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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.72 MB, 3024x3024, 20221214_091451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2521515 No.2521515 [Reply] [Original]

Last Christmas, my girlfriend gave me a scarf she knit herself. She spent 2 months making it with no prior knitting experience.

This Christmas, I've made her a ring from scratch. Made the molds out of clay and melted down the silver and gold with a torch on my dining room table in my apartment. Spent hours polishing and fitting the parts by hand. Picrel. Never done this before.

Are you making any Christmas presents yourself this year?

>> No.2521553

And it wasn't good enough because it didn't cost $10k at the store.
I'm sorry she left you :(

/Bad joke
Congrats or something.

>> No.2521580
File: 60 KB, 676x676, 61d8d38cc3ccdd0c95945ca9bd8f7900-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job. I'm sure she'll love it.
You two are MADE for each other.

>> No.2521600 [DELETED] 

did you really feel the need to brag about your gf on 4chan? fuck off nigger

>> No.2521646

Talking about doesn't equate bragging

>> No.2521651

That's so sweet anon, I'm really happy for you guys.
Nothing homemade this year, tho I've been thinking about making a rose out of copper or something like that. I made on forever ago, think I might give it a try again.

>> No.2521669

Are you just giving her a ring or are you proposing?

>> No.2521671

I'm just giving her a ring. If I'm proposing, I'm digging the gold for that ring out of the fucking earth myself.

>> No.2521672

Hahaha please record it you dumb fuck

>> No.2521673

Always interesting to see what kinds of words, symbols and ideas make up the "love language" between romantic partners...
In this case a malformed and blemished potato evidently has great meaning.

>> No.2521674

Are you autistic?

>> No.2521700

>asking if someone on 4chan is an autist

>> No.2521701

There are degrees of autism

>> No.2521703
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>> No.2521712

But why a cock ring?

>> No.2521789
File: 253 KB, 1692x1417, IMG_20221214_134959578~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been making simple earrings

>> No.2521799

Those are beautiful

>> No.2521816

Women are ungrateful creatures don't even bother. Nice ring though good job.

>> No.2521819

I used to make my gf handmade gifts.
She'll leave you anyway

Truly evil creatures

>> No.2521847

Very cool! Also no, nobody deserves that much work, so I order everything off Amazon heheh

It's rustic, retard.

>> No.2521862
File: 350 KB, 597x596, Screenshot_2022-12-14_16-12-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's rustic, retard.
my first post in this thread is to agree with the sentiment that most women in my experience would be ashamed of that ring whether it was made by their partner or by a skilled world-famous craftsman.

>> No.2521864

I remember the day my ex of 2 years left me for another guy. I made her breakfast, massaged her shoulders, got the fire going, favorite show was on...
Then after I left her place she had another guy come over to fuck without me knowing. Later in the day she said she felt guilty and decided to admit she cheated and that she is sorry. Still stayed with the guy anyways and that was that.

>> No.2521868

Women wear ugly shit just because it's famous all the time. LV bags that are basically just an advertisement for LV, iFones with that garish Apple logo, horrid shoes, etc etc

>> No.2521869


OP you inspire me but I don't have the balls to fuck with molten metal

>> No.2521897

LMAO, "rustic" would have been something made from basic metal stock using traditional cutting/forging/welding techiques, not spending crazy amounts of time to cast something that looks worse and gains none of the aesthetic benefits of that process because you dont even know what skills you lack or where to begin
Its the equivalent of taking a week to spray paint a wall when it would have taken three hours with a brush and looked better, and then when someone points out the overspray and terrible masking of lines, your excuse is that "it's rustic".

Regardless of how you made it there's no excuse for the potato shaped heart; I was joking originally but the fact is that nearly all amature jewelry fails are the result of laziness and low standards- theres no reason why it couldn't be more refined/ finished and no, doing so would not detract from its rustic charm.
When you try that BS all you are doing is insulting the history of real jewelers and metalsmiths who would be embarrassed to be associated with your potato heart and did better in less time with even more rudimentary tools even on their first attempt in the 9th century.
This is also why so many ancient art/ craft disciplines like jewelry and tatooing are so difficult to break into and apprentice in; almost no one is willing to admit that they suck and no, they really aren't that good even for a beginner, and so are incapable of being realistic about what it takes to just become average.

>> No.2521901

I ask again, do you have autism?

>> No.2521930

> I ask again
Funny, repetitive speech and behaviors are textbook signs of autism, along with impaired cognitive or learning skills and inappropriate emotional reactions during social interaction...
Yet you obsess about others.

>> No.2521935
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breh a >rustic would've been enough

>> No.2521936

He's young I guess and doesn't know what he's doing

>> No.2521945
File: 145 KB, 1024x679, 1619789714578m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let these cynical spics steer you OP. If she's buttmad about a hand crafted ring you don't need a materialistic slut who doesn't value sentiment anyway

>> No.2522029

Unless he’s dating a retired sentimental grandma, she doesn’t want a shitty ring that looks like it came out of cereal box

>> No.2522030

Gonna give her a macaroni art necklace along with it?
Before or after the midday nap?

>> No.2522053


and this faggot is jealous cause hes still a 40 year old virgin. shutup bitch

>> No.2522071

Might as well brag about her now, because she's gonna dip the second he sees that piece of shit ring

>> No.2522073

It's a lovely ring anon and the scarf is also a nice gift. I should knit something for my bf.

>> No.2522074

Last year I made a blueprint in revit (basically cad but 3d) of the home my wifes family all grew up in with elevations and printed it like it was the original document to the city

Put the project number as the date her grandparents got married

Honestly dunno why I made it but the whole family loved it I had to make multiple copies

>> No.2522075

Tell you what I made for the wife
I made her pack her shit and move the fuck out

>> No.2522089

>digging the gold for that ring out of the fucking earth myself
Probably have more success panning for it.
The both of you should pan for some.
Buy the rest of the gold and smelt in what you two pulled from the waters.
Those would be special wedding bands.

>> No.2522091

Carved wood punch?

>> No.2522092

Okay Sauron

>> No.2522096

I made my wife do hot laps around my cinnamon ring with her tongue

>> No.2522099

I liked the joke

>> No.2522102

I made everyone homebrew for christmas, money is super tight right now and it seemed like a cheapish and low effort way to make a lot of something. Plus everyone likes beer.

>> No.2522103

How long did she hold out pussy for that gift
That would be a noble gift to a homeless girl in 1741

>> No.2522105

I don’t buy Christmas gifts for anyone
I despise the phony, materialistic nature of the whole shit show. Just another holiday for men to spend money

>> No.2522107

Men need a holiday like beer and blowjob day
The whole family comes by and gets me beers as they suck my dick

>> No.2522109


>> No.2522110

I can see at work now showing off her homemade ring to her girlfriends

>> No.2522112

Oh that’s cheepish you achieved that goal easily

>> No.2522132

And that's why your wife is a fat whore and your children are retarded

>> No.2522159

Wow, you sure are a miserable cunt. Shouldn't you be on /r9k/ instead? There are plenty of women who would recognize the effort and obvious love that goes into a project like this. It's like when my son made me a bench to sit on to put on my boots. Is it beautifully crafted? No, not really, but every time I use it I think of him and how he wanted to make this for me and my heart swells a little. Try thinking like a human instead of a merciless deathbot, you'll understand it better that way

>> No.2522165

Yes, everything she'll look at it 'we've been dating fir a year and a half and he still doesn't want to marry me.'

>> No.2522168

>There are plenty of women who would recognize the effort and obvious love that goes into a project like this.
I never said anything about love or whether anyone should or would appreciate the OPs effort.
All I did was comment on the quality/effort of the work without treating sentimental value as equal to or more important than craftsmanship value.
On that metric it's pretty sad; if it was made in shop class and graded the same factors would count against it, and saying "it's rustic" wouldn't work there either.
But since you brought it up, while it's true that girlfriends and moms will accept and praise even the laziest attempts at home made gifts based on the thought being the important thing and loving the gift giver, to rely on that so you can pass off something that's barely more than a thought and you really aren't capable of accomplishing is pretty lame.
It's one thing to take lessons so you can make something nice after learning what you are doing, but flailing about and then handing over some lame first attempt that no one would choose to own otherwise only works when you're like six years old.

>> No.2522173

Who hurt you?

>> No.2522186
File: 103 KB, 944x944, 4nup35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not the one virtue signaling/ scolding and white knighting poorly made gifts in a desperate attempt to boost my low self esteem, sweaty.
The world really won't fall apart if you just let other people express opinions without appointing yourself the forum mommy.

>> No.2522193
File: 662 KB, 872x651, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very nice! I cast two pewter stirring spoons for Christmas present. First time designing a mold so didn't have the riser at the right place, you can see the solid contraction cracking the surface of the spoon for the left one.

>> No.2522194

lol, you really do have the gift for projecting, don’t you?

>> No.2522196

>made it myself!
>fingers of man who has never worked a day in his life
>plebbit spacing
A thread died for this garbage.

>> No.2522198

>plebbit retard
/thread 2.0

>> No.2522199
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>> No.2522216

Incredible amounts of malding ITT

>> No.2522234

If I were OP, I would mald too.
Nobody likes to hear the stark truth

>> No.2522236
File: 46 KB, 700x438, Beverage_pull_tab-featured-700x438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey honey, I found an old beer tab while rummaging around this box of junk

>> No.2522241

>62 posts
>33 posters
man that one autist is really triggered lmao

>> No.2522247
File: 1.59 MB, 3024x2268, 20221215_112929_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not one to ignore legit critique. Back on the stone it goes.

>> No.2522250
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Oh god, it wasnt bait but actually real

>> No.2522251
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Listen, anon. While it might look like a malformed potato, I'm gonna get a fuckton of good sex as a result. Meanwhile, you're seething on a Mongolian underwater basketweaving forum.

>> No.2522254

I tried doing that last year, but only my dad came.

>> No.2522255

Yeah well I’ve always got a fuckton of good sex from many women
Best part is they buy me clothes and jewelry, cologne etc…I have never understood why anyone would settle for the same o shit day in day out.

>> No.2522256

cool story bro

>> No.2522257


>> No.2522261


>> No.2522262

Mommy and your aunties sure are nice ladies.

>> No.2522266
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1657789081725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you described is the life of a manslut.

>> No.2522267

Which paw will the ring go on?

>> No.2522270

Just because you fuck dogs doesn't mean everyone does, anon. Stop projecting.

>> No.2522272

Thats quite an interesting looking dog. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I supposed. Or at least, lets hope so for your sake.

>> No.2522274
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I don't even know what you're saying anymore.

>> No.2522282


>> No.2522339
File: 804 KB, 2268x2268, 20221215_141353_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While anon is a sourly virgin, he's also right; the heart was blemished. So I spent a couple more hours polishing it. Now I just need to get my hands on a Dremel to give it a mirror polish.

>> No.2522349

You can obtain mirror finish with a rag or a buffing wheel. Dremel will leave streaks if you aren't meticulous about swapping overloaded compound bit tits.

>> No.2522350

I'll attach a buffing wheel to the Dremel.

>> No.2522446
File: 331 KB, 1765x2051, IMG_20221215_133717624~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit of silversmiths polish on a rag is usually good enough

>> No.2522453

What kind of Silver? Argentum Silver is great as far as durability/tarnish resistance.

>> No.2522454

Like that hammered metal anon.

>> No.2522463

Sterling. 925

>> No.2522515

Very cool anon, I like it. Hopefully the recipient is grateful for the authentic uniqueness of the ring as opposed to precision/factory made(or however they're created)

>> No.2522592


diamonds can be wrapped in paper, and gold can wrap trash.

>> No.2522658

Last Christmas
She gave me a scarf
The very next day
I wore it all day
This year
To save her from tears
I'm making her something special

>> No.2522734

This would make great variation on the "Gift Of The Magi" where the two poor but devoted lovers wear each other's crudely made but thoughtful gifts but then the protruding point of her heart ring gets caught in the uneven weave of his scarf and their attempts to get untangled do the opposite and he ends up nearly asphyxiated and can't be near metalwork anymore, and the circulation to her hand is similarly cut off and while she doesnt lose the hand, she can't hold knitting needles anymore.
After that they realize that a gift card to Target or Chili's may be the most thoughtful gift of all.

>> No.2522739

I always break up with a bitch before holidays so I don’t have to waste my money

>> No.2522863

I hate women and minorities

>> No.2522869

This looks better. With proper polishing, perhaps even good. Praise to OP and Surly Anon for existing in reality, amongst a larger group of people promoting fantasy.

>> No.2522882


Take your meds or become a cartoonist

>> No.2522888
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I made this stuff for my gf last year
She never wore it lol

>> No.2522903

It looks like you glued some fake plastic gems to a sheet of steel so I can see why

>> No.2522904

I like it anon. its very sweet of you

>> No.2523009

samefagging HARD rn

>> No.2523013

try kinetic sand, you dont even need a mold at that point

>> No.2523021

Back in 1860s a real woman would cherish something like a home made ring.
Now days unless it’s worth more money than all her girlfriends rings she’s going to be disappointed

>> No.2523132
File: 997 KB, 2250x3468, 20221205_204022_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah its 925 silver i made completely from scratch. The gems are natural sapphires, the soldered areas are tarnished because its been a long time.

Heres a cuban bracelet I made completely from scratch, I learned from just watching youtube videos.
All this shit started from pure silver which I alloyed and melted, rolled in a rolling mill, turned into wire. I even made solder by combining zinc, silver, and copper.

I want to see if any of you have made something complicated like a chain or clasp

>> No.2523135

Use Argentum silver next time for better tarnish resistance.

>> No.2523140

Well 99% of silver jewelry is 925
I dont want to make some weird alloy desu

>> No.2523364


holy fuck lol the undeserved hate is wild

I think you've done great OP!! Hope she likes it :)

>> No.2523374

My girlfriend made me a scarf last Christmas before we were together. We don't have any plans to make eachother Christmas gifts but I should probably figure something out.

>> No.2523375

The thread is just getting OP primed for the hate his girlfriend is going to give him.

>> No.2523574

I didn't make her anything but I did get her socks which look like a goose

>> No.2523587

That's nice of you anon. I'm going to be rebuilding my mothers trucks halogen projectors into LED projectors. The TLDR is take off the headlights, pull them apart, cut out the old projectors, slot the new ones in, aim them, seal the headlights again, reinstall them in the truck. Doing the same thing some company charges 1k for.

>> No.2523592

good job anon. hope she likes it.

>> No.2523671
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 7A009D02-DC09-4246-80FD-09B14C1A918D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m making a cross for my friend out of some ebony I have. First attempt was more of a prototype, I think I can get the lap joints much tighter on my second try. Also the bottom bar is not centred, I need to be more patient laying out my cuts.

>> No.2523823
File: 2.62 MB, 576x1024, 1668441917593380.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks better. Funny enough the anon giving him shit ended up making this guy do a better job. You ought to honestly thank the guy who gave you the truth about your gay ring

>> No.2523842

You are aware what giving ring means in a relationship right?

>> No.2523856

No offence but it looks incredibly cheap

>> No.2523890

Very nice my bro

>> No.2523904
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 3cef0f2632b6badc4b0e5c4ddb7a26654e0b6e59_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a batch of nocino with some friends and I'm hand painting a bottle label for it for them.
I'm also making the guy a present, a miniature sign of a similar one I created for a famous streetware brand. It's a weird knockoff, not knockoff since I'm the official fabricator for the brand now, I hope he likes it.

I'm making my brother in law a knife sheath for his knife that he got during his doctoral graduation.
I'm tapped out on time to make stuff, so that's what I've got cooking.

A long time ago, ten or so years, I made my ex a ring from a silver half dollar for christmas. Took so many days of tapping to get it to a descent shape. A few years ago now I suspected her of cheating, and I literally threw the ring out of the house into the street, never to be seen again. We broke up since then, she never knew where the ring went.

>> No.2523912

She'll say she loves it just to be polite, but she'll dread it every time she feels obligated to wear it, then she'll release all her frustration on Chad's penis while you're at work.

It's going to need to be fancier than that, anon. You need to get her birthstone or some shite, cut it heart shape and polish then mount it in a little sauron claw on the ring so it looks nice and shiny and stuff. Find out how to surround it with little diamonds, crystals, or something equally bling blingy.

Just sayin dude.

>> No.2523926

none taken, the joinery is really rough and I haven't done anything to the edges. I'm going to try again with better techniques to try for a much tighter and cleaner fit

>> No.2523929

A polished turd is still a turd, OP. At least give it a little engraved pattern or something, maybe her initial. This is going in the back of a drawer, never to be seen again.

>> No.2523937

>Funny enough the anon giving him shit ended up making this guy do a better job. You ought to honestly thank the guy who gave you the truth about your gay ring

LOL, that was me and it's thanks enough to see that he took the critique in the spirit in which it was intended and reconsidered where it was at in the process and is happy to have done so.
Just for the record, there's nothing wrong with just making things functional or not perfecting diy skills when problem solving is the goal, but the whole point and function of jewelry is to be aesthetically pleasing to as high a degree as possible, literally something the owner will treasure.
"Good enough" really doesn't apply the way it does with a garage shelf or other utilitarian objects. It's OK to not be a master on your first try; the point is you may still suck on try 35 and the solution in general and for any individual piece is to suck it up and do the work that's missing.
The good news is that that's almost always finishing work so with minimal planning and common sense something that's not that great can be greatly improved, it's just really boring and tedious work which is why people blow it off.
I'm proud of the OP for rising to the challenge and he should take pride in it too, regardless of how it's received as a gift.

>> No.2524035

>but the whole point and function of jewelry is to be aesthetically pleasing to as high a degree as possible, literally something the owner will treasure.
Never thought of jewerly like that then again i dont wear it.
I feel the same with "gifts". Just dont get me anything at all if its just some cheap chink shit. Means nothing to anyone and it will go in the trash at some point. Now i just tell everyone to give me candles so i can use them and not feel guilty.
Lol i like the idea that op begrudingly fixed his shit because a bunch of anons roasted him. Means he a lad and can take his licks at least

>> No.2524084

I refuse to buy or give gifts to adults. They can buy their own shit. However I give lots of gifts to my nephew.

>> No.2524424

I'd wear that cat one anon

>> No.2524466

Good job, anon. Don't let the broken dickheads get you down, they're all unwittingly talking about themselves to themselves.

>> No.2524473
File: 91 KB, 793x633, ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ring I made for my ex. She wore it every day and loved it. Glad it's gone to the ether. Maybe someone found it and is having better luck with it.

>> No.2524616

If you read the thread he ended up fixing it because of people being honest.
4chan is a shithole but sre honrdt whether their opinion sucks or not.

>> No.2524643
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x1908, 20221211_212526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 3d printed my kids some minecraft torches. I bought some AA powered LED lights at the dollar store and soldered them to the gpio of an esp-01 chip so I can voice command them for nightlights in their rooms.

>> No.2524644

I mined the gold that I used for my wife's wedding band from a gold claim I owned at the time on the north fork of the Yuba river outside of Downieville. Interestingly enough, mining for gold only takes hard work. Something bugchasing powerbottom faggots like you will never understand the concept of.

>> No.2524653

tits or GTFO hole

>> No.2525041

based dad anon

>> No.2525531

Love you Anon.

>> No.2525539

Don't do it. Just say you forgot. Women hate love and kindness, they perceive it as weakness. Start an argument instead, that way you stay alpha and she can bitch too her friends for a whole year. Your crappy ring will sicken her and cause resentment. Give her a slap as well.
Be Boss.

>> No.2525601
File: 1.16 MB, 2268x3024, 20221220_105458_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is about as close to a perfect mirror polish as I'm gonna get.

>> No.2525634

looks better op, good work

>> No.2525647

based, can I be ur gf?

>> No.2525691 [DELETED] 

A lot better anon, I would be proud to be your gf and peg you

>> No.2525869

Some pyrography stuff, but I'm shit at it since I haven't done it in forever. I don't really like gifts that you don't make yourself. It's consumerism vs. soul.

>> No.2525875

Well aren't you a sweet heart, very well done op 5/5

>> No.2525916
File: 216 KB, 838x1577, IMG_20221220_161058982~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a pendant out of a silver spoon, the heart was ade using both chasing and repousse

>> No.2525938

I have access to a laser cutting/engraving machine at work so I'm doing my girl a custom chessboard out of mdf or some other shitty wood like surface. Hope I'll get to make better shits soon but didnr have the time to get proper wood boards cut this week

>> No.2525943

I'm sorry for you mang

>> No.2525992
File: 79 KB, 1056x701, dsc_0284_2_7-490415637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a wooden chess board the classic solution is to glue 4 walnut boards together with 4 maple boards in an alternating pattern, then sawing it into 8 strips the same width as the original boards, flip every other strip and glue them back together and onto a plywood base, then set the whole thing in a frame.

>> No.2525999

im sure tyrone will love it while he fuckin her

>> No.2526028

Looks much better. Make me remember when I did that shit for a girl. Only now do I know it was a waste of time.

>> No.2526051

two separate niggas saying the same damn thing

>> No.2526057
File: 140 KB, 450x399, 1552094824888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice sirs!

>> No.2526065

That's what pussy gone wrong does to a nigga.

>> No.2528335

I'm quite sure anon was implying the cat you posted was your GF, which explains the follow-up posts as well.

>> No.2528344

Don't know if you're a sperg, but beware she might make that assumption and get really disappointed.

>> No.2528374


>> No.2528829
File: 1.32 MB, 2268x3024, 20221224_202433_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was very happy with it.

>> No.2528832

Good job Anon, looks great on her, that final polish you made really did its job.

>> No.2528840

>/diy/ - Work A Manual Labor Job Until You're Two Feet Into An Early Grave

>> No.2528936

should have blurred that ring, you can see her face, especially the golden polished part

>> No.2529640

Good job Sauron

I know what you are doing

>> No.2529726

anon, thats a man

>> No.2530309

You could make a killing selling these at craft shows (whatever the word for it is)

>> No.2532108

if you're going to solder or melt metals remember to do so in a properly ventilated room

>> No.2532109

have you seen what modernist smiths put out these days? half the collection at any given jeweler looks like shit

>> No.2532145
File: 1006 KB, 2160x3840, 20221230_024758-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make jewelry too, stick with it and in 3-4 years you can make stuff like this

>> No.2532146

Here's a video on how to make the bottom right one

>> No.2532155
File: 1.28 MB, 4160x3120, ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make jewelry too, I've mostly been practicing in brass though.

>> No.2532158 [DELETED] 

I guess I see where you’re coming from but if my ex, who I love still, would have made that ring for me I would love it so much.

>> No.2532159


>> No.2533275
File: 1.77 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20221231_222229425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying my hand at wax carving and casting