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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1863913 No.1863913 [Reply] [Original]

What is a good toilet for a gentleman with a, ahem, how shall i say? Giant fucking dong. All the toilets at home depot seemed either too angled or not deep enough. I'm sick of holding my junk up so it won't hit the water or the porcelain.

>> No.1863915

What about those elongated fat guy toilets? Or some big ass commercial one?

But I hear ya, I hate when my pepper touches the bowl. Nasty.

>> No.1863917

The long commercial one at work dunks my junk on the regular, even though it looks like it woudn't. Maybe i have to bring a floppy dildo with me to the hardware store next time to test each one.

>> No.1863921

The porcelain kiss :(

>> No.1863923

I'm giving this thread a 50% chance of not being a troll. That said, I knew a guy that used 2x4s screwed together and set on the toilet seat to give himself extra height for just the problem OP is claiming to have.

>> No.1863935

Yes, absolutely do this. You can bring a measuring tape to the store with no problem, right?

Now that is some /diy/ shit right there.

>> No.1863960

obtain a seat adapter used for disabled people that means they dont have to squat down so far. it extends the distance to drop by making the seat higher.

>> No.1864015

post dick

>> No.1864039

Yeah let's see that hog OP

>> No.1864044

This is the easiest solution. Some water saving toilets operate with a very low water level as well.

I feel your pain OP, nothing worse than dipping the tip when you've been taking a really nasty shit. My toilet has a tall, steep bowl but doesn't extend very far forward so as long as I keep a hand on it I don't go for a swim, but if not I'm swabbing the bowl.

>> No.1864098 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1864554


well, first of all, you need to HAVE a big dick.. keep dreaming basement virgin

>> No.1864576

Simply accept that you are an evolutionary dead end. Baby-dick manlet master race ftw.

>> No.1864603
File: 13 KB, 550x550, practice-comode-wc-seat-lift-ad500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the old-people-style commode, OP. Should give you some extra lift

>> No.1864661

LOL, good larp

>> No.1864663

>I'm sick of holding my junk up so it won't hit the water or the porcelain.
What are you? 4'3"? tall?

>> No.1864727
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>> No.1864735

You can just cut it off and not spend a single penny. Oy vey.

>> No.1865256

>not spend a single penny
>Oy vey
So THAT's why they love circumcision so much!

OP, take a bar of soap in a sock with you next time you're shopping, and dip it into each toilet to see how far it goes. If your dick is not "sock with soap in" size, then you've been exaggerating the size of your dick and you need to just man up.

>> No.1865272

I have had good results with most of the xl size toilets as long as the water level is decently low and I use proper toilet posture (faced towards the desk)

>> No.1865352

He probably means when he shits anon

>> No.1865485

get the toilets that are NOT ROUND, the ELONGATED TOILETS ARE FOR MEN, the

Always bugs me when someone does a bathroom renovation and all the old toilets are replaced with expensive round ones. AKA not for men to sit and shit.

>> No.1865639
File: 2.30 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20200630_112847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what type of flush button is this? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.1865640
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>> No.1865642
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>> No.1865694

maybe something like this >>1837933