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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2428528 No.2428528 [Reply] [Original]

When is it okay to steal somebody's tools? How much of a bastard do they have to be?

>> No.2428541

Theft is wrong in general, anon. Provide more details to help us understand why you want to be a bigger bastard than the other guy.

>> No.2428546 [DELETED] 


Because stealing is for niggers, and niggers are worse than bastards, always.

>> No.2428547

The worse the offense the more you can take.
A snide remark? Maybe pocket a pencil
Wasted a day of your time? A pencil and a screw driver.
Screwed you out of getting a paycheck? A power tool.
Screwed out of thousands and thousands?
Take his truck.

Make sure to tell them what your taking and why, sneaky theft is not honourable.

>> No.2428555 [DELETED] 

Theft is for niggers and meth addicts. If you want to get back at someone for being a bastard there are better, more satisfying ways.

>> No.2428557


Just start sabotaging his shit

>> No.2428559

Plant drugs on him and call the cops.
Throw a brick through his front window.
Shove an ice pick through the coil of his AC.
Take a pipe wrench, turn off his gas at the meter, then slap a heavy duty padlock on it.
Shit in his mailbox.
Send his wife/girlfriend a letter in chick handwriting about how you've been cheating with him but you hope he steps up to help raise the baby.
Get his credit card number and order him the most horrific gay porn you can find.
Give his phone number and email out to every spam service you can think of. Those personal loan places are a good place to start, they won't back off and will call hundreds of times a week.
Slash his fucking tires.
Brick into the windshield.

>> No.2428567
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Guy was a real bastard. Stopped showing up at work, no idea what ever happened to him. Anyway, he left stuff behind and it was about to go in the garbage.

>> No.2428656

Let them throw it in the garbage and then immediately dumpster dive. That way the chain of possession makes you not a nigger theif.

>> No.2428659

All animals steal, even apex predators. It’s your duty to secure your things or nature will take care of it for you. Thankfully we live in a society that punishes such actions, but you can’t seal every crack in human nature.

>> No.2428660

They're putting in a Hazard Fraught like 15 minutes away, I'm so looking forward to dumpster diving it

>> No.2428661

This, OP. Don't be a god damn niggerbastard.

>> No.2428704

I'm curious about this. Could I get a signed affidavit from my employer stating the tools were going to be thrown away instead?

>> No.2428711

Lol I used to work for Briggs & Stratton. Shit went in the scrap bin all the time, people were fishing like 24/7

>> No.2428776

>have no dad
>get tools stolen for it

>> No.2429682

Never, you don't fuck with a man's livelihood. If you aren't man enough to say something or hit the cunt, stick to passing and moaning about it on 4channel.

>> No.2429685

When they stole something of equal or greater value from you and you have no other recourse, otherwise you're a piece of shit.

>> No.2429706

I never stole anything from a person. I always took from a facility.
Some of the things I took were prices in the thousands of dollars.
The facility just bought new shit after it couldn't be found.

>> No.2429784

i had a pay dispute with my old boss recently
had to involve lawyers and all sorts of shit and eventually had to take him to court ... i got to his place, got into his (attached) garage to fuck shit up because fuck him right where he eats, idgaf. guy threatened to beat my wife up, was the whole reason i actually sued him and turned him into the dept of labor for tax evasion. hes being audited and i knew for a fact he let his insurance lapse.
long story short i was so fucking angry i blacked out for a minute there and well, when i came to there was a fire going pretty well in the corner. i slipped out and no one ever found out.
so now that faggot is going absolutely bankrupt due to irs audits and now wont even have shit to sell to cover his judgement, nor will he have the tools to make a living and pay his fines.
play the long game people, use the law to hit people in the wallet and get your revenge later.

>> No.2429893

People will throw back whatever you threw at them, so it's in your best interest to be good to people.

But the revenge has to be proportional if you choose that route, an eye for an eye.

>> No.2429995
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Who hurt you?

>> No.2430052

It's not theft if they're leaving it on your property.

>> No.2430141

So, you fucked him over so badly that he won't be able to pay you what he owes you? I'm all for a little revenge, but I'm not principled enough to let myself get screwed in the process.

>> No.2430155

Oh no no no, im not a moron
i got paid in my lawsuit. then i turned him in to the dept of labor, then i ruined him. apparently hes suicidal now and his old lady left him. it makes me happy to know that.
i legit mean it that him telling my wife he was gonna slap her across the face when he ran into her at the grocery store was the catalyst for this. I *was* just gonna beat his ass and move on, but that shit really fucking got to me.... so instead of a simple beating he now has a ruined life at 50 and he knows its too late to start over

>> No.2430172

Carry on then. No doubt he's ruined the lives of a lot of people over the years. Shitbags like that generally do. The best thing you can do now is move on with your life and forget he even exists. In 10 years, if he hasn't necked himself, and he randomly walks up to you in the grocery store, you can do the old "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

>> No.2430202

Nice mental gymnastics

>> No.2430225

More like a chink trying to ride an escalator.

>> No.2430859

Can't be big enough of a bastard. As soon as you take away someone else's ability to provide for themselves you become cheif bastard, maximus assicus. And curses be to you.

If they're a bastard shit on their front door.

>> No.2430871

Never fuck with peoples tools, simple as that. The tool gods will punish you.