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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2001851 No.2001851 [Reply] [Original]

What can you do with a lot of pallets? I live in a place where about all the businesses throw these away.

>> No.2001856

1st world: fuel for heating.
3rd world: built a shitty house.

>> No.2001865

Do what that guy in Kentucky did with the house made from doors, but with pallets.

>> No.2001872

Keeping firewood off the ground to allow for better drying
Getting splinters from said pallets
Collecting a shit load of pallets but never getting around to doing anything with them
Trying to do something with the pallets and realize the challenge of taking them apart and then consider the cost of new material vs time spent
The possibilities are endless fren

>> No.2001873

i made a small house in garden for my kid from those, but most of the time whenever i get some i just cut them and burn in fireplace

>> No.2001875

Coffee table , eood toys and pretty much anything else. If you carefully take the nails out then you can run the boards through a bench top planer to smooth them out. I made a wood train set out of some pallets and gave it to my aunt over several years ago. Depending on the pallets you can find some pine, oak ash or some other good wood.

>> No.2001886

a tip
if u plan to take em apart by removing nails just make em wet

>> No.2001888

Wouldn't the moisture cause the wood to expand giving the nails a tighter grip? Genuinely asking as I've never thought of or tried this.

>> No.2001890

the friction on a dry nail and wood make really hard to take it apart and u can destroy timber, so even if the wood expands a little bit it wont make big difference

>> No.2001895

Fuckin smart if it works. Going to try this when the opportunity arises.

>> No.2001941

Fucking sell them to a recycler.

I guarantee those businesses leave them outside so whatever truck that makes the next delivery can pick them up, they’re not trash. They’re not disposable, that’s why every Haitian with an old Taco has a bed full of them going to the pallet recycling place.

>> No.2001962

>trip fagging and being stupid at the same time

>> No.2001966

You switched the places bro

>> No.2001986

I use a few to keep my firewood off the ground. But they also make a really great bonfire if you stack them high and burn them.

>> No.2002022

>Compost bin
I plan to make a larger compost bin in the spring with them

>> No.2002025

1st world: build a "reclaimed wood" house. Charge a shit load for it
3rd world: heat

>> No.2002164


>> No.2002193

Build an elaborate underground bunker.

>> No.2002197

Found the poor 3rd world posters.

>> No.2002220
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Hows a kitchen sound OP?

>> No.2002259

I'm gonna tell you a secret about uset pallets. If they were in shipping for more than a month and few reuses, there is more than 90% probability someone somewhere at some time pissed on one. Now, doesn't that make all the "reclaimed wood" videos that much better?

>> No.2002264
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picrel. you don't seriously rely on the stores to eat... do you?

>> No.2002266

I'm gonna tell you a secret about pee. It's inside of you at this very moment. As is poop.

>> No.2002267

why not just plant it into the ground lmfao

>> No.2002269

it's particularly good for growing root vegetables (eg. carrots & potatoes). you place more dirt on top every time the stalk pushes through to force more nutrients to go to the root (the part you want to eat) instead. need the walls to prevent the dirt from washing away in rain.

>> No.2002300

You know how those pallets say stuff like “PROPERTY OF CHEP”? Same with milk crates and stuff. Some smaller stores will toss one or two pallets in the trash, but most of those behind big box stores are waiting to be picked up and reused and you can get charged with theft for taking them.

>> No.2002316

Huh, that's coutnerintuitive for me. Always thought that'd cause problems for the plant since it can't get sunlight and will devote more resources to finding it. Oh well, I am just uneducated in this regard. Thanks.

>> No.2002350

Yes, my own, i would very much prefer to avoid contact with anyone else's.

No it's not, it's just more comfy and prettier, in fact you get increased nutrient wash out from the soild bed with every rain unless you put a barrier in and risk drowning the plants during bigger rain.

That's probably because your brain is still working. BTW, the modern wheat is short as all fuck just to avoid growing unnecessary stalk and put more energy in making grain. Just because the part you are interested in is on the opposite end of the plant does not mean doing the reverse will do it any good.

>> No.2002504

Wtf kind of super premium showroom quality pallets are these? Is this from some pinterest conference?

>> No.2002539

My local big German hardware store sells ‘Furniture pallets’ which are basically brand new, unimpregnated/unfumigated Industrial pallets. I guess if you’d sand them they’d look a bit like this. €15 each or so

But looking at those blocks these are just custom made just for that kitchen.

>> No.2002883

Those wooden, unpainted ones like in OPs pick are one time use, they are destroyed and fair game. The large, painted, heavy duty pallets are re-used.

>> No.2003083

only if you steal them. the assumption is that you got it from a closed down store.

the milk crate I own says something like "property of Dave's grocery," it was apart of an old Chester's, that was bought out by a Ingles, that is now a Korger. so the question becomes who the fuck is Dave?

as long as you get permission the stock boys might throw you a couple of the old crates they don't want in circulation anymore.

the best place to get the stuff is are whole sellers like lowes, home depo, and wallmart OR construction sites. if you go to a construction site you may need both the General contractor and owners permission. typically GCs are paying to have trash hauled off and if you scrap the wood it would just cost him less and give him more space for trash.

>> No.2003191

Sell them to one of those places that pay felons minimum wage to refurbish them. You could probably buy a nice orange bucket with a full trailer load of them.

>> No.2003194

That's one use for a cordless circular saw right there. Scrap lumber theft.

>> No.2003229

Why would the wood thief need to cut up the pallet at the crime scene? It's very loud.

>> No.2003232

Probably because he/she is already dumb enough to steal pallets (adding a she as wahmen seem to be far more obsessed with that shit than men)

>> No.2003235

If I were the security guard and saw a strong woman sawing up the pallet stack with a portable circular saw, then I'd like to walk in the other direction. But if it's on camera, then I'd be forced to taze.

>> No.2003242

You can steal what's in the trash bin.

>> No.2003264
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>Not building a house out of doors

>> No.2003265

At our shop we keep the dumpster locked to keep out faggot bums like you. Not because we want the trash, but because we got tired of the homeless fights and drama every week.

>> No.2003373

We do a big bonfire at the beach on St. John's day at night. Holdover from pagan Midsummer celebrations.

>> No.2003531
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Pallet wood is like the shittiest wood
Normies watch Instagram videos about Pallet DYI projects and beat off to them

>> No.2003536

Most of the unpainted ones are reused as well. Generally they’re one-time use if they’re goofy shaped ones for sending one oversized object.

If you see a uniform stack of pallets behind a store, even bare wood, it’s likely the shipper is going to pick those up. If you see a single one tossed in the trash, or goofy rectangle shaped ones made of thin pieces like 1x2’s, that’s probably trash.

>> No.2003565
File: 48 KB, 450x375, vestil-pallet-buster-deluxe-steel-deck-pry-tool_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're using them for firewood, look into getting a pallet buster. It will make your life a little easier.

>> No.2003575

There is literally nothing wrong with using pallet wood for flooring. Remove all nails, use a planer to create even thickness and then seal after installation.

>> No.2003623

You can flip them. Learn about the different types of pallets and call around different businesses in your area to see if they are looking for pallet delivery.

Truck required obviously.

Hustle culture guys on youtube do this

>> No.2003665

Nice, I can actually do this with my cdl

>> No.2003667

if I walked into a kitchen and saw that I would turn a 360 and walk away

>> No.2003670


>> No.2003687


>> No.2003864

HAHAHAHA but then you towards it :DDDDDDDDDD

>> No.2003880

π rad

>> No.2003881

Those are illegal in my shit hole because used for breaking into homes and sheds.

>> No.2003964
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I made some shitty garage shelves with a couple 2x4s and some pallets cut in half.

>> No.2003965
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I also made a place to store my hay so the chickens quit scattering it all over the place

>> No.2004132
File: 140 KB, 1200x603, carpenter-cutting-wood-with-circular-saw-high-res-stock-photography-522598714-1552589226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're using them for firewood, look into getting this

>> No.2004158

Work for a pallet company and they once were commissioned to make these. Premium A+ grade wood; everyone had to wear gloves so they didn't stain, machine run as slow as possible to make them accurate and all nail guns had to be oil free. You got 2 pallets in a kit to make a sofa. We only did it once because who the fuck wants to buy pallets to put in their nice home.

>> No.2004159

>What can you do with a lot of pallets?
you can move freight with them
what the fuck else do you think pallets are for

don't pick up other people's garbage and try to "upcycle" or whatever. it's trash.

>> No.2004353

That looks trashy af
This is ok

>> No.2004427
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>> No.2004575

Post little house?

>> No.2004596

Can confirm you got them the other way around
t. 3rd worlder

>> No.2004757
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1st world hobby room, 3rd world sleeping place style

>> No.2004759
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pics related

>> No.2004763
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just for fun

>> No.2004767
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closely related

>> No.2004789

You can make an animal pen with then.

>> No.2004849

I fucking hate politicians. Do you think that law stopped a single burglary?

Coming from somebody who grew up in a place with high tolls but shitty roads, high taxes but shitty schools, and strict gun laws but tons of murders. All of these rules do nothing but impede law abiding citizens.

>> No.2004872
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>0 results
break them apart and use them for bbq
better yet, make a bed of them
there's a reason nobody uses them for anything else
t. work in warehouse

>> No.2004876

so you never by food from a store because of your city slicker garden lol okay bud

>> No.2004877

not all pallets are recyclable retard

>> No.2005226

you only need 1 acre of property to grow enough food to live on. if you are smart you can get away with a 1/4 acre and have a green house rood top.

>> No.2005525

I use pallets for firewood and keeping maple and alder firewood off the ground.

>> No.2006882


>> No.2006910

I like to use pallets for when I grow plants inside of pots. gives them better drainage not being directly on top of soil and better aeration. they can be set directly on top of the ground or on top of cinderblocks and used as a table.

>> No.2007400

I made an arcade stick out of one of these

>> No.2007404

No, if you're smart you can live on 1 acre in a prime temperate.

>> No.2007541

Don't burn pallets. They are almost always treated with chemicals to slow rot. Unless you want to breathe that shit?

>> No.2007617


>> No.2009186

My friends and I made a bench out of pallets. It was pretty easy as well just needed a saw and nails/hammer. We finished it in a few hours on heroin and weed.

>> No.2010022


>> No.2010026

>who the fuck wants to buy pallets to put in their nice home.
No one. They steal them from pallet return piles.

>> No.2010190

what's that top right?

>> No.2010206

Looks like a set of bed slats from ikea

>> No.2010238

somebody's new

>> No.2010322

>They steal them
This used to happen a lot at our warehouse parking lot. You can't chain them up either because thieves cut the wood. So now we have to keep them on the floor and it sucks.

>> No.2010906

Spray them green and start a competitor to CHEP and LOSCAM

>> No.2011628

Break them down into smaller strips and make knick knacks to sell to hippies as "made from reclaimed lumber"

>> No.2011636
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It depends how much time you want to spend with your pallets

>> No.2012262

aww hes has the retardeds

>> No.2012907

Challenge these guys

>> No.2013273

I made a good looking bench from disassembled pallets. Nails removed, planks planed. Holes filled with filler and sanded to make it even. ABSOLUTELY NOT WORTH MY TIME, I HATE MYSELF

>> No.2013340

>banning a lever

>> No.2014000

Not sure this is the best place, but anyway... Would it be safe to compost these fuckers? I mean not only using pallets to buid the walls of a compost bin, but using pallet sawdust as a brown material in my vermicompost bin.Of course I'm concerned about the chemically treated ones. Would the compost process be powerful enough to kill off all the toxic compounds, if there is any?

>> No.2014001

anything longer than 1 meter

>> No.2014002

Thanks for inspiring me bros. About to try to make a shelf out of pallets. Wish me luck

>> No.2014156

Well shit, If you're in "Northern Canada", it seems you can build a whole house out of the damn things.


>> No.2014166

and those are most certainly not trash and will be missed retard.

>> No.2014381

Some pallets are nice hardwood, sometimes they are mahogany. I manage a tile warehouse and I cut/glue the mahogany ones together to make things on my lathe. I contemplate gluing them all together to make a GIANT cube.

I leave all the extras outside for whoever wants to take them. Usually ladies from the Starbucks next door or an older Guatemalan gentleman.

Check around a tile place, they often have big ash crates that make a nice bin....and nobody wants to deal with them. Doesn't make any sense to bother with saw dust.

>> No.2014393

False. They are either untreated disposable softwood (fast growth pine varieties), or reusable untreated hardwood or semi hardwood (oak, poplar, etc.). Don't burn the plastic ones unless you're already retarded, which seems to be the case anyways.

>> No.2014399

Today I used some leftover fence to make a raised garden bed. The fence was about 20 years old so it looks rustic as fuck.

>> No.2014415

You're wrong. In the USA at least, wooden pallets are commonly treated with methyl bromide (stamp MB) in addition to other routes.
Some countries or jurisdictions even legally require the use of fumigant vs heat treatment in order to be allowed to import goods on these pallets.

The question of how much MB remains in the wood later, or what kind of hazard it really poses for future users is another question...(MB is a gaseous fumigant that, while quite toxic and carcinogenic, is very volatile and tends to evaporate and biodegrade readily)