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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 67 KB, 960x1280, Funk007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1967605 No.1967605 [Reply] [Original]

"Fire up the generator and call across the pond for toilet paper" edition
Old Thread: >>1957080

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

The FAQ is now back:

>Idiot's Guide to Coax Cable

>Looking for frequencies to monitor near you?

>Basic Rx loop fundamentals

>DIY SWL Mag. Loop

>Small Tx Loop

>In Depth Loop articles

>Online Practice Tests:

> Real-Time Propagation Data

>Space Weather

>WSJT-X 2.1 User Guide

>FT8 operating guide


>how do I into Morse code in a good way?

>> No.1967607

>Ham radio is too orthodox and has failed in borrowing 30 years of mobile phone technology. The first one to do that will have success
What do you suggest? Assigning everyone a number associated with real identity? Make radios dependent on high-density infrastructure?

>> No.1967709

>has failed in borrowing 30 years of mobile phone technology
It's there for non-professionals to screw around and experiment with. It's not competing with any commercial service. It's for autists and nerds who like to tinker, sprinkled with competitive weirdos, trolls, and various rescue LARPers.

>> No.1967788

>What do you suggest?
Borrow some tech from mobile tech such as
- more use of DSP
- better use of bandwidth with better coding schemes
- use channel estimation in adapting coding schemes
- more compact electronics
- beamforming
I am sure thee are other things too
>Assigning everyone a number associated with real identity?
No, we already have call signs.
>Make radios dependent on high-density infrastructure?
Quite to the contrary, I want the tech in the hands of hams so you can use DX without any infrastructure. Sure, ham satellite and relays are nice but that should never be a limiting factor.

>> No.1967857

>more use of DSP
As is happening since SDRs became a thing.
>better use of bandwidth with better coding schemes
You'll unlikely ever be able to transmit voice the way FT8 works for extreme DX.
>use channel estimation in adapting coding schemes
OK, I don't know the existing protocols well enough.
>more compact electronics
You couldn't build a 5W cell phone as compact as a network-dependent one.
There are HF antennas that can do that via phase-shift.
>No, we already have call signs.
Anon, I...
>I want the tech in the hands of hams

>> No.1967866
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let me tell you all about my prostate.
it all started...

>> No.1967881

Great, you cunts. I just ordered a President Barry II and a Sirio Signal Keeper antenna. Will get that stuff for christmas from my parents and my in-laws.
Tell me I did good. I wanna shitpost on CB.

Also: FM or AM?

>> No.1967898

Godspeed, anon. May the Tex-Mex truckers kneel before your echo mic.
Austrian CB is most if not all FM. There's a local group on 36 USB too on some evenings.

>> No.1967899

every fucking time I manage to pick up a ham band
why do they all do this

>> No.1967901

>May the Tex-Mex truckers kneel
They wont hear me Aus-buddy, I'm in Germany
> your echo mic
What's that mean? Is the mic shitty and produces echoes?

>> No.1967907

>What's that mean? Is the mic shitty and produces echoes?
Yes, but it's an actual built-in effect and people buy that on purpose.

>> No.1968033
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>>more use of DSP
>As is happening since SDRs became a thing.
I was a bit ambiguous here: yes SDRs use digital signal processing but they do not use digital signal processors. It was the latter I had in mind when I wrote DSP. Yes, they use SIMD in ARM processors but using a dedicated DSP chip is more efficient and uses far less power, which is important for QRP. You could use the VideoCore in RPi but it is awkward and also CV6 on RPi4 is not properly documented, only VC4 in RPi3 is.
>>better use of bandwidth with better coding schemes
>You'll unlikely ever be able to transmit voice the way FT8 works for extreme DX.
You probably could but that was not what I had in mind. Text and images (like SSTV) is more interesting.
>>use channel estimation in adapting coding schemes
>OK, I don't know the existing protocols well enough.
The more advanced ALE protocols might do some channel estimation, but I don't think any ham protocols do. Mobile phone protocols have done this for decades, same with WIFI.
>>more compact electronics
>You couldn't build a 5W cell phone as compact as a network-dependent one.
I think a 1W HF radio could be made in a phone form factor. The Pixie is tiny and relies only on very limited integration. A DDS with a mixer like 602 would go a long way.
>There are HF antennas that can do that via phase-shift.
At least the ones I looked at had very limited angular resolution and rely on set phase shifts rather than FFT. You could use trombones but I don't think that has been done outside military DF systems similar to pic. related.
>>No, we already have call signs.
>Anon, I...
What did you have in mind?
>>I want the tech in the hands of hams
I think a HF QRP set the size of a slightly thick mobile phone could bring in new people to the hobby and add more innovations.

>> No.1968058

>I think a HF QRP set the size of a slightly thick mobile phone could bring in new people to the hobby and add more innovations.
Won't take too long until we see that on the market.

>> No.1968122

There's not enough bandwidth saturation to warrant the need for this. The only time the bands are full are during contests. Even then, you can still find space.

>> No.1968126

This what? I mentioned several things so I am not entirely sure which part you are addressing?

>> No.1968129

This is a mono band CW transceiver
No, small is nice but Tx on the HF bands isn't going to come from an iPhone any time soon. Antennas aren't going to magically be made tiny and super efficient either.
Channels, bandwidth sharing. Do you not understand what you're spitting out?

>> No.1968134

I'd like to buy a Baofeng UV10R for $40. Yes, $40, because:
- an SSTV receiver only requires some firmware and a $3 display. Add in some $5 camera component (you don't have to be megapixels) and you can transmit as well. C'mon, Baofeng, you can do it
- APRS tx/rx only requires some firmware and a $10 GPS receiver
- add $1 components for a couple pins to connect a straight CW key and a serial/USB port for packet radio
- add $6 components to listen 27, 50, 70 MHz bands and SSB, even if it's only receive mode
- add extra firmware for wsjtx and fldigi, even if it's only receive mode
- no, we don't need moar watts. We need a better stock antenna.

>> No.1968201

The FAQ doesn't load

>> No.1968236

>The FAQ doesn't load
My bad, I also don't have the archive link. Perhaps another anon can help.

>> No.1968251

>Channels, bandwidth sharing.
Read again, I never mentioned bandwidth sharing. I discussed channel estimation.
>Do you not understand what you're spitting out?
I do. I have worked on parts of these things for a few years. My employers and clients like to think I have an idea. And as I mentioned, I discussed several points but you never put your question in context.

The wiki is down but is archived: https://archive.is/PjR5s

>> No.1968257

Nobody who buys those radios wants to seriously do this. They are marketed toward military/law enforcement LARPers, chicken littles, and penny pinchers. The shit you want to do requires more than a palm sized HT with shitty chink code.

>> No.1968265
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>My employers and clients like to think I have an idea.
My bad, I didn't realize I was dealing with Good Will Hunting, radio edition. Please, continue to discuss how you can push commercialization of amateur radio, oh gifted telecommunications man.

>> No.1968289

>discuss how you can push commercialization of amateur radio
Your reading comprehension was bad. Now it is getting worse. I never said anything about commersialization, you did.

The second point which you also utterly fail to grasp, is that I am not gifted, rather I am talking about tech that has been routine for 20+ years. Or do think you have to be "gifted" to put pen to paper? It is the same level of tech. This is plain undergrad stuff. In fact the problem is in spuds like you that think this is stuff for "gifted telecommunication" men and then, with zero grounding in reality, go on and blather about your complete misunderstanding and failure to acquire even basic knowledge. People like you hold the rest back.

>> No.1968311
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>it's so cool that you were just born with all that badass knowledge and was never an amature or biginner before. But please just get the fuck out, faggot

>> No.1968419
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>I'm in Germany
This you?

001 South Africa has been all over eastern USA on ssb today.

>> No.1968599

You're getting nearly as bad as hammer

>> No.1969562

>The wiki is down but is archived: https://archive.is/PjR5s
Thanks, I'll include it in the next OP.

>> No.1969831
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too early..

>> No.1969867
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Got a QSL from an OM with the shakes. Can anyone help decipher this line?
>PS what kind of ant(?)
>mine part(?) 1__v

>> No.1969892
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>Working on HAM license
>Read somewhere you can use WiFi bands for HAM stuff
>Read some news and apparently 3Ghz is off limits for HAMs now
For what purpose, FCC-chan

>> No.1969908

Some home brew thing named after someone's call like G4RV. Maybe he means partial g4rv.

I am sure he will be happy to get a QSL from you. eQSL's are lame.

>> No.1970001

>OM with the shakes
More likely he is blind.

>> No.1970054

We can still get a face full of Carrington yet.

>> No.1970062

I'm absolutely going to write him back - it was a quick 160M domestic contact. He even included a SASE envelope. He has never used LoTW. Not going to check eQSL.
I won't dox him, but he's a very successful elderly man. If blind, that'd be a new issue. My money is on early Parkinson's.

>> No.1970064
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Maybe the end is 'inv' for inverted.
The middle is, and may always be, a mystery. His QRZ shows a 1/2 wavelength w/ traps. I can see a 1/2 and a wavelength symbol in the middle word.

>> No.1970067
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>> No.1970078 [DELETED] 

That's where the good best contacts live. Also a weirdly large amount of people involved in some form or another with lighthouses.

>> No.1970079

That's where the best contacts live. Also a weirdly large amount of people involved in some form or another with lighthouses.

>> No.1970082

just use military frequency 1.8ghz anon

>> No.1970086

include anon efforts to decode message and how you had to contact an artificial intelligence for help in this topic

>> No.1970102

>involved in some form or another with lighthouses
Is this part of the gentlemanly style?

>> No.1970113
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>> No.1970558

My on old post

Looking for simple receiver circuit.
For 40m or 80m , with no tuning required. I would construct this one, but no supplier has for 28.322Mhz TXCO locally. PLL would work. But it also depends on local invertory.
does anyone has smth in their books?

TX for CW would be awesome. I guess I could use one transistor tx for this mission.

I have SDR but it starts 70Mhz, So simple upconverter would help as well.

But the thing is that no tuning equipment exist at hand.

Its smthg to do while outside city (cuz COV numbers are off the chart here).

>> No.1970562

>For 40m or 80m , with no tuning required. I would construct this one, but no supplier has for 28.322Mhz TXCO locally. PLL would work. But it also depends on local invertory.
$5 Arduino Nano clone, $3 Si5351 board, $1 rotary encoder. Then it can be any frequency you want up to about the 6m band.

>> No.1970575

TV-ham anon from >>1961769
I've located all the channels of value in my area and determined they're all coming from one location The 600mHz allocation was indeed sold off to cell services this summer, but I can't find anything about 700mHz. I imagine it'll eventually fall as well.
Channel : freq
3: 63,
11: 201,
15: 479,
16: 485,
21: 515,
24: 533,
28: 557,
32: 581,
############## depreciated FCC Repack
41: 635,
50: 689,
58: 737,
68: 797
UHF TV Yagi at the top of the chimney suffice?

>> No.1970612

>but I can't find anything about 700mHz. I imagine it'll eventually fall as well.

>UHF TV Yagi at the top of the chimney suffice?
No. You have a VHF-lo (3) and a a VHF-hi (11) listed.
Is channel 3 really on channel 3 or is it just displaying channel 3? Because with DTV they can be broadcasting on physical channel 24 but keeping "Channel 3" for branding reasons.

>> No.1970632
File: 6 KB, 166x174, 123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy cow, anon. That's a great help and resource. 3 doesn't equal 3.
I have 2 vhf 183 and 201 mHz and ufh from 473 to 593.

>> No.1970641

>Looking for simple receiver circuit.

>> No.1970647

>2 VHF
I'm excluding 6 as it's a Spanish channel in a different direction.
I think I'll get a commercial TV VHF/UHF and play with tuning it with the NanoVNA.
If it wasn't a gift, I'd totally build my own

>> No.1970657

So you need an antenna that does VHF-hi and UHF. The most common. Shit gets hard if you need VHF-Lo.

If repack is done and you plan on using amps then make sure you get an LTE trap

If it really is all in one direction then something like this might work if you are not in the fringe.

Stay away from those meme antennas with built in pre-amps. Do you really want to be climbing the roof and replacing them everytime they get btfo by lightning?

>> No.1970663
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Thanks, anon. I was eyeing the RCA yagi, but the stealth of the channelmaster is perfect. A filter was on the shopping list. I'm on the fence about a pre-amp. I think we'll set all this up and see if it's needed.
I hope you have an amazing rest of the year.

>> No.1970688

I just updated the pastebin for Morse courses & tools again, for the next OP.

>> No.1970704
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>I'm on the fence about a pre-amp.
If you are not in the fringe then amps are only needed if you have a lot of TVs.
I would do this
>Hook antenna directly to 1 tv
>do channel scan and note how many channels
>put splitter in and hook up rest of TVs
>if Channels are lost then you need amp
>if no channels are lost then no amp needed
2 way splitter is going to cut your signal in half. 2 way 3.5ish db
4 way 7db
So if you put in a 4way splitter then you only want amp gain of ~7db to make up the loss. Lots of people think more is always better but that is not the case with RX amps. 1 strong signal will end up overloading and desensing your receiver to the weaker ones.
I have had good luck with the higher end channel master stuff and for distribution amps I like Antenna direct.
And don't forget to terminate unused ports snug down all connections. LTE phones and cheap powersupply spurs play hell with DTV when they leak in to the distribution system.

>> No.1970760
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Anyone else work Bermuda 2 months ago and awaiting him to upload?

>> No.1970850

Here is a discussion that mirrors this root cause in the Elecraft mailing list:
Essentially the K4 has a small Linux computer and some DSP capacity. It would be interesting to add specific apps to this but the Elecraft dudes are rather vague.
There might be a K4x but then again uSDX might corner that market before they get there.

>> No.1970871
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wwyd? Move 30&40M into range?

>> No.1970872
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I can see the attraction, tall structures and nice ground plane. So after a nice 5 course dinner, it is an hour or so with high speed Morse code on a full length antenna on 160 m, before retreating for some cognac by the fire place.
I am planning to buy a new house, it simply must have a tower.

>> No.1970882

What antenna type is it and what band do you want to use most?

>> No.1970954

Not expect a single antenna to be resonant across the entire HF band.

>> No.1970981

Press the TUNE button on my autotuner hihi

>> No.1971040

FAK i just found treasure :https://www.qsl.net/va3iul/Homebrew_RF_Circuit_Design_Ideas/Homebrew_RF_Circuit_Design_Ideas.htm

>> No.1971191
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Hey y'all quick sanity check:

I don't trim my dipole to tune it. I "trim" it by turning back the extra bit of wire against the antenna, and then just give it a little tape job at a couple points to keep it neat.

I also don't use insulators. I just tie my wire to the nylon rope that I use as my guy line.

Before you ask, I do qrp so I'm not concerned about starting a fire or anything because I don't have insulators. Oh also maybe I should mention that it's an inverted-V, so I don't worry about water running down from the guy lines onto the end of my antenna.

Am I a nigger?

>> No.1971196

Looks great to me if you're doing cw. If not, then yeah you don't have much bandwidth to work with on all those bands.

>> No.1971206

You're describing letter by letter my setup, and I think it's perfectly fine. I also don't cut trim wires because who knows when and where I need the antenna next.

>> No.1971215
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Amen Brother.

>> No.1971301

>Oh also maybe I should mention that it's an inverted-V, so I don't worry about water running down from the guy lines onto the end of my antenna.

I cant think better

>> No.1972427

I'll add this one to the FAQ.

>> No.1972461

Thanks, anon. You've been a tremendous help. They have a larger house, but only use 2 TVs. I made a coax tester, so maybe I can weed out all the incoming spaghetti.
I also have the task of adding a cable box, but that shouldn't be too difficult as long as they aren't looking over my shoulder.

>> No.1972465

>The wiki is down but is archived: https://archive.is/PjR5s
>I just updated the pastebin for Morse courses & tools again, for the next OP.
>I'll add this one to the FAQ.

Makes 3 things to add for the next OP, reminder.

>> No.1972496
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>$1,111 and climbing
What is going on?!

>> No.1972518

>but only use 2 TVs.
So I would go
Antenna -> lte filter -> 2 way splitter -> TVs
Get a quality splitter with the ground screw on it and ground it per your local code. Make sure all your connectors are quality and snug.

Put the lte filter right on the input leg of the 2 way. A completely passive system is the most reliable. As long as it is good RG6 cable and not old rg59 then the size of the house shouldn’t matter much.

>> No.1972560

I thought this had PA prone to burn out.

>> No.1972630

It was released 19 years ago and is selling for more than an IC-7300 and about to reach an IC-705.
Just when I start to think I understand this hobby, something like this breaks my mind.

>> No.1972659
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>Old equipment selling for more than new equipment? Nothing old can ever be better than something new, that's unpossible!
>Also, eBay always has rational bidders willing to stop bidding at reasonable times.
>t. Ralph the zoomer

>> No.1972677

I have the 817. Great little made in Japan rig. Looks like he’ll because it’s spent lots of time in backpacks but works great. All mode HF through 440. Perfect for carry in QRP.

>> No.1972680

Grab the SOTABEAMS DSP filter for it, the rig goes from great to excellent.

>> No.1972681

Not him >>1972677, but I have the 817ND, thanks.

>> No.1972689
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How epically will my 5/8 wavelength 160M top loaded coil vertical wire antenna fail?

>> No.1972703

How epic is the tower in your backyard?

>> No.1972718
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Maybe one day. Now it's just as impressive as my sex life

>> No.1972721

Been thinking of the bhi module.

>> No.1972750
File: 69 KB, 524x297, 0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to tune it for 160, but 30 is ok

>> No.1972753

You're lucky, my fan dipole I can't tune for 160, I can get it to <1.2 on 80 and 40 though.

>> No.1972765

Good luck finding one that's reasonable in cost. I use a Timewave DSP 9+ with mine, in addition to having a Collins SSB filter installed.

>> No.1972836

Getting close:

>> No.1972894

Made out of the city,
have some 2n2222 transistors at my disposal, mission is to make 80m or 40m receiver
superb mission to make a CW contact.
Will not leave till i mission complete
ill keep you updated

>> No.1972916

shes great reporter

>> No.1972932

Imagine she would have noticed too late on her recording space weather-themed OF content.
>I-it's a new thing f-for Patreon

>> No.1972944

It cant imagine thing like that, its non of my business, she is working in this field, she is lecturer at some uni. Im happy that she did report. Its my responsibility to inform my self, thats why people have couple information channels.

>> No.1972953

It's also your responsibility to lighten up a bit, man. It's a great video, but you're also on a devious Galician post-it literature bulletin board.

>> No.1972972

I guess you are right this board is autonomous for some part. So no still ill not imagine if she would not report.

>> No.1973275
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>if she would not report
>You're a 59 plus 20 over here thank you
>Your report please?
>Your report?

>> No.1973279

thats what i call second info source

>> No.1973305

>Station calling?
>Station calling?
>ok, ok. You're a 59 too. Great signal.
>Uuuuuh. copy that, 73. Save safe. QRZ?

>> No.1973344
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is this legit? will sticking some wires into a plank actually make signal go farther?
Also do the wires need to be some specific length or is it longer = more distance?

>> No.1973397

>longer = more distance?
You've discovered the secret to radio.

>> No.1973399

It'll give you directionality and gain which will work out to more range
>Also do the wires need to be some specific length or is it longer = more distance?
They need to be the appropriate length for the frequency you're using, search for Yagi calculators.

>> No.1973405

thanks so i assume yagi radiates in a cone, does that mean if i add more segments, since base yagi has 3 wires, so more segments will make the signal cone thinner but also give more distance?

>> No.1973406

and telegraphy

>> No.1973556

It's like that polite "599 5nn tu" you get in CW contests just to get rid of you quickly...

>> No.1973566

Yagi antenna is a thing, yes

>> No.1973571

Yes, I think you can stack that up to +18 (or 36?) dB gain and directionality of course increases in proportion.
Use a Yagi calculator as he >>1973399

>> No.1973650
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>longer = more distance

Please lord I hope that you misunderstood what this first anon was asking and are not actually saying that a yagi could be made more efficent with longer elements.

>> No.1973693

are you dumb or something?

If you add a longer barrel to a gun it allows the bullet to accelerate more due to the gasses pushing on it longer.

Same with an antenna, if the wire is longer, the signal radiation will accelerate to higher speed and thus travel farther distances

this is literally radiology 101

>> No.1973702

Has anyone had success with a top loaded 160M coil?
I can't tune this for the life of me. I started off with 450microHenries, but it wasn't near resonate, so I kept going. I spent all day slowly unwinding and cutting without success.

>> No.1973756
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Unless you make the barrel too long and it drags the bullet down because the gasses arent accelerating the bullet anumore.

>> No.1973774

>Unless you make the barrel too long and it drags the bullet down because the gasses arent accelerating the bullet anumore
But then you can just poke the dude with the barrel. Itll hurt a bit and be embarrassing, maybe make a farting sound if it's directly on skin

>> No.1973838
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God please make it stop. Please be a troll. I'm too autstic for this. No trolling on ham forums plz

>> No.1973859
File: 1.50 MB, 3412x1920, 9137860F-334C-4E09-A217-C95D86BB93E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick update: still no working circuit for receiver or transmitter with 2n2222’s.
Still in the wilderness;
BUT finally manage to power up my SDR receiver!
All in all the problem was my laptop and fucking windows 10 cuz sound card drivers does not work properly,only mic input. BUT i managed to receive my first SSB, now listening FT8 cuz it broadcasts continuously.
Receiver : http://www.qrz.lt/ly2bok/Konstrukcijos/USB%20SDR%20imtuvas%2040m/USB%20%20SDR_files/USB%20SDR%20Rx%20schema.jpg
Will upload ssb sound
Antenna long coaxial cable.
Now I have some reference for receiver and transmitter.
Will update

>> No.1973895

SSB some Italian guy calling CQ North America quality is actually better. Had to record record to bring a file


>> No.1973896

why don't you call it HAMateur general that would be way better

>> No.1973929

How about you go to hell, that would be ideal.

>> No.1973937

hell? I already hate the FCC I'm not going to spend eternity in their office

>> No.1973939
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Hey, noob here
what would be the best adapter between this coax and antenna?

>> No.1974072


That is a 3/8-24 antenna. They sell the mounts for those at truck stops. Most common cb type.

>> No.1974079
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>> No.1974083
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3/8-24 to pl259
> http://www.firestik.com/index.htm

>> No.1974140
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Omelet bro doin alright?

>> No.1974143


>> No.1974144

Nice, I am waiting for your transceiver and CW contact.

>> No.1974211

How long of a wire element are you using besides the coil? That sounds like a lot more inductor than you should need/want. And any grounding or radials? I can try and model it in MMANA.

>> No.1974244

Read this thread

You're also going to need a bunch of radials in order to have any real efficiency after getting it tuned.

>> No.1974309

Anomaly Magazines Extended (for AM) gets an update within the next days. Just had a talk to the author.

>> No.1974313

Sorry, wrong thread...

>> No.1974472

Does anyone else get SWR kickback from an amp?
>Tuned 1:1 at the radio when the amp is in bypass
>Suddenly 1.75:1 at the radio when the amp is transmitting
Coax issue?

>> No.1974505

It's not a huge deal, I'm just using house wire and goofing around and can re-use everything.
I downloaded Coil64 and used 66pacific.com calculators. For a 26' 14THHN vertical wire with a coil on top, I needed 450+/-microhenries when wrapped around a 3.5" pipe. I made those 165 wraps around the pipe, then start started throwing more inches on comically thinking I may be able to catch a harmonic.
I did have a 1.4:1 160M dipole I chopped up and used for radials, though I do have a lot of smaller ground radials all through the back yard. I also have a 4:1 balun I tried adding without success.
I'll start down this road tomorrow. It's been a tiring day, but I can see I may have been in the right boat, just wrong direction.
I just got tired of the horizontal dipole and thought a top loaded vertical may help get a little DX. Beautiful across the other bands, <3:1 - even made an African contact on 17 yesterday, but 1.8-1.9 always saw a nasty 9:1+ SWR

>> No.1974508

Turn your internal tuner off.

>> No.1974570


>> No.1974575

A big problem is trying to top load with a coil, it takes a ton of inductance to do that and performance will be poor. Capacitive top loading via a T-top or cap hat would be better to top load.

I plugged your design into MMANA and it shows to be resonant at about 9 MHz if over a decent radial field. Obviously, not enough loading...

Now on the other hand, if you move the coil load to the bottom of the vertical element between the feedpoint and the 26' vertical wire, you will only need about 130 uH of inductance load to get a resonance dip on 1.9 MHz. It will be a VERY narrow bandwidth at resonance, bit you could always create a tap for your coil to fine tune it once you're at least on the band.

>> No.1974603

>>Suddenly 1.75:1 at the radio when the amp is transmitting
Is the antenna near something it might be interacting with at higher power?

>> No.1974718
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How to build wifi antenna?

>> No.1974746

Are full wave antennas always superior?

>> No.1974751

Literally a single piece of wire EXACTLY 124mm long

>> No.1974757

how to boost?

>> No.1974792

It's the SWR at the radio, not the tuner.
Tuner remains 1:1 while the radio sees 2:1, so I'm assuming it's reflected SWR from the amplifier. I'm curious if that's normal, or if not, an amplifier or coax or ?? issue. The 'exciter' is only giving off 20 watts, so I suspect it should be able to handle those 2 watts all day.

>> No.1974895

Build a collinear.

>> No.1974897

Your tuner needs to be in front of the amp. You can't just tune the radio and expect the amp to Tx in to the untuned antenna, unless you're trying to set it on fire.

>> No.1974899

receive or transmit?

>> No.1974912
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That's how I have it.
Beautiful antenna, 1:1 and the tuner is in bypass mode.
Tuner is happy when the amp is in bypass, transmitter SWR is also a goose egg, 1:1
But when I engage the amp, the radio sees a 2:1 SWR. The tuner still sees 1:1

>> No.1974921

Try changing the length of the coax between the amp and the radio.

>> No.1974922

You have to switch off the TRX's tuner. You'll only damage it when you have an external tuner between it and the antenna.

>> No.1974955

What frequencies are best for long range communication? I want to talk with my brother who is about 400 miles away. We both have tech licenses BTW.

>> No.1974979

will do
it's an ic-7300 that controls a LDG autotuner. I was able to bypass it on some frequencies, but it still exists.

>> No.1974982

You're getting RF in the shack then.

>> No.1974983


>> No.1974990

Where do you get the high reading from? Is that number sent from the antenna autotuner back to your radio, or are you reading the IC-7300's internal SWR meter?

>> No.1974991

I'm asking this >>1974990 because I don't know the 7300 or your configuration myself.

>> No.1974995

Can a common audio amplifier be repurposed for some shortwave band? Whats a cheap way to get 1watt tx on one hf band

>> No.1974996

both you retard

>> No.1974998

The high is at the IC-7300's SWR meter. So my mind is thinking:
>The coax between the amp and ic-7300 isn't 50 ohms
>Amp needs tuning
>RF loop
>This is perfectly normal
Could be, though I like to think things are grounded well.

>> No.1975006

>The high is at the IC-7300's SWR meter.
Just accept it. When you're going through the amp and the tuner, the tuner's SWR meter tells you what's happening.
If a high SWR between rig and amp is OK and can be ignored, I don't know.
Does the rig's SWR tell you anything about amp-tuner-antenna? No, it doesn't. In all cases, disable the internal tuner of the 7300.

>> No.1975011
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Your feed line is probably radiating, but you've offered no description other than
>Beautiful antenna, 1:1 and the tuner is in bypass mode.
> ic-7300 that controls a LDG autotuner.

>> No.1975020

Are there any popular digital modes that are more conversational? Seems like FT8 is just for very short dx contacts.

>> No.1975027

Probably not.

You may be interested in the sprat magazine:
I'm sure there will be a lower power amp in there.
I highly recommend a subscription.


^ My personal favorite. You may be able to find the parts out of a broken VCR/ TV. The 3.57MHz crystal. Capacitor. Resistor.

Homebrew usually ends up being expensive.

>> No.1975028

Olivia/Contestia, PSK, RTTY, MT63, Hell

>> No.1975029

magnets, how do they work? Try this b-ok.cc or give me the name, I had a bad run in with magnets once

>> No.1975031

Is this bot spam again? Elaborate on your question.

>> No.1975036

God only accepts one digital mode among his children, and that is CW.
He accepts Feld Hell and RTTY though. They can bypass the purgatory on their way to hell.

>> No.1975038

Use Zlibrary if you can to link whatever you wanted to link because magnets scary

>> No.1975046

Oh sorry, didn't understand at first.
I couldn't find it on zlibrary.
Title "Ham Radio GQPR SPRAT Magazine 1975-1982"

If you wish to support the magzine please get it from the official source! I'm not a shill, I just love all the work that went in to providing this knowledge on homebrewing to the amateur community.

>> No.1975051

That magnet link is really scary, what are these executables inside? I am downloading only the PDF files included.

>> No.1975052

Scary or not, the PDFs in the magnet are great, thanks anyway.

>> No.1975068


And that wasn't even the one I wanted to post.
This is the one, but it's stalled _._
More modern parts / simple circuits.

>> No.1975098

He beat me to it if you have internet access >>1974983

>> No.1975106

Try a voacap prediction.

>> No.1975110

I worked moon bounce by putting an antenna tuner on a 80m dipole and hooking it up to my 2m rig.

>> No.1975196

Can you talk an anon through a planning on that site?
Let's say I want to plan Austria to Iceland on 40m.
I see all the controls on the page, but don't know how to get information out of it.

>> No.1975266
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Step one. Navigate to the website.
You will need a browser like firefox or chrome. Internet explorer / netscape navigator may not work.

>> No.1975270
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Step two. Place your Tx marker (red) on the transmitting station. Place the Rx marker (blue) on the receive station. In this case we want to talk from Austria to Iceland. So the red marker is placed in Austria and the blue marker in Iceland.

>> No.1975271
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Note the green line! This is the short path! This is the shortest and most likely path for your signal to take!
Note the dotted red path, this is the long path. It is possible for your signal to take this way also!

Picture related is what you see at the bottom of the screen. Showing short and long path distances.

>> No.1975272
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We will now go over the options on the right to get a prediction! And how to use that prediction.

>> No.1975275
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Select your method of modulation.
This is how you will be impressing information (your message) on to your carrier.

Common methods supported by VOACAP in order of required ratio of Signal to Noise (SNR) are:

WSPR implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions. Transmissions carry a station's callsign, Maidenhead grid locator, and transmitter power in dBm. The program can decode signals with S/N as low as −34 dB in a 2500 Hz bandwidth.

Compared to the so-called "slow modes" (JT9, JT65, QRA64), FT8 is a few decibels less sensitive, but allows completion of QSOs four times faster.

In 2019, Taylor, et al, introduced FT4, an experimental protocol which is similar to FT8 but has a shorter T/R sequence length for faster contest exchanges.

Morse code is a method used in telecommunication to encode text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes or dits and dahs.

In radio communications, single-sideband modulation (SSB) or single-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation (SSB-SC) is a type of modulation used to transmit information, such as an audio signal, by radio waves. A refinement of amplitude modulation, it uses transmitter power and bandwidth more efficiently.

Amplitude modulation (AM) is a modulation technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting messages with a radio carrier wave. In amplitude modulation, the amplitude (signal strength) of the carrier wave is varied in proportion to that of the message signal, such as an audio signal.

I will select SSB because that is what is most likely to be used. An efficient analog voice modulation!

>> No.1975276
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I select 50 Watts because I like to be pessimistic about the power output of my radio :) Better to round down and be pleasantly surprised.
VOACAP is fairly accurate. Put in what you feel is correct.

>> No.1975279
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Important bit before we continue.
VOACAP will refer to frequencies by their wavelength in meters.

Here is how to convert between the two.

>> No.1975281
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Now we have to select our antennas used!

From 10MHz to 29MHz (30Meter band to 10Meter band)
I can fit a dipole in my yard! (I like to transmit from home).
I can hang my dipole from two trees. But I can only get it 17 feet off the ground.

I would most likely use a 1/4 vertical for those LOWWWW frequencies. 40M, 60M, and 80M.

This will be very much dependent on what kind of antenna set up you are capable of.

The great thing about voacap is that you can go back later and see how changing the antenna parameters improves or makes worse your chances of making contact!

I'll leave the RX as is right now. But if you know what kind of set-up the distant station has, use it!

>> No.1975283
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Pro-tip! Close each "tab" as you are done with it by re-clicking on the button on the right. This stops some weird glitch/ quirks of the web program.

>> No.1975287
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Noise. Set it to what you expect at the receive site. With increased use of routers, computer equipment, televisions, power supplies, etc etc. the closer you are to a city the more noisy the receive is.

In this case I set the Icelandic station as rural.

SSN is sunspot number. Leave it as is. It will automatically use current or projected future values.

Method, I leave it auto. (I don't know what it does :-( )

TOA minimum Take Off Angle, being the minimum angle the transmitter site can send a signal. I leave this alone. However if you know there are large buildings or mountains in the way, set this.

You can ignore the rest for now.

>> No.1975294
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Time to get the results and understand them so we can make operating decisions!!!

You can get the results as a prop chart or a prop wheel.

Let us first look at the prop chart!
We want circuit reliability over 70% minium.

What does that percentage mean? It means that at that time specified, over the course of a month, each day, there is a 70% chance that you will make communications with the antennas/ power/ modulation specified.

The first thing that jumps out is the 80meter band marked in blue is very good from 1 to 6 and 16 to 24 UTC time.

Using the formula from earlier we find that 80meters is around 3.5 MHz.

The same with 60meters (5MHz)
and 40 meters ( 7 MHz)

We can see that if we want to make communications at 12 UTC our best chance is on 17M.

>> No.1975297
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Prop wheel is the same thing.

Let's say you live in Austria.
At 5PM you get off work and wish to talk with iceland.
That means the time is 4:00 p.m. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Your best chance would be on the 80Meter band. As shown by the darkest orange ring in the 80meter band in the band on the chart.

>> No.1975299
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Let's say you decide that you can hook on to your neighbours 198foot tower to mount your 80 meter dipole, how would that affect reception?

Easy, put that in to the antenna section and go back to your propagation prediction.

>> No.1975300
File: 77 KB, 470x484, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you change from SSB to CW (morse code) can you make your contact?
Yes, and you can use physically antennas as well!

I hope this has been helpful. All the best anon,

>> No.1975314

Great write up. Thanks anon

>> No.1975463

I couldn't respond earlier, much obliged. I'll screencap this later for reference. 73!

>> No.1975473
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I have a hankering to put together an ecomms box.
Not overly practical in these beer flu days, but I have a HT, mobile 2m radio, and an urge to get one of those cheap Apache cases.
Wouldn't the most realistic setup be a HT with a box that contains a good antenna and amp?
That way, you have the flexibility of a HT and the added power of a base station

>> No.1975487

A ht and 100w VHF/UHF trumps a ht and 100w vhf or uhf amp

>> No.1975602

Anyone have feedback on the low priced mobile vhf/uhf setups? Lexien, QYT, TYT, ETC?

>> No.1975618

Anytone has an edge on the user interface

>> No.1975638
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VOACAP-Anon, thanks again, I promised you a screencap.

>> No.1975682
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They're better than the Japanese radios. Better engineering, quality control, R&D, company longevity/history. I mean, the Japs are just gouging for the sake of LARPing as a Jews. I'd just buy that 10w baomeme if I were you.

>> No.1975697

Come on, is the 300% markup really warranted, especially for a 'just for fun' box?

>> No.1975717
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>> No.1976157

Why not also a charger?

>> No.1976359
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I've been kicking it around still. I have a 2m radio I listen to in the car.
Haven't traveled or vacationed in the past year due to Covid and kids (went to Harbor Freight today for the first time this year), but can see the situation arising where something like this would be valuable. Not like a larping, ARES pedo, but a charging base for electronics and VHF/UHF for entertainment/comms if out of network.
>Camping, fishing , etc
>Road trips
Again, all can be performed in the car, but no car, no battery or radio. Lithium batteries aren't cheap, but it's tempting to put something together.
Maybe add an external speaker to play phone music.
Like a party box.

>> No.1977057

hams don't socialize or leave the house.
That'd be pointless.

>> No.1977065

>What is SOTA

>> No.1977067
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>Drive up hill
>Play vidya radio

>> No.1977238

I want to get into amatuer radio but I give up already

>> No.1977249

What part of it did you give up on, anon?

>> No.1977254

I just started it yesterday but I realized I'm a retard again so no point
I'm just going to lay down and forget I tried

>> No.1977256

but anon, getting your Technician is easy. From there, it's experimenting with different poles and ideas to figure out what works well. You can't give up now!

>> No.1977257

It's been one day
I'm just going to stop.

>> No.1977281

What's a good radio to start with? I just want to listen to it at work I don't have license yet

>> No.1977299

Top kek.
It's really hard until it's really easy. That's the secret to life and growing.
The internet.

>> No.1977333
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>charging box for electronics and VHF/UHF for entertainment
Have a bump. Not many out of Baufags offer FM Commercial receive options.

>> No.1977339

I left work hoping to learn more about amatuer radio but realized I'll never learn it and I give up this is a waste of my time and life

>> No.1977349

id just grind hamstudy for a day or two to learn tech and general exam, get my license and then worry about learning

>> No.1977435
File: 96 KB, 500x517, Donald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, kys while you're at it.
Stop giving whining manbabies attention

>> No.1977717

I'm a transgirl
I should kms tho

>> No.1977730

Glad we agree on something.

>> No.1977749

Anyone know what I have do to legally set up a 15W repeater on my house in Ohio?
All the local repeaters are unusable 90% of the time thanks to dickheads jamming and fcc and even the ham clubs running said repeaters are doing abosuletly nothing about it.

>> No.1977761

>dickeads jamming
what type of repeater is it? VHF? UHF?
and how much autism are you willing to do?

>> No.1977767

VHF around 145MHz.I wanna set up something for my club but we're all noobs when it comes to the legal stuff.

>> No.1977782

You need to contact the regional frequency coordinator. Keep in mind people will jam yours too.

>> No.1977795

Stop being a repeater weeny and learn to work simplex.

50 watt mobiles with 5/8 antennas on your cars.
Decent Omni or yagi’s at your house.

>> No.1977796

>Keep in mind people will jam yours too.
Our plan was to use 8psk bursts using fldigi to get as much info through before the jamming starts.We wanted to use 8psk on somebody else's repeater but it turns out most ham clubs in the area don't allow anything but voice,and we wanna keep everything 100% legal.

>> No.1977803

Don't do digital modes through repeaters, dumbass. There's no reason not to use simplex if you're using digital modes.

>> No.1977806

You can use digital modes on repeaters if the owner of the repeater allows it.It's a lot more efficient than voice and people don't need more than chink handhelds.

>> No.1977813

Nobody allows this. This is as dumb as using CW over a repeater.

>> No.1977814

Thats why we want our own repeater.8psk mode in fldigi was made specifically to give good data rates through repeaters.

>> No.1977817
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I get it. You're an idiot. You have fun now, sweetie.

>> No.1977818

read a book you hillbilly

>> No.1977826
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>15W repeater on my house
Why? Why not just work simplex? Why do you think you need a repeater?

Repeaters are only advantageous if they are high up on a tower or mountain and can give wider area coverage.

Retards with their chinckshit handhelds will have a hard time jamming your crew when your all running 50watts and gain antennas.

>> No.1977827
File: 55 KB, 348x631, GAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't @ me
>no u

>> No.1978010

I just want to listen to ham radio at work but idk what kind I should get. I don't have a license to broadcast yet

>> No.1978020

>What's a good radio to start with? I just want to listen to it at work I don't have license yet
>I just want to listen to ham radio at work but idk what kind I should get. I don't have a license to broadcast yet
Learn to read before spamming >>1977281
, shitbrain, somebody answered already >>1977299

>> No.1978024

Be weary of the ham bot, but I'll echo your sage advice.
>Before you speak, listen, listen, listen.

>> No.1978027

He just said the internet but I want a handheld for work

>> No.1978046

Do you have internet access at work?
There are many app/transceiver options if so that get your voice to the internet and then to the individual you want with a ham license.
DSTAR, as recommended, is one of them.
Now it's time to listen, listen, listen. Come back after reading a few articles or videos, and thinking about your situation.
Hand to God, I love answering questions and helping ... as long as those that are asking are trying to help themselves.

>> No.1978057

I should just give up I'm a retard
Hey at least I'll bump the thread

>> No.1978102
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Any old scanner will pick up 2meters and 440.
Wide band analog only scanners are just about worthless now. Pick one up cheap on ebay.

>> No.1978272
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>> No.1978893

lmao i watched this video the other night, what a lovable mutt

>> No.1978963

Will do...I wonder if i can go to a thrift store and try to pick something up idk

>> No.1979292
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OP here >>1967605
Did the tethering for stability today, both full length cables for VHF/UHF and HF.
The weatherproof box and surge protection inside had been done earlier already.

>> No.1979331

What is that crow's nest at the top?

>> No.1979346

It's for our birb frens.

>> No.1979410

Thanks again for talking an anon through. Tried it on two occasions and checked with a few KiwiSDRs, it seems to hit right close to home.

>> No.1979575

I just ordered a UV5R, what am I in for?

>> No.1979647


>> No.1979684

How do you make a homemade AM radio

>> No.1979738


>> No.1979784

What do you want to do with it? Cheap cheerful radios.

>> No.1979796

You could be hot switching. Do you have an amp buffer like an ARB704? Can you increase the keying delay to 25 ms or more? Is your rig an Icom?

>> No.1979938

>Nobody allows this
there is a fusion repeater around me

>> No.1980185

Not OP. Original idea was using fldigi modes over local analog repeaters. No using digital voice modes like c4fm, DMR, and DSTAR.

Been thinking of getting a DMR radio and setting up a hotspot for skywarn nets. Probably a waste of money for a guy who barely used his analog HT though.

>> No.1980310

Is joining RACES / ARES worth it? I think it might be fun LARPing with other HAM boomers especially since we have a couple hurricanes every year which tend to knock down power.

>> No.1980570

I was wanting to listen to my RTL-SDR by hooking it up to my 40m 3/4 vertical, but it seems direct sampling mode is producing something like pic related. On every 5 khz or so I see a carrier or an AM station that is being picked up from medium wave.

Do I need an RF choke on the input? My current path is [antenna] -> [3/4 coax to SMA cable] -> [SDR Dongle]
What am I doing wrong? I'm sure it's deceptively simple and I'm simply a retard.

>> No.1980572
File: 2.19 MB, 1535x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops. Forgot the pic

>> No.1980585

If you hook that antenna to a normal 2meter radio do you hear that S9+ noise?

Figure out if the noise is real or if its the SDR.

>> No.1980589

No, I checked. That's not real noise. It looks like that over the entire SDR's bandwidth.

>> No.1980606

If it works with little antenna then it looks like the front end is being overloaded. If lowering the gain doesn't do it you may need to get an attenuator.

>> No.1980615

Use a resonant 2m antenna or, at the very least, something other than a HF antenna.
This guy >>1980606
is right.

>> No.1980621

Yes, but I primarily want to use it on HF. How do I get rid of the resonance?

>> No.1980631

Use a different antenna when you want to listen to 2m.

>> No.1980788

I'm telling you it's all across the entire spectrum of the SDR. Every frequency. Not just 2 meters, the whole thing.

>> No.1980807

Theres one box you need to uncheck or check in the sdr software. Do the spikes shift in frequency when you scroll across the spectrum? Search for that on google

>> No.1981508

hi /ham/, sorry to shit up the thread. i'm going to be working at sea over the spring, i'll be on a boat that will be crossing back and forth between the atlantic. internet connection will be none-existent but i thought it'd be nice to try and get a shortwave radio to pick up radio stations from afar. can anyone tell me if i'd be wasting my money getting a $70 shortwave receiver with the intention of listening to music stations in the middle of the atlantic?

>> No.1981562
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Your not shitting up the thread. A portable shortwave would be a good idea. Make sure you get something with SSB so you can listen to ship traffic and ham's. You want something with continuous coverage 150-30,0000
TECSUN pl660 is a popular rig.

>> No.1981602

Are you allowed a laptop?

>> No.1981621

If so, I'd recommend a $20 radio dongle, download some frequency and antenna reading material, and optionally, a $50 Nanovna.
That'd give you a lot of flexibility and some basic diy tinkering

>> No.1981649

Thank you for your advice anons, I'm going to read more into the possibility of the radio dongle as flexibility is a benefit.

>> No.1981676
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Why not both?
A SDR would be good for dicking around with. And would be interesting to decode digital modes you might catch. Maybe even figure out the on board comms. But a good portable is going to Just Werk. Would really suck if your laptop shits the bed and you have nothing for weeks. I would want a little redundancy.
Also a portable is easier to carry around then a laptop, dongle, antenna.

If you decide to go the SDR route you better get one ASAP and start figuring it out. There is a little bit of a learning curve and tinkering to make them work well.. and its not like you will be able to google shit once your at sea.

>> No.1981925

>Why not both?
That'd be idea, but his budget was $70

>> No.1981928
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Hey I dont know all too much about anything but I know one thing and that is to avoid all the marketing bullshit. The best TRANSCEIVER thing you can buy is the ubitx which costs about 160 bucks, if you just want 40 meter the BITX40 costs 60 bucks. About 6 watts transmit power. With the right antenna thats plenty. There is no better radio for your dollar if you are buying new, which is not the smartest thing anyway... if you honestly just want to listen to world radio or whatever because of radio then I advise you to just bring a few big sd cards full of music and podcasts and whatnot since audio quality is horrible on the shortwave radio bands.

>> No.1981931

UBitx can be scratch built for 70 bucks

>> No.1982203

How does it compare to uSDR and QCX?

>> No.1982214

>pic related
>just buy some sd cards with podcasts instead
Sounds good, retard. You should try catching some bullets with your teeth.

>> No.1982287

>I would want a little redundancy.
A second $100 thinkpad will do the trick.

>> No.1982549

I got this for Xmas, am I fooked? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B015D9F5M0

>> No.1982638
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Please rate your experience with me

>> No.1982641

Eighty fucking dollars?

>> No.1982651

Yes you are fucked, the uv-5r is the best, most rugged and cheapest baofeng of all variants. All other editions came out after the uv-5r blew up to maximise profit marigin through marketing. No claims of higher transmit power is true and the extra frequency range is useless. Ontop heatsink and scanning speed was nerfed. Shit sucks eh, 80 bucks down the drain

>> No.1982658
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It's fine for what it is, but I felt I overpaid at $40

>> No.1982671
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>> No.1982717

Overpaid but more rugged than the 5r.

>> No.1982817
File: 111 KB, 768x1024, YouLoop50cmRG213_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my homebuilt LW/MW RX antenna.

>> No.1982928

overpriced, it's not a bad radio but it's the same exact thing as the UV5R just with a different case. i got a 5-pack of baochang UV5R's for around $49. if its from amazon, you can probably still return it.

>> No.1983246

Physically it looks nice.
The mount looks a little sketchy.
How does it receive?

>> No.1983255
File: 565 KB, 1080x1080, 1603257450931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna put a 1/4 wave ground dependant antenna on the roof of my car.

if i raise the antenna a bit to put a folding bracket underneath it, does that mean i just need a slightly larger ground plane? or will it not work at all if the antenna is 50mm ish above the ground plane.

477mhz btw

>> No.1983267

Pics of the bracket and antenna parts?

>> No.1983309

not yet up to sourcing parts
im still wondering if its possible

rather not drill a hole in my roof for no reason

but i suppose this would be the hinge

>> No.1983317
File: 776 KB, 986x745, Screenshot_2020-12-22 PANORAMA ANTENNA HINGE UNIT SAB-052 VHF UHF fits M8 body mounts TAXI PMR MARINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this would be a better hinge.
for when i inevitably forget to fold
it down driving into a car park

>> No.1983337
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How do I go from matched to verified in ClubLog?

>> No.1983388

Pretty well, but the improvised balun makes it more deaf than it should to sub 500 kHz. It is very directional, 10° in either direction make a difference - which is fine for a YouLoop I guess.

>> No.1983432

>does that mean i just need a slightly larger ground plane
Just use a regular mount with an added spring. If your driving somewhere a 12" (30 cm) antenna needs to be folded down, you should just take it off.

>> No.1983434

That's you're not your.

>> No.1983605


>> No.1983703

I collect radios :)

>> No.1983863

Got my chinkshit Baofeng tri-band. They sent me two of the same band of antenna and the programming cable won't work with windows cause it has a counterfeit chip. oh well.

>> No.1983872

install gentoo

>> No.1983876
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>FM broadcast band

>> No.1983922


Yeah I got it working on an Ubuntu VM.

>> No.1983928

How do u listen to ham radio?
So vhf bands are police scanners stuff and the uhf is fm radio? What's am radio?
I just wanna listen to this stuff as I take the bus

>> No.1983985


>> No.1984035

... the short bus.

>> No.1984193

You can think of frequencies like a channel. On most radios, like a car radio they are represented in MHz, or Megahertz. VHF and UHF are used to describe a range of frequencies, which are called bands. VHF which stands for "Very High Frequency" starts at 30 MHz - 300 MHz. Most "FM" or music stations will be on this band starting from 80 MHz - 100 MHz. UHF, which stands for "Ultra High Frequency" starts at 300 MHz - 3000 MHz. AM is a slightly different, it's on the MF band, or Medium Frequency band and starts at 500 kHz (Kilohertz), if you are familiar with the metric system it uses the same prefixes, so 1 MHz (Megahertz) = 1000 kHz (Kilohertz). Most of the stuff you will find on AM is commercial stations.

>> No.1984265


You can do everything you described using a raspberry pi running rpitx, SDR dongle and required peripherals. Link the transmission output to a 10w amp and filter

>> No.1984266


How is your whole setup not overwhelmed with noise because of your unshielded lead to the antenna?

>> No.1984281

kek, larpers are real

>> No.1984309

A crystal receiver is easy to make, see the FAQ for links.

>> No.1984359

Where does he even say what feedline he uses? Could be a coax going to a balun.

>> No.1984364
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Tuner doesn't want to tune this baby

>> No.1984383

Got rid of the short radials and good to go!

>> No.1984548
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I'm pondering a 'fun box', may have mentioned this earlier.
I'm married, thus I can't explore other fun boxes. I have to make my own.
Just a stupid 2M radio, wanting to add a lithium battery and switches for charging and accessories. Lights could be cool ... if flashlights didnt exist.

>> No.1984575

Yep, it is coax going through a 1:1 air balun just below the feedpoint.

>> No.1985054

An OM has asked to "Sked" with me at some point? what does this mean?


>> No.1985067

Short for schedule. Means he wants to set up a date to talk to you on the air. He may be a predator, so please be sure to tell an adult and talk to strangers only under your parents' supervision.

>> No.1985083

The fuck am I reading your post in K9SRY's mocking drunk voice?

>> No.1985088
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>> No.1985098

You probably misheard him saying 'give me head'.

>> No.1985322

thread soon dead

>> No.1985426

A scheduled contact. It's an easier way for a beginner to get on the air. A time and a frequency is given.

>> No.1985614
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I have a rope around a 50' high limb in the back. Currently have the top of a 160M vertical wrapped around pvc, but its unstable. Thinking of replacing it - maybe a 15 or 10M vertical dipole? WWYD?

>> No.1985616
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>> No.1985621

Got you covered.

>> No.1985624

Bump limit reached, new thread:
New /HAM/ >>1985623
New /HAM/ >>1985623
New /HAM/ >>1985623