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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 52 KB, 625x469, 1265907322_73244732_1-Pictures-of-Avatar-2X12-Cab-With-Extras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20537 No.20537 [Reply] [Original]

Sup DIY, bout to build myself a 2x12 guitar cabinet (two of them actually)
Anybody know anything about this? I'll post more info/details if anyone's interested

>> No.20694

one bump. thats it.

>> No.21344

there isn't much to it , just get 2 speakers of decent quality , and wire them in 2 ways , so that you have 16 or 8 ohm resistance. also make shure that the cab is airtight

>> No.21441

nothing fancy, just basic woodworking.
You could go with butt joints, if you are going to cover it with Tolex there will be no difference. Finger or Dovetail joints are better if you're gonna to show the wood with a nice finish.
Also you must have a source for small hardware, grillcloth and Tolex (if you gonna use it).
In Europe we got this:
For the speakers, go Celestion or Jensen you can't do wrong.

>> No.21480

>Treated pine: dovetail joints
>Particle board: staples

Make sure the cabinet is airtight and nothing is loose, my 2x12 cab used to rattle like crazy until i discovered that just 1 screw was loose.

deide wether you want the speakers wired in series or parallel.

dont use wood that is too thin.

>> No.23142

why should the cab be airtight? both my amps (combo bass) have small holes in them (not self made)

>> No.23220
File: 30 KB, 480x360, SpkrCab-Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both my amps (combo bass) have small holes in them (not self made)

No well that is the Bass Reflex configuration.
For guitar cabinets, bass reflex porting is not used. There are simply 2 types:
>closed back, that means airtight
>open back, that means well the cabinet is open in the back

usually hi-power ones are closed back (the air trapped inside the cabinet froms an air "spring" that "sustains" the speakers, and can also be tuned to have some bass enhancing simply calculating the internal volume).
Low power ones are usually open back (more tridimensional sound, and better sound at lower volume since the cone is free to move - not dampened by the "air spring").