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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 1659517783754174.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2483380 No.2483380 [Reply] [Original]

In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything radio controlled: multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?

>What about planes?

>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?
If you want a practical flying camera platform, DJI is the sensible option. If you want a fun DIY project instead & aren't too concerned about the practicalities, then by all means DIY something.

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly around my yard/garden
Syma X5C/3" Toothpick

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly inside my house
Eachine E010/Hubsan X4/Tiny Whoop

>What are some good YouTube channels for learning or fun?
Painless360 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Painless360
Flite Test - https://www.youtube.com/user/flitetest
Peter Sripol - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yF9tV4xWEMZkel7q8La_w
bonafidepirate - https://www.youtube.com/c/bonafidepirate
ArxangelRC - https://www.youtube.com/user/Arxangelxr
RagTheNutsOff - https://www.youtube.com/user/moggiex


>> No.2483395

>been raining and windy the past 2 weeks and rain still forecast every day for the next week.
fml, just want to zoom zoom.

>> No.2483422

Get an indoor drone

>> No.2483431
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Maiden flight:
>launch was as perfect as can be
>all components were reputable
>all functions on the flight controller worked, including rth
>about 5 minutes in, it starts pulling slightly right
> try to steer it in, doesn't work so I switch to rth
>not stalling, and I was going almost 40mph
>careens at 70% throttle at probably a 60-70° down away from me, in a very straight, not stalling line.
>crashes half a mile away into someone's roof (no damage)
I don't know what it could have been. The straight flight after rth makes me think it wasn't a control surface. The FC is still securely mounted inside when I retrieved the body. Not a gust of wind. Any thoughts, bros?
Also, this is the third plane I've crashed on maiden in a row, the last two with inexplicable reasons. I guess the sky isn't for me, bros.

I'm thinking about moving to quadcopters. Any cheap recommendations (links please, I'm so bummed and demoralized)? I've already flown little ducted cheapos.

>> No.2483493

This is a functional and valid airframe, you bigot!

>> No.2483505

Just throwing a guess out there, but your elevator servos aren't matching position with each other. Hard to do much of a post mortem on a crash that catastrophic, but maybe you were getting an aileron effect from some sort of failure in the twin servo elevator.
As far as quadcopters go, everyone needs at least one 5" freestyle quad. They are incredibly stable, tunable, capable, and fun. Up to you how much you want to spend and/or build, but prebuilt is what most people go with these days.

>> No.2483536

It's also a poor design for doing close range drone stuff. It will never be the manned airframe it mimics. Quads rule.

>> No.2483541

Not a twin servo elevator. One of those servos on the tail is for the rudder. Good thought, though.
I'll look into 5ers.

>> No.2483596

Ah, ok, now I see how that tail works. I got opticaly disillusioned!

>> No.2484004
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Tomorrow's the big day. Maiden voyage of Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Underwater Submariney. I'll post some GoPro/FPV webm late this weekend come sink or swim or catch fire.

>> No.2484342
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>been trying to build a plane some time ago
>it didn't fly
>bought some brushless motor and ESC, some carbon fiber sticks, printed v2
>around 600g in total, needed lots of ballast up front, 80cm wingspan
>gave it a test today
>looked like it's going to fly, it even stabilized itself on its own after initial spin to the side, but then motor power just got cut off in half, you could hear it going down in power, and it crashed down
>tested at home, it spins as fast as you want for as long as you want without a propeller, but with the propeller on it goes limp mode after 2-3s of spinning at peak speed and suddenly motor spins very slow

I have very little understanding of how ESCs work, so could someone drop any hints on what could be the possible cause here? It's powered by four 550mah 3.7v 13400 soldered together. Do you think switching to higher-amp 18650 would solve it? I need ballast up front anyway, so I don't think I care much, but I've no idea if it's even going to fix the issue as I'm not sure about the root cause of it.

>> No.2484358

Is there a spec sheet or test data available for your motor? The max draw for your battery cells is 3A or ~45w at 14.8v and it's highly likely that your motor is trying to draw more than that. The 2-3s of max throttle that you get is probably from the ESC's capacitors draining.

>> No.2484372

Not much specs, but one i found says
>Max Current (Motor) (A) 35.00
Damn. That means some artificial 100% load at 100% power, right? Or do i actually need 35amp battery pack just to avoid those issues I have?

I've got some quality 18650, and IIRC they were rated 20amp max continuous. If that won't be enough, I guess I'll have to give up and buy one of those lipo packs that all of the cool kids have. For some reason, I never assumed those things can draw so much power.

>> No.2484389

>That means some artificial 100% load at 100% power, right?
No, it's just the maximum continuous current that the motor can handle thermally. Current draw is proportional to load, if you put an oversize prop on the motor, it's entirely possible to exceed its max current draw and burn it up. What motor do you have and what size is your prop? Just eyeballing it, it looks like you have an undersize prop (or a beefier motor than required to turn it), so you might be able to get away with your 20A 18650 cells although I would strongly recommend just buying a lipo pack since their max current draw is typically so high that it's not even a consideration, you just need to match your motor and ESC.

>> No.2484390

I love how it looks. Thought it was a crack den 3D printer at first

>> No.2484398

Hyped, looking forward to the update.

>> No.2484412

>What motor do you have
This thing:
>and what size is your prop?
Seems like it's roughly 25cm wide, IIRC it's this one:
Never thought that's undersized. As for proper cells, I'll definitely buy lipo packs if I'll get into it for real. Dumb as it sounds, I kinda like trying to makes thing work the wrong way, it's a good learning experience.

Adding 3 batteries instead of 4 will make it pull more amps, right? Or would I just get slower rotation + less amps drawn?

>> No.2484513

I need to make a fixed wing drone that can drop a ball to a red Zone while autonomously fliyng. Does anyone have a guide or docs for this?


>> No.2484533

Is this a school project, or a revenge fantasy? (Both of which are equally valid)

>> No.2484538


School project for a contest

>> No.2484553

>Adding 3 batteries instead of 4 will make it pull more amps, right?
Less volts means for any given RPM/power consumption, you'll require more current draw. However, you'll also have a lower peak RPM at 100% throttle, so your maximum current draw will be lower.
>it's a good learning experience
I'd just try making a 4-cell battery with the 18650 cells, by my estimation they should be able to handle ~80% throttle continuously and maximum throttle in short bursts.

>> No.2484849

Depending how autonomous you need it, you might be able to do that with iNav. I'm not 100% sure on that though, but a lot of stuff in iNav is more streamlined than Ardupilot.

>> No.2485248
File: 2.69 MB, 480x848, 1 Surface.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major update of Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Underwater Submariney.

Of all the things I forgot to bring, I forgot the 9V battery that powers the VTX, so I put it swimming without the FPV. This sadly meant that when I hit the bottom, I didn't know I hit the bottom. I'm guessing I hit between 3-5 metres down (9 - 15ft) Next time I plan it with FPV so I can drive along the bottom and find cool stuff. The balance was a bit off, so it pitched up when going forwards, but it was still navigable especially when using the props to drive the nose (and body) down.

Apart from that, it only sank on purpose and was a great success. I'll post a handful of webms in a minute. The crappy pixelated footage is due to whatsapp compression. The GoPro footage is pretty cool with sound, but that's mp4. Maybe more and better footage next week once the FPV is working.

>> No.2485255
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2/4 had to really lower resolution to get it <3 MB

>> No.2485258
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Hitting the bottom

>> No.2485259
File: 542 KB, 640x480, 4 Hitting Shallow Bottom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting the bottom about 1-1.5m down. And that's a wrap folks, until next week.

>> No.2485328

Pretty cool. You might need to angle the camera down a bit though to see the bottom better.

>> No.2485383

Yeah will add it to the checklist next time, thanks.

>> No.2485420

a fisheye lens might also be good to give you better field of view

>> No.2485500

Ok, now do Lake Tahoe. I want to see if Jaques Cousteau was bullshitting about something.

>> No.2485501

NTA, but the Fisheye lens is not compatible with the GoPro dive shell. Kinda sucks, but the Superview lens mode is almost as good, just not available at all resolutions depending on the model of Hero.

>> No.2485506

What control electronics are you using ?

>> No.2485560

I actually have underwater gogpro of lake Tahoe from 10nyears ago somewhere. It was super clear. I'll try dog it out later

>> No.2485562

Standard ESCs and quad parts. Everything is shielded in a waterproof container.

>> No.2485587

>hits ceiling
>prop breaks
>darts into wall
>breaks another prop
Yeah no.

>> No.2485802

Tiny whoops have prop covers, they just suction themselves flat to the wall when you make contact, but I've never broken a prop.

>> No.2485970

I just put together a zohd drift with kopilot and after setting up my tx and making sure my rx was bound I plugged in the settings board. Now it only has the "setting board plugged in" led lit, beeps every second, and i cant even control anything with my tx. I can't find any solutions online and it all worked when I originally bound my rx.

anyone have a solution or am I fucked out of $50?

>> No.2486024

GoPro just removed the Protune adjustments from their Quick app, yet again. THE ABSOLUTE PAJEETERY OF THIS COMPANY!

>> No.2486032

*Quik app
They think that name is SO FUCKING CLEVER. Unfortunately, while they were ignoring the FPV market by trying to switch somehow to a subscription based model (instead of just mass producing new Sessions for us to smash and then continuously re-buy and make them filthy rich), they seem to have hired a bunch of smelly H1B retards and tanked their stock price in the meantime. Fuck this dirty technocrat faggot company and their substitution of real engineering with transgender FAANG washouts with overinflated self worth and a $200k salary to make bagels and play ping pong in their lounge all day. I could have saved them, but they didn't hire me, so now I think it's time to switch to an actual chink camera maker that will get things done with stolen IP and child labor.

>> No.2486056
File: 186 KB, 400x300, Lake Tahoe 2012ish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go. Lake Tahoe from 10 years ago. Exactly the same GoPro as above (I don't care if I lose it now). I remember it being clearer than this, but perhaps that's memory fog.

>> No.2486058

You might be able to exposure correct that in a video editor to get some of those details to pop out more. GoPros take great video, it's a shame that the company has been overrun poz.

>> No.2486073

I know nothing about cameras or GoPros. I bought this one 10-12 years ago. I just want to build submarine drones man.

>> No.2486157

I can certainly see why they didn't hire you.

>> No.2486199

Just gitgud, fgt

>> No.2486200

I haven't had any suction problems after I switched to quicksilver firmware, it almost always bounces off things now. Auto turtle is also nice, no need to flick as many switches.

>> No.2486265

I mean, he's not wrong. They ruined their company for all the reasons anon above listed.

>> No.2486423

Plane crasher here from >>2483431. I'm just too much of a retard to step away from planes. I'm gonna buy and crash anothern. Thinking about the AtomRC Seal (already crashed in pic above) again because it is such a lightweight (1100g with a 4s 21700 battery) and potentially capable plane, or the mini skyhunter. They're both close enough in price to not matter to me. Gonna build it over winter. Thoughts on those or similar bodies?
In the mean time, I'm gonna get a zohd drift and build a 5" quad.

>> No.2486440

Not familiar with those other airframes, but you should have better luck with the drift than you did all those other times you augered in.

>> No.2486442
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I know nothing about quadcopters
I want to buy/build one that I can use to hook onto my fishing lure and fly out 200 meters over the ocean and then drop it so that I can catch all of the crabs
it has to haul at least 250gram
what should I be looking for with something that can do this?
I think it would be really big to haul that weight, no?
also needs to be reliable, battery life is not a problem as can swap batteries often as needed
also not sure how I would do the release, do ones you buy have auxiliary outputs for adding things?

>> No.2486443
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>over 1kg

>> No.2486467

In terms of long range planes, yeah that's not bad at all.

>> No.2486472

Anything that can carry a full sized action can will be able to carry that, but keep in mind that you will also need to add a servo unless you want to just use a hook at an angle. I bet you could go as small as some 3" quadcopters, but 4"-5" is probably better.

>> No.2486513

possibly a brownout. Build a plane without the FC and fly it all manually first. Also, list all your electronics out here, if you don't have any experience you may have been chinked with something.

he shouldn't be trying long range for his first build.

>> No.2486538

>he shouldn't be trying long range for his first build
Not my first build. I had a FT explorer that I DIYed that could haul a 4S2P 21700 pack and fly forever with an R9M and a 1.3ghz system. That plane worked and a few other FT build, plus a small delta sport wing. But since then, I've had a few major failures in my planes and started a family, so I don't have time for builds or keeping up with sport flying.

>list electronics
Matek f411
V-Good 40A ESC programmed for cutoff at 2.9V (was above 3.3 at time of crash)
Whatever 2212 1400 motor comes with the PNP kit
Eachine digital servos that came with the kit
Matek 1.3ghz video at 200ma
R9 diversity receiver
Some $20 runcam micro camera (can't remember which, bought it on a whim for this so I didn't wreck my action camera for a few flights)

I think the gyro must've been bad or perhaps the ESC/motor wires were too close to other wires and cause interference. Or perhaps lost an aileron because one was missing when I got the pieces, but it may have been in the tree it went through during the crash.

>> No.2486562

Has anyone messed with flying boats much? At the RC scale I imagine it's really hard to land unless the water is perfectly flat.

>> No.2486808

If I attach combustion engine powered generator to quadcopter and let it power four engines, can it increase flight time? Anyone tried it before?

>> No.2486892

You can calculate if it'll increase flight time, you just need to know the thermal efficiency of your generator, the energy stored in the fuel, and the weight of the whole system. My guess is that at this scale, the benefit in energy density of combustible fuels isn't going to be enough to offset the weight of an ICE and its poor thermal efficiency, and you'd be better off just putting more battery cells in parallel.

>> No.2486902

Billions are going into drones. If the big boys arent doing it that should tell you something but feel free to give it a go for fun.

>> No.2486954

These guys are doing a hybrid powertrain on their drone, although I think it's more like just gas powered props that have an electric motor backup in case or a failure or the need for some more grunt occasionally: https://www.parallelflight.com/

>> No.2487619

DJI Phantom 5 when?

>> No.2488079

Depends what you mean by 'long range'. A Zohd Drift can fly 45+ minutes at not much over 300g AUW.

>> No.2488182
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/drone/ how to build one of these?

>> No.2488184

Step 1: assemble
Step 2: fly

>> No.2488188

oh where to get the parts?

>> No.2488190

From the store.

>> No.2488193

cool where is the parts list?

>> No.2488219

Try fpvknowitall.com

>> No.2488620

Do some research, or buy some RTF, but even some of those need to be set up for it to fly right.

>> No.2490526

>fedposting kills the thread
of course

>> No.2490873
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>need a $30 box to modify settings or update firmware on a Spectrum ESC

>> No.2490927

Why would they put a USB controller in an ESC? It'd make a lot more sense to use a 5v UART or something

>> No.2492006

Plane crasher here, again. I used my matek FC's servo pins to power the digital servos. What are thr chances that that power failed during some sort of servo current spike and messed up my controls unrecoverably (even unrecoverable by the FC modes)? Matek reports the servo pins are good for 5A busts, 3A continuous. I've read people use an ESC BEC to power servos, but I think the ESCs I have are only 1.5A out.

>> No.2492021

Don't most programmable ESCs need a dedicated programmer, outside of drones that is?

>> No.2492022

You can program a lot of them with stick controls and beep tones if the supplier has that sort of documentation available.

>> No.2492140

most R/C planes are powering their servos off of the BEC built into the ESC. If you're using 9g servos, the current draw shouldn't be an issue for the FC.

>> No.2492168

I was using 9g. Bummer, I hoped I had found an answer, because once before the maiden, the digital servos were twitching and taking commands in steps instead of smoothly. Fixed itself on restarting and never saw the issue again, but was just pondering my crash. I also read that digitals had more current draw, so I figured I'd ask.

>> No.2492384

What's the best CAD software for designing and simulating the flight characteristics of fixed-wing models? I want to really minmax and see how far I can fly with a 5kg weight limit.

>> No.2492406

At 5kg, you are going to be struggling more with video and control signal strength. People have done 10+ hour flights with lighter aircraft and solar assisted power in hybrid power setups.
This guy did 90km with a plane that probably weighs <400g. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj8X2k5qwZs

>> No.2492427

Oh I know, with a 5kg weight limit I think 1000km might be a possible target.

>> No.2492437
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That guy wired his solar to the first and last place on his balance lead and just used a Schottky diode to prevent back flow. Is thay an awful idea and asking for a fire or is that fine?

>> No.2492900


>> No.2492947
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>> No.2492948
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>>work in progress.

>> No.2493095
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Wooden clogs?

>> No.2493195
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It's a pair of wood shoes indeed, two halves combined to create symmetry. (a left or right shoe would only circle around). To start with i'll equip a 2 channel system to control two servos for the rudder and the sails. For the time being more of a /wwg/ project.

>> No.2493585
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>maiden drone flight in local park
>practicing hovering and soft landing
>hear some guy shouting behind me
>angry_dog.jpg incoming
>dog sees drone as threat to his life
>woof woof.
>hover higher so dog doesn't eat my drone
>battery low, LAND NOW!
>uh oh.
>try fly away from dog so i can safely land, dog just chases me around the park
>speed away from dog and do a fast landing so he doesn't get drone blades in his face
>crash hard, battery slips out and rips off the cable connection to the esc.
How do you deal with the animal menace while flying /rcg/?
Also the range on my vtx is shit, 350mw and a 5 inch antenna and i barely get 100m before i get some pretty bad fuzzyness. is 350mw enough? or are my goggles receiver just shit?

>> No.2493589

find a better park. If you have dedicated baseball fields, those are pretty nice to fly around because they are generally deserted unless there is a game going on.
What VTX are you using?

>> No.2493595

I was thinking more of the lines of how to weaponise my drone... but I plan on scouting some more parks.
hglrc 350mw boomerang-style vtx, ive seen videos of it going pretty far so i'm guessing it's either interference or my goggles.

>> No.2493979

>how to weaponise my drone
look up whatever sound frequencies scare dogs away and think for a bit

>> No.2493981

Get a bigger and louder drone to establish dominance.

>> No.2494884

I'm doing my first FPV plane build and decided to 3d print this since I haven't used my ender 3 in a while: https://www.titandynamics.org/3dhangar/p/titan-talon
What am I in for? Did I make a horrible mistake choosing something so big to start with?

>> No.2495107

If you've never flown a wing before, you are probably better off going with a foam airplane, since you will be crashing it up a bit. That said, it does look like you can put a decent head tracking setup on that, so if you manage to keep it on one piece when you start, then you will have something that you can keep tinkering on.
Have you at least flown FPV quads before? Those are an easy way to build the muscle memory of what the sticks will do, and as a bonus they don't get blown all over the place by gusts of wind.

>> No.2495435

I am relocating the vtx antenna on my wing and I am considering using a flexible antenna extension to move the antenna from the vtx for convenience. How much loss would i see in 5.8 or 1.3 if I extended the shielded wire with more shielded wire and proper connections by 7-10cm?

>> No.2495500

bigger flies better and there are a lot of videos on the foam mini talon that plane is based off of.

>> No.2495846

>What am I in for?

A big disappointment & a lot of wasted time.

3D printed planes are fragile & as a complete beginner you're likely going to crash, a lot. For your first foray into fixed wing you should either buy a moulded foam plane or build something out of foamboard.

It's going to really suck when you spend 30 hours printing & assembling your plane, only to have it crash immediately & explode into a million pieces because you set one of the throws backwards.

>> No.2496662

GoPro celebrates the world’s beautiful and important diversity. We strive for the day that no group goes underrepresented at GoPro – be it in our workforce or our brand. Learn how we are working towards creating a more equal, inclusive and just world.

You have no one to blame but yourself for not getting the job anon. You may be white and male but whether or not you cut your balls off or take it up the ass is entirely under your own control..

I have a GoPro Hero4, I like that it can output analog video to the FPV system while recording HQ video to the SD card. Later models dont have this feature.

>> No.2496825

First off: cringe, and secondly, this is the exact kind of removal of functionality that I am talking about. They come out with something new that does less than the old thing, and expect you to break out your wallet and suck their feminine benis for the privilege.

>> No.2496925
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So I think i've grown out of my box goggles already, start to get motion sickness after prolonged sessions and the signal is shit, what are my options for upgrades?
looking for cheap/used <100 euro/bongs, various skyzone 02's goggles are popping up on ebay, seem like a decent option, anyone use them?

>> No.2496989

That might be a good upgrade, but I haven't tried them. You should start seeing used DJI Goggles V2 for a decent price though, now that people are upgrading to the Goggles 2.

>> No.2497051

I looked into a dji setup but not willing to pay the premium just yet, even used it's going to be 300-400+ once I get everything changed over. That's end-game if i stick with this hobby.

>> No.2497132

How bad is it flying your drone about when it's damp? more concerned with the short amount of time it's on wet grass while disarmed and water getting on the FC/ESC.

>> No.2497564
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Honestly water isn't as much of a shorting risk as you probably think. From messing around with my RC car & a RC snow skid where PCBs were literally dripping in water/melt it takes quite a lot before it becomes an issue.

Try your best to avoid landing in long wet grass & maybe pack something like a rocket blower (the kind you use for air dusting camera lenses etc.) just to dry things off if they do get wet, but don't worry about it too much.

>> No.2497580
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>Honestly water isn't as much of a shorting risk as you probably think.

you've probably never encountered bad batteries

>> No.2497596
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I've fully submerged lipos in saltwarer & snow. They don't just explode because of a bit of dew, quit trying to scare the poor anons.

>> No.2497654
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Good to know, I was going to take it apart and conformal coat it all, but as the kids say, LE YOLO XD.

>> No.2498249

>GoPro just removed the Protune adjustments from their Quick app, yet again. THE ABSOLUTE PAJEETERY OF THIS COMPANY!
thats nothing, try connecting a gopro hero 4 to the app using a recent phone. It plain doesnt work (customer service knows about this issue) but it still allows you to select Hero4 when connecting..

>> No.2498355

fly gliders and become one with nature

>> No.2498404


If you are getting motion sick then better goggles wont help you, You just need to fly more.

>> No.2498531

Heard people say that certain goggles give them motion sickness, figured it had some merit, but might just need to adjust.
don't normally get nauseous in VR which is why I thought maybe my eyes just didn;t like the box style goggles, bought a set of skyzones so I guess we'll find out in a few days.

>> No.2498533

What's the name for flying via cell towers?
like having a simcard on your copter/plane and then sending and receiving video/signals over 4g/5g for unlimited range?

>> No.2498556

I saw this drone on sale at Home Depot for $35, does that seem like a decent deal? No experience flying but I've been wanting to learn, does this seem like it would be semi-decent to learn on or is it entirely a waste of money?

>> No.2498629

That's called "BVLOS" or "FAA citation flying"

By all means, fly it, crash it up, fix it if possible. It is better to get bored of a $35 camera drone than a $800 DJI camera drone. Just know that FPV flying is a completely different animal, and is much more fun and engaging..

>> No.2498738

Get it. Most of the cheap drones are pretty much the same. Only difference is that some have available spare parts while others toast if you brake them. Sometimes its cheaper to buy a spare and use the other for parts.

>> No.2498758

>she thinks you are automatically flying far if you are flying on data
>she cares about the FAA

>> No.2498881

Why not just use a traditional link then, to reduce latency?
Also, you are free to piss off the FAA all you want, but they are not fucking around with the dollar amounts that they assign to their fines. If they cite you, it's on the same pay scale as manned aircraft.

>> No.2498883

I would be concerned about fines if my net worth wasn't already negative

>> No.2498902

How easy is it to geolocate encrypted 900MHz telemetry data link?

I figure you could set up a waypoint to an interesting area, monitor the plane via telemetry, even possibly mounting your ground station in a car so you could drive around.

When the plane arrives at the area of interest, send a command which turns on high power (eg 1000mW) analog video transmission for a short time, have a look, controlling the plane using telemetry link.

Then turn off analog video, disconnect telemetry and go to the plane's "home"location (not the same as takeoff site), take control via the remote control and land the plane. Any FAA agents on here can tell me if they think they could counter this?

(I fly LOS with 20mW video)

>> No.2498911

>How easy is it to geolocate encrypted 900MHz
Encryption doesn't matter. Tracking radio signal is as simple as seeing where the transmissions are strongest. If you're not transmitting, they can't find you. And unless you're interfering with an airport, they won't care at all and/or won't have an agent out in time to catch you.

>> No.2498922

How will the FAA ever notice and then find you if you are flying via 4g? They just aren't looking for that and they'd have to contact the cell provider to even find out who is transmitting.

>> No.2498935

>Encryption doesn't matter.
It absolutely does. There are a few communication protocols in use with uavs. The Mavlink protocol is open source. RFD900 radios use Manchester encoding, anyone can decode the binary messages. This would then allow you to identify and read (eg) the GLOBAL_POSITION_INT message which would give you position of the drone in real time.
>radio tracking is as simple as seeing where the transmissions are strongest.
it really isn't. I cant imagine the FAA driving around monitoring signal strength and trying to drive in the direction which makes the number go up. Not an expert but if you had an array of antennae, using either signal strength or time of arrival, doing something like beamforming you would get the direction. You would then need two such arrays to triangulate.

>> No.2498942

>It absolutely does
No. It helps but won't stop them if you're niggering around an airport or somewhere important enough to get their attention anyways. You could broadcast straight gibberish with a microwave and they'd still be able to find you if they cared.
>I cant imagine the FAA driving around monitoring signal strength
You don't have to imagine. They actually do this.
>array antenna and time if arrival
This is the same thing as a van but brain power instead of patrol power.
>You would then need two such arrays to triangulate.
Gonna go out on a limb here and guess that the federal agency with a taskforce to identify and stop radio transmissions (this is where I realize I am part retarded and have been thinking of the FCC instead of the FAA happens (I'm in both ham and rc quad hobbies)) has the budget for two antennas

>> No.2498971

I think the detection range for drones is quite small, not like HAM, so you would need to be relatively close to the drone or have a dense network of antennae. I can believe they have such networks around airports (I think they should, a drone bringing down a jet with 200 people on board would be terrible) although some dude managed to shut down a UK airport for a whole day and no one could stop his drone

>> No.2498996

I bet the detection for the drone would be really hard. I think detection of someone on 2.4ghz transmitting would be reasonably easy, provided that they are actually interested in you enough to get in the 2.4ghz range. I bet being in a wifi-hot area would make that a touch harder, too.
Finding someone on 900/868mhz would probably be easier because of range and less saturation of that frequency.
Wasn't that airport shutdown completely unconfirmed that there was a drone? Or am I thinking the US incident?

>> No.2499025

there are really only two things that will get you in trouble quickly, flying outside class G airspace (near an airport generally), or using an encrypted datalink since the only people autistic and anal retentive enough to go looking for you are ham radio boomers with nothing better to do

>> No.2499181

Usually they catch you when you post the video to YouTube.

>> No.2499467
File: 2.93 MB, 1000x562, vv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, gave up and bought it a lipo pack. Damn, those things pack a punch. I gave it two test flights, one webm related, other one in an empty field where it just went into a spin in the same direction as visible and eventually crashed after two barrel rolls. Maybe I was a bit shy with controls in a second attempt, but I feel like with idle controls, it should fly straight.

What should I consider here? Is it counter-rotating against the spinning propeller, or does it look like it's design fault, like imperfect wings or a bit wobbly control surfaces? Or is it normal that RC planes are not flying straight, and I should just continuously fight against it by controlling it abruptly?

>> No.2499527

Wet grass has caused my video to go black but a hairdryer always sorted it out. I've since electrolube coated most things

>> No.2499530

lol that webm

>> No.2499545

I love that anon actually tried to launch there to begin with.

>> No.2499784

yes, it could be torque roll from the motor. This is usually solved by angling the motor in the opposite direction, a few degrees at most. The LiPo battery can have more voltage than your old batteries, but most importantly it can deliver more current to the motor. I know you want to build this scrap plane for some reason, but RC planes aren't the best hobby to stumble through. There are a lot of videos and forums dedicated to this.

Find a bigger field to fly in.

>> No.2499788

LOL, saved!

>> No.2500315
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Turtal mode is scam, do nut buyed!

>> No.2500324

Just werks on my machine
t. indoor whoop flyer

>> No.2500334

Enjoy sucking on those walls.

>> No.2500335

Not a problem with the fucking avocado firmware.

>> No.2500347

Interesting, I'm going to have to look into that. Pretty amazing how much tech is packed into those little fuckers.

>> No.2500356

Yeah for some reason all of the bigger dronefags on youtube haven't picked up on it except this autist.I guess the hype isn't there.

>> No.2500663
File: 488 KB, 1080x1434, IMG_20221111_211735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we work out how much weight a wing can support to payload capacity? The bottle in pic related is 580g approx and barely any defection. But if the wing is loaded with 580g in the air, it's more evenly already across the wing rather than all right near the tip right?

Eg 1.5kg of load on the wing maybe be more like 200g in that area where the bottle is, with 2 wings it's 3kg, and the body in this model also contributes to lift.

The wing load max is spec'ed 60.6g/dm2 and wing area 19.8dm2 which gives 1.2kg max. Obviously prop, motor, ESC we can change.

But it seems like this could support a lot more? Perhaps a limitation of the control surfaces too then? Though they could be glassed

>> No.2500864

Wing loading isn't about how much force it takes to break a wing, it's about how much weight it can handle in the normal speed envelope before the necessary aspect ratio to maintain level flight starts to stall the airfoil. Also, keep in mind that when you are pulling multiple g's, all your electronics weigh that many times more.

>> No.2501870

what the best cheap flight controler that supports ardupilot? from the research i did it seems BeagleBone Blue is the best value

>> No.2501970

Wat. Just use a Matek or Omnibus board

>> No.2502998

360 camera when?

>> No.2503000

Hey frens, my coworker Emil wants to sell me this old drone he had in his garage for a while now

It says "Bayraktar" but i can't read the rest since it's covered in old crap
I figured it's some no name china brand, are 100 bucks adequate?

>> No.2503051

Anyone know why the XT60 lead started melting together all of a sudden on my racing quad? Happened to two batteries the other day, the negative on the battery side melted, and ejaculated hot plastic into the drone side and got melted together. Batteries are almost a year old Tattu 6s that get the shit beat out of them 2-4 times a week, looks like they are at 7-9 mOhms resistance per cell on the charger. Only other thing I can think of is I changed to a 50V 470 uf capacitor recently, or the battery is having high internal resistance under heavy load.

>> No.2503054

*30V changed to 50V capacitor, same uf.

>> No.2503065

The males do wear out and any dirt drastically increases resistance. I have pulled 80a continous and hammered 200+ burst through xt60s they really only get shitty if you cook them soldering or physically wear them out or get some dirt or schmoo in them.

>> No.2503249

Sorry, water is below 0 up here in Canada already. Going to have to wait until Spring thaws out.

>> No.2503295
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>> No.2503429

Seen these guys before? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arTLho86huQ&t=0s
Seem to have a good model.

>> No.2503430

for 100, sure. is he going to deliver it to your house personally?

>> No.2503446
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Then it just raises the stall speed right? So I can just increase thrust? Or/and use vortex generators to mitigate

>> No.2503541
File: 84 KB, 1075x1075, img_1_1668531170116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the stupidest fucking idea I have ever seen. why would I throw away my parts just to give someone 300 calories worth of rice cakes? my 11 in quad can drop 3 3600 calorie emergency meal bars and fly back to me unharmed.

>> No.2503616

Uh, sweaty, are your emergency rations glucose free vegan organic?

>> No.2503688

why is there such a spread of prices for lipo batteries. Just want the biggest capacity for charging out-in-the-wild, having to get the spreadsheet out to calculate $ per wh on every site.
Anyone got some good recs for a low C, cheap AF big battery that I can realistically put in my lipo bag. Or is a homemade li-ion battery pack the goto?

>> No.2503814

Looks cool. Very aerobatic (aquatabic?). I like these guys use epoxy to fil the gaps. I used pond sealant, but it's not very rigid. If I do another I'll use that.

There's an old shipwreck about 12ft down about an hour from me and in a relatively accessible channel (by kayak). I'll go see it next year and post it here.

>> No.2503852

>Via: Nerdist
Should tell you everything you need to know, these are not serious guys. Also your quad can hit SIIIICK GAPS to divebomb that missing faggot with granola bars or S.oylent bottles or whatever.

>> No.2503859

What should my babby's first drone be? I want to basically be able to fly a few km out and do aerial recon and surveillance for my property and also airsoft. I ideally would want a Mavic 2 Zoom i guess but they're in high demand rn and quite expensive for a first drone. I'm checking out the DJI Mini 2 and 3, should i bother looking at any other brand, does the 3 have any major advantages over the 2 that i absolutely want?

>> No.2504072

Could I combine a drone with waypointing and some image recognition software to automatically count livestock in hilly terrain?

>> No.2504232

is there actually demand for that? Is it sheep?
You could set up an ardupilot quadcopter with a sony camera, then use opendronemap to make a georeferenced areal map.
After that you would need to produce eg jpeg images of each part of the areal map and use some python package to detect blobs of white of a certain size.
You would need to fly a set height above the terrain (otherwise the blob size would change). This is possible but you would need either a good raster of the terrain or a rangefinder on a gimbal.
It is 100 percent possible to do, just a lot of work, especially if you want an efficient workflow that other people can use.

>> No.2504367
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Submarine guy from above signing in.

I thought about doing this before so I started with a simplistic robotic car with a sonar that changes direction if it comes near a solid object, but also strapped a Google Coral TPU board to it with a camera. The ML was designed to recognize people's faces, and then send a signal to the arduino & motor circuit to change direction. The robot (Harry) would then theoretically chase the person around the room. It was laggy (the TPU and arduino do not interface well), and the signals became all confused when the sonar and TPU issued different commands. Probably possible if I went back and put more time into it. Here's Harry (he has a gf robot called Sally). I've stolen the TPU battery and camera off it for other things, and he's dusty af, but he's 98% alive.

Anyway, to relate this to you, you need a TPU like a Coral board and a LOT of images to recognize terrain. People are easy because the libraries are available online... but terrain? I doubt it. If anything, you could download large sections of satellite google maps as the references, then point the camera straight down, and then do image comparisons, then relate it to a long/lat. Don't forget that the TPU, camera require a battery source, and all of this is extra weight. It would be a difficult project.

>> No.2504457

Yeah this isn’t a drone problem, it’s a CV/ML problem. I imagine it’s technically feasible, but you’re talking about a project that will take hundreds of hours work before it produces a genuinely useful output.

>> No.2505296
File: 666 KB, 2242x934, craft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up /diy/?
I'm designing my first flying vehicle right now. Picrel. Don't try and talk me out of it, but I'm open to tweaks. I have experience designing aviation components and tons of experience fabricating and 3D printing parts. What I lack however, is mechatronics and electronics knowledge. Vehicle summary:
>Approximate dimensions: 24"x24"x6" (610mm x 610mm x 152mm)
>max 11lbs (5kg)
>30 min flight time would be awesome
>2x 90mm ducted fans
2x NEMA 11 motors to provide rotational control for the engines
>Runcam HD2
Remaining components I need to spec (I believe)
>Stability control
>Power distribution board (computer?)
>Voltage regulator/power monitoring unit
>Receiver and transmitter
>weights to balance the CofG
Are all of these necessary? Again, my knowledge of electronics is lacking. I'm basically wondering:
>What is the brain, and how do I integrate stepper motors into it?
>Any tips for routing cables for control surfaces?
>Does anything I've mentioned seem unreasonable or unattainable? I'm up for a challenge

>> No.2505351

The vehicle is going to land on dirt/grass and your bottom side stabilizers are going to break right off. I suggest you make the top ones bigger and remove the bottom ones.

I'll read the rest later, that was my 0.02c while phone posting and shitting

>> No.2505385

What are your assessments based on? I'm going to accommodate a landing gear so there will be adequate clearance. I realize to keep stable it'll have to be balanced and have good stability control. I'm worried mostly about the transition from horizontal to vertical flight from an aerodynamics standpoint

>> No.2505407

>accommodate a landing gear
Ah didn't realize this. Most RC go belly up on landing

>> No.2505421

You can't even use a quad or tri copter setup for stability when lifting off.

It's mostly possible, at least stable enough to get off the ground, it will wobble a lot and won't be good enough at hovering to do video.

I haven't really seen any computers that support transition so that would be your own egg to crack. Once you're in flight using your wings then you can get normal autopilots.

You probably need ardupilot and start coding your own modules.

>> No.2505431

Cool project anon. I see how you're gonna do hover roll and yaw control but is your CG going to be offset enough for pitch authority? Also can I ask why you're going with steppers instead of conventional servos?

>> No.2505547

this going to be vtol?
arduplane does it pretty well if so.

>> No.2505709

I guess the only question I have is; why ducted fans?

>> No.2505990

At the rate the FAA is going, flying anything for fun is going to be illegal. No man alive will be able to remember all the rules well enough in a year's time. Right now they're trying to add so much bureaucracy that you'll be doing 90% paperwork and 10% flying. They're so busy taking corporate dick that it's almost impressive.

>> No.2505993

Turtle mode is fine on little stuff. My 3 incher has never burnt a thing by using it.

>> No.2506082

Any good sources for LARGE electric motors? Maximum that Hobbyking has is a "150cc equivalent" which is about 13hp according to their specs. I'm looking for a 40hp motor.

>> No.2506084

Nah, landing is easy, it's leaving the plane intact enough to take off ever again that's the hard part.

>> No.2506086

It's been done and it works. It would be more efficient to make a "quintcopter" however, with the gas engine directly powering a main rotor, with a magneto powering four small steering/stability motors.

>> No.2506102

Are they your livestock?

If so, tag them all individually with Apple Airtags and then you can just fly over them with an iPhone to get all their locations.

>> No.2506412

lol reminds me of my Galaxy S5.

>> No.2506418

that A E S T H E T I C

>> No.2506556

DESU it looks like dogshit to me. Giant holes and obstructions in the middle of the primary lift-generating surfaces. This isn't a flying wing, it's a bicopter with some cosmetic garbage stuck on it.

>> No.2506559

Is DJI really the only option for something out the box you don't need to tinker with? Really? This industry that's only been around for a few years is already basically corralled by one chinese company?

>> No.2506589

for a flying camera? There are some competitors, DJI is just the biggest name. Autel, Syma, Exo, etc all exist with similar features.

>> No.2506722

Does anyone watch Andrew Camarata's youtube channel? What drone do you think he uses? It looks like he flies that thing pretty far and wondering if that's attainable for cheap.

>> No.2506893

>I'm designing my first flying vehicle
I think it would work better as a submarine..
Is it supposed to take off like an Osprey?
If so, why not copy their design and put the props on the wing tips with a lever? How it is now looks unstable.
For the brain, I would use a 'cube orange'. It has pwm output to control escs that control motors. Thing is, it looks like you are designing a new type of craft so it will need a new control algorithm. I cant get my head around how it is supposed to control pitch while taking off.

>> No.2506997

>don't need to tinker with
What kind of hobbyist are you?
Tinkering is at least half the fun!

>> No.2507621 [DELETED] 
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Hear me out
It's rebranded GTS3D chinkshit
but it's $9 a roll.
Can't be that bad.

>> No.2507778

Anyone know if this engine by "Wenling Mingtu Machinery Factory" is good or shit?


>> No.2509163
File: 1.00 MB, 1889x2265, PXL_20221124_083819069~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the downside, I burned out 25% of my Diatone 75A ESC, but on the upside...

>> No.2509205

looks beefy, how many amps?

>> No.2509237

It reads 60A on the board. Might be a hint.

>> No.2509258

Never noticed. thanks.

>> No.2509512

Can someone recommend a good sensible RC car? Similar to the a959 but better. I already had it but sold it. Also, consider a good Transmitter. My budget, around 100 - 200 usd. Preferably not over 150 usd.

>> No.2509516
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Even though I'm going from 75 down to 60 amps, I think this will actually be more resilient since it feels like pretty hefty copper when you hold it. Haven't opened up my old one yet to check what happened, but I suspect that the board itself fried and not just a FET, since I soldered a new motor in and it burned as soon as I plugged the battery in. Had some race wire burn a trace too when that happened, like a circuit breaker. Shoulda used a smoke stopper!

>> No.2509580

Is there an opinion on the brand Holy Stone for drones? They seem to just be off-brand Syma, but they're on a decent markoff right now on amazon.

>> No.2509587

Probably a decent cheapo. Depends if there are any parts available for it if you do rek it. I'd also look for reviews on the specific model.

>> No.2509758
File: 202 KB, 486x436, Emax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this as my first fpv drone, how bad did I fuck up?

>> No.2509759
File: 3.29 MB, 1408x779, speed run Typhon 6s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah the S5 is tough as nails.

>> No.2509818

Not bad, you'll have fun with that.

>> No.2509825

My quadcopter rarely draws more than 20A when flying at 10m/s. It weighs 1.8kg with a 4s battery, am I missing something? why does yours draw 60A? are you using 2S?

>> No.2509897

No one is willing to invest in building up companies in America (why bother making products when you can just write an app?), and China restricts competition pretty heavily especially in sectors with military potential.

Not only that, but if you're an American company wanting funding for manufacturing something, the venture capital crowd will literally force you to do the manufacturing in China "because it's cheaper!" Then all your tech gets stolen and your company becomes worthless, but the VC crowd doesn't care because they dumped their shares in an "exit event" after two years.

>> No.2509900

That's probably one of the best budget starter packs for proper FPV flight. It's full featured, easy to fix, and can teach you everything you need to know to go further if you like it. Good choice!

>> No.2509914

Sad state of affairs in the world when the Chinese have more economic freedom then Americans. If I want to have an electronic gadget made in China, I go to a manufacturer and have them make a run of them, and then I sell the product. If I want to do the same thing in the US, I'll be waiting years for my product to get its necessary regulatory approval, and it'll cost twice as much because American industry is among the least automated in the developed world.

>> No.2509921

Sweet then, think I'm reading too many reviews from experienced flyers about it.

>> No.2509979

I'm about 9 months in. Here's a few things that'll help if you haven't heard them yet.
-Be okay with the fact that you'll crash. Everyone does.
-If it's winter where you're at, small branches are practically invisible on analog video. Also your props will explode instead of bend in the cold. Get spares.
-1S batteries will voltage sag pretty bad, especially on a PH2.0 connector. You might change it for GNB27 or BT2.0 at some point.
-Try to keep your batteries at 3.8ish for storage, and don't go under 3.3 resting. Do those and you'll get 6-12 months out of your batteries.

>> No.2509985
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I bought two of these to tide me over with the two stock 1s for now before worrying about other batteries/connectors. What I mean to say is all the videos shitting on it come from people who have flown their own bigger custom quads for years so of course the controls and range are going to suck for them but for someone with very limited experience it seems fine and more than fast enough for now.

>> No.2509992

It's a 5" racing quad on 6S with 1950kv motors, I could probably get away with a 40A, but I like to have some margin of safety.

>> No.2509995

Oh yeah, they'll certainly work. Just keep in mind that PH2.0 is notorious for wearing out fast. It's just not that good a connector. Until then, let it rip! Another thing I forgot to mention. The FAA can't enforce what they don't know. Your little 2 inch quad won't draw that much attention, and if some Karen whines to the cops, just be gone from any place you flew in less than 30 minutes to avoid basically everything. Fuck the new rules.

>> No.2510045

Not in the US but apparently we need a loicense to fly one outdoors, doubt most people out here in the sticks know or care as long as you aren't hanging around peoples homes/businesses with it, common sense stuff.

>> No.2510053

Ayy, nice! The rural areas are perfect! Sounds like you're set for good times. Happy for you bro!

>> No.2510054
File: 3.35 MB, 1591x745, Lake3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is flooded here atm would be cool to check out parts of towns and rivers that have been closed off, but I know it will end in tears.

>> No.2510062

You're probably on the wrong channel +-1. That much power can go a few km with basic gear. Cycle through on your goggles to be sure you're on the right one.

>> No.2510081

Sensible is subjective
Tomley is always good for budget stuff

>> No.2510098

Anyone know where to get REVERSE THREAD nylock M5 nuts?

I have a source but they have a minimum order of $50, and I just need two nuts.

>> No.2510286

You might see if a local machine shop would be willing to fix you up for cheap. That or you could try to make them yourself.

>> No.2510302

Literally just buy them on Amazon/eBay/Ali. At least in M5 they are very easy to find, because that’s the most common size used by motors in this hobby. I’ve only encountered difficulties when going up to M6.

>> No.2510356

I can find non nylock all day long, your just gonna have to settle for that and some lock tite

>> No.2510376
File: 646 KB, 1248x2079, 7FA5A4E4-02F3-4C72-9496-A456080924A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you even looking? I can find them in 5 seconds on eBay UK & US. There are even domestic sellers if you don’t want to wait for shipping from China.

>> No.2510394

It was the goggles, I think the box goggles i had were just shit, got a set of skyzone with dual antenna and it's going out way past 2-3km now.

>> No.2510445

dude every single on of those fucks is from china. Spending on shipping and then waiting 9 months to get 2 nuts is fucking retarded. I didnt see any domestic but I see you are searching in some shit hole country that doesn't use $ as their standard currency.

>> No.2510455

If you’re so impatient just buy motors with regular threaded shafts like everybody else. Reverse threaded nylocs are completely fucking pointless.

>> No.2510474

Im not OP you god damn retard


>> No.2510623
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>> No.2510628

unacceptable response you must come up with something equally clever.

>milk in first? DUDE thats wack.

>> No.2510633


>ello governor have you seen the queen lately

>NO matey I havent seen here since sept 8


>> No.2510636
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>> No.2510639
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>> No.2510640


>> No.2510642


>> No.2510643
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>> No.2510644


>> No.2510741
File: 30 KB, 566x415, 9AE68C32-D62F-4F32-90AF-5F0AE4A7B726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get this 6x6 high speed prop from other than hobbyking? It’s always on back order I’ve got other apc style 6x6, but this design looks quite different and I wanted one

>> No.2510766

I can see the desire for them. My 3 inch quad is always loosening them on two of the motors on little branch strikes. It's a pain in the ass to tighten them all the time.

>> No.2510843

Replace all four nuts with left handed thread nuts, and the problem will go away. No need for nylock either, just crank 'em down like you mean it.

>> No.2510882
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Anyone used these aliexpress water cooling jackets before? I'm a little concerned about leaks

>> No.2511102
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>typhon 6s
Based. I love the typhon but it's so cheap (and hilarious) to speed run small scale chinese shitboxes. I just pre-ordered the AM-X12 to build into a 100+ mph pavement basher. It looks like a baby typhon, picrel.

>> No.2511259

where are you? Looks nice. Madagascar?

>> No.2511329
File: 54 KB, 900x720, 1660108720119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bouta dive into a digital vtx from a a good 5 months of pure analogue, wish me luck.
that dji o3 quality is gonna save me the need for a separate action cam.

>> No.2511348

Couldn't agree more, I got back into rc with a wltoys 124019 and it was fun converting it to brushless and doing speed runs, my cheap esc blew up so I bought the Typhon and didn't look back until I got my hands on a Max 10 for the wltoys recently.....when I get a new rear diff I might get to try it on 4s this time.

>> No.2511351

Oh yeah there is/was a chinese racing brand on Amazon that sold those cars first, Rlaarlo literally just changed the colour schemes and slapped their name on everything, I only remember this because the colour scheme/design for it was the exact same as the 3s typhon and even had the same style 1/12 rims and wheels onit. Oh and the price, they wanted an extra $100 for nothing lol. Wish I could remember the name.

Close, straya.

>> No.2511360

My parents asked me what I want for Christmas... I'm 35, can afford most things fine on my own, and don't really want or need anything... but I told my dad I could use a better soldering iron. Dads fucking love buying their kids tools

>> No.2511390

Haako, Weller, or whatever the equivalent of a TS100 is these days?

>> No.2511392

>that dji o3 quality is gonna save me the need for a separate action cam.
That's what everyone was saying about the original Air Unit, but then it was
>SD card slow!
For years, with no fucking fix! They just gave up on canvas mode OSD too...
Anyways, it would be interesting to hear from a real person whether or not there is a noticable difference with the 03. Also, you will be updating your firmware to a locked down version, no more rooting it for that pair EVER.

>> No.2511396

I mean, that works real well until I need to replace the props.

>> No.2511410
File: 283 KB, 844x569, amx12frame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was WL Toys (poorly) copying LC Racing. I built four of those little turd herders into speedrun cars last year and they're fast but terrible at pretty much everything else save for carpet tracks. The AM-X12 seems like a big step forward though, carbon chassis, suitable starting electronics, decent budget radio, tons of spares, slipper clutch and a bunch of other little upgrades that should make it worth the 150 I paid. Not expecting miracles from a chink company but it would cost hundreds to put all that shit on a stock WL Toys car.

>> No.2511423

That's cool they're doing all that. My only complaint would be those shocks, they're still the same ones since the 14001 just different colours.

>> No.2511428

Those shocks are actually passable when put together and oiled correctly. The problem is WL leaves a crucial o-ring out from the factory so they leak and bind up after a few runs, if there's even any oil in there when they show up. No idea if rlaarlo is like this but "ready-to-rebuild" is not a meme.

>> No.2511434

I tried cleaning and adding o rings with 3 pairs of the purple ones and they all leaked until they were half empty, must have been a shitty batch.

>> No.2511470

Out of four WL cars two of them leaked no matter what. The other two were totally fine after a rebuild. I think LC Racing shocks are the ticket but only if the car is getting totally decked out and at that point a roller makes more sense.

>> No.2511507

He mentioned Weller as a brand he likes. So maybe that's what I'll end up getting? Idk... anything's got to be better than the cheap shit I have now

>> No.2511522

I've got a cheap ass $35 Weller station. It works, but holy shit it's the least I could ever get by with. Need to get something with temp control in the future.

>> No.2511560

>been curious wanted to ask what experience made you realize you want better temp control because i thought my ruski $15 station with temp adjustment based on light dimmer was fine until I burned a hard drive firmware chip while trying to swap PCB to fix it
>realized you didn't say "better", just temp control in general
carry on

>> No.2511622

Anything with temperature control & interchangeable tips (so you can use the shape & size of tip appropriate for the particular task) will be a big step up from a single temperature iron with a fixed tip.

The Hakka FX888D is pretty much the gold standard when it comes to hobbyist grade soldering. You absolutely don’t need an iron that expensive to consistently get great joints, but if soldering is something you do a lot then it really is a nice tool to use.

>> No.2511623


Hakko. I have no idea where iPad autocorrect got Hakka from.

>> No.2511669

Obviously from the term "leet hakka"

>> No.2511802

nice. I just pre-ordered one of the Caddx sets since they're discounted.

do you have it set to Maori?

>> No.2511822

No, it's the name of the dance that the New Zealand rugby team does before every game.

>> No.2511963
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>> No.2512388

>rotor riot

>> No.2512443
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Minor issue otherwise yeah think I'd grab one of these if I ever get a cheap 1/12th again.

>> No.2512511

They should have figured out a way to make the remote fit in the case with the wing on. Probably a cost issue as the case would have to be a little bigger but on the other hand I'm impressed it has a case at all. That's gonna be nice for toting it to the local carpet track.

>> No.2512680

>Carpet track
Tell me there is a manufacturer making tires for that called "rug munchers".

>> No.2513819
File: 1.03 MB, 942x1142, amxcase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit the remote does fit in there with the wing on if you're not retarded. Not one reviewer figured this out lmao
>rug muchers

>> No.2514105

this might be a retarded question, but is there a nano module that i can buy that works with DJI FPV stuff? I could just get a dji controller but seems like a waste when i have a controller with a nano bay module.

>> No.2514151

I have yet to see one. DJI is the sort of company that wants you as committed to their products as they can manage. Can't get modules for any of their stuff, and I find it shocking that they even provide the air unit.

>> No.2514674

Unfortunately that isn't an option. Still though, there is Crossfire and ELRS that hardly take up any space on your drone, and you can have that 900mhz penetration as a bonus.

>> No.2514784

that sucks, was hoping they approved some 3rd parties like their air unit stuff.

>> No.2514793
File: 1.26 MB, 1602x1192, 1647947818157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought one of these, what am I in for?

>> No.2515110

Your old man will mock you. He is going to tell you that you don't deserve a woman.

>> No.2515257
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So like every other day, great.

>> No.2516372

I am absolutely dogshit with the Tinyhawk wew, didn't help it was kind of windy. Is Flowstate a half decent drone sim?

>> No.2516988

Haven't played Flowstate, but it looks decent if you can run it. I'd try Liftoff first though, it's pretty much the standard.
As for your little drone, set up a switch to go from rate mode to angle mode, so you can switch to self stabilization if you get in trouble while fucking around in acro mode, or at least start off in angle mode for a while to develop some muscle memory of what stick does what, and can get a feel for the throttle. Quads are very dependant on actively flying the throttle, so learn to feather it in quick little blips to maintain the trajectory you are trying to fly. Also, like snowboarding, flying an FPV drone is easier with a bit of momentum to carve with, when you start out you don't really know what you want to do in the air so it's easy to default to trying to hover to gather your thoughts. Hovering actually takes a fair amount of skill though, you'll learn it, but for now just set your camera angle pretty low, and pitch the quad forward until the horizon is level in the middle of the screen, and just fly it around like an airplane.
This is all somewhat frustrating when you start out, but stick with it and you will continually amaze yourself with the new things you learn to do.

>> No.2517034

I'll have to try those things. My main problem was exactly that, trying to hover, there were also trees and a lake nearby which caused me to panic whenever it was going anywhere near them so I'll go to a proper oval this time.

>> No.2517506

Go to a sportsball field and it will be much lower stress.

>> No.2518086

I bought a 30x5.5 inch prop for my 1.4kw 7000RPM motor.

was that a good purchase?

>> No.2518205

what kind of monster do you need a 30" prop for

>> No.2518208

I'm sure you can always return it for a $4 store credit.

>> No.2518221
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can I trust this software if I do some funny stunt?

>> No.2518286

It's open source, if you're suspicious just audit the code yourself.

>> No.2518864

I've not used it myself, but I've seen a guy run his solar plane for the majority of a day once. Think he sent it 100 miles.

>> No.2520394
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henlo /rcg/
Would you still use picrel?
Charges and discharges fine, no hotspots, resistances fine.
redditors need not respond, thank you.

>> No.2520561

It only lost the shrink wrap. I'd wrap a little electrical tape around it and send it back out.

>> No.2520616

seconding the electrical tape. If the cells aren't damaged, then it's fine.

>> No.2520761

Trying to buy my bro a drone for christmas, who will likely just use it for footage/photography.
Are there recommended non-chinese alternatives to DJI?

>> No.2520763

>Are there recommended non-chinese alternatives to DJI?
Parrot Anafi

>> No.2520831

What's the cheapest drone i can get that i can use to drop shit on my neighbors yard? Nothing too heavy, mostly just trash and stuffs 500gr at most

>> No.2520847
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On a scale of one in the stink, to two in the pink, how bad did I just meme on myself? Pic is the 4" with no electronics.

>> No.2520870

Depends on the purpose of it. Is it for cruising or ripping? You'll be fine if it's not meant to go very far.

>> No.2521294

Those motors kinda suck. Generally avoid T-Mount for anything bigger than 2.5", maybe 3".
The bell is going to come off the shaft during the first real crash.

>> No.2521357

This one isn't getting flown too hard, just want something light and quiet to fly in places I'm not supposed to, for longer than two minutes at a time.

>> No.2521436

It'll certainly do that. Pick out bi-blade props with gentle pitch for less noise, and run Li-Ion cells for longevity. Just keep in mind that quads are rarely what a person would call quiet. Probably want to go below 2 inches if you want any kind of stealth. My overweight Mobula 7 does about 5 minutes on 350mAh 2S packs.

>> No.2521469

I have a 3" toothpick for the really light and quiet, but I'm actually taking the guts out of my 2.5" Phantom HD and putting them in this Shocker. I way overbuilt that little fucker, and with a double stack FC/ESC and a naked Vista in it (with Crossfire too, lol!), it was just begging for a bigger prop size and some better suited motors. That Phantom will probably get built back up with a 5-in-1 AIO and will fly a lot better too. Can't get rid of it though, that was the quad I learned on in a pinch when the Tiny Hawk that I planned to use for that burned up its AIO while I was trying to bind to it's shitty D8 protocol.

>> No.2521475
File: 1.08 MB, 2343x1753, PXL_20221214_063056377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that post is worthless without a pic. Look how cramped everything it, and how undersized the motors are. Those motors started out life on a Beta85x, along with the naked vista and fixed aspect 16:9 camera. Just every time I would break or burn something out, I'd replace it with something beefier, and the first thing to go on the Beta85x was the cockpit, followed closely by the frame, so I just transferred everything to the Phantom.
This is a a second degree Ship of Theseus now.

>> No.2521610

Poor thing looks like my Micro Alien build when I was trying to run a triple stack with HDZero. Was removing EMI shields and plugs to reduce board height. It's pretty important to know where the hell parts will end up, huh?

>> No.2521635

Yes, that stack only goes together one way so that the plugs and tall electronic components mate, and the stack spacers are trimmed to get it even tighter. It is a major project to take it apart and put it together again.

>> No.2523576
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Redpill me on mjx b20 eis and whether it's worth getting or not if i can grab one for 100 buckaroos

>> No.2524095

Can one of you autists talk me out of buying the DJI Goggles 2? They are backwards compatible with the vista/au now, and the only thing I can think of not to get them is I would be going from 120 fps to 100, but I'm pretty sure the old goggles where hardly ever running at an actual 120 anyways. I really liked the V2 goggles, but I do a lot of flying down in the weeds and brush and I'd like all the image quality I can get!

>> No.2524337

They've got significantly higher latency for starters. (70ish ms IIRC)

>> No.2524405
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Anyone know if 3D printing a frame is worth trying to a complete beginner? I've seen a small handful of designs on thingiverse and such, but they all assume prior experience and none of them have any hand holding or guides, most expect you to be able to figure it out yourself.

>> No.2524739

I'm seeing ~30-35ms in all the test videos that I've watched, and it holds pretty solid through to the end. I think the old one was like 25ms, and then dropping off to 50+ if you start to get behind stuff.
Anyways, it's a moot point because I already pre-ordered the G2, hopefully I can get them to fit my face as well as the V2 did, or I'm just going to root my old ones and install WTFOS on them.

>> No.2524751

Cheapish first drone that allows programming? Cs faggot, dont understand electronics.

>> No.2524857

Oh, I was under the impression that you were using it with the O3 Air Unit.

>> No.2524859

I don't know of any frame designs, but if you're making it out of hard plastic like PLA, stay small. It will save you a lot of headache. It'll be harder to break, and easier to manage vibrations getting into the gyro.

>> No.2524896

if you've already got the v2 then stick with them, the upgrade is negligible.

>> No.2524905
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Tested out gps rescue today, forgot it punches it to a set altitude before trying to make it's way home.
it's really unnerving watching your drone go full throttle and you are unable to control it during the ascent, thought it was going to fly away.
i'll leave that off from now on.

>> No.2524906

small ones are do-able, but tbf a small carbon frame is like $10 and it's basically unbreakable. Not worth it.

>> No.2524939
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It's 30ms either way, unless you were maybe looking at the latency of a high quality mode or something. But anyways, the latency doesn't seem to be an issue for this kind of flying: https://youtu.be/Ay9Liv1e-Ms, which is what I'm into, just at a lower skill level of course.
Still planning to use the G2 with the naked Vista in my Shocker (pic related, got the old electronics test fitted in the new frame), and the original Air Unit in my 5" basher. Hopefully Hope this shit fits my face!

>> No.2525023

Pretty sure you're supposed to set that parameter. Going full blast to the target altitude isn't reasonable, especially for many long range configurations. Mine does so rather gently so as not to pull too many amps.

>> No.2525027

Huh, wonder how I came to believe that the latency was so much higher.

>> No.2525042
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Can tiltrotor tricopter where 2 forward engines are flippable and one on the back are not be viable?

>> No.2525043
File: 1.73 MB, 5312x2988, tiltrotor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic.

>> No.2525098

The fact you've posted a photo of a commercial product that does exactly that should surely be a hint.

>> No.2525174

there's lots of settings you could choose to customise it, that's the default behaviour. don;t think i'll use it anyway, i rarely do long flights, much prefer just to drop it on rx loss.

>> No.2525179

Fair enough. It's not like Betaflight's RTH is very good anyway. More of an "Oh shit!" backup system.

>> No.2525192

it's best not to go down the rabbithole of RC tiltrotors because you'll eventually be disappointed that nobody markets variable-pitch props

>> No.2525416

The only time I see RTH being useful is of you are flying LR over a glacier with crevasses, or over 100ft+ old growth trees, because a drop there is a 99% guaranteed loss of your drone. Even on an inaccessible cliff side a drop is recoverable eventually, just have to go to your local rock gym and recruit a team for a super special mission that they're probably itching to do anyways.
Still though, I think if you hit RTH, and then turn it off, and then hit it again in the same flight it will default back to drop (might need to confirm that) so if RTH goes haywire for whatever reason I think you still have that option. Loss of video vs. loss of RC link would decide whether you RTH manually or automatically too, so the behavior might be different depending.

>> No.2527138

My typical use for RTH is loss of video feed or control link. Adds peace of mind to know that if I fail to pay attention to things breaking line of sight or just getting too far out, it'll bring itself back. Has saved me a couple of times already.

>> No.2527282

new bread.