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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2415163 No.2415163 [Reply] [Original]

In Germany, we are screwed this winter. I am afraid we will have to pay 2000€ extra for heating as we are heating by gas. For this reason, we want to build a heating system independent of gas.JDD0J

We were thinking of using a tea light pot heater. We have to heat our living room only, the other rooms can stay cold.

Are there any alternative heating methods you can think of?

>> No.2415169

Rescind Atomgesetz you panicky shits. Coal has always been a greater source of radiation anyway. Moving to thorium always made more sense than moving to coal.

>> No.2415173
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You all get what you fucking deserve.

But, jokes aside, I hate seeing a fellow white man suffer, and it ain't everyone's fault things turned out the way they did.
I'd advise you to get a wood stove as well.

If you live in an urban hell, consider an electric heater - a small 250W heater will put out a lot more heat than tealights will.
You can even get an oil-filled radiator - they hold heat well, and are quite efficient.

Three small 150W solar panels will provide enough electricity to power a 250W heater for 6-ish hours, if you want to go completely off the grid, but at that point, wood is better.

>> No.2415205

Thank you, brother. You are right, electricity is a little bit cheaper than gas. We will do the calculations and will consider buying an electric heater.

Sadly, we live in an urban area, so it is harder to set up a solar panel.

>> No.2415218

>Are there any alternative heating methods you can think of?
electric heaters idiot.

teapot heater fucking hell.

>> No.2415225

Flames are toxic, dangerous and stupid. Electric and warm clothing (including robes, robes are awesome) are based. Before effective heating caps, robes and slippers got shit done. So does thermal underwear and sleeping bags.

German milsurp gear is generally quite good. Buy now in warm season and remember to get multiples so you can wear one while washing others.

With the right clothing no or little heat is needed which is why I keep enough for total power loss in any weather.

>> No.2415240

there are only three nuclear power plants left all of the rest has been demolished already to a state where it would take years to reactivate them

>> No.2415245

No problem at all, fren.
All shitposting and joking and banter aside, I'm happy to help.

Whenever I post here, I figure people are gonna just shit all over the advice, so I guess I get more callous with time, and it's a surprise to see someone being polite.
Here's a slightly higher-effort explanation to help:

You need to pick your energy source first and foremost.
It depends very much so on whether you're
>prepping for the future
>considering efficiency
>getting the best bang for your buck in the moment

I'm not too sure as to how Germany is situated in terms of resources, but if I'm not mistaken, fossil fuels are definitely not a strong point.
With urbanization, I also think that wood is quite unlikely as an option.

Now, if you happened to ever move somewhere rural, know that wood is the #1 best bet.
Contrary to popular belief, it's also the most environmentally friendly fuel, considering the footprint, and the sustainability - we live up North, and we've got our own forest which we manage.
Older, dead trees get taken for firewood, which frees up space for younger trees to grow.

But, wood and fossil fuels aside, you have a few other options.
If you have your own house, a psychotic but incredibly cool option is biogas - I'm going to set up a biogas digester of my own soon.
It does not take much space - just a 55 gallon drum, and it produces incredible fertilizer.
It does stink though, if you do it wrong, so perhaps not good for an urban area.
However, it's incredibly efficient, the fuel is very energy-dense, and it's near-free as an energy source.
It's also actually viable for heating compared to solar or generating your own power (which will be more expensive in the long run.)

For electric, you can, as I mentioned before, do solar, OR, you can go with the grid.
If you own a house, it might be wise to put up a wind turbine, and get a battery setup - especially if you're going to live there for a while.

>> No.2415253 [DELETED] 


However, given the current global situation, it might not be worth it to tether to one place so long, and it's just too autistic / too much nonsense to produce your own power for now.
Keep it as a backup option, but for now, you probably just want a source of heat.

I'm not sure how expensive it is in Germany, but in Canada, electricity is $0.12/kWh, which makes it a lot cheaper than propane.
I live in a stand-alone house, so I don't get auxiliary heating from my neighbors, and even then, a single 1,500W heater is enough for the ENTIRE floor (1,000sq ft.)

I think for a room, a 250W heater is definitely a good idea.
The teapot heater thing is pretty cute, but as the other anon said, you should definitely look into "passive heating" as well, A.K.A. warm clothes.

The 250W heater (which should cost only $0.72 to run for 24 hours, or less than $30 a month) combined with comfy insulating clothes will be more than enough, and it will cut your energy costs to nothing.
Good luck friend, and stay warm!

>> No.2415257
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>he thinks the electricity won’t go out with a shortage of natural gas
>he thinks solar panels in the winter generate enough to heat a home.
You’re going to get maybe 1/3 of the rated capacity out of the solar panels, plus you’re going to have to constantly clean the snow off of them, and then you don’t have the heating during the time you really need it, nighttime.
You have a few choices, stock up on propane and propane accessories.
Buy lots of candles.
Get lots of wood and a wood stove, or coal/charcoal.

>> No.2415259

>panic law in 2011 right after fukushima
>sit in scaredy-shat drawers for a decade while your supplier keeps picking fights with its neighbors
>"how did it come to this"
build. new ones. you dense motherfuckers.

>> No.2415264


However, given the current global situation, it might not be worth it to tether to one place so long, and it's just too autistic / too much nonsense to produce your own power for now.
Keep it as a backup option, but for now, you probably just want a source of heat.

I'm not sure how expensive it is in Germany, but in Canada, electricity is $0.12/kWh, which makes it a lot cheaper than propane.
I live in a stand-alone house, so I don't get auxiliary heating from my neighbors, and even then, a single 1,500W heater is enough for the ENTIRE floor (1,000sq ft.)

I think for a room, a 250W heater is definitely a good idea.
The teapot heater thing is pretty cute, but as the other anon said, you should definitely look into "passive heating" as well, A.K.A. warm clothes.

The 250W heater (which should cost only $0.72 to run for 24 hours, or less than $30 a month) combined with comfy insulating clothes will be more than enough, and it will cut your energy costs to nothing.
Good luck friend, and stay warm!

>> No.2415265

>Flames are toxic
Combustion products are safe, it’s just incomplete combustion producing carbon monoxide that isn’t. Just get a CO detector and you’ll be fine.

>> No.2415277

It's true, anon, but if OP owns a house, he can put 'em on ground level (that's what I did with mine) - sweeping them off in the morning is the same as brushing down the car early.

150W panels are about $100 here, so for $300, you get 450W maximum capacity.
I also get about 50% efficiency for 4-6 hours a day, which would give me 225Wh per hour, which should be about 1kWh per day.

That can run a little 250W heater (another $60) for 4 hours a day. Replace the 150W with 250W panels, and have 4 of those, and you're producing 500Wh / hour, or 2kWh per day - so you can run it for 8 hours, at a cost of about $700. It's not the best solution, but it's definitely a solution - combine with warm clothes, and you're set for the next 10 years as far as heating 1 room goes.
Don't think the Germans have propane though, anon - nor can they do wood / coal either, I think.
It's why I proposed electric, because none of the other options really work.

Grid-tied small electric heater is probably the best option OP has.
Believe me, I love propane, but where I am, I just can't depend on propane being available - and with how fragile that supply chain is, can't trust it.
Give me propane you can make from wood, and I'm sold. But then, I'd rather just burn the wood.

How much wood you got stocked up by the way, anon?
I've got 1 cord so far, hoping to get another by wintertime.
I use it for cooking too, not just heating.

>> No.2415280


When you do flames properly, there's nearly no risk.
Propane and natgas burn clean, and wood is the most natural fuel you can get - doesn't mean that it won't give you lung cancer, but set up a stove properly, and you'll sooner die from microplastics in 99% of our products than have any adverse effects from the smoke.

I'm not OP, but I'm considering going warm-clothes-only to see if I can last the winter without any heating.
Do you go mostly without heating?
Can you share a bit about it?

>> No.2415281

Detectors don't remove particulates. Liking flames is mental illness. The Air Force had to ban candles in dorms because idiots kept igniting furnishings.

Electric blankets are far more efficient than stupid candles and don't cause indoor pollution.

Being Germany a rocket stove fueled by subhumans is an option but would deplete the bull supply.

>> No.2415282

Very valuable advice, thank you again. We plan to move more rural in the near future, so using wood will be definitely an option. I think I will convince my GF to wear more warm clothing. We will survive but I don't plan to pay several thousand euros for heating this winter.

>> No.2415293

No problem, fren.
And absolutely based - regarding moving rural.

Remember, 99% of modern living is bullshit - don't depend on it where possible, and you'll find that you're happier, more independent from a system that exists to keep you dependent on it, your life is more interesting, and it all combines to make existence a little bit more fulfilling.
If you're interested in saving money / becoming more self-sufficient / healthier:
>cook at home more
>start baking your own bread (it's very fast and easy)
>torrent all your shit, no need for subscription services
>try to avoid microplastics, no non-stick surfaces, use stainless steel and cast iron


Not that guy.
Electric blankets short-circuit all the fucking time, anon - the whole spontaneous human combustion shit was partially thanks to electric blankets.
People would burn up in them constantly. They also sterilize you through the heat source being so low but so close to your cock 'n balls, and cause low levels of chronic inflammation from the direct heat.

Modern buildings have far more particulates from the bullshit artificial construction materials alone than any stove will put out - if you're so hell-bent on removing all particulates, get an air purifier, and air your house out more often, at least twice a day.

>the chair force banned candles
If you make something idiot-proof, the world invents a better idiot.
Stop trying to prevent accidents and let nature run its course instead of turning the world into a nanny-state hell where everything is regulated and you can't piss without a loicense.

>liking flames is a mental illness
I would argue that obsessing with modern bullshit that has existed for less than 50 years is mental illness.
I think that the main defensive implement of humanity for 200,000 years is probably a more natural thing to like than magic sparks created with globohomo fuels imported from foreign shitholes.

>> No.2415297

Even if the Goverment wanted to build new ones not one of the energy cooperations wanted to actually do it. They alway wanted to continue the old plants as building new ones was seen as a risk due to the threat of fuel disposal costs and even then shaky economic prospects due to the runtime costs.

And even now the cooperations don't want to even think about extending the life of the last three plants. The maintenance schedules are planned for an end to them this year. They would take months to even recertify the basic equipmernt for continued operation. They as the rest of the republic want to be finally be rid of that chapter of energy production.

OP may consider electronic thermostats on the heaters copntrolled by an independetn thermometer placed in the middle of the room. That way you would only heat as much as needed . They can also be programmed so when there's nobody at home they regulate down to 19° C for the day and only open the valves an hour before you come home. Bedrooms don't need to be heated to above 19° at all. 19° is supposedly the ideal sleeping temp and it works failry well I must say. In General 19° should be enough with some warm clothing and socks in the rooms.

If it's still too cold bang your gf to warm up.

>> No.2415302

>I'm not sure how expensive it is in Germany, but in Canada, electricity is $0.12/kWh, which makes it a lot cheaper than propane.
Propane is $0.18/kWh and saying electricity is only $0.12/kWh is kind of disingenuous because of all the other charges they tack onto your bill. Heating with propane isn’t that bad compared to electricity, especially if you live up North and get absolutely fucked by line charges.
Anyways, natural gas is king to heat with in Canada. It’s 0.015$/kWh, that includes distribution charges and all that jazz. It’s why I have a natural gas drier and furnace, you don’t get fucked by time of use and it’s much cheaper.

>> No.2415304

>Electric blankets are far more efficient than stupid candles and don't cause indoor pollution.
Absolutely wrong, electricity is not more efficient than burning something. You need to look up what Exergy is. All that marketing about 99% efficient electric heating is wrong and cherry picking.

>> No.2415314
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>> No.2415323

>the republic want to be finally be rid of that chapter of energy production
>you got any more Russian gas bro?
Why, again? What was so bad about nuclear power?

>> No.2415330
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there's a better way picrel

>> No.2415331

>We were thinking of using a tea light pot heater. We have to heat our living room only, the other rooms can stay cold.

Bong here, I already have a good stash of candles ready for hard winters if and when the heating goes. From my research these pots work very well. Just good to double them up with an air gap

>> No.2415381

Buy a feuerhand

>> No.2415385

All jokes aside buy some wool gear,
Way more effective than heating the room by one degree

>> No.2415393

Pick a room with a chimney and insulate from the inside. Arrange a big chunk of heat mass and heat it not the air. Like lots of bricks, sand or say water. Also basements will be comfy.

>> No.2415416

Get a cheapo ac/heat pump and some solar panels to power it. Imho that's the most efficient, when you can't burn wood.
Don't bother with wax or alcohol.
t. we have Nachtspeicheröfen (:

>> No.2415437

>tea light pot heater
these are a meme and do not work in a space larger than an igloo
you need only envelope math the number of calories of energy in those few grams of parafin wax against the specific heat of dry air (best case) to realize this
any particular reason you all haven't hauled these hyenas to the Brandenberg Gate and put them in stocks?

>> No.2415438

tea light heaters will only do so much. it's definitely better than nothing though. the goal should be to get out of germany, because your state is failing. this is not political, this is not debatable, your state and many others in the EU are currently suffering from collapsing energy grids and economies. if there is any way you can leave, do it.

>> No.2415444

Fuck off ivan.

>> No.2415447
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>> No.2415465

how original.
i'm not trying to bait you. i am not trying to bait anyone, this is real. germany literally can't even get gas or coal unless it's from russia, and russia doesn't like germany much right now. it's not an overreaction to suggest maybe getting out of the soon to be frozen hellhole before it happens.

>> No.2415484

>russia doesn't like germany much right now
Russia doesn't like anyone ever

>> No.2415514

Yeah this. I can recommend these for fellow krauts:

>> No.2415552
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Personally I live in a rural area so I just buy bulk firewood a year or more in advance, as fresh wood needs to dry(this term in english is season).
However, if I was you I would likely do the same and load it all in my garage or against my buildings wall under cover. You will pay more to have it deliver chopped to size and stacked, so maybe rent a garden refuse trailer and find a place that sells bulk firewood.. ferry it back n forth till you get to 8tons minimum. I'd shoot for double that living in Europe, I dont live in Europe though.
You could gain more efficiency from a fire stove, rather than a open fireplace.
Install it yourself to save money.
I wouldn't dick around with milsurp gear and tea light candles, or honestly most of the suggestions here. You need proper heating and you have a dependent who relies on your ability as a man to provide basic comforts.

>> No.2415577

years ago, i was into ethereum mining and built a multi-GPU rig. it used something like 1000 watts of power. which means, it was a 1000 watt space heater, which also generated a small amount of money.

the amount it made wasn't all that much more than the cost of electricity, so usually i'd turn it off on hot days to save on AC, and turn it on during the winter.

pretty expensive for what it was though. depending on the cost of your electricity, compared to the cost of the equipment, it could be viewed as a "more expensive heater which pays for its own power". electricity where i live is so cheap that it's really of no practical concern to just run a space heater.

however, heat pumps (basically an air conditioner which can run in reverse) are more efficient at moving heat per unit of electricity compared to pure space heaters.

as in, imagine a 3-ton heat pump. it will use 3000 watts of electricity per hour, and release 36,000 BTU of heat.

a 3000 watt space heater will use 3000 watts of electricity, and generate 10,000 BTU of heat. so about 3x less efficient.

pumping heat from one place and dumping it in another (ie: absorb heat outside and dump it inside) is much more energy efficient than turning electricity straight into heat.

comparing electrical heat to gas heat, though, a gas heater is always going to be more efficient than electricity.
the reason being is that if the gas were burned at some power plant, then converted into electricity, then the electricity goes to your house, and then goes into the heater, that's very wasteful for every step along the way.

but, burning the gas in your home skips all the conversion steps. the heat is just released into the home, and all the light gets absorbed by your walls and stuff and gets radiated out as heat also.

>> No.2415581

consider a kerosene lamp or something similar

I have fond memories of cooking beans over a kerosene lamp with my grandpa.

>> No.2415585

That still runs a steam turbine, requires tons of cooling, and requires pumps. There’s still a exergy efficiency of using nuclear. Not all of the energy performs useful work, a lot of it is wasted.

>> No.2415607

If there was a solution the problem you wouldn't be suffering like they need you to.

Gates and Soros are building nuclear plants somehow. Fuck me.

>> No.2415611

Not him, but nobody likes Russia either.
And the world's been cunts to Russia longer than Russia's been cunts to the world.
Pic related. >>2415173

>> No.2415613
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Pic related with a clay pot atop it and a candle jammed into the center for a wick. This will last for months burning 8 hours a day. There are also plenty of related videos online. From the master race to third world in 80 years, pathetic.

>> No.2415650

>bew heeeew

>> No.2415656

>literally whining how russia doesn't want to take on immigrants and be heckin' frienderinos with anyone
>casually point out that it's not a one way street

Accept you're on the even MORE globohomo side of history (China + Russia vs US + Rest of the Globohomo World) and it'll be alright.

>> No.2415671
File: 6 KB, 225x225, fireplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop voting for greens you massive faggots. You city cucks get what you deserve.

This year I'm going to buy a fireplace for my house and integrate it with my central heating and shut off the gas because I can. Hope you city faggots freeze to death this winter.

>> No.2415698

Thought about doing that... Its a big job though.

>> No.2415708

Get a decent (scop>5 for west Germany) split airconditioner. With coal plants running full steam the electricity should be affordable.

>> No.2415711

Also you can just throw your mattress in the living room if temps go crazy again this summer.

>> No.2415716
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The most efficient heating method is one that can store the heat and release it slowly. Ideally radiant heat so you aren't just heating the air.

The terms to google are things like rocket stoves, masonry heaters, kangs, kauffelhovens (or wtv its called in German). All the same concept, you make a quick, extremely hot fire that warms up bricks or other medium of thermal mass and let it radiate for 12 or so hours. Minimal wood, very clean hot fire without creosotes and residues.

>> No.2415719 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2415733

A certified low emission stove has 80+% efficiency and it will heat your room just fine continuously, without a ton of masonry around it. Will heat up the room a lot faster from cold too.

>> No.2416020

The absolute cheapest option is to only heat yourself, you can buy electrically heated vests, blankets and such, this will consume very little electricity, in the range of maybe 50-200W. Then you can radiate heat towards the place you are in, IR heaters, that's somewhere around 200-800W for each unit, the candles are a retarded version of that.
Then it's thermal pumps, a regular small split AC will consume around 1000W and produce 2000-4000W of heat for your room, probably closer to 2000W in the winter (they are more efficient when the temperature differential between your room and outside is smaller). Dedicated high efficiency air-to-water thermal pumps can get to 4000W of head for each 1000W of electricity even in the winter, but those are a big upfront investment and obviously it's only viable if you own a house, they're too big and complicated to install in an apartment.
Then there's wood, heating with a wood burning stove is as cheap as you can source your firewood. If you can go in the woods and steal a bunch of wood, this might be the cheapest option. If you're going to buy wood from big city suppliers, it's probably going to be fairly expensive.

If you have your gas bill from the last year, you should be able to see how many MWh worth of gas was delivered to you, you can roughly estimate how much heating you need to cover. For a smaller, modern, efficient house, you should be around 10-25MWh. Converting that to a thermal pump, it's
25 000kWh / 4 (factor of efficiency) = ~6250kWh electricity x 0.3 eur/kW (substitute whatever you pay where you live, it ranges between 0.15 and 0.5 or so) = ~2000 euros, obviously greatly depending on the individual factors.

There are some electricity suppliers that focus on balancing the network load and offer much cheaper electricity during the night, so you could save by heating all night and not heating so much during the day.

>> No.2416024

You do not have the mentality of a german.

Get to work.

>> No.2416026

We must rebuild the German Reich.

>> No.2416058
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>From my research these pots work very well.
That is because your 'research' consists of believing a bunch of wingnuts on YouTube and Facebook talking about shit they don't know anything about. Candles do not output much heat. Putting a couple of flower pots over them just means you waste some of their energy heating the pot. Lets run the numbers.

One tea candle outputs 30-35 watts with a burn time of 2-3 hours. I can get a 200 pack of candles from Amazon for $20.47. Lets round down a tad, ignore shipping, and taxes and call it 10 cents a candle. So, 30-35 watts for 10 cents. Now, to make the numbers easy, lets just assume that all burn for 3 hours and output 30 watts. So it costs 3 cents (rounded down a tad to help the poor tea candle out) for 10 watt hours. How much does electricity cost in Germany? About 35 cents for a KILOWATT hour. How much does a kilowatt hour cost in the US? About 15 cents.

So, you can either burn PETROLEUM-based tea candles for the price of 3 dollars a kilowatt hour or get an electric space heater and run it for an 8th (Germany) or even a 20th (USA) of that. Even if the price of electricity were to triple you'd still come out way ahead.

>> No.2416180

>build. new ones. you dense motherfuckers.
Dude it's Germany. Planning and assessment for a non critical project like a street takes 20+ years. Even if it would be legal building a new one would take longer than the world needs to burn the rest of the fuel. Plus it makes zero sense financially as they can't compete with renewables. They won't start them back up unless they get a contract for 10+ years of free moonies from the government.

>> No.2416188

Is Germany the California of Europe?

>> No.2416200

"The best time to start a thorium plant is 10 years ago. The second best time to start a thorium plant is now."

--Ancient Chinese Proverb

>> No.2417160

It doesn't really help you to build nuclear weapons which is the single reason nuclear energy infrastructure was ever developed and it still will be way too expensive not even counting the huge expenses for developing a functional large scale plant + infrastructure and educating workers. The price German citizen paid to give cheap solar to the world is minuscule compared to what was spend on nuclear infrastructure (still everyone complains as it's a direct fee and not tax hidden in the budget). I just don't see it happening. It would probably make sense knowledge wise looking at future space exploration but it's not in anyway a solution to the current crisis.

Germany should finally start to put some active effort into developing wind energy combined with short term storage. This is just a political/administrative question as all the technology needed is ready to go. If they would stop actively blocking small investors we would be done with the topic in a few years. If they would dump money and some "dun care" regulations like they showed they are able too with corona it would probably take a few months.

My bet is nothing is really gonna change other than wood burning will be made insanely difficult with permits and probably some extra taxes so heating with your own firewood will be as expensive as buying gas. Big companies will get some nice presents to cope while the average person is going to get assraped. That's nothing really new though it's going downhill steeply the last years but for some reason everyone seems to be used to it so i'd say people here will get used to even higher prices too.

Something as innovative as thorium reactors has zero chance here. It's a structural problem. The hostility against innovation and progress is deeply ingrained in all levels of administration. I know some (renewables) projects fully financed which got rejected by the municipality for the reason of them "not being THAT innovative".

>> No.2417168

Get bent, Kraut. Vacuum solar heater and geothermal gang.

>> No.2417178

The proper response to this is to let Russia default on its debts, press the war to exterminate the Russian state, and then piece Russia out into small federalized territories that are nominally on paper free and democratic but in reality all belong to US and European resource and energy companies.

If your nation isn't sustainable, you wage war on other people and their kin group so that you and your kin group can have their stuff.

>> No.2417195

...what does thorium have to do with nuclear weapons?

>> No.2417307

>too much nonsense to produce your own power for now
No it isn't. Supply chain fuckery means the grid is running with no spares and PC/DIE bullshit means retards are at the helm. Prepare NOW.
>t. utility grid engineer

>> No.2417316

Heat pumps are generally useless below 40 deg outdoor, which is why all heat pump systems have backup electric heat strips. Heat pumps are also expensive, have to be professionally installed, and are expensive to repair when they break.

tl;dr get a wood burner.

>> No.2417335

Nothing and most countries are not interested in building nuclear bombs anymore so there is little motivation to pour money into it.

>> No.2417365 [DELETED] 

in case you are not aware there is a final solution available to solve all of your heating problems. first you need a large oven to create the heat, preferably with a detached remote chimney. don't ask how it works it just does okay. then to source the fuel for this oven you will need an air-tight room with wooden doors. again don't ask. also you will need to dig very large ditches outside for storage, although make sure only to do this in a place where the water table is less than 18 inches from the surface. once again, no questions. finally you will need a few million jews. let me know if you have any questions.

>> No.2417367

in case you are not aware there is a final solution available to solve all of your heating problems.

>> No.2417370

I've lived like this for a year when I had no heating.
Tealight hack works amazingly, but you can stack pots to get more radiation. Probably used about 4-8 a day depending on cold.
Move all heat related appliances to the same room. Tumble dryer, kettle, fridge, anything that could "wasting" heat. Don't put anything in there that can kill you with CO...
Put duvets on the windows if you have windows in that room.
Get some thicker clothes.

Look into small wind turbines or solar panels if you have the space for it, they are cheap and you can run a small houshole on 2 small windmills that cost around 1000 euro including inverter.

>> No.2417372

>Nothing and most countries are not interested in building nuclear bombs anymore so there is little motivation to pour money into it.
To the contrary, thorium power wasn't invested in because it didnt have a byproduct they could use for nuclear weapons. Thorium is superior but has no short term incentive.

>> No.2417414

>thorium power wasn't invested in because it didnt have a byproduct they could use for nuclear weapons
That's what i am saying. Though one byproduct is an educated workforce but still of no use if you don't have any weapons programs at all.

>> No.2417416


You will survive. Layer up and remember all of this for your next election cycle.

>> No.2417418

>Fuck you Russia, you're a POS and we're gonna fuck you up
>hey, we're still cool for cheap gas right?
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Germans?

>> No.2417478

even if they could extend the lifetime
there are fuel rods available this year

if they order them now they are available in summer 2024.
>not even amazon has them in stock

>> No.2417606

candles are more expensive than gas and fill your house with soot
get wood stove if you have a chimney
wood is quite cheap if you are willing to cut it up yourself
if you don't have chimney, try to heat up yourself rather than the house - electric blanket, kotatsu or those grandma electric boots all work (but keep house above dew point)

>> No.2417620

>little motivation
Well we have a candle pot heater and OP's country can no longer stomach Russia's crap. What more motivation do you need?
>still of no use
Good thing wind and solar yield all kinds of inputs for weapons production. duherp.
>no short term incentive
You were saying this a decade ago.

>> No.2417646

>it's really cold
>come you guysth
>i wanna now
>this is hard you guysth
>peed pants and feelsth gud

>> No.2417704

>heh get sanctioned Russian chuds
>da, no more gas for you
>wtf noooooooo how could this happen

Omega ultra hyper kek

>> No.2417758

>What more motivation do you need?
You need motivation for people deciding stuff. None of them will struggle with a 2000% increase in gas prices at all.

>Good thing wind and solar yield all kinds of inputs for weapons production. duherp.
Wind energy is one of the cheapest you can get. Still new construction is amazingly slow. If it had a political use like nuclear power back then the country would be plastered with wind mills.

>> No.2417809

>oey vey goyim its just too expensive

you know. these kikes are literally giving themselves billions of dollars each month for whatever bullshit reason they can come up with. Maybe you should start realizing it isnt about cost, but rather they just like seeing you suffer.

>> No.2417814

Its not even that.
They refuse to process payment in the manner that the company providing the gas is wanting.
Because they can't launder it through some (holdings company) and pay the russians in euros.

>> No.2417827

just burn more jews lmao

>> No.2417867

>If it had a political use
Political use: the alternative is diy candle pots for warmth

>> No.2418048

>Do you go mostly without heating?

When civilian camping and doing military stuff of course. I now live in the Southeast US which barely gets cold. I used to have a nice Bundeswehr (I'm a burger but scored it while stationed in West Germany) parka/sleeping bag combo that was comfy. I quite like milsurp and my parka and cold weather pants were good to go after a nice Scotchgard drenching (two cans per parka, one for insulated pants). Wool socks (be nice to your feet) and decent thermal underwear are ample for German weather. A cold weather sleeping bag system makes heat optional. You wouldn't be particularly uncomfortable while camping so why would that be worse in a nice somewhat heated building? I don't bother heating my workshops as I'm dressed and active. If my house burnt down I'd hang my hammock in one and live there while rebuilding.

BTW hammocks are cheap, easy to DIY if want (see hammock forums and importantly do not need to be close to the floor. Heat rises so the higher you sleep the warmer you'll be. Check temps with an IR thermometer which are great for hunting heat leaks around the house. I sleep in a hammock on a stand at home because it's easy on my bad back and use an underquilt for warmth. I drape blankets over the ridgeline for darkness but they hold in considerable warmth.

Staying warm in cold weather is about insulation. We just get used to warm modern rooms but they're a convenience not a survival necessity. If I had to heat only one room in my house it would be the bathroom for shitting comfort. I've a thick terrycloth robe for lounging.

Modern small radiant electric heaters work well (and Europe has higher voltage and three phase to many homes) so I'd find out what's good in 2022. There are so many clothing and small space heater options today that unless you're elderly or have poor blood circulation a little cold weather should be no big deal. Cooking at home is one way to eat well while heating your kitchen.

>> No.2418049

Wool is based in winter and summer. Especially for socks. Warm hats reduce heat loss which is mostly from head and neck.

>> No.2418191

I was recently thinking about buying 100% wool socks because I'm trying to get away from plastic fibers in all my textiles. I've read online and also heard from my mom that they wear out really fast compared to synthetic socks. What's up with that?

>> No.2418237

>>no short term incentive
>You were saying this a decade ago.
Lol a standard nuclear reactor takes up to 15 years to build and that is using known and proven technology. I think you need to re-evaluate what short-term means.

>> No.2418238

give it another 5 years. pushing rope up a hill will still be a short term way to stay warm.

>> No.2418240

I don't even understand what point you're trying to make. Did you assume I expessed some kind of opinion?

>> No.2418255

>rope unravels while getting pushed up hill

>> No.2418258

I understand the metaphor but you seem to be arguing with me on a point I never made. At this stage I'm not surprised really.

>> No.2418268

>"a point I never made"
>pushing rope intensifies

>> No.2418272

You're a schizo arguing with yourself. If you tell me your position you'd probably find I agree with you.

>> No.2418273

>If you tell me your position
You first, you coy frazzled piece of rope you

>> No.2418279

Fine, so you can be a contrary faggot and disagree something I actually said.
All developed countries that can support it should be using nuclear power, the fact it's not being used is a disgrace. Thorium reactors should have been invested in years ago but I outlined the facts why that didn't happen. It looks like we might skip that step with fusion though, it's more appealing to the public even if it's a long way off.
As far as solar, wind and other renawables go, they seem like they would be a nice to own privately if you wanted to be self sufficient but I think they are the inferior step forward for national power.

>> No.2418317

>europoors can't even afford to heat their homes

>> No.2418322

>be southern europoorean
>migrate north due increasing heat waves
>die of not able to afford heating
>be northern europoorean
>migrate south cause can't afford heating
>die of heat wave

>> No.2418324
File: 268 KB, 1920x1920, 1656517987537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this causes the europoor to fly into an autistic rage

>> No.2418469

One key fact has changed: you're now in a candle pot heater thread. Thorium is doable using existing technology. Fusion is more bleeding edge, less immediately feasible.

>so you can be a contrary faggot
this explains why you were dissembling so hard, you can't say something half baked without getting your feewings huwt

>> No.2418508

They don't care about massive unnecessary subsidization, they don't care about children not having enough money for food and clothes, they don't care about people working full time and not able to afford rent, they ruin people financially by raising mandatory fees all the time. Why on earth would they care about a few more people going bankrupt when they have to back pay their gas.

Germans are so blunt it's basically impossible to get them on the streets. They don't really have anything to fear. They basically vote for the same parties as always no matter what they do. French people would burn down the city every day of the year in Germany.

The only thing with a minuscule impact was massive uncontrolled immigration of millions of people and that's already forgotten by now.

>> No.2418563

>payoff horizon is 20 years and the only byproduct is a more educate workforce
>germans would never support public education

>> No.2418694
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This is now a rope pushing thread.

>> No.2418701

that's a nice analogy

>> No.2418706

Unless the wood is free, natural gas is still cheaper. At least in Canada

>> No.2418715

Why do you believe Russia is going to default? I know the west won't let them pay their obligations and as such they will "default" but it's not for lack of finances. Who do you think that's going to hurt the most? It's not Russia

>> No.2418718

This hasn't been the case in a very long time. There are many heat pumps that still produce more heat than they burn electricity at 0F

>> No.2418884

Now find me a few large unpainted terracotta pots, to fit over the top, that don't cost the price of a small space heater.

>> No.2418953

Gas used to be the cheapest way to heat your house in Germany, even cheaper than a heat pump because we have ridiculous electricity prices at 30 cents per kwh.

Now coal and wood are far cheaper than gas and heat pumps.

>> No.2418959

Molten salt isn’t a really reliable method of heat transfer. Everyone who’s tried to use molten salt gets their heat exchangers fucked. Read up on those mirror solar farms to see how well molten salt works.

>> No.2418963
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>Thorium is doable using existing technology.
Nobody is arguing this

>this explains why you were dissembling so hard, you can't say something half baked without getting your feewings huwt
You started arguing with me even though I never made a point to argue against. I stated a fact of why thorium power was not invested into and you seemed to have a meltdown about it. Did you think I was on the committees who made those decisions? I just think you have terrible comprehension skills

>> No.2419012

>it's not for lack of finances
>they just want nothing to do with rubles
no one tell anon how fiat derives its value

>> No.2419013

>I never made a point to argue against
The rope has achieved sentience soon after leaving base camp
>I stated a fact of why
oh nevermind

>> No.2419015

You have brainworms dude

>> No.2419017

You're the one talking out of both sides of your mouth. And those aren't worms, just strands from a rope that couldn't keep itself together when someone tried helping it up a hill.

>> No.2419018

>You're the one talking out of both sides of your mouth.

>> No.2419020

>self-awareness plummets
Read your own posts

>> No.2419022

All I can think of is that you are mixing my posts with someone else's but since you wont give me any examples of what you disagree with then you can forever stay ignorant

>> No.2419024

>can't bear to reread own posts
I don't blame you
>mixing my posts with someone else's in a single thread of replies

>> No.2419028

>mixing my posts with someone else's in a single thread of replies
That's how much integrity I trust you with

>> No.2419033

>thinks replies in a single linear thread are to someone else
tends to happen when you talk out of both sides of your mouth with an absolute refusal to read the stupid shit you type

>> No.2419035

I'm not a mind reader, you have to tell me what's butt hurting you instead of vague metaphors and instructions

>> No.2419036
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>Planning and assessment for a non critical project like a street takes 20+ years
You need better leadership. Added benefit: Teach Russia to stop fucking around.

>> No.2419047

They already had 2 chances, H was a moron

>> No.2419050

>butt hurting
u wish :-}
>I'm not a mind reader
I said >Read your own posts
I understand it's easier for you to dissemble

>> No.2419054

I don't take issue with my posts, you do. Me reading them again is not going to give me any more insight than I already have. You have to point out the statements you take issue with. You seem to have no issue quoting other parts of my posts so just quote the bits that make you tingly inside.

>> No.2419058

>Me reading them again is not going to give me any more insight than I already have
That's too bad
>You have to
regardless i've done so anyway a couple times, but you just dissemble harder and madder like now.

>> No.2419063

You had an issue, I'm just trying to oblige it. But it sounds like you just don't want that, making your inital post pointless catharsism. Which is fine

>> No.2419065

You expressed wah-wahs, I tried helping with a suggestion, you dissembled in multiple directions. Few things make me as relaxed as hearing a rope beg me to push it just a little further up a hill.

>> No.2419068

>You expressed wah-wahs
I did? Where
>I tried helping with a suggestion
You did? Where

I'm pretty sure you have all of this in your head

>> No.2419070
File: 23 KB, 468x60, 7dc45c647fecf9f312395a07c22babd52752dfaf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quote again, i'll pay attention this time

>> No.2419071

I see all your quotes, but none of them are "wah-wahs" and none of them are you "helping" so I'm no closer to obliging your grievance.

>> No.2419072

>I see all your quotes, but in one eye and out the other
>so I'm no closer up the hill
how about that

>> No.2419087

In the real world efficiency is about spending less for a given level of comfort, not autism, and electric blankets are dirt cheap to run while localizing heat to the person/dog/corpse being heated.

OP should ignore contrarians obsessed with fire then do what works in real life.

>> No.2419090

>milsurp gear

Which works fine for normal use too. Why does that bother you? I was warm in my N3B parka decades before hipsters bought them because they work. Likewise sleeping bags etc. That babble about helpless dependents is fine if you're into helpless women to make you feel stronk. Mine (RIP) was also prior military and got shit done with or without assistance.

When it gets cold dressing in durable, comfortable effective clothing is pure win. Tea light candles are just useless jokes and the best filter to apply is if the clueless like it it's probably trash.

>> No.2419092

That's what the ancestral Germans, Turks, already did and will continue to do. They remain unraped while there is no more German DNA thanks to Red Army meat injections.

>> No.2419192

>We were thinking of using a tea light pot heater.
How the fuck can Germans be this ignorant about the effect of toxic gases in enclosed spaces?

>> No.2419213

I know about a certain german leader that fixed things very well in very little time

>> No.2419216

buy a mining rig and make the heating pay for itself

>> No.2419221

You gotta think only of the short term payoff here

>> No.2419456

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for that day, but set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

>> No.2419588

burn the coal, pay the toll

>> No.2419622

Even Russia's allies (e.g. China) don't want to pay in rubles.

>> No.2419629

this is a bot (gets broken once it enters shitpost stage and can't leave it)
why would anyone argue with a bot
waste of time

>> No.2419630


>> No.2419632
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Do they not have this sort of portable radiator in Germany?

>> No.2419635

If you act up on anything you are automatically a Nazi.

>questions if all refugees are from Syria and all of them are 17. Nazi
>does not want to get vaxxed. Nazi
>questions if masks are usefull. Nazi
>visits Grandma even though it is forbidden by law because of some regulations someone made up
>one person can visit 5 people
>5 people cant visit one person

>> No.2419963

From what I have heard, in some places the homeless steal electricity from streetlights. Maybe ask a hobo or two and he might get you a way to get free electricity for your home.

>> No.2419996

Highly illegal in Germany, and Germans love to spy on each other. It would never work, because your faggot boomer neighbor would tell the cops

>> No.2420155

Rubles aren't fiat, they've been gold backed for most of the year

>> No.2420158

Because gassing Jews was Jewish lies. Most of them died from disease and malnourishment, but zyklon b

>> No.2420161

Dear OP, and American here awake and aware of what the ZIONIST Jews did to your People during WW2, wish more were killed, but it was definitely not 6 Million as they lie about. Anyway, look up "Rocket Mass Heaters" they use 90% less wood and you can heat, cook on top of it and heat water for showers. Yandex.com them and Qwant.com is good. Fuck Joogle

>> No.2420175

Your great grandfather would disown you if he would have heard how retarded you grew up to be

>> No.2420180

>Liking flames is mental illness.
Burning things is. You're such a fucking onions fuck you'd dismiss the warm coziness of a campfire or a fireplace was a mental illness.

Go wrap the world in bubble wrap.

>> No.2420185

how bad is it?
I live with 5 C* and no problems

>> No.2420209

Use a CRT or plasma monitor/TV.
Will stay warm for quite awhile even after you turn it off.

Also fuck that guy that says no to electric blankets.
Plug it into an AFCI GFCI combination protection device if you're concerned about safety.

>> No.2420662

Stop being autistic and weak. Cutting wood and maintaining fireplaces is a huge asspain which is why it went away except for the desperately poor and/or insane.

Fireplaces vent most of their heat out the chimney while polluting indoors. Explain why you crave them like a bitch. This is not about onions or bubble wrap, it's about shitting on stupid archaic ways of doing shit which are not done for efficient reasons.

>> No.2420691

I wouldn't want to waste my time doing it
but calling him weak when you are too weak to do it the hard way is retarded
and most chimneys etc draw air from the house and throw it outside, they don't appreciably pollute the air inside the house
and they are carbon neutral and renewable
mostly they pollute air for others so are frowned upon in cities
and even outside the cities people (myself included) are too weak/lazy to use them
but crying about people who still use them makes no real sense
as long as you aren't old or laughably effeminate they aren't that much of a bother
it's like with all DIY, some people be bothered to it, some can't
especially in this board you should be able to appreciate that

>> No.2420710
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>> No.2420750

Go back to Africa!

>> No.2420755

How do you think they get the electricity?

>> No.2420757

The point zero field

>> No.2420781

How many years out are molten salt and thorium? Pretend legislation was actually in line with cleaner energy solutions and not just pumping ev stock.

>> No.2420783

buy a bag of cement and make one

>> No.2420802
File: 1.46 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_20220702_232643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bad boy will heat my whole house all winter with two trailer loads of fire wood. I've got a gas furnace and gas generator, but if something happens to my gas supply I know I'm not going to freeze to death

>> No.2420805


Construction starts 2024

>> No.2420840

The solution to OP's problem is trivial - just get a shipping container full of imitation crab meat. Leave it out in the summer heat wave so the meat ferments. Distill this juice down to 99% ethanol. Then make an ethanol burner from a bear can. What could be easier?

>> No.2420841

Fuck this!

>> No.2420891

>Are there any alternative heating methods you can think of?
stop being retards and open your NPPs, then heat on electricity

>> No.2420894

>And the world's been cunts to Russia longer than Russia's been cunts to the world.
everyone, including russians themselves hates russia since russia exists, anon
read some history book or something, idk

>> No.2420895

kek, wtf are you talking about retard?
immigrants wants to go to a rich country for free gibs, not to a poor shithole of a country that doesn't even have indoor plumbing

>> No.2420980

mate electricity here is around .50us ct per kwh. Nobody does electric heat here.

>> No.2420985

My advice: get a woodburner if possible. Start stacking wood now. You can get it cheap if you a) know somebody who fells them/does maintenance or b) look for people who do it and ask if you can have the wood. Most of the time theyre happy because they have to remove less themselves.

>> No.2420997
File: 37 KB, 730x779, Sources-of-Electricity-Production-in-Germany-2019-730x779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the panic in germany
with electric heaters, the electricity bill may at worse increase by 10,25% according to this graph (assuming that 'renewable energies' is not a glowie term for ressources that depend indirectly on gas or other ressources)

>> No.2421006

nobody has electric heaters here, theyre already way too expensive
some people have heat pumps, but most resiential heating is
either gas/oil or offsite heating. Some people have wood burners.

>> No.2421129

Why don't you just mine shitcoins for heat?

>> No.2421130

Why not a heat pump though?

>> No.2421264

>Highly illegal in Germany
As far as I know, it's illegal everywhere else too.

>(assuming that 'renewable energies' is not a glowie term for ressources that depend indirectly on gas or other ressources)
Well all renewable energy relies indirectly on gas or other resources.
Also that nuclear power is from France so that Germans can pretend to be nuclear-free. They will, of course, complain about how all those nuclear power plants are next to their border while continuing to destroy all the other sources of energy and using French nuclear even now more to compensate for their own childish decisions. The only German efficiency I see here is how efficiently their leaders strive towards every wrong decision imaginable.

>> No.2421435


>> No.2421582

Factually incorrect. If those people knew what was coming if they won, they would have sided with Germany instead.

>> No.2421598

Do you have a veg oil shortage, you could run it in a diesel generator. Used Veg oil filtered and then add a tiny bit of grain alcohol to make it less viscous.

>> No.2421617

I would suggest a wood stove, but I know Germans aren't allowed to own a stove.

>> No.2421666

>it never happened
>it should have been more
>what "they" did
>but it's all made up

>> No.2421671

Heat pumps are neato, but it REALLY depends on where you are. Heat pumps work on the principle of taking ambient heat energy and exchanging it. Effectively, it's the reverse of an air conditioner, to be as crude of an explanation as possible. However, that energy HAS to be there for this to work. If you're in an area that gets rather cold, the heat pump has to work harder to extract that heat energy. After 0 C hits, that becomes an exponentially harder task. So as long as you're in a temperate area, they're pretty neat. Get into an area where you can see freezing temps, and you might as well have a stove or normal heater.

>> No.2421820


>> No.2421990

>A fellow white man
KEK! A slav sub human and a turk. Two "white men" nowadays.

>> No.2422052

I don't WASTE MY TIME CHATTING WITH ZIONIST JEWS, it more productime to red pill and awake NON ZIONIST JEWS about your fuckery. Hey guys, did you know Israel, knowing it was an American ship, bombed and shot up the US Liberty on 6/8/1967 in international waters during the 6 day war with Syria and Egypt??? 911MissingLinks.com watch the video there to red pill yourself on these pig jews.

>> No.2422062

Sorry to hear that Anon; at least when you freeze to death this coming season, you can say "take THAT, Putin."

>> No.2422155

there's no magical point near 0C (nor 0F)
there is a magical point near 0K as we can't even get to 0K and below is physically impossible

it's not even crude to say that AC is a heat pump, that's the simple truth

>> No.2422159

Bake a brick and wrap it in a towel. Hold that sucker all night at you'll be fine. Your ancestors suffered in Stalingrad with just light jackets. You can survive indoors with all your luxuries.

>> No.2422167

Well he's right but not for what he thought

He's right because you start to get frost on your coils and it's a great insulator so your heat pump runs out of heat to pump efficiently.

>> No.2422237

>muh redpills
>*OD's on redpills*

>> No.2422241

Heat pumps have defroster mechanisms to deal with frost build up, and are still very efficient for heating a home.

But that doesn't count because the time horizon to develop that tech wasn't short-term enough. It therefore should never have happened and I refuse to use that technology out of principle.

>> No.2422271

Time to go illegal harvest some trees and get a wood stove.

>> No.2422320


>> No.2422381

It's only illegal if you get caught.

>> No.2422430

you actually get the most frost buildup around 0C
at lower temps the frost buildup is significantly less of a problem

real issue is that both efficiency and output goes way down
you can go cascade and fix output issue, but efficiency is always lower the bigger temp diff (both in theoretical thermodynamics limits and even more starkly in real machines)
still, it's always at least better than resistance heating (but at big enough temp diff it's not worth the investment cost)

>> No.2423277

>solar generator
>rig half cut cell panels to work with solar generator
>dual fuel gas/propane generator, 20 gal gas on hand at all times, shelf life 3-4 years with additive
>200-300lb propane, storage life indefinite
>E L E C T R I C B L A N K E T S
>diesel is still a more energy dense form of heating than battery heating
>cover windows in XPS, polyiso, or EPS foam. R value is inaccurate, True R performance is 20 per inch.
>additionally, if foam is plentiful but energy is not, tape up sheets of foam on inside walls for thermal performance
>minimize room usage, centralize activities in fewer rooms

Probably $10k Euros is enough to cover all these bases. Might be ugly, but performance will be beyond most existing buildings.

>Verification not required

>> No.2423533


>> No.2423535

This is the shortest-term payoff possible with triforcing

>> No.2423570

That's just another liquid sodium fast reactors. They've been building those for half a century, they keep making very expensive fires.

>> No.2423573

Molten salt dissolved fuel is shit and we aren't running out of Uranium any time soon so Thorium is a solution looking for a problem.

Pure lead cooled fast reactors are the only fast reactor design worth a shit. Everything else is a boondoggle.

>> No.2423583

Might be the plan. I've been trying to figure out why gates and soros are doing something so useful

>> No.2423589

scarcity was never the reason to transition from fossil uranium

>> No.2423599

>fossil uranium


>> No.2423607

>running out of uranium

>> No.2423670

Women don't want to live in the 1800s while their friends potentially have everything provided for them, it's not complicated concept or really worth debating.
By no means are females useless, but they are not going to rationally come to the conclusion I did, I dont care how butch and 'badass' she is.
Milsuurp gear for a single man or some young guys making there way as best they can, sure why not. You are gona have alot of deaths to exposure though, that gear is perfect for medium term outdoor activity by fit and capable people who have experience using it.
Otherwise you do what I suggested and keep your family and yourself alive.

>> No.2424576

>Are there any alternative heating methods you can think of?
yeah, big ass, thick blankets.

>> No.2424590

Rate my plan

>Rockwool to the window
>Planket over the rockwool
>Pull the curtains to cover the planket

>> No.2424616

What the hell are these words

>> No.2424627

>You are gona have alot of deaths to exposure though,

Not inside buildings which is the point under discussion. Germans already dress for their own outdoor winter activities.

Also note fuel reductions are not the same as no fuel.

>> No.2424629


>> No.2424681
File: 276 KB, 1608x1032, 541367_D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rockwool is a insulation material that is used for roofs in Nordic countries.
Planket is misspelled blanket.

>> No.2424737

They have it here in the US too, it's just more expensive so most homebuilders don't use it

>> No.2424964

Footwraps brother

>> No.2425400

warm clothing is efficient, but having every contact surface in your home at unheated temps is hellish, uncomfortable, and psychologically damaging. Your body at that point can't differentiate between being at home and waiting for the bus.

>> No.2425946

It goes with being wool but they're comfy. Just buy more socks if wear becomes an issue.

>> No.2426007

germanon, here in italy most of us have a fireplace that has tubes inside where water passes through and so when we start a fire, the water gets pumped through and magically the warm water goes through the radiators in the house. my house is a giant furnace in winter and the jood can't steal that from me

>> No.2426014

Go nuclear.

>> No.2426033

I would buy a family sized tent for draught resistance and use electric blankets with additional blankets for insulation.
You could look up rocket stoves with the mass heater addition for illegal warmth and maybe consider saving plastic and making plastic pellets for fuel. It will smell like shit but your Arabic neighbours will be burning literally shit and we all know how you Germans burn all kinds of things like books. Don’t worry, a grand visionary will come and save the fatherland.

>> No.2426620

>You all get what you fucking deserve.
For supporting Ukraine, a country that got invaded?

>> No.2426655

Russia enjoying inflated gas prices, and we now have a new hobby angrily slapping JB stickers in almost the right place on gas pumps.


>> No.2426704

they don't have electricity, retard. they are going through a total energy shortage, it's just gas

>> No.2426908

You sound like the biggest fucking pussy I have ever seen on 4chan since 2007.

>> No.2426911

It'll cut down on radiant heat loss that's for sure, but if you're not careful then air moisture can condense on the now cold glass and create a haven for mildew.
Air out frequently

>> No.2426916

>Are there any alternative heating methods you can think of?
Buy a woodstove. Vent it(PROPERLY) through a window. You can burn cardboard if you get really desperate. There's burnable fuel literally everywhere.

>For supporting Ukraine
for vilifying the average russian who had just as much to do with the invasion that any other citizen of any other country did. The west collectively went full retard cutting virtually all economic ties with russia in the way it did. Now we all get to enjoy massive inflation because the price of oil is tied to literally everything and a major supplier now has legitimate reasons to charge even more or not provide any at all.

>> No.2426946

plenty of youtube channels on making a wood stove out of a 55 gallon drum. Evay sells a parts kit pretty cheap. all you need is a steel drum.
buddy has one, heats up his uninsulated garage to T-shirt weather, here in Michigan.

>> No.2427493

It was 90% made up. If it had really happened the US wouldn’t be the great satan that it is today. What is wrong with you? Why do you trust monsters? Do a tiny bit of non jewish (non mainstream) research. Use your fucken brain you pathological follower. They actually hate you more if you trust them and take their poison. There are no words to describe what a complete retard you are.

>> No.2427594

How in the hell is electricity cheaper than gas? Where the hell does the electricity come from? Also, it's more efficient to transport gas than electricity.

>> No.2427612
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wool, shiny objects (high gloss paint) to move sunlight energy deeper into the home, open windows will increase light transfer, phone chargers, wall warts, transformer put out heat put it near heavy objects to store the heat dark colors absorb more energy than light but light reflects better, humid air holds more heat than dry sweat has salt remove it

tldr: shiny shit near windows dark stuff in center of home large mass objects near wall warts & wool

>> No.2427615
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, R-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seal the electrical outlets seal the window frames seal everything walk your house look for cracks and seal them

>> No.2427618

This is what you get for not holocausting the jews when you had the chance

>> No.2427656

Firewood is fucking expensive

>> No.2427666
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focus on heating your own body, do not rely on open flames that aren't in a designated area like a fireplace.
Get some layers to wear like proper wool or military style long underpants. I am a big fan of my ThermaRest Honcho Poncho

Its like wearing a sleeping bag, very comfortable but is hard to use arms when cooking and things like that.
Realistically, your residence needs to stay warm enough that your pipes don't freeze, I'd say that is priority number one. Buy some surplus wool blankets now.

>> No.2427719

>Realistically, your residence needs to stay warm enough that your pipes don't freeze, I'd say that is priority number one.

Btw. this is mandatory in many German rentals. I am obligated to always heat my apartment above 18°C. In many cases the heating is provided by the landlord so if they can't buy gas i can't fulfill my obligation so i can be kicked out but at the same time i can withhold my rent payment because the landlord is also obligated to do a lot of things which he can't. And this is different for every rental unit. This thing goes way deeper than politicians talk about right now. If this goes south it will completely overload and destroy German courts for at least a decade and they are already so far behind right now they have to release remand prisoners because they delayed processing the case too much.

And we already get a taste of how retarded the actions of the government will be. While last year we got curfew for 90% less active corona cases now the idea is to stuff a lot of old and poor people cramped together in heated halls which are known to be extremely efficient to heat especially if they are public infrastructure from the 1960s with zero insulation.

Reality is there is very little potential for saving in private households. People really think we will become independent of Russia if everybody showers between 7 and 8am instead of whenever they want. Just shut down paper advertising, trash tabloid magazines and production of luxury goods and we're good. Corona proved that's it's not a problem to fuck entire industries for 2 years if they want to. While at it everyone is screaming about climate change so we might shut that shit down forever anyway.

>> No.2427726

What was the alternative? Putin already started the same shit talk he used as justification to invade Ukraine for the Baltics. A Russia which is trying to regather Russophone populations is too dangerous for EU to just appease.

Ukraine is the Sudetenland, Baltics are Danzig.

>> No.2427731

Pellets are fucking expensive. Firewood is cheap if you buy it in bulk. Also it's only really possible if a small amount of people use it, too many people, not enough forest.

>> No.2428046

Are you seriously comparing a wood stove to a wood-fired masonry heater? You can literally keep a house warm with a single stack of wood with a masonry heater. It's not rocket science, and is basically effortless if you chop a bunch of wood and store it beforehand. It's just like any other house chore lol.

Oh wait... you probably don't know what house chores are lol. Eat the bugs and be happy!

>> No.2428223


>> No.2428231

A modern stove already has very high efficiency, the masonry just makes it slow to respond.

>> No.2428236


A 6lb tube of Crisco has a diameter of 6.28". You can get 8" clay pots from Walmart for $3.68.

>> No.2428887


You are such crybabies and you deserve all the crap that's coming to you.
>t. lived through the 90s sanctions of Yugoslavia. Power restrictions were the norm

Insults aside, there are a few things that I can pass along.
Get a few car batteries, just in case. Invest in quality window insulation and put anything you can find under the lower frame of the window (carpets, old jackets or any sort of cloth). Keep in mind that insulation is extremely important and should be your first priority. Buy on old freezer and stock up on ice, there is a good chance you will need it if the power goes out. it's easier to warm a person than the living space. Buy comfortable clothing that goes under the actual clothes. Don't fall for the oil radiator meme, they eat up electricity like crazy and the heating is mediocre at best. Quartz heathers are way better for small unheated spaces such as bathrooms. Don't heat rooms with tiles unless you have too (bathroom, kitchen etc).
I switched to a wood pellets heater and never looked back. With ~700-800€/year you can heat your entire home for a year.

>> No.2428900

economy will get destroyed (and not in a meme cyclic downturn meaning, this will hit hard)
but (most) people won't freeze to death

>> No.2428902

russians would play games even if we only supported ukraine militarily
unless you want to just ignore russia
because it went so well with ignoring germany less than a century ago
its either high gas now or no roof over our heads in a decade (at least for us euros)

but yeah, countries like germany fucked up by not setting up alternative infrastructure (LNG terminals etc.)

>> No.2429010

This is exactly what Trump told you was going to happen and everyone called him an idiot for it. Biden fucked the entire world to make a couple bucks and for sake of causing misery.

>> No.2429093

Rocket mass heater? My uncle up in New Mexico built one a few years ago and seems to like it.

>> No.2429294

Wood is free just go to forest at 12:00 on sunday.
Simple as

>> No.2429724

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.2430054


>> No.2430185

Everybody wants firewood and its stockpilled even by people that don't have a oven to burn it

>implying they aren't using gas powerplants to create electricity

>> No.2430257

Are you in the alps...if not just use a fucking blanket lmao...i sleep with just a sheet down to like 7C

>> No.2430262

Stop heat loss is as important. I bought good quality duct tape last year and sealed up the vents in my windows (and put those dehumidifier boxes on the ledge to take care of condensation) and it made a huge difference in warmth. My building was constructed in the early 90s and as such is stuck with fucking awful electric storage heater which are efficient for what they are but absolutely trash when you've lived with GFCH in every other place.

>> No.2430303

Exactly, it's Germany not fucking Alaska or Siberia. OP is a weak faggot, maybe a winter without heat would put some hair on his chest.

>> No.2430388

It just costs me gas either way, but it's not free for everyone

>> No.2430455

Those things are a meme. I was helping a self proclaimed homeless guy on /out/ a couple of months ago with something very close to your problem. The cheapest "fuel" that we could figure out for him was actually vegetable oil, but I know that is also a sore subject for you guys right now. What I ended up coming up with was a woodgas stove ventilated by a flexible aluminum dryerduct. Over here you can get wood pellets for heating cheap. A lot of "homesteaders use wood pellets for heating. You jusg have to make sure you don't overload it or you can burn through the exhaust pipe that radiates most of the heat. I use the prototype I built to heat my work shed.

>> No.2430497

>seal the electrical outlets
Anon I...
my grandma used to make me wool socks sometimes and she made a second layer on the heel and the ball of the foot, works like a charm and is extra cozy

>> No.2431843
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Have you heard of coppicing? Sort of a long term woods management and lumber harvesting process.
Also, do you have access to paper (junk mail, etc)? Look up paper log press, this is a complicated version: https://youtu.be/6ri62uzLoss
Easier, but mounted:

>> No.2431848

I went through a period in my life where I had to live in my suv. I used this style heater and it worked really well. Also the melted wax can be reused to make more candles. make sure the heater has some sort of fireproof tray because at high temperatures wax itself is flammable. minor venting is required, in my case a cracked window.

>> No.2431850

Burn coal

>> No.2432094
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Rocket mass heater.


>> No.2432356

>Liking flames is mental illness.
have you ever sat around a campfire at night? like, ever?

>> No.2433941
File: 78 KB, 402x497, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you fucking retards get for getting out of nuclear energy. Muh people of smart engineers my ass, too scared of mastering the masterrace of electricity making.
Damn it feels good to be French.

>> No.2434015

Renewables are bigger than nuclear ever was in Germany and that grew against massive protests from all sides and politicians, who 10 years earlier said that it's technologically impossible, later complaining that it's going "too fast".

Also they are MUCH cheaper in the long run. What do you think happens to fuel prices if everyone switches to nuclear? If you want to do it right, meaning without massive contamination of land and workers and long term waste storage or treatment (transmutation is possible but on industrial scale would easily take hundreds of billions more gov subsidies) and bribe free development (i.e. not building nuclear plants in earth quake zones or storage facilities in ultra corrosive mine shafts) it's going to be one of the most expensive energy forms. Nuclear seems cheap because it's paid with taxes and not with your electricity bill.

What we get now is the punishment for letting people decide our future whose main goal is to preserve the status quo and to oppose change. And of course to make their friends rich. We could've been done by now, be energy independent and enjoy near free energy. At least on a small scale some people already enjoy that like my parents whose solar system is paid of and providing maintenance free energy for at least 20+ years and with minimal maintenance another 80+ years. It's like weed growing in the garden electricity just happens you don't have to do anything. Unless a tree hits the building or by chance the modules are from a bad production run their great great grandchildren will still use them.

Nuclear on the other hand is super maintenance intensive. Even the demolition needs thousands of workers for decades long after the last electron left the generator. Guess who pays for that.

>> No.2434027

>wind and solar 20nyear ROI even with a government subsidy paying for half of it
>all the chemical waste gets left in China so there must not be any.
>only nuclear gets tax dollars. My free solar panels I paid for all by myself


>> No.2434030

Careful though. It may catch fire.

>> No.2434032

The eternal German once again proving his people are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

Your stupid fuck government phased off of Nuclear for Renewables because muh climate change. Only it turns out, a bunch of fucking meme pinwheels and panels that only work half the year aren't something you can power a nation off of, so you had to go back to burning fucking fossil fuels for power, making you energy dependent on Russia. Then you start fucking with Russia, even though they have you by the balls, so they twist. I remember when Trump told your leaders that this was going to happen and that it was a stupid idea, and the dumb bastards said being energy dependent on Russia was a 'position of strength.'

Renewables are not cheaper in the long run, they're the most expensive grift around. They don't stop pollution because they require rare earth minerals that are incredibly toxic to refine and manufacture, which is often outsource to third world shitholes like China who literally just dump the runoff in the river because who gives a shit. Then something breaks before they recover their costs because the manufacturer's lifespan is a best-case estimate.

Nuclear power has the fewest deaths per unit of power out of any power source, ever, and doesn't shit pollutants into your air like your government claims to care about. In reality, they just got a fucking kickback from green energy lobbies, which, fun fact, Russia fucking funds.

Oh also the autism around nuclear waste storage is either due to retards or due to lobbyists trying to get the state to make autistically overbearing storage protocols. When its done being processed, It's a fucking brick of glass. You can literally just drop it in a borehole and seal with concrete and nothing bad happens.

>> No.2434036
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Kachelofen bitte

that hippie shit belongs in a earth bag house

>> No.2434050

Layer up, get a couple electric blankets and a small space heater then hope for the best. Don't know if kerosene is an option for you all, probably not. If you're in a multi floor building and not on the first floor you'll have a small advantage of heat coming up from beneath you. The blankets are best used before going to bed to get everything toasty and turning them off. If this is all about saving money, you will have the advantage of possibly powering off your fridge at night.

The only fuel you've available really would be wood and since you're urban you probably don't have a fireplace and you're likely a renter.

>> No.2434054

french has other problems

Like in every summer reactors have to be throttled because rivers are to hot.
plants are old , the only new plant flammable is not completed jet and cost has risen from 3mrd€ to 12mrd€
French houses are shitty insulated and rely on electrical heating

so french nuclear plants are not profitable and only survive on subsidizes, french people rely on cheap electricity to not freeze,
My guess is France runs their Nuke plants till one of them really fucks up and pollutes a large area because some 60yo valve broke.

>> No.2434062

The solar subsidies didn't pay for electricity they paid for scaling. German taxpayers made solar energy cheap enough to make it viable. It still is the most expensive renewable energy but you do realize it's not the only one?

>Your stupid fuck government phased off of Nuclear for Renewables because muh climate change.
They did it because they wanted to get rid of old expensive leaking industrial ruins cheaply dude. The political climate was the perfect condition to push the long term liability over to the state. And they did it successfully.

>making you energy dependent on Russia
First electricity and heating are very different things here. Even with 100% nuclear we would still be depending on Russia for heating. Second where do you think a very large part of European nuclear fuel comes from?? That's right. Russia or Kazakhstan. We actually would be MORE dependent that way for electricity.

>they require rare earth minerals
Guess what the same materials are used in fuel rods, control rods, shielding material, dosimeters and generators. Nobody said everything is perfect. That's mostly a problem of wind energy though. Solar panels are really tame nowadays.

>and doesn't shit pollutants into your air
Are you retarded? Nuclear pollution is the largest and most widespread pollution humans ever produced together with leaded gas and FCKW/CFC. There's not a single spot on earth with no pollution. Scientific experiments need steel from sunken battleships because all other steel is contaminated. This happens just because normal air is used to make new steel. In some regions thousands of kilometers away from the reactors you still can't eat certain species because they are too radioactive nearly 4 decades later. The lost land is worth hundreds of billions.

>> No.2434068

>When its done being processed, It's a fucking brick of glass

That would be like 5% of the national production of glass, which by the way is one of the most fucked industries right now because they need massive amounts of energy. It would need the similar amounts of energy to do this to what the nuclear reactor produced. Most of it is just dumped in barrels and forgotten about.

>You can literally just drop it in a borehole and seal with concrete and nothing bad happens.
This is literally what was done and turns out it's a very shitty idea. They spend hundreds of millions each year just for monitoring and tens of billions will be spend until the mid 2030's to undo some of that shit. If they can they just ship that shit to Russia and forget about it. Btw. all of this is of course paid by newly founded state owned companies.

Now that Germany is done with nuclear energy in about 30 years you can see the real cost of nuclear energy only starts when you're done producing energy. They even struggled to dismantle old reactors because nobody knew how to actually do it because they weren't obligated to plan for that like with any other plant you may build (including wind and solar).

Plus all of that aside using nuclear fuel to cool steaks and beer, blow mold single use packaging and watching TV is absolutely retarded. Same as burning oil. Such great resources wasted for ridiculous things.

>> No.2434069

Are you talking about Chernobyl?
You mean the time the Russians decided to out-retard the germans and built a fucking pressure cooker as a nuclear reactor? The time they built a reactor that went against every single practice of nuclear reactor construction to the point where Chernobyl's reactor design is a checklist of the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do? The reactor designed so poorly the head designer screamed his head off at the government the entire time about how shitty it was and then killed himself after it blew up? I don't even have the character limit to explain to you how bad of a fuck-up the design of the Chernobyl power plant was.

>Uranium from Russia
A single half-inch pellet of uranium fuel contains the energy equivalent of a ton of coal or 149 gallons of oil. 8 kWh of heat from 1kg of coal. 12 from oil. 24,000,000 from a kg of uranium. You'd save enough cash to import it from a different country.

>Scientific experiments need steel from sunken battleships because all other steel is contaminated
What the fuck are you talking about retard? You want steel that's totally completely uncontaminated by radiation? Are you retarded? You sound like a retard. You know the earth is suffused with radiation on a constant, daily basis, and that burning fossil fuels like coal, which your country is doing, releases radioactive particulate into the atmosphere?

>> No.2434070

>Second where do you think a very large part of European nuclear fuel comes from?? That's right. Russia or Kazakhstan. We actually would be MORE dependent that way for electricity.
>La France n'exploite plus de mines d'uranium sur le territoire national depuis 2001 et importe l'intégralité de son uranium — quelque 10 656 tonnes par an, provenant principalement du Kazakhstan, du Niger, du Canada, de l'Australie et de l'Ouzbékistan.
We don't import shit from Russia for our uranium and if you think Kazakhstan and Russia can be put in the same bag then you haven't been following the latest news on the subject.
Still, even if they were, there are other reliable suppliers than these two countries, as we prove. On the other hand let's talk about other suppliers for your stupid gas lol...

>> No.2434072

They spent a shitload of money monitoring it because the government is fucking retarded and wants some ten billion years solution with spiky concrete poles in case the world ends so tribals don't go licking blocks of glass.

>5% of the national production of glass
Any waste involved in the plant is considered nuclear waste. 90% of it is shit like lightly contaminated work clothes and tools that you can just wash off. It has 1% of the radioactivity in the waste. 4% is in 7% of the waste, being used filters and reactor components. Just 3% is actual spent fuel with 95% of the radiatioactivity.

A single gigawatt nuclear station produces three cubic meters of vitrified (turned to glass) high level waste a year, provided you recycle the used fuel. A gigawatt coal plant makes 300,000 tons of ash and 6,000,000 tons of carbon dioxide in the same time. Vitrified waste can then be dropped in a borehole some thousand feet deep, concreted over, and ignored.

Do you know how many times nuclear waste has leaked with modern shipping methods? It fucking doesn't. They ran into one of the casks with a train as a durability test and it broke the train. The cask didn't breach. Even if it did, the waste inside is a glass brick. It's not going anywhere.

>> No.2434076

I should add that vitrified waste isn't literally glass made of uranium, the fuel is mixed into regular glass so it's too diffuse to do anything, and the glass absorbs the radiation. We made uranium glass before and used it as cookware and jewelry. As far as we can tell, it's harmless, and it was only banned due to the demand for uranium for nukes. After the cold war we lifted the ban.

>> No.2434082

>I don't even have the character limit to explain to you how bad of a fuck-up the design of the Chernobyl power plant was.

True but hindsight is 20/20. Some people will call out the problems and will be ignored. After something happens it was of course an obvious design flaw. Same happened with Fukushima and the same will happen with the next accident.

>On the other hand let's talk about other suppliers for your stupid gas lol...
Same shit if you restrict your supply price goes up. Russia always was a "reliable" supplier. That doesn't change anything about being dependent.

I don't understand why you would put up the current situation as an argument. Everybody knows our government performed miserable the last 20 years.

>wants some ten billion years solution with spiky concrete poles in case the world ends so tribals don't go licking blocks of glass.
It's more like they are worried about their jobs because shit hitting the fan may only be 10 years away and not 100000. They are always one break away from massive ground water contamination which immediately would destroy huge amounts of water for agriculture and human consumption.

>A gigawatt coal plant makes 300,000 tons of ash
That is a total none problem. It's a resource many industries are depending on.

>Vitrified waste can then be dropped in a borehole some thousand feet deep, concreted over, and ignored.
Yeah until it can't. 20 years later it turns out the shit is cracking from internal stresses and some minerals leaching from the borehole create acid releasing radioactive material into groundwater. This is the exact mindset which created the super expensive fuck ups 30 years ago.

>> No.2434085


Even if all of this would work WHY WOULD YOU DO IT. You will be dependent, it will be expensive, it is a waste, it will always be more dangerous and economically viable fuel will be running out before new reactors will reach end of life. At the same time you could build renewables with much less involved planning processes, much faster, producing cheaper energy especially long term and with massive increases of efficiency in sight. Solar and small scale wind also gives you distributed production massively decreasing net risks (if done right). Also a lot less human interaction needed for maintenance. Even if we have to dump millions of tons of discarded wind mills most of it is fully inert material. Rare earths won't be just dumped in Germany as we are dependent and they are far too valuable.

>My guess is France runs their Nuke plants till one of them really fucks up and pollutes a large area because some 60yo valve broke.

My guess would be they run them at least until the second time that happens because they won't have any alternative and will forget about it way before something is done to change it. Also a lot of their plants are build close to the border so they don't have to deal with the pollution.

>> No.2434088

>Solar and small scale wind also gives you distributed production massively decreasing net risks (if done right). Also a lot less human interaction needed for maintenance.

In other words it is viable to have a completely independent island solution with comparable energy costs (not even considering rising costs in the future) TODAY why would you not go down that route. You're just done with the topic then. Shit always breaks of course but solid state no moving parts is probably the most reliable low maintenance way you can build stuff.

>> No.2434099

>the alternative
Not prop up a gay jewish comedian in a coup to oust the democratically elected president in order to support “democracy”. Imagine if China supported a coup in the USA that resulted in Jon Stewart becoming president for life. That’s basically what the US did to Ukraine, Russia is right to take it away from us for being so gay and retarded.

>> No.2434101

While I like the borehole idea I think it would be better to store it in the bottom of old salt mines that still have working elevators. That way if we discover a way to further utilize the spent fuel in 100 years we can just drag it back out.

>> No.2434104

That's exactly what they did. The problem is salt + water = super corrosive environment. All considered completely dry salt mines have water problems over the decades or other problems. The cheapest option so far is to build huge steel or concrete buildings, store everything in well engineered containers and monitor everything 24/7 for decades.

>That way if we discover a way to further utilize the spent fuel in 100 years we can just drag it back out.
Yes it has to be possible. As i said otherwise it's ridiculous waste of resources.

>> No.2434105

We absolutely know how to do it in breeder reactors. They just cause cold war tensions because you can enrich plutonium

>> No.2434124

what do you think happens to rare metals prices when even more people fall for the "green" meme?
to say nothing of the simple, boring reality that we don't have affordable means of storing enough power to make renewables viable

>> No.2434132

coal plants released more radiation than nuclear power plants (yes, counting chernobyl)
you know nothing, yet you are so sure that your childish delusions are correct

>> No.2434271
File: 386 KB, 991x793, Deep Heat Projectors For Leopard Geckos_ [Final Guide] - Reptile Hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IR heaters, that's somewhere around 200-800W for each unit
They sell these infrared bulbs for reptiles which consume 60-80W. So called "deep heat projectors". Much more efficient that the old style of heat lamps. They produce almost no visible light and all the heat goes where it's pointed. If you spend most of your day sitting in the same spot, a couple of these pointed at your hands / face will keep you feeling pleasantly warm.

>> No.2434373
File: 740 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2022-07-20-21-11-09-93_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you need to do this. Fill a few big gallon bottles with boiling water and put them in here. Boil with your electric kettle so as not to use gas.

It'll easily get your flat up by 15 degrees Celsius or so especially if you have a small place

>> No.2434558

>They did it because they wanted to get rid of old expensive leaking industrial ruins cheaply dude
>The political climate was the perfect condition to push the long term liability over to the state.

to be fair the politicians led us into this situation in the first place.
the big power plant and grid company's had profitable coal plants in the 60s
then the Politicians said we need nuclear, we want Germany to become a leader in nuclear technology (they probably dreamed of German nukes or smth.)
the electrical company's hated building expensive and novel nuclear plants, that posses a high risk of a major fuck up.

>> No.2434562

>>Scientific experiments need steel from sunken battleships because all other steel is contaminated
>What the fuck are you talking about retard? You want steel that's totally completely uncontaminated by radiation? Are you retarded

actually he is right, for some experiments you need low background steel, that is steel made before 1945, so they actually lift battleships because the steel is very valuable,

when steel is made you blow billions of cubic foot of air into the blast furnace so radioactive particles in the air get concentrated up in steel.

has to do more with the atomic bomb testing, steel made after trinity test contains radionuclides like cobalt60, since the ban of nuclear testing in the 60s the radioactive contamination of new steel goes down again, but steel gets recycled.


>> No.2434564
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>this is going to be fine its just low activity waste anyways

>> No.2434569

what does not go into my head is why do we have to completely dismantle nuke plants,

i think the best would be to remove the reactor and then fill the containment with all the radioactive waste,
bam you have a save and monitored storehouse that is build to contain radioactive substances,

>> No.2434574
File: 51 KB, 869x400, foraje_pompe_de_caldura_53901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geothermal energy
At 500 meters they extract water of 150 °C degrees Celsius, and at 1000 meters, 300 degrees Celsius.

>> No.2434577
File: 457 KB, 1100x1100, 20220724_151658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to much work here

>> No.2434579

+ your sex life is long gone

>> No.2434698
File: 209 KB, 1200x1600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. If it was highly active it would have been kept for reprocessing

>> No.2434729

> Hindsight is 20/20

The guy calling out the problems was the guy who built the damn thing, and it wasn't just one design flaw. Literally every aspect of the plant was fucking awful. Every single system in it was complete shit. I'm talking retarded to the point where only the commies could have been that stupid.
I should note even with all these massive fuckups with every system being glue-suckingly retarded, they still could have ran it if the staff knew about these issues. But they even fucked up with the staff, because the staff were forbidden from discussing the reactor's flaws and design, because it was a state secret. They also took zero precautions against meltdowns because the official party line was that the reactor could not explode (even though it is perhaps the most unstable reactor ever designed and built).

And Fukushima was the Japanese going "hey I know, lets build a nuke plant in the ring of fire right next to the fucking ocean, in an area so infamous for Tsunami's that the world uses our name for them." But the japs aren't totally retarded, so they actually thought of that and picked a site meters above sea level. Then they decided that it was annoying, so they levelled the coast and made it only 10 meters above sea level, which was fucking stupid. There were also several violations of regulations because they made un-recorded modifications of the coolant system. This incidentally was a major factor leading to the meltdown, because it fucked up the backup cooling system. They were also repeatedly warned by multiple government agencies that a tsunami could reach the plant, but they just ignored it. That being said the rads released were ehhh. This was also much, much less severe than Chernobyl.

You would think that with how much I deride the Germans for foresight and basic logic I'd say they shouldn't have nuke plants, but Germans are also known for being totally autistic about regulations and rules, which is how you run a safe plant.

>> No.2434740

>i think the best would be to remove the reactor and then fill the containment with all the radioactive waste,
>bam you have a save and monitored storehouse that is build to contain radioactive substances,

I mean that's basically what was done for decades while they had no idea how to deal with it.

Maybe it's not a good idea because the structure is just garbage after 60 years. A lot of reactors and buildings had cracks everywhere. Sometimes it's easier and cheaper to build a new structure than to constantly patch up an old one. Also maybe it's because they don't actually know what has to be contained. When they dismantle it every single piece is inspected for radiation and after decades you will find hot material where you wouldn't expect it.

In Germany it also may be simply because of administrative reasons. If your permit is for energy production it may not be legal to use the building as a storage facility.

>> No.2434756

>You would think that with how much I deride the Germans for foresight and basic logic I'd say they shouldn't have nuke plants, but Germans are also known for being totally autistic about regulations and rules, which is how you run a safe plant.

I am absolutely 100% certain you will find ludicrous fuck ups and stupid planning on that level in every single German nuclear plant. I never had to deal with nuclear plants but any other technical structure i had contact with was barely hanging on, run grossly negligent and should be immediately shut down. A few brand new were exceptions but still they always have to fix absolutely retarded shit right from the start to meet at least the most important regulations. Many should have never gotten a permit in the first place under normal circumstances.

Stuff like people working in confined spaces without any safety measures, fire alarm systems being offline most of the time, smoke evacuation not working and non existing safety documentation (you're not allowed to run anything without) are the norm.

I know people who were responsible for executing the states emergency protocol in case of a reactor accident and assure you there was not one good word about it. Even if they tried to explain to their bosses why shit doesn't work that way those people are housewives and lawyers playing duke and earl for 4 years.

The system here is probably better than in most other countries and people are trying but it is in no way good enough to rely on for such dangerous undertakings.

>> No.2435151

Just move to your south part of the country, in Siria.

>> No.2435167

Buy a sewing machine and create some soft environments suits out of duvets. CH without heat exchange is stupid anyway. Europoors literally deprive their brains of oxygen every winter.

>> No.2436352
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Enjoy your Energiewende my kraut friend

>> No.2436366

Living in a house built to codes, layers of foam sandwitched in all outer walls, and it's always colder inside than outside in winter, and hotter in the summer. I have to run AC from May to October, and heat all the other months, spare a 3-4 weeks in between.
I've grown in ass-poor place, in a house made essentially of mud, straw and some wood. There, it was the opposite. Summer, inside was fresh, and in winter, a stove, which served for cooking too, was enough to keep it warm. Just a small piece of wood now and then. I used to clean it in the morning as 4y old, the ashes were not enough to spread on small walkway, to avoid slipping on the ice. If I remember well, around 5 m3 of logs were for the whole winter.
But yes, life was different, there was grandma home, I remember a few years great-grandpa too. House was never empty.
Now, we basically only sleep at home, everyone is at Wörk or school all day.
Something went wrong with modern times, way worse than Charlie Chaplin's vision.

>> No.2436891

Tell that to my GF

>> No.2436899

its called layers. how are you living in germany and not knowing this? i walk around in shorts barefoot in the snow. did that this year when it snowed. i dont know what its like to fear the cold. its a relief when it finally is

>> No.2437392

If you live outside a city get lots of firewood and propane.
If you live in a city but inside a house propane+huge solar backup that will be a pain to deal with because winter.

>> No.2437509

I bought a small House in the middle of fucking nowhere in January because I expected everything to start going down Hill quite fast. Feels good to be right. Now I will spend Winter comfy in front of my wood stove while the City fags freeze to death. Perfection!

>> No.2437511

You may be screwed but it is well worth it.
It is important to destroy Putin and his economy. It is a much less price that Ukrainians are paying. You will suffer through this winter but you will survive and figure something out next year. If your government doesn't budge and doesn't try to appease Putin again that will be a huge victory for everyone. As soon as Europe has their own energy, Putin's Russia will die a painful death and that's a good thing. And don't forget that your nuclear energy program is not completely off the table either.

>> No.2437512

Retarded shill, Ukraine wanted independence since 2014. Freedom is something you orcs don't even understand. When they started Maidan and kicked out Russia backed govt, Putin started shit in Donbass, Hitler style "my people are being oppressed". He doesn't even have a clear purpose since first he declared "denazification" but later compared himself to Peter the Great and claimed that there is no such thing as Ukraine and Ukrainians. He is "liberating" them from themselves by carpet bombing their cities and killing both Ukrainians and Russians. Yes, Ukraine is a corrupt shithole too but at least they had basic freedom and democracy and free elections, something that never existed in Russia. This stupid war is one man's project. Putin simply hates Ukraine and wants to destroy it as his personal fantasy and the Russian sheeple are onboard with it. But he miscalculated and expected another Crimea so he is fucked and Russia is fucked and this is a good thing. Fuck you.

>> No.2437519
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Glad i bought pic related with some Gas bottles, a smal camping cooker and a Powerstation after reading into the Blackout meme book. It wont bring me trough an entire winter but atleast i can go 1-2 weeks when we really get Stalingrad tier winter. So i guess this was an good investment considering the price hikes.

>> No.2437547

You can always add more gas bottles. BTW the higher off the floor you sleep the warmer you will be.

I like hammocks anyway but if cold required I'd elevate my bed or make a quick easy loft bed from wood or steel (which can be drilled and bolted easily if you don't weld, buy cobalt alloy drill bits and a prick punch). The difference between floor and temps above it is often considerable.

>> No.2437630

55 gallon drum and pallet wood, son. And a winter sleeping bag for nighttime.
>t. Grew up poor in Maine

>> No.2437879

Don't know if they have Crisco in Germany. Look up jewtube videos on Crisco and how to use it like a large/cheap candle. But a metal heat defuser around it. Get three going in a small room and you will be comfy. Also recommend buying some heat reflective material that you could attach to floor/ceiling in that same small room. If its small and well insulated you would have at least one "warming room" in the house to get you through the hard times.

>> No.2438031

lol you're going to freeze to death

>> No.2438043
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till you hit plaster of Paris and it destroys your town

>> No.2438048
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>> No.2438049

Make a wood fired "rocket mass heater".
Really the key is to get the primary exhaust from the fire hot enough that it combusts again, burning all of the smoke particles and other stuff. There are several ingenious designs about how to do this.
The other main thing to do is to add an air blower to it. This can be as simple as a hair dryer with the heating element turned off. You want as much oxygen as possible to hit the fire. Traditional woodstoves waste a lot of fuel and energy by restricting airflow to the fire. It makes it burn slower, but combustion is incomplete and much of your fuel goes up as smoke. Additionally, the rocket mass design will capture most of the heat that normally goes out of the chimmney.

Then, you'll have a stove that you feed little banana sized pieces of wood, and it will throw out a LOT of heat. I have a modified one in my backyard that I use for smelting aluminum and heating steel. It easily gets steel up to orange-yellow hot, and I run it off of little wood scraps from other projects.

>> No.2438056
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see >>2434036
this is the native German Rocket stove heater, it weights about 1-2 tons of bricks.
you fire it up one in the morning big load of wood without throttling the fire.
the bricks heat up to 1800F and the heat is slowly released over the day.

pretty much the only efficient way to burn wood without staying at home all day and putting new wood in the stove.
iron stoves became popular when anthracite was available, coal can be starved of oxygen and a big pile of coal will burn for a good amount of time.

most modern wood stoves are pieces of shit, coal stoves that got an added baffle and secondary or tertiary air inlets. they only run efficiently if you add small pieces of wood every hour.
if you throttle them down you get incomplete combustion and bad efficiency.

>> No.2438774
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Le kek

>> No.2439117

See the bed nook poster for how to keep a small sleeping area warm.

>> No.2440289

>It's simple, we uh... kill the nuclear superpower.