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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 246 KB, 1558x955, toolbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1933271 No.1933271 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone need a toolbox?

>> No.1933277

Someone found out that ASE mechanics make shit money for the sunk cost and are trying to get out?

>> No.1933293


>> No.1933305
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>> No.1933593

50% of NH cl are posts like this

>> No.1933600

who can forget the classics, such as the pawn shops who list things for twice as much as retail!
I legitimately fail to understand how any of them are still in business

>> No.1933602
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>WOURTH $12000
>I haev recibets
>$2000 box
>drawers are full of craftsman

>> No.1933606
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>> No.1933610

shit, my clapped out craftsman box I bought form a diesel mechanic that I put a snap on logo I got for $1 on has to be worth at least $15000 with the tools in it.

>> No.1933621

Lista are the patrician choice. If I hit the lottery I'll call them and have them outfit my house like they did the toolroom where I worked.

>> No.1933640
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Snap On? More like strap on

>> No.1933732

It only took me 18 years.

>> No.1933733


>> No.1933762

only a brainlet would pay fullprice at a pawn shop

>> No.1933786

i'm convinced that ebay and cragislist have ruined the used goods market. things that used to go for reasonable everyday prices now go for exorbitant prices because the listing can just sit there until some fool thinks it's a deal. So you paid $10K for it new, I don't give a damn, I'll give you $250 now for it or else it sits in your garage for another year. it's used shit that you're trying to get rid of, so price it like it is what it is.

>> No.1933802

beep beep!! haha!!

>> No.1933821

Yeah okay, but half off there on new items is basically retail anywhere else and used items are priced higher than new. Even if you talk it.
I'd rather just buy something at a store and not have to go to the same place the heroine junkies and spics go to sell stolen power tools and buy used lawn equipment. I buy used shit to get it price so low I'm basically anally raping the seller, not give him 50 percent of new price for some 1970's snap on SAE sockets with 70% of the chrome chipping off.

>> No.1933826

>go to flea market or yard sale
>yeah how much u want faggot
>I SaW OnE On eBaY FoR ThIs mUcH
>proceeds to ask ebay price
Yeah fuck stick if I bought it on ebay I could be drunk at 3 am jerking off and click 2 buttons and have it shipped to my door from anywhere and wouldn't have to come to this shithole for several hours sorting through bong pipes, chinkshit clothing and trash in hopes I might find something useful.
People don't realize if it's still on ebay it means it hasn't sold yet, and don't know how to check sold listings.
I thought people on facebook and craigslist were retards at pricing until I went to the flea market again recently, some guy with old block planes wants like $25 for ones covered in rust, probably rat shit and in horrible shape.
I was willing to give the guy like maybe $5 for a no 5 that was literally missing basically every piece off it.
Then sell it to him doofus. There is some fucking used tool dealer on facebook who has a physical retail location that wants less than these people.
What I learn from my once a year flea market trip is that that everyone has a friend, or knows a guy who'd be willing to pay twice as much as what the seller wants for it , but just doesn't happen to be there to buy it.
I was astonished that some guy I bought shit several years ago was still there, how do these people make any money with all the shit they still have sitting there? Paying for tables, hauling all the shit there, spending your time, sitting there all day, packing it all up an doing it again the next day. The amount of shit left at the end of the day is mind boggling. Flipping burgers on the weekend has to be a more profitable venture than that.

I went to a yard sale maybe 4 months ago, I bought some ammo cans so the guy said

>> No.1933827

>I went to a yard sale maybe 4 months ago, I bought some ammo cans so the guy said

Did he send you a picture of his dick helmet?

>> No.1933831

>get pictures
>look them over
>common stuff
>ok how much do you want
>look up sold listings, send him a link
>like $40-$50
>try to as politely as possible call him delusional
>never hear back because he is ass hurt
My mother was there too, she was thinking of buying some decorative plates because of course she is a fucking senior citizen. So this was the second day clearing the house out, the guy said he wants $30 a plate, and said someone was going to pay him more but he had to call them
Yeah right ok buddy, I'm sure the nature plates and three stooges plates are actually worth billions.

>> No.1933867


>> No.1933952

Only because retards go and finance $40k worth of tools right off the bat, realize wrenchin' ain't for them, and try to recoup their losses.

When I started out, I had a 600 piece tool set from home depot, two impact guns, and a $100 harbor freight tool cart. All in all, less than $1200 in the hole.

>> No.1934050
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Projecting much? I bought an old Craftsman toolbox at an auction for $50 and change. Bear in mind this was 18 years ago so that was a bit more money than today but still next to nothing. I collected more tools as needed from pawnshops, auctions, and craigslist. I worked part-time at a used car dealership while I put myself through school. When I graduated the economy was in the toilet so I kept working at the dealership until they went under. Then I got a job at a real dealership and got talked down to for 3 years for having 50-year-old tools by guys who were 5-10 years older than me and still paying off their shit. Once the economy picked up I was able to get an actual job based around my degree and I waved goodbye to crawling around in some soccer mom's SUV for shit money with asshole, alcoholic co-workers. That was about 6 years ago. I now make about twice what I did, not counting benefits, to sit in the AC in front of a PC all day (posting on 4chan mostly). I don't have to use pumice soap to clean my hands or take ibuprofen to keep my back from hurting either. It's nice. Stay in school kids.

>> No.1934061

Some people would love to get out of the office full of reddit tier soi cucks and work in a trade with people that won't report you for saying whites shouldn't go extinct. It's a matter of perspective.

>> No.1934109
File: 28 KB, 300x320, 300px-Another_Day_In_Cubicle_Paradise_Cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't the people that can scrape together $2,800 for a fucking toolbox or can take a gamble trying to switch careers. Those are the people that work dead-end jobs for 40 years and retire to a trailer park in a flyover state and live off their social security.

There are three types of people in the world:
Those that love what they do and never really 'work',
Those that make enough money to do what they love on the side,
And the fucked, who hate their jobs and don't make enough to do anything.

The lucky few fill the first category. The middle class used to fill the second. Most everyone else fills the third.

>> No.1934216

that toolbox has soul
snapon is soulless

>> No.1934218

what do you do now for a job?

>> No.1934222

Most people dont want to work in a trade full of white trash alcoholics anon.

>> No.1934227

that is the worst part about trades, the actual work can be rewarding but the amount of absolute dipshit mentally deranged co-workers is so high
its like if you have to do something, there will be co-workers that are emotionally unstable and just exude shittiness toward you which makes the day bad, instead of just being calm and taking care of work
everything is a catastrophe and dick measuring

>> No.1934249

"soul" and standard friction drawer slides with thin sheet metal.
The older toolboxes are surprisingly disappointing when you actually touch and feel them

>> No.1934272

There are those who do what they love for a living, such as fixing cars, but don't make much money doing it.

>> No.1934275

>white trash
Yes, I would much rather work in an office full of diversity hires.

>> No.1934557

pretty shitted up for $2,800
I got a used mac tools custom color in perfect shape for 2,000

If the snap-on dude offered that I'd give him maybe $800

>> No.1934626

This but unironically.
Ghetto niggers dont get white collar desk jobs anon. Blacks or mexicans or women or whatever else minority or group you are so profoundly scared of really arent that bad to work with, especially in a desk job environment.

I wont ever put up with the antics and the bullshit that people get away with on a worksite again.

>> No.1934685

They are friction slides but the sheet metal is quite thick for a toolbox. Mine is a top and a bottom and together they are a two-man lift empty. Would ball bearing slides be nice? Absolutely. That said, I don't overload my drawers so they aren't hard to open or close. I have two boxes though. One Craftsman and a smaller Kennedy top and bottom for my smaller stuff. The top is a machinist's chest. That cost me the princely sum of $95 off of CL. I kept all of my tools when I left the industry and then got into woodworking on the side.

I am a system administrator for a mid-to-large sized business. Our system architect knows his shit and the company is serious about their IT infrastructure so it is a pretty low-stress gig. None of this mickey mouse shit of trying to keep a bunch of shit 10-year-old servers running while troubleshooting a bunch of users still on Windows 7 desktops wondering why IE 11 won't work on their websites anymore. Mostly printers, password resets, application troubleshooting, and getting new users squared away.

>> No.1934736

Oh my sweet summer child.

>> No.1934906

It's really only like $7998 with that $2 in there

>> No.1934910

>what do you do now for a job?

He sucks dicks

>> No.1934924

Man, where are your blacks and spics.
My coworkers in IT are obnoxious and ghetto as fuck. If this is the cream of the crop lord have mercy on us all.
T. Domain admin for large corp.

>> No.1934942

See and that sounds like hell to me, heavy equipment tech here, just a day or two long training course in a classroom is enough to make want to pull my hair out. I can learn this shit on my own a lot faster

But I'm in a unionized government fleet garage, so it's pretty slack and I can spend half my 8 hour day drinking coffee, watching YouTube and working on my own side projects. I was done with my dealership days as soon as I could get my red seal. Didnt go a dollar into debt for tools either like so many of my retarded co workers, lots of them aren't even in the field anymore.

>> No.1935917

I should start making expensive tool boxes.

>> No.1936863
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>> No.1937748

It says best offer so I offered him $100 and he accepted. I also asked that he deliver it to my house and he said no problem.
Not a bad deal if you ask me.
You gotta love New Hampshire people.

>> No.1937752

What!!? But, but how? What??

>> No.1937759


>> No.1937763

A diversity hire is unequivocally better than any white trash alcoholic who squares up and tries to test your cool with everyone while on the job.
If you disagree, you are that white trash piece of shit that all the normal guys on the site hate. And the funny thing is, retards like you are proud of it.

>> No.1937785
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Everyone works with a Michael Scott. If you do not work with a Michael Scott, you are the Michael Scott.

>> No.1938023

>so many shattered dreams in one photo
make it stop

>> No.1938090

Trouble with retirement... you never get a day off.
Retirement means every day is Saturday.
Throw in a Sunday once a week!

>> No.1938230

These Strap-On guys are /arg/ tier. Guccifags are the worst.

>> No.1938256

You forgot the 4th type: those who hate their jobs and make more than enough money to do something on the side, but then come to the realization that they aren't capable of loving anything.

>> No.1938388


kill yourself you pure nigger

>> No.1938462
File: 818 KB, 1015x789, JdXteY1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually trying to find a good tool bag for my electronics/electrical stuff. I only have those big plastic roller tubs that double as stepstools so it'd be nice if I had something like this to lug around the hand tools and multimeter, but I keep hearing shit like the strap will break off or the pockets rip open. Help me out?

>> No.1938474

I got one off Amazon for like $15 in 2018. No problems like that so far, but I'm not a tradesman.

>> No.1938483
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fellow craftsman bro

>> No.1938706

You’re just going to let the shit water drip into you’re tool box?

>> No.1938917

no it doesnt leak into the box.
the tools are about 40 years old so ive been going through and derusting them

>> No.1939223

/3dpg/ nerd here
I don't get the joke
why are these so expensive?

>> No.1939256

Because its not cheap to build, paint, store, and ship toolboxes. Not only that, they are not a quick seller. So toolboxes that arent complete and utter garbage are actually a bit expensive.

Also sticker price on SnapOn is very expensive because snap on charges a premium for everything they sell.

>> No.1939339
File: 122 KB, 720x960, 122189428_978215686023313_1260749048502204146_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this bad-boy up along with another tool box and a smaller craftsman top box for $50 tonight... Yeah they needs a bit of work, but I figured just the Waterloo bench/toolbox itself was worth $50 easily.

>> No.1939342

>snap on tools
I laughed

>> No.1939343
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 122240437_978215639356651_7522156112315994025_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other bottom box. Nothing special, but part of the package deal. I'll have to get a pic of the craftsman box tomorrow. It's a small top box with some drawers in it and a flip up top lid.