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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 146 KB, 828x1030, 1598532378494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1897048 No.1897048 [Reply] [Original]

oh cool its an oven

>> No.1897051

And freezing at night.

>> No.1897059

yea and fat

>> No.1897091

and a little bit reverse to animal porn ;)

>> No.1897094

and I can only stand at full height in 2/3 of the floor square footage

>> No.1897326

>Easier to be watched by skinwalkers

>> No.1897329

It is just for city folk larping, would be more comfortable than a tent as far as temperature is concerned.

>> No.1897358

>middle of a conifer forest with visable fog
It ain't going to get crazy hot chief

>> No.1897709


Is the door made of wood?

>> No.1897778

This place on Airbnb would make tons of money

>> No.1897781 [DELETED] 


>> No.1897832

Seem's like it shouldnt be too hard to design some insulated barn-door style shutters for exra privacy/protection.

>> No.1897855

>not wanting your fat cock to be visible to all wildlife and curious hikers
Shiggy diggy doo

>> No.1897857

Fuuuuuck noooo

>> No.1897879
File: 281 KB, 1027x921, 1588105209090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1898127

and gay

>> No.1898138


Why do people put bunch of random shit in a room thinking it looks good? I hate how normies have no clue about interior.

>Lets throw in some plants, black and White pictures and golden vase, and dont forget the fake fur plaid, omg so pretty im such a professional

>> No.1898182

its either meant to be extremely generic for airbnb or the person has no life that they can use to furnish a home

>> No.1898509

Stupid question, but what about some tint on those windows, or is this a case of "nature is pretty" tards that want nothing in window treatment?

>> No.1898511

The trees shade it and its got an air conditioner you retard

>> No.1898513

Yea why the fuck would you add plants when its already in the middle of a forest

>> No.1898535

why not just go outside to see trees.
the whole reason you go inside is to get away from outside.

>> No.1898538

Nowhere to hide when inevitably an alien comes a probin'.

>> No.1898630

If you turned the bed sideways you could get out of bed without smacking your head into glass when you take a step.

>> No.1898716

why in the ballhairs dicks would you tint windows like this?

>> No.1898733

No, its made from stone

>> No.1898903

wheres the tv
what thr fuck

>> No.1898918

im sorry you had to see this

>> No.1898920


I wonder what you even do there
I imagine the person staying there is either on the bed playing with phone or outside just walking around the house or just stand still staring at the trees

>> No.1898936

>"honey I thought I heard you calling for help outside what do you mean you've been taking a dump this whole time"

>> No.1898958
File: 62 KB, 618x722, 1598804103194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably do cool high class hillbilly stuff like chop wood with an axe that's actually balanced properly or grow enough tomatoes and herbs to make a shitty retarded salad once a month and spend shitloads of time driving your stupid truck into town to buy chicken

>> No.1898976

>I wonder what you even do there
What does anyone do anywhere?

>> No.1898977

Probably sounds awful when it rains

>> No.1898979

Why the fuck do some people like huge windows with the shades open on their houses/apartments? I see a lot of the bourgie younger types like to have their private lives on full display to the world like a window model of an apartment at a department store.

>> No.1899008

I like to have sunlight. If someone wants to watch me walk around my apartment naked that's their business.

>> No.1899066

why would you even put art/pictures up when thats your damn view? jackasses can't even enjoy what's around them without adhd all over the place.

>> No.1899092

>where's the tv
>being that absolute faggot that would be upset by the lack of a tv in an A-frame cabin in the middle of the woods
Next, he'll be asking where the tendies are, and asking how he's supposed to be playing fortnite without an internet connection.

>> No.1899094


>> No.1899096

You must pick one, apparently.
Most of the people in this thread are gay.
Can't tell if it's sour grapes, or what, but most of you are gay.

>> No.1899101

its probably awesome when it rains that would be the best time

>> No.1899104

Way to open for me

>> No.1899266
File: 45 KB, 960x720, 1597191603289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be scared to stay in there a night, let alone multiple. Anyone could see you inside clearly. Anything could happen. Spooky. Cool, but spooky

>> No.1899316

Wait till a moose or a bear crashes into it

>> No.1899330

a goose at speed would take that thing out

>> No.1899351


>> No.1899399
File: 66 KB, 640x427, 66a3d8dd8899dde7963e1fd564b9e744[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind a bedroom like that, but only in a courtyard so I'm still protected by the rest of my house.

>> No.1899467

I would love to live in an asian courtyard style estate.

>> No.1899470

nobody wants to watch you sleep, fatass

>> No.1899472

Everybody keeps discussing it like it's not a render.

>> No.1899602

It would be great for going outside and having privacy, or just being on the opposite side of the house and having privacy from whoever is living or staying with you.

>> No.1900029

kek i know

>> No.1900032

RREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I only like darkness.

>> No.1900056
File: 117 KB, 640x381, alabamadolls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinwalkers don't exist. They're nothing more than a myth. Come on out to the woods. You'll be fine. Nothing scary out here.

>> No.1900065

>I hate how normies have no clue about interior.
I have actual taste every inch of my room is full of artistic posters and collectible figurines

>> No.1900072

is a rendering

>> No.1900183

how dare you say this to me. where is your proof

>> No.1900184
File: 255 KB, 402x384, 1598960003286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posters and collectible figurines

>> No.1900204
File: 584 KB, 1600x900, 700-aframe-cabin-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is right

Obvious fake pic
4 second search


This is a real one


You can sleep in it for over $100 per night

>> No.1900218

>Going to piss at night.
Stand up, Hit head on Roofwall
Fiddle around trying to find tiny latch while wind blows and rattles the roofwall.
OPen a section just a little to get out and end up crushed beteen the frame
all the warmth rushes out of the shed.

Foxes have taken your slippers.
walk towards outhose barefoot and fall off the edge of the decking.
Step on rusty nails and broken glass from previous renters.
Piss on tree as it's too far to the outhouse
bark shins on decking on the way back in
wind blows the roofwall up and off its hinges, breaking them and crushing you again.
Crawl into bed leaving bloody muddy trail
wake up with fox in bed marking its territory
>Leave the next day
Charged for damage to cuck hut
Tetanus from rusty crap
Cuts and bruises
Whatever disease foxes carry

>> No.1900221


>3 weeks
>to build that shitshack

holy fuck that is some advanced autism.