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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 489 KB, 1600x1200, stihl_324d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2498029 No.2498029 [Reply] [Original]

what tool scares you

>> No.2498033

Why does it scare you anon?

>> No.2498061

How's that scary, you can't even hurt yourself with it... wood cutting is way more dangerous

>> No.2498062
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>> No.2498067

Don't walk under it.

>> No.2498070

Been there had a wrench fall on my head.

>> No.2498072
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>> No.2498074
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had one eat my thumb

>> No.2498075
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>> No.2498078

Angle Grinder
Especially with a Wire wheel

>> No.2498135
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Oh God fuck these things.

Pic related. Fuck taggers as well. That and hole hogs.

All these fuckers are basically like, "Nice appendage you have there, be a shame if something happened to it..."

>> No.2498143
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Machine not a tool, but anyone who has the misfortune to run a harperizer knows how good they are at throwing out the 8” aluminum lids and securing bars when they snap from fatigue. My old work eventually built a concrete wall around them once after throwing a 2.5lb frisbee across the shop at warp speed

>> No.2498153
File: 227 KB, 1300x743, 27602808-AE25-48B5-8ACF-F1C64BF57C27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing scares the shit right out my ass.

>> No.2498157
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Watched this thing turn a guy's palm into gabagool

>> No.2498159

I run a big ass hydraulic press at work. What does 60 million psi even mean??
The sound the seals make, when they go from neutral state to under pressure, it's spooky.

>> No.2498285
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just reading that made wince

>> No.2498294

The HR guy.

>> No.2498300

Chainsaw trencher.

>> No.2498314
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On that note, anyone who has ever had to operate one of these big assed lab centrifuges knows how scary they are. They spin up to 10's of thousands of RPM, and everything you put in them has to be balanced to not only a fraction of a gram but also in composition. They're armored inside to catch the rotor if it breaks free, but in that case you have a heavy fuck washing machine that can launch itself through a block wall or two.

>> No.2498320

rape to assert dominance

>> No.2498321

i cant connect 12v terminals without wincing

>> No.2498348
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>> No.2498374
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"The Widowmaker"
The only DIY tool that legitimately frightens me.

>> No.2498382

>60 million psi
how is that possible?

>> No.2498524

All of them

>> No.2498537


>> No.2498572
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>> No.2498579

quite the dangerous animal for DIY projects anon...
I wish you luck in taming & domesticating your horse so it doesn't buck you in the face

>> No.2498582
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>> No.2498587

>skins his ass raw

>> No.2498616

Fuck these things. I've had one let go and if it wasn't for the chains I had wrapped around and through the spring I might have had to shitpost from the sky.

>> No.2498701
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Why yes, I am a gay retard, how could you tell?

>> No.2498895
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I don't so much have a problem with the machine, but the complete chimps they get out there to run them.
Like after a enough time in telco project management and fault fixing, you just need to call when you see the signs saying 'Call the fucking number faggot before you dig' but apparently literacy isn't a great priority either. So they just go out there trenching the fuck out of power lines, sewer systems, gas pipes, water mains and fibre optics like 'oh that bit was a bit meaty'
I hate them, so fucking much

Because angle grinder attachments haven't killed enough people
>chainsaw attachments
>sign up for your Niggawhipper 9000 today

>> No.2499007
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giddyap horsey

>> No.2499013

what a madlad

>> No.2499022

I watched my 50 year old dad ride one of these from the top to the deck at easily a million miles per hour after the bottom kicked out. I had just pressure washed the deck and neither of us thought about it, I 100% thought he died. Now if he has to stand on the top 3rd of any ladder he insists I foot it for him. 'Ate ladduhs.

>> No.2499026
File: 416 KB, 1069x726, Screenshot_20221108-083516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These wood carving gouges for chainsaws are terrifying. Seeing what it does to the wood and imagining that happening to you flesh, yikes

>> No.2499041

saw a guy cut right through his thigh misusing one of these, been scared to touch one ever since

>> No.2499069
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Did you eat it?

>> No.2499113

That shit is no fucking joke. My best friend rode one to the concrete and managed to get the top of his foot under the rung right before contact. Shattered nearly every bone he could’ve. Was out for six months and lost 15% mobility, all because he didn’t take ten seconds to anchor the bottom. Hope your old man made it out unscathed.

>> No.2499124

More of a machine than a tool, but lawnmowers used to scare me quite a bit
Until I finally used one
Otherwise, might be the soldering stuff I have, despite never having permanently burnt anything of mine, because hot metal go brrrrrr

>> No.2499132

>might be the soldering stuff I have
Last week I was soldering some stranded wire and accidentally touched the hot part of the iron with my finger.
Of course it was just a momentary touch before I immediately recoiled.
I was surprised to see: no burn, no blister, no damage to my finger at all.
So I'm a little less fearful of the soldering iron now ... since I know I'm not going to lose a finger or burst into flame.

>> No.2499143

These things are great for setting your pants legs
on fire.

>> No.2499152

The boss's son.

>> No.2499246

Stump grinder, but I still use it

It scares me because I've broken a tooth off it at MACH fucking 40 and have no doubt it would've killed the shit out of a person if it hit them

>> No.2499261
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About the only upside is they probably wouldn't bind up, but a better than average chance of it bouncing off the surface sending a hunk of high speed steel flying off into the sunset or someone's skull at Mach 10
Dunno why people seem to want to swing chainsaws around for some kind of recreational/art activity. Whenever I fire one up for getting wood for the fireplace it just means struggle, a lot of work, fuckhueg spiders, half a venomous snek sometimes and days of labour breaking it up, stacking it and providing a home for a new generation of spiders, snakes closer to where I live.

These aren't poisonous, but they still scare the shit out of me when you get one leap out of a hollow log and it figures you're now its new home. While you are holding onto a chainsaw

>> No.2499313

Ropes, not Black btw.
>If you know, you know.

>> No.2499322

I bet it's because he saw the picture of the Mexican feller with half of a cheap cutoff wheel embedded in his face. If they break while in use, look the fuck out

>> No.2499355

okay maybe it happened, but 60 million? not in that timeframe.

>> No.2499356

using his leg as a sawhorse or what? how bad was the cut? enough to hit the femoral?

>> No.2499466

I read somewhere once that at the time, there weren't that many psi's on earth. 6 gorillion psi seems impossible to achieve.

>> No.2499859

not just that, but with a wooden press? come on.

>> No.2499866


>> No.2499893

>working at a millwright service
>lifting fuckhuge trashbalers and whatnot
>most of the forklifts are giant and old as fuck
>they are all constantly are breaking down and need to be drug back to shop
>our biggest forklift is used to move the others when they break.
>lift up big boy lift, twice the size of a normal lift
>moving out of the shop and into the lot when the plate holding the forks onto the mast break off.
>forklift was low enough to the ground it didnt shatter the concrete but it tipped over almost killing a coworker who was guiding me a bit too close.

>> No.2499919

Never use these. You already have a spring compressor called you car. Jack the body up, then put another jack under the control arm and lower the jack holding the body. Then loosen all your bolts and left the body. The spring, shock, and strut assembly come apart easily.

>> No.2500131
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Not a tool but I once entered an MRI room to get something the doctor has forgotten.

I forgot I still have my keys and some coins inside my pocket and they flew out so suddenly.
Had to get help to remove them from the magnet.
I dread to imagine if someone carried a sharp object inside.

>> No.2500143

Those things are insane. I remember hearing about an oxygen tank that was left unsecured in an MRI room, killed the patient. Really horrifyingly to think about the possibilities.

>> No.2500152

By boss told me a story about an incident involving one of these.
Guys went out to lunch leaving only one female worker unattended at the site. They came back after 30min and couldn't find a trace of her. Someone got the idea to look in the back of the truck and saw blood in the mulch.
The theory is that something snagged her clothes as she was trying to feed it through, and couldn't escape.

>> No.2500329
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A guy I went to school with died in one of these at the beginning of this year.
I don't think the video every got released, but apparently some dude was filming them cleaning up the trees and watched the kid get sucked in.
Word is that his clothes got snagged on a limb

>> No.2500424

Those really big power hammers used for blacksmithing, if something get caught the wrong way is gonna get shot like a bullet or explode in you face before you know what happened.

>> No.2500427
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A woman.

>> No.2500435

this, my friend lost a limb in a vagina accident

>> No.2500483

I busted tires in the 80s
3 piece split rims were wicked…not scary
But you respected them

>> No.2500521

if youre somehow stupid enough to get snagged theres still plenty of time to hit the fucking massive reverse bar, im more scared of getting wood shards chucked at my face

>> No.2500534
File: 347 KB, 720x824, Screenshot_20221111-132730~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah old mowers have quite the reputation.

>> No.2500538

any indexable drill over 1". the fucking noise it makes is incredible. i also dislike large taps. i also didn't really like using big drills on the bridgeport.

>> No.2501063

They guy who used to do our tree work had an employee suicide by going head first into a woodchipper. His girlfriend left him or something.

>> No.2501151

Lathe chuck key.

>> No.2501156
File: 57 KB, 453x640, pb-30-60-crusher-haarslev[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haarslev PB 30/60 Crusher

>> No.2501186
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>> No.2501226
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Fuck jackstands. Any brand, I don't give a shit if they're not from Harbor Fright. Concrete blocks only.

Idk what parts cost for some vehicles, but why not just get the whole assembly and drop it in so you don't have to do the job again once the springs give out? Its at most what? $200-$400 more? Even more if you're paying a mechanic cause you'd have to pay him to to essentially the same job again once the spring wears out.

>> No.2501473


>> No.2501474
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I can't see someone using this without a helmet with plexiglass visir and lead gloves and a sturdy foundation under the feet without screaming loudly and menstruating from my pussy.

>> No.2501735


I miss lab-surplus-anon.

He bought a centrifuge and rotovap. Used it to make interesting food stuff on /ck/

>> No.2501778
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I personally love them but probably a quarter of the guys at my company outright refuse to work on fraco

>> No.2501803

This is the only correct answer. Any minor injury or witnessing a major one should reinforce you are just a pink bag of goo and everything in the shop or worksite can and will kill you. Its when you get too comfortable with a tool when the injury, disfigurement or death happens. Accidents can happen for various reasons, but fuck you if you think anything but a pair of safety glasses is your friend in that shop.

>> No.2501804

literally anything powered by electricity whatsoever.

>> No.2501883

How else you gonna get an air tight seal?

>> No.2501891

dude you fuckin suck.

>> No.2501901
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always sus

>> No.2502104

I was gonna post this

>> No.2502125
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tape measures

>> No.2502142

Look up the leidenfrost effect. You got lucky and probably only burnt the dead skin layer. However, the cooler part isn't hot enough for that protective effect to kick in, so it'll burn you instantly.

>> No.2502259
File: 107 KB, 720x960, 310419584_5426345814127452_4643988595979355474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air compressors and pneumatic tools in general are an underrated kind of scary. Most people do not pay them much mind, but you can have all sorts of crazy shit flying off at mach speed if you're not careful or if the tools has not been maintained. So many people do not drain their tanks and the corrosion just builds and builds. If your pressures are wonky, you can get a hose fly back really hard if you don't man-handle the connectors when you release them. Easy way to lose your front teeth to some brass. Most people bypass the safety on their nailguns, too. So you've got potential live-fire going who knows where on a good bump to a gun or something like that.

As a carpenter, the table saw is probably the most scary tool I use. They can turn into a fucking crossbow-spear launcher if somebody doesn't know what they're doing. Otherwise, I think idiots on the work-site are more scary than tools. Always gotta watch your back when you're working with other people, they won't give a fuck.

>> No.2502264

None….I’m a man

>> No.2502277
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>> No.2502340

What the fuck

>> No.2502349
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>If your pressures are wonky, you can get a hose fly back really hard if you don't man-handle the connectors when you release them.
Or you could use good-quality fittings.

>> No.2502352

Pressures in this range are usually produced with a diamond anvil cell. A press applies pressure to a steel and diamond contraption that focuses the press's force to a small area that achieves higher pressure than the center of the earth.

>> No.2502353
File: 50 KB, 640x480, de9khY74di-nV9wSNQD7_aUZbTTlC1GMFzbaGQ8E7BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scary tools.

These fucking things. Especially if you buy the cheap cutoff wheels that invariably explode with the slightest lateral pressure.

>> No.2502567

I went to a maritime academy and we were using a 1.5in ship air supply hose to a a smaller tank with a bunch of smaller lines for needle guns. We were all done for the day and one of my friends forgot to bleed the line going to his tool. He end up with a good little cut on his hand. While this was going on I was in a locker taking care of the big hose. I didn't even think about bleeding the pressure until I yanked the hose and saw it go flying. Sound like a gun shot and people were freaking out outside. Thankfully it didn't hit me but my ears were rinhing for a slgood thirty minutes after. Good times

>> No.2502573
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When these fuckers don't have a locking arm on them they pucker my butthole. I have no idea how the hell they're even legal like that.

>> No.2502576

Honorable mention to these little shits too. They're not exactly scary on their own, but I have never been asked to use one in a place that didn't make it terrifying, like inside of a tank where the air jet whips right around me like a fucking lava tornado.

>> No.2502577
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>> No.2502590

Gouging is loud outside. Must be quite the fucking spark bath inside a tank (even one large enough to merit gouging).

>> No.2502617

I remember the Engineer class in High School had an air fitting in the ceiling. I for some reason was in the classroom with my girlfriend alone and I remember messing with the air for a bit, then going to disconnect it without doing any kind of shutoff so the QD fitting shot out. Hurt my hand, but didn't cause any real damage
Thought about that recently when I was helping my father rebelt his mower and dragging out his compressor to blow the built up dead grass and shit out of the desk that probably caused the belt to come off in the first place.

>> No.2502917

Gly wheel explosions are freaky, there's some project using massive glass fibre flywheels encased in concrete and steel that are being implemented as transition energy storage.
we're talking grid scale ennergy storage in a spinny boy. could go very boom

>> No.2502920

>If you know, you know
don't come back

>> No.2502980

angle grinder after i read an article about a dude that had a disc break and chop off 2/3 of his face
what i should be scared though is the old fire wood tablesaw i have, going by accident stats and that mine is twice as old as me with the only safety equipment being my fingers

>> No.2503333

I almost got caught this way once. First time running one, had a big branch sticking out and it smacked me forward.
these are way better than the crap I work with. Got to use one rented when our diamond chainsaw thing was out and it rocked.

>> No.2503986
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>> No.2503995

Feels like adding some brakes to the wheels would go a long ways to improving the safety of that machine.

>> No.2503996


>> No.2504049

Why not use a chainsaw for that task?

>> No.2504063
File: 207 KB, 1920x850, url(130).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen coworkers do so much dangerously retarded shit with this its scary.
>leave it running while tossing foot long mono trusses through
>some asshat turns it back on and flips off the safety switches so he can send one out, regardless of the fact that people are putting a 3 ply together on the other side
>somone even tries to send to trusses stacked on top of eachother out at once.

>> No.2504070

It wasn't really until after WW2 that chainsaws became more available and easier to use and prior to that, very heavy and usually a 2man kind of job. Before that the whacky races kind of affair as a brush or swing saw was a way a lot of farmers, road works and railways got done as a one man job.
They are every bit as fucking insane and essentially no job site would have insurance to cover it since about the 1990s!
Especially the swing saw which caused so many injuries its not quite a death sentence, but just a case of 'when' something goes crazy and motors off doing its own shit to anything in its way along with throwing hunks of tree, broken tips and rocks at the operator

>> No.2504071

Don't have to bend over and your further from the dangerous bit (that's much longer and better able to whip around on you).

>> No.2504078

>It wasn't really until after WW2
That video is much more recent than WW2. I was asking about that particular task.

>Don't have to bend over
I think ten seconds of bending over is probably less of a strain than fighting with that swing saw. Is is just a demonstration of an outdated tool no one actually uses any more?

>> No.2504086

>I think ten seconds of bending over
Who only makes one cut?

That machine looks great, just needs some armoring over the blade and brakes on the wheels.

>> No.2504096

I have done this with a welding arc. The arc got stuck to the work-piece and I absentmindedly tried to break it off with my bare hand. Immediately dipped the hand in a cold water trough, but still hurt for a good while. Burned the prints off at the site.

>> No.2504121

looks australian

>> No.2504149

Springs lifetime is 5 to 10 times that of a gas strut. Its pretty rare a spring will crack unless its real shit quality

>> No.2504215
File: 10 KB, 259x194, strut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with struts is that the design makes the spring not last that long and by the time you're replacing the absorber the spring will be worn enough to justify not going through hassle. If you have the tools then go for it

>> No.2504235

did he died?

>> No.2504257

Your boss was lying. It would've sprayed her blood and guts everywhere

>> No.2505051

Screw type valve spring compressors are on the list with these things too. A valve spring compressor won't rip your head off if it slips, but it can do some nasty damage to your hand.

>> No.2505114


Bought a 10" table saw at a garage sale and it was missing the guard and riving knife. The sound it made while running was terrifying enough on its own but I tried using it to cut a 1' by 2' piece of plywood and the kickback shot it across the garage like a frisbee.

>> No.2505120

like da moviez

>> No.2505161

Finally, a cure for blackness

>> No.2505233
File: 23 KB, 422x428, 656F6BE7-6E04-477B-B192-4255BA4C1891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These tools don’t work

>> No.2505236

Thank you for the reminder. I have to repair mine. The pressure switch doesn't work anymore.

>> No.2505263

High lift forklifts.
This area is over saturated with those jobs.
It's not just heavy high up shit that can fall on you, so many of these idiot companies want you to drive them backwards causing neck pains.

>> No.2505338
File: 36 KB, 474x355, C586FD27-5B40-418F-8157-3E7D4EC08C18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheet metal shear

>> No.2505365

the widowmaker

>> No.2505382

Dosen't afraid of anything but when I worked at kinko's copy center they have a sheer for cutting 6" stacks of paper for business cards and post cards and the like. Your hands are very much involved in the setup and nothing else, not even a metal sheer, have me such intrusive thoughts about losing fingers.

>> No.2505392

But why?

>> No.2505505

>lose grip on the handles
>tricycle of death immediately heads for the nearest preschool at 50mph

>> No.2505512

What kind of pussy uses a guard on a guillotine?

Kids these days...

>> No.2505517


>> No.2505525

It's no longer used because it's large and heavy, not because it's more dangerous (which it isn't).
>That machine looks great, just needs some armoring over the blade and brakes on the wheels.
This. If the blade of the machine rips off, it just goes forward and leaves the operator be, and it has zero chance of getting caught into something, twisting around and cutting you. If a chainsaw kicks back or if its chain breaks, it mangles the operator's legs.

>> No.2505528

Never been afraid of anything

>> No.2505534

not much in the right conditions but table saw still gets me sometimes

>> No.2505535
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>since about the 1990s!
They were banned in late 60s but there are still some around.

>> No.2505633
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Man, you genuinely fucking made me feel uncomfortable for a second

>> No.2505823

do you really have to ask

>> No.2505826

Some don't have the bar, and I've seen people disable it.

>> No.2505829

Only tool that puckered my ass was a 60 ft. ladder
Heavy as fuck and a whore to raise. 2/3 the way up you’re sweating it. What made it worse was I’m on the back side of a lake house, steep hill. Once up there it’s scary. I nailed that gutter off and crawled down.

>> No.2505872
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>> No.2505968

Ouch that's fucked up, makes me not want to angle grind some welds on my gates

>> No.2505972

Cutoff wheel and grinding wheel two different things anon

>> No.2505974

Oh right, still pray for me I'm not the best DIYer

>> No.2505982

I could totally gouge someones eyes out with a pair of safety glasses.

>> No.2506078

Sir, that is not their intended use. But again, reinforces that humans in the shop are the soft pink bags of goo and anything in it can and will kill you.

>> No.2506081

Is there really a noticeable difference between the cheap Harbor Freight Warrior packs and the Bosch or DeWalt branded ones?

If they shatter less, I’ll stock up on brand name. Not even really the danger, but it’s annoying replacing them. Also I hate safety goggles.

>> No.2506463

Industrial lathes still scare me after seeing the video of the Russian guy going through one

>> No.2506499

> but why not just get the whole assembly and drop it in so you don't have to do the job again once the springs give out
I haven't seem premade assemblies for my car except used ones. And also if I paid a little over 1000€ for my car, I'm not gonna get any other but neccesary parts to pass yearly inspection. Original springs (20 years old) were in so good shape when I changed struts that they will likely last 10 more years.

>> No.2506511

Yeah. They're a lot less dangerous than a press. Especially with a guard like the one in the pic.

>> No.2506513

Wear a Z87+ face shield and goggles/glasses with side shields.

>> No.2506710

I've found the better ones don't wear down as fast so you get more cutting life out of them. I've had good luck with H&M abrasives and Lincoln Abrasives off of e-bay. They're still dirt cheap, and I can buy them by the 500 pack.

>> No.2506719

>Concrete blocks only.

Blocks frequently shatter from the point loading of vehicles so at least use a wood shim, but for stability it's hard to beat scrap rims (tens of thousands of cars in salvage yards sit atop stacked rims tack welded to each other or nested). A solid block is one thing but "cinder blocks" break easily.

Rims work in sand or gravel. You can nest small inside large. You can shim with wood cribbing (I save my drain oil then soak wood blocks in the bucket, they'll last well over a decade outdoors.

If you want to store a vehicle the u-pull-it method of rims beneath each corner ahead of the rear axles and behind the front is highly stable. You can't knock the vehicle over except with a fork lift.

>> No.2506725

>but it’s annoying replacing them. Also I hate safety goggles.

Face shields like Jackson (your local welding supply should stock them so you can try 'em on) are far better because goggles do not protect the face. Buy one spare for when the first gets scratched but they last a long time if you hang them up after use.

4.5" cutting discs are unfortunate. I mod or replace the guards on any 4.5" grinder I score used and only buy 6" grinders to use the much longer lasting 6" discs which also have much faster edge speed. I've cut 3/8' and 1/2" steel plate with them and severed truck axles. The larger grinders can run 4.5" attachments too of course like flap discs.

>> No.2506774

>And also if I paid a little over 1000€ for my car, I'm not gonna get any other but neccesary parts to pass yearly inspection
fair enough
t. ranger owner.

>Blocks frequently shatter from the point loading of vehicles so at least use a wood shim
Solid blocks, not the "h" blocks for this reason. If I ever get a hold of rims that's a good idea though. Would be easier to wheel those out than blocks.

>> No.2506859

Had an old ass centrifuge in one of the labs I worked at. Someone needed smaller diameter wells for test tubes and completely pulled off the layering from the large diameter cannisters (large diameter has heavier base weights) and put the layering from the small diameter cannister wells on instead...only did it to one and swapped the rest out like normal. That thing got to like 700rpm and started galloping like a horse right next to my bench. Centrifuges are scary when they show their true power.

>> No.2506906
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>> No.2506935
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When I found out how tiny the contact patch between the movey metal bits is in these stands I was surprised these don't cause 1,000 deaths a year

>> No.2507049

>What does 60 million psi even mean??
>how is that possible?
Such machines are quite common in the industry. My dad ran one for years, back when he worked at Nintendo.

>> No.2507058

>Would be easier to wheel those out than blocks.

Aluminum rims are easy for me to carry even with a bad back. I drilled some of mine for pull ropes to make snatching them out from under the vehicle even quicker.

Tire shops have given me bent steel rims. I always ask when I buy tires.

>> No.2507059

Plus a mill of course. Lathes are insanely handy.

>> No.2507090

Man. I must have burned myself on a soldering iron 10 times repairing a Game Gear. I'm usually pretty safe with my tools but I guess it was just some 3 stooges shit going on in my garage

>> No.2507130

>Face shields... are far better
Face shields and goggles are for different things. Face shields protect your face from impacts. Goggles keep junk out of your eyes. Cutting/grinding produces both kinds of hazards.

>> No.2507133

Tools have never scared me
Working around idiots scares me especially when they are using tools

>> No.2507495

I should have mentioned I wear glasses already. Face shields do a better job keeping shit out of eyes because they cover more than goggles but safety or other glasses are worthwhile backup.

Grinding so you're not in the plane of rotation is wise but noobs (and oldbs in a hurry who should know better) forget that and shoot swarf towards them thence to their eyes.

>> No.2507661

>what tool scares you
wayne lambright

>> No.2507925

>Face shields do a better job keeping shit out of eyes because they cover more than goggles
Sounds like you have some shitty goggles. Decent goggles are rated for chemical splash protection, and can keep sawdust out of your eyes even if a jet of sawdust is blowing in your face.

>> No.2509477

When putting an extension ladder on a deck, use a couple flat bars inserted between the deck boards and a scrap board spanning them to foot the ladder.

>> No.2509578

They all do, if I'm not wearing goggles. I once got a red-hot bit of drywall screw in my eye after cutting it with a Dremel wheel. All tools are dangerous if you're being dumb like I was.

>> No.2509864


>> No.2509869

Lathes. Especially crappy old ones that were never fitted with foot brakes or any other cut out devices

>> No.2509872

Gender reassignment in 30 seconds or less! 2 best points on a saw are never trust the chain brake and never position yourself directly behind the saw. Also if you dont know your shit dont use the tip for fucking anything

>> No.2509873

Making me cringe at the thought thanks

>> No.2509874

My iron has a little flared sheild i guess was supposed to stop you touching the tip? Problem is its attached to the hot side and so the one time i try adjust grip without lifting off i obviously rest my finger right on the bastard blistered nicely

>> No.2509877

Always a good time when the bastard waits till youre stacking the wood to jump out and scurry up your hand

>> No.2509879

Forklifts are sketchy fuckers especially when dipshits drive them in soft gravel

>> No.2509880

Trade school i went to has little chuck sheilds with an interlock preventing running it up with a key still in. Poor mans option weld a spring on the tool so it will pop out without someone holding it in

>> No.2509882

I hate using any kind of MEWP but im just a sook that doesnt like the idea of falling

>> No.2509883

You mean the finger fucker reel?

>> No.2509885

This triggered a core memory of trade school learning about liquid injection from hydraulics...

>> No.2509891

The intrusive thoughts are probably more dangerous than any tool in this thread

>> No.2511161

He's no longer in pain.

>> No.2511958
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This guy.

>> No.2511998
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::Quietly rips your finger out at the knuckle::

>> No.2512011

Professional bakers (using the same basic machine as that but 5-10 times bigger) make it a habit to disable the guard so they can reach in while the machine is running to scrape down the sides. With the right attachment it's not a HUGE deal, but when you see the guy that times the spin so he can reach all the way to the bottom once per revolution it kind of makes your asshole pucker up a little in anticipation.

>> No.2512012

>scared of a tool millions of women and children have safely used

>> No.2512016

>dont use the tip for fucking anything
Well yeah that might leave some scratches,abrasions, and tears in the orifice that could be life threatening if bad enough...

>> No.2512017
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I always feel like these things are going to explode or catch fire on my back.
Also, one time when I was doing landscaping, I was using one of these and it started leaking gas. I didn't notice for like, ten minutes but thought it was just swampass (Florida in summer) so I kept going since I would be done in less than an hour. Before I knew it my ass was drenched in gas and my jeans were like cardboard, and the walk back to my van was the longest 5 minutes of my life.
My ass crack was red for days.

>> No.2512018


>> No.2512020

I had to get an MRI when I was like, 7 and it scared the absolute fuck out of me. Never again.

>> No.2512022

There's absolutely no way this happened. Unless you live in Brazil or something

>> No.2512090

Pretty much anything that creates a shitload of sparks. Angle grinders and MIG welders on shit steel, for instance.

>> No.2512097

Sup Gayts!?

>> No.2512100

Met a nice older lady at a local pub in Rosemont Chicago. She told me, "Remember dearie, always freeze the body before throwing it through the wood chipper.:

>> No.2512222

>Especially crappy old ones that were never fitted with foot brakes or any other cut out devices

lathes are not scary. lathes are just irritating. if there's no e-stop, there is cause for some anxiety, but aside from that no

>> No.2512224
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what the fuck

>> No.2512254

used to use these at work at the deli. one time i shaved the entire fingerprint of my thumb off. just the fingerprint, i didn't bleed

>> No.2512256

happened local to me about 6 years ago, it was a 17 year old kid on his first ever day of work. he tried to kick a limb into the wood chipper.

people are so sheltered that they dont think reality is real and just do things without thinking about it. the coroner's report said he was "morselized" by the wood chipper, completely pulled through

>> No.2512297
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Can't walk by these anymore without wincing if the discharge side is aiming at me. Was doing yardwork near my dad running the lawn mower. Felt something hit my abdomen, saw skin sliced. Wen't to dr, xray comes back with a a nail in the middle of my body

>> No.2512301

I fucking hate the sawsall. I did a job with one at the top of a ladder. It kept kicking back at my face. Fuck that tool.

>> No.2512303


>> No.2512306


>> No.2512314

This is why I never have my face anywhere near the plane of rotation
If you're using an angle grinder, it doesn't need to be exact

>> No.2512316

I always wondered how they guaranteed contact with those nail plates

>> No.2512317

Hello, darkness my old friend

>> No.2512322

I was walking through a bumper guard factory and the manager told me a story about a cnc pipe bender

Some belligerent who was repeatedly told not to touch it decided he wanted to use it while the tech was on break

He loaded the pipe and while the machine was lining up, he walked out to where the pipe swings during bending
The machine shot the 12'+ 2+" diameter chrome pipe out into the swing area where the dude was standing to make the first bend and as it bent and swing the pipe, it launched the guy 15' into a wall

It broke his back, ribs, spleen, leg and arm
He didn't win the lawsuit due to repeatedly being told not to touch the death catapult

He never walked normally again

>> No.2512334

It's not like he's doing it on a roof

>> No.2512336
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Get on my level.
When I was an apprentice one company had one of these. Except it had zero belt covers, covers are for pussies.
I always feared the metal saw belt will snap, hit the metal table instead of going into this tiny cutout, and go flying to decapitate someone.
Luckily I was not required to get near it.

>> No.2512342

Band saws are pretty common. Without covers isn't though.

>> No.2512347

Had a slit on my tape measure from when it broke, i have a habit of letting my index finger glide on the edge when it’s retracting, i completely forgot about it and cut a slash across the tip of my index, not too deep but could’ve been worse

>> No.2512348

centrifuge for metal casting
when I do bronze the machine screams and shakes, and the times my flask has blown out the molten metal pops the lid open and gets slag out.
spooks me every tim...

>> No.2512354

Yeah...all these fucking lawn care retards really fucking piss me off, every single one of the has the fucking deflector for the discharge shoot bungie corded up on their zero turn mowers so they don't have to be bothered to unclog a shoot once every 2 hours. I mean, it really pisses me off.

>> No.2512366

I'm surprised he even walked again after a beating like that, sometimes the more forbidden the thing is, the more people want to be involved in it.
Maybe there's just some inherent deathwish in people they don't consciously recognise that by fucking around with the high pressure former, presses and tractor PTO, this is now their time

>> No.2512403


for me, it's friction tongs.

>> No.2512405

Short sleeves and no gloves and you're fine

But yeah, they'll fuck you up good.

>> No.2512445

what happens when the Blade snaps? do modern ones have some sort of automatic blockade/break like table saws?

>> No.2512484
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Pic didn't upload

>> No.2512521

The blade snapping is kinda rare, they mostly just hope off the wheels and then make a bit of noise in the case while they stop. Since they cut down it could jump out if the blade broke however the second it would snap it would no longer be motivated to keep moving since it relies on the tension between the wheels to force the blade to move.

>> No.2514236
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>These tools don’t work
Need proper maintenance.

>> No.2514260

ive had stands with this design fail on me multiple times and kissed my skid plate. i prefer the pin and hole design ones, with these as a backup. i dont really know if they're safer

>> No.2515620
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how to remove your fingers in one easy step

>> No.2515654

Yup. Tablesaws too since not every shop I've been in has a Sawstop.

From a certain point of view, every tool is scary... but it's the big ones that can take a finger without slowing down which are the worst. Surfacers too, getting degloved sounds terrible

>> No.2515660

>how tiny the contact patch between the movey metal bits is
Anon, I was replacing a strut on my car this weekend and considered the fact that there's a single bolt that holds the entire weight of the car.
Well, four of them ... one at each wheel ... but my point is your car has several "tiny contact patches between movey metal bits" that are literally the only thing holding your car off the ground.
Steel can be extremely strong.

>> No.2515670

Table saws.

Hands down.

>> No.2516696

Did you apprentice in a Victorian era mill?

>> No.2516701
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I went to a tech highschool in Massachusetts just after the turn of the century. I took up printing and graphic design. Most of the printing presses didn't have guards on them, and we regularly would ink up the rollers with a knife while the press was running. Osha came to do the "once a decade" inspection to make sure stoned high-schooners where safe...they disabled half the equipment and replaced the other half.

>> No.2516800

*Hands off

>> No.2516834
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This fucker. I have one. I love it. But man does it scare the shit out of me.

>> No.2517077

Milling Machines.

>> No.2517223

also the radiofrequency sounds it makes are horrifying despite ear protection.

>> No.2517224

pls greentext

>> No.2517229

y tho

>> No.2517231


In my younger days I worked at a shop that made the magnets for these, it was truly terrifying when they tested them.

>> No.2517232


Yah I can't even watch vids of those.

>> No.2517234


Back when I was young and dumb I used one of those at a window cleaning job. Never again. At 54 I now start to sweat past the 3rd rung on a regular ladder. Gravity is a harsh mistress.

>> No.2517551

I've been in the automation industry for 18 years. I had seen a few minor injuries over the years, but nothing turned my stomach like finding out that someone had been cut in half on a system I designed.
>2015, system goes to Mexico, passes acceptance
>We no more than leave and the Mexicans pull off guarding, bypass safety devices
>A few weeks later, one Mexican decides to run and jump into the machine while it is running
>3 meter indexing chassis slices him right in half
>I get called in by legal
>Showed my design and risk assessment report
>"Ok, you're clear"

I always think of hazards while designing equipment, but after that incident the imagination goes wild during the safety reviews.

>> No.2517608

Angle grinder. Also I spilled oil on the grinding discs that came with it and I keep having the thought that it'll have weakened them and they'll explode if used. so that's extra bad, mkay.

>> No.2517615

I have a brand new table saw that I'm afraid to turn on.

>> No.2517631
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honestly most folding knives activate a lizard part of my brain that I know is completely irrational, think it's due to being a retarded boy scout that was left unsupervised, which ended up with me having slash scars across all fingers on my left hand (and now triple checking which way the blade is pointing when opening letters)

>> No.2517696

Why thirdies take off the safety guarding and bypass the light curtains is beyond me.
They also LOVE to jump into augers and feed equipment while it's running.

>> No.2517702

Jeez man, that's awful.

>> No.2517767

They always do. Even a lot of domestic customers do it. I'll go out on a service call and see them bypassing limit switches with popsicle sticks, or they'll mute LCs. I saw one guy running a robotic cell with half the guarding removed.

They just don't give a damn

>> No.2517788

We don't put on safety equipment unless they ask for it now. Suits figured they can now get the customer to pay for a "safety package" for triple the price of the cost. Only NA and Euros buy it anyway because it's required.
If someone dies in our machines it's not our problem 99% of the time, so we almost never hear about it. We had a cable snap on one of our folding screw augers and caved a guy's head in. They tried suing, but the cable was so frayed from the hydraulics not being taken care of and the piece that fell would just slam down until it finally snapped the cable.
Wasn't our fault, they never maintained the thing like our instructions said.

>> No.2517794

I'm in OEM automation, so we can't skimp on safety or it's an immediate OSHA violation (among other things).

I have had heated arguments with customers who want to split hairs on pricing by eliminating safety devices.
>"Wahhhh, why does that dual zone safety scanner cost so much?"
Because... you literally asked for it
>"Then just remove it"
Ok, but then you can't have the robot operate in "cobot" mode if you can't monitor the area
>"Augghhh your company costs too much, someone else will do it for half!"
Ok, go to them then, and don't call me to fix it when they screw it up and try to ECO you to death

>> No.2517855

>Class trip to the regional hospital
>Class gathered in the room outside a MRI machine
>Technician shows up, ask us to strip our belt buckles, phones and keys before entering the room
>We enter
>"Let me show you one of these bad boys"
>Has a rope attached to a random ass key
>Half the room away
>Key starts going towards the machine
>He slacks the rope
>Rope gets steel tight
>He struggles to pull it out of the magnetic well
>He talks about accidents they had in the last 10-30 years

>> No.2517862

I remember installing the tubes in those machines. Such a pain in the ass.

My favorite is when they do buy elsewhere and then come crying to us because the other guy won't warranty his shit, and we charge them double what it would have cost just to buy our machine.

Remember business owners, if you buy cheap chinese shit you usually get cheap chinese shit.

>> No.2517883

I've had flash burn from those fucking air arc's several times. Fuck those things!

>> No.2517894

I see that all the time. In fact, one customer beat us up over price and dragged things out for 4 months before handing the project to the lowest bidder. They came back a year later and asked us to quote fixing the other company's system, but at a 3rd party location because they were tied up in litigation with the other integrator. We gave them a "screw you" quote, basically priced it high enough so that it would turn them away, or we make a pretty penny.

They dottled around as customers always do. Months went by. Then they sent over a PO out of nowhere but the quote had expired. Our sales guy contacted them and said we needed to requote. Customer goes "and you can only do work on weekends." Well hold on a damn minute... price goes up by 40% instantly. They issued an amended PO. They basically paid 500% more than our original quote 2 years prior, to have US fix someone else's shitshow, on their floor, on weekends, all because some retarded bean-counter picked a low bidder by $15k.

Total cost: $1.2M

>> No.2518161


>> No.2518169
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Have to use a 12m/40' one at work, I nearly shit myself everytime I move too much and it gets springy

>> No.2518312

single man lifts are jank

>> No.2518483
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>> No.2518504

I will never. Ever. EVER buy an aluminum ladder. All my 30+ footers are fiberglass for obvious reasons (electrician), but even if I was soing work that wasn't electrical, I'll opt for the higher weight.

Every time I watch some painter or carpenter blasély throwing this shit around near the powerlines on a house I cringe myself unconscious

>> No.2518519
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Now that's quite a Tool™.

>> No.2519784

>So they just go out there trenching the fuck out of power lines, sewer systems, gas pipes, water mains and fibre optics like 'oh that bit was a bit meaty'
Based broken window economic advocates

>> No.2519792
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Hey, that's a pretty cool looking attachment.
I want one.

>> No.2519795

I always like to secure the middle with strap binders, when I can.

>> No.2519810
File: 2.48 MB, 1453x1681, Spi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a spider friend that likes to hang out in my shower.
Image not related.

>> No.2519811

You should always stand clear of machinery.
I have a family member that likes to stand too close to me when I'm working so I make it a point to bump him with the logs or steel I'm moving if he doesn't move.

>> No.2519813

>he doesn't use titanium key blanks

>> No.2519825
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>> No.2519826
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>> No.2519830
File: 752 KB, 828x834, A779CC1D-5E1F-4E2B-B39C-ADE3988E721F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate boom lifts, especially when they’re parked on wooden boards on a hill Mexican style on a windy day with all the safeties disable to “save time”. I also hate those 1970’s home-made rusty bubba lifting tongs that don’t lock shut and will drop a beam on your leg.

It’s impossible to get spare assemblies for my car, so when I replaced the springs and gas struts I had to re-use the old casing. I looked into swapping to coil-overs but it would literally cost 3x what I paid for the car, so what sense does that make? Also just use the rim to support your car, it’s what they’re made for.
After having one “high quality” liner lock break (benchmade) I refuse to use these. They’re just a bad idea.

>> No.2519831


>> No.2519865

The only way to hurt yourself one this is to either be really fucking stupid or really lazy.

>> No.2519872

>and your further from the dangerous bit
That's why I like using my pole saw with a 16" bar for taking down smaller trees.

>> No.2519874

matthias is counter-trolling

>> No.2520014

Ya cause your a fucking retard who doesn't know how to respect simple powertools, same with all you cunts scared of ladders

>> No.2520029

>If a chainsaw kicks back or if its chain breaks, it mangles the operator's legs.
always wear chainsaw chaps

>> No.2520158

"They're Tiny, They're Toolie"

>> No.2520186

Worst tool I've seen on any job site is the diversity hire. They're dangerous to everyone.

>> No.2520389

Wouldn't this tip over if all the guys went to one side?

>> No.2520391

It surely has some sort of limit written on it but the base is almost as wide as the platform and the structure is designed not to buckle. Looks orettt good to me.

>> No.2520430
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You should be using diamond.

>> No.2520431
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>I for some reason was in the classroom with my girlfriend alone

>> No.2520433

Those things are slow and loud as fuck. They do have their place but will never replace normal cutoff wheels.

>> No.2520436

What's a 60' ladder look like?

>> No.2520439

>Those things are slow
I cut through 3/8" chain links in under 30 seconds with mine.
I fail to see how bonded abrasive could be faster.

>> No.2520451

>i guess was supposed to stop you touching the tip?
It's supposed to stop thermal convection from scorching your hand if you're soldering with the iron pointed downwards.

>> No.2520454

>(using the same basic machine as that but 5-10 times bigger)
I always thought it was cute seeing the little (larger of the two from Hobart) drive shaft coming out of the gear box of an 80qt mixer.

>> No.2520456

Makes me think of a story from my uncle about his neighbor's father.
He had a habit of using a backpack pump sprayer filled with glyphosate.
It had a leak in it though and it would drip right down his back running into his ass crack as he was wearing denim shorts.
He died of cancer some years later.

>> No.2520458

Lucky son of a bitch.
I wish I could have retired at 17.

>> No.2520464

>decided he wanted to use it

>> No.2520482

Cut the flesh end of my pinky off with one of these when I was working in a deli during college. Luckily it was on a very thin setting so it grew back fine, but the amount of blood was amazing.

>> No.2520487

Biomedical equipment tech here, I service these things regularly and I have to stand right over them with a tachometer to measure the actual rpm. I haven't gotten fully comfortable with it and I've been doing this for like five years now.

>> No.2520498

The amount of times I've given myself a blood blister with the pliers on these things is unreal. You'd think I'd learn to move my thumb but I think I'm retarded.

>> No.2520505


>> No.2520688

Try and actually cut something larger and thicker than a chain link. You'll soon learn that they are slow and loud as fuck as i already mentioned... They are best for thin stuff and where you need the full depth of a blade to reach in and cut something that your abrasive disc won't reach.

>> No.2520736

>You'll soon learn that they are slow and loud as fuck as i already mentioned
I cut a 1" mild steel round bar in about a minute.
It didn't seem louder than any other grinder attachments I've used.

>> No.2520771
File: 42 KB, 1000x670, retractable-utility-knife-385676046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost my right eye to one of these. Blade snapped, iris and retina got fucked. Still have the same eye and it moves, but it doesn't see shit. Looks like David Bowie on a glance.

>inb4 wear your goggles
we all know you don't when you use an xacto

>> No.2520794

I use fixed blade knives, like a real man.

>> No.2521084

I've always been super careful with these but since covid I use the rattle gun, I'm hoping one will let go and end it all

>> No.2521122

unironically this. one of my uncles fell a mere 2.5 feet and broke his knee. He's in his 60s and he'll never recover from it. You can die falling from 3 feet and I routinely see people going up 12 feet barely balancing the ladder on a slippery surface.

The second I vote for is angle grinders cause they're super common and really scary when they fail.

After that, fuck any wire or tow cable in tension and fuck high pressure hydraulics (NEVER touch high pressure lines unless you want to inject yourself with oil from a pinhole leak)

People swear by jack stands but if you put some weight on the car trying to pull something it sways... I wouldn't do it without a backup like a spare or bricks.
Fuck, sorry about that anon.


when I was a kid I tied to stab a log with a folding knife. The knife folded and took a little bit of my finger with it. Lesson learned.

>> No.2521232

>I cut a 1" mild steel round bar in about a minute.
>It didn't seem louder than any other grinder attachments I've used.

Good for you. Continue using that for the rest of your life you absolute beast of a metal-worker...

>> No.2521254

bad rng

>> No.2521265

You shouldn't have made Luck your dump stat.

>> No.2521268

Thanks friend, I intend to.
Maybe I just got one that was really well balanced; I'm still on my first one.
I'd still put up with more noise over abrasive medium being spewed everywhere though.

>> No.2521461

I used to work at a restaurant and we took the c02 tank for the drinks and stuck a kebab skewer in the end of the rubber hose and blasted the gas for a second and the thing flew 20 ft across the room and stuck itself right in the wall LMAO

>> No.2521521
File: 170 KB, 363x295, 1669833624576485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price is Reich

>> No.2521714


>> No.2521728

i hope you become a pirate with a champagne bottle

>> No.2521811

Straya cunt!

>> No.2521998

Two guys make funny video.
>Use this old chainsaw. It hasn't run in years.
Chainsaw starts.

>> No.2521999

You sick bastard!

>> No.2522136

quick, ive got a bicycle that you can steal, it'll fix that patch there.

>> No.2522203
File: 252 KB, 618x824, 20180907_141139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scariest thing about wood chippers is how comfortable you get working around them over time.
From me it's split rims.

>> No.2522275

>women and children
You shouldn't be so redundant.

>> No.2522291

he's not actually pulling the string

>> No.2522310

5 piece cat rims with the taper rings are also fucking scary.

>> No.2522392

none. what scares me is retards with tools.

>> No.2522813

This thing FUCKS
Ishitani furniture has a bench grinder with wood blades on it, every time he uses it in a video my butthole clenches.

>> No.2522948

ill stick to aerial boom lifts. this shit looks like it defies the laws of physics.

>> No.2522949

wear a goddamn face shield

>> No.2523724

They deserved to be fucked over for that, retards should pay the toll.