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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 65 KB, 730x548, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2450563 No.2450563 [Reply] [Original]

Post shit thats shit, but in the DIY spirit.

Previous thread >>2442296

>> No.2450565
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>> No.2450566
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>> No.2450568

Rented a house where the pervious "people" had a hot tub in the basement. Fucked the place up. When the AC went out and humidity went up could feel the mold.

>> No.2450580

somehow I see the appeal

>> No.2450584

I was in a house that had something similar once, but the owner nigger-rigged up a dehumidifier that dumped right back into the hot tub

>> No.2450648
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, simulation error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In elementary school they showed us photos of what spider webs looked like if the spiders were given different types of drugs. Apparently the tile guy in this town didn't know about that.

>> No.2450653

Isn't there some art museum/house in Pittsburgh that has a big boulder in one room? And a staircase where the handrail has a tiny warm water trough running down it?

>> No.2450669

some people have boxing gloves and a punching bag in their basement
other people have a rotary hammer drill and a big rock

>> No.2450699
File: 197 KB, 1200x800, Page_195_Elrod_House_Interior.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what they ordered

>> No.2450711

The floor is missing around the rock, are they building in a cave and couldn't be bothered demoing the boulder?

>> No.2450715
File: 319 KB, 1220x1639, The Lair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what was in the sales brochure.

>> No.2450717

It's an odd one, a business of some kind that dress that window to make the office look like it has more floors from the outside.

>> No.2450720

>In elementary school they showed us photos of what spider webs looked like if the spiders were given different types of drugs
Wait what

>> No.2450724
File: 160 KB, 600x999, webs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was typical 'DARE to be drugfree' propaganda that we were showered with in the 80s.

>> No.2450725

it's not real, it's an anti-drinking ad if I remember correctly. you can search "spider on drugs" and you'll find it

>> No.2450734

The studies are real and go back to the mid 1950s.


People mischaracterizing them for "educational" propaganda purposes goes back to about seven minutes after that article hit the newsstands.

>> No.2450741

Free access from the author.

>> No.2450742

How the fuck don't you all know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHzdsFiBbFc

>> No.2450768

Chris Redfield uses a rock as a punching bag

>> No.2450771

i remember that. i also remember it made me want to try lsd.

>> No.2450773

Nice web Mr. Crack Spider.

>> No.2450774


I do that with my dehumidifier and pool, I paid good money to extract that water from the air

>> No.2450778

I have the drain line from my chiller go into a bucket. I have a water sensor alert that lets me know its too full, and when I get it, i grab the bucket and water my plants with it.

>> No.2450828
File: 13 KB, 465x339, th-249540347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here, I had the same reaction when I saw pic related clearly high AF in his golden pajamas showing utterly ridiculous anti weed scare propaganda scenarios, thanks to the interwebs now you can too


>> No.2450834

I have seen shit like this in hotels. They often have these little alcoves on the 2nd floor. More often than not there is a hall that can look across and see the weird things they choose todo with that nothing space. One I stayed at had 4 christmas trees in 4 windows but none were lit. It was summer and there were wrapped boxes at the base of the trees. Maybe someone goes up there and plugs them in November and unplugs them in Janurary?

>> No.2450835

Quite reasonable performance. All of that stuff degrades mental performance significantly.

>> No.2450836

That is a Canadian mocking a scientific study. Funny, cute but after seeing it years ago I had to find out where the joke derived from. And it derived from a very real study that consistently provided results in effecting arachnid behavior.

>> No.2450934
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 16107195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No pickles thanks, I'll catch my own

>> No.2451078
File: 1.39 MB, 2880x2160, 20220820_091016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like shit but fuck the sun

>> No.2451085
File: 6 KB, 258x195, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a joke video, if that ever made it into your school system then you're American.

The Crack spider had a Cadillac for fucks sake anon.

>> No.2451087

Oh look, it's someone who is both ignorant of what the video was mocking and also too lazy to read enough of this thread to see how ignorant he is. Can't wait to see the quality of your DIY projects.

>> No.2451098
File: 308 KB, 1493x640, inca-wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mystery of the inca

>> No.2451114
File: 104 KB, 640x640, 16107174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We honour our ancestors handiwork every day

>> No.2451132


>> No.2451171

Go back to the kitchen.

>> No.2451173
File: 53 KB, 728x772, DwzmMfZg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's been a thing for a while. From what I remember, it started as a hotel that had a unused space above the door, so they put chairs up there because they didn't know what else to do with the space, and then apparently there were a lot of hotel lobbies with wasted space like that, so they all started doing it.

>> No.2451178

what the fuck are all those exposed electronics in the pool supposed to do

>> No.2451190

A a box of tissue paper.

>> No.2451192

these days it would be block chain, ai, meta integration on the catalog page.

>> No.2451201

Are you telling me you don't want a Pinball machine, TV, and hi-fi audio convieniently accessible in your hot tub?

>> No.2451232

That's why mexicans can't do proper tiling

>> No.2451261

Stun your prey.

>> No.2451267

did not think of that but pretty based
overcome your prey

>> No.2451277
File: 160 KB, 1200x1574, Visible_Pinball_III_-_Pacific_Pinball_Museum_cropped[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they haven't solved water fucking up electronics by the time humans are conveniently living on other plants we should just nuke ourselves.

Its like that joke where they say we put a man on the moon before we put wheels on luggage. Its not true, but if it was, fuck us.

>> No.2451282
File: 319 KB, 600x1065, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2451284

Never thought of that image as being on another planet but I guess it could be.

>> No.2451299

We solved it ages ago.
Water doesn't do shit to electronics and is non-conductive.
The problem is the stuff mixed in water and the shit left behind when it evaporates shit

>> No.2451318
File: 190 KB, 724x968, woman-lib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A splash resistant pinball machine should not be a huge challenge. The plunger is probably the only somewhat tricky part since whatever membrane used to keep the ball compartment from moisture encroachment would wear out. But plungerless pinball machines are hardly rare, so using a button instead would be fine. Buttons for wet environments are a solved problem.

>> No.2451323

Thank you captain pedant, no one cares.
Even pure water is a problem for electronics, because if the electronics aren't perfectly clean and conformal coated, the water will dissolve shit and become conductive.

>> No.2451325

>living on other plants
plants lol
but altho it could be a sealed hab and the com dish outside looks pretty heavy duty, if you look at the sky you can see 1 large moon shining brightly white in the sky so that excludes any other planets for this to be on
maybe it could be on earths moon and the artist miscolored the earth in the sky, but my bet is that this is a mountain retreat rather than a space colonization picture
unless you have a link to the artists intend, but then he still fucked up in the drawing

pretty sure an open air pool in which you swim will not stay demineralized for long

>> No.2451418

I mean, if it works, why not?

>> No.2451421

I hope you never own or build a home in your life.

>> No.2451426
File: 230 KB, 1138x795, Fak7DOqX0AIIJ7J[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, the pinball image was just a thing I put up cause it was tangentially related and looks cool. IIRC it was a DIY conversion made by a museum out of an old pinball machine to show people how they worked. It was one of the later electro-mechanical pinball machines so it was pretty complex. A few years later, solid state models would take over and they reduced the complexity of the machines considerably. The insides were just some wires and PCBs after that. The last 1970's EM models were monsters inside.

As for the Paul Alexander work, I dug it up. It is from 1980 magazine called the 'Playboy Guide Electronic Entertainment' from Fall 1980 and does indeed showcase a mountain retreat instead of a space base. It is also missing a third of the image. Here it is in full. As it crossed the fold, I am guessing the only ones online are from a scan and no one has found the original or cleaned it up in photoshop.

Anyway, holy shit is this a read. Its on Archive.org for free and it is a product of its era. Between ads for the Atari 400 & 800 computer, a HUGE indoor FM antenna, and deluxe record cleaners, it has articles on the latest computers, consoles, & video games, 'talking' video games and pinball machines, and interviews with Steve Jobs (a fucking nobody in 1980), Robert Carver (famous hi-fi designer from the 1970s), Henry Kloss (ditto but more so), Ray Gates (a VP at Panasonic at the time), and Isaac Asimov, about the future of electronics. It is both comically inaccurate about what would come to pass and also very nearly spot on, depending on which thing they were talking about. As for the article the picture is from, it starts

"These modest bachelor digs may look a trifle futuristic, but there’s nothing here you couldn't build into your own little mountain lair next year - with some help from your neighborhood architect, a few Japanese electronic engineers, and that fat raise you've had coming for some time."

>> No.2451427

it's a tile floor.
either the rock broke the tile or they removed the tile so the rock wouldn't break it.

>> No.2451433
File: 293 KB, 1006x1003, Woman-Lib backglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2451470

I like to imagine that it's a rock that rolled down a nearby hill and smashed through the wall into the building. Due to its size and the difficulty in removing it, they decided to just repair the wall and let the rock stay.
Really weird theme for a pinball machine. Can't tell if it is supportive or mocking them.
Disappointed there's no fondue set.

>> No.2451472

>weird stains all on one side
>box of tissues


>> No.2451512
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, 207FDE9F-CD67-4454-825B-CC3CDEB5ABC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some OC from a call back I did

>> No.2451514
File: 3.49 MB, 4032x3024, C5AA7990-8F6E-4F0E-905F-FABCFEF09A08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same job

>> No.2451552

And I thought I was the psycho here.

>Disappointed there's no fondue set.
To coax the prey into the pool, or are you referring to us for when we eat our prey?

>> No.2451557

>Disappointed there's no fondue set.
In all seriousness, I remember hearing everyone say those things didn't work well, at least for whatever they used it for (probably not properly), and that it got some people sick. I don't know how the hell you can fuck up fondue so bad, but apparently they managed to.

>> No.2451558
File: 133 KB, 640x800, 197029_14_trinixy_ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock rights hurray!

>> No.2451560
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 16107172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well sometimes its a shame not to use all the pipe you have

>> No.2451566

I don't see anything wrong with this, looks pretty normal to me. That's probably a problem...

>Clicks second image
Ah I see what you're referring to now, all that plaster. Looks like they got plaster on the whole valve thing too (not just the knob). Looks like shit here, but under a sink I've seen shit jobs many times cause "nobody will see it".

Also, who put that trim on before they painted the drywall? Why?

>> No.2451570

And speaking of plaster, I've seen this one house that had popcorn ceilings, and one of the previous owners had removed something that was mounted to the ceiling and used a knife to cut into the plaster they put down to try and get it to match the rest... It did not match the rest, it was blatantly obvious that (bad) work was done there. They could've just used a sponge like how the rest of the popcorn ceiling appears to have been made.

That house was fucked up, there was even wallpaper on the edges of the ceiling and window trim. The worst part was that the previous owner was apparently proud of his work. The wallpaper pattern didn't even match where the sheets ended either.

>> No.2451578

What's wrong with this? Walls a bit of a mess but it's under the vanity so doesn't really matter, pretty common to not paint back there

>> No.2451584
File: 80 KB, 1024x512, popcorn-ceiling-compare-1024x512[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual popcorn ceilings were not done with sponges. They were done with spray guns. Early coatings contained asbestos to give the chunky texture. Later versions had Styrofoam.

>> No.2451588

I'm not sure if that ceiling was original or not, but whoever did it clearly did it with a sponge, or something like that. That thing was all plaster when I got close to it, it looked most similar to the "texture" section in your pic. But I can tell the exact size of the thing they used, and there was a slight pattern to it because of it, but then you see this random square in the ceiling that's looks like it's been all hacked up with a knife to try and (poorly) match it with the rest of the ceiling.

>> No.2451605

corners have been cut for sure

>> No.2451623

Dumb people try to operate them with tea lights. Also they get impatient waiting for meat to cook and often don't keep the meat chilled cold enough before cooking. Fondue is pretty easy but if you're stupid, there are plenty of ways to mess up. Precooked meat and only using the fondue pots for cheese and chocolate dips is the way to go for those who can't follow basic kitchen safety rules.

>> No.2451646

visited when I was younger, pretty cool

>> No.2451669
File: 249 KB, 1599x2048, untitled installation, 1986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of those Mattress Factory buildings. I don't think it's the main one.
What you're thinking about is not a boulder, but a big concrete art thing, not inappropriate for this thread. Couldn't find a pic of that warm water gutter/handrail, but I remember it too.

>> No.2451758

Laugh all you want, that rooms got solid thermals, for better or for worse.

>> No.2451760

There is nothing wrong with it, but why the 5/4" threaded end at the wall outlet?

>> No.2451761

>Offers a few alternatives
>Just a bunch of random gizmo looking things with monitors sprinkled in and zero implications of what any of it could possibly do
Seen better generic computers in Scooby-Doo cartoons

>> No.2451763

Your expectations for a men's magazine from 1980 are far above what's reasonable.

>> No.2451778

I kinda thought so. I'm pretty sure whenever these people tried fondue was at a party, so they probably got a bunch of impatient people who didn't know how to use it all together, and that's also probably the first time they ever brought it out so I imagine it was a pretty rushed scenario trying to figure out how to use it. I did indeed hear them say that it works best for coating stuff in chocolate though.

I kinda thought it must've been undercooked meat that got people sick. But this whole thing about fondue got me thinking about what raw meat and cheese must taste like, I bet it's pretty good, I like raw meat. Now I wanna get a fondue set just so I can do this.

>> No.2451822

If you want to eat raw meat, why not just do it? What purpose does the fondue set have in such a scenario?

>> No.2451869

I do, fondue just sounds like it would taste good with it as well.

Just because it's raw meat doesn't mean you're not allowed to eat it like any other food, with seasonings and sides and all that.

>> No.2451901

because building webs is for "suckas"

>> No.2451909
File: 40 KB, 500x400, 1522083192076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 50s must have been an amazing time to be alive




>> No.2451913

anybody remember the one that was a take on Alice in Wonderland, the narrator was talking about how the caterpillar was talking gibberish because he was "stoned", or something like that?

>> No.2451919

>will not stay demineralized for long
don't forget about the chlorine that will inevitably corrode anything not properly sealed

>> No.2451923

looks like the sort of shit you get from the factory in old mobile homes. had to replace the water heater in the one i'm in, the line in came about 12-14 up from the floor, had a 90 elbow, a 6 inch piece of pipe and another 90 down, then pipe up to the tank

>> No.2451926

The video was made after the DARE program, dumbass

>> No.2451993

That's if they even put chlorine in it. If we're talking about 100% demineralized water here, there'll be bacteria, mildew, algae, and all kinds of nasty shit growing in there.

>> No.2451994


>> No.2452002
File: 4 KB, 300x168, Manuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes Manuel, thank you

>> No.2452006

I don't get it, I've never seen whatever this is from. :(

>> No.2452011

zoomers make me sigh

>> No.2452017
File: 20 KB, 404x227, krapp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After looking it up, I can see he's from a BBC show. I'm an Amerifag, I don't know much about any of their stuff.

Even the capcha is calling me krapp for not knowing it. :(

>> No.2452018

>This is the future you could have had :(

Clearly we needed to fly to the moon to develop the spin off technology of putting wheels on luggage, make orange juice, and to use black people's hair to stick things to other things.

please tell me you have to get the balls into a lot of mouths

Homes build into the side of hills or mountains can make clever use of the surrounding terrain in ways like that. knew a stupid rich guy whose parents own a house in the richest part of our city - it's on a mountain preserve in the middle of town. The wall of their movie theatre is the exposed mountain and it's a really impressive reminder of where they built their mansion.

I'm also pretty sure that is either on a colony planet or in an evil volcano lair. Look if you are gonna go to the effort of building in an active volcano, you damn well are going to flex on that fact visually.

I like the orgasmitron controls they have under the half clam fuck couch.

Sorry honey, no one can get off until I orgasm. Don't blame me, blame the Orgasmitron - he's the one who really runs this place!

I'm seeing a lot of problems with this design

>No Reel to Reel
>Space Goblins can you watch you fuck
>No easy way to drain the fuck couch
>STD eradicating antenna pointing the wrong way
>Speakers are all hidden under plants making for very poor channel separation
>No coffee maker
>Drunk people keep getting lost in the underwater pool tunnels. Small family of space goblins might be responsible
>Space warts are growing on wall next to projection screen. See above point re: STD Antenna
>Do not spend more than an hour in the fuck clam. Poor UV filters on sunlight means heavy sunburn likely.
>Hard to maintain playboy 3:1 Female to Male ratio on space colony. You might receive forced gender reassignment surgery en route.
>1980s Donald Trump apparently comes with all purchases of SPACE COLONY FUCK PAD v1980

>> No.2452029

>I've never seen whatever this is from
sorry anon, i don't think we can be friends anymore

>> No.2452031

i'm the anon what posted Manuel, i am also a burger, there is no excuse for not knowing

>> No.2452040

just WV things...

>> No.2452041

>please tell me you have to get the balls into a lot of mouths
Not quite but there are targets that look like protest signs which you knock over.

>> No.2452082

Pittsburgh is a gold mine for that sort of stuff. Cramped places that have been diy chopped & remixed multiple times. At first glance, that's where I assumed the picture was from.

>> No.2452093

I never used to watch BBC though.

>> No.2452102

Cool glacial erratic

>> No.2452116
File: 38 KB, 489x535, photo16195709418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahoy u-boat sailors

>> No.2452123

>never used to watch BBC
now it's the only thing that gets you off?

>> No.2452129

Yeah man, I can't satisfy my wife without it.

In all seriousness, I still don't really watch it. I don't really watch any TV anymore. I leave it on in the background for some reason, but I don't actually sit down and watch it very much.

>> No.2452131
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, A9082F3E-30CE-4C84-9383-399F1F5C2E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this myself

>> No.2452137

>flex lines
Why? Nasty shit will collect in there.

>> No.2452141

if you like british humor, specifically what you get from John Cleese, give it a watch.
also watch Blackadder, it's got Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie, and Stephen Fry among others

>> No.2452232

I like how you need a 8ft pianist to stand on the couch to use the keyboard

>> No.2452247

The best part is that the way those women are dressed would appeal to tradwife fetishists.

>> No.2452248

Fondu is cheese and bread. You're thinking of chinese hotpot.

>> No.2452250

Nice, I do like British humor. I really need to start getting into watching movies and shows again, I've been in a weird period of malaise (and maybe a little psychosis) for a few years.

>> No.2452340

You wanted a towel dryer or not?

>> No.2452341

something witty about our political system idk

>> No.2452409

No, in pre-WWII Switzerland that's what it meant. We don't all live in Switzerland. In much of the world, it means dipping foods into hot liquids in a common pot. Now, I'm sure you can go back to the 1842 Confederacy Dictionary and post that it's just bread and cheese to prove that you don't understand how language evolves or how the meaning of words change when they move from culture to culture. You might think that will protect your fragile "LOOK AT ME, I'M A SMART BOY" gamma ego, but at the end of the day, everyone can see you're an attention seeker with no understanding of the world.
tl;dr: Don't "correct" people when you're incorrect and don't "correct" people for attention seeking purposes.

>> No.2452433

i remember Brittas Empire being good, but it's been years since i watched it.
the main actor is Chris Barrie who played Rimmer on Red Dwarf.
i miss the time when BBC america played a good mix of british comedies. CBC went to shit at some point too, round about 2010 or somewhere in there

>> No.2452452

Lmao my ass off

>> No.2452474

Peep Show

>> No.2452475

have you ever heard of the 12 inch pianist?

>> No.2452510

>government-fabricated fake culture
>bizarre drug experiments
>all done to make people oppose long hair and recreational drug use
That sure is an abomination in its own right.

>> No.2452523

That's actually not a bad idea. I'd set up my dehumidifier to do something like that if I had it. Using a drain hose instead of the built in tank, is the water safe enough to drink? I've been thinking of using dehumidifier runoff for tea or coffee.

>> No.2452533

Ehh, I'd run it through a filter or whatever. Anything that was in the air that the dehumidifer sucked over the coils will be in the water that condenses out

>> No.2452581

the current goings on are better?
the restrictions on drug use were good old fashioned racism, the drug laws were meant to specifically affect and keep down the darker people

>> No.2452651

Maybe that’s recycled scrap being used as insulation behind the finished wall?

>> No.2452701

>certain substances cause their users to be more likely to commit crimes
>crimes are bad
>restrict usage of those substances
dumb faggot

>> No.2452709
File: 48 KB, 640x640, 16107156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing so nice to the planet, more a case of someone built the section, then looked at their plan or their foreman comes in and says, its supposed to have foam shit in there.
Then begins the big think process
>Do I pull part of it down, or do I break up the chunks to fit in there like drunk tetris?

>> No.2452710

I do my knock downs with a sponge on a stick and then use a knock down blade to flatten it a bit.

>> No.2452711

You, mother...

>> No.2452715
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 16107151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your cut corner

>> No.2452742

The 1950s weren't actually Leave it to Beaver embodied. This picture of purity is fake as it gets, and only the negatives have trickled down. Could go on and on about how psychedelics and weed are banned with stiff criminal sentences while alcohol and tobacco are free to ravage bodies and minds far worse, but we're already nearing the line here. I will say I prefer now to then in at least one regard: I won't get called a satanic commie spy because I've grown my hair out instead of at best sporting a pompadour or military haircut.

Looks like you've already started leaking.

>> No.2452743
File: 607 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20220219_151450_DRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bc why waste time measuring and cutting when you can just pop one end into the other

>> No.2452753

except the part where they specifically cracked down on weed just to fuck with mexicans and blacks

>> No.2452758

if you've ever interacted with stoners without being stoned yourself, you'll understand that stoners are fucking niggers that need to be dealt with

>> No.2452769

free entertainment
stoners don't bother me, junkies and pill heads on the other hand. i worked with to many of them to care if they die in the streets

>> No.2452832

I was gonna tell him something similar, but I didn't feel like arguing with him.

I was pretty much gonna say it's meaning has since been expanded to include a wider variety of things, and now essentially just means "eating with melted shit in a pot".

>> No.2452847
File: 43 KB, 300x171, Theoffice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i miss the time when BBC america played a good mix of british comedies.
They don't? I never really watched BBC, but I thought they played the a lot of the same content that they did in Britain. Maybe they used to, but if they don't anymore then I don't really see a point in watching them over anyone else. The reason anyone ever tuned in to foreign channels was to watch foreign content, not the same domestic content. Do I have the situation correct, or am I all misconstrued about it?

Also, what happened with CBC? I never really watched them either except for Marketplace.

Also, does anybody even remember anymore that The Office was an adaptation of the original British show of the same name? I never see anyone talk about the British version anymore, haven't in years. Almost seems like it's been forgotten about.

>> No.2452851

any time i look at it, they have dr. who, which is british, star trek, or news.
a lot of stuff was originaly british, sanford and son was pulled from a show called steptoe and son, but i think most of the episodes were lost to time in a bbc purge.
Spaced was good, it's early simon pegg and nick frost

>> No.2452857

I'm not so sure it's a good idea to drink. It's probably very mildewy. You know those air conditioners that when you turn them on it has that musty smell? That's caused by mildew, bacteria, and stuff like that, from the AC condenser condensing water vapor onto it and making the condenser housing a wet environment. A dehumidifier obviously isn't an AC unit, but the same principle applies here; wet environment equals bacteria and mold growth. If it's clean, then I suppose it's fine, but you would have to clean it routinely to prevent growth of unhealthy shit if you wanna drink it.

The dehumidifier at my workplace has this weird orange substance coating the inside of the tank part. That thing obviously isn't clean and I wouldn't want to drink it, despite people daring each other to do it. It doesn't look THAT bad, but it's quite obviously mildew growth.

>> No.2452863

I'm probably too dumb to understand what you're referring to by "knock downs", but in the case of the house I mentioned, they were quite obviously trying to make a textured ceiling intentionally. It wasn't a failed result of trying to do anything else. It actually looked nice, they took a pretty big sponge and pressed it against the wet plaster over and over again across the whole ceiling.

>> No.2452864

They seriously couldn't have put that flat against the wall?

>> No.2452865

That's why you gotta make a maze of pipes.

>> No.2452867

I already know about Steptoe and Son. The thing that's weird is when I first heard the theme song of that show, and saw part of one of the episodes, it all seemed familiar for some reason, I don't know why. I don't know where I could've possibly seen it before, it was weird...

What's this BBC purge you mentioned though? did they destroy a bunch of archived shit?

>> No.2453009


>> No.2453070

>No, in pre-WWII Switzerland that's what it meant. We don't all live in Switzerland.

I live in Australia and thats all Ive ever heard. "Chocolate fondue" being proof in that they actually have to tell you its chocolate not cheese.

>> No.2453088

Clearly Insane pinball machine.

>> No.2453092

they used to throw our film all the time, i think the early seasons of Dr. Who are lost. the smithsonian museum did the same sort of thing in the past too when they needed the storage space

>> No.2453573
File: 84 KB, 640x615, 16107152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its in corner, why you complain about the flat?
Flat is fine, your toilet install is done now

>> No.2453845

The Cum Rock is a conversation piece

>> No.2453847
File: 63 KB, 540x960, 96580548_10218787662621771_6109191598141079552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2453959

"It don't look 'perrty' but it works."

>> No.2453961

The Cum Rock™

>> No.2453972
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 192279_2_trinixy_ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, it ain't pretty or works very well

>> No.2454099
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>> No.2454109

I would love to have a big rock.

>> No.2454125

Is there? I think you might be mistaken

>> No.2454588
File: 63 KB, 640x853, 197029_4_trinixy_ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is sort of the last section of a rube-goldberg game?
>and now the human falls down the stairs
>his head should bounce off the cistern
>then fall off the toilet and smash into the radiator

>> No.2454600

I don't think he's wearing any underwear.

>> No.2454627

Keep it warm

>> No.2454769

That's the only questionable thing

If a pro did this they need to be gassed but it's normal for diy

>> No.2454771

You can get away with flex lines vertically but not horizontally. You're about to learn why plumbing is done with smooth pipes

>> No.2454772

>Slip in the middle of the night
>Still land on the toilet
I think this one is functionally a C+

>> No.2454773

>$800 set of memechelin tires
>$10 Red Green axle mount

The duality of man

>> No.2454774

Why buy a radiator when pex is cheap??

>> No.2454780
File: 74 KB, 700x1050, Jeebus.WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2454785
File: 76 KB, 640x800, low effort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you fail the house ninja challenge, you will die
>But it will hurt very much all the way down

>> No.2454796

Good motivation to not go to bed drunk.

>> No.2454816

This looks like a Home Alone trap.
>Kevin runs around the corner and up the stairs
>Marv and Harry turn the corner and are immediately greeted with hundreds of softball sized rocks
>Kevin is already somehow at the top of the stairs smiling at them, taps a single rock with his foot that sends an avalanche down the stairs crushing them

>> No.2454865

It looks ridiculous, but some artsy bitch probably used it to get a ton of thot-cred on instagram.

>> No.2454867
File: 231 KB, 1536x2048, 294637616_5529217853796884_752248207591141162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2454896

I mean... it works?

>> No.2454931

It's shockingly warm!

>> No.2454932

Is this Lucille Ball's house?

>> No.2454936

>Lucille Ball
not Oliver Stone
ngmi kid

>> No.2454948

I want to put a funnel at the very end so I can just pee down the stairs and it will land neatly in the toilet.

>> No.2454992

>no little cut out that leads into the toilet so you can piss from upstairs directly into it
Then just remember to flush with a jug you always leave close by upstairs or something.

>> No.2455000

>No poop schute that takes your shit downhill into the toilet

>> No.2455030

I want to see a dog try to walk down this

>> No.2455161

support your wife as you rail her in your future-pool

>> No.2455262

I live in Canada. No one would I know would think of anything other then cheese and bread if you said "fondue."

>> No.2455263

big rocks are surprisingly expensive

>> No.2455273
File: 101 KB, 969x1019, 3DD37CA3-FAF5-4C9F-B658-27AD93A0315C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pex AND Sharkbites? Amazing!

>> No.2455282

I'm from Canada more and I've done meat/chocolate fondue way more than I've done cheese.

>> No.2455289

Not him, but I wanna eat raw meat fondue. Raw meat and melted cheese just sounds delicious to me.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.2455416

Sick bastard.

>> No.2455437

dude, he's a canadian. what do you expect?

>> No.2455713

How did they hang and paint the sheet rock behind that rock o_o

>> No.2455715

They probably moved the rock there after doing those walls and then built the walls which are behind the camera.
I suppose if they were crazy they could have built the walls around the rock and done the sheet rock on the ground before the walls were raised.

>> No.2455739

That house was definately built around the rock. Raising finished walls is the only way I could think of. The duct work boxing could have been done after, but that requires spackle and paint after.
It's a mystery I suppose

>> No.2456310
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>> No.2456311
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>> No.2456349

My barn was built around a boulder like that. Not as high, but similar footprint. Gonna be loads of fun busting the fucker apart one of these days...

> other people have a rotary hammer drill and a big rock
It's very unsatisfying, trust me. Chipping away at rock is very slow going. Also, your drill better be one powered by a honking big compressor (the big diesel compressor type on a trailer you use for powering jackhammers) - you can forget about anything electric. And if you do have that sort of equipment, you'll be able to just about drill a row of holes for the hydraulic wedges to split the motherfucker apart with. Just about because you'll chew up drill bits like candy. Also, forget abou breaking it apart with a jackhammer. For this guy this would take about 2-3 weeks of constant *BRRRRRRT* and use up a ridiculous number of chisels.

>> No.2456358

It's not raw meat and cheese. Meat "fondue" is meat cooked in a hot broth.

>> No.2456395
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>you may now begin screaming

I can hear the hissing from here

>> No.2456400
File: 40 KB, 600x406, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck my sides, funniest captcha

>> No.2456419

That must be why alcohol is illegal.

>> No.2456427
File: 2.95 MB, 320x240, hammer drill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2456431

also this

>> No.2456436

>what was prohibition

>> No.2456452

I know, I'm telling you I want to eat it raw but dipped in cheese.

>> No.2456456

nobody is stopping you, but you

>> No.2456469
File: 76 KB, 700x622, 1644787962981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2456479

I just don't have a fondue set. I've eaten raw meat before but it isn't easy to find the opportunity for it cause I live with others and I have to find the opportunity to be alone so I could munch on a raw steak. I don't want them to think I'm a freak.

I like posting about it here though cause I find it hilarious that some people find eating raw meat revolting.

>> No.2456483

can't you just melt cheese in a pan or a double boiler type set up?
why buy another kitchen implement to store?

>> No.2456490

I'd feel safer using a portable ladder

>> No.2456501

you now have a legal excuse to buy dynamite

>> No.2456503

Oh neat ive never seen a German Legsnappen staircase.

>> No.2456509
File: 681 KB, 575x499, img_60f0236d19ce0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing about those is they look slippy as fuck, so even if you do manage to not be an uncoordinated cunt and murder yourself in between the sections, you could still manage to just, fuck it up and go arse over tit down them like victorian maid

>> No.2456520

My gripe is, how the hell are you going to get stuff up and down? Can you imagine trying to carry furniture up this fucking thing? I've had to help people carry couches, TVs, etc. up stairs and trying to picture myself walking backwards (or hell even forwards) up these things carrying something is freaking me the fuck out. I'd have to have a barren ass 2nd floor to live here.

>> No.2456534

I just assumed that all of those devices in the stack moved up and down on a vertical track. Presumably into some recess in the floor or ceiling or maybe do you could use the same shit on a different level of the house.

>> No.2456568
File: 79 KB, 800x390, 14-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind doing some rigging and climbing, but I want to know where the fucking tie-off points are on that son of a bitch

>> No.2456945

There's nothing wrong with this, it's an ingenious piece of machinery

>> No.2456955

i would rather climb a fucking rope wearing a backpack of fucking rocks.
that thing is fucking dangerous

>> No.2457077

Highest IQ ITT

>> No.2457114

that's hotpot nobody calls that meat fondue
I almost didn't want to post this so you keep calling it meat fondue irl like a fucking retard kek

>> No.2457146

I probably could, I honestly didn't think of that. Thanks.

I don't imagine I'll have very much opportunity for this though. It's not often that I'm the only one home for a long period of time, most of the time I've eaten raw meat, I've done it in my car parked in a secluded area. I haven't been doing it very long, I've only had several raw steaks, but I wish I knew where to find higher quality meat. It tastes like they fed these cows fucking garbage, and I already know they did. It's still edible, but I know it can be better, and have a non chemical taste.

>> No.2457148

Well, he did put it in quotes, so he seemed to know it wasn't actually the correct term.

I'm the one who said "meat fondue" originally, because I was actually referring to meat and cheese, but he thought I meant the hotpot stuff and was trying to clarify.

>> No.2457149

Why are you eating raw meat in a parked car?

>> No.2457154

I used to do this shit on my old tv. I had a corkscrew I took the wooden handle off of, and then jammed it into the aerial port.

>> No.2457323

>I wish I knew where to find higher quality meat
find a local butcher, or look for people in the cow-town areas near you selling grass fed beefs, though if you go with the second option you may need to buy half a cow at a go.
if you have any amount of space, you could raise you own beeves, miniature cattle are supposed to have a higher protein to weight ratio than a standard sized cow

>> No.2457324

doesn't meat fondue generally use hot oil though, not both?

>> No.2457845
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, lister ear fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a complete and total smeghead.

>> No.2457853
File: 38 KB, 500x375, Kryten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a cigarette you're smoking?

>> No.2457864

I used zap straps to hold the exhaust pipe on my old work pickup. They were all I had at the time it feel off that would hold it up and they held it up so well I didn't fix it further

>> No.2457887

>I just don't have a fondue set.
You just need a fork, a pot to melt the cheese in and some thinly sliced meat.

>> No.2457889

It's fucking paper mache you ass shits

>> No.2458026

because he doesn't want his roommates to think he's weird

>> No.2458131

Fucking glowie

>> No.2458137

Because where else am I supposed to eat it in relative privacy?

I don't want them to think I'm crazy, except at this point I probably am, but sometimes I get a craving for it. It's like I can almost taste what it should ideally be.

>> No.2458141

At least use them after the U bend so the smell of the shit growing inside the ridges doesn't come up through the sink.

>> No.2458148

You are crazy. You're eating raw meat.

>> No.2458151


>> No.2458152

youre a smeeeHEEEEEE

>> No.2458186

Attach a dildo

>> No.2458195
File: 2.24 MB, 576x432, ketchup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2458282

Just toss it in the pan for literally a second and take it out. Call it blue or tartar. makes it fancy.

>> No.2458295
File: 1.68 MB, 320x240, a weapon to surpass metal gear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2458311
File: 65 KB, 1000x769, Holly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on mate.

>> No.2458341
File: 3 KB, 150x136, HollyRed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an IQ of 6000, equivalent to 6000 pe teachers

>> No.2458390

I know I probably am, but I like it.

Also, it's probably, like, healthier and stuff.

>> No.2458392

It's not as easy to pull off without the weirdness factor still being there, but at least I would imagine it's less since these are proper dishes.

>> No.2459049

I don't get this either. :(

These people look familiar though.

>> No.2459089

did you hit your head?
do you have amnesia?

>> No.2459230
File: 74 KB, 700x489, 1660325221440623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work your way up to take a shot
>the faces are gone when you open your eyes
>Just an empty concrete room outside glass walls

>> No.2459231

Maybe your father had good taste, what happened to you?

>> No.2459679

>did you hit your head?

>do you have amnesia?
Not literally.

>> No.2459681

They do look kinda familiar, but I just can't place where I've seen them before.

Honestly this is probably irrelevant, but I feel like I'm becoming psychotic. Aside from thinking about some questionable things, my memory isn't the best either. I feel like my memory is a little worse than before too.

>what happened to you?
I wish I knew, anon.

>> No.2459686

The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles.

>> No.2459706


>> No.2459711
File: 135 KB, 666x849, reeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuuuuuuuck I'm double-triggered as a florist. That's like 40 single stem carnations crammed into one vase filled to the brim with water and it distresses me. Arrrrghhh

>> No.2459718
File: 84 KB, 640x853, 197029_5_trinixy_ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go get cleaned up in the shower then if you're so dirty

>> No.2460412

I do like how the flowers look, would it be better if it was with a wider vase an less water?

>> No.2460423

"We call this baby the ol' leg breaker"

>> No.2460483

Don't listen to the fools. Consume raw meat. Gain valuable parasites. Learn the way of the debilitated man.

>> No.2460557

Well you know what they say, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

>> No.2460579

It's from a show called Red Dwarf.

>> No.2460714

Way to spoil the fun

>> No.2460749

unless it bites your legs off, then it just makes you shorter

>> No.2460751

you can't just wack death on the head

>> No.2460868

if you got rid of the hanging crap id be down ...i think the rock fixture is hella cool in a living room

>> No.2460992

I was going to look it up anyway.

>> No.2460993

Then I'll devour it as payback.

>> No.2461015

i'd like to see you try

>> No.2461024

I'd like to see myself try too, very fresh meat.

>> No.2461059

Let's call it -15dB of loss...so your signal is what 1/32nd it's original power.

>> No.2461128

>Hillbilly volume control.

>> No.2461146

Please someone take the stress off all those connections by securing it upright with a ziptie or something, how long till all those ports start coming loose?

>> No.2461383

I can understand the appeal

>> No.2461434

Imagine how fucked a guy is that tries to burgle you in the middle of the night

>> No.2461442
File: 40 KB, 484x484, 16107196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with a ziptie or something

Lets face it
It's going to be a ziptie

>> No.2461584

Aside from the fact that he would be burgling a psychotic man's house... >:)

But I'd probably be the one getting sent to jail if I went all out on him, so I can't. :( Stick to the light stuff and you can have plausible deniability.

"I didn't mean to kill him :("
>Yes I did >:)

>> No.2462012

>has a troll in his bedroom
Does he want to marry it or is it anon?

>> No.2462038

>Don't "correct" people when you're incorrect
This seems to be one of those American English vs English English things though, both incorrect in their own way.

>> No.2462046

An ingenious solution to workers skiving off and hiding in the toilet during work hours.

>> No.2462053

First thought wasn’t the tripping, it’s that metal edge right for your face to go into if you trip going up the stairs.
And then you break a leg.

>> No.2462072
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, 583E0154-57D0-4915-B418-095B4F9937A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real man uses mechanic wire. I got 125 miles before it broke apart

>> No.2462083

Now do meth

>> No.2462091

>The Crack spider had a Cadillac for fucks sake anon.
I know he was so based

>> No.2462118

Do you perhaps spend an inordinate amount of time with groomers on discord?

>> No.2462123

If I had stairs like that back in my drinking days I wouldn't be typing this.

>> No.2462132
File: 38 KB, 640x443, 192279_1_trinixy_ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But have you coathangered your way out of problems?

>> No.2462142

on discord?
no, i go to the park like a normal person

>> No.2462328

Hell no.

>> No.2462336

you can also kill yourself 100% easier with the new hair dryer near the pool!

>> No.2462355

> 2 water valves
I am not a plumber, but i can say that 2 valves are overkill

>> No.2462363
File: 66 KB, 550x412, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't post the 12 angled stone. This is the famous one.

>> No.2462530

>Exposed high voltage lines.

>> No.2462622
File: 79 KB, 282x291, Screenshot 2022-09-07 at 16-35-55 _diy_ - Do It Yourself - Catalog - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit

>> No.2462623

got damn them walls are crooked

>> No.2462633

Nah, that's fucking cool.

>> No.2462634

I really hope that's some camera lens and angle McFuckery™ going on here.

>> No.2462635

What do you think this video is satire of?

>> No.2462643

its gay but idk if i would call it shit

>> No.2462646

You interact with dozens of people who smoke weed without you realizing it.

>> No.2462648

stoner does not mean "anyone who smokes weed"

>> No.2462685


>> No.2462719

NTA but show me what (You) call a pallet, because I work in warehousing and that shit right there is two PALLETS stuck together.

>> No.2462734

and yet only retarded stoners would think this is a valid defense
thank you for proving my point
dumb faggot

>> No.2462740
File: 471 KB, 1280x960, FF31783B-4338-44D2-8CEE-CBD27281E831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your coat hanger, and raise you
12 zip ties

>> No.2462748

Pallets have boards going across their runners. Skids stop at the runners.

>> No.2462752

I also see BOLs refer to bunks of lumber, roofing, etc. as skids when they are banded to stickers; although I have never heard anyone refer to them as skids in conversation.
I think the main distinction is that in skids the slots for the forks are open on the bottom?

>> No.2462785

There are boards on the bottom side of those pallets. those are 4-way pallets though and have a lot of empty space on the underside, not like your traditional C-channel pallet.

>> No.2462789
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>> No.2462816

actually looks kinda cool. Authentic Frankencar
also that's 34 zipties

>> No.2462819
File: 21 KB, 400x301, donkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2462839
File: 110 KB, 640x800, 192279_12_trinixy_ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, dorifto stitches, how about budget tyre repair

>> No.2462847

i used to be a cow

>> No.2462850

That's OEM, man.

>> No.2462855

Ave nex alea

>> No.2462866
File: 663 KB, 960x1280, 5455476567646535424406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2462883

would be nice if they put it on the side that wasn't blocking the scenic vista. Why even have windows at that point

>> No.2462885

>certain substances cause their users to be more likely to commit crimes
This claim is false and racist.

>> No.2462899
File: 66 KB, 980x746, 0dfdf8e64eb33057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2462906

I find that piece rather paletable

>> No.2462938

>>certain substances cause their users to be more likely to commit crimes
>This claim is false and racist.
What about white people? It affects everyone relativity the same way regardless of race, any differences are based on an individual level, not a race level.

>> No.2462946

I need more, even if it's old pics we've seen before

>> No.2462948
File: 77 KB, 800x533, 8046d1565049b6ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2462974

Yeah see how each pallet has three boards on it's bottom?

>> No.2462992
File: 60 KB, 700x882, 1662523811044925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, back to the topic now!

>> No.2463046

Not as impressive when you realize they're just etched

>> No.2463050
File: 974 KB, 1890x2646, 0403210823-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.2463116

Have fun being a loser while I'm making more money than you ever will

>> No.2463126

not if you're a stoner lol

>> No.2463188

Those are the runners. If you look at the pallets from the side that is not facing the camera they are open.

>> No.2463232

Guys , w-what if that's just a framework, and they're going to put regular stairs on top of it? Right? Right?

>> No.2463333

Yeah, a 4-way pallet as I said, not a c-channel.

>> No.2463411

But judging by that picture he already got himself a femme.
Or is that how he got her? Surprise sex on first pool date?

>> No.2463488

>if it looks stupid but it works, it ain't stupid

>> No.2463495


>> No.2463497


>> No.2463545

>Laws exist to crack down on degenerates and law breakers

>> No.2463642
File: 47 KB, 800x1024, FD0B56A6-FED5-492F-9508-1CF2BDEC023A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2463660

what happens when they decide that you are a degenerate and a law breaker and create policies specifically to fuck you over?

>> No.2464534

I smoke weed, and I fucking despise stoners for forcing me to either hide my habit or make people think I'm just another burn out.

>> No.2464720

There's nothing like a reaffirming shit after a long day at work.

>> No.2465125
File: 329 KB, 623x469, wonderful layout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trips on the landing and falls face first into a pot of hot oil
why does no one know how to design a goddamn kitchen?

>> No.2465128
File: 331 KB, 374x637, stairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]