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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1864268 No.1864268 [Reply] [Original]

How would one sneakily sabotage a shitty dangerous and loud old fridge that the landlord refused to replace?

>> No.1864282

make a leak in the cooling tubes in the back.

>> No.1864287
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Kink capillary tube. This will cause freezer to go bananas cold, and fridge will be warm (if it is pic-related fridge, not fancy no-frost or single-evap fridge)

>> No.1864295

Are there any liquids under pressure one would need to worry about when doing this?

>> No.1864296

This is good but I'm going to introduce a hard mode- no spiking the electricity bill (also preferably no fire risk haha)

Solutions that don't satisfy hard mode welcome as well

>> No.1864305

theres probably a fan in the freezer compartment
spray saltwater in there on it or on the bearings if you can preferably every 4 hours till the fan quits turning or starts making dieing cat noises.
should take about a week or so.

>> No.1864334

leave the door open for a while

>> No.1864625

Make an adaptor and plug it into the 240 volt outlet used by the stove.

>> No.1864773

This will just stop it from cooling

>> No.1864780

Why don't you just buy your own "non dangerous" fridge you bitch? They're like 50 fucking dollars.

>> No.1864788

start an unrelated fire on the stove

>> No.1864800

hey so what is dangerous about the fridge exactly?

>> No.1864806

it's haunted

>> No.1864815

is that all?
you know, if the fridge has been there for 60 years working fine the whole time, and it stops working after you've complained about it, you are going to be suspect number one.

>> No.1864838

Don't you mean your mother who doesn't have any money because she spends it all on you, you useless fat piece of garbage neet. Buy her a new fridge faggot

>> No.1864849

how can a fridge be dangerous?
inb4 ammonia

>> No.1864872

why sabotage something that was clearly built to last only to replace it with something which isn't?
just fix it. dont be a pussy

>> No.1864997

>needs to ask the landlord to buy him a new fridge

>> No.1865180


>> No.1865190

Steal the condenser motor and send it to me

>> No.1865193

you know fridges only last like 8 years max
also why would he fix something that isn't his

>> No.1865201

>you know fridges only last like 8 years max
New fridges, maybe, which is what he was saying.
Mine has run for over double that.

>> No.1865310

Um... Disassemble the start relay and paint contacts black.

>> No.1865335

Nope. Should be fine.

>> No.1865336

All these responses and not one good one...

OP it’s simple.
1) Unplug refrigerator.
2)Turn refrigerator upside down.
3) Plug refrigerator back in.
4) Wait for compressor to fail.
5) Turn refrigerator back upright.

>> No.1865347

Are you trying to kill OP?

>> No.1865470

Lay it down and let it run. I once killed a fridge in about 5 hours in the same situation.

>> No.1865501
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Easy as fuck dude. Just cover the back where the heat exchanger is located. Thing will overheat, maybe not today, but wont take long until its broke.

>> No.1867080

My state (PA) has a buy back program if you replace it with a energy star fridge. I got a fridge for 500 bucks and they sent me 75 bucks a week after they picked up my old unit.

>> No.1867110

Buy your own home. Do what you want.

>> No.1867642

>also why would he fix something that isn't his
that's what you do? normal human behavior?

>> No.1867652

Your going to have to wait a few months after you complained so its not suss

>> No.1868298


>> No.1868319

thats not nice anon letting op take a chance to win a darwin award
Sounds pretty reasonable. should seize the compressor bearings without letting poisonous/cancerous/flammable chemicals out of the loop

>> No.1868325
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Adjust the defrost timer to never. Pretty simple. Many are like Christmas tree timers and you can just pull a little tab. The coils will freeze and it's kaput. Easy to fix back if something goes wrong.

>> No.1868343

Dude, DIY exorcism isn't that hard.

>> No.1868436

thats absolutely preposterous, but then so is renting.

>> No.1868595

Probably too late to help you but don't remove any godamn covers or kink anything you fucking autists
>how did this break?
>can we fix instead of replace?
>looks like the back plate was recently removed seeing as the grease and dust are freshly scraped
>only thing out of place is a kinked house with a smooth bored hole in it
>anon you owe us a fridge and are never getting your deposit back

Just cover the exhaust vents with something non flammable and run it on maximum cool

>> No.1868599

Isn't he using it? shouldn't you treat it like its yours if you're using it? Wtf don't be a nigger, and remind me to never let you borrow anything you godamn nigger

>> No.1868607

my parents gave a new Samsung and my grandad came ove and pressed buttons that put it in display mode, which turns off the compresser. see if the fridge jn question has that option.

>> No.1868641

Move the fridge into the garage or storage, buy your own and plug it in. Take the new one with you when you move out, put old fridge back in place... It's not that hard.

>> No.1868846

Take a dump in it

>> No.1868851

>my grandad came over and pressed buttons
oh shit

>> No.1868852

tip it over on its side for a couple hours. Tip it back up, then turn it back on. The oil will run out of the compressor

>> No.1869633

Cuck behaviour

>> No.1871774

OP is a deadbeat scumbag, any food he would put in it would be suspect.

Convincing pic, btw

>> No.1871810

I've been in this apartment for 12 years with the same fridge, and I'm sure it was here well before I got here. Just had to clean it recently, and works good. I'd replace it if it were mine, but it's not.

>> No.1873537

Unless the landowner is an EE, or calls some sparky, he will likely assume the worst - the piece of shit fridge that OP complained about for 3 months finally kicked the bucket.

>> No.1873772

>also why would he fix something that isn't his
most people have pride about their living conditions and want to keep things in working order.

>> No.1873816
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>dangerous fridge
Step 1, go to the salon and freshen up your complain to the manager haircut so they know you mean business.

>> No.1873818

I mean if that's the case the spectre is just going to inhabit the new fridge.

>> No.1875471
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Appliance tech here. Tip it over, onto its back, while it is running. Maybe even upside down. This puts the oil from the compressor into the lines, which then freezes and blocks the whole thing up. Cannot be repaired, certainly not for a profit so nobody will do it.

Pic related, fatal coolant blockage. Just bottoms up and it will do that.

>> No.1875476

Do you reallly think OP’s landlord is gonna think “This fucker destroyed the fridge” and not “Maybe the noises were a sign it was gonna break anyway”

>> No.1875533

Sure looks a lot more like low charge than a blockage.... also pretty easy to blow out an oil restriction, especially if you don’t give a fuck about changing the filter dryer...

>> No.1875535

R600 plus flame...

>> No.1876870

Meh, it is 100 grams there. Just not much worse than cup of gasoline. Unless you live in house where kitchen is so small those 100 grams is enough for explosive limit.
Stop scamming people. This is R134a, a shitty refrigerant gunked up and clogged capillary. Just fill shit with R600a (this will work with that clogged tube) or replace capillary. This is not poorfag full-frost shit, but a nice one, so you can replace that faggot tube.
Or gas vented.

>> No.1877929

Fucking degenerate millennial.

The landlord is under no obligation to provide you with a high end refrigerator. Purposely damaging someone else's property is a crime.

I hope you get caught and evicted. If no such luck, hopefully he replaces it with an even shittier one.

Fuckin' loser.

>> No.1877930

no it's not. older fridges might have phosgene in them.

>> No.1878174

>you know fridges only last like 8 years max
two years ago i had to replace my fridge, it came with the house i bought in 2016

it was from 1994

>> No.1878176

have you considered for a moment, not being a massive faggot piece of shit?

>> No.1878178

Real old shits had ammonia in them. After that they switched to R12, R134a, propane, isobutane and shit. Phosgene was never used in refrigeration.

>> No.1878181

If you connected the two prongs to any 2 prongs of the stove outlet, it would just run like normal drawing 110 volts. If you shorted two of them, you would blow a fuse and possibly electrocute yourself, but probably not affect the fridge.

>> No.1878183

>fridges last like 8 years max
My old house had a chest freezer from 1973 that still ran perfectly when I moved out two years ago.

>> No.1879288

kill your landlord

>> No.1879309

Replace the cooling fluid with diesel

>> No.1879505

Idk if it would work, because in my 220V shithole we had worst case scenario: 250V on the lines, and neutral just fell off at transformer, which had lead to 410V going to fridge and it started making loud noises... Nobody cared until all power supplies at home started exploding. Fridge survived.
That said, invertor fridge would probably die in spectacular way

>> No.1879779

You have the right in the USA to withhold your rent until he fixes it. Just stop paying until he does.

He can't remove you.

>> No.1879794

Take the fuse out of the plug.
Most people won't check and you've not actually broken anything.

>> No.1879978

THey will probably cycle in a used one.

>> No.1881866

This is not true. every state has its own Tenant-Landlord laws. in my state appliances are not covered by the landlord unless implicitly included in your contract. leases are not favored in my state, and rental contracts are usually basic "don't destroy stuff, or lose your deposit, mow the grass and don't annoy the neighbors, also pay us $500 for any kittens"

>> No.1881907


Refrigerant gas can be dangerous, hot and at high pressure ig tnkeres while operating.

>> No.1881958

Meh, freon safe.
Otherwise niggers here wouldn't have stolen all freon lines on R410a heatpumps that have 35-40 bars in them

>> No.1882078

Just enjoy the ghost calories.

>> No.1882492

It would be funny if they dragged in a shittier one after you fucked this one up.

>> No.1882687

this tbdesu.
how is it dangerous OP? how about you do the legwork, find a fridge you'd like, send your landlord all the details and if he still refuses, fucking move.