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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 101 KB, 547x371, Walden-400SF-Hobbitat-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1978835 No.1978835 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't people mind their own business? If I want to build a cuck shed on my property out in the middle of nowhere then why can't I? Muh building codes my ass, it's a fucking shed. No one else is never going to see it but your nosey ass when you walk down my dirt driveway because you couldn't get past my gate with a nice No Trespassing sign on it in your 2018 Ford Explorer.

>> No.1978844

Build a privacy fence and plant shade trees

>> No.1978869
File: 62 KB, 1136x852, 5df272bffd9db22295266cd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your stupid fucking shed has no foundation, it's gonna rot, fall over, and injure you. Then you're gonna get swamped with medical bills, and eventually become a drug addict because of painkillers needed to function. Then you'll attract other disabled druggies, build more sheds, and before you know it the neighborhood is a fucking ghetto. There goes a safe childhood for my kids. That's why I don't mind my own business.

>> No.1978887
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>> No.1978931

Holy mother of based

>> No.1978945

They generally don't have building codes "out in the middle of nowhere". Way to LARP never owning a home.

>> No.1978977

You need to strike first. Go down to the planning office and threaten Karen with rape if she ever talking to you again.

>> No.1979177

There are building codes just about everywhere. Just because you haven't got caught yet doesn't mean a team of clipboard warriors aren't out there and chomping at the bit to give you a bad day.

>> No.1979191

In the real world sheds are not a big deal in geniunely isolated areas or those zoned agricultural. 4chan is autspergtard world where everyone imagines urban ROE applies everywhere and they can't bear to fuck off.
Neither can whiners. OP gives no personal examples and is just trolling.
Serious people know to research THEIR area instead of asking here. All these tiny house threadstarters should be gutshot and left to squirm and bleed out for being annoying.

OP will never be a woman and never build anything.

>> No.1979253

> why can't we all live in slums if we want to.

>> No.1979299

Put a gate on your driveway at the road. Lock it. Code enforcement or whoever isn’t going to get out of their vehicle and spend the whole day hiking up and down your driveway looking for illegal cucksheds.

>> No.1979303

This. I've put up large buildings without pulling any kind of permit at all. 50x100 shop with a 25' wide lean to on the back. Zero permit.

Two 54x150 haysheds, no permit. Another 60x150 hayshed, no permit. Someone does finally notice and they come up and measure it for tax reasons but zero permits were pulled. I plan on throwing up a 50x80 shipping container building here in the next few years and you can bet your ass I won't be getting a permit. Fuck the permit jew.

>> No.1979306

lel this has to be OP samefagging. this is too based.

>> No.1979603

>t. Theodore Kazynsky

>> No.1979612

You left out how he won't be able to pay for his bills and won't be able to get a job so he will forever be a burden on the taxpayers

>> No.1979617

The building dept. does not care what you do on your own property unless they get complaints. A future buyer will care about un-permitted buildings but that just means that your land will only sell for the bare-land value.

>> No.1979622

you can get away with a lot more if it's considered a 'temporary' building; IE no foundation.

>> No.1979643

3103.2 Construction documents. A permit application and
construction documents shall be submitted for each installation
of a temporary structure. The construction documents
shall include a site plan indicating the location of the temporary
structure and information delineating the means of
egress and the occupant load.

>> No.1979649

woah, crazy. what county is that?

>> No.1979651

2018 ICC International Building Code®

>> No.1979655
File: 60 KB, 698x473, ram sheder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lived in my shed for 18 years and drive a Ram with an upside down bed and exhaust stacks. No problems yet.

>> No.1979681

>Why can't people mind their own business?
Depends. I know of people in the USA who say in the area they live they can
build what they want, in rural France I think so long as what ever you are doing isn’t going to collapse on someone else’s property the jfdi, I know people in the U.K. who live in buildings that are better described as ruins. No one wants the start of a favella in or near a town but seems if it’s the countryside and you can keep people out you are fine.

>> No.1979943


1. If you live in an unincorporated rural area there will be no codes because there is no city.Cities and rural areas all exist in counties and are subject to county codes but most rural counties only want septic codes which is understandable since you don't have the right to shit in other people drinking water.

2. If you don't like your city/county code then you know you can VOTE right? We don't just vote for the president. You can vote. You can run for office. You can even get enough people together to vote your area out of the city, make a new city with no codes, become the mayor of hobo shed land and sheriff and you can all live like the faggot hobos you want to where nobody has sex with women ever. Just sad, masturbating childless hobo bums with no women in their hobo sheds.

You're an American, act like you know what that means at least you fucking faggot.

>> No.1979956
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>> No.1979961

build a proper house you fucking retard.

>> No.1979963

Get the fuck out of here with your reddit-think

>> No.1979965

>you know you can VOTE right?
It is now clear to everybody that it doesn't matter who you vote for. The vote is rigged.

>> No.1979966

Democracy doesn't work anyway

>> No.1979974
File: 1.18 MB, 320x240, hmp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to build a cuck shed on my property out in the middle of nowhere
>why can't I
Look into other types of structures

>> No.1979975
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>> No.1979976
File: 1.93 MB, 498x376, bassattack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What democracy. Where is the collective pool of innovation and decision guiding? You really think electing a king is akin to democracy? Fuck this age and its shitty use of words. Just because we dont get stabbed on the streets for gold teeth doesnt mean its the best there ever is and this shitty age is definitly no gold standard for anything

>> No.1979984

While there are building codes pretty much everywhere, in the middle of nowhere there are rarely required building codes if you are just building for yourself/your family, bumfuck rural where ever just does not have the money or resources to send inspectors out on three day hikes to back woods locations to make sure you don't kill yourself. If you want to build a mall or multi family residence, yes there will be building codes and you will be inspected or fucked by the consequences, but they really do not care about you and your cuck shed. The one catch is that if you build in such a location without inspection you could get fucked on resale, you will likely not be able to sell it as a habitable home even if it is a 23 bedroom palace, and the buyers will likely not be able to get a loan or the required insurance, so you do limit your potential sales base. Following the code and paying for the inspectors three day hike does have it's advantages.

Generally the rule of thumb is if you are beyond the reach of emergency services you will have no required building codes if you are building for yourself, you just may get screwed when you finally accept that you are nothing but a larper who can not live without modern conveniences.

>> No.1979987

not your problem comrade. Fuck off. that's all part of that freedom thing you faggots hate so much.

>> No.1979991

I don't understand how you don't understand that yes it's everybody's problem

>> No.1980031 [DELETED] 

hate to break it to ya but the nazis were tools of the jews. got them a free country, holocaust guilt credit for life and millions and millions of dead whites

>> No.1980032 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 850x446, 1477815486464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a seething disinfo kike. Saged and reported. Kill yourself, KIKE.

>> No.1980037 [DELETED] 

ok so prove me wrong brainlet

lets hear your rebuttal. the jews got everything they wanted.

kinda thinking you are the kike here desu

>> No.1980038
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1604146218327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possible KIKE discord raid detected. proceeding to sage the thread and dispense swastikas

>> No.1980039 [DELETED] 

sounds like you can't refute it so you just reeeeeee

>> No.1980040 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 960x720, 1608157304819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1980041 [DELETED] 

lol dont let them talk, they might btfo our brainwashed hitler-posting!

>> No.1980043 [DELETED] 

go on, refute it

you cant, so you divert. classic kikery

>> No.1980044
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>> No.1980045
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>> No.1980046 [DELETED] 

>m-muh based hitler

he was a bodyguard for marxists. nazi germany russia and usa were all financed by the same kike bankers. but you only learn your history from memes so you wouldnt know that

>> No.1980047
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>> No.1980048 [DELETED] 

still not hearing a counter argument, probably because there isnt one.

kike shill.

>> No.1980049 [DELETED] 

not even an attempt. fucking sad.
not earning any sheckels this way, moshe

>> No.1980050
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>> No.1980051
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>> No.1980052 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 660x883, 1607274936408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on kike, refute me instead of just posting swastikas

>> No.1980054
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>> No.1980055 [DELETED] 

youre a swastika posting brainlet

totally brainwashed by kikes if youre not one yourself

wake the fuck up retard

>> No.1980056
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>> No.1980057 [DELETED] 

weakest kike shill i have ever encountered. must be a dysgenic israeli or something

>> No.1980058
File: 2.02 MB, 1250x1246, 1604901989417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1980059 [DELETED] 

nobody has any counter argument eh? easy w

>> No.1980060 [DELETED] 

oh noes not another swastika jeeze guess i must be wrong!

>> No.1980061
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>> No.1980062 [DELETED] 

go ahead post another one kike

fucking prove me wrong

protip you cant. you hortler posting retards have had your day, some of the poltards have figured it out. good luck baiting us into another brother war

>> No.1980063
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>> No.1980064 [DELETED] 

you should quit the team. I've spoken to women who were more formidable than you. too afraid to even speak

>> No.1980065
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>> No.1980066 [DELETED] 

fucking christ youre even an embarassment to jews. which is saying something

>> No.1980067
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>> No.1980068 [DELETED] 
File: 399 KB, 680x367, 1604854213273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmhmm look i can low effort post images too

>> No.1980069
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>> No.1980071 [DELETED] 
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what a retard

>> No.1980072 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 395x449, 1608252026951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no please dont post another swastika how will my argument ever recover

stupid kike

>> No.1980073 [DELETED] 

now why would a jewish run imageboard be constantly posting hitler worship


>> No.1980074
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>> No.1980076
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>> No.1980077 [DELETED] 


no intelligence at all

if youre not a kike shill and just a brainwashed frogposter i urge you to look at the subject matter more closely. you are subverted. wake the fuck up

>> No.1980078
File: 388 KB, 1280x1536, 1597596963921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1980080 [DELETED] 

14 is based

88 is not

learn the difference, it could save millions and millions of white lives

>> No.1980081
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>> No.1980082
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>> No.1980083 [DELETED] 
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>get the fuck out, you're disrupting our spell!

>> No.1980086 [DELETED] 
File: 993 KB, 851x807, 1605629520356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shhhhhh you'll wake the goyim! Nothing to see here heil hitler!

fucking retard. youre playing right into their plan, same as WWII

those who dont know their history are ACTIVELY REPEATING IT

>> No.1980087
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>> No.1980088 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1605784226518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be ashamed of your ignorance. if you only understood the kike strat you'd see that youre doing just what they want

>> No.1980089
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>> No.1980090
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>> No.1980092 [DELETED] 

pretty fucking weak dude. anything to say or you just gonna sit there posting swastikas as you ignore the doubt creeping in

>> No.1980093
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>> No.1980095
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>> No.1980096 [DELETED] 

probably a kike or he'd be at least interested to hear about this or look into it.

but no he just sticks swastikas in his ears and yells LALALALALALALALA CANT HEAR YOU, HAIL HITLER DURRRRRR

>> No.1980097 [DELETED] 

you poltards are so historically illiterate youre going to get more whites killed for your blind fanaticism. worked in the 30's just like its working now

>> No.1980099 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1980100
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>> No.1980102

Um hello sweety, it’s everybody’s problem. You can’t do that because you might get injured. That’s
damaging government property if you get injured, you won’t be able to pay taxes.

>> No.1980103 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1980104
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>> No.1980105 [DELETED] 

this has to be a kike

no effort to discuss or find out the truth of the matter, just mindless swastika posting. KYS fucking zionist swine. unsubtle and frankly pretty retarded which is on point for kikes

>> No.1980106
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>> No.1980107
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>> No.1980109 [DELETED] 

what an absolute brainlet

>> No.1980110 [DELETED] 

nope. i say you are a zionist stooge. and you def are not the only one. pull that bolshevik circumcised dick out of your mouth, maybe a little oxygen will help you put 2+2 together

>> No.1980111
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>> No.1980113
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>> No.1980114
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>> No.1980115 [DELETED] 

gigachad would know his history well enough not to dickride the jewish implement of world domination

unlike yourself

>> No.1980116
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>> No.1980118 [DELETED] 

LOL you are literally shitposting sticks and totally devoid of arguments

god your self awareness is pathetic

>> No.1980119
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>> No.1980120 [DELETED] 

you have to be the most pathetic /pol tard of them all. you'd be laughed out of any serious thread for your utter lack of any rebuttal. antifa-tier iq

>> No.1980122 [DELETED] 

my respect for you has been depleted, it's clear you are a kike, or unsalvageably subverted. wasting my time trying to steer you to the truth. see you in /nsg retard

>> No.1980123
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>> No.1980125
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>> No.1980126 [DELETED] 

like trying to debate a nigger

it's UH time for the UH 4th reich UH heil hitler UH

>> No.1980128
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>> No.1980130 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 612x587, 1589520831013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lord he is a trumptard
or kike.
yup this ones done. into the ovens you go

>> No.1980131
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>> No.1980134
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>> No.1980136
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>> No.1980138
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>> No.1980140
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>> No.1980142
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>> No.1980143
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>> No.1980146
File: 22 KB, 1920x1152, flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1980156

Based, fucks here are turning entire neighbourhoods into favelas with illegal basement apartments, extensions, and cuck sheds that they rent out

>> No.1980173

Interesting that the stinky nazer position doesn't delineate any solutions to those issues. Why would I want stormfaggots to have their say in my heritage, property, and people any more than communist soiguzzlers or capitalist queers?

>> No.1980174

I spend most of my time in dictionaries (and grew up with dictionaries) to see how the world has becomen more rotten; English has been dead for 1000 years after the Norman Conquest and is not productive in other than compound words and slang; professionals in Commonwealth steal words from other languages, mistranslated, and misapply them amids English talk. E.g. dog does not mean doghouse yet psycho is expected to mean psychopath and pedo pedophile. These lackwits cannot respect word boundaries nor the roots' meanings. Pædo- doesn't mean child-; it means kid-. Literally it refers to someone who is fed and shares a root with father and food. A child is someone born, to a parent, a son or dauhter. A grownup is a child. A teen is a child but not a kid. Child in Hellènic is tecno. A filo is a friend and filia means friendship; it has nothing to do with sex. Contrast with erastia which means lovership, eros for love, erastès for lover, and eromenos for beloved. The substantive in a compound goes first. Therefore a pædofilo is a kidfriend, a kid who is a friend (after boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.); someone who loves kids is a erastopædia. Like in English, Hellènic doesn't distinguish between love of mind and body and context is important to determine a word's meaning. If you consider the literal meanings of words your world uses, you'd know how twisted, absurd, and perverted it is, and may think of better, narrower terms that befit the subject more.

>> No.1980176 [DELETED] 
File: 597 KB, 800x800, 1603224299903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a seething kike. Saged and reported. Kill yourself, KIKE

>> No.1980521

Op here, what the hell happened to my thread?

>> No.1980579
File: 38 KB, 600x600, DIY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1980824

Based and future Walmart shooter pilled

>> No.1980827

>upside down bed
Y tho

>> No.1980834


>> No.1981113

I agree with you. Back in the day that's how it was too

>> No.1981114

Corny Soros psyop still on?

>> No.1981115 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1981116 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1981118 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1981120 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1981123 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1981124 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 2480x3508, ac99657cc56ba2d2f9c8a530c18f2a7e76da74eb27a37e24fd5b31d98e115f65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1981126

>make a new city with no codes, become the mayor of hobo shed land and sheriff and you can all live like the faggot hobos you want to where nobody has sex with women ever.
literally 4chan land inarnate

>> No.1982216

You don't shoot trespassers?

>> No.1982226

the "give up your land" section of the capitalists doesn't make sense

also the nazi shit doesn't offer any position. just implies, if you dont like these two bads, you must take this third and only other option.

>> No.1982293


>> No.1982423

Permits started good where a master builder discussed your project and gave you pointers for a small fee to continue his operations. It has sinced morphed into a cash grab where the city is hostile to the community members and doesnt realize they serve them. Creates a situation where you can throw cash around and get things built not up to code because its cheaper to hired unskilled laborers that throw shit up not to code. Enjoy your mortgage on your shit mcmansion as it falls apart.

>> No.1982445

>you can throw cash around and get things built not up to code
That’s always been true. Dumb.

>> No.1983549

Stop having your wife Karen telling you what to post you dickless bastard.

>> No.1983929
File: 69 KB, 780x585, 55f36df35da1f_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you live in 1 world cunt that has rules.
Fags like you belong in the slums of shit tier cunts, you fucking mental gypsy.
Pic related.
Based. I built a tiny hut in my garden and give zero fucks what tardbabies from board dedicated to making glass beads necklaces think of me.

>> No.1983935

I swear to God whenever I see a shit pit like this I can't help but think "where are the rest of the pictures of the an-hero from the police report."

>> No.1983964

Did I mention this shitbit is a new apartment block built by taxpayers money and given to gypsies?

>> No.1984379

Because nit picking leads to more bullshit useless jobs which lead to more people with spending money which leads to the economy not crashing quite as fast as it ordinarily would.

>> No.1984577

Don't hate until you read his paper hombre. The guy was decades ahead

>> No.1986253

maybe and he was genius smart.. but he was a criminal sociopath

>> No.1986256

It becomes my problem when you hippies vote for my taxes to finance your health care and mortgage.

>> No.1986456

It got what it deserved and like all cuckshed threads needed swasticky chemo because it's fucking cancer and you knew it was cancer yet cancered cancerously.
Now go cook some imitation crab meat and enjoy the show.

>> No.1987764

He's only considered a sociopath because he didn't succeed in changing people's views. We could do with someone like him now.

>> No.1987799

Can I lick your boot sir? Thank you for keeping me safe and saving my life sir. Oh how damaged would I be if m’lord left me to my own devices

>> No.1987804
File: 99 KB, 640x425, 96B045D2-ED20-4424-AA89-9C802C6D5B08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small-scale very rural farmsteads
>uninhabited wilderness

>monocrop megafarms

>> No.1987832

Go back to /pol/ you hopeless wrenchlet dunning kruger faggot

Post toolbox

>> No.1988013

That image is a response to the general concept of their being only capitalism and communism. Give up your land does make sense because the end stage of capitalism is just corporate jew renting economy.

>> No.1988290


>> No.1988314

Because the state needs to tell you what to do and levy taxes out of all your activities.

>> No.1988329

They use satellite photography

>> No.1988426

And how are they going to tell the difference in a small rectangle seen on a satellite photo between a storage shed (no permit needed), a carport (no permit needed) an RV (no permit needed) and OP's cabin?

You're just repeating some bullshit you heard. Same with the "They're flying drones around to find your cabin!" people..... Half the landmass of the USA is counties that have a handful of boomers at the most as their building enforcement/tax assessor department. And a lot of places don't even have that.

>> No.1988454

>how are they going to tell the difference
Small rectangles such as sheds are only allowed as accessory structures. So if there is no large house nearby, then they know that you are polluting the water supply.

>> No.1989279

>land of the free

>> No.1989302

>building codes
>in the middle of nowhere
Every time I hear this, it's always some fag looking to build a shit shack like 20 minutes from a major town.

Try going to a county with a total pop. of 4K, you will find out quickly there really aren't any codes you have to follow because there's no one there to
>enforce them
>care about what you do
>or even really know you are there

>> No.1989447

Feels good that in my area permits aren't required to build the main residence or any accessory building or dig your own septic field.

>> No.1989620

I did reqd his paper. He's an idiot.
People like you - uneducated and of low intelligence - always fall for guys like him.
All those fans of neo-primitivism make me laugh.

>> No.1990064

in what way was he an idiot, be specific.

>> No.1990072
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x2560, p1040231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Brazil, you can build whatever you want without cuck regulations.

>> No.1990075

Post more Ram pics, which are kino DIY.

>> No.1990084

This is actually horrifying. Like, I'm scared just looking at the picture.

>> No.1990232

I am both impressed and terrified.

>> No.1990240

>Everyone who disagrees with me is stupid.
Do you have a real argument?

>> No.1990727

Codes are fine but do not have the force of law unless specific, local laws so direct. That's why I tell people to research THEIR situation.
All assertions are testable or they're shit, so test.

>> No.1990733

It can go wrong sometimes.

>> No.1991382

Just build it on a frame with wheels
If it's a vehicle trailer they can't do shit

>> No.1991392

>in rural France I think so long as what ever you are doing isn’t going to collapse on someone else’s property the jfdi
This is wrong. Lots of mayors don't want to attract hippies and if you have hippie-like housing (like a yurt for example) without a permit the mayors will tell you to fuck off.
Source: https://www.bastamag.net/habitat-leger-choisi-ecologique-reversible-yourte-paillourte-cabanoiseau-alternative-logement-freinee-par-des-maires-sherifs

>> No.1991408

Because then over time all private land would be developed with houses and shit. There'll be no countryside left.

Density and building in cities/towns/villages is good, because alternative is massive sparsity and sprawl which ruins the landscape.

If you value wilderness and countryside, then you will appreciate why planners cannot let you build anywhere.

>> No.1992276

>Just build it on a frame with wheels
>If it's a vehicle trailer they can't do shit

famous last words

>> No.1992452

Worst case scenario they tow the trailer and send you to County for a mental health workup.

>> No.1992513

>a mental health workup
How was it?

>> No.1992518

You also failed to mention laws vary.

Every one of you here who has not actually DONE this stuff in quantity with success in the real world should STFU. Larpers should be gassed. Don't make shit up and never have an opinion on a subject you have not MASTERED. When you've not mastered a subject, find those who have and study them to filter their fuckups and cherrypick their wise choices.

Tiny houseshit attracts many poorfag failures (if you're not a cripple or retarded yet still manage to be poor, you chose to suck too bad so sad). Ignore them and copy success.

>> No.1992522

Kill your neighbors

>> No.1992532

Stayed two nights at a decent hotel. Got $185 plus $355 in food stamps and a jar of antidepressants, which I was able to trade for an almost full 30-pak of Natural ice. Next time I got picked up my caseworker says I got approved for $2900 per month in benefits. Would do again.

>> No.1992540

You’re forgetting that here in America our cities and “towns” are filled with spics and niggers that make life miserable and will rape and kill your wife and children without warning.

>> No.1992541
File: 19 KB, 220x165, happy serb noises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ou need to strike first.
Pre-emptive rape,...
Really the only solution.

>> No.1992568

>You’re forgetting that here in America our cities and “towns” are filled with spics and niggers
Are the mexicans and other latinos that bad in your area? I live in a run-down trailer park that used to be full of white trash until a few mexicans moved in, then white flight took over and now it's like 70 mexican families plus a few from other latin america hell holes, with one or two white or black stalwarts like myself, and it's more peaceful now than before. Plus the vast majority seem to have stable families with kids and a few grand parents. I'm not saying they're all saints, but I feel safer now than I did when the white assholes lived here and got visited by the sheriff every few months.

>> No.1993094

>If I want to build a cuck shed on my property out in the middle of nowhere then why can't I? Muh building codes my ass, it's a fucking shed.
Problem is a legal stand point. If any random jackass is allowed to just build whatever the fuck they want on their property, you have to grant those same allowances to everyone, and that also includes the super corps like Eastman, or Boeing, or Walmart, and etc.

>> No.1993129


I see you've still got the ram ornament on the hood.

Please tell me everything about your life, specifically how the bed is attached, and how comfy the shack is

>> No.1994652

If it's under 100 square feet in most places you do not need a permit. If you build it on a trailer bed, you don't need a permit.

>> No.1994673

The bed is installed on 2x2 angle iron, welded, as a fuck you to a PO who is a girl we call Heels. What I can't show you are the renderers, biodiesel reactors, stills, or the generators. And there is even more shit that I can't even say. Am I as fulfilled as a city dweller I don't know but we are completely self sufficient.

>> No.1994681
File: 121 KB, 800x536, 1595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to build a larp castle.

My country is byroslavia full of restrictions and fuckyou-permits.