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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2396990 No.2396990 [Reply] [Original]

I think the question is pretty straight forward

>> No.2396996

It all ends up in the same place anon

>> No.2397007

it doesn't hurt your plumbing, but it does hurt your chances of ever gaining entry to the kingdom of heaven

>> No.2397027
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It's all pipes!

>> No.2397068

I'm pretty sure it's clogging my duplex neighbors pipes when I do it judging by when and how often the maintenance guy comes to snake the drains.

Other than that I don't think there's a problem. Feels good man.

>> No.2397074

It does anon. Switch to upper deckers instead. The chunks become much smaller and go through the pipes easier.

>> No.2397084

w-what are you waffle stomping

>> No.2397093
File: 84 KB, 1200x1200, i_0c99250c6e98aacc89bd38793b99dc3f-2249493722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think dumbass? My poop. I take a shit in the shower and then stomp it down the drain where it looks like a little waffle. Sometimes I use my hands instead of my feet but I'm going to wash them all anyway.

>> No.2397148

As long as it all washes down the drain it shouldn't really be a problem. Worst case scenario is probably a clog since shower drains often have a bunch of hair and soap in them already. Just snake it if that happens and you should be good to go. Having long hair is what really clogs showers in my experience.

>> No.2397150

I should probably clarify that my answer is based on living in a normal house/apartment. If you're in an RV or boat or something like that, things might be different. You might have separate black and grey water systems then. Black is toilet sewage, grey is everything else. You wanna keep the poop in the blackwater system otherwise you might create maintenance problems. But in 99.9% of normal dwellings, everything ends up in the same place.

>> No.2397196 [DELETED] 

I can't believe people do this shit, ya'll are third world animal tier and this is coming from someone who could stand to improve their hygiene

>> No.2397205

I do not live in an RV I am not poor

>> No.2397209

What’s the big deal it all goes down the pipes anon

>> No.2397249

>Stop shitting in your shower
>instead you should shit in your toilet like everyone else does
>except not in the place where you're supposed to shit

>> No.2397252

Shower drains may or may not suit poop but enjoy your mud fetish and post vido on /b/

>> No.2397295

There’s plenty of medieval peasants in heaven and they shit wherever they were walking like feral deer

>> No.2397305
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>> No.2397335

Shitting in the bowl is what (((they))) want you to do. Anyway why would you want to shit into the same thing you wash your dishes in desu?

>> No.2397441


why are people like you such stupid lazy inbred fuckers who cant shit in the toilet? what fucking mental damage do you have that you consider this normal? fucking KYS you waste of space

>> No.2397445

Why are you so resistant to change?

>> No.2397446

That anon doesn't have enough room in his shower to squat to take the shit.

>> No.2397449


I have enough room in my shower to ram my cock up your moms asshole

>> No.2397451

I like pooping in the shower I don’t have to flush or wipe I just dig my hand in my asscrack and wipe it off and then let the shower water pressure get it off my hand like you’re washin a dish

>> No.2397454

>I like pooping in the shower I don’t have to flush or wipe I just dig my hand in my asscrack and wipe it off and then let the shower water pressure get it off my hand like you’re washin a dish

its clear your parents didnt teach you anything useful in life as far as being a normal decent person who doesnt do disgusting degenerate stuff. sounds like you got some mental problems

>> No.2397478

If this is how you feel about shower pooping how do you feel about Pajeets

>> No.2397516

Only fat people poop in the shower

>> No.2397525
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>> No.2397611

my son used to do this when he was little, caught him told him to fuck off with it
well, he got worms one day. little rice size wigglers in his turd. noticed it during a covert waffle stomp. screamed bloody murder thought he was gonna die. i run in and see him shit-footed, chewed him out, sneaky little shit.

>> No.2397627

toilet paper was in short supply, so I couldnt get any
People were hoarding it
So my daily shower starting happening after I shit

One time I had watery diarrhea shit, got in the shower and squirted some out on accident. I didnt want to get out and drench the floor and toilet and everything with water.
It went right to the drain and away it went, so I said fuck it and splat near the drain.

And it wasnt so bad, it eventually got to the point, why would I sit on an unconfortable toilet seat, just to flush and have to wait a minute or two until the water stopped refilling the toilet to turn on the shower.

So waffle stomping became my daily thing, Its really not so bad anon. You are already washing dirt piss and poo off your body already.

>> No.2397628

Also youll be surprised how much money you save by not buying toilet paper, which is highway robbery prices.
Never again.

>> No.2397629
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>> No.2397649
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Protip: if you need a little extra leverage to extrude your waffle, try a wine opener like picrel. Use the screw to grab the drain grate, then use the lever arms to hydraulically split your log.

>> No.2397664

Your logic is sound but what about those days where you have a few shits? Going to take a few showers too? What if you have a guest over and no TP in your house. No, get a bidet, it's classier and takes but a few seconds instead of a whole shower session.

>> No.2397683

you can probably get away with it if nobody with long hair uses the shower

>> No.2397712

honestly, at first i thought you guys were just fuckin with me, but a couple of weeks ago i got up a little later than usual and didnt go before i got in the shower. usually i do. and when it hit me i thought about, if i do go, how much water and how much soap is going to run down afterward. it seems like such a little thing, but the time i save now...
ive lived 36 years as one person but now, i swear ill never be a seat-sitter again. i tried to explain this to the wife (i didnt tell her where i got the idea) and she didnt understand. but I converted the downstairs bathroom next to the garage to full wafflestomping last weekend and after seeing all the extra space now she wants me to do the upstairs bathroom too.

>> No.2397737
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Thats the beauty, you dont even have to squat if you are in the shower. Its objectively the HEALTHIEST way to have a bowel movement, anatomically speaking.
You dont have to strain, you dont have to exert any effort.
You just let go and it drops down. If it hits your leg so what? You are clean anyways.
Your body was actually made to shit standing up.

Pic related, its been well known for decades sitting on the toilet while shitting is actually really bad.
You choke your rectum which means you have to strain to shit, and the choking and straining weakens the rectal walls as you get older which makes you have to strain harder.

Thats why old folks literally have to take Metamucil and other laxatives, even if they are skinny and relatively healthy.
The common fix is the aforementioned laxatives, and getting a stool so that you "squat" by lifting your legs up in the air.

Well the same works in reverse, you stand straight up you relieve the strain on the rectum, and it will fall out with almost no effort.
Of course thats not common practice, people dont want a giant poseidons kiss splah from standing up over your toilet and dropping a load all the way down. But if you are in the shower, it it doesnt even matter.

>> No.2397741

You're fucking disgusting, OP

>> No.2397742
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Also btw, when I said that
> its been well known for decades sitting on the toilet while shitting is actually really bad.
The reason straining is bad is because your body instinctively does whats called the Valsalva manuever with your breath, as you strain. You instinctively hold your breath and exert energy on your diaphram.
Next time you take a shit, think real hard about what your body is actually doing and you will feel it. Youl will hold your breath, you will feel pressure in your chest, you will feel your heart rate slightly change.

Normally you ignore it because you are focusing on your rectum.

Well guess what?
Its not SUPER bad for you, but for people who have heart issues, or circulatory issues, who are under a lot of stress, people under the influence of drugs, people with an undiagnosed anuerysim in the brain about to pop. If you strain too hard you greatly increase blood pressure in the brain while losing blood pressure in the heart. You can cause cardiac arrest or you can cause aneurysm or stroke.

Its a cliche and a running gag that people die from heat attacks on the toilet for a reason. Its because its true and really happens.
Because cardiac arrest is brought on by straining on the toilet routinely, and 10s of thousands of people die each year sitting on the toilet.

I was already all in on the squatting deal, but standing up and having a bowel movement in the shower is just as good.

>> No.2397756

>Your logic is sound but what about those days where you have a few shits?
Im going to be honest, I eat a very heatlhy diet and am always regular.I was unhealthy and a bit overweight in college, but I am quite fit and live a healthy lifestyle.
I dont ever have to shit twice a day.

But if I did, I would probably just squat or stand over the toilet to defecate (will never EVER sit again) and then use wet toilet paper to wipe myself down.
The bidet isnt going to work because I refuse to sit.

I have toilet paper in the house, I didnt do a complete switch overnight. I just happened to have done it the first time because of the TP shortage. And once the shortage was over I bought more, but realized it was kind of an inconvenience to squat over the toilet.

As with anything you hear online, there is many times an underlying truth. For something thats borderline taboo, people arent coming out and talking about it.
But the term didnt just come out of nowhere. And once you realize how much better it physically feels to stand and defecate, you wont want to stop.
I mean, it just feels natural, easy, it just effortless.

I will say I have heart problems that run in the family, my heart seems to be fine but its still something in the back of my mind. I dont exercise and eat healthy for no reason, heart disease kills pretty much everyone on both sides of my family.

>> No.2397759

If you don't get your wife to start wafflestomping too you aren't a real man.

I don't have to strain while taking a shit. My parents taught me not to do it when I was really young by telling me it'd turn my asshole inside out. It all works itself out even when my feet are on the floor. Are you sure you are normal?

>But the term didnt just come out of nowhere.
>If it has a name on the Internet then it's real
>Just like donkey punches, squat cobbler and the Tony Danza

>> No.2397761

I honestly do try and shit before the daily shower (late afternoon/evening) because sometimes I want to do butt stuff and the shower is good for getting properly clean on the inside. But sometimes some little fragments remain inside despite by best efforts on the throne. Can't let that spoil the fun so down the shower drain it goes. I feel really bad about it and if there are bigger pieces the smell makes me wretch, dunno how people do full blown waffle stomping. I fear for the S bend storing some little floaters and the smell coming back up the drain hole and alerting anyone else who uses the shower, so I press my foot over the drain to store up some water on the floor and let it all go at once, like a sort of big flush. So far so good.

>> No.2397762

OP here

I am 5'7 285 pounds

>> No.2397763

So waffle stomping helped him identify worms?

>> No.2397764

>It all works itself out even when my feet are on the floor. Are you sure you are normal?
Are you denying basic anatomy and peer reviewed instinctual involuntary behaviors during bodily functions, that have been accepted by the medical community for 50 years?
You ever wonder why other countries like Japan have squat toilets instead of stool toilets?

Just because you dont feel like you are straining hard, doesnt mean its not happening.
And it doesnt mean that you arent weakening the rectum walls.
Your anatomy isnt special, you are just young and it hasnt caught up to you yet.

>> No.2397765

When you say you want to do butt stuff do you mean you're a homosexual gay boy who wants other men to fuck your ass or do you get women to lick your asshole?

>> No.2397766

based OP

>> No.2397767

let's not make this gross, anon

>> No.2397769


>squatty potty

haha the commercial with the ice cream shitting unicorn was fuckin LULZ! it still didnt makle me want to spend $25 on a fucking step stool you can go to walmart and buy for 5 bucks.

>> No.2397770
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>let's not make this gross, anon

dude you DO know where you are right? you are on 4chan, the literal asshole of the internet.

fuckin newfags I swear. go back to r*ddit, you fag

>> No.2397771

You are on 4channel.org anon, this isnt 4chan.
I will say, when I first came to 4chan, it was all about anime discussion and things like photoshopping cute hats onto pictures of cats.

>> No.2397778

he was being sarcastic you nincompoops. Its literally a thread about waffle stomping but eating ass is over the line. Do you have such severe aspies you can't sarcasm bro

>> No.2397785

This mongolian basket weaving forum has really gone down hill.

>> No.2397786

Well people dont watch anime or photoshop cats, they shit on the floor and stomp on it.
So id say I agree

>> No.2397805

I watch anime while waffle stomping

>> No.2397828

I'm straight, and it's all solo

>> No.2397832

hair clogs the shower drain so im pretty sure shit would clog it too

>> No.2397833

When I read this >>2396990
I wanted to ask this >>2397084
But I didnt, in fear that this >>2397093 might be the answer

But now it happened anyway. And all of this >>2397441 or that >>2397196 wont change it:

This is true: >>2397629

"Insanity" is a word without meaning at a time like this

>> No.2397844
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based nuanced mass reply poster, heres a cookie

>> No.2397868

Last time I checked, water doesnt dissolve hair, while water does dissolve shit
So im not sure how you can compare the too.

>> No.2397879
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>> No.2397903

So big question here, let's just say I'm a fellow waffle stomper to make the conversation easier.
I live on the third floor of an old 1880s workers house that's been split up so 4 people can love in it (i have the attic).

How worried do I have to by for any change that the shit water washed up in any other drains of the house?
When I flush a big to much toilet paper the whole house already makes a big *gulp* noise.

>> No.2397909

You roomates with Anne Frank?

>> No.2397923

I love to make Chinese prostitutes do prostate massage for me.

>> No.2397925

What the fuck is wrong with you you fucking retarded animal?
What kind of deranged monster does this?

>> No.2397931

I’m obese and I would never do this; how dare you slander fat people like this.
“People” that do this should be hung.

>> No.2397932

This is the kind of child I imagine someone that continues posting here after having kids would produce.

>> No.2397936

Evidence to the contrary has been given

About half this board evidently waffle stomps. Waffle stomping is based and red pilled

>> No.2397943

“It’s a common behavior here” is evidence against, not for, anon.

>> No.2398175

The housing crisis is a bitch I pay 760 euros for 34 square meters and it's not in one of the mayor cities

>> No.2398350

what is wrong with you fucks
you're supposed to get over your fear of toilets as a toddler

>> No.2398372

your greasy shits will clog your shower drain much faster than taking normal showers like a normal person
a pipe under your toilet is normally 4", while the shower drain can use a pipe as small as 1.5", but normally 2"
enjoy explaining to the poor faggot that will have to snake your shower drain as to why his snake is covered in shit

>> No.2398417

Well ive been stomping for almost 2 years now and never a clog
What kind of drain cleaner should I periodically put through the shower to keep it up to snuff?

>> No.2398422

the best drain cleaner you could use would be to stop fucking shitting in your shower

>> No.2398428

Does waffle plumbing fuck my stomping?

>> No.2398442


>> No.2398474

It won't plug if you chew on it before stomping

>> No.2398493

No need to be gross, people are trying to have a legitimate conversation here
If someone wanted to eat their shit, why would they flush that down the toilet?

>> No.2398514

How is this not removed from YouTube

Utterly disgusting

>> No.2398516


>> No.2398527

I mean thats satire and all, but its not really wrong.

>> No.2398593
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I probably shouldnt admit it, but im so mad and disgusted right now its not funny
>always pee in shower, remember this thread
>have to shit, decide to try a small waffle stomp
>pinch a very small loaf off in the shower near the drain
>just sits there, water washing over it doesnt actually dissolve it
>the hot water immediately makes the whole bathroom REEK, it basically heats up the shit as it smells like a public bathroom blasting you in the face
>do the "stomp" and it just gets everywhere and doesnt really want to go down the drain

Luckily I have a hand shower, so I pulled it down and directly sprayed the drain to dissolve it all but HOLY FUCK was it bad.
I feel like an utter retard believing a single thing 4chan says

>> No.2398597 [DELETED] 
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of course it doesn't dissolve you retard thats why you waffle stomp

>> No.2398616
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Best stuff I've found is called "Green Gobbler". Home Depot sells it. Way better than Draino.

>> No.2398623

It's a joke anon. If you actually shit in your shower, you're absolutely a subhuman degenerate.

>> No.2398624

You gotta stomp it you fool. If you spray it, water will splash little fecal particles and stink the place up. Best thing is to have an extra large cheap rubber sandal to cover it up right after and make squishing easier and less stinky. Just make sure you take the sandal out when someones gonna be in your shower or cleaning or something.

>> No.2398753

how solid are your shits?
personally i wouldn't attempt it if it's one of those where the toilet paper is clean after wiping

>> No.2398976
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>shitting in the shower where you're washing yourself
>willingly stepping on poo with your bare foot
>splashing around yourself and on yourself with poo water
>there will always be bits of poo on the shower floor and drain unless you thoroughly clean the shower after every use (let's be honest, you're too lazy to shit in the toilet, you're definitely not scrubbing your shower clean after every use)
>the smell
You're all getting pink eye. Enjoy washing yourselves in your makeshift toilet bowls.

>> No.2399017
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Couldn't be me.
The smell would likely stick after a while. No doubt.

>> No.2399056

I never imagined anyone here would reproduce. I was dissapointed yet again

>> No.2399062
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Very based thread.

>> No.2399071

Is this some meme shit like the poop knife and penis inspection day?

>> No.2399072


>> No.2399093

>poop knife

>> No.2399145

Man penis inspection day was my favorite day at school

>> No.2399259

Go to Dollar Tree. Get some dishwashing liquid and pour that down the drain. It will clean everything really nice and only costs a dollar.

>> No.2399265

>dollar tree
>only a dollar

Get with the times old man

>> No.2399272
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>> No.2399274

why not just buy bleach?

>> No.2399279


>> No.2399289

Penis inspection day was real.

>> No.2399443


I shit in the shower all the time and

I use Draino once every 4 months

Never had an issue

>> No.2399487

It's better to shit in hell than to flush in heaven.

>> No.2399581

I took the grate off my drain so I don't have to stomp.
It's worked well for a few years now; although, I usually shit it the toilet so my feet don't get dirty when I kick it in.

>> No.2399583
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>Sometimes I use my hands instead

>> No.2399586
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>> No.2399588
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>> No.2399589

>why are people like you such stupid lazy inbred fuckers who cant shit in the toilet?
Saves time for some; I guess.
desu, I haven't pissed in a toilet in months.
Using the sink is so much easier, even when going out, because I don't have to worry about splash back.

>> No.2399591


>> No.2399596
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>why would I sit on an unconfortable toilet seat
The real question is: why would you buy an uncomfortable seat?

>> No.2399599

>where you have a few shits?
Sorry friend, but I'm regular.

>> No.2399602

>I converted the downstairs bathroom next to the garage to full wafflestomping last weekend
Post pics

>> No.2399608

>Its because its true and really happens.
The King and my uncle died this way.
Forever in my prayers.

>> No.2399609
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>it'd turn my asshole inside out
Don't threaten someone with a good time.

>> No.2399610

>implying both options aren't gay

>> No.2399613 [DELETED] 

>donkey punch
Like what?

>> No.2399616

Like what?

>> No.2399639

How did I forget that the gay sex tutorial comic had a fucking waffle stomping section.

>> No.2399645

>there will always be bits of poo on the shower floor and drain
That's why I wear sandals.

>> No.2399647


>> No.2399657
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>only costs a dollar

>> No.2399678

Try eating some corn kernels and then tell me about how it dissolves.

>> No.2399683

Your vent is probably clogged.

>> No.2399691

JewTube loves disgusting. It's politically incorrect they remove.

>> No.2399893

If you sit on a toilet and your knees are 90 degrees that just means you're a turbo manlet. I'm only 5'11 and if I just lean forward a little bit it's the same position as the right.

>> No.2399938

I poop in the tank and Jack off and eat my own sperm

>> No.2399954
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>> No.2399963
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>some trolls were promoting shitting in the shower
>so I shitted in the shower
>guys it was so bad
>guys listen to me don't shit in the shower it was bad

>> No.2399965
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>this fucking thread

>> No.2399969


too lazy to go to a shit on the toliet, while your having a shower? or your to fat and it takes an age to waddle 2 metres?

>> No.2400020

Its not even trolls, its not as uncommon as you think
look >>2399062, thats not satire its a real comic about anal sex.
In the gay community, fisting and large insertion bad dragon communities, its pretty normal to douche several times, including inside the shower where you just flush it down the drain.

>> No.2400052

This. Plus the submersion in the toilet bowl mitigates the odor. And any fissure/opening on your foot will provide a pathway for infection. And if the stuff doesn't go down immediately there will be a period where you are standing in a pool of raw sewage until you force enough through the grate to unplug it. The disadvantages seem to outweigh the dubious advantage of not taking the time to sit on a toilet.

>> No.2400073

post belly big boy

>> No.2400085 [DELETED] 

Tim Sweeneys live reaction: I FUCK CHILDREN!

Racist Chungus: This is wholesome


>> No.2400204
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>> No.2400238

Yes it hurts it a lot. There is a pipe called a p trap where the turd will settle and never move. Much stink and disease will follow.


>> No.2400261

Any weird stuff or fun stories to share?
Had the septic guy show up to vacuum the tank and he wass visibly angry when he printed the bill.
Asked what was wrong and he said several diapers and poptart wrappers got caught in the screen, and multiple colored plastic balls.
He was much happier when we told them that we had just bought the house and it must've been the last owners flushing weird shit.

>> No.2400265

I would think this would happen only if the broken up pieces are heavy enough not to be carried out by the water flow. Stomping them through the grate would seem to break it up into small enough pieces to be carried along... unlike, say, a diamnd ring.

t: not a plumber and not a disgusting waffle stomper.

>> No.2400288

This is wrong
You shred the turd into water soupy pieces and the flowing water will pull it right through the P trap
Its not like they are waffle stomping dry.

>> No.2400289
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>> No.2400877

There isn’t a P trap in a shower you idiot. Only sinks

Also even if there is it says P trap. P stands for POOP and PeE

>> No.2400988

The point of a P trap is to prevent sewer gases from entering the house through the drain. If there is not P trap in a shower, what prevents the entry of sewer gas?

>> No.2401354


>> No.2401932

>Waffle Stomping
What the fuck is...

>> No.2401933

wax ring

>> No.2401966

If you're healthy you should be pooping 2 to 3 times a day.

>> No.2401972

You can't tell how healthy a person is by how many times a day they shit. It depends on too many factors that run the gamut of relative health levels.

>> No.2401973

In the shower. Good work Columbo.

>> No.2402076

>wax ring
>stopping gasses from flowing out of the drain
Please tell me you're only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.2402376
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>> No.2402621

Its wax and it makes a seal so the gasses dont leak.
Its like you dont know shit about plumbing, are YOU pretending to be a retard?

I cant wait for you to google it, and realize how stupid you are
Thats quite literally what they are made for, thats why they are wax (or rubber) and they do a pretty damn good job of sealing the gasses out.

>> No.2402634

Anon, the point of that seal is to make sure the sewage leaving your toilet actually goes into the drain lines instead of half of it leaking out from underneath it onto your floor.

>> No.2402651

Not even close, guarantee I'm in better shape than you.

>> No.2402692

I take 3-4 shits before 10AM. Usually I wake up, shit within 5 minutes, then, have some coffee, while drinking coffee, shit # 2. Then after coffee. I'll shit again. I'm then usually good for a few hours. Then I'll have one more shit for good measure sometimes. I never poop past 11AM.

>> No.2402795


>> No.2402889

>having to stomp
jokes on you guys, most of my poop is diarrhea

>> No.2402924
File: 96 KB, 890x656, 1637550305142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There isn’t a P trap in a shower you idiot. Only sinks
obvious troll
honestly retarded

>> No.2402932

>Its wax and it makes a seal so the gasses dont leak.
>Its like you dont know shit about plumbing

wait till this guy figures out that toilets need both

>> No.2403132
File: 510 KB, 512x512, 1650428478214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2403676

I did this ONE TIME when I was horrifically constipated and I needed an enema in the shower. I literally felt like a disgusting creature afterwards, no amount of soap would make me feel clean. Why would you ever do this regularly?

>> No.2403701

why not just get out of the shower to sit on the toilet?

>> No.2403789
File: 280 KB, 1400x936, 20220413_183605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not poor

Lives in a duplex..

>> No.2403817

I know this is a joke thread and all, but ive done similar in the shower and it does stink for 2 seconds, but to act like "no soap would make me feel clean" is stupid.
Its gone in seconds and you are in a clean soapy shower, and its not like you rubbed it all over yourself

>> No.2404357
File: 77 KB, 1100x619, 1628351456557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find myself sitting up at 3am
>reading about Americans shitting in the shower and stomping on it
I wish I had just gone to bed

>> No.2404453

Lmao fuck off

>> No.2404461

I poop once every 2-3 days

>> No.2404464

>>2396990 >>2396996 >>2397007 >>2397027 >>2397068 >>2397074 >>2397084 >>2397093 >>2397148 >>2397150 >>2397205 >>2397209 >>2397249 >>2397252 >>2397295 >>2397305 >>2397335 >>2397441 >>2397445 >>2397446 >>2397449 >>2397451 >>2397454 >>2397478 >>2397516 >>2397525 >>2397611 >>2397627 >>2397628 >>2397629 >>2397649 >>2397664 >>2397683 >>2397712 >>2397737 >>2397741 >>2397742 >>2397756 >>2397759 >>2397761 >>2397762 >>2397763 >>2397764 >>2397765 >>2397766 >>2397767 >>2397769 >>2397770 >>2397771 >>2397778 >>2397785 >>2397786 >>2397805 >>2397828 >>2397832 >>2397833 >>2397844 >>2397868 >>2397879 >>2397903 >>2397909 >>2397923 >>2397925 >>2397931 >>2397932 >>2397936 >>2397943 >>2398175 >>2398350 >>2398372 >>2398417 >>2398422 >>2398428 >>2398442 >>2398474 >>2398493 >>2398514 >>2398516 >>2398527 >>2398593 >>2398616 >>2398623 >>2398624 >>2398753 >>2398976 >>2399017 >>2399056 >>2399062 >>2399071 >>2399072 >>2399093 >>2399145 >>2399259 >>2399265 >>2399272 >>2399274 >>2399279 >>2399289 >>2399443 >>2399487 >>2399581 >>2399583 >>2399586 >>2399588 >>2399589 >>2399591 >>2399596 >>2399599 >>2399602 >>2399608 >>2399609 >>2399610 >>2399616 >>2399639 >>2399645 >>2399647 >>2399657 >>2399678 >>2399683 >>2399691 >>2399893 >>2399938 >>2399954 >>2399963 >>2399965 >>2399969 >>2400020 >>2400052 >>2400073 >>2400204 >>2400238 >>2400261 >>2400265 >>2400288 >>2400289 >>2400877 >>2400988 >>2401354 >>2401932 >>2401933 >>2401966 >>2401972 >>2401973 >>2402076 >>2402376 >>2402621 >>2402634 >>2402651 >>2402692 >>2402795 >>2402889 >>2402924 >>2402932 >>2403132 >>2403676 >>2403701 >>2403789 >>2403817 >>2404357 >>2404453 >>2404461