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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 34 KB, 470x211, nixie-tube-clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23615 No.23615 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/geridoodes. How do I learn how to make this. Picture related.

>> No.23628


>> No.23633

It's a simple nixie clock.

What exactly do you know about electronics right now?

>> No.23638

It's called a Nixie clock, the tubes come from Ukraine mostly, check ebay.

They run on 120-200V DC (i.e. hurt when touch) so you need a converter, but there are plans for those (as well as whole clocks) on the google.

>> No.23658

Tubes are hard to come by. Lots of basic kits available for ~$125. Don't waste money on the $200+ ones with cases, since a case is extremely easy to make.

>> No.23667
File: 7 KB, 346x175, AC Waveform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The words you're looking for are "transformer" and "rectifier" to turn AC into DC.

>> No.23670


Russian IN-12s are fairly cheap, I got a load of them for about $3 a piece. Other russian tubes are more available than Western versions but they work fine, except the data sheets are Russian.

>> No.23678


No love for switched mode wall warts? I used a MAX1771 to boost12V DC in up to 180ish volts or so, no transformers in the bit I built.

>> No.23698

Yeah, but most people look for the free standing tubes, like in OPs pic, not the flat ones. I would love to get my hands on some IN-18's for cheap.

>> No.23712

OP here. Not that much about electronics. I know how to solder and have replaced fuses on my old reciever before. To be honest I would rather start out with cheap nixie tubes so if I mess up it is not a huge deal. I just used that as a pic because it is the first one I saw on google.

>> No.23729


Have fun.

>> No.23741

Will I be able to use IN-12's for this? They are a really nice price. Also thanks for the link I will definitely have to read that.

>> No.23747
File: 39 KB, 403x497, HalliCastroAdS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a radiofag.

Switching type DC power supplies usually produce gross RF hash on HF bands. They are also usually not designed for tube B+ applications.

>> No.23761

Not with that kit. Also, it already comes with all the bulbs you need.

>> No.23762


Get some IN12s to play with then once you've figured out how to not blow them up you can look for more expensive and nice looking ones.

The clocks are fairly easy to build, you can either use old russian ICs that can sink the 200V from the tubes or use some modern 74xx series logic chips and some transistors.

Take a look at a load of plans online, read the data sheets on all the big ICs, the designs are all pretty simple uses of standard chips.

>> No.23772

Sounds like a plan. I have always wanted to learn more about making my own electronics and I think this might be a good project. Thanks /diy/abetics.

>> No.23775

Good luck with your project then. You are going to need it.