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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 529 KB, 1644x1044, 1_Syrah_Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
251183 No.251183 [Reply] [Original]

Any aquascaper around here?

>> No.251190

that is awesome, never even heard of it

>> No.251208


I mainly set up my own terrariums. I know some interesting tricks though if you want to make a land/water aquarium.
I recently set up an exo-terra small/tall terrarium for my water dragons. I can post pics if you're interested. They might be off topic so let me know.

>> No.251227

Not an aquascaper, but definitely interested. Any more pictures or tutorials you have written up?

>> No.251229

wow, that shit looks awesome, i might just give that a try when i can...

>> No.251231


I don't even like fish that much, but that's pretty cool. However... I was considering getting an eel a while back, then making some sort of dragon lair looking thing for it to live in.

Any other content you're willing to post?

>> No.251232


I've always loved that pic, but how does it filter or I wonder if they stopped/removed the filter for the photo?

>> No.251233

does a modded aquarium like this damage the fishes' (how the fuck do I write the plural fish possessive?) lifespan? As in, do you use aquarium glue and aquarium-safe stuff?

>> No.251235
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x2560, 2012-07-01 23.59.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my water dragon terrarium. I plan on replacing the fake plants with real ones soon. Right now I only have one.
The background was included in my exo-terra terrarium. I was lucky enough to find the limited edition Sri Lanka tank on sale at petsmart for $80 the weekend before the 4th. (they sell for $200)

My next pic will show what I used to raise the earth level. This method works for vivariums or land/water aquariums.

>> No.251240
File: 243 KB, 700x381, 8974541634231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.251238

>I recently set up an exo-terra small/tall terrarium for my water dragons. I can post pics if you're interested.
Sweet. Please do.

>I don't even like fish that much
Neither do I. Most of these tanks have neon tetra, cherry shrimp etc to maintain tank cycle.

I'm planning to make glossostigma carpet, pic related

>> No.251241
File: 334 KB, 1600x533, 123379354887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.251243
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x2560, 2012-07-01 23.09.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the terrarium before the coconut husk bedding, Jungle vines, and fake plants.
I made the black platforms out of plastic storage crates, zip ties, and landscape liner. I pretty much used a saw to cut the plastic storage crates into small pieces while making sure to leave solid pieces of plastic at the joints so I can use a staple gun later. I connected all the pieces with zip ties and where I couldn't fit a zip tie, I made a hole with a drill to accommodate one. After the shape was made I cut a piece of landscape liner and wrapped the shape like a present. Then I used a staple gun to make sure that the liner wouldn't fall off.
Using that method you have a platform with drainage and a siphon tube can be added into the tank for water removal if you go nuts with the watering...

Gotta head out real quick.. brb to post more info on that

>> No.251245

>(how the fuck do I write the plural fish possessive?)

Either, fish' or fishes', but fish' is pretty rare to see.

>> No.251246
File: 2.56 MB, 3427x914, 26829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.251247

Damn sweet.

>> No.251255

silicone sealant (doesn't have to be aquarium-safe stuff, unless you have money to waste) and braces.

>> No.251262

The technical term is "feesh's"

>> No.251333

What are those little plants that form the carpet on the bottom of the tank?

>> No.251335

This looks awesome, but I'm having trouble finding good tutorials. Where do you buy plants? For starters.

>> No.251337 [DELETED] 

Just moss, I think.

>> No.251353

is that an actual tree or is it moss tied to some bark?

>> No.251366

What is the name of the little plant you have growing at the bottom of the tank for ground covering? The whole concept looks zen as fuck and I want to try it out.

>> No.251378

dwarf baby tears

>> No.251432
File: 208 KB, 1240x850, 134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New hobby acquired

>> No.251451

I think I'm going to be addicted to this for a while.

>> No.251474
File: 86 KB, 800x593, flame-moss-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glossostigma or as someone already said, Dwarf Baby Tears. Depending on your tank, you might need CO2 cylinder, fertilizers, and good light source.

It's javamoss tied to a driftwood. You could also try Flame or Spikey moss. Driftwoods are holy-fuck expensive, I think you could get your own. Gotta research on what kind of tree barks you can use (that won't decay underwater).

>pic related, flame moss, flame moss everywhere.

>> No.251489

Happy to post a couple of my aquascapes tomorow when I get home. Have one which is just a fully submerged overgrown jungle setup and then one with an emerged section of a selection of the underwater plants growing out of the water. Really cool how some of the underwater plants will die off, then spout totally different leaves and even flowers once they live out of the water.
As for places to acquire the plants, either from wild rivers and creeks or from pet shops and aquariums.

>> No.251494

Is it still necessary to change the water and clean the tank?

>> No.251496

>Is it still necessary to change the water

>> No.251501

just an advice: any kind of moss requires heavy maintenance, like trimming them. Get your scissors and tweesers ready.

>> No.251508

Shit, that looks like a Tomb Raider level.

Love it.

>> No.251510

this thread reeks of samefagging and virality, but I would love something like this for my shelve.
pic related. how do i get started? acquiring the glass thing, then the other small parts(stones, moss, trees >>251241 (wtf are these) )

>> No.251514
File: 1.43 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_1430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

also i got into those lightbulb terrariums earlier this month, but never tried because i think the payoff is pretty low

>> No.251518

>trees >>251241 (wtf are these) )
Those are all just driftwoods. Either buy them or get them yourself from the shores. Cure them (clean, soak in salt water, boil, bake/sun dry). Done.

Plants used in that pic are the following:
Eleocharis acicularis
Fantinalis antipyretica
Glossostigma elatinoides
Hemiantus caritrichoides ”Cuba”
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Hydrocotile leucocephala
Micranthemum umbrosum
Microsorium pteropus
Myriophillum elatinoides
Myriophillum matogrossense(Green)
Myriophillum pinnatum
Rotala nanjean
Rotala rotundifolia(Green)

source: http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/gallery/2581

You get the aquatic plants from *drumsroll* aquarium shops OR, better, from fellow aquarists. Find them your local areas (there are plenty of online forums for this purpose), some kind souls will even give you some plants for free.

>> No.251557

I had a nice in wall 7 gallon long shrimp/planted and a 55 aga planted with tons o shrimp and tetras. Love planted tanks i'm trying to start another one but my new place is too small and we have my daughter now (2 yr old)

>> No.251830


>> No.251895

Seriously, this is off topic I know. Today I was thinking, I want to start a Paludarium, I wonder if DIY has anything like it. Then Bam... not but two pages in. This is why I love the /diy/ hards.

>> No.252059


stumbled upon an interview of the man who made this tank