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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2547071 No.2547071 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2547089

To be honest, I don't know anything about toilet engineering, but I imagine that the bottom parts and the tank are designed in a complementary way, so that changing the bottom would have a cascade effect.

Also, you're bottlenecked by the size of your drain pipe. It's about the same size as that hole. Bigger drain pipes have other substantial ramifications. If you find that your poop isn't flowing well, it isn't your toilet's design at fault, your poop is either unusual (my wife was shitting HUGE turds after giving birth due to abdominal weirdness) or you have a blockage in your drain pipes.

>> No.2547179
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They did, and still do..."washdown" flush toilets usually have larger holes than the siphon type toilets you posted.
The washdown type uses a large amount of water dumped quickly to move waste and a bigger hole helps, but the tradeoff is that they dont do asxwell as removing stuck on waste and can allow sewer gas to get in, theyre also noisy and often need multiple flushes to get clean.
Siphon type has the benefit of an S shaped trap that helps create a siphoning action when flushed, that actually sucks the waste out. It's quieter and moves the water faster and for a longer time and is optimized to wash off waste that sticks to the bowl. Because of the siphon lock in that trap it also minimizes the chance of sewer gas coming into the space.
Especially with water conservation measures the siphon system has become more favored in many places, but picrel is a washdown toilet you can get now, note the large hole.

>> No.2547212

Our old toilet used to not clog, family got a new one now I clog it once a week.only me for some reason....at this point I just cut a load of twigs shove them in a corner out of the way then whenever it won't flush or clogs I use one to break it up swish the twigh in the water to clean it then chuck it on the compost heap.

It's an annoyance but it works, I just wish they'd bought a loo that flushed properly.

>> No.2547222

how disgusting of a human

>> No.2547226
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No idea why Americans have toilets with such tiny holes to clog with shit

>> No.2547229

Change your diet so you shit like a normal person.

>> No.2547242

How is that disgusting?

>> No.2547262

>only me for some reason
you use too much toilet paper

>> No.2547269

Shot in the street like the rest of the mud people

>> No.2547328

Makes no difference, I eat the same food too.
I'm the tallest by two inches so maybe it's just a size thing? But the old loo didn't block.

>> No.2547353


>> No.2547360
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They just keep making them smaller and smaller

>> No.2547367

One time I lived in a house with Sloan type high pressure toilets. It was fucking awesome. That thing would whoosh away the biggest turds in 3 seconds. I don't know why we can't have nice things anymore.

>> No.2547374

This. I drink a couple pots of coffee daily and my shits haven't been solid for years.

>> No.2547376

My fucking sides!

>> No.2547422

With you. I'm a once every 3-4 days shitter, always clog the toilet, got tired of plunging for 5-10 minutes every time I go. I have a roll of baling wire that I cut about a foot long piece off of, then I bend it up and use that to cut up the poo before I flush, then I wipe and use that paper (with the wire) to clean off the bowl. I've heard that there are people that have actual shit cutting knives made of plastic that they keep next to the toilet just for this.

>> No.2547487

>he bought the (((efficient))) toilet
Oh, your toilets clogged? That'll be 125/hr + 100 dispatch fee :)

>> No.2547849
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I drop huge logs every 48 hours.. sometimes 72 hours. I bet it is like giving birth to a child. I have the contractions then the turd keeps trying to put his head out and I need to cross my legs and run in a very weird way.

I let it there getting soft again, absorving water. Only then I try to flush it.

I used to get it by hand using a plastic bag as a glove but I dont do it anymore. My wife catch me doing it once

>> No.2547852

TFW have one of the european toilets where the shit doesnt fall in water.
Imagine having to deal with ass splash every time you take a shitt

>> No.2547860

Imagine having to scrub the toilet every time you shit

>> No.2548134
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>My wife catch me doing it once
Problem, honey?

>> No.2548142

If modern people had to invent the toilet it would be a giant electric monster.
Genius just the way it is.
Just waiting for them to get banned

>> No.2548161
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I dont imagine that smells very pleasant while taking big dumps/multiple dumps

>> No.2548329

I had a major digestive problem as a child and would routinely go 5-10 days at a time without shitting. My record was 3 weeks. I did not tell my parents as we were not super well off financially and anything medical or dental related got them all spooked.

It didn't get bad until I was about 10 or 11. Bowel movements were incredibly painful. There was no "natural" urge to go so I would just sit there and scrunch up every muscle possible, hoping something would happen. If I wasn't successful, it would continue building up until I either got extreme diarrhea or threw up profusely. I made my own laxatives by mixing mineral oil and senna.

Sometimes I'd drop a loaf so massive that it would simply not fit down the toilet. I hid a tomato stick under the sink in the bathroom to break up turds. Sometimes the turds were too big and compacted, so I would scoop them out and hurl them out the bathroom window. Outside the window was our back patio area. I blamed the dogs for a while and it even prompted a vet visit. They literally took one of our labs to the vet with the stool "sample" and the vet said "there's no way this dog made that."

>> No.2548346

have you tried a poop knife?

>> No.2548455

No, I had surgery a few years ago and it corrected the issue

>> No.2548475

They don't have adequate food in Europe so they only poop every 4th or 5th day

>> No.2548478

When will women manufacturers adopt the same innovation?

>> No.2548626

Of course some Europoor scat fetishist is shilling for the poop shelf. When I was in Hungary those could not handle my big American shits. I had to flush 3 times and it would leave a thick streak on the porcelain every time. You probably like the thought of that you faggot.

>> No.2548756

Waffle stomping was invented just for this scenario.

>> No.2548831

Sad story anon. I am glad you are ok now. I found it humorous. Could you not just bag the poo like a dog and bin it?

>> No.2548837

anyone tried compost loos?

>> No.2548860

I wish they did, I take about 2 shits a week and they're almost massive 5+ pounders

>> No.2548879

>I did not tell my parents as we were not super well off financially and anything medical or dental related got them all spooked.
Same story, but I had the opposite problem
I would have diarrhea shortly after every meal or snack.
I would limit how much food I would eat, and (if possible) when I would eat in relation to what plans my family had. There were many summer days I just didnt eat at all until late at night, because I knew I was being dragged out by my parents for errands. I skipped more school lunches than I ate.

My dad happened to have bought Pepto Bismal chewable tablets one time. I tried them and they worked pretty well. It had to have been 3rd grade and I started taking them almost every single day. I would hide them in the shopping cart at the store and nobody ever questioned it.
I would just take them to school and carry them around everywhere, rationing them to get through the week.
By the time I got my own car at 16, I would just buy bottles and bottles of the liquid to supplement the tablets. If I was going out with friends for the night id take 2-3 shots of Pepto without thinking about it. Was always in my car trunk

Looking back I cringe at the sheer amount of dollar general brand Pepto I took, for such a long period of time.
I didnt even go see a GI till I was 19. Just thinking about pepto now makes me gag.

>> No.2548884

Also I should mention for anyone who doesnt happen to know. One of Pepto Bismals ingredients is pretty much just Aspirin and thins the blood.
Long term use can cause lesions and bleeding and pretty much made my GI problems way worse.

It specifically says on the bottle dont take with Aspirin or other NSAIDS

>> No.2549298

are you just dropping cosmically massive logs in there or something? maybe flush midway through before you're done to prevent a clog

>> No.2549301

this is why >>2547179

>> No.2549302

and bigger and bigger. soon the medium toilet will be a thing of the past.

>> No.2549303

what kind of surgery fixes your shitting problems

>> No.2550092
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Just for farts , that thing can’t suck em down

>> No.2550139

>the tradeoff is that they dont do asxwell as removing stuck on waste.
Not quite true. They are easier to get waste stuck on but better at cleaning it. The area of water in the bowl is smaller as most water is held in the tank to use as a flush. This means you have to aim a bit better than with the massive lake in siphon toilets. If you miss you will hit dry porcelain and leave a streak of shit. If you take 2s to sit in the middle of the toilet you'll be fine.

At the same time if you have greasy shits that will leave a streak even under water then a wash down toilet does a cleaner job than a siphon. The water flow from the washdown is better at dislodging shit than the suck of the siphon.

>and can allow sewer gas to get in
Maybe that's a fault from the 1800s. It just doesn't happen.

>> No.2550896
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>Missed the target

>> No.2551888

mine is like the other euro anon, has a big hole and is a siphon.

>> No.2551911

shit design
I'm so tried of having to drop paper down all the fucking time to catch my shit I stead of tsunami splashing my ass.