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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1611279179758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2010482 No.2010482 [Reply] [Original]

Im goin for it, cant wait till monday.
Any /diy/ dentists last word of advice? From what i gather, i want to make firm but cautious circles while pulling straight out.

>> No.2010484

No. Wait till monday for the dentist.
Take painkillers in the meantime I guess.

>> No.2010486

Don't do it. Go buy some cloves or clove oil and put it on there.

>> No.2010489

Don't do it. But if you do, luxate by pushing down and rotate. But don't do it.

>> No.2010498

You have to be super drunk or high or else you are going to chicken out.

>> No.2010500

Thanks bro.

>> No.2010506

If you think your pain is bad now, wait until you crack your root and possibly your jaw under the pressure with no anesthetics.
Wait until monday.

>> No.2010507
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Here we go boys.

>> No.2010510

Don’t do it but if you don’t live stream/ record it to become a /diy/ leegend

>> No.2010512

This shit is /k/ tier

>> No.2010514
File: 590 KB, 2720x3640, received_427867181966564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooh boy that was so much harder than i thought it would be.

>> No.2010515

Timestamp it

>> No.2010517

Time stamp it also not live-streamed

>> No.2010519
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>> No.2010520

Kek madman

>> No.2010521
File: 26 KB, 435x294, +_62081fe28bc0423b13ccac55a80ffaf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok

>> No.2010523

I was walking with a dude at work. He stopped and pulled out his multi tool and fucking yanked his tooth out. I don't know how the fuck he did that sober.

>> No.2010524
File: 19 KB, 316x326, received_647377176183494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma going to bite dow on the papertowl and goto bed never forget me bros. Puy it in the screencap

>> No.2010577
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>> No.2010578

Jesus Christ dude, you couldn't even clean your pliers off before hand?

>> No.2010584

Lmao you used a pair of rusty greasy pliers in your mouth? you couldn't even fucking clean them of the grease atleast? you're an animal dude.

>> No.2010587

HOLY FUCK this is why Iove the chins! Never ever change anons!

>> No.2010588

Based man did it. I would still show up to the dentist #1 to see there reaction #2 to see if it’s infected

>> No.2010592

Posting in a historic thread

>> No.2010606

Can anyone tell me what condition this is in OPs photo? Also you're a fucking madman. Glad this stunt didn't backfire on you man.

>> No.2010608

>Glad this stunt didn't backfire on you man.
check out how broken and chipped that tooth looks

>> No.2010620

Also put me in the screencap shout out to my cat Bianca

>> No.2010624
File: 36 KB, 350x263, mugundo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no tooth wizard, but that doesn't look like a human tooth.

>> No.2010628

Hahaha holy fuck he's done
Congrats I hope you don't get an infection and die
That tooth didn't even look like a human tooth

>> No.2010640


That's cause he's a fucking ANIMAL

>> No.2010656

This the first time I’ve ever visited /diy/ in my life. Good job OP

>> No.2010692

fucking crazy kek

>> No.2010698

its been picking up lately, kinda weird, theres been an oc tidal wave as of late, and then the newfags

>> No.2010700
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>> No.2010716
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>> No.2010730

the double mickey is such a fucking drunk guy move, costs more than a fifth but you can fit them in your pockets

>> No.2010759
File: 88 KB, 540x960, 1606610386145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting in epic bread. /diy/ does it dirty

>> No.2010792

dude just fly to Mexico and do it for 1/8th the price

>> No.2010804

Preserve it in resin. Blood and all.

>> No.2010809

Holy shit

>> No.2010810

nice little hoax bro

>> No.2010823

>just fly to mexico bro

>> No.2010829

Looks to me like he's eating shit.

>> No.2010842

Given he's using a paint can lid as a surgical tray, I'm not exactly sure what you'd expect.

>> No.2010844

What is in mouth in op pic. Are the teeth that fucked up or are they surrounded by filthy looking medicated gauze of some sort to numb. Wtf

>> No.2010848

Google calculus teeth

>> No.2010851
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The absolute madman

>> No.2010866
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The state of American health care

You fucking mad lad
You absolute maniac
I am impressed and sickened

>> No.2010965

Fake and gay, that's not a tooth.

>> No.2010992
File: 12 KB, 360x480, received_1709843522531926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. It was indeed a real tooth. Forgot I made this thread till i saw my tabs. Apparently i was fortunate not to break the root off as the crown was mostly gone.
Off to work boys, see you in Valhalla.

>> No.2011007

This guy knows.

>> No.2011016

I'm no tooth wizard but it seems the wanky tooth is still in your head.

>> No.2011028
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>> No.2011066


>> No.2011111

3rd world thing.

>> No.2011169
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>> No.2011182

you should still go to an oral surgeon to get your gum sewn up and get some antibiotics, otherwise you're headed for an abscess

>> No.2011185

Dude never said he was American, and it sounds like he does have access to dentistry but just didn't want to wait until the office was open.

>> No.2011200

Packed it full of neospoin, bit down on papertowls overnight. Bit swollen but seems fine. No dentist.

>> No.2011201

Plaque buildup. Possibly a decades worth or more.

>> No.2011214

No. What the fuck are you doing? Don't put neosporin in your mouth.

Ok, so at the pharmacy they have something called Gly-oxide. It's not expensive. Follow the directions for use. Personally, I would have gotten and taken oil of oregano capsules to keep systemic infection possibility down. I'm not a doctor. Do whatever you want, but you need to take better precautions for this sort of shit.

>> No.2011218

enjoy dry socket OP

>> No.2011220

oh cool we have the same dead guy on our cigarettes in Canada

>> No.2011221

Right on man, thanks.

>> No.2011246

Think its plaque to the max

>> No.2011255

take painkillers and make sure to reduce the swelling. Dentist wouldn't pull it out if your gums are swelling.

>> No.2011263

This makes me wish we had a real dental healthcare general on /diy/.
OP, anything to report? Pain, swelling, etc?

t.Dental Student

>> No.2011277

absolutely fucking legendary

>> No.2011283

Brush your fucking teeth

>> No.2011294

you're insane in the membrane

>> No.2011315
File: 17 KB, 352x480, received_442251183682875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minor pain and swelling. Pretty much like the others i had pulled by a pro. Had to do it by feel mostly, even a mirror was useless.
Cant believe how long it wasor how hard i had to pull. Barely any was above the gumline. Pushed them down with a small flatnose.

>> No.2011317
File: 1.01 MB, 896x896, 1599527202926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a certain point, you become a Monster.

>> No.2011333

next time you do this at least fucking clean your tools first

>> No.2011359

take some antibiotics
im serious

>> No.2011366

white people can be so repulsive

>> No.2011378

So can be niggers, what is your point?

>> No.2011388
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>> No.2011406
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Nono. He is correct, i am a muscular, repulsive, alcoholic.

>> No.2011407

Inb4 OP gets sepsis and fucking dies

>> No.2011408
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>> No.2011450

Yeah i should have. Just have to trust my immune system ig.

>> No.2011488


>> No.2011502

>No suction
>Just a li'l blood on a tissue
I'm calling shenanigans

>> No.2011504

Those pliers are covered in animal hairs. What else have you used those for?

>> No.2011510

There's no guarantee of dry socket with a diy extraction. I did manage to get it the last time I had one at the dentist though. I had to go back and get it packed. Then as it healed, some sharp barbs of tooth shrapnel started poking though the side of the gum and I had to work them out with tweezers, I guess they got missed by the suction.

>> No.2011512

Looks like the one next to it will be coming along soon. Brush your fucking teeth. How hard is that.

>> No.2011513

Get some clove oil to help with pain and fight infection, the Jew fears the home dentist

>> No.2011515

Why does the supposed extracted 'tooth' look so different than the horse molar looking shitteeth in op.

>> No.2011545

I know I'm too late but my friend had this problem with not enough money to go to the dentist and a bad tooth. He figured out all you have to do is keep wiggling the tooth. No strings on door knobs or anything. Just wiggle, wiggle wiggle. In a week or less it will come out just from a little wiggle.

>> No.2011554

Call it if you will, im not advocating anyone do this brah. Maybe i just have badass platelets

>> No.2011575
File: 29 KB, 352x480, received_132796358278679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre just greasy and my girls fur gets on everything.

>> No.2011577

I remember doing this when I was 17, was actually kinda fun.

>> No.2011579

absolute madman
what drugs are you addicted to btw? or just alcoholic?

>> No.2011589

Alcoholic that has it to just getting trashed 2 or 3 times a month on cheap vodka. But man i get trashed. Trying to quit.

>> No.2011654

What a good time to lurk on this board for the first time

>> No.2011658

put me in the screencap

>> No.2011874
File: 903 KB, 224x233, ooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when

>> No.2011903
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>> No.2011909

Alcoholism, clearly

>> No.2011926
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>> No.2011950

Try reverse search you mong, OP (as sadly is often the case in advice threads) was just a random pic from the Internet.

>> No.2012279

it's a calculus bridge, happens over decades of zero oral hygeine, there are teeth under there somewhere

>> No.2012291

actual subhuman

>> No.2012310
File: 257 KB, 861x928, 1543218778378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job OP, something that was just normal 30 years ago is now considered way out there
I remember when your mates would pull your teeth with pliers because there was no dentist, smartphones or amazon to deliver painkillers
We had moonshine and friends
In first world country
Zoomers will never know

>> No.2012317


>> No.2012379

when i see shit like this online im reminded who i am actually corresponding with and then i go take a smoke and go for a walk and reevaluate my life

>> No.2012414

th-thats your tooth?

>> No.2012559

Must be fun being a redneck

>> No.2012593

You probably did the right thing. I just had to get a broken tooth fixed/replaced it was $2500

>> No.2012626
File: 34 KB, 800x450, leak-xbox-series-x-series-s-microsoft-risponde-celebre-meme-v4-467191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he die?

>> No.2012637

how does someone let it get that fucking bad!

>> No.2012645

Next up, /diy/ vasectomy. Don’t forget the TS and record it.

>> No.2012646

can i have ur tooth? I wanna make a necklace.

>> No.2012647

This has already happened on here, though I don't think it was on this board.

>> No.2012688

Put me in the screencap

>> No.2012690

>put me in the screencap

No one will screencap this bullshit.

>> No.2012695

not with that attitude you sad faggot

>> No.2012702

dental posting has peaked

>> No.2012770
File: 36 KB, 385x385, 1611504747072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally what the fuck.

>> No.2012952

this is absolutely the truth. I did this as a kid watching cartoons pulling my own teeth. Eventually realized I should stop. But it works.

>> No.2012960

you're repulsive because of your actions, not your skin color, dumb ass turkey

>> No.2012973

80s and 90s were completely different era, I member when people didn't have phones in their homes and ones that did had them on cable
internet didn't exist all that much and you used phone line to connect to it
altavista was a thing
no business had webpage, most people didn't know where you can get emergency dental help
something like having your tooth removed on saturday evening was literally what OP did, with help of friends if someone could fetch them for you
and that was in city
rural communities had it easier, everyone knew the doctor that lived nearby and helped you with anything from toothache to cow giving birth, in cities plenty of people around and noone to help you

>> No.2013081
File: 478 KB, 1024x700, Rotten-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like youre being the turkey as i never said anything about skincolor.

>> No.2013117

this is fucked

>> No.2013146

If you put it under your pillow the moot fairy will leave a gold pass.

>> No.2013150

>American healthcare
Truly an example for the world to follow

>> No.2013155

Anon, you don't get to a place in life where you're ripping your own teeth out before work with dirty pliers when you're the kind of person who takes any kind of reasonable precautions

This guy's going to be on antibiotics by March

>> No.2013176
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>> No.2013186

Best and fastest in the world. Good shit costs money

>> No.2013213

It's far from best, you have shit life expectancy.

>> No.2013261

Fuck the dental Jew!

>> No.2013271

I'm also old.

>> No.2013449
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>> No.2013538
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The horror, the horror...

>> No.2013651

The state of reading comprehension with people from wherever the fuck you are...

>> No.2013653

Another seething retard who can’t read. Where are you faggots located that you can’t even read? Is the education system that bad where you’re at?

>> No.2013687

no you wont be in a screencap. because you are a redditor tourist gay cunt

>> No.2014038

Every big city has 24/7 emergency dental offices. Even in the 90's.

>> No.2014443

If you mix a bunch of niggers in with regular people and fresh immigrants of course it dumps down.

When I look at OP's photos, it makes me think of that ogre who lived in someone's basement and was excited for shitty movies being released on DVD.

OP, please give us photos of your dwelling. Thank you.

>> No.2014587
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>> No.2014589
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jesus christ
what is it with /diy/ and dental work

>> No.2014590

anal sex

>> No.2014639

I remember a thread here when a guy was considering hiring a hooker to remove a cyst from his asshole.

>> No.2014820

i would take a 8 days regimen of amoxicillin just for good measure.

>> No.2014827

absolutely legendary thread

>> No.2015065
File: 3.86 MB, 1304x6500, DentistryIY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate this place so much

>> No.2015161

/int/ reporting in

>> No.2015170
File: 42 KB, 500x404, 1554014725287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fucking pliers with dog hair all over them

>> No.2015188

OP are you still alive?

>> No.2015211

Dentist It Yourself

>> No.2015233


>> No.2015242
File: 56 KB, 864x746, ss+(2021-01-26+at+12.13.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ OP

>> No.2015243

mother fucker....

>> No.2015246

jesus christ nigger not even my teeth are that fucked

>> No.2015275
File: 40 KB, 512x512, 806E2744-D942-49B0-9384-DAA9D114CF18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking mad lad

>> No.2015296

He pulled his teef outta is own head.

Can we do that? We's gonna be rich

>> No.2015298
File: 59 KB, 800x450, 1611288842200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me on the screenshot

>> No.2015466

Already made

>> No.2015970


>> No.2016016
File: 119 KB, 652x552, 1597061793196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually did 3 fillings myself with a rotary tool, lidocaine and ebay dental filler. It can be done and just requires motivation like anything else.

>> No.2016020
File: 19 KB, 800x480, Dr.Strangelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon, you are not the only one on 4chan doing DIY dentistry. Our generation is pretty screwed financially, we are only going to see more DIY dentists in the future.

.t diy dentist.

>> No.2016021
File: 29 KB, 762x449, POE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this is why I did some diy dentistry lately, the mercury jew dentist put in my mouth as a kid caused cavities all around the filling.

I blame my parents for trusting (((medical professionals)), soon as the mercury filling was removed and I changed my diet everything started fixing itself dental wise.

Dentist are untrustworthy, pic related.

>> No.2016047

Unbelievably based.

>> No.2016132

Fluoridation of water isn't really necessary if you fluoridate your toothpaste. Though there's little reason to believe that overfluoridation can occur from the small amount of fluoride in water or toothpaste anyhow. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss (or oral irrigate) often, should be able to live without fillings your whole life like that. That said, some people just have shitty teeth. I blame gut culture.

>> No.2016264

What the fuck

>> No.2016365

i guess i'll bump your thread op

but you should try harder next time
the blood didn't even wet the "tooth"
you could also have done the blood better

>> No.2018465
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heh, almost looks like me...

>> No.2018492
File: 15 KB, 352x480, received_233504041731641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I cant believe this is still alive. I have taken no antibiotics and not seen anyone. It seems to be fine as far as I can tell. For sure some swelling for 2 or 3 days after.

>> No.2018500


>> No.2018538

I cannot advocate it.

>> No.2018611


Absolute madman! Make sure you don't develop an infection OP.

>> No.2018674
File: 261 KB, 628x732, Dentistry as a hobby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2018724

You need to go check if your mouth isn't infected or you could be pulling out your entire jaw out next time you animal

>> No.2018729

dude why
that shit is now permanently out of your mouth and you will look like white trash
or worse
a canadian

>> No.2018732

fuck man
go to a doctor
try /lgbt/ for that shit
go to the dentist tomorrow dawg
please christ he will give you antibiotics or something

>> No.2018740
File: 61 KB, 960x641, 15319028_1224442514290144_3036922951166059181_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Belle Delphine !

>> No.2018743
File: 74 KB, 407x800, belledelphine-01-08-2020-90550604-Im-going-to-go-on-a-night-time-adventure-tonight-Wil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Belle Delphine !

>> No.2018893

Hes already onnmeth or some shit look at how fucked up his other teeth are. They're all chipped

>> No.2018929

Im not on meth, i just have a combination of genetically terrible teeth from my mom and a life of alcoholism and poor dental hygiene.

>> No.2019123

all these redditors gawking and lookking at you in awe at how you just pulled your tooth omg madman!!!!!! he did it the absolute savage!!!!! put me in the screencap LMAO HE DID IT THE MAD CUNT!!!! holy cringe