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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 31 KB, 325x325, residentail_foam_roof_phx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1873088 No.1873088 [Reply] [Original]

Ok how the hell am I supposed to find rafters through this shit? I do solar installation and locating on these kinds of roofs is always hell, hammering generally doesn't work well. Going inside of the house isn't an option either.

>> No.1873093
File: 35 KB, 675x675, 092097252165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the foam strong enough to install some type of metal anchor? Like the ones used to mount into drywall with no stud?

>> No.1873094

Obviously you would need something Superior to this in weather resistance and probably larger fastener.

>> No.1873098

Sadly no.

>> No.1873104

lol do you even know what foam is?

>> No.1873106

Wouldn't a stud finder work?

>> No.1873107

nice digits
find the rafter at the eve if it has one.
Other than that a hole and a borescope camera.

>> No.1873110

is it a mineral?

>> No.1873117

Fuck no I stay the fuck off the roof. Just spitballin ideas anon

>> No.1873131

Most won't work. The ones that will work are 700+ dollars.
>Other than that a hole and a borescope camera.
Could you elaborate on this a bit more? I would be worried about drilling down too deep and going through the ceiling

>> No.1873151

450 centres if i remember something about something?

>> No.1873152

maybe 600 spacing depending?

>> No.1873188

>The ones that will work are 700+ dollars.
The Zircon multiscanner x85 claims to be able to do this and only costs around a hundred bucks.

>> No.1873223
File: 147 KB, 696x696, mountingfoam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you could install them with even more foam. this is how doors are installed in Germany with mounting foam. its a foam that does not expand much but strongly adheres.

but then again idk if you would be liability if the panels fly off or something happens.

>> No.1873225


Pretty sure it's closest, chemically, to cheese

>> No.1873227
File: 25 KB, 533x400, spray-foam-tile1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw googled Foam roofing
do Americans really?

>now have a energy saving maintenance free roof, just a re coating every 10 years expands the life of the roof.

installs this over a tile roof that last at least 100 years.

>> No.1873251

I have never seen this done over tile roof. There's the layer of foam usually a few inches thick and below that wood
Interesting idea but yeah the panels would probably fly off if that was the only thing holding down the stands.
I'll look more into that. Most solar people recommend the Bosch dtect 150 which is 700-800 bucks

>> No.1873263

drilling through is a risk m8.
Though you should see plywood from the sheathing then hit air. Problem is if that space is foam insulated the borescope won't help. If its open then you can get an idea how far away the next joist is from your test hole. After that they should be on center.
I'd probably not even mess with those roofs.

>> No.1873279


>> No.1873282

use a metal skewer. you just need to stab two parallel rows in the direction you care about, mark where studs are, then snap chalk lines in between your two rows

>> No.1873294

Besides some high tech stud finder from Hilti, or go inside to take measurements of the rafters, there's really no way.

When we worked with these foam roofs we just told the owner we have to go inside and drill upwards to determine where the rafters were.

>> No.1873445
File: 666 KB, 1078x811, Pvc niggas be like .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a good guess based on edge of roof. I did installs for a while before service with rubber and yeah it do be like that sometimes. How the fuck are you sealing that shit?

>> No.1873446

Actually just tell them you have to sandbag it

>> No.1873452

Look from the inside genius

>> No.1873467

That would be the best option to even drill pilot from inside but he said he cant

>> No.1873535

>How the fuck are you sealing that shit?
You would think we would do ballasting but nope. Honestly this company is hot garbage, I'm getting paid 14 an hour and they don't even pay time and a half for OT