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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 88 KB, 695x668, freegoldfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2452859 No.2452859 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again, cool free shit on Craigslist

Dis nigga just got a pool full of goldfish

>> No.2453858
File: 160 KB, 1328x701, 911papers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the typical DIY shit but I got a kick out of this

>> No.2453861
File: 848 KB, 1300x818, FreeLube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2453876
File: 413 KB, 1080x1898, Screenshot_20220824-164348_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the one hand the candor seems remarkable and refreshing, but if you know NOLA and especially the French Quarter this thing has to reek like the devil's own asshole for its aroma to be detectable over the general stench.

>> No.2453896

>Having to emphasize that something in New Orleans stinks

Seems kind of redundant
That's got to be at least $100/bucket

>> No.2453903
File: 829 KB, 959x2309, Screenshot_20220824-184031_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth?

>> No.2453904

If a trailer comes with it, which it doesn't look like it does. I've gotten several free boats with trailers, trashed the boats or given them away and made utility trailers to sell

>> No.2454094

yeah it's probably a good deal. I might actually go take a look.

>> No.2454097
File: 159 KB, 900x600, 51c5961f65e3011050a8bbe053caada1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth what they're asking? With no additional costs factored in, yes, it's worth exactly that.
Worth restoring? Almost certainly not in any financial context; besides being little more than some incomplete and deteriorated frames- maybe 25% of only a hull- it was a homebuilt project so even if it were all there it's probably not some prime example of the builders art from the classic speedboat era and won't be much if any cheaper to restore than if it were.
Pic related it ain't.

>> No.2454101
File: 1.85 MB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20220823-014042_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2454106

I got a whole pickup load of grease, and oil additives and diesel fuel conditioner for free from a construction business that was shutting down.

>> No.2454133
File: 2.66 MB, 1404x1274, 1653388390904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey daddy

>> No.2454430


You probably saved them a shitload of money too, Disposal rates on commercial quantities of anything is getting crazy.

>> No.2454450

just add some flex seal and some chicken wire and you're golden

>> No.2454463
File: 8 KB, 843x198, freepalletsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here is unironically the best thing ever

I spend days on craigslist looking for pallets

>> No.2454465
File: 1.17 MB, 1257x686, GetSomeFreeShit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free Shit

I see you Noco anon

>> No.2454540
File: 200 KB, 658x574, Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 8.05.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2454621
File: 213 KB, 1002x966, robo-doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, bros....?

>> No.2454624

I dunno looks like a load of horse shit to me.

>> No.2454625

yeah, but it's really great shit

>> No.2454727

>Selling before his GF finds it
>In a room full of sex doll heads

Man that's just sad

>> No.2454734
File: 1.85 MB, 3890x2208, 58101584-A5AF-40FB-AD32-84C4AC0393B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up the dollforum to see who buys fucking used sex dolls
>people paying thousands of dollars
>this pops up

The guy mutilated a bunch of dolls and is selling them as "meat"
And people are fucking buying chunks of it.

As if you needed any more reason to think these people are mentally insane
This is actually frightening, akin to murdering small animals.

doll forum .com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=156804

>> No.2454742

pretty sure the pic is from the manufacturer

>> No.2454749

Fuck I used to do this! Over a decade back they fucked things up here and made it impossible to register homebuilt trailers, and they consider a modified boat-trailer to be exactly that. No fucks given that it was already registered before being BARELY, LIGHTLY modified. It gets inspected, they say "that's not a boat trailer," and that's that. I still have 1 made from an old Dodge Truck frame. Truck T-boned someone, rusted out body was gone, engine and tranny gone, so I bought the frame. It was one of the two "last" trailers I ever made. It's unregistered, it will never be registered. I can legally shoe-horn an engine back into it and drive the bare fucking frame so long as I add some brake-lights, but GOD FORBID it be turned into a trailer, that'd be dangerous.

>> No.2454750

Why does the sheriff have to inspect my trailers, but when I walk into the DMV with a bill-of-sale for a car that's been unregistered for 20 years they just hand me a fucking title?

>> No.2454779

>and tranny gone
many such a case

>> No.2454782


Dang, how many Colorado peeps are on here? Southeastern Colorado here. I also have free pallets and manure near me!

>> No.2454890


>> No.2454900

think of all the rustic furniture you can build

>> No.2454907

>As if you needed any more reason to think these people are mentally insane
>This is actually frightening, akin to murdering small animals.

I find people's inability / refusal to differentiate dolls from living beings just as troubling...even the people with the "reborn" dolls will usually admit that they aren't kids and that treating them like they are is an odd coping strategy...
but people who are allegedly "sane" think nothing of equating "misreatment" or "abuse" of inanimate objects with a willingness to do the same to real living beings, and insist that people who don't feel this way and just see dolls as materials formed into a symbolic shape are mentally ill monsters.

It's fascinating, really...someone can hang/ burn a politician in effigy all day long and "caring" people will clap like seals but do anything less than 100% reverent to a doll and they lose their minds and instantly assume the worst psycopathic motives.

That's fucking CRAZY.

>> No.2455110

Should definately grab those imo

>> No.2455112

why do femoids display their cute feet then get mad at you and call you a weird fetishist

>> No.2455113

Let me guess you cried while watching the movie AI?

>> No.2455117
File: 328 KB, 642x666, Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 19-31-17 Church Pews - free stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free church pews seem to be pretty common here

>> No.2455126

>incel who spends thousands of dollars to fuck plastic dolls
checks out

>> No.2455135


>> No.2455141

Rent free is absolutely right, someone is still seething and obsessing over a single photo some C-list comedian made 8 years ago on twitter

I guess its not a surprise though. Nobody else cares or even remembers the photo, unless you are absolutely obsessed with dolls.
It must have felt like a huge violation.

>> No.2455142

There are like four upright pianos on mine

But anons here say there's no scrap value in the budget models

>> No.2455147

I see boats all the time in dumps and such, I have no clue why anyone would rather throw it away than do a simple repair.

>> No.2455153

"Hole in the water you throw money in" isn't just a figure speech.

>> No.2455159
File: 1.18 MB, 1325x3205, F36154ED-02EB-403E-8A98-4B1CAA9826D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeffery Dahmer liked to dissect road kill, its dead and inanimate, he was causing no harm to a living thing.
Was that a healthy coping mechanism?

Its not that hard to find parallels to cutting up and mutilating a doll that formed as a "symbolic shape" to a human woman. Especially since half of the people are in fact deluded enough to think of them as real beings.

If you cant see the nuance, you have autism (which would make sense as to why you fuck $2500 plastic dolls)

If I found out someone I knew jerked off to SAW videos and would routinely masturbate to Guro games, It would indeed be a red flag.
Then again deluding yourself into fucking a doll was already a huge red flag in the first place.

More "USDA approved beef" as he called it, too bad he already chopped up the anuses and vaginas for "soup"
The Anime Sex Doll threadgoers cant figure out why they are pariahs.

>> No.2455172

Bust Out Another Thousand

>> No.2455232

>Jeffery Dahmer liked to dissect road kill, its dead and inanimate, he was causing no harm to a living thing.
>Was that a healthy coping mechanism?
Compared to what he did to people?
Yes, absolutely, are you stupid?

Oh wait, you just tried to insinuate that Jeffery Dahmer dissecting dead animals is what *caused* him to be a psychopaths or is some surefire red flag when millions of people dissect dead animals and recover/ dress out/ preserve road kill for the same reasons people hunt animals and are perfectly normal non criminals.

Then you implied that anyone who simply disagrees with your illogical virtue signaling ramblings fucks dolls.

So of course you are stupid.

>> No.2455234

>Yes, absolutely, are you stupid?
It wasnt much of a coping mechanism if it didnt stop him from acting out later.

>you just tried to insinuate that Jeffery Dahmer dissecting dead animals is what *caused* him to be a psychopath
It clearly didnt help him

>when millions of people dissect dead animals and recover/ dress out/ preserve road kill
Depends, did they cum into them?

Post pics of your doll collection anon. Id love to see it.
Sorry you had to hear from /diy/ how the world actually views you.

>> No.2455265

cope, politicians actually harm others and deserve death. Abusing and having sex with a replica of a 4 year is indicative of a mental illness.

>> No.2455296

>someone can hang/ burn a politician in effigy
Those people are gross and fucked up too, but this type of behavior is "normal" inside the context of their culture, where as fucking a doll is not.
What is 'normal' cannot be understood in an absolute context when you're talking about social phenomena like this-- it can only be understood in relation to the culture/ social metaprogramming structure which surrounds the person.

> instantly assume the worst psycopathic motives.
what is the wholesome, beautiful side of this behavior? How does it reflect well on the person doing it? (hint: if you're going to say "at least they aren't doing it to a real person" then you're through the looking glass)
Exhibiting this behavior demonstrates that the person has wildly deviated from social norms, is likely unable or unwilling to engage in meaningful normal relationships with other human beings, and is sexually frustrated as a result.
Being sexually frustrated and unable to relate to normal people is a set of hallmark traits recognized in many atrocious and deviant sexual predators.

This behavior is a red flag.

>> No.2455302
File: 159 KB, 1080x751, Screenshot_20220826-235648_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you built this

>> No.2455316 [DELETED] 
File: 884 KB, 1120x997, chrome_h1dHo8UTTt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy a winnebago

>> No.2455332
File: 1.79 MB, 1412x1408, Butcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for proving the point, the comment that has you all in a tizzy was regarding cutting up a doll, not fucking them, and not only do you refuse to acknowledge that it's not the same as doing it to a human, you are spinning off into all kinds of dumb accusations and talk about fucking dolls that represent children, which was NEVER mentioned, let alone condoned.

Doesn't matter, because you are so fucked in the head that you can't differentiate between real people and imitation ones, and are so obsessed with thinking about criminal sexual perversion that YOU insist on bringing it up and claiming others who never said anything about it are promoting criminal acts you describe in scrupulous detail.

Projection? Lots of extreme virtue signaling is.

It's as unhinged and ridiculous as acting like someone tossing plastic fruit in the trash is wasting food. Then when it's pointed out that that's dumb, go on the attack conflating that sentiment with deliberately starving people. Utterly unhinged.

Dolls are a favorite subject in horror stories and are deconstructed and used in edgy art projects and gags *precisely* because it's so easy to trigger irrational, histrionic knee-jerk reactions in silly, self indulgent fanatics..

"Alan W. Livingstone, president of Capitol Records, explained the cover recall: “The original cover in England was intended as ‘pop art satire’. However, a sampling of public opinion in the United States indicates that the cover design is subject to interpretation."

>subject to interpretation

Your "point" is that there in no valid interpretation other than that the Fab Four are almost certainly psychopathic kid fuckers in the mold of Jeffrey Dahmer because they used dismembered doll parts for album art, and oh yeah, so is anyone who says it's just a dumb picture in poor taste made to trigger people and get attention.

>> No.2455337
File: 256 KB, 794x1059, il_794xN.3499871823_9upr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original "coping mechanism" comment was in regards to people with "reborn" dolls who coddle and care for them like children, and the fact that even they usually know they aren't real children.
Only a truly sick mind would read that and *immediately* see a connection to Jeffrey Dahmer and pretend that having a reborn doll is in any way connected to anything about him. or that saying its a coping mechanism for some of those people is promoting dissecting road kill as a coping mechanism murderous rous psycopaths.

Anyway, someone's selling pic related on Etsy, better call the cops before it's too late!

>> No.2455394
File: 54 KB, 734x489, ManLetsSlipHeFucksDolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 3 different are people

Believe it or not, a little girl ripping the head off her barbie and adult men with serious mental issues buying lifelike sex dolls explicitly made for fucking and to be imaginary wives, that cost as much as a used honda civic, fucking and then dismembering them while making cannibal jokes in the posts where they are selling the jizz covered chunks to other depraved men are not equals.

There is literally nothing you can say,no argument, no example you can spout that will make them equals, literally nothing that will make it not a red flag to normal people.

You are garbage and you know it, you know everyone in real life would shun you as a disgusting human if they knew your very dirty, very expensive secret. Sorry /diy/ wasnt the safe space you thought it was.
The worst part is, you believe what you are saying. I actually feel sorry for you in some ways.

>all kinds of dumb accusations and talk about fucking dolls that represent children, which was NEVER mentioned, let alone condoned.
To be fair, the doll forum which was in the original picture literally has a sticky for the whole website talking about how they had to delete all pictures of members dolls that were underage/childlike, they wont let people talk about them anymore, and they banned links of the dolls that are for sale.
You know, because the government decided to outlaw them because of how depraved and fucked up they are.

>original coping mechanism comment was in regards to people with reborn dolls who coddle and care for them like children
Nobody knows or cares about these deep dive autistic subgenres of dollfucking. Sorry the reference is lost on normal people.
The dolls have a mouth, an asshole, and a pussy for you to stick your cock in no matter what the retards who buy them mentally think about them.

When you buy sex dolls that you fuck then dismember while making cannibal jokes, would wouldnt think of Jefferey Dahmer?
Its his whole shtick

>> No.2455397
File: 45 KB, 600x581, 1499540203192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>subject to interpretation
Very true
99% of people will interpret posts like that in one way.
They take things into account like the stereotype of people who spend that much money, on those very specific types of dolls, and post on those specific types of forums (which of note used to allow the now very illegal child dolls), and do the specific types of acts (which are joked about), who think its ok to sell what normal people consider hazardous material to others which literally can spread disease.

Those 99% of people think its the sign of a irrevocably broken human.
The broken human on the other hand claws for dear life, trying anything it can to convince others they are not actually insane depraved people.
It convinced itself that the doll was real, it should be able to convince everyone else that its normal too right?

>> No.2455432


why do people see shit online somewhere and automatically assume some stupid fuck on a chinese basket weaving forum is responsible for it? millions of people in the world and right away someone on 4chan did this or that. fucking fuckoff with this mentality you cockwaffle.

>> No.2455433

>3 different are people

All 3 had the same kind of wild eyed reaction to a post that never mentioned any of the things they accused the anon who made it of promoting/condoning.

You just did it again-
>You are garbage and you know it, you know everyone in real life would shun you as a disgusting human if they knew your very dirty, very expensive secret. Sorry /diy/ wasnt the safe space you thought it was.

That INSANE and illogical rant just like everything else in your post has nothing whatsoever to do with the original point about people acting like idiots over someone cutting up a doll because they can't /
won't differentiate between dolls and real humans.
You literally can't/ won't even acknowledge that people can *say* that some people have irrational responses to dolls being cut apart and not be sexual deviant monsters, which is completely batshit crazy.

I hope for your sake that this is all a troll, but experience tells me that people like you who are dead serious and beyond help are all too real.

Either way, just the fact that multiple people began frothing at the mouth when it was stated that dolls aren't human and it's irrational to treat them like they are (which actually INCLUDES using them to replace human relationships) just proves the original point: people (you) become easily triggered and irrational over dolls as if anything you do to them is the same as doing it to a real person, and (you) only get crazier and crazier and more and more accusatory when that illogical and irrational reaction is challenged.

>> No.2455445

>99% of people will interpret posts like that in one way.

And people like you don't care whether that interpretation is valid, sensibly derived using reason or logically defensible...
even the 99% claim is pulled out of your ass and cited as fact just because it's a huge number statistically...and because you think nothing of using a logical fallacy when you think it might help your agenda-

" appeal to popularity is known to be a faulty approach to making an argument. You can tell this fallacy is being used when an argument relies on public opinion to determine what is true, right, or good. "

What's most bizarre about where this thread has gone is that people on this site are regularly chastised for merely entertaining the idea that some edgy opinion or call for people to commit crimes, suicide, etc. might EVER possibly be sincere. It's a given that people post all kinds of dumb shit on the internet that's just trolling and extreme for the sake of laughing at the reactions, and anyone who doesn't assume that's what's up is an unhip noob.
But throw a doll in the mix and suddenly all that is out the window and it MUST be assumed that and alleged "abuse" of one referenced is 100% real, and anyone who says that maybe it's just easy trolling based on a well documented cultural phenomenon is a doll fucking Jeffrey Dahmer.

tl;dr: lurk moar, faget

>> No.2455450

No one can read your mind.
If you're up to something taboo and you expose it to the public most people will look at you funny, simple as.
I'm not anyone you're arguing with and I'm into some crazy shit myself, but I think you're being a gay bitch. This is not your safe space.

>> No.2455464

dress up in a black suit with glasses and go grab them

>> No.2455509

Do you really believe I think someone on this board made that?

>> No.2455675
File: 1.62 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20220827-175619_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a home, bros

>> No.2455683

I've seen utility trailers made out of campers. I wonder if a single wide trailer frame would make a decent one.

>> No.2455777


I think people are just retarded. Used to have picrel and it really didn't cost much to maintain, even if it spent most of it's life in salt water. It's just a plastic tub with an outdated engine, simple hydraulic system for steering and a propeller. Not much to it. Cars are way costlier to maintain.

>> No.2455783
File: 52 KB, 700x467, 500-TS_img177853_700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded too and can't picrel

>> No.2455787

>Do you really believe I think someone on this board made that?

and I quote from your post if it really was you:

>Which one of you built this
>one of you

you posted this on 4chan asking ONE OF YOU then say you didnt say anyone on 4chan made it.

make up your mind you retarded fucknipple

>> No.2455807

Will he grill with me and have a few beers?

>> No.2455879
File: 670 KB, 644x551, 655561b5aaba0a9643f9500544d48cf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2455886

cope tranny

>> No.2455921
File: 935 KB, 400x293, 1472534167760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All 3 had the same kind of wild eyed reaction to a post that never mentioned any of the things they accused the anon who made it of promoting/condoning.
Yep, welcome to literally everyone else in the world who doesnt fuck dolls and sees you for what you are worth
You already knew you were a pariah, its always good to be starkly reminded of it.

>You just did it again-
And ill continue to do it over and over and over
You are deluded, you think you can argue and gaslight your way into being accepted.

It just doesnt work that way anon.

>And people like you don't care whether that interpretation is valid,
True, the whole world isnt black and white
There is nuance, double standards, inequalities and downright unfair things.

Like the illness you were born with that led you down this road in which you are a legit deviant that most of the human population thinks is better off not existing.
Do you think your dolls will miss you when you finally eat that bullet anon?

Just understand that what you think is normal immediately brings Jeffery Dahmer and Albert Fish vibes.
There is no arguing, no amount of formal debate which is going to change it.

Im pretty sick of listening to you honestly, so ill leave it on this.
While the guy who gets sexual pleasure from fucking and mutilating his "women" remind everyone of Jeffery dahmer, you personally remind me of the guy in this documentary who just doesnt understand how he looks to the outside world. Cant grasp reality at all.

>> No.2455931


lol shutup bitch! lololol!

>> No.2455973

Put them in a local lake or canal

>> No.2455978

LOFL, is there a clinical term that means "pathologically obtuse and proud of it"?

I bet the Germans have one.

>> No.2456006

You're right up the way from me. Used to be in a metal band from Hickory and driving 40 west always sucked. Stupid bumpy shit. Also dated a girl from Taylorsville. My word she drove me nuts.

>> No.2456031
File: 74 KB, 892x483, your both pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're insane


>> No.2457072


>> No.2457079

you're retarded

>> No.2457106

>"child" dolls are illegal
fucking why
nobody is hurt by it
and as has been proven getting sexual release in another way decreases rape rate

I'm fucking livid that pearl clutchers are actively harming children

>> No.2457325

don't do this, carp are already a huge problem in a lot of places

>> No.2457329
File: 226 KB, 1200x675, 00V0V_3IkZi637Lobz_0CI0lM_1200x900[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free Pickup Truck Camper. This would make a great chicken coop for someone.

>> No.2457503

Can you cite something?

>> No.2457508

that's a whole lot of words to justify why you're a pedophile

>> No.2457514

I agree that it's not simple to identify who the "victim" is with the crime of possessing a doll. On the other hand, with a lot of this kind of stuff you don't really have to dig very deep to find that dolls/loli/etc are just the surface layer which tries to form a socially normalized and stabilized forum or community so that pedos can network with each other.

But the concept that providing child like fuckdolls to pedos is going to make them less likely to harm real children is NOT well established science.
Think about it: how would you even structure that study or experiment in order to determine if it made things better or worse?

>> No.2457626

Just like how with a lot of this kind of stuff you don't really have to dig very deep to find that overly conspicuous displays of righteous indignation/gratuitous and reckless allegations of criminal activity without any proof/mindlessly exaggerated "all decent people agree with me!" virtue signaling/etc are just the surface layer which tries to form a socially normalized and stabilized forum or community so that dimwitted, megalomaniacal wannabe moral authoritarians can network with each other.

>> No.2457643

this is the reason that people always get that "creepy" vibe from you and you find yourself unable to form meaningful relationships with other human beings

>> No.2457676

LOFL, it's like you are compelled to prove the point.
Especially the "mindless" part.

>> No.2457703


LOL shutup stupid bitch!

>> No.2457906
File: 197 KB, 1246x773, bricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit yeah

Gonna be getting this in the morning if there still their

>> No.2457911

>Just like how with a lot of this kind of stuff you don't really have to dig very deep to find
The other criminal and deviant activities that doll owners and apologists indulge in?
Very true!

>> No.2458028

is this at Danzig's house?

>> No.2458336

>Can move anywhere in alexander county but law prohibits move to another county.
>prohibits move to another county.
Huh? How? What? What kind of weird legal rut is this thing stuck in? How does that even happen?

>> No.2458723

stop pretending to be autistic.

>> No.2458734
File: 565 KB, 1079x2047, Screenshot_20220901_150943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to score a free leg

>> No.2458752
File: 897 KB, 800x430, 1646315305674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have any intact of the pussy and ass?
I should know better than to browse with a broken rib. Fuck that hurts.

>> No.2458755

Do you think they'll ask if you need a leg for someone, or will they give it you no questions asked?

>> No.2459018

Get a prosthetic arm as well and you can make dad jokes about inflation and the cost of living.

>> No.2459024

"Oh no, I plan to use this myself. On my way to meet a guy about a table saw he doesn't need.

>> No.2459060
File: 1.60 MB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20220902-005328_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2459207

I hate elongated bowls
let's my dick pop out then I can't piss and shit at the same time

>> No.2459308
File: 141 KB, 707x1024, 1634531378938m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been in its suitcase the majority of the time
>majority of the time
>the pink lingerie is not included

>> No.2459320

No hands?

>> No.2459616 [DELETED] 
File: 2.51 MB, 970x1610, AA battery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular bowls suck because of the Devils kiss. Elongated bowls are more comfy and ergonomic.

>> No.2459845

>Gonna be getting this in the morning if there still their
>still their

Maybe stop off at your local elementary school first and enroll there so you can be taught basic grammar before you go pick up your bricks.

>> No.2459866

anon wants to be a bricklayer, why does he need proper grammar?

>> No.2459885

I know this guy his name is Larry…small world

>> No.2459921

it's a litmus test to get disgusting weirdos to out themselves to the world when they tell everyone they have a foot fetish.

>> No.2459941

would he grill with this anon >>2455807 and have a few beers?

>> No.2459978

Jesus that is a saggy scrotumsack

>> No.2460363
File: 23 KB, 640x352, 1660432208285015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2462270

kid's play house right there.

>> No.2462732
File: 777 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220907-214242_craigslist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy free paint and a lot of it.

>> No.2463185

>Dad! Guess what I found!
>All these cool crystals in a bag!

>> No.2463205
File: 346 KB, 1280x958, B9485F11-D0CC-461C-9F39-AE325AAE96BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not free, but I had a contractor bag topped full of DVDs, Xbox 360 games, and the damn Xbox 360 with 2 controllers. Tossed it on OfferUp for $20 because I wanted the shit gone before I moved the next load of stuff to my new house.

Got a message in like 15min, dude was at the house in another 15min. I think he thought the price was a mistake when he pulled out his wallet. Told him $20 but he needs to take them all and carry that heavy contractor bag.

At least for $20 I don’t feel like I’m throwing thousands of dollars in the trash.

>> No.2463237

You can't argue with nutso. It's like pissing into a hurricane.

>> No.2463239
File: 57 KB, 261x193, 258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean.

>> No.2463278 [DELETED] 
File: 391 KB, 640x553, stock cart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one of these at work, but without the middle shelf, that my supervisor said I could have because the rubber on the castors are deteriorated. He told me to weight until I get a chance to work a little later than everyone else so no one else starts asking for shit. I haven't been able to make enough excuse to stick around long enough to get it though ;(

>> No.2463280
File: 391 KB, 640x553, stock cart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one of these at work, but without the middle shelf, that my supervisor said I could have because the rubber on the castors are deteriorated. He told me to wait until I get a chance to work a little later than everyone else so no one else starts asking for shit. I haven't been able to make enough excuse to stick around long enough to get it though ;(

>> No.2463452

Hell yeah anon. I'd take it in a heartbeat. Anything on wheels is a great addition to a shop. Especially if you are lacking space.

>> No.2463487

>and as has been proven getting sexual release in another way decreases rape rate
I seriously doubt that

>> No.2463493
File: 8 KB, 300x300, safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a safe that they don't use that I'm trying to talk them out of, similar to this one. I think the only reason they don't let me have it is because they don't want me crushing my toes and suing them

>> No.2463510

Nice virtue signalling, you should be donating fuck dolls to all the pedos in the world because actively normalizing their thoughts will actually stop them from acting on those thoughts you are normalizing and ingraining!

>> No.2463544

Have you been paying attention to what the commies are up to? Look up M.A.Ps
They will be the next group added to the alphabet flag of diversity. And you'll be charged with a hate crime if you ridicule them.
Fucking sick shit started with gay marriage.
>slippery slope is a myth fugue
Now look where the fuck we are. Little kids putting on wigs and stripping for faggots.

>> No.2463927

Kill yourself newfag. Its an old joke.

>> No.2464206
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>I don't need more junk
>I don't need more junk
>I don't need more junk

>> No.2464237

it's not about need, anon
whoever has the most stuff when they die wins

>> No.2464292
File: 3.12 MB, 3105x2329, muhscumhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Free pond in the city, vs free pond innawoods

>> No.2464300

that's not a pond, it's a puddle

>> No.2464307

What's the matter, nobody giving away nice things in poopsville Arkansas?

>> No.2464472

CL in my area taunts me. all the free good shit you can think of but no space or vehicle to do anything with. i need my own house.

>> No.2464824

>The guy mutilated a bunch of dolls and is selling them as "meat"

anon its a joke. they are going to take those bits and pieces, grind them up, and turn them into new silicone.


basically you take old sex doll (parts), grind them up, then you can make brand new dolls or vaginas or whatever you want. silcone is actually really expensive and this a cheaper alternative than just buying new silicone.

You're freaking out over the equivilent of some boomer trying to sell used soda cans to old ladies that want to turn them into wind chimes.

>> No.2464827

anon people are flocking back to 'retro' tech like dvds and vhs now that the globalist jews are pushing SaaS and other 'rent only' down everyone's throats. Shitty family guy dvds are going to be like baseball cards and shitty 50s toys were to boomers for millenials in a few years.

>> No.2464829

>can see the mold on the outside
>yeah kids, enjoy your lung cancer :D
>but honey you said a chicken coup
>yah well they already died so...

anon, people trash those things for a reason.

>> No.2464836

>chicken coup

>> No.2464849

It will be the only way to watch banned episodes.

>> No.2465020
File: 313 KB, 1480x942, littleused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2465039
File: 74 KB, 326x323, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my shitticket rolls anon, you can use them for crafts or something.

>> No.2465043
File: 200 KB, 1101x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something actually worth something.

>> No.2465050

that does look like a good model but those weigh like 250 lbs

>> No.2465052

I had the larger model Sony a long time ago that was over 300lbs. These are amazing TVs. I'm tempted but I just don't have the space for it right now.

>> No.2465122

What's so great about them?

>> No.2465171

If I don't get to work late enough to get this thing this week I'm gonna REEEEEE

>> No.2465196

Flat screen with significantly brighter and clearer/sharper image quality than what was state of the art when they were released, solid state aside from the CRT, continuously upgraded throughout its market life...combined with Sony's well established and deserved reputation for trouble free operation.
They were game changers and the pro versions were the industry standard for broadcast monitors into the 21st century-

"Sony also produced lines of Trinitron professional studio monitors, the PVM (Professional Video Monitor) and BVM (Broadcast Video Monitor) lines. These models were packaged in grey metal cubes with a variety of inputs that accepted practically any analog format. They originally used tubes similar to the ProFeel line, but over time, they gradually increased in resolution until the late 1990s when they offered over 900 lines.

When these were cancelled as part of the wider Trinitron shutdown in 2007, professionals forced Sony to re-open two of the lines to produce the 20 and 14 inch models."

>> No.2465202

I have the same exact TV in storage in my mom's basement. I need to go get it one day now that I have the space and a truck to carry it. At least I know she won't dispose of it, that thing is at least twice her weight.

>> No.2465844
File: 1.09 MB, 1242x1785, 8E0C7833-A51E-48A2-905A-247F38A63F87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want a free fishing trip? Rod wants to learn to fish and needs a fren.

>> No.2465861

Just go take a fat shit towards the end of your shift. Wait until everyone else is gone, then boom.

>> No.2465978

Wholesome af

>> No.2465997

obviously not "pedo dolls decrease statutory rape rates"
this would be a dual and scientific career suicide to conduct
but just use a search engine to "porn reduces rape rate"
should work the same

>> No.2466026

>before gf find out i live in a sex toy manufacturing warehouse

>> No.2466031


>every fucking time

>> No.2466057

>should work the same
First off, you can't extrapolate that. But secondly, the "porn reduces rape rate" studies are a mess that do not in any way concretely demonstrate a link between increased porn consumption and decreased rape rates.

This is a mess of an area to study because most kinds of traditional experiment design don't work for the particulars of the issue.
Also, people who consume more internet porn than the average person also tend to be more technically inclined than the average person and have higher IQ's. Both of those factors are associated with lower sexual assault rates, and IDK how you would correct for that in the studies.

At the end of the day, you cannot yet establish in a meaningful or demonstrable way that access to child sex dolls == less child sexual abuse.

>> No.2466063

>that does look like a good model but those weigh like 250 lbs
This, we know someone who got rid of a 40" Trinitron a couple years ago, fantastic picture but over 300lb, "if you and your buddies are willing to carry it up the basement stairs, it's yours for free."

>> No.2466064

>fishing trip
>"Call me Rod"

>> No.2466066

Yes, 40% of cases.

>> No.2466160

You must be local to me anon. I had a chuckle at that one as well. First glance I thought that's a nice boat to give away.

>> No.2466161

I had one of those 300lbs ones. Fucking amazing picture. Even had HDMI and supported 1080i input. It was the first screen I saw full HD on.

>> No.2466163

>has not been used

>> No.2466173
File: 201 KB, 1060x658, free oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm on my fuggin way

>> No.2466175

>get a stranger to go out "fishing" on your boat with you
>have a few beers, things get hot and heavy
>lay him down in a sleeping bag
>he won't say no, because of the implications

>> No.2466264

I absolutely can extrapolate that. It's so fucking obvious. You find an outlet for your urges - you don't need to try to satisfy them IRL.
You chucklefags need a study to raise that pouring your hands in fire is a bad idea.
And the fact that porn stops rapes hasn't been proved by experiments, but by history. Banning porn increases rape rate. Legalizing it decreases rape rate.

>> No.2466269

>You find an outlet for your urges - you don't need to try to satisfy them IRL.

Yeah because that's how it works...

Ask any heroin junkie if they started with the needle

>> No.2466383

Itt trying to diy rape and abuse.

Shut the fuck up chuckle fucks and post free shit.

>> No.2466411

Every time I check out the new comments on this thread more than half are about those fucking sex dolls and something about rape urges. Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger faggots.

>> No.2466413

checked and true

>> No.2466434

brain dead faggots going completely off topic and arguing about inane bullshit?
yep, checks out. seems like you've forgotten where you are

>> No.2466470
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>> No.2466594

You make it too obvious you are thirsty for the feet, that's why
They are open to it but not for creeps, got to get in with them gradually, then ease in that direction
just saying "hey babe nice feet want to put them on my dick" won't work

>> No.2466680
File: 719 KB, 966x543, qts making qts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just using those for repair. I doubt it's some fetish thing you're making it out to be.

Skip to 2min in

>> No.2466684

If that's a pic of your boat, then it was in its prime and didn't need much repair. Boats given away for free are way waaaaaaaay past their prime and in need of a lot of upkeep and repair.

>> No.2466690

The Pirate Bay

>> No.2466703
File: 516 KB, 1027x640, BBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2466811

Did you actually open the thread where they're selling and buying the pieces while directly referring to them as 'meat' as though it's a butcher?

>> No.2466818

Oh no, I had one of these fuckers. I just had to move my 50” Plasma and thought that was heavy, forgot about the 32” Sony flat screen. And the TV stand I had that on was nearly as heavy, I finally tossed the TV stand a few days ago because I wasn’t about to put it in an upstairs bedroom.

I actually just thought about that, probably have a South Park Mohammed episode on there. I just don’t have room for more bins of shit to look at, I barely even have time to pick out a DVD.

>> No.2467135

It's called a joke anon.

>> No.2467973


I like how they emphasized BIG. I bet the guy was oogling at the ducks large cock as it raped his chickens. also free horny duck. what a deal!

>> No.2467976

Panhandle shit is always wild. The PC market is fucking perfect for free shit stolen from someone else's yard.

>> No.2467991

It was gone :(

>> No.2467993
File: 72 KB, 1080x545, Screenshot_20220917-084456_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the specification table.

>> No.2468000
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>> No.2468037

doesnt even look that bad, could be rebuild and used again

>> No.2468039

3 days worth of usage i presume

>> No.2468046
File: 303 KB, 1489x1254, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be worth decent money

>> No.2468058

I'd pull the slats, put a regular hitch on it and make a smoker out of it. I already have the propane tank

>> No.2468065
File: 702 KB, 1079x1511, Screenshot_20220917-104715_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone talk me out of this

>> No.2468066

Why? Go get it right now

>> No.2468069

No. Uhaul home, strip it out, repair drive, new tires, make a go-kart

>> No.2468070

Fine you talked me into it

>> No.2468095

If you're in/near the panhandle of Florida I have batters you can have.

>> No.2468096



>> No.2468147

expect to pay $1000 for batteries

>> No.2468364

my man, that's just taco tuesday

>> No.2468370

you never know, the anon may want your batter

>> No.2468376


>> No.2468579

They haven't emailed me back so its probably not happening

>> No.2468588

>I need to hear your voice
>let’s go on a trip
>call me Rod

>> No.2468592

>everyone that smokes a cigarette or drinks a beer graduates to heroin
Ask any alcoholic if they started drinking water first.

>> No.2468605

Hmm we must be related, that seems to be my family motto.

>> No.2469151

Ask sternly if they read the newspapers and tell them to forget what they've read.

>> No.2469161
File: 52 KB, 375x500, fnords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2469197

Fuck yeah, go get it!

>> No.2469404 [DELETED] 
File: 795 KB, 720x1024, Screenshot_20220919-150013~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we have a fellow Anon here.

>> No.2469475
File: 889 KB, 1073x2136, Screenshot_20220918_193417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't use it, they means no smells.
Also, not necessarily in the strictest conformity of this thread, but still CL... HOAs can dictate/mandate getting new water heaters?!

>> No.2469488

If it's been sitting, it's probably gotten all funky

>Can be converted into a grill

Uh, no

>> No.2469497

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.2469499

1 roll per day! Not at all. Women might... I remember the ex wife would wind quarter of the roll for a couple drops of piss. Perhaps my strategic not shitting at home is paying off.
Didn't mention a grill.

>> No.2469503

>Didn't mention a grill.
read the ad chucklefuck, you know, the one you posted?

>> No.2469554

It's a pasta

>> No.2469559
File: 792 KB, 720x1046, Screenshot_20220919-213005-989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2469576

A good HOA is all about retaining value in your home. Keeping the riff-raff out (black people) and making sure all homes are in good repair and will sell well. A replacement water heater can add to a home's value, and when Bob sells his house for $50k more than the median value in the neighborhood, everyone else's value increases as well.
A good HOA would also pay for this sort of thing with proper management of HOA dues. An ideal situation is where every homeowner has their dues pooled and used to improve the neighborhood and provide services that make people want to live there. Is this what usually happens though? No, probably not. But this guy might be a unicorn and live in an HOA that actually functions well and uses their dues to improve the homes in the neighborhood to preserve and increase values.

>> No.2469577

Weird that someone in the suburbs would have a rickety piece of shit homemade deer feeder

>> No.2469645

Did you not?

>> No.2469646

Doesn't matter what state you're in, Taylorsville is just the name of a trashy place.

>> No.2469655

Watch a few boat restoration videos on youtube. I thought about it, but now the thought itself makes me want to neck myself

>> No.2469656

Nobody cares faggot go away

>> No.2470392
File: 367 KB, 720x1148, Screenshot_20220921-103051~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting for just this moment but now I don't know what I will freeze.

>> No.2470582

>I don't know what I will freeze.
we know, anon
you're going to freeze hookers

>> No.2470681
File: 688 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220922-061059_craigslist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2470742

get it anon, then you can use the engine and transmission in the boat you're going to build

>> No.2470744

I bet you could drive that out of there.

>> No.2470746

Do you work near an airport? If anyone asks why you're staying late, just tell them your friend/family member was flying in to visit and you're picking them up.

>> No.2470834

I'd be on that like stink on shit...

>> No.2470898

As a gardener this is not as weird as it sounds, that poop is gold if the horses are pastured right

>> No.2470900

do they hire QA to test them? wonder what kind of test cases they go through.

>> No.2471021

Origami junk rigged boat by chance?

>> No.2471070

could be... could be
unless of course you were raised by women
captcha: NRX TOY

>> No.2471072

the woodland park zoo in seattle used to sell the elephant shit for fertilizer

>> No.2471178

Found the culprit.

>> No.2471182

Keep looking. I'm in Marianna and I have flipped like 8 boats since hurricane Michael just by hauling them off for people.

>> No.2471183


>> No.2471853
File: 722 KB, 1079x1808, Screenshot_20220921_200620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my 24v Cummins worth the money saved?

>> No.2471882

Yeah I would take that.

>> No.2472505

>will usually admit that they aren't kids and that treating them like they are is an odd coping strategy...
>Meanwhile they themselves treat the dolls like they are real children
Curious, really..

>> No.2472511

Surely this could be sold on for a reasonable amount of profit?

>> No.2472537

people with waste oil burners would take that in a heartbeat

free heat

>> No.2472640

clearly someone is from jersey.

>> No.2472659

Muh's cum hole?

>> No.2472782


Not yet...

>> No.2474262
File: 276 KB, 720x669, Screenshot_20220928-154814~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2474289

just need a few trash cans and you'll be rolling in dough when you sell that shit.

>> No.2474290
File: 690 KB, 855x642, gasoline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2474305
File: 554 KB, 1080x1662, Screenshot_20220928_171052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2474473

we gonna have a BONFIRE

>> No.2474475

stupid itoddler

>> No.2474476

lol Big Dick Problems

>> No.2474484

What the fuck? I'd be there in an instant if it wasn't halfway across the country...

>> No.2474858
File: 698 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220929-195546_craigslist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2474874
File: 536 KB, 1067x725, craigslist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2474905
File: 229 KB, 631x549, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be worth it if the compressor is still functional. Just need any air tank and you can diy a monster compressor.

>> No.2474910

I would pretty much bet there's a bunch of other free shit they'd let you have

>> No.2474911
File: 117 KB, 1036x637, cashregisterstands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gimme gimme gimme

Texted, want these, bad

>> No.2474912
File: 174 KB, 1065x594, Honda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be a fugging scam...

Area code doesn't match, for one thing

Texted from my google number, just in case.

>> No.2475007

Sad thing is i just had to pay 4.20 a gallon for red diesel... Probably going to be a couple thousand gallons when it is all said and done. Will find out tomorrow when they finish filling the tank and give me an invoice.

>> No.2475586
File: 86 KB, 1063x659, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this possibly can't still be available.