Rooms with the same exact structure will have a completely different look, feel and function based of their interior design

>> No.2587740

looks cold

looks comfy and warm

uncomfortable furniture

reconsider your life

i can smell this photo and it smells like old people and cigarettes. not in a bad way, reminds me of an estate sale

>> No.2587749

my style is Craigslist free utilitarian

>> No.2587867

do you not know how a pothos plant works

>> No.2588084

you have a vaulted ceiling with exposed beams and natural wood slating? this room is cabin/rustic. got drywall in between the wood framing? now its boho. exposed concrete floors with a steel framed loft? industrial. brick rounded archway transition to a low ceiling den with woodstove? cottage. floor to ceiling windows with mono pitched roof? modern contemporary.

really pay attention next time you scroll through pinterest or whatever place you get gay interior design inspiration that appeals to women, and youll quickly notice that interiors you think look nice are only accentuating the design features of the structure that already exists.

no, adding a coffee table made of pipes and pallet wood wont make your boring, featureless 10x20 room feel like anything more than what it is.

end of the day it doesnt matter how many house plants and chochkis you litter your house with, the homes style was determined before you put anything in it. you either work with it or against it.

>> No.2588092

i hate those tables they fucking suck, you hit that fuckin corner
fcuking glasses slide off that shit
stupid deocratoin block any use
low quality women shit

2. that rug looks like i would slip on that fucker or with that size it has to be constanly repositioned.

3that fucking glass ball would get kicked
or fucking run it to it
i walk around barefoot or in socks

4. fuck those wicker chairs look uncomfy as shit

5. the color is very old

6.fuck giant glass lap, that shit fallin over
my dog is totally spilling that shit

the only thing i like is the couch and maybe a plant

>> No.2588109

Exposed beams, drywall and concrete floor are all interior design choices

>> No.2588118
File: 188 KB, 640x680, 4F9DC5E2-EFDE-417D-8D7B-EE5F3D08425A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah let me go ahead and just "expose the beams" on this stick built roof as an "interior design choice"


>> No.2588157

people cover and expose architectural features all the time, retard

>> No.2588185

Use to live in a house like that growing up. One word: cobwebs everywhere

>> No.2588196

>architectural features

there is nothing to show/hide under a stick built roof structure you absolute mongoloid. youre literally making my case for me.

>> No.2588220

there is
its just not a fashionable design choice

>> No.2588242

>Mid Century Modern
my favorite
this is ok
this is very nice, maybe a bit over the top
too hipster, dont like the colors
this ones perfect
too dusty
its ok.
what a mess
its ok
I really like this one too.

>> No.2588252
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>that fly strip

>> No.2588618

Overall this is a pretty bogus restrictive perspective but I gotta say when my interior designed started leaning into the structure of my house it did wield better results

>> No.2588778

why does it look like 90% similar to my grandparents home? estonia

>> No.2588803

Usually find the houses he showcases to be shite but this one has me moist (because of the interior design)

>> No.2588900
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>> No.2589408

why is modernity so ugly? take me back

>> No.2590788

is this the right thread to ask for furniture advice or should i make my own one
or is this even the wrong board for such questions?

>> No.2590941

you're probably better of making a thread, this one seems to have run its course

>> No.2592607

Why is furniture so fucking expensive. Even second hand it's a nightmare to find something affordable that you like

>> No.2592616

Do you have any upscale thrift stores in your area? The furniture there tends to be incredibly cheap, but its of course a toss up on what you'll find.

I just got an oak dining room table + 5 chairs for $317 the other day. you can find some definite steals if you get lucky

>> No.2592657

I'm not an ameriburger. Thrift shops are incredibly rare here

>> No.2592669

>be installer with clueless homeowner new landlord
>huge multifamily house
>first unit is pretty sketch but has great kitch and bath after lots of work
>ask online for full room or full house design help online
>other threads "What color drapes?" "use any color!" "What color accent wall?" "Use any color!"
They're literally taking monochrome rooms and throwing in one color like a photoshop effect. Anything I suggest is "hideous" but I simply want continuity like repeating colors and shapes, symmetry or asymmetry. I respect actual design, but there's a culture of imposters.

>> No.2592717

yep, that's the internet for ya.

>> No.2592906

I know this is against the spirit of the board but has anyone had experience with hiring an interior designer? I'm very much a "I know what I like when I see it" fag and would like to work with someone to help me achieve a nice space. Any advice on how to choose a designer or what to look for?

>> No.2593619

Nah man don't trust other people like that especially when you have to pay them. At most watch some videos/read some articles on interior design to grasp the basics and then do it yourself.

>> No.2593740

What he >>2593619 said. Plus 90% of professional interior designers are homos and 10% are vapid sluts, is that really a business you wanna support?

>> No.2595025
File: 652 KB, 1800x583, chrisbroadset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive the ESLness but are there any examples of rooms that are truly themed to look like actual out there location scenarios? What I mean is that if the room theme is for example "jungle", instead of exotic potted plants, a golden elephant statue, a leopard print couch, green rug, imported african furniture and some frames of jungle paintings on the wall, it was actually made to resemble the place in a fully immersive "realistic" way kind of like if it were a professional movie set with the floor being filled with dirt, plants coming out of the ground on a more haphazard manner, the walls could be sculpted like a cave wall, etc...?

Seems like the kind of thing rich people would do but I've yet to see any examples of the sort, even when they go for impractical high concept crazy ideas it's always in a very stylized, more abstract manner instead of the full head to toe "fantasy". The closest thing I can think of is this youtuber who got a japanese cyberpunk themed set made and even then it's not at his house and just a studio to shoot videos.

>> No.2595171

there are no examples of this besides studios and tv sets and for good reason. A lot of the novelty of the room wears off the moment you have to do anything fucking practical in it or even just sleep in it.

I hated my apartment, so with the limited room I had I decided to install clouds and fake zeppelins from the ceiling to give the feeling of watching the sky when youre on the floor. I had a sound activated light so that when the room was dark, loud claps would cause the light to flash like there was thunder in the room.

I had to take the lights down because loud noises happened more than i expected, sometimes causing the light to wake me up at night, and I had to take the clouds down because every fucking species of bug would fly into them.

>> No.2596023

>install clouds and fake zeppelins

>> No.2596051

What the fuck

>> No.2597478
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>> No.2597633

You must've watched alot of music videos growing up

>> No.2597642

the dude cheated tho
>lol translucent walls xd

>> No.2597657

What do you not understand about a sky themed

>> No.2597941

As the other Anon said, it's impractical and gets old quick, however I think that if the set itself IS the function of the room, then it makes sense.
For instance, if you have a room dedicated to a specific activity, designing the room like the space that a professional (perhaps from a past era or a different country) would use to do that activity.

Not really what I'm talking about in the paragraph above, but if I were rich I'd probably consider turning a large room in my house into a giant terrarium with real plants and animals.
I would have it enclosed into a thick rectangular C-shaped glass "room" inside the actual room, so I can walk in the middle and around it, and see the terrarium from every angle.
Depending on the size and shape of the terrarium and the room, I'd have furniture for relaxing or working.
Ideally it would be fully sealed and self-sustaining.

Actually I think it would be neat to have a small-ish house that's essentially a large open space with one such terrarium in the middle creating the rooms.
You can even build real walls in the middle of the terrarium "walls" for privacy.

>> No.2597954

What you want is windows

>> No.2598092

What you want is a cure for severe brain damage.
Unfortunately there isn't one yet.

>> No.2598336

You gotta post a picture

>> No.2599560

Some designers function almost as a general contractor. Any time I've worked under designers and GCs it has been large scale projects or high end offices. I don't want to think about the money the customers throw away.
I do a lot for cabinet designers but most of those can barely get the measurements right after you print them out, let alone order the products correctly. They move things around on and give isometric computer views just fine. But they don't like when I break down how the cabinets are built, the hardware, or the actual costs of their products vs the competing stores.

>> No.2600202

cringe thread. yall gay

>> No.2600305

A few years ago I was in an old office building that was being squatted by artists. They had filled one of the rooms with a layer of sand, covered the walls in fabric and placed persian rugs on the sand, making it like an indoor desert tent. People mostly just relaxed on pillows and smoked hashish.

>> No.2600330

in clockwise rotation:

>> No.2601111


>> No.2601192

Small local antique stores are goat
Just a couple weeks ago I found the perfect dresser for my room at a fraction of the cost of cheaply made ikeashit

>> No.2601332

> dystopian
> techno
> future

>> No.2601597

How are you supposed to use the stove, with a candy cane chair in the way?

That price is wild. I do upholstery on the side, and make pretty good money redoing couches. Mostly the tufted button look, like the backs of these couches:
Tufted headboards are popular too.
I buy the stuff at thrift shops, and strip it down, toss the fabric, but reuse the remaining parts if I can.
Foam is the most expensive part but I've had decent success with 'scavenging' foam from the newer mail order type mattresses. When the local uni lets out, I can get them for free or very cheap. Even paying $50 for a mattress gets me more foam than $50 to a wholesaler.

Another thing that's pretty popular is taking seats out of dead vehicles (bucket & bench seats), and turning them into "chairs". I don't know anyone that's put them in a living room, but they're good for basements, shops, garages, that sort of thing.

>> No.2603115
File: 3.73 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20230420_051842248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the messy counter but I was looking for advice on a new faucet as this one broke and I need to replace it.

All of the hardware in the kitchen is oil brushed bronze, but I'm also not set on keeping it. I did find a faucet I liked but it was in black / stainless only.

Is oil oil brushed bronze the best hardware color to go with these cabinets? It's all very open concept so I want to try to keep all the hardware in the house the same. I think, I don't know what I'm doing I'm just trying to make it look not shitty. I'm going to be replacing the countertops after I save up.

Any general advice would be appreciated

>> No.2603178

with those cabinets, anything dark would work. Iron and wood is a combination that's existed for centuries, now the hardware doesn't have to be iron, but anything dark would be fine. The edges that shine through on oil rubbed bronze might not match with that wood, but It's not noticeable in your picture, so it's probably alright.

Now I have to say, the cabinets themselves aren't very attractive and I'd be tempted to paint them.

>> No.2603189
File: 455 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20230421_143233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is my oyster

But i'm allergic to shellfish

>> No.2603410

I'd rather stain them differently than paint them honestly, I quite enjoy the natural look.

But thank you for the advice, I've been very torn because I quite like some brushed bronze but others as you said with the edge showing, looks like shit to me.

Shopping for a sink has been far too stressful as I simply don't want to make the wrong choice

>> No.2603450

The top two maybe. Bottom left is genuinely tasteful and relaxing.

>> No.2603456

velcoro knew this

>> No.2603669

nothing wrong with taking your time. when i first moved in i was rushing to get things done but since then slowed down. it's better to think hard about what you want and to make it last.
by then prices would have come down ..right?

>> No.2603686

i like the walk in shower and the larger mirror.
i'd add a waterfall shower head and get rid of the shower curtain.
like the other poster said, add (real) plants.
some accent lighting

>> No.2603714

that's two words, also it would add to the feeling

>> No.2603741

is there a giant breasted sunlight goddess up there?

>> No.2603792

McDavid is a GOAT hockey player, not a designer.

>> No.2603793

Retirement goals.

>> No.2603898

Make it.

>> No.2603908
File: 1.26 MB, 1406x2500, PXL_20230423_005427738_scrubbed (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to post about antiques in here? Just picked this up on a buying run and am pretty chuffed to have one. Always loved the look of these old bank lamps and it's a great light to read under.

>> No.2603947

Just FYI they make nice LED replacements for the shit heat lamps they used to use

>> No.2603959

It strangely has a CFL bulb in it currently. Was thinking about getting one of those antique style ones, but I kinda like the output I'm getting.

>> No.2603966

he was talking about his own style, not the OP pics, there's nothing ikea about them

>> No.2603983

i got a picture of my states governor on the wall next to my painting of a cow i bought at meijer above my broken bike and honestly its pretty aesthetic as the kids would say

>> No.2604230
File: 80 KB, 461x700, 168152670078643975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason striped wallpaper isn't common? I find aesthetic as fuck.

>> No.2604258

Because the "design" magazines at the checkout counter don't feature it.

>> No.2604483

Personally, I'm just not a massive fan of patterned wallpapers, textured is fine, I like solid colours, I like walls that are different colours to each other if they're complimentary. That pic isn't ugly in the slightest, but it's also not something I enjoy or would choose.

>> No.2604490

>Doesn't obey 60-30-10 rule

>> No.2604494
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>> No.2604552

that's really comfy and would make me feel like I was living in the future we were supposed to have

>> No.2604758

looks like a set from Wes Anderson movie

>> No.2604829
File: 383 KB, 1500x1999, 168184747295348813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is grannycore a thing? I always like how old grannies decorate their homes

>> No.2604880

Yeah but you should make sure to have some touches of contemporary or else there's gonna be a disconnect. Chances are that you wear modern clothes, buy food that comes in modern packaging and have a smartphone in your pocket so if you do textbook granny like it's a fucking movie set period piece these things are gonna clash hard in a way that is jarring. By all means have some grannycore elements but you must embrace present day reality in your design style too

>> No.2605551

>Picture from the 50s
>living in the future

>> No.2605588

>make sure to have some touches of contemporary
dildo collection

>> No.2605598

>I got a Razor scooter so I could scoot from my bedroom to the kitchen..
I SO want to say this

>> No.2606205
File: 66 KB, 678x452, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wished to own an urban jungle/Modern brutalist mix with a Koi pond in the back yard.

>> No.2606767

Grandma/medieval tavern/french country cottage?? Some kind of mishmash since I can't commit to a hard style. I try to stay away from things that would make it look too "industrial farmhouse" so I have an unhealthy fear of iron. I use a lot of doilies and like to have lots of floral and plant stuff everywhere. Currently preserving a lot of flowers to decorate with. I would love to have more live plants in my house and do the cottage jungle thing but gnats love them in the summer and my cat chews them... I've definitely gotten "grandma's house" comments and people tend to fall asleep easily in my living room. It has dark wood beams, floors and trim so it's somewhat dim. Very cozy in the winter.

>> No.2607311

That sounds really nice, do you have any pictures?

>> No.2607693

how to beat analysis paralysis when it comes to interior design?

>> No.2607694

do something, fuck up, learn, repeat. there is no other way

>> No.2608129

Sounds like my style
Minus cats, they ruin a good home imo

>> No.2608279
File: 1.76 MB, 1128x1183, housedecor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was gay to gain magic interior design powers


>> No.2608470

Those bookcases look absolutely awful.

>> No.2608480

Damn hes cute

>> No.2608588
File: 1.22 MB, 792x1011, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. Maybe wrong thread, but how would I go about recreating that rusty / vintage wood kinda look in my room? I miss the coziness of the late 90s, the comfy carpeted floor in my old room when I was still a kid, and generally all the old stuff we used to have back then; it just felt really warm back then. I used to feel homely with all the antique shit my Grandma used to spread around everywhere, and I really miss those times even if it's just nostalgia hitting me right now. I think that having a room I can feel at home in and which reminds me of my past, where I felt most comfortable, I could become way happier, as it's the place I hang out in most, naturally. Maybe it's just an European thing, but I think a lot of people will immediately know what kind of vibe I'm talking about. So I'd really fucking appreciate it if you people could help me out with pictures for a moodboard or something to get a general idea or concept; or even better, give me tips or advice on how to achieve that look in my room. I'm already scouting for used CRT monitors and turntables, alongside pondering the idea of vising flea markets for decoration, but that's all I have as of now. Not to mention that laying carpet is really expensive, especially when I live in a rented apartment and I don't know how long I'm gonna live there.

>> No.2608659
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>> No.2608664
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>> No.2608986

too childish and consoomer-brained for me; i don't really like the retrowave look anymore, the internet ruined it

>> No.2609936
File: 2.70 MB, 4000x2252, 1649563557375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna post some setups from actual 4chan austists.

>> No.2609937
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>> No.2609938
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>> No.2609939
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other angle

>> No.2609941
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>> No.2609943
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>> No.2609944
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>> No.2609945
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>> No.2609965

Based is what you like, without regard to anyone else's feelings or opinions. See >>2555556.

If you'd prefer to go for "generally appealing to the majority of people" instead of "based", I think you can't go wrong with mid-century modern.

I love the arrogance that was involved in the design of this house. She doesn't give a fuck. It's ugly but I appreciate her conviction.

>> No.2610009

this is crazy because I thought
>"Holy shit this guy is an actual Nazi"
>"There's no way he's a nazi, the throw pillows and curtains are too on the nose, this must be satire"
>"there's no way he spent all of this money unless he is an honest to god nazi"

>> No.2610014

w2c that bashar flag

>> No.2610046
File: 2.20 MB, 3867x3000, IMG_20230504_172049_edit_369333774151455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No room as Gucci as mine

>> No.2610187

Unironic kino

>> No.2610252

Raw exposed wood in a home works to regulate humidity

>> No.2610302

damn i didn't believe you but wtf he totally is
that voice though, warrants some directed physical violence

>> No.2610379
File: 876 KB, 1024x683, 1670259015533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care if I'm a weeb but nothing will be as comfy as this house.


>> No.2610395
File: 241 KB, 1500x693, PSX_20230505_000434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2610633

ur right

>> No.2610688

I just hate the idea of having to cut and place paper on my wall to one day see it needs to be changed or i want a different color and can't just whip out the paint cans.

>> No.2610749

>for me its a dystopian techno future theme

that's because you have the mind of a child

>> No.2610899

popcorn ceiling is disgusting

>> No.2610937

too much dusting

>> No.2610939

the shining
horror movie feels

>> No.2610940
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my office pref

>> No.2611054

I've been checking some videos of that faggot and I'm a bit shocked at the amount of actual handiwork he does. I figured interior design gays would just get contractors to do all the dirty work and then just have fun picking decor but this dude is out here mixing concrete and laying tile himself

>> No.2611527

What is it that makes man children like shit like this to this level? Read a book god damn

>> No.2611651

>living in the future we were supposed to have
you know, like a retrofuturist sort of feeling.

>> No.2611860

That could look really nice if you remove the cheap sink and get a big wide workstation type undermount sink and a nice white/tan granite countertop with streaks of green in it

>> No.2612543

first pic in the thread and its still the comfyest

>> No.2613148
File: 120 KB, 1280x960, 1400958325173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else like pastel colors on shaker cabinets? Because I think it's comfy as fuck.

>> No.2613193

best place in the house to hang dried flowers, lads? in the kitchen for some aesthetic? Windows? over doorways?

>> No.2613266

No, it's jarring

Dried flowers are cringe

>> No.2613292

Wheres the pastel?

>> No.2613348
File: 3.33 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20230428_175737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about putting a wood fireplace and some kind of surround/hearth on the tall wall where the vacuum cleaner is.

>> No.2613350

sure do

>> No.2613477

looks like a big space with little natural light so I would say it's a mistake to block off part the windows with a chimney. what even is the purpose of the room? dining?

>> No.2613478

It's the main dining room, yeah, but I don't have guests over that often or use the table much so it's a whatever room. In any case it's the biggest and most central part of the house, and I don't have a lot of other good spots to put a fireplace. The chimney would only partially obscure one of the windows in any case, I'm not building some giant brick chimney for it, just metal piping.

>> No.2613538

The chimney can probably go out halfway up the back wall anyway (depending on consuction/layout) and not block anything

>> No.2613700

Unless you know for a fact that you're gonna be using it often, having a fireplace for the sake of having a fireplace is a bit silly. I don't know your finances and budget but a fireplace is not only a huge expense, it's a big stressful ordeal putting up with contractors and whatnot. Regardless, fireplace or no fireplace, there's so much more the room needs as furniture and decor but before even thinking about aesthetics you should have a clear idea of what exactly do you want to use the room for. It's a huge space so it's a shame not to take full advantage of it

>> No.2613712

my eyes hurt

>> No.2613748

There's solar panels on that part of the roof though.

>a fireplace is not only a huge expense, it's a big stressful ordeal putting up with contractors and whatnot
anon, where do you think we are?

>> No.2613757
File: 850 KB, 1080x1440, Screenshot_20230511_185637_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt have to go through the roof
Cost is similar to a furnace installed
and it takes half a day

>> No.2613892

Anybody have any inspo for a cringe "gaming" office with dark grey walls and white shelves and desk?

>> No.2613920

You lose out on a lot of BTUs if you route your stovepipe externally though

>> No.2614016

I would say the difference is negligible
The pipe should be insulated no matter which way it goes and it should not be considered a source of heat because why would you want a hot pipe inside your roof or walls?

>> No.2615018
File: 179 KB, 1200x744, spanishstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2615883
File: 35 KB, 480x160, fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2615884
File: 133 KB, 1200x675, 1622001642329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2615891

can you perhaps find a smaller image to post? this is way too big for my monitor.

>> No.2615897
File: 530 KB, 1200x1600, image_819ce148-1898-401a-a69d-b60e827eaf58_600x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives me kind of a circus-tent feel.

>> No.2615899
File: 112 KB, 448x272, Dummied-Presidential-Palace-Background2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2615909
File: 124 KB, 900x675, hexagonal (Housing).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2615925

>I can explain everything

>> No.2616412
File: 1.93 MB, 1400x1900, nautilus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2617126

what is this style with curved organic shapes called?

>> No.2617906


>> No.2617940
File: 16 KB, 250x161, cheers🐸🍷.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not working, guess it stops bumping after the thread gets old enough, cheers lads we had a good run

>> No.2617962

Cheers fren.