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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 366 KB, 851x1200, curecancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
239782 No.239782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

people are spreading those posters up.
if you dont believe the poster, just google the herbs.
decide for your self.
or call op a faggot and continue using chemo, your relatives will thank you.

>> No.239783
File: 443 KB, 2592x1944, IMG046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed for illuminati tearing up the posters

>> No.239787

Why the fuck did i read cure a hangover, and wonder why the fuck anyone would go to this trouble?

>> No.239788

This seems suspicious.

>> No.239790

disinfo agents

>> No.239791
File: 13 KB, 250x245, 250px-Steve_Jobs_Headshot_2010-CROP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve Jobs approves...oh wait

>> No.239793

Take a 1 week brake.
Cant spell but cures cancer?

>> No.239794

Well did anyone test it? I'd need a confirmation from someone before I eat something 4chan says it's good for you.

>> No.239796

yea i cured my grandfather, and there are articles about a woman curing her cancer with a mistletoe injection.
but you cant trust anyone on 4chan. just google the herbs and decide for your self. just save the jpeg for the future.
someone dont have a choice, it will help them.

and to the disinfo agents, where is the proof that steve jobs tried all of the cures written here?

yea whoever wrote it cant spell break big deal.

>> No.239798

I guess I can take an hour or two to google it, no harm in there.

>> No.239799

more like 10 minutes, just google the name of the herb +cancer and decide for yourself.
BUT WAIT let me help you
here are 151 books on herbalism

>> No.239800
File: 54 KB, 410x724, HQ-JACOB-twilight-crepusculo-8511492-410-724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free to thank me?

>> No.239802
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.239809
File: 356 KB, 600x1431, phd042009s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using Essiac Tea and eating nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables

Enjoy your cancer.


>> No.239813

not bad not bad
im not trolling, i believe what you say but wont the fructose fuel the cancer?
just a question, im probably wrong.
sounds legit for me

>> No.239814

>hurr durr big pharma no cure cancerz
>u can do it ur self wit herbz
>completely ignore the fact that hundreds of thousands of research scientists all over the world, with no connection to big pharma companies, are working in this area, and none of them have published any peer-reviewed findings supporting this bullshit.
Enjoy your false hope and snake oil.

>> No.239816

Who are you replying to, the OP?

>> No.239818

repplying to the eat fruits guy.
as for the disinfo agents below.
hundrets of people are working and publishing their research.
people are getting cured.
more and more people try alternative cures like this.
whats the problem faggot?
is 1$ too much to buy a herb to try cure cancer?

>> No.239819

OP here, all those posters will be posted around usa, europe and canada.

>> No.239821

i cured my grandfathers cancer with this you piece of shit.
shave that false hope in your apathetic ass

>> No.239823

Calm down. Can't you see that >>239814 is a cancer? You'll not cure that type of cancer by falling for his troll.

>> No.239825

My father and sister are research scientists. Both are working on cancer studies. My mother died of breast cancer. You claims are bullshit and you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

>> No.239827

you are a lying piece of shit.
i and other people have cured out relatives of cancer.
enjoy your city being spammed with this poster asshole.
if you werent such a piece of shit you would have tried to cure them with herbs and maybe save them, but your ignorance failed you muurican.

but what am i talking about, you are a lying disinfo agent.

>> No.239828

this poster is getting spammed all across america right now.
thousands of people will find out how to cure cancer

>> No.239829

My grandmother died of cancer...sorta. She wouldn't try anything like essiac tea because it didn't come from a doctor.

So, she had chemo. Really bad bad chemo. Technically, the cancer didn't kill her. It was the chemo that killed her. In fact it was the whole hospital thing that killed her. Removing the cancer was fine, the chemo later on wasn't fine. Even though she showed no signs of having more cancer anywhere in her body they still insisted she take chemo. It was brutal and it killed her.

>> No.239830

why dont you call the police and try to arrest anyone trying to glue this poster?
can you arrest hundreds of people around america?
fucking piece of shit you deserve cancer.

>> No.239831

save that poster.jpg man
you might be able to help somebody else in time.
im sorry...people cant get awaken some times..its hard
but we are making a change.
spam this poster, print it...make people know.

>> No.239832

and if you dont believe this poster, make your own poster.
as long as you awake some people

>> No.239835

I'm not American. Assumtions. Making bullshit assumptions is probably why you think this hocus pocus works. I believe science, yes, science, will find a cure for cancer, but this is not it. I hope it makes you feel like a big man to give all those victims a false hope, to put lies into the mouths of family members who watch their loved ones suffering and to perpetuate this sort of urban myth on people who are grasping at straws.

>> No.239837

Personally, I don't give much of a shit about cuing cancer. Instead, I want to prevent cancers.

Prevention will help far more than curing. Treatments and cures are a doctor's way of thinking. Through they think more of treatment than cure. They don't ever want to hear "prevention".

Prevent cancer by not eating processed food again. Eat your own home grown non-GMO vegetables that are grown organically. Don't ever eat any food that has touched aluminum in any way. Use glass instead of plastic to store foods. Get moderate sunlight, exercise daily, stop eating/drinking foods that have added processed sweeteners or artificial sweeteners. Stop buying things that have plastic in them and only buy stuff that is made from natural materials. Stop using hair spray, body deodorizers, and perfumes. There are many natural things you can use to replace those. Don't use store bought toothpaste. Use baking soda paste instead.

Shit, most of the processed food products use corn to make them and that corn is a GMO that is legally registered as a pesticide.

There's so much shit the modern human being is exposed to that can trigger cancers in long term exposure. Everything from that "new car" smell to the packaging of your store bought plastic wrapped vegetables.

There's just so much shit we don't know about. Why not stick to the stuff we've known about for millennia? (plant fibers, wood, stone, metal)

>> No.239839

I'd need to research it first.

Though, I wouldn't go so far as to say "Cure Cancer" since there are tons of different types of cancers and not all respond tot he same things or methods.

>> No.239841

If you really were a man of science you'd not be tossing out the OP's ideas instantly in a knee jerk situation. Instead you'd be looking up the individual plants, their phytochemicals, and correlating them with known results and past testing. Google scholar can help with that a lot.

Instead you simply spout hate and knee jerk statements which is highly suspicious.

>> No.239844

I'm not a scientist, but I know enough about it to know that reading up about something on the internet is not going to prove anything, and testing out unfounded homemade medicines on people is wrong on so many levels. If there was any weight to these claims, there's be literature behind them.

>> No.239846

>I know enough about it to know that reading up about something on the internet is not going to prove anything,

Then you have no clue at all what you are talking about. I even recommended using Google Scholar. If you don't know what that is then I highly doubt your inflammatory remarks are worth a single second glance and you are a self-troll via willful ignorance.

You are the worst type of person.

>> No.239850

You can read google scholar all you want. I know what a lit review is. That doesnt change the fact that none of these so called cures have any literature showing repeatable results in any clinical trials. Maybe some combination of isolates from these things could cure cancer one day, but you're advocating using your dying loved ones as lab rats (without even a proper methodology)...and I'm the bad person. Just cry troll every time someone calls you out. That's sure way to cure cancer, I read it on the internet somewhere, and I have all kinds of anecdotal evidence to back it up.

>> No.239856

>not knowing that mistletoe is fucking poison

>> No.239857

>You can read google scholar all you want. I know what a lit review is.

Confirmed as a troll.

>> No.239858

This is what google scholar is,


>the Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online journals of Europe and America's largest scholarly publishers, plus scholarly books and other non-peer reviewed journals.

I think Ill believe my search results from it than from some angry troll on .... 4chan.

>> No.239859

>A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic.

Correlating results using google scholar would constitute an informal lit review. Keep calling troll every time, it really makes your case.

>> No.239862


How to cure cancer: Have sex with a goat.

Hot to cure AIDS: Have sex with a young virgin boy.

You can disregard this information, but then you might as well kill yourself because you're a fool who's bought into commercialized medicine! YEAH!

Plus, this is totally legit. I even cited the same amount of resources as the poster in OP.

>> No.239869

hey, go fuck yourself
there are articles and guess what?

those 151 herbal books are uploaded BY ME.
and they contain the proof and information about the chemicals in EACH HERB.
let me repeat: inside these books there are scientifically APPROVED written chemicals in each herbs and their use.

COME AT ME FAGGOT, come at me scientificaly and proove to me that even after reading all those books, some of them written by doctors researching the chemicals in each plant, i cant cure cancer even though i all ready did.

it may not work for everyone, but it works for a lot of people
and it may save a lot of life
posters are going to appear in every city

>> No.239871

as for all other disinfo agents, here im SORRY, but you will have to check all 151 books for the writings, then demand more proof.
some come at me after you read all of their opinions.

>> No.239872

you are trying way too hard, cancer-cure-claimer.
proper trolling is more subtle. And take this over to.. hmm.. Sci or Fit, I bet they would love it there instead.

>> No.239873

Are you actually citing your own website and a list of books on how to grow weed and build stills as a reliable source? hahaha. Fuck.

Hats off, thats some of the best tomfoolery I've seen in a while.

>> No.239876

how the fuck do you cure cancer? is like saying there is a cure for virus!

lung cancer, breast cancer, mouth cancer, etc. are not the same fucking shit, and now you tell me you have the cure for "cancer" wtf is this shit?

Cancer i/ˈkænsər/, known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a broad group of various diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth.

>> No.239877

its just a site folder, with 151 books on HERBALISM
each of those books is on HERBALISM
are you mentally challenged?
inside those book its says about the chemicals in each herb and what they do.
its not my site, i am citing all those 151 books.
if you dont have time to read them all sorry you lost the argument.

>> No.239880

>guise, hey guise, if you read my 151 books about herbs,distilling alcohol, growing weed and taking magic mushrooms, you instantly become the world's leading authority on oncological pharmacology, and anyone who hasnt read these particular books is a quack and a insidious disinformation agent of some shadowy conspiracy.

maybe >>>/x/ would be more your speed.

>> No.239882

where did you see books about distilling alcohol?
what the fuck is wrong with you?
you are filth for the human race.
guys are trying to spread posters, and all you can do is make fun?
i wish you get cancer.
thats how much i hate people like you.
i try to cure it, but you actually deserve and i hope with all my heart that you get cancer.

>> No.239883

Herbs still don't get to the root of the problem. It is a fact that cells turn cancerous if deprived of oxygen. What deprives them of oxygen? Impaired oxygen transport caused by heavy metals and undigested food leeching into the bloodstream via thinned intestinal tract. We've known this for over a hundred years and nobody wants to hear it. People just want a magic pill that lets them continue gorging themselves on filth.

>> No.239884

op here, i fully agree man.
here are some moar sources.


i wish people stop drink aspartame and eat shit, maybe they wont get cancer

>> No.239885

>where did you see books about distilling alcohol?
It's your link, not mine


Handbook - How to Distill Quality Alcohol at Home Inexpensively and Safely.pdf
[e-book Alcohol home distillation] Stone Nixon - The Compleat Distiller [ISBN 0-473-08135-0].pdf

>> No.239887

you have no life.
get out of here, you lost
there is proof, there is info, posters are getting up.
people are reading them.
there is nothing you can do

>> No.239886

>i try to cure it, but you actually deserve and i hope with all my heart that you get cancer
You sound like a real humanitarian alright. But why would that even be a problem if your miracle cure is so effective?

>> No.239890


>> No.239892

You independently became an expert on clinical pharmacology and you claim to have cured cancer, but cant back it up in any way, and the best way you can think of to disseminate that dubious info is on 4 chan and some wheatpaste posters (oh right the conspiracy will censor anything else). Sure, yeah, you won. YOU WON, its important to put it in capitals. I'm totally convinced, I'm going right now to go administer cyanide injections to kids with blastoma.

>> No.239893

Anecdotal evidence is the opiate of the masses.

>> No.239895

OP, if you cured your grandfather, or family members, do we have any before/after records? Could you show us please?

>> No.239896

how am i suppose to get records?
they are not even in english.
and decide whether to trust me or not.

>> No.239898

It should be relatively easy to produce documentation (with sensitive information obscured) that an individual was diagnosed with cancer, and documentation that that person was later declared cancer-free without receiving any conventional medical treatment. This doesn't prove anything, of course, correlation is not causation, but it at least gives grounds for someone subjectively believing these claims.

>> No.239900

its not in english.
but if you know someone sick from cancer.
i wouldnt have a problem getting in touch with them and we can see the results

>> No.239901

Not everyone here is only speaks English. I have no problem getting documentation translated.

You're just avoiding the point entirely. You can't claim that books and sources that are published on the internet as hard evidence.

>> No.239902

i can because some of those books are actually written by doctors, scientifically studying their chemical compounds.
but hey i cant make you believe me.
i dont have time for this bullshit.
but know this
that poster is getting everywhere, if you choose to not believe, suit yourself.
i am not the one who made it, but i would damn help distribute it like all the other people!

>> No.239903
File: 36 KB, 604x444, 4276507_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, I cannot help but notice, that reading said 151 books would not suffice.

It could leave you open to cherry-picked data and a plethora of anecdotal evidence, particularly common of the alternative pseudosciences.

It would require reading another 151 books that tell you to shove your herbs up the butt, to get the whole picture.

The problem here is two-fold OP, we have not read the 151 books you posted, and you have not read the 151+ books published by researchers and academia on the subject.

I for one, would like to work myself in a dazed enough placebo to cure cancer with herbs, but alas...

>> No.239904

This mentions "alcohol". In what form? There's so many chemicals called alcohol, but which one is it? It doesn't say if rubbing alcohol isn't it, can I use that? Just kidding about the rubbing alcohol, but it does bring up some unanswered questions.

>> No.239906
File: 70 KB, 427x500, cancer cure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.239907

alcohol.......medicine form...clean rubbing alcohol, or vodka
70% at least.

>> No.239905

very well enjoy your life. trust doctors
drink aspartame
i dont care man.

>> No.239908

wow you are actually pathethic.
to go so far that to spam this?
you have no life, and you deserve death for going against man kinds progress.
fuck you

>> No.239910
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 1272137566001_amusing-s500x500-103749-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to go so far that to spam this?
mankind's progress, right.

>> No.239911

So are those about distilling alcohol or not? You could argue that the way he's presenting that there's alcohol distilling guides on there is the wrong way of presenting them, but you just attacked him. It's all presentation and definitions, which people can misinterpret. Rather than going off on him like that, you could just clarify for all the lurkers here.

>> No.239912


anybody got a cure for...



>> No.239915

>my dog ate my homework

>> No.239917


No OP, i apparently can't live my live without a persistent troll yelling "HOT SHIT, the pharmaceutical companies are lying, you can cure cancer with weeds".

Thank you OP, my cup runneth over. I am fully aware that in times of peace the pharmaceutical companies are the number one money-makers, and wholly insatiable. But they cannot keep all of academia in their pocket, all the independent world-wide research.

This isn't your common "HOLY SHIT, foot fungus ointment is a scam, the ammonia in your piss will also cure it free of cash!!1!", this is more of a "The illumninati plus all of the civilized world are scamming you into paying to die, snake oil is good.", i digress.

Also what does aspartame have anything to do with this?.

>> No.239918

>the same doctors that gave your son the vaccine that turned him to a vegtable


>> No.239919

(Not OP here)
It's common and unhealthy.

>> No.239922


I merely tried to put side by side two falsities of varying degrees. I am aware that urine does not contain enough urea to kill foot fungus, as some light googling will ensure.

>> No.239923
File: 112 KB, 438x500, 3125898045_93a2b50037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.239924

Trying to make people look silly doesn't do anything. Can't we all work together?

What questions haven't OP addressed? What questions haven't the opposition addressed? That's what we should concern ourselves with at this point.

>> No.239928
File: 37 KB, 469x428, troll face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We can't work together since centuries of medicine are thrown out the window.

Herpa Derp read the books is not an argument.

Paste here one single paper abstract that sustain your claims, until then, anything else posted here is in the name of trolldom.

Ernst; Schmidt, K. .; Steuer-Vogt, M. . (2003). "Mistletoe for cancer? A systematic review of randomised clinical trials". International Journal of Cancer. Journal International Du Cancer 107 (2): 262–267

LINK: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12949804

Horneber, M.; Bueschel, G.; Huber, R.; Linde, K.; Rostock, M. (2008). Horneber, Markus. ed. "Mistletoe therapy in oncology". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2): CD003297–CD003ub2.

LINK: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18425885

"Mistletoe". American Cancer Society. 2008-11-01. Retrieved 2009-10-11.

LINK: http://www.cancer.org/Treatment/TreatmentsandSideEffects/ComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine/HerbsVi

Good day, and fuck you.

>> No.239930

So explain to me this:

What was the point of the "Herpa Derp", the attached image, and the final line? To make the other side look silly. That's not good to do.

>> No.239932

>Also what does aspartame have anything to do with this?.
op overdosed on it and now thinks ingesting cyanide and other poisons will cure cancer.

>> No.239935

WTF you may as well tell people to mix bleach and ammonia and breathe the fumes. The average person can barely be trusted to take OTC medications without fucking themselves up, and have to have it hammered into them that they need to keep taking things like antibiotics until the bottle is empty, not just until they feel better. You really think it's a great idea for people to self-diagnose and self-medicate? I'm the last person on earth that will ever unconditionally and unquestionably believe or do what doctors say, but I do my own research and understand what I'm reading, the average person quite frankly is an idiot and will just fuck themselves up worse with shit like this.

Thread reported. We'll see what the mods have to say about this.

>> No.239936

i'm surprised that op doesn't mention the cancer-curing properties of strychnine, belladonna, or hemlock.

>> No.239947

>or any device that might bring harm to a person

>WARNING - Mistletoe and Cyanide is poison in big quantities.


>> No.239948

>WTF you may as well tell people to mix bleach and ammonia and breathe the fumes.
See here

And that is why I love 4chan, Give a hyperbolic rhetorical statement and someone will have already suggested it earlier in the thread.

>> No.239954

This is the only good reply ITT.

>> No.239958

This is the dumbest thread I've ever seen on /diy/.

It's like a flashback to that guy who kept thinking he was insulting people by saying "ok whatever k i d"

>"inject poison chemicals into yourself guise, it totally works"
>"my grandma cured cancer by doing this, screw science I'm right"
>"you guys disagreeing with me are retarded and deserve cancer"

Get the fuck off this board.

>> No.239960

I read this post and started to agree with them until I saw the bullshit they were spewing.

The myth that food being stored in aluminum is seriously bad for you is as comical as the shit OP is slinging around.

This is /diy/. All of you need to take your bullshit pseudoscience to /sci/ where the rest of the pseudointellectual trolls hang out.

>> No.239962

chemo is injection poison in your body FAGGOT.
op here, thanks for the people supporting me.
no one is making you ingest unsafe amounts of mistletoe or seeds.

>> No.239963

enjoy your aluminum food.

>> No.239969

I have been for years and I will continue to do so. I think I'm going to cuddle up to some aluminum heatsinks I just liberated because I just love aluminum so fucking much.

>> No.239970

Saged, called the cops, called the Fire Department, called Pizza Hut, called the USN, called the Royal Navy, called the Red Army, called the FBI. called the CIA, called Interpol, called the KGB, called the USMC, called the USAF, called the Royal Air force, called MI 6, called Scotland Yard, called the US National Guard of every state, called NYPD, called Obama, called the Queen, called Putin, called David Cameron, called every Governor of every US State, used my time phone to call Winston Churchill, as well as Hitler, Stalin, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Montezuma, every Caesar, and Gilgamesh, called US Army, called British Army in every era, called every phone sexline, called Papa John's, called the US Coast Guard, called my State Senators, called my Senators, called every republican in the US, called Dr. Who, called the Pope, called my local Gang lords, called the State Patrol of every state west of the Mississippi, called all of my local news channels, called Starfleet, called The Sun, called The National Enquirer, called CNN, called Scot Pelly, called Steven Colbert, called half of the Mexican Drug Cartels, called Nintendo, called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, called the head of the Illuminati, called every Freemason, called bilderberg, called my neighbors, called the mayor of every city in France, called my mom, called the Emperor of Man, and called every school district in Canada.

>> No.239971

yoyo OP. CUt out that FAGGOT there and you might get somewhere.

>> No.239975

but look at them, their fagggottts.
you are giving them information to save lifes, and they insult you.

>> No.239980

Fighting fire with fire just makes more fire. Which is bad.

>> No.239982
File: 86 KB, 504x989, 20100616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the cure for cancer, not chemo/poison.

Cut out the mass of cancer, collect antibodies from it. Bond antibodies to gold nano particles.

Inject gold nano particles. Nano particles bind to the cancer cells that would have metastasized, Expose to x-ray radiation. Cells with gold stuck to them heat up much hotter than tissue around them. They denature and die. No cancer left to metastasize. No remission. Win.

>> No.239986

i think ive heard about something like that.
yea its pretty win. awesome!

>> No.239989

But according to the poster you are masturbating over you inject poison into your body to cure cancer.

So you bitching about chemo being poison injected into your body... is basicaly negating your own argument.

>> No.239991

only that mistletoe actually works and kills the cancer.
like the woman that cured her cancer with an injection of mistletoe.
check the links i provided.

>> No.240001

I laughed. I'm evil.

>> No.240003
File: 6 KB, 252x252, 1332255734888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people actually believe this shit

>> No.240006

mfw it actually works and people are getting well.
mfs kill yourself

>> No.240010


NOOO, an article with actual references, you've doomed us all!

>> No.240018

I seriously hope you die of cancer.

Not because I hate you (I do, but that's beside the point) but because I just want to imagine you injecting yourself with mistletoe and getting more and more desperate with each passing day when your miracle cure doesn't work.

I hope the last day you are alive you finally give in and admit that science, research, and reasoning trump your phony cure and you die knowing you could have lived if you gave mainstream medicine a chance instead of dismissing it for whatever tinfoil-hat reasons you have.

>> No.240020

ahahahahahaahhahaahahah lmao
thats some serious hate.
curses dont work on me though so sorryyyy

>> No.240022

You don't believe in my curse?!

fuck you FAGGOT you just don't understand
i'm gonna put up my curse all around
people are putting my curse up
you can't stop them
you can live with your life
i'm just trying to spread THE TRUTH

>> No.240030

put list of poisons in exact format of OP poster
post up everywhere

>> No.240031


Keep on ignoring the actual studies that prove mistletoe is FUCKING USELESS.

>> No.240034

i disagree

>> No.240038


OP is probably getting people to eat cyanide, and inject parasitic tree-destroying plants into themselves right at this instant.


>> No.240048

op here, no

>> No.240051

common fucking sense here, yes.

>> No.240055

turmeric and curcumin featured on bbc news:

"Curry spice 'kills cancer cells'"

Apricot seeds:


>> No.240058

thanks anon.

>> No.240059

Enjoy living in your cave and your hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Meanwhile I'll be over here, enjoying a vast array of modern technology, and still managing to be extremely healthy, fit, lean, and strong. I'll also be fucking the bitches that you'll be missing out on while you're grubbing in the dirt for roots and, likely, insects to eat.

>> No.240060


>> No.240061


>> No.240063

You know what they call "herbal" or natural cures that work over and over?


fuck off op, YOU ARE CANCER

>> No.240065

and what to they call medicine that doesnt work?
the medicine they gave me didnt cure dandruff
but tea tree oil did,

>> No.240072

Most dandruff is caused by a fungal infection, a type of yeast. Tea tree oil and an anti-fungal. The yeast eats the oils from your skin and excretes a special type of acid that your skin cells absorb. This causes the skin cells to multiple too fast which causes flakes. On the flakes the yeast is able to spread to other people and other parts of your body.

>> No.240073

tea tree oil and herbs worked thx.

>> No.240074

A board more receptive to this:


>> No.240076


And my anti-dandruff medicine did work.


>> No.240075

Cancer isn't something to be cured like the flu, it's more like a thing to be avoided by lifestyle habits like scurvy.

>> No.240078

didnt work for me, i would go with nature.
what was your dandruff medicine called young man?

>> No.240086

So much samefag in this thread


Really, someone just happened to need an herbal cure for dandruff, then saw your post, applied it and found it worked all under the space of a minute? And what "herbs" with tea oil were used? Just any did the trick?

>> No.240087

the "thx" was, i assume, him saying a sarcastic thank You Very Much type thing

>> No.240089

There's not one single type of cancer idiot.

>> No.240090

no actually the second post was me confirming.
i was trying to cure dandruff for years.
ive used some herbs but they worked only the first itme
now when i added tea tree oil it worked for good.

btw the other herbs were nettle, aloe vera, rosemary and ginkgo biloba.

btw im op and true story.
im sorry to ruin your dreams that doctors rock, but tea tree oil works great for dandruff, for me, and for thousands of other people.
would you like to know more?

i can tell you how to cure asthma: mullein, smoke it or tea

>> No.240091

btw why dont you at least check the 151 books i provided?
you can learn to cure some stuff with herbs.
is it such a bad thing?
are you much ignorant as a MMuRICAN?

>> No.240093

>you have to read 151 books of bullshit before you can tell me that my stupid ideas are stupid

How about a single controlled study showing all this ooga booga voodoo actually cures at least one form of cancer

>> No.240095

You know what you call an easily accessible, un-patentable cure to medical problems? Medical problems that the temporary treatment of symptoms is a multibillion dollar industry. You know what you call medicine that actually cures illness for good? Non-profitable, bad business. It's not personal... Just business.

>> No.240096

you are so ignorant you dont even look at the books that can save your life.
munch on that mcdonalds and aspartame soda you animal.

there are articles that say it helps and i have provided a link.
i have cured it my self,and i know other people who have cured themselves.

u jelly u mad>?

>> No.240097

thank you man, thank you so much

>> No.240107


Because none of them are free, and I've already met your ilk in real life.

A friend of the family wanted me to go get a "Live Blood Analysis" done and wouldn't you know it apparently I had a bloodstream just chock full of "fungus-infested" and crenated red blood cells which was OBVIOUSLY caused by a bacterial/fungal--the administrator couldn't seem to decide which--"infestation" (never mind the fact that the solution they put my blood in was hypotonic; that had nothing to do with it, oh no.) When I asked the administrator why my body wasn't displaying signs of infection or why there was no evidence of infection aside from crenated cell or why my immune system wasn't reacting in any way she told me that it must be that my immune system was deficient.

Luckily she had herbal remedies that could cure me!

Another instance was my Grandmother, who actually died from cancer in 2009. After her first round of chemo (which was paid for by her insurance) ended up only sending it into remission for about 2 months the doctors told her she had about 6 months left to live. She decided she wanted to take a month-long trip to Germany to see where she had grown up as a child/young woman before she had come to the US.

Luckily though, her friend knew a guy that knew a guy that could help her where stupid old Western Medicine had failed. He would gladly prepare Kombucha tea himself for her at 6x the cost of the materials. What a bargain! I tried to persuade her not to do it, but she went ahead anyway. I was afraid she would get an infection of some sort from this idiot's tea but apparently he at least knew how to prepare it right because she never did.


>> No.240111


All that happened was she eventually died of cancer, having never gone on that trip to Germany (the tea was pretty expensive after all, and she couldn't bring the person preparing it for her with her) and many times not seeing her friends and family in the days leading up to her death. She was convinced she would survive, so it made no sense to waste time that could be spent drinking tea and trying whatever natural remedies might cure her cancer with visiting people. (A lot of her time towards the end was not spent awake; much of her time was spent sleeping. The hospice--paid for by her insurance--took care of her then.) She could see everyone and go on that trip once her cancer was cured. And then she died.

In short, fuck you and everyone like you with a rake.

I hope you have six children that you don't vaccinate, but all six of them end up with autism anyway. I hope they die when they're 15 from measles, and still exhibit enough human emotion to show you that they hate you.

I hope every single one of the herbal remedies you buy the manufacturer filled it with lead shavings instead of the normal "1/100th of what it says on the bottle and 99/100th aspirin and sucrose" mixture because that day the factory ran out of the aspirin and sucrose mixture and it turns out they just don't give a fuck.

I hope you die a painful, excruciating death that could otherwise be cured but you end up dying from it anyway because you're convinced rubbing unicorn diarrhea on your skin will fix it. I hope in your last moments you realize you were wrong to base your course of treatment on a distrust of the establishment and a sense of superiority stemming from having "secret knowledge" from your anti-western medicine cult rather than clinical trials and scientific rigor.

>> No.240112

/sci/ is >>that way

Get your toxic alchemy off of /diy/.

>> No.240114

GET THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT OUT OF MY /DIY/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.240116

This isn't /diy/ material. This is just a meta troll.

>> No.240119

OP are you the guy who posts about free energy and "radionics"?

I think something has gone wrong with your brain; you should probably see a clinical psychologist and see if they can't help you to sort yourself out

>> No.240118

Alright. I already despise all fast food and never touch sugar substitutes. What else should I do?