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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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23624 No.23624 [Reply] [Original]

sup /diy/
i dont really know if this is the right place to post this, but do you have any good ideas or instructions for pranks? especially with halloween related ones

>> No.23654
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here ya go. make those kids play the most dangerous game

>> No.23660

What kind of pranks? Throwing flour-bomb type pranks, or carving a hunk of polystyrene to look like a refrigerator then balancing it on top of a door type pranks?

>> No.23662
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>> No.23669

anything really, but not too deadly

>> No.23671
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>> No.23683


Halloween-esque pranks, huh... I can tell you how to make candy-apples with razor-blades in them, if you'd like?

>> No.23701
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Yo, OP, pic related

>> No.23711


I'd like that.

>> No.23721

Buy onions and a bag of toffee. Make toffee "apples" and then give them out to kids.

>> No.23723

anybody have anything for annoying dogs?

>> No.23727

start emptying eggshells, either very carefully or get one of those tools that lets you punch a hole in the bottom.
Don't let the food part of the egg go to waste though, either cook a giant omelette, or some sort of pudding, or even put them in a container and freeze them.
Anyways, hollow out the shells, wash them, dry them, and then fill them about half full with glitter.
Then take some tissue paper, and glue it over the hole.
voila, glitterbomb.
smash it against something, like a wall, or the ground, maybe even a dumb friend when their back is turned.

>> No.23739

peanut butter?

>> No.23742

are those just crayons melted on the windshield? awesome.

>> No.23752

Prussic acid. Put it in one of those nose spray things and spray the dog.

>> No.23748

yeah thatll sure show them

>> No.23757

couldn't you just use those plastic eggs they sell around eastertime? seems like that would be a fuckton less effort

>> No.23763

those dont smash good enough

>> No.23769

That would also be littering. At least eggshells and tissue paper degrade over time, and the glitter spreads out.
Plus, the look on someone's face when they think you're about to egg a car and glitter flies out of the egg...

>> No.23773

Pea sized nut butter? Perfect.. Those dogs will be licking the inside of their mouths for ever and I will get laid.

Try poison on a dog bone and toss it in the dogs yard. Or shooting it with a BB gun.. OR running it over LUL!

>> No.23785


Buy a bag of apples, some sugar, and a bunch of those old fashioned razor-blades (Broken glass/rusty nails work just as well). Wash the apples, urwrap the blade, then force the blade into the apple. Wear gloves and use a hammer to gently push it in. Next, jam lollipop sticks into the base of the apples and stand to one side.

Next, make the caramel. Put your sugar into a pan and heat. IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO STIR. Stiring the sugar will make it crystallise and ruin the caramel. Also, don't burn it. It should be a golden brown colour, not a dark brown colour. When your caramel is done, dip the apples in and cover them fully. Leave them to stand once coated. A second coat is optional. Once set, wrap in cellophane and decorate with curled ribbons. And tada! I hope you have fun in prison.

>> No.23786

will not work. How do you get the pill in the water to freeze without it exploding?

>> No.23789

>creates device whose sole purpose is to spew shit everywhere and be a pain in the ass
>is concerned about littering

>> No.23792

It's mentos you fool, it only reacts with coke etc.

>> No.23805
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>> No.23829

I've heard of caramelized onions...
I know these aren't the same thing, but something tells me this wouldn't be all that horrible...

>> No.23836

wouldn't people notice a sweet in the ice cube

>> No.23842

STEP 1: Acquire Oreo cookies.
STEP 2: Scrape off icing.
STEP 3: Replace icing with toothpaste.
STEP 4: Serve.

>> No.23846

you're right, they aren't the same tin

and yeah, it would

>> No.23849


If you only put a couple mentos cubes at the bottom of the cup and filled it with dark cola I don't think it would be too likely for someone not expecting it to notice.

>> No.23855

actually without the smell a white onion is indistinguishable in taste from an apple, try it yourself.

also a favorite of mine:
1) acquire liquid nitrogen, a razor blade, and a can of shaving creme.
2) put can of shaving creme in liquid nitro
3) remove can (with tongs)
4) "peel" off can from solid block of shaving creme using razor (wear gloves)
5) toss solid block of shaving creme into open window, neighbors bushes, mailbox, whatever

>> No.23868

cut a whistle into a potato.

shove the potato into a car's tailpipe.

when the go to start the car, the whistle will go off and their car will stall.

>> No.23871

the cubes float to the top though, and mentos are white

>> No.23880

Caramelized onions in cooking simply means you pan-fried the onions or otherwise cooked them. Cooking onions removes the lachrymatory factor which is what makes you cry and tastes bad.

>> No.23886

Depends on how many ice cubes you have, I suppose?

Also, I imagine the mentos would drop to the bottom of the ice cube before freezing, meaning it would be open to soda the instant you started pouring.

>> No.23888

If theres a lot of gases in the water you're freezing, you get cloudy ice. You could probably get the ice cloudy enough to conceal a mentos.

>> No.23884


Cut the mentos into smaller bits, and freeze the ice cubes in two parts so they form cloudier then usual.

>> No.23893

Got a pic or link as to how I can carve such a whistle into a potato? Also, why would that stall the car?

>> No.23894

Make the cubes in two parts.

>> No.23902

use colored mentos and food coloring on the water before it becomes ice

>> No.23904

Think about a tailpipe about 4-5" in diameter. Now think of what happens when you try to force all of that gas that's coming out through a tiny whistle.

>> No.23919

Either it would do what you say and be awesome, or the potato goes flying, II get it now. I'll have to find some instructions for the whistle construction though, got anything?

>> No.23934
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>> No.23942

get some keys and scratch a threatening message into someone's car, lol

>> No.23954
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Well, I don't know. I'm not the guy who suggested the idea, but you could do it like my drawing. The actual whistle part has to be outside of the potato.

Also, stick the potato in preferably right after the car was used. That way the tailpipe will be a bit warmer/bigger and when it cools back down it'll grab the potato really well.

>> No.23966

Oh also, firecrackers in the muffler are always fun, too. Just stick them in all the way until they fall in.

>> No.23971

great idea, any way to do it without liquid nitrogen? regular freezer?

>> No.23970

Visiting friends? Their bedroom door open inwards?

Before you go over wad up a bunch of newspaper or toilet paper. I'm talking a lot of it.
Tape together enough newspaper so that it's now a single sheet that can cover their bedroom door.
Tape said newspaper sheet in front of said door. Leaving a little flap at the top.
Drop in rolled up papers.
Tape up top of sheet.

Wait for the avalanche of paper wads when they try to open their door in the morning.

>> No.23978

I'm embarrassed to admit this but this is pretty brilliant

>> No.23986


>inb4 crane to get it out

>> No.23990

It takes a crane to get them out.

>> No.23995
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>> No.23996

Not halloween related but christmas.

Did it last year and it was a huge hit.

>> No.23997

God fucking damnit.

>> No.24009

Yeah, this is the right idea.

You might have to do a little recon to find how big the targets tailpipe is so you could get the right sized tater, or you could bring a knife with you and cut 'er down to size.

The potato doesn't have to fit in too tight, It should just be big enough to fill in most of the area. Remember: You're pulling a prank, not being an asshole.

>> No.24018

no the shaving creme has to be really cold to stay solid. Remember that its under pressure, so a regular freezer won't work.

once it thaws it kind of explodes, imagine emptying an entire can of shaving creme at once but in all directions.

>> No.24035
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>> No.24034
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>not being an asshole

>> No.24048

throw a brick through someones window then run away

>> No.24059


or make it 2 tricks in one and throw a caramel onion through a window. Those things really pack a wollop.

>> No.24075

no, no and no

go and watch mythbusters, they did it. yes, the creme is cooled to become a solid, yes, the creme will expand when in room temperature, NO, it won't be "oh god my whole car is ruined", it just leaves a stain on the car seat ot whereever you throw it. it won't expand as much as you think it would.

source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssQx-g_06hA

>> No.24081


sorry to spoil the magic

googled it, it's a meme


from this thread


>> No.24083
File: 55 KB, 330x319, ahaha faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24095

...heard it takes a crane to get it out

>> No.24106
File: 42 KB, 325x245, 1319429833781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guise, check out the master detective over here

>> No.24113

Grease then mark or mark then grease?

Also what kind of marker would you use? Pretty sure most paints and inks dissolve in grease.

>> No.24138

poor petrol into a mail box ten drop a match in, no one will get their letters, lol

>> No.24135

>had to use google to figure out it was a meme

Anyways, anyone else kinda craving caramelized, caramel onions now?

>> No.24150


how the fuck do I acquire liquid nitrogen

>> No.24166

there's a lot of places that fill up tanks with liquid nitrogen. Like a Paintball shop, for example.

>> No.24202

don't have any one hand well you can do it yourself

>> No.24212
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>> No.24222
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Download link to mini weapons of mass destruction. It's a pretty neat DIY office "weapons" book. Mainly just crossbows made out of a pen and rubber band.

>> No.24244
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>> No.24252
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>> No.24255

paint someones windows black

>> No.24261
File: 83 KB, 750x530, 1305452365413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this at a school, post office, police station, courthouse, federal building, sit back and watch people freak out for a while

>> No.24281



>> No.24279

>Stopped at traffic lights in the rain.
>Get out of car (helps if you're a passenger of course)
>Go to car behind
>pull windscreen wipers forward so they no longer touch windscreen/work
>Get back in car
>Lights change
>Drive off

>> No.24295

hahaha! this is what happens when you eat over your keyboard!

>> No.24308

I can't see how this could go wrong.

>> No.24328

Paint over the tip of pens or pencils with clear nail polish.
it won't write, and nobody knows why!

>> No.24452


I read that as paint over the tips of penises multiple times.

>> No.24467

thatd work if theyre passed out drunk

>> No.24540

Got a friend with one of those paper lamp shades?
Get a bulb and smash it, gently - you need to keep the bulb working. take it to friends house and chill with him for an hour, be sure to drink lots of coke or something so he needs to piss. When he does go, turn off the light, replace the bulb and fill that shit with preponderant.

Sit in the dark and wait for him to come in.
>"Huh why's it so dark, i'll just put the light on and'"
>Huge ass explosion, fire everywhere.
>>(Safe fire...that shit'll burn quick so it wont cause a house fire or anything)

>> No.24551

so i fill the bulb with something predominant in influence, number, or importance?

>> No.24568

Deodorant, sorry.
And you fill the light shade with it.

>> No.24578

Remove all the keys from the keyboard, ish a bish gettin em all back at teh right spot

>> No.24607

I worked as a school IT tech and the kids were always making the keys spell out swear words.