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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1884977 No.1884977 [Reply] [Original]

What sort of /diy/ projects should I be doing right now to prepare for a potential shtf scenario in November?

>> No.1884983 [DELETED] 

The protests have shown you that the left is great at marching with umbrellas and cardboard shields, and then crumble and cry like children when paintballs are shot at them.

The "Dont tread on me" right has shown you when secret police and unfettered militarized police roam the streets and disappear people without due process its perfectly ok, as long as its sent by a president who passed more gun control laws than Obama and said to he was a believer in "Take the firearms first then go to court"

There is no shit hits the fan scenario in November
Both sides are a bunch of pussies who roll over and take that big Cop cock right into their mouth the second the pigs apply any force at all.
You want to "prepare" for the actual fallout that will happen?
Delete facebook and youll not be affected

>> No.1884996

>The "Dont tread on me" right has shown you when secret police and unfettered militarized police roam the streets and disappear people without due process its perfectly ok
Communists should be shot on sight, or hanged to save bullets. Fuck off commie scum. I hope Zion Don GITMO's your kikesucking ass. I hate both sides but nothing gets my rocks off like watching a commie pinko get van'd. So satisfying.

>> No.1885003

>disappear people without due process

You're trying to hard to appear centrist. Link us to a source about a single person who has disappeared in federal custody from the riots.

>> No.1885017 [DELETED] 

Leftists will be saying the same thing when they go for your guns.
The government is testing the waters and pushing the limits by throwing out checks and balances, and removing any sort of accountability.
Just wait until people you dont agree with get into power, but you dont actually care because you are painfully short sighted. The precedents that have been set as of recent should be alarming to you and anyone else who isnt retarded as fuck.

Are you denying that unmarked federal officers werent pulling people into unmarked vehicles and arresting them under NDAA laws, and that local law enforcement agencies werent covering up their badges and removing their cameras while marching through residential areas that werent even near protests?
Its literally all on tape, and its been national news for over a month now.

Are these actions ok to you?
This is literally the beginning of the slippery slope that 2nd amendment advocates have been talking about for years. This is the precedent that would allow unmarked armed forces to confiscate firearms from citizens, or any other number of things. But it doesnt matter because you dont give a shit about niggers woes right?
Cutting off your nose to spite your face is what it truly is.

>> No.1885082


when you are preventing normal citzens from conducting thier daily business as they see fit you deserve to get hauled off and roughed up

>> No.1885091

We should pepper spray and arrest the protestors who picket planned parenthood.

>> No.1885146
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You need a solar still to purify your own drinking water.

>> No.1885150

Depends on yer individual shitcheration anon. Are you expecting disruption to commerce? Do you have sufficient supplies to see it out? Might want to get into the home grow threads or move rentals to somewhere less urban. Hard to know what diy might be needed without more info on what you're anticipating and what your circumstances are.

>> No.1885154

>Are you denying
I think he is saying that people were put into custody and then released, no one was disappeared, you don't come back from that. You can not play centrist while being so hyperbolic.

>> No.1885166

at first I thought >>1884996 was being dramatic, but after reading >>1885017 you really are a retarded commie faggot.
I'm a libertarian, but I rather have a fascist right wing government than an authoritarian communist government. At least under fascism we won't starve to death while not being able to speak out.

>> No.1885188


>> No.1885286


Learn food preservation techniques. Instead of buying overpriced long term storage foods learn to DIY the amuse thing for cheaper.

You can buy bulk dried rice and bulk dried beans for like .50 cents a pound. Learn how to store that stuff long term. You can eat link a chinaman for a full year for less than a couple hundred bucks.

Learn about shortwave e radio and other types of radio so you can get news when things go pear shapes.

Learn alternative electricity generation methods (wind, solar, etc) so you can power your radio.

Learn different water purification methods.

>> No.1885295

>The "Dont tread on me" right has shown you when secret police and unfettered militarized police roam the streets and disappear people without due process its perfectly ok
lol they had outstanding warrants anon

>> No.1885299

OP great thread topic. I would suggest buying a Play Station 3 motion camera and downloading some open source software. You can become like Dr Robotnik

>> No.1885319

DIY condoms and pimp canes, in a shtf scenario prostitution is going to be huuuuuge.

>> No.1885352

Unibomber cabin

>> No.1885364
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It’s UNAbomber, show some respect.

>> No.1885455 [DELETED] 

>Leftists will be saying the same thing when they go for your guns.
Before I lost all of my guns in a tragic boating accident last March they were kept on my own private party and I want using them while rioting in the streets and vandalizing/destroying/burning the private property of other people or violating the rights of others or keeping people from freely going about their business or exercising their rights.

Go fuck yourself you nigger loving communist vermin. Your brain is too rotted with communist fairlytails and drugs to understand the fundamental difference in the actions of the right and left when it comes to "protests". You're a vile despicable creature and I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers then party canned all the way to gitmo. I despise you mentally deranged nigger apologists. Disgusting.

>> No.1885456

>>1885017 #
>Leftists will be saying the same thing when they go for your guns.
Before I lost all of my guns in a tragic boating accident last March they were kept on my own private party and I wasn't using them while rioting in the streets and vandalizing/destroying/burning the private property of other people or violating the rights of others or keeping people from freely going about their business or exercising their rights.

Go fuck yourself you nigger loving communist vermin. Your brain is too rotted with communist fairlytails and drugs to understand the fundamental difference in the actions of the right and left when it comes to "protests". You're a vile despicable creature and I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers then party vanned all the way to gitmo. I despise you mentally deranged nigger apologists. Disgusting.

>> No.1885468

>lol they had outstanding warrants anon

So will the idiots who think that they can "lose their guns in a boating accident" when the government comes for you. You will be dissenters of the government in direct violation of the law.

Ah yes, we all love the second amendment because its the last resort to stop tyranny.
But when tyranny is knocking at your door and you are an enemy of the state, you will cower like a huge pussy, lie through your teeth like a child, and feel like a proud strong 2nd amendment supporter with your guns buried in the yard like some treasure that you cant use.

Defeats the whole purpose doesnt it. What part of "my cold dead hands" dont you understand you huge fucking faggot? During that "boating accident" you stuck that huge authoritarian cock into your mouth.
You might as well just fucking get rid of the 2nd amendment altogether with your bullshit mindset.

Like I said, you are a pussy faggot just like everyone else pretending that they will do shit about anything.
You let anyone and everyone trample you like a fucking worm

>> No.1885500

>yeah sure they did it, but only a *little* bit.
It always starts like that moron. Look at every fucked up regime ever.

>> No.1885501

>be a trust fund commie kid
>chimp out and riot fuck the police acabacab
>attack police officers up to and including permanently blinding them with lasers
>get filmed on livestream setting fire to federal buildings
>swarm and attack police cars on sight
>doxx officers and threaten their families at their houses
>post about all this on fucking twitter
>get nonviolently taken into custody by federal officers who ambush you from a rental minivan
>be completely unharmed
>be charged for the crimes you are on video committing
>daddy posts bail and you go home


>> No.1885508
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Nice counterculture movement you've got there, backed by all major corporations, and with endorsement from activist judges, DAs, and local governments to commit violence against random bystanders. We are going to blow up the system, comrade.

>> No.1885514

>The precedents that have been set as of recent should be alarming to you and anyone else who isnt retarded as fuck.
Well, desu, if trump goes the full nine yards on this, the right won't have to worry about it, because leftism would be criminalized.

>> No.1885540

This is a violation of your fourth amendment right. Period, end of discussion.
Those who were vandalizing and escalating were breaking the law and deserve what was coming to them sure.
We have laws on how to do this, we have a constitution that dictates how it works. Just like you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

What you are doing is normalizing a violation of the constitution, because it was someone you dont disagree with.
There is another constitution that people dont like from the people who disagree with you.

Biden will get elected and will realistically get 8 years, he said he is going to ban assault weapons. His running mate is from California who has the strictest guns laws in the USA.
The left has been pushing for strong gun legislation because of recent mass shootings.
All accountability from the government is being stripped.

And you are too fucking stupid to see it happening right under your nose. But its all a football game and think its funny that the constitutional rights dont apply to those you dont like, because of course power in the government doesnt ever shift amirite?

Fucking clueless

>> No.1885543

>Winning the election
Not likely, not without some serious election fraud. People on the fence are pissed about the rioting, and as soon as the videos of Biden sniffing kids' hair gets out on TV, his campaign is as good as dead.

>> No.1885547

Trump just barely won, against the most hated candidate in modern history.
Now Trump has become the hated candidate, going against someone who just kind of exists as someone other than trump.
Every idiot out marching for BLM is going to vote for Biden because of his nigger VP.
There is no one "on the fence", the ones obsessing over Biden were never voting democrat in the first place. The obsession with hating trump far exceeds the Hillary hate.
You are sticking your head in the sand thinking trump has a chance, just like you are sticking your head in the sand that the democrats arent going to abuse the powers and precedents set by trump himself.
Just like OP is sticking his head in the sand thinking that the loud people on either side have any balls and wont just roll over and do whats told of them. They are showing their true colors right now and it makes me fucking sick

>> No.1885549

Rule of law has broken down. States aren't prosecuting criminals and after arrest they're back on the street the next night. It's basically a cold civil war. Also, why should don't tread on me poofs leave their comfortable country house to go get hassled on behalf of people who would be worse for them than an authoritarian right wing dictatorship? Best just stay out of it because neither side winning is beneficial to a proper libertarian.

>> No.1885550

I highly doubt that Biden would have a chance of winning, but considering the stakes, I'll admit that I'd love to see Trump declare martial law if there's even a risk of it happening.

>> No.1885568

Kind of hard to say considering there's not a lot to bounce off really in terms of your circumstances.
I can tell you as a former military arsehole (not US) who used to teach and torture people with E&E training is that you need a fucking plan, then a second plan for when that one goes to shit because reasons.
>clear the danger zone asap
>move as far away from the danger as you can, however you can
>move to a safe spot you KNOW
>If that is compromised, know how you will get to a secondary
That really covers nearly all the worst cases in the most simple way as possible, it doesn't necessarily give you the exact hows and whys you need to do it, but at the most basic it really comes down to this kind of immediate risk assessment for your decisions-
>If you get injured in enemy territory, you are fucked.
>You will probably die from infection, gunshot wounds or some kind of misadventure like a vehicle accident, falling off something or drowning.
All the prepping doesn't count for shit if you bleed out, can't bind a wound, treat a sprain or fix a vehicle, but you will probably leave someone else a nice present with a trunk full of guns and mre's! But like everything, the best cure is prevention, so don't be a fucking idiot. Not being a fucking spastic is actually a lot harder than you think for a lot of people, don't be those people

Lastly- community
A dirty word, but essentially you're going to need to know who your neighbours are, what they are, what they can do and what you can do for them. Because its a whole other ball game when you've got friends who can pick you up when you're down. Be they neighbours, friends or family and I strongly suggest you get to know them a lot better than you do.
Don't be a cunt, call your mum and dad

>> No.1885569

I'd highly love to see you get shot. Perhaps we can arrange that.

>> No.1885570

Phillip Luty's project guids.

>> No.1885637
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Not him, but you're clearly a rioter. Posts like this are why people are afraid of you and hate you. You want to force your ideology on other people through literal violence and abolish their rights in order to promote your worldview. All while pretending to be the victim. Disgusting.

>> No.1885640

Look on the bright side
After there's been a revolution, the most rabid, fucking crazy revolutionaries get the rope or a long holiday in a work camp because they're just a liability to the state in that time.

>> No.1885642

The greatest tragedy about the Holocaust is that gas chambers didn't exist(but should have).

>> No.1885645

Dig a lot of 100-foot deep by 1-foot wide holes. I mean, a LOT.

>> No.1885653

>This is a violation of your fourth amendment right. Period, end of discussion.
No it isn't.

On the other hand the communist rioters getting vanned are guilty if violating the Constitutional rights of others and should be hanged for being communist vermin.

Seethe, rat, seethe.
>Biden will get elected and will realistically get 8 years
LoL! The Rothschild kikes have chosen Trump. It's why they forced the most hated politician in America to run against him after cheating your kike establishment sheepdog Barny Sandlers. Now they have hand selected a pedophile with dementia and a nigress who has put more blackies into cages than a Amish puppy mill.

>> No.1885655

>Every idiot out marching for BLM is going to vote for Biden because of his nigger VP.
Felons can't vote. Keep committing felonies Tyrone lmao!

>> No.1885659

Typical violent niggerbrain leftist commie vermin.

Just know that a man like me would knock every tooth out of your mouth and bust your head like a grape irl. And sleep like a babby after tucking my white children into bed later that evening. You are weak and powerless irl which is why you lash out and want daddy government to coddle you and your nigger pets.

>> No.1885724

>violation of 4th amendment rights
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

>commie on camera committing crime
>police get warrant to arrest the commie
>police arrest the commie in a safe manner that prevents further violence
>police bring the commie out of the active riot area, book them, charge them, normal justice system procedures resume

Where's the 4th amendment violation? These are not extrajudicial black baggings, these are warranted arrests being carried out in a high threat environment. None of the arestees were hurt or deprived of their rights. You just get your miranda warning etc in the van as they exfil the danger area.

>> No.1885763

Well, anon, should it come down to it, may the anon with the better aim win.

>> No.1885770

>and should be hanged for being communist vermin.
> it's illegal to share things
what's up with people LARPing as boomers

>> No.1885806

>if you don't want your country torn apart by revolution and genocide and then settle down into decades of starvation and despair you're a boomer


>> No.1885842
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>> No.1885906

I kneel Ted-sama

>> No.1885910

Hang them all to save on rope. Along with the asshates like Cliven Bundy who try to kill federal agents.

>> No.1886377

What are the most powerful speakers that I can realistically buy for $100 pop? I want to line my property with them and blast link related at rioters as a warning/deterrent.


>> No.1886460

read the anarchists cookbook

[disclaimer]this post was a joke for legal reasons[/disclaimer]

>> No.1886471

Hydroponics/indoor food production.

Get Quail if you own your own house... you can raise them in a drawer...

>> No.1886473
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>> No.1886681

>bro the communists are getting arrested bro you really have to care please bro what about freedom bro yeah I know these people hate you and would kill your family and take your shit if they had the chance but please bro please care what if you're next dude think about it man have to free the demiqueer nonbinary anarchocommunists bro who's going to do drag queen story hour or get your fired for your tweets bro come one man

fuck you. if anything the cops and feds aren't doing enough, they should've started using live rounds last month.

>> No.1886770
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Half the posters here in a nutshell:

>> No.1886799

Nah, I agree more with >>1886681.
Why would you expect the right to "defend your constitutional rights" if you've spent so much time being antithetical to everything they care about? I'm not even on the right. My politics are basically just "stay the fuck off my property", and that's about it.
Thinking about shit logically, though, I could be as belligerent as all hell, but if I don't like you, I can totally just watch you get jumped, and keep walking. You're not my problem, and my world might get better in your absence.

>> No.1887687


And by secret police, does he mean ICE officers who have their agency and names printed on their badges? Because that's where the "unknown federal agents" meme came from.

>> No.1887690


Antifa, don't false flag, in fact just gtfo

>> No.1887704


I love how carefully you avoid trying to explain why you think it's a constitutional violation, because you can't.


That's the thing, they're chomping at the bit to set up labor camps and do mass arrests of political dissenters, and they'll tell you that Trump set the precedent, but they can't say how because he didn't.

If he was disappearing leftists off the streets, Seattle and Portland wouldn't have happened. They're doing as well as they are because Trump's handled them with kid gloves.

>> No.1887709

> how a pussy justifies being a pussy

>> No.1887730

>shit hits the fan
Lay down plastic sheet everywhere. Get some of those disposable ponchos.

>> No.1887735

You should hide, lay low, stock up on supplies, then cold-bloodedly serve the strongest tribe with zero regard for anything and anyone but yourself because the only wrong thing you can do in live is LOSE. If the right win, become Gestapo if the left win, become Stasi, and serve the government.Teentards with rebel dreams are fools. I will be looking out for myself with zero need to be a martyr. The government won't be kicking down my door because I shall serve it and do so well. That paid my bills for a lifetime. Nobody else and nothing else matters. The wise serve the winners and feather their own nest. Americans aren't worth fighting for, nor are the rest of humanity. If you weren't already prepared for economic disaster, organize your entire life to do so. Find a government job at all costs because those are the safest in Third World countries. If young enough to enlist, do that since it's recession and depression proof.
/diy is nothing but an economic force multiplier so learn it all and never stop studying. Only have useful hobbies. ALL your fun should involve technology, medicine, agriculture, vehicle mechanics etc. That makes your money go much further however much you have.

>> No.1887745

/diy/ makes poverty, should there be a depression, much comfier because you can fix what others cannot. There are some VERY capable /diy'er poorfags who lack social mobility because no formal education but who can drive a well, raise food, fix any vehicle and build a home. I learned a lot from them and so can anyone else.
/diy/ is why I'm comfy in a paid-for rural home despite disability and a modest military retirement. I don't call plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, weldors, construction workers or arborists. I lived a techy and /diy life and all I need in SHTF is to pay my property taxes (a few hundred bucks/year) and very modest money for minimal food and supplies, though my chickens would cover most needed nutrition. I studied the Great Depression and can make it through one of those. As part of disaster prep I made sure I don't require electrical power to survive (backup manual water pumps and a small woods with more than enough cooking fuel solve that). I'll have power anyway being a skilled mechanic with a full shop plus plenty of hand tools and oxy-acetylene welding gear, and solar is sufficient for charging my phone. Inverters mean I can power corded tools from my vehicles or my generators.
/diy requires knowledge then practice to build competence. Be able to fix everything you use, acquire visceral understanding of all the tech YOU need to have available, and always have a backup plan with backup equipment if possible.

>> No.1887751
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>> No.1887754
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>> No.1887929


If you were a real man you would be fighting to protect antifa from being arrested.

>> No.1887978

you violate your rights when you commit a crime seen by the police. You might not like it, but if a cop pulls you over and sees a baggy on your dash, he'll search your car. Likewise, if he sees you use a skateboard to bash your mate's head in, you have waived your 4th.

Simple as.

>> No.1888010

>Totally unbiased hardcore centrist, coming through!
>Totally not racist
>Totally white and unflinching
>Calls cops pigs
0/10 based boy larp

>> No.1888022

let me translate the words in the picture: "I am a stubborn imbecile".

>> No.1888024

Stockup on supplies and check out, some diy weapons