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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 915 KB, 1600x1200, benefits-of-bushcraft-for-adults.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17760 No.17760 [Reply] [Original]

Does bushcraft count as /diy/?

>> No.17777

fuck yes, gimme.

>> No.17778

Sure, why not?

>> No.17779


>> No.17784

Until the mods say otherwise: yes.

>> No.17786

If the mods say otherwise, they're faggots and it's related anyways.

>> No.17802

bushcraft is /k/ related


>> No.17818

Outdoor tips, fuck yes!

>> No.17827

We all know /k/ would be as competent on the bush as they are in a social setting.

>> No.17840

i had posted some pics of a survival shelter me and a friend made in an earlier thread


my local climate and terrain have to be some of the hardest to survive in the world, after polar regions and deserts, if you don't know what you're doing you won't last long in the winter, survivor man did an episode in northern ontario that was pretty much the same environment

>> No.17875

/k/ is weapons
is bushcraft weapon?
go ahead.

>> No.17878

you dont even browse that board. most people there are over 18, kid.

>> No.17884

hunting is a huge part of firearm and other weapon ownership, and you need bushcraft skills to hunt. it goes together like pork and beans

>> No.17886

That doesn't mean or even imply that they're competent in social situations.

>> No.17892

Ha /k/ has never been about REAL weapons.

>> No.17896

you know nothing kid. just stop while your ahead.

you dont browse the board, obviously. go get some man in you already

>> No.17911

breathing is a huge part in being able to use a gun, yet biology doesn't belong over there.
However i do agree that SOME of them indeed may have interest in such a subject.
Now, as mentionned by OP, it's about bush>CRAFT<, which is more to suit on a do-it-yourself environment. (example: campers)

>> No.17921

it belongs on /k/. now what your doing is looking for semantics. so how about you take this thread where it belongs?

>> No.18035

Not only it doesn't, but neither do you, and on both boards, since what you bring is just a worthless troll.
semantics was essentially used as an ellipse to point out your very own use of fallacious logic. (I wasn't sure if it was intentionnal or a simple, honest mistake until you decided to reply).

>> No.18052

do I sense a ZS invasion?


>> No.18054

how am i trolling? i browse /k/ regularly and we always have bushcraft threads. it belongs there, not here. dont get upset kid

>> No.18073
File: 2.60 MB, 3087x2048, 87170008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18083

You're saying "because something is tangentially related to the topic of my board, you guys can't talk about it even though it's directly related to the topic of your board."

>> No.18089

I keep getting errors when I try to post, so I posted only the picture. It's a shelter we made of parachute and paracord in NM. It held 12 or so of us and our daypacks and bags for the whole week, not including food or water.

>> No.18098


I don't know, asshole. Which board do YOU think it belongs on? Because I'm not seeing a lot of weapons involved in this but a metric fuckton of doing-it-yourself.

>> No.18099

no, im saying take it to /k/ where people who actually know what their talking about on the subject. dont get upset kid, and take it to /k/

>> No.18105

getting upset kid, it belongs on /k/.

>> No.18107

Your post show that you know how use sticks. That's wonderful.

>> No.18124
File: 125 KB, 958x689, Finding Direction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets not argue about stupid fucking /k/ and post some buschraft!

>> No.18128


That's only because there wasn't a board for bushcraft to more appropriately belong in until NOW. The knowledgable people from /k/ can always come over to this board and talk about it instead.

>> No.18132
File: 1.39 MB, 1600x1225, Fallout Shelter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and some more!

>> No.18133

or you could take it to /k/ and have a real bushcraft thread instead of some kids posting a few pictures that they will never use the info from.

who would you rather talk to about the subject, some kids who have some pictures or people whos hobby involves this subject and practice it regularly?

>> No.18135

quit arguing about it and tell us how to fucking do something ourselves.

if you're asking how to do something or telling how to do something yourself it fucking belongs here.

save bushcraft theory and reasons and weapons for /k/, come here and explain how to build a fucking leanto

>> No.18138
File: 422 KB, 1347x1822, sporebearingsurfaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another!

>> No.18143

bushcraft isnt DIY. far from it infact. it belongs on /k/.

>> No.18146
File: 774 KB, 787x964, Tie Ropes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat my ass!

>> No.18152

ask on /k/ and you will get answers from people who have made one, not just who read a picture.

>> No.18156
File: 49 KB, 400x400, Bamboo Spear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more ass eating!

>> No.18163
File: 125 KB, 954x634, make a Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a buffet of ass!

>> No.18167
File: 46 KB, 400x400, Stone Knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18172


No it doesn't. And you're not making a case for yourself by being a condescening prick and calling everyone kid, especially since 10-1 odds is I'm older than you, dick.

Now that there is a board for miscellaneous contruction and crafts that don't already have a specific board for them, bushcraft logically belongs here. The only reason /k/ had rights to it is because there wasn't previously a board for it. So, judging by my watch, it's about time for you to shut the fuck up.

>> No.18173
File: 1.21 MB, 2329x2994, water filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black people!

>> No.18180

i remember when this site was trolls trolling trolls, now that the rest of the internet is here now i sense actual arguments going on

how is bushcraft a weapon? how exactly does it belong on /k/? because there wasn't a board that it fit into until /diy/?

>> No.18185
File: 42 KB, 660x660, bird tracks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birds ass!

>> No.18190 [DELETED] 

it belongs on /k/. thats where people who use and make bushcraft post. go ahead make a thread on here but you wont get discussion. all you will get is kids like you being a faggot and kids like that ass obsessed kid who is just reposting the same old pictures he saved, while having 0 experience in the matter.

>> No.18193 [DELETED] 

if you cannot read the post where i explained it you need help kid.

>> No.18194 [DELETED] 


But it belongs here.


It has craft in the title. It's diy. It belongs here.


Or they can come here. I'm sure some of them already are, in fact. Maybe you should go to /k/ and leave us the fuck alone before I report your ass for trolling.

>> No.18203 [DELETED] 

no it doesnt, it belongs on /k/.
why would anyone from /k/ want to discuss bushcraft with people who know nothing about it when we can discuss it with people who are experienced, kid

>> No.18204 [DELETED] 


That's it, asshole. You're reported because now you are clearly trolling this thread. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.18207 [DELETED] 

gtfo, kid

>> No.18212 [DELETED] 

hahah ohh wow, keep reporting me for nothign kid, reported you right back.

hahahahahhahahah so pathetic kid

>> No.18218

so you are to retarded to read, dont get mad kid

>> No.18223
File: 43 KB, 449x391, monique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Both of you stop being faggots, you're fucking up this thread.

>> No.18228 [DELETED] 


this "kid" would bury you

/k/ = weapons
survival shelter = not a weapon

>> No.18234

>to retarded to read
>to retarded to
>to retarded

Retard detected, fire at will

>> No.18231 [DELETED] 

thread was fucked from the get go. take it to /k/ and have a great thread with experienced people. here you get the kids who repost pics without knowing anything about it.

>> No.18246

whatever you say kid, whatever you say. now run along

>> No.18240 [DELETED] 

talk tougher kid, its pretty funny. survival is a big part of the /k/ommando culture, if you spent any time on /k/ you would realize that kid. now run along

>> No.18265
File: 27 KB, 400x362, bushcraft2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we post enough pictures maybe this bullshit will stop

>> No.18268


post disappeared.. mods are watching, bushcraft and survival shelters are not weapons

>> No.18264 [DELETED] 


/k/ here.

please ban this idiot asap. don't let him shit up another board.

>> No.18272 [DELETED] 

/k/ here, stop being a faggot little kid, kid

nice deleting your posts kid. take it to /k/ where bushcraft belongs.

>> No.18274 [DELETED] 

or you could take it to /k/ and have a discussion on this instead of just posting pictures

>> No.18280 [DELETED] 


not responding to logic, obvious troll is obvious

mods? y u no step in?

>> No.18284


Just go jack off and calm your shit.

>> No.18285 [DELETED] 

what logic? there is no logic here. take it to /k/ and have a real thread, not just posting the same old overused reposted pictures over and over again.

>> No.18288 [DELETED] 

i am calm, your the ones getting upset that you posted on the wrong board

>> No.18296


i linked to my OC i had posted earlier, which had nothing to do with weapons, i'm now abandoning thread, this is going nowhere, i really wanted to discuss this

>> No.18308


no need; just keep posting.
This thread has good content

>> No.18311 [DELETED] 

I just want to give you my appreciation, OP and mod. Any chance you know how to make a bow, by any chance?

>> No.18314

keep posting, some of us are actually interested

>> No.18324

I just want to give you my appreciation, OP and mod. On another note, any chance you know how to make a bow?

>> No.18342

i know, but ill tell you only if you go make a thread on /k/ where it belongs, kid

>> No.18364

>>18296 here

ok well seeing how that's over, i am interested in this >>18324, what sort of wood is most suitable? canada here

>> No.18370

oh dear God it's still happening.

do you want to make the entire thing from scratch or are you ok to use store bought string?

>> No.18396

Do you have access to any ash or yew? either of those will work well

>> No.18406


i see that... continuing on anyway, i was just planning on using that sinew wax string stuff, but i have no experience in this, it would be nice to know how to make that from an animal

>> No.18409


>> No.18413

a bow is a weapon, not allowed here. reported. take it to /k/

>> No.18421


hmm, best we have are a variety of willows, birch, poplar, spruce and pine trees as far as i know, which of those would be best? i can imagine i will have to experiment a bit to get this right

>> No.18436


a weapon to what? deer? this is a DIY survival tool

forget it, abandoning thread again

>> No.18442

it is a weapon. take it to /k/

>> No.18450

Unfortunate. Thanks for the thread, champ.

>> No.18452

Holy shit so much fucking autism and angst itt

>> No.18456
File: 222 KB, 800x1163, American_Boys_Handy_Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all need to get this book! it's like 400 pages of everything you'd ever need to know about any outdoors stuff (vintage stuff, hunting, fishing, knots, shelters, lookout towers, kites, etc etc etfc). Really cool, written by the guy who founded the BSA

>> No.18461

well apparently you can use sinew, although I don't know where you would find sinew long enough, unless you can join them somehow.

Otherwise you can cut 9 thin strips of dried hide, and plait them together, by plaiting 3 lots of 3, and then plaiting those 3 together.
Then you cover with beeswax or soak in cooking oil overnight. Make sure you're hide is a bit longer than you need, just to be safe.

>> No.18470
File: 31 KB, 216x329, sss_cover_216W.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also wrote this one which is pretty epic

>> No.18495

Yeah experimenting will be the best way to figure out what works best. Idk if you're still here or if that fucker pissed you off enough to leave, but you want a fairly sturdy wood, with not a lot of flex. You also want a bit of a natural curve to the stick you choose, and if you can you'll want it to be thicker in the middle, where you grab it

>> No.18507

reported for being a FUCKING DICKHEAD!

>> No.18511


cool, i still see the thread on page 0 so here i am again

that's pretty strait forward, i realize the hard part would be to make arrows.. perhaps split a log, and shave off long slivers and round them with a knife? how is arrow making done usually?

>> No.18518

calm down there kid, no need to get mad and autistic

reported for discussing the manufacture of weapons. take it to /k/

>> No.18532
File: 145 KB, 960x720, Picture 197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of a bow as a two springs. When you bend a spring it wants to fly back to its original shape. An already bent spring will not carry as much energy. Its the same with bows. A pre-curved piece of wood will produce less energy from retaining a curved shape instead of trying to go back straight.
I hope that makes sense...

>> No.18566

you want something like cedar, douglas fir or birch. Something thats naturally pretty straight, and something thats hard if you plan to hunt with it. Birch is good for hunting arrows.
Look for straight saplings if you can, otherwise thicker ones so you can remove any kinks. If you cant get saplings you can carve them out of wooden blocks. Tie your sapling into a bundle, and leave them somewhere humid to dry. (humidity will prevent them from splitting)

>> No.18582


is that the SAS handbook? i gotta get me another one of those

i remember looking at all the mushrooms in there, and then deciding never to eat wild mushrooms again :/ we have very toxic ones growing around here

>> No.18601

if you really want to know i suggest asking on /k/, where you should have made this thread.

>> No.18604

then you remove the bark and work them to the size you want. try to straighten out any bends, if you cant get them out try using a bit of non flamable grease, a candle and some kind of lever to give you mechanical advantage, and heat where you want it to bend, putting grease there first so it doesnt burn. dont heat it too much or it will lose strength

>> No.18641

Just because a topic can belong in one thread, doesn't mean it can't fit into another as well.
Asking the same question in different boards will yield different information, in particular one would expect that asking about something on /diy/ rather than /k/ would lead to more discussion around the building, as opposed to the use of, a bow. I understand that you must really like /k/ as a board, but there are benefits to asking the question here rather than there. You seem to be having a hard time accepting this, may I suggest you forget all about this thread and head back to your beloved /k/? I think it would be best for everyone involved.

Have a great day friend!

>> No.18642


your totalitarian attitude makes me never want to visit /k/ again

>> No.18651

/k/ is the place where you want to ask about building a bow as almost all the of archers there, including me,have built our own. take your thread there if you want real experience, not what other people are copy and pasting from google.

>> No.18654

good, your a little effeminate emo bitch, you woudlnt fit in their anyway kid.

>> No.18660

you are a twat - fuck off

>> No.18664

woah there young man, no need to get mad and autistic there boy

>> No.18673

>building a bow
Yeah, you're right there's absolutely no way BUILDING a bow would come under diy, that's crazy talk!

>> No.18674
File: 71 KB, 600x400, duck2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18677
File: 23 KB, 338x300, duck3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18679

its a weapon, take it to /k/

by your logic i should make a thread on how to build guns, because thats building things

dumb kids

>> No.18681
File: 112 KB, 798x598, duck4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18686
File: 82 KB, 400x400, duck5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18693

Well, we just had a blacksmithing thread on page 0, so that would be pretty cool too.

>> No.18695
File: 63 KB, 625x450, duck-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18697

reading this book now; it's amazing stuff.
I love the first half, all the Tomohawk shelters

>> No.18700
File: 51 KB, 579x597, 1318622897755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry its a goose

>> No.18701

but its agaisnt the rules kid, read the sticky. its a weapon. take it to /k/ where weapons, and bushcraft belong.

>> No.18705
File: 517 KB, 1600x1544, 183370165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18714

nice a duck thread

>> No.18715
File: 67 KB, 450x300, ducks (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18717


that blacksmithing thread had a knife in it, why don't you go harass them a while?

>> No.18722
File: 93 KB, 600x406, ducks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18725

Congratulations on your bow, I'm sure you made a fine weapon, and there are many things we could learn from you, if only you chose to teach us.
However, I feel obligated to inform you that /diy/ is a great board to ask such a question. You see, the type of people who are most likely to frequent this board are hands-on, do-it-yourself types. This unquestionably puts them into a great position to give advice to others on the topic. In addition to that, this thread is full of people interested in bushcraft, and it sure seems to me that a thread on bushcraft, in a board about doing it yourself, would be a perfect place to ask about making your own bow. I'm sorry you don't seem to share this opinion, but it seems to me that you are the one out of place in this thread. So again I feel I should point out that perhaps you would feel more at home in /k/?

>> No.18726

a knife is a multipurpose tool. a bow and a gun are weapons, with only 1 intended use, to kill. take it to /k/ kid

>> No.18731

fair enough, but take it to /k/ and you will learn. here you will get some google copy pasta answers along with a few info pictures.

>> No.18738

If you don't shut your mouth Im gonna fuck you up with my bushcraft! Oh wait a second, bushcraft isnt a weapon what was I thinking?

Hurrr durr

>> No.18742

I reiterate: There was a blacksmithing thread on page 0. I think that the people here know a little more about these things than the "Is that a FAMAS" types at /k/.

>> No.18744
File: 234 KB, 968x622, mandarin duck 3 duke gardens 40205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ducks were highly mechanized weapons invented by the Chinese 7000 years ago. They never figured out how to turn them off.

>> No.18749

straight vs curved axe handle. Which is better?

>> No.18750
File: 28 KB, 500x375, remote_control_ducks_diy_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to construct a Duck of Mass Destruction

>> No.18753
File: 19 KB, 500x375, remote_control_ducks_diy_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18758
File: 20 KB, 500x375, remote_control_ducks_diy_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch as your duck rapes and murders thousands of innocent South Korean children

>> No.18759

whatever kid, be less mad boy

you obviously havnt spent much time on /k/ then.

depends on the type of axe. also take it to /k/

>> No.18767
File: 27 KB, 431x258, ducks (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only a deadly weapon, ducks were used as multi-purpose tools for digging, chopping, and recreational activities.

>> No.18771

What makes you think /k/ is such a great source of info, and so much better than /diy/?
Seems to me like this thread could fit into either, and who knows, maybe OP started a thread in each? Both boards have the potential to deliver a lot of good information, but they're probably both going to put their own spin on things. Maybe the OP would rather a diy type spin than a weapons orientated answer

>> No.18775
File: 641 KB, 851x564, istock_000006257328small-rubber-ducks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can construct smaller ducks, but they aren't very effective weapons. They are mostly used for ceremonial purposes.

>> No.18782

becuase all there is are a few pictures people post over and over again.

>> No.18785

Thank you for all of the info, good sir.
Be careful you are not reported for posting these duck weapons outside of /k/

>> No.18793
File: 17 KB, 460x288, pducks1_1367221c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ducks look great mounted on your wall. Be sure to have them tempered at a local black smith.

7 chinese dynastic families died at the hands of ducks.

>> No.18794

ITT: one butthurt operator from /k/

>> No.18798

because most of the people who know their stuff and were willing to hang around and teach people got annoyed by this annoying fuckwit cancer who wont stop being a giant dick maggot and telling people to go to /k/

>> No.18810
File: 36 KB, 450x300, DucksSWNS_450x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The North Korean government has been trying to create a hydrogen duck bomb for 30 years.

Iran's construction of nuclear duck weapons was halted by a covert virus scripted by geese and the US government.

>> No.18811

dont be mad young man

fact is this belongs in /k/. but you dont. nope, not one bit. fact you get mad at the internet shows just how retarded you really are. now run along boy and play with your toys.

>> No.18819

You may not realise that this thread contains content related to Doing It Yourself. Though you may not like it, this is in a place it very well belongs. Maybe you should find another thread to troll, young man.

>> No.18830
File: 125 KB, 668x424, duck exotic duke 21411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ducks are built to maneuver over rough and deadly terrain, such as deserts and mine-fields. They can sustain a considerable amount of damage, and withstand temperatures up to 3000 degrees celsius.

>> No.18831

by that logic we better put everything from all hte boards in this boar, because they are all do it yourself.

your logic is so stupid kid

>> No.18843
File: 123 KB, 732x502, red-crested pochard at Duke Gardens 102304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the crusades, franks would catapult explosive ducks over the walls of the enemy. Upon impact, defense would become tarred and feathered.

>> No.18857

Please calm down and try to think abit. The content would be welcome here, if it was do it yourself. Not that it HAS to leave its place. This thread has a right to be here and in /k/. Its just like a child to not want to share.

>> No.18861

Everything you can make IS allowed on this board, and on those boards as well. Excepting pipe bombs and other potential terrism-producers, but those are frowned upon across 4chan.

>> No.18871
File: 259 KB, 1169x628, ruddy shelduck duke gardens 123005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ducks were considered the first "smart weapons". Female ducks average at least 100 point higher IQ than the average male on 4chan

Because of this ducks are used in covert operations and sabotage. A Russian duck has been blamed for the Challenger disaster and Apollo 13

>> No.18872

take it to /k/ kid

a bow is a weapon therefore you post it on the weapons board.

>> No.18879

Would you find instructions for a bow in the Anarchist's Cookbook?

>> No.18893

that has nothing to do with this. anarchist cookbook focuses on modern (at the time they were) things. you obviously have never read it.

a bow is a weapon, take it to /k/

>> No.18895

Wow. You were proven wrong. And you still continue.


>> No.18902
File: 153 KB, 698x362, philippine duck 2 duke gardens 22205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traces of ancient Roman ducks have been found in South American ruins. This could be a clue of ancient cross-pacific warfare.

>> No.18908

how was i proven wrong kid? how retarded are you? keep on being mad and upset kid, it suites you, with you being a faggot and all

>> No.18909

geez, u need to get a life and go back to /b/ troll.

>> No.18915

and you need to post bushcraft and weapon making threads on /k/ kid

>> No.18934

Child, the do it yourself content of this thread belongs in... /diy/
What is the problem? The weapons? I agree. But the tents and grills and all of that belongs here.
inb4 take it to /k/ huur

>> No.18952

bushcraft and survival is a huge part of the /k/ommando culture. there are threads on it all the time. there are people there who practice it as a hobby.

on here you get some little kids posting info pictures and copy pasta from google.

who would you rather ask, people who actually do this stuff or little kids who spew memes, get angry and act autistic when someone points out they are on hte wrong board?

>> No.18968

What i'm saying is that it can still be here! I'm not favoring any boards over another, but it can still be here. Wise or not, it is allowed.

>> No.18990
File: 195 KB, 400x594, 13022774455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hours and a half, and a ctrl+F on "kid": 24 results
Someone has way too much time on his hand and seems very restless about something.

>> No.18998
File: 80 KB, 510x413, hooded merganser male 121502 duke gardens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in 2 hours, ducks can have sex over 50 times.

>> No.19009
File: 38 KB, 241x230, watk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow /k/ommrade here

Can you shut the fuck up, and let the bushcraft commence?

>> No.19102


>> No.19116

Oh wait I get it!
He's a kid, so he calls everyone "kid" in all of his posts so that they will all think he's mature and intelligent. It all makes so much sense now!

>> No.19198

First of all. Bushcraft is partly /diy/. Since you would have to craft anything in jungle in other to survive.
Second. Stop being butthurt and let the thread move it's course.

saged because this thread is off-topic right now.

>> No.20242

Congratulations /k/ guy, you've turned this into the worst thread in the history of /diy/. Not much of an accomplishment, really.

>> No.20259



However, I for one, learned a lot about ducks I never knew before.