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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1885218 No.1885218 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to make a DIY lotion/cream lube for kinky shit that is:
>non comedogenic
>shelf stable
>texture of store-bought lotion/cream
I have everything figured out now except for how to preserve it. The ingredients so far are:
>sunflower oil
>shae butter
>xanthan gum
>guar gum
>vanilla extract
Im still tweaking the ratios to get the perfect texture, but the end result is a thick and creamy lotion that tastes like whipped cream and lasts a long ass time as a lube. Now I want to make it shelf stable using only ingredients that would be harmless when ingesting relatively small amounts. I've spent hours on google and found a lot about "cosmetic" preservatives, but very little about how food safe these are or what food preservatives would be appropriate here. I was originally thinking of using sodium benzoate + potassium sorbate, but those are dependent on a somewhat low PH and I don't think I want a lube to be acidic. Anyone have any experience with this kind of stuff or any ideas?

>> No.1885222

Post recipe with ratios if you want an actual answer.

>> No.1885225
File: 54 KB, 391x1005, 61XAUpvZVOL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still tweaking the ratios but this is about where I'm at now:
>1 cup sunflower oil
>5 tbsp beeswax pellets
>2 tbsp shae butter
>1 cup distilled water
>1 cup glycerin
>2 tbsp lecithin
>2 tsp xanthan gum
>2 tsp guar gum
>1/2 tsp vanilla extract
>3 drops sucralose (equivalent sweetness 1 tbsp sugar)
It shouldn't need much to preserve this since there's a 50:50 ratio of water to glycerin right? Just found some edible water based lube on amazon (pic rel) that uses similar ingredients to the water based portion of mine and it only uses potassium sorbate as a preservative which is reassuring.

>> No.1885228

Clove oil is a classic preservative, plus it smells nice and it mixes with nearly anything. You just need a tiny amount; a drop or two per batch of that recipe should be enough.

>> No.1885232
File: 92 KB, 427x1500, 61YyDJjPYsL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would burn like hell if used internally though, even just a drop. Speaking from experience unfortunately. I think I'm getting closer to my answer by looking at the ingredients of edible water based lubes on places like amazon though. Looks like my original idea of using sodium benzoate + potassium sorbate with something to lower the PH is common. Still need to figure out the ideal ratios though.

>> No.1885240

literally just use coconut oil.

>> No.1885247

Coconut oil is extremely comedogenic, literally guaranteed to cause severe cyctic acne that will leave permanent scars anywhere it touches.

>> No.1885260

Definitely get some tocopherol in there.

>> No.1885619

Don't put food inside your body unless it's via your mouth.

>> No.1885626

sorbic acid and maybe potassium hydroxide to balance the sorbic acid so the ph isnt screwed for other things in your lotion. potassium hydroxide can be corrosive if its in high concentration but is harmless in low amounts. sodium hydroxide for instance is used in the old oxi pads formula at 3%. but is known to be used in food sometimes to balance ph and sorbic acid is a standard food preservative

>> No.1885691

Are you trying to cultivate yeast infections?

>> No.1887157

Yes, I want to make bread from my girlfriend.

>> No.1887169

>Coconut oil is extremely comedogenic, literally guaranteed to cause severe cyctic acne that will leave permanent scars anywhere it touches.

that's so weird, my girlfriend covers literally her entire body with it every day and as a result she has perfect skin

>> No.1887188

I'm gonna need a source on that broad brushstroke statement, anon; I've been with my woman for thirteen years and coconut oil is what we use as lube.

>> No.1887873

is this a fetish"?

>> No.1887948

I know what you need but I refuse to aid a coomer.

>> No.1887969

For some people it's the holy grail, for other's the exact opposite. No idea if it's genetic, but second group seems to be the majority.
If I use coconut oil, it breaks down after a short while and reeks of vomit.

>> No.1888735

coconut oil comes in many qualities and price differences. Safe to say that both the extraction process as well as the cream's origin play a significant role, directly ~responcible~ for any effect after being applied for its 1000's of given possible benefits in many ways..

>> No.1888780

kek this is pure bullshit
>t. have used it as a moisturizer for years

>> No.1889107

This. It has a naturally subtle sweetness to it, moisturizes, and the low melting temp makes it easy to use.

>> No.1889127

It is a thing with coconut not the quality/source, some of us just can not use it. Any soaps or moisturizers that are coconut based cause my skin to dry out to the point of cracking and bleeding in short order. For what ever reason it clogs the pores in some peoples skin, for some that causes acne, for others it just means the skin. no longer gets its natural oils which protect and help it keep healthy.

>> No.1889187

I'd imagine the answer to that would vary depending on who you ask. If this thread were about /diy/ shoes, would you still ask if it was a fetish"?

All the flavors in the world, and you had to choose salty. Your coworkers must absolutely adore you, i bet you're a real hoot to be around.

That sucks, anon. Try cocoa butter or sweet almond oil instead, but make sure you avoid ingredients that you or your partner is allergic to. If you’re not sure, try this simple patch test before you dive into using a new lube for play:

1- Wash your arm with unscented soap. Pat dry.

2- Put a few drops of the lube onto a small patch of skin, like inside the crook of your elbow.

3- Cover the area with a bandage.

4- Wait 24 hours, and then remove the bandage.

Don’t use the lube if you notice a reaction like redness, swelling, itching, or blistering on your skin patch.

>> No.1889234

Besides coconut oil, try straight grapeseed oil. It's not going to be shelf stable forever but you shouldn't be putting preservatives in sensitive spots. It's light, very slippery and practically odorless.

>> No.1890876

is anyone going to comment on this??

>> No.1890899

>That sucks, anon. Try cocoa butter or sweet almond oil instead
I'm fine with practically any other oil I tried (almond, cocoa, avocado, to name a few, wife tried around a lot), but in the end I'm not too big on having anything on my skin. Even regular hand cream is usually too much for me, probably because I'm prone to sweating.

I still use coconut in a home-made deodorant though, it's not so bad if I put it under my arms for some reason.

>> No.1890905

>I still use coconut in a home-made deodorant though, it's not so bad if I put it under my arms for some reason.
Lots of sweat to wash it out of the pores.

>> No.1891355

sounds expensive

>> No.1893878

Clove oil is used for natural based clitoral stimulation gels.

>> No.1893879

My scalp begs to differ.

>> No.1893881

Drop the glycerin.
>Vanilla extract
So, alcohol?