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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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211120 No.211120 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in need of a good gaming laptop. I'd like to keep the budget around $500, but I can go as high as $700 if I need to. Any pointers?

>> No.211122

>good gaming laptop

Hahaha, wow. Yeah, good luck with that. Go to fucking Futureshop or some shit and buy something prefab. You're not going to get anything of quality for that money, expect minimum 1000$ to run most modern games on standard/mid-high.

>scratchbuilding a laptop

>> No.211127

hate to say it, but this poster is right. Gaming and laptop = lots of $$.
You might be able to squeak out a budget gaming desktop for that amount, but still it wont be anywhere near top of the line.

>> No.211132


my brother built one with a x4 955 and a 6850 for under $600, so it's possible

>> No.211139

He built a desktop,not a laptop you special needs induuvidual.

>> No.211141

And both posters were talking about a desktop.
You fucking retard.

>> No.211156

Protip: Save at least twice that amount, then purchase.

>> No.211163

You want to game, get a desktop.

Being poor and wanting a gaming laptop is like wanting head and pussy at the same time. Pick one fucker.

>> No.211175

> gaming laptop

The correct term is - a laptop that can run games, badly.

>> No.211209

Dont listen to these guys. I bought a premade Asus laptop for 250 and it runs nearly everything ive put on it on high. It can run dolphin emu and ps2 emu flawlessly.

>> No.211219

It really all boils down to the integrated GPU. Most laptops, hell even some netbooks, that have dual cores will be good enough and have enough ram to run most modern games; with obvious exceptions.

Thus, the internal GPU is the bottleneck. Try to find a laptop in your $ range that has the best integrated GPU. Then do a little research about that GPU and compare it to various game specs you want to play.

>> No.211221

not anymore. There are some pretty good gaming laptops out there now. Games aren't stretching boundaries like they used to.

>> No.211230

OP if you want something decent and not something amazing go with a custom Dell. they can run shit pretty well. id recomend u save at least another 100 though, but who knows, see what you can get

>> No.211236

oh yeah, try to cut some corners to lower the price
ie. small HDD, 4gb of ram min. if you dont want to kill yourself later on. dont go overkill with the processor. focus more on getting a good card and a good cooling pad (THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT) cuz that shit is gonna get hot. oh and try to always keep it plugged in so you can milk all the power it can give

>> No.211383

No offense OP, but I don't think you can fit anything that can give you playable framerates in 3d games in your budget. You /might/ be able to squeeze a Radeon HD 6620G in your budget, if you don't go wild on the rest of the specs. Pair it with a A8 series CPU and a 720ish screen, you can probably get mid-20 FPS in current games with low/medium settings (forget about AA).

If this helps, a rough hierarchy of most graphics chips (including mobile and integrated) are listed here:

>> No.211479

Sorry, but I don't see what this has to do with /diy/.

>> No.211482
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