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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1925711 No.1925711 [Reply] [Original]

How much would it cost to hire a building contracting firm to build a massive (>5000 sq ft,) secluded, modern home in the middle of the woods? Assume you already own the land.

>> No.1925712

Although I couldn't give a figure (there are a lot of variables to consider), I can comfortably say that it's probably a lot more than you'd think. "Over time and over budget" is pretty much the mantra of houses contracted by people who have no experience in the matter.

>> No.1925713

My dad always told me that if it costs twice as much as you think and takes twice as long as they said, you're coming out ahead. For what I'm envisioning I think 2 mil is a reasonable figure. It's gonna be a few months before I really get moving on it which is why I'm just shitposting about it for now

>> No.1925715
File: 24 KB, 116x115, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's going to be expensive

you're going to get charged way more for the time it takes to get workers/supplies to the build site

>modern home
you're going to be paying out the ass to have to have a reputable architect design a one of house for you

essentially, what you're asking for is "how much would it cost to build a multi-millionaire's forest retreat"

>> No.1925724
File: 9 KB, 273x185, pepesmiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do wypipo think their mansion will cost pennies if they build in the woods?

>> No.1925877

I think OP wants something far away from other people, not something cheap.
I venture that is the main motivation of anybody who wants a house in the woods.

>> No.1925920

Being in the woods is a greater pleasure than being in the city, regardless of whether or not it's cheaper

>> No.1925987

can confirm. once you go rural/forest, you will never want to go back. even going into town to pick something up is painful.

>> No.1926041

Not to be an /x/ fag but you should also consider having archaeological work done before development of the land into the mansion. Never know what you might find.

>> No.1926058
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>Not to get all crazy on you but you should make sure your house doesn't have any ghosts or zombies

>> No.1926121

5-6 hundred bucks tops.

>> No.1926202


I feel that way living in the suburbs, If I can't pick up something I need on the way to or from work, Fuck it.

>> No.1926203


>> No.1926209

Honestly probably 4,000,000 minimum

>> No.1926274

>cost pennies
>OP thinks total cost will be around 2 million

>> No.1927495

pretty legit concern, it's almost like you've never seen a horror movie that takes place in the woods.

>> No.1927564

>Build it on pillars, no basement.
>Base everything on a proven prefab system from your country.
>Use incinerator toilet. The rest of the water can go under ground
>Make sure you have running water on your property
>Use local carpenters and the community/regulators will more easily agree with you
>Get a mr. plow jacket for when the snow comes

This would cost 250,000 USD in my country.

>> No.1927566

How big is your current house?
I just moved to a McMansion that is twice the size of my old ranch style and I fucking hate it!
So much to clean, so many rooms to decorate. Ordering big custom carpets.

Do yorself a favor and go smaller

>> No.1927642

First you will need to put in a good road to the site before anyone will even consider it, heavy equipment and small muddy roads do not mix. If it is too far to commute they are going to charge for putting some trailers on site and clearing a site for the trailers so the workers can live on site, this will also mean you will be paying them for off the clock time as well. They will need utilities, water, septic, garbage and electric, electric will most likely require you to pay for poles to be put in and line run or a long term rental of a large generator plus fuel, garbage is going to be by the dumpster and expensive thanks to the distance from the dump. Septic and a well are simple enough, but they are going to cost two to three times what most people pay for such things, expect to also have to have the septic tank emptied at least a few times during construction. You will be paying truckers for delivery and the drive back since it is so out of the way, no cheap delivery here. All this will cost you more than buying a house already built in the woods and will be getting you close to the cost of a similar house built in a less rural setting but away from large metros and you have not even gotten to actual design, materials and building costs yet, just the logistics.

This is one of those things where if you have to ask you can't afford it.

>> No.1927675

You're an actual manchild.

>> No.1927682

absolutely no one here can give you an exact definitive answer because there are too many variables. anyone here who give a dollar amount is pulling that out of their ass.

distance from utilities
off grid costs
drainage issues
foundation problems
clearance in the event of fire
state, federal and local laws and codes.
that's just a few of the things I can think of that are going to affect the cost.

>> No.1927897


>> No.1927956

that looks like it's one heavy rainfall away from going sideways

>> No.1928026
File: 79 KB, 600x356, house-that-jack-built.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen "The house that jack built" just build it out of ppl who you have killed. it costs like 0 moneys.

>> No.1929810


Archaeology? No way. If they unearth a Zygroid landing site, your property will be declared a national historical heritage site and you'll never be able to do anything with it, and nobody will want to buy it.

Also. OP, don't forget that secluded and in the middle of nowhere means that utilities will be a nightmare.

>> No.1929863

Just go on the falling water tour and never leave

>> No.1930035

2-5 million

>> No.1930053
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>essentially, what you're asking for is "how much would it cost to build a multi-millionaire's forest retreat"

>> No.1930573

is that a 1961 Ferrari 250GT California I see down in the ravine there?

>> No.1930608
File: 707 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200925_083304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/innawoods/ gang reporting in