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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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222153 No.222153 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite thing to make as atalented /diy/er Pic related. I loved containers of any sort. Still do actually.

>> No.222161

Tools on commission.

Its a shame I never take pictures.

Also, large desks.

>> No.222162

Custom servers for unusual applications.

A long while back I built a pair of water cooled quad opteron servers for a mobile photographer's trailer rig. They had to work in extreme summer heat, while running 10 thin clients with custom software, and survive the rigors of being dragged on a trailer to and from events.

Ended up with a 4U rackmount enclosure, with most of the enclosure tied up in the heat exchanger.

>> No.222164

As young'un not an adult guys.

>> No.222172

>>As young'un not an adult guys.
Why not both?

I really only spent my /diy/outh playing with Lego.
More recently I was into modifying Nerf guns and custom computer cases. Mostly involved plastics machining.

Now I have my hands full renovating my house/workshop and I just finished building a custom moped/dirt bike. Those involve woodworking, metalworking, plumbing, and electrical.

>> No.222174

Potions, man. Potions.

My grandfather ran a drug store so we had all kinds of old glass vials, etc. I would always make "potions" in the shower by mixing random shampoos, conditioners, soaps, etc into these containers.

>> No.222176

because diy is full of crafts we do as adults.

I used to do this with my mom's perfumes and cleaning supplies.

>> No.222188

I dabbled in blacksmithing by age 12, and had solid experience in carpentry by age 8.

How young is a young'un?

>> No.222190

Pineword derby cars motherfucker

>> No.222203

being the son of a plumber, i had to pull a submersable well pump that died in a 150' well. he gave me a written guide on how to plumb and install the new one. i pulled the well out with a well wheel made out of two angle irons bolted to a hubcap. i almost fucked up on the electrical part, since i was about to crimp the wires together and then i rememberd i had to get the shrink wrap on first. i was about 11 years old.

>> No.222264

I lived in a neighborhood that was still being developed, as in it was basically all woodlands with houses just starting to go up.

I would go to the various construction sites and ask if I could have some scrap wood. This was actually kind of cute, thinking back on it. I was about 6 years old and I would pull my red wagon behind me going from site to site filling it with cutoffs and small useless wooden blocks...

Anyways, I'd take it all home and build elaborate stadiums for my toys to battle in. My parents were pretty relaxed when it came to their kids, I don't know many adults that would let six year olds wander the neighborhood by themselves then let them hammer a shit load of wood together. Oh well, fun times.

>> No.222434

Lived in the woods when I was atalented /diy/er#44; nature errywhere, I used to try and make 'ink' by smashing a shit load of polk(think thats what they were called) berries in the shells of nuts. Kinda worked-sucked it stained clothes and STANK.

also used to make weapons out of sticks and a pair wings out of giant leaves/stick combo. Icarus would be proud.

>> No.222435

>atalented /diy/user#44
.. we can't use the synonym for child here anymore?

>> No.222446

I was really into origami when I was atalented /diy/er Since we already have a separate board for that, I don't suppose it counts. Aside from that I also really loved making these:


And in case THOSE don't count either, I... took tin container lids and glued shit on them to look life faces. I used to think they were masterpieces.