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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1858701 No.1858701 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that most women don't have an idea of running a business. The town I live in has a problem of trying to get businesses to come or open up in the area. Most of them I see are ran by women that don't last that long and are mostly the same shit over and over and have like 5+ of the same type of business. This town isn't that big, about 12,274 in 2018 with a county population of about 21,513.

On Facebook in a group based on the town, once in a while I see people talking about business ideas. One I seen that was pretty damn stupid was brought up by a women was an indoor dog park that she thought someone should start because she wanted to take her dog to the dog park but it was raining on that day. A lot of people thought it was a good idea. Someone did bring up "how is this place going to make money to stay open".

What mostly ticks me off about these businesses ran by women is they brag about nothing. They brag about owning a business that they think they are going to make a lot of money off of. But in reality they don't make enough to even be open and most of these businesses are paid by the women's husband, boyfriend, etc. Some of these business owners are fuckin cunts too acting like they are better then others because they own a business and don't have to work for "others". They think because they are their own boss, they don't have to listen to others, they are special, and so on.

>> No.1858716

An idea of what businesses that this town has or once had ran by women.

A boudoir photography business that the owner thought these town needed.
Most photography businesses, too many of them as most are ran at home.
A lot of restaurants thats the same shit or costs too much for what you get (as most restaurants are in this town).
Old friend's sister started a pottery business which she gave up after a few months and now years later does crafts like most small businesses ran by women here.
Fuckin craft stores that sell wall art, custom mugs/cups/glasses, soaps, etc.
Junk stores that the owners don't understand they they should sell online also and not just local on Facebook.
At home used clothing stores wear the women does living streaming showing off the clothing on Facebook.
Home cleaning.
Painting and Wine drinking.
Fuckin wine stores/restaurants.
Dog grooming.

These businesses get recycled a lot in this town started by one, later on closed, open by another, and then shut down. And most of them we have too many of them for a town these size.

>> No.1858719

>On Facebook

Stopped reading there.

>> No.1858726

Womens sole purpose on the planet is breeding and having kids.

95% of them are good for nothing else. The few things that they are good at like cooking and cleaning is viewed as sexist work these days. There is a reason women make less per hour than men.

>> No.1858730


A "friend" of mine though she could just open a chocolate shop.

JUST chocolate, nothing else, not even coffee, just expensive chocolates "that people would buy because they're different and special". And no, not even an online shop for convenience but a normal shop.

At this point there's some weird distortion in some people's minds - I asked her about expenses and profits she thinks she'd have and even when she herself came to the conclusion that it's probably not going to make enough to pay out a reasonable salary, she went...

>well...we don't really know the truth, it might work really well too

The audacity is amazing, I wish I could do this kind of mental acrobatics too.

>> No.1858737

>Expecting critical thinking from American women
>Expecting American women to come up with an actual business plan
>Expecting American women to hire for talent/skill
Korean women can do it, but they're ruthless hags.

>> No.1858741

Can I add maybe its 2020 mutt womin thing , But I am dating in UK a Lovely lady , who her dad taught here about interior design from being a plasterer /builder , she is minted Lads , I worked with her dad , an we hucked up , only 25yo , an I 45yo , Cornered that Deanos/Yuppies who what you to decorate their place , Kek . PLEASE DONT DISRESPECT ALL WOMEN OK

>> No.1858753

Op isnt american. You can tell by reading the posts closely

>> No.1858754

>all women
Op is talking about his "small town"

>> No.1858759

Which in his world context is all women ok ! Checkmate !

>> No.1858766

>Why is it that most women don't have an idea of running a business.
Most women don't know how to do math and base their life decisions on their emotions not practicality.

>> No.1858837

Some of those are viable if the area is at least slightly affluent,
Dog grooming, home cleaning, junk store, painting and wine if theres plenty of rich white bitches.
Boudoir photos not a bad business 30-50 years ago.

>> No.1858844

Theres a business in the rich suburb of the city I work in that’s literally a “Christmas and “holiday” store”. This bitch grifted her husbands money to literally open a store that would only be open for business one quarter of the year (if that).

>> No.1858855

my wife wanted to start a business
i told her to go find investors since we're poorfags
she said that sounded like too much work and went back to watching shit on youtube

>> No.1858856

hey evblog guy, i know you are reading this
fix your fucking rss feed you faggot
i dont like seeing 20 articles one day and then nothing for months

>> No.1858922

you're a white nigger

>> No.1859051

Small businesses fail routinely, people who start a business many times dont have a $50k business degree and do trial by fire.
This isnt special, this isnt new, this isnt surprising to anyone, and it has nothing to do with being a woman. Just as many men building male-centric small businesses dont make it through the year either.

You know where these housewifes get these ideas for businesses?
From other people who have started these small businesses and were successful.
They didnt just sit and think up this shit on their own

I have a family friend who started a tea room/Pottery store. It took off so hard the husband quit his job and they became very wealthy from it.
I also know someone who started a candle business in the garage and made a serious amount of money before selling it off
Im my old city I used to buy smoothies and candy from a small "mercantile" store selling art and mugs and the like
I routinely go into a consignment shop owned by two sisters (and I get a ton of old tools there from one booth)
There is a local christmas store like >>1858844 talks about, and its actually pretty neat
I take my dog to a local dog groomer

These are on every single corner and lot of them do a really good business and have been around a long time
You are a redneck living in a small redneck town, filled with retarded redneck women who will fall into pyramid schemes
The rest of the country isnt like your small bubble

I get you walk into wal-mart for 100% of goods and services you need, but in places that actually have a population there are customers who value small businesses

>> No.1859347

You can't open a small business and focus on a small product range now days. Its like in my small town, no one under stands that this town can't have a specialty shop or business. You have to diversify your products or services.

Most small businesses and most of them ran by women don't last long in this town. A little longer then a year or two. Shortest was a "snack shack" type of business that a guy was running in the mall (small ass mall) that lasted a little over 8(?, give or take a month) months.

An old friend of mine runs a shitty computer repair business that is now mostly a family hangout/family sells all different shit that the inside of the business doesn't look like a computer business. Before his family started to dump shit in it, he tried to do a few different things to make extra money. The most stupid one was sell soft serve ice cream, but only one type, Dole Whip. His father (that is a dumb fuck that thinks he knows it all and talks down on others) setup the machine and used a FUCKIN GARDEN HOSE to supply water to the machine. They had an inspection done before they could sell the shit, but failed because of using a non-potable line to supply water.

>> No.1859354

Not many rich bitches of any type in this town. The boudoir photo business, the women does some good work, but too many fat chicks.

This town is a small town/city in the middle of no where Nebraska. Too many people think we should have businesses based on what is in the bigger cities that this town can't support. We hardly get anything different it's always the same business that we have 3+ of. I seen another one on the Facebook group asking why we don't have a Starbucks coffee shop but a Scooters coffee shop. A lot didn't understand, some say "we need this", a few say that it's never going to happen because this town is too small for them to open a Starbucks here.

>> No.1859356

>I seen
the Midwest was a mistake

>> No.1859362

Not a redneck, but this is a redneck area.

Wal-Mart is where people do go for 100% of their needs in this town. I missed how this town had a lot. On the issue on women starting a business is mostly the towns is trying to push people (and women alot, because of the "women owned" trend) into starting businesses in this town. There are a few businesses owned by women, but they have been around for a long ass time and not based on stupid shit.

The junk shops/consignment shops are mostly clothing, furniture, shabby chic shit, crafts, and toys. If you find any tools, its like a hammer or a screwdriver, nothing more.

I would love if we could support small businesses that isn't a restaurant or a business that we have 3+ of already in this town. I missed how this town use to be and what we all had and a lot of the businesses back then was small businesses.

Most new small businesses open in this town is women ran that don't last long as most of them are the same shit over and over. It's like my sister. She wanted to start a business and didn't understand how to start one because I told her it's more then just being your own boss and pocketing money (but she is a dumb cunt). So instead she sold those wax cubes that have different smells and bragged about running her own business.

>> No.1859364

And what is a better why to say it?

>> No.1859512

>$50k business degree gives you knowledge on how to start a successful small business
Likely story.

>> No.1859519

in English, please

>> No.1859695

>good at like cooking and cleaning
They are not even good at that. They lack creativity and cut corners.

>> No.1859728

I worked at a chocolate shop owned by a woman who employed mostly young females because they helped draw in customers. Her mentality was pretty much the same as this. The teenagers did very little work, and her husband was constantly at the store running numbers, despite having a full-time job of his own to worry about. If I were to guess, I'd say she's not in business anymore.

>> No.1859754

>pretending you're 45 yo and not misogynist as fuck. Just stop anon. Your story breaks down

>> No.1859758
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>> No.1859851


>> No.1859862

>only 25yo , an I 45yo

That's a gap by Muslim standards, bloody hell Achmed

>> No.1859874

What makes you think it wouldn't?
Small businesses that have a good idea and a good location that should succeed many times fail because people lack true fundamentals of business, like finance of managing people or marketing or the like
Basic shit taught in a degree like that

>> No.1859879

>So instead she sold those wax cubes that have different smells and bragged about running her own business.
Scentsy? Yeah, Multi Level Marketing schemes aka a Pyramid scheme
The Pyramid schemes prey on bored housewifes over social media claiming to make you money with little work dealing with stuff women like
Dresses, tupperware, candles and wax melts, makeup

There are tons of them, and they are predatory as fuck

I have a million times more respect for a woman who actually starts a small business on a whim than I do for any MLM

There was a cool little candy shop a woman opened up near me, it sold all sorts of knickknacks and bulk candy, calenders and such
It only lasted a few years, but she found suppliers, she rented a place, she spent her days sitting in her store working
Why did it fail, was it half baked? Who knows
But even so, its took her time and effort

MLMs are nothing even close to running a business, its just buying shit from someone higher up on the pyramid than you and then harassing everyone you know

This is the USA, its pounded in your head the "american dream", you can get business loans and you arent really punished for failing
The idea is fail over and over till you succeed
I have little problem with entrepreneurs, especially if they will fail, that failure teaches valuable lessons

>> No.1859890

My small town in Iowa already went through this. Just wait until they start bringing in the shit skins for federal gibs. Your town is fucked and will never recover, get a job in the city and sell your shit now before everyone else figures it out and you’re left holding the bag.

>> No.1859896


>> No.1859910

Small business owner reporting. Why do you care? Are you jealous because you want to start a business? If you want to start a business just do it. Let women be women and stop worrying about other people. Oh, and brush up on your spelling and grammar.

>> No.1859916

woman bad, man good

>> No.1859989

Saw, you illiterate dumbfuck.

>> No.1859998

>I get you walk into wal-mart for 100% of goods and services you need, but in places where people aren't poor as shit, people have disposable income to spend on luxury products they don't need.

>> No.1860005

Small businesses only sell luxury products?

>> No.1860009

They have to sell at a premium because they simply can’t do the volume to compete with any statewide or national chain. It doesn’t matter anyway because even at a premium most still won’t have the long term volume to pay themselves and make a living.

>> No.1860033

Everyone understands economy of scale
Selling mundane items at a slightly higher margin is not equal to "luxury products they don't need."

Small businesses even for food and other essentials are viable unless you are literally in poverty and you cant make rent each month
And I guess maybe some towns of 25k people may all be that fucking poor.

They do ok in the rest of the country, even more so than "luxury" products where people just buy online

>> No.1860034

based hillbilly

>> No.1860086


>> No.1860087

Cool story, blog about it, stop lying on the internet.

>> No.1860109


my wife talked me into helping her start a craft sales store.
She NEEDED to do it right away despite my objections that we needed to at least pay off our 10k in credit card debt. Nope she wanted it now and emotionally bullied me into it.

store lasted 11 months lost money every single month except the last one in November. I spent hundreds of hours building displays, painting, running cable, redoing the floor etc getting it going. tons of clerical work / tax / employee payments work. Argh it was horrible. lost 30-40k by the end I don't even know because my wife is too incompetent to keep books to show profit and loss.

It was a fucking mess and I knew it would be from the start. I wish I put a limiter on her and made her commit to something like $15,000 and that's it we need to close or something. But women do not run on logic they run on feelings. We would have a fight about money and my wife would literally go shopping for clothes ( maybe $80) to make herself feel better when we were walking off a cliff financially.

On the flip side my wife is submissive for the most part, hot as fuck, great mom, conservative, loyal, cute. I can't tell her no because she's so good else-ware. But man o man never trust someone who's that feminine with a business.

women belong at home with kids. It is their natural place plain and simple

>> No.1860125
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i have a theory that nature's evolved way of making sure women arent in charge and endangering everyone is to make them bitches when in charge

>> No.1860132

So, do you mean a store that sells craft supplies/materials, or pre-fabricated things that are "arts and crafts-y", or what? What were you selling?

>> No.1860234

While I dont believe this post in the least bit I do find it funny

>But women do not run on logic they run on feelings.

Says the guy who got "bullied emotionally" so you gave into an objectively bad financial decision
Then once you threw in the time and money while doing all the "clerical work", somehow you can lose money by the boatload and "not know about it"
But you just "cant tell her no" right?

If YOU actually ran on logic instead of feelings, you wouldnt have done it without proper research or without the proper amount of funds in the first place
You were just as half baked as your wife, you are just as at fault as your wife, you are a shitty partner to sit idly by and allow this sort of shit show to happen

>We would have a fight about money and my wife would literally go shopping for clothes ( maybe $80) to make herself feel better when we were walking off a cliff financially.
I wonder why she is using shopping as an emotional coping mechanism, what hole in her emotions is she trying to fill
It sounds like she caught a real winner with the likes of you afterall, throw money at her and everything will be fine!

>> No.1860239

>Why did it fail
because Amazon sells bulk candy it's non perishable, litererally everything can be bought on Aliexpress and Amazon cheaper than a retail store.

>> No.1860244

For what its worth, that store went out well over a decade ago
There are other similar candy stores (one I routinely go to) that are still around in other towns
I dont think Amazon is really a competitor
You walk into a candy store to fill your little baggie with a variety of bulk gummies and other candies
The fact that you can order a 10lb bag of Trolli Gummies on amazon and get a better per ounce price doesnt really take away the appeal of the candy store

>> No.1860251

>Why is it that most women don't have an idea of running a business.

What kind of just got here zoomer even has to ask such a question?

>> No.1860258

What is this even implying?

>> No.1860260

That anyone who has been alive for any adult amount of time understands intrinsically that women don't have an idea....

>> No.1860261

>married submissive conservative woman
>surprised that she's too fucking dumb to run a business

>> No.1860262

Well put, very articulate!

>> No.1860263

>only leftist man hating cunts are smart.

>> No.1860266
File: 315 KB, 1151x1245, lutz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally, yeah
It takes a certain breed of woman to marry a man who fundamentally thinks of you as a lesser human being, as nothing more than a breeding sack.
And you are surprised that kind of stupid can't run a business on their own?

>> No.1860269

>marry a man who fundamentally thinks of you as a lesser human being

Choke to death on your made up narratives.

>> No.1860271

Not sure why a lot of women lack business skills, but I can safely say that more often than not, operating brick and mortar just isn't worth it. It's generally more feasible to operate online and having a home office/workshop/etc., unless you sell merchandise, in which case, you could use a storage unit, barn, or shed as a warehouse.

>> No.1860272
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>your made up narratives.
Its like you didnt even read the thread

But dont worry, this is the future you chose by marrying an ambitionless woman who exists solely to be a housewife

>> No.1860278


I did read which is why I know you are just pushing your false narratives.

>> No.1860283
File: 309 KB, 998x1186, Happy Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your reading comprehension is very poor then
You might get lucky and find a submissive conservative wife like our gal Andrea
She had a LOT of ambition, she got the job done! All while her man was at work too!

>> No.1860284

I think it boils down to biology.
Men are competitive, women are not.

>> No.1860288


It is not about reading comprehension it is about your sorry waste of natural resources ass thinking something means something it does not actually mean.

Just die in fucking fire you group think 1984 waste.

>> No.1860293

Clarify please
Ive got an open mind, if im so grossly mistaken please let me know
You should easily be able to lay it out for me

>> No.1860294

What makes you think women arent competitive?
You mean they didnt compete with other women to be your trophy wife?

>> No.1860296


>> No.1860304

> What makes you think women arent competitive?
Biology, men compete with other men to fuck as much women as possible.
Women choose (or nitpick) between men that are willing to fuck her. Problem is she can fuck only one because her womb has limited resources.

Therefore evolution did not come up with a need to perfect competitiveness for women, its just not needed, they will score best kid anyway.

>> No.1860306


>> No.1860308

If you want to talk about early man "alpha male passes on as much seed as possible" rhetoric, then you cant on the other hand talk about modern monogamous social constructs of women nitpicking their man
It doesnt work that way

>> No.1860309

Do y'all have a board game store? I can bring my carpetbagging ways in to town

>> No.1860311

lmao grow a thicker skin you retarded cunt

Imagine giving women who pull the 'does this make me look fat' mental game the vote.

>> No.1860312

I've run into these characters you speak of OP.
>Be me 6 years ago, commercial HVAC tech
>Winter PM at some boutique shop run by a stereotypical posh old lady
>Units on the roof are fucked, find three bad heat exchangers
>Sorry ma'am, I have to shut these units off, you're breathing flue gas right now.
>Her employees are trying not to laugh, customers look super uncomfortable
>Sorry ma'am here's my supervisor's number
>She calls her husband to talk to me
>The poor man is embarrassed that his wife is making a scene, he's clearly the one making business decisions for this "boutique" shop
>All in all the dude was cool and I gave the quote and went on my way
>As I was packing all my shit into my truck the lady was still yelling about how I just can't shit off their units etc etc.
I think they're just older women who need something to do and it gets them involved in the community I suppose, just a bunch of busy bodies.

>> No.1860315

I like that you equivocate being a loving mother with being a breeding sack

The picture goes very well at portraying your psychopathy too

>> No.1860319

Being a submissive woman or a conservative woman has no bearing on being a "loving mother"

>> No.1860320


There are 4 lights!

>> No.1860321

>On the flip side my wife is submissive for the most part, hot as fuck, great mom, conservative
Which you replied
>>married submissive conservative woman
>It takes a certain breed of woman to marry a man who fundamentally thinks of you as a lesser human being, as nothing more than a breeding sack.
Are you really the types of child colleges are spitting out these days?

>> No.1860322

>Are you really the types of child colleges are spitting out these days?

Yes it is, he is totally broken, conditioned and brainwashed and he does not even see it.

>> No.1860323

> early man "alpha male passes on as much seed as possible" rhetoric
It did not go anywhere
> then you cant on the other hand talk about modern monogamous social constructs of women nitpicking their man
I cannot understand this mental hoop. Social constructs?
Its very simple. Males try to fuck each they can, because they have billions for sperm. Females wait to see what is on the market and accept the one that is best fit. My wife maybe chose me because no one else wanted to fuck her she was such a loser. Or, I happened to be the best male she could come up with.

I don't see this as something hard to understand.

>> No.1860324

Apparently, I think it's mad it hasn't had an abortion today

>> No.1860332

All you did is literally repost all the replies
Thats not an argument or a clarification of anything

>Are you really the types of child colleges are spitting out these days?

Maybe if he or his wife had gone to college, they wouldnt have flushed tens of thousands of dollars down the toilet in complete ignorance

>> No.1860336

>conditioned and brainwashed
The irony is palpable
You are sitting here saying your wife is a fucking retard who just blows your money and emotionally manipulates you, no good for anything other than looking hot and taking care of the kid
And its great because gender roles!

>> No.1860337

>All you did is literally repost all the replies
Yes, because you did nothing but project your own feelings in to your response. You're the one who injected the idea that he think so his wife as 'nothing more than a breeding sack'.

I'd hoped on second review you might see the hilarity of your thought process but that's giving too much credit to the you who existed before your professors stuffed you full of hate for your own race

>> No.1860339


What exactly gives you the impression she is anything but in this mans eyes?

>> No.1860340

I would have zero problem buying you alive.

>> No.1860341

>On the flip side my wife is submissive for the most part, hot as fuck, great mom, conservative, loyal, cute
>breeding sack
Which one sounds like a bitter hateful future catperson?

>> No.1860343

I think he's okay with state of things, he just complains "wymen be wymen" type of thing. Its annoying but it's not like you can do anything about it.

>> No.1860344

So you dont like my blunt description of a submissive housewife, even though it isnt even wrong?

>> No.1860345

Your blunt description of some housewife has no relevance to what this person said about his wife, which was
>>On the flip side my wife is submissive for the most part, hot as fuck, great mom, conservative, loyal, cute
Whereas YOU reduced her to a womb. Seriously, did you go to college? It's very telling

>> No.1860346

>Its annoying but it's not like you can do anything about it.
Nah, its pretty easy to avoid

>> No.1860350

> Whereas YOU reduced her to a womb.
Nigger its the only reason men are around. Should you have an accident in which you ability to procreate is removed, men will loose any interest in you.

>> No.1860352
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>ability to procreate is removed, men will loose any interest in you
You're right females never receive any male attention until the men are ready to settle down with a child

>> No.1860354

Read the fucking list
What on the list makes her seem like anything BUT a womb?
He writes a dissertation on how dumb she is, but she is hot, she submits to him sexually, she likes gender roles where she is generally nothing but a stay at home mom

You are acting like there is substance there when there isnt

>> No.1860357

>my wife is submissive for the most part, hot as fuck, great mom, conservative
>What on the list makes her seem like anything BUT a womb?
How about all those things that he lists which makes no mention of her womb? Why do you reduce having children to being a breedsack or just a womb? Those professors really did a number on you

>> No.1860359

>Why do you reduce having children to being a breedsack or just a womb?

I dont, old fashioned gender roles do

>> No.1860362

We've finally come full circle, the college indoctrinated nuwave feminist is here to enforce traditional gender roles, only it doesn't realize everything it believes in is caricatures

>> No.1860366

Explain to the crowd what exactl a "submissive conservative" woman is to you so that we are all on the same page

>> No.1860368

It's the opposite of
And doesn't believe in killing babies in the womb for the conservative side
In comparison

>> No.1860369

Your logic is flawed, even if men don't want to settle, they would fuck off if they would know you're sterile.

>> No.1860371

You are bonkers. If she's sterile that just means you get to bust inside, not being able to procreate increases value up until a point, that point is 'the wall'

>> No.1860372

How fucking ironic you complain about "caricatures" but then post hyperbole
We all know you wont post exactly what a traditional submissive conservative woman is, because you know it boils down to a woman who exists to have kids and bow down to whatever the man wills of her
And obviously that looks really bad to most people

>> No.1860374

>because you know it boils down to a woman who exists to have kids and bow down to whatever the man wills of her
No, that's you projecting your professor's indoctrination. Do you think women can't be happy as stay-at home mothers? What specific agencies does a woman need to have while being a stay at home mom before she qualifies as more than a breeding sack to you? Unfettered access to the working husband's finances? Unfettered access to dicks?

>> No.1860375

Incel rants aren’t /diy/

>> No.1860376
File: 732 KB, 750x1334, 1F2E0772-29C5-44F1-8B92-F2E850C89975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that shop at Walmart only buy the necessities

>> No.1860378

Yet you don’t question OP...

>> No.1860379

TV's are a necessity and should be payable with SNAP benefits
Or you're racist

>> No.1860380

>hate women thread
>cries when people say you hate women
Really makes you think.

>> No.1860382

>that's you projecting your professor's indoctrination.
No, that literally in the bible and the churches teachings
You know, the foundations of the gender roles that conservatives are so keen on keeping?

>What specific agencies does a woman need to have while being a stay at home mom before she qualifies as more than a breeding sack to you?
Its about being equal partners
You arent equal when you are submitting your will to a man, just because he is the breadwinner
The fact that you are afraid of a woman having access to the family finances is quite telling

>> No.1860383

>You arent equal when you are submitting your will to a man, just because he is the breadwinner
>The fact that you are afraid of a woman having access to the family finances is quite telling
And it's more telling that you were this hurt by the notion of not being allowed unfettered (note that specific word, look it up if you need to) access to the breadwinner's finances. You won't provide any kids because that's the job of a breedingsack to you, but you're really grabby when it comes to the pocketbook. Enjoy your cats is all I'm saying, how many are you at currently?

>> No.1860384

>And it's more telling that you were this hurt by the notion of not being allowed unfettered (note that specific word, look it up if you need to) access to the breadwinner's finances

Listen to yourself
If you cant trust your wife, why did you marry her?
Why do you need this level of control over your so called partner?
Where does the micromanaging end?
What kind of woman would allow you to control her like that?

I honestly feel a bit bad for you

>> No.1860385

Man, on the real, though, pic related is my goddamn nightmare. And, yeah, it's what I see most stay-at-home types turn into.
There's often a hidden laziness motivating that kind of decision.

>> No.1860386

Why can't you just ask your husband for some more money for what you need so he can engage in the decision with you whether it's needed? Sounds equal to me

>> No.1860389

Having healthy conversations about the budget is normal
Acting like Gollum with your shekels and making a distinction that its "your" money when you are forcing the other one to stay at home where they cant work is different

>> No.1860391

You don't think women could want to be a stay at home mom?
How many gender based courses have you had to take?

>> No.1860392

>You don't think women could want to be a stay at home mom?
Again, being a stay at home mom has nothing to do with being micromanaged and controlled by a husband, justified by the fact he goes to work
It just happens that the type of controlling micromanaging man wants the submitting wife to be a stay at home mom

>> No.1860397

And it just so happens a good number of women enjoy being a submitting wife, who in turn enjoys the control displayed by their husband. Really though, how many gender based courses did you take? I went through before they mandated any

>> No.1860398

>And it just so happens a good number of women enjoy being a submitting wife, who in turn enjoys the control displayed by their husband

This is very true, and I agree
Those type of dumb, lazy women with no ambition are exactly the type of people in the OP who are too stupid to run a business
Just like I said hours ago
Again, enjoy your future as shown >>1860272

Even the laziest of women will eventually get fed up with your horse shit, its not so fun being treated like a child your whole life

>> No.1860400

>Those type of dumb, lazy women with no ambition
Ah yes
>all women are sacred but if they disagree with me they're dumb lazy ambitionless breedsacks

That example you linked is more of an example of a non-submissive woman. She's the type who needs to be slapped around until she becomes submissive, or if she doesn't and there are no children she needs to be dumped to the curb. If the man doesn't do that then he's deserves what he gets.

>> No.1860403

I fail to see how your incel rant about something you saw on facebook (but probably didn't have the courage to comment on) is /diy/ related.
I'm assuming you haven't made any attempts to start your own business

>> No.1860405

I didnt say all women are sacred
I fully admit that many women are essentially manchildren
The only difference is unlike a man, they can just do the dishes and spread their legs and get a free ride from someone like you
If your wife falls for a pyramid scheme, shes probably one of those people

>That example you linked is more of an example of a non-submissive woman.
Thats an example of what happens to your typical shitty housewife 10 years after they had a kid
The locked you in with marriage and a kid, you and your precious shekels are at stake of garnished by child support
You slap her around you go to jail
This is the reality of a bad marriage built on bad principles
Everyone who has ever lived in a small town knows that this sort of situation is prevalent, and the divorce numbers are telling too

>> No.1860406

Do you have the divorce numbers that factor in repeat offenders? Genuinely curious what that is since I only know the 50% that does include those types

>> No.1860412

not to hijack the thread, but based on the opinions so far it seems like the right place. I live in a small town that is getting rapidly diversified, but it's also the first 'mountain town' an hour outside of a major city. The IMBA crew has turned it into a mountain biking destination, there is seriously world class rock-climbing and a class 2-3 rapid river within 10 minutes of my house. Problem is - everyone from the city comes for the day. How do I turn my mountain hamlet into a vacation destination where people stay the week and inject that money into the local economy? There are only 2-3 'upper middle class' restaurants / bars, no coffe shops or art galleries and probably 20 dive bar / hole in the wall pizza joints / chines restaurants, how do I fix this ratio? As I said, it's a diverse place with a bit of crime and poverty, but I really feel like if 100,000 upper class white people visited, a few thousand would stay and take over and the rest of the town could be converted into vay-station rentals. Help me bros.

>> No.1860414

Get a lease at another place, or find someone you can couch-surf with reliably. Then put your own place up on Airbnb if that's still a thing

>> No.1860415

Also ironically, it used to be the 'mountain getaway' from the minor city to our west, but since that city got diversified in the mid 20th century, nobody there cared about coming to the woods. Since then we've lost our allure except as an escape valve from those in the nearby city who 'made it'. My only fear is that the proximity of a very diverse city a few miles away has condemned us to a life of suffering despite living in a literal garden of eden.

>> No.1860416

I own 3 homes in the community and rent 2 of them out so I'm fully invested. I'm trying to get hipster tenants who love the allure of the area rather than 'extended families' trying to escape the nearby city. That's part of the point of all this.

>> No.1860417

Then buy a fourth home and turn the 3rd in to some alternating themed rental. Coffee shop theme and the like, whatever it takes to make them take instagrams

>> No.1860418

That's a great idea actually, one is zoned commercial / residential.. What do you think about a 'haunted' airBnB? The 2nd house was on the cheap bc it's an old victorian that everyone thinks is haunted so it under-performs as a traditional rental due to that, and the fact that it doesn't have light switches, only electrical outlets.

>> No.1860421

I think it would be a great idea for the october hipsters, but it'll be a rolling theme based on the time of year/trends. Depending on how deep you go in to the theme you can keep stuff in a storage unit while it cycles around. If it's profitable enough you can have multiple themed places

>> No.1860426

interesting thoughts, sounds like a lot of work, but could be worth it due to the fact that AirBnB makes more in 4 weekends than a rental does in a month, but it seems more 'hands-on'. What would the other themes be do you think? Besides haunted-halloween I mean.

>> No.1860427

The coffee shop, old fashioned diner, protest, vhs store, idk I need to smoke more

>> No.1860435

>idk I need to smoke more
No I really think your 'dynamically changing themed retail / service outlet' is brilliant. Nothing like that exists, it would make you become like 10 businesses in one, and the only parallel is those stupid pop-up holiday shops that exist for 2 mos. out of the year. Multiply that 2 mos by 6x / year and ....

>> No.1860436

Oh I think you misunderstand, you wouldn't be each of the businesses you're themed around like a coffeeshop or a diner, it would be pure decoration

>> No.1860444

I know most climbing hipsters would kill for a coffee at about 6am before a day of climbing. Might be a move there. Otherwise look at some community development grants where you can hire some designers or advertising people to promote shit properly

>> No.1860447

sounds like you married an airhead, no offence. My aunt runs the the restaurant she forced my uncle to open and they're doing really well. My uncle couldn't be arsed with the financial stuff because, "he's the chef". I don't understand how people see signs like this while they date and don't see the red flags staring at them in the face. You knew your wife was an airhead when you were dating, don't try to play the victim here like it was all her fault. You know what she was and is and you signed up for it.

Guys, a lot of business end up folding. Men are fucking dumb too with some of their business decisions. Some people just get an idea and think it will make them money without having a business plan in place and having enough capital to survive the first few years, where a business is losing money.

>> No.1860461


>> No.1860464

yeah I'd need like a storage unit where you store the other 11 months of 'theme' until it rolls around every year, if I'm understanding the suggestion..

>> No.1860466

Just wanted to clarify after the 10 businesses in one bit. Not sure how soon you'd be looking to do it, but if it's in the fall you can theme everything in fall colors. It's amazing how much a few color matching things that swing a room

>> No.1860471

The women in my family (at least on my mom's side) seem to do just fine with starting and running businesses.
Maybe the people in your town are just dumb.

>> No.1861022
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That's not true, especially for import items

For instance, Japanese candies. I can get them for under 2.50 USD at dozens of stores here in Canada. They are over 4 bucks USD

>> No.1861047
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>Mfw my neighbour's kid who always had a stick up his ass about how we were richer than them started a business in town.
>A town with a small population.
>It sells nothing but spices in a two unit store down a side street.
>Lasts - I think - a week and closes.
I want spices I go to Morrisons and get 12 trillion different things haha

>> No.1861051

I think a lot of people start businesses because they want to hang out in those places rather than actually own and operate them.
I think it is a lot more noticable with women's businesses because they are more likely to have a physical storefront then the businesses that men make, which are more service based (ex: the carpenter who works at people's residences vs the retail store owner who only works in their store).

>> No.1861183


What if we sell the supplies required to start retarded businesses?

>> No.1861185

Those types of businesses rarely last in larger (100k+ people). They're novelty stores and people who open them don't realize that you can't keep a store open selling picture frames and kitcy wall art.

The only places where these types of stores seem to do well are in more touristy areas where they can sell regional shit that and endlessly refreshed group of tourists gobble up.

>> No.1861187

Sounds promising. there's actually a lucrative business in Ireland where people just find and ship Irish shit all over the world for people to put in their Irish bars. I think this might even be easier.

>> No.1861192

Sounds like a bead shop.

>> No.1861979

Normal women don't take risks...

Business, specially those dealing with goods is nothing but risks...

If women (and men who fail at it) does business, she doesn't understand the risks.

Most businesses where a woman does well are all services. Services like massage parlors, hair dressing and other beauty related services, easy gadget repairs, care taking and specially servicing with what's between her legs.

Also sometimes, they do well with business involving cheap raw materials, despite some of them being perishable, like cooking, but that's a trade that has been genetically coded into them.

>> No.1861990

A woman in the town over from mine decided to open up a pizza joint. It was "rustic" pizza or some shit. I like pizza so I followed the developments on facebook.

They decided to *buy* the building first (so fucking stupid). It had an apartment upstairs they rented out, and the pizza joint downstairs. They did a ton of renovations. All new equipment (dumb), put in new ventilation, all that shit.

The decor in the place was all old-timey shit. They put an old upright piano in there, a giant chandelier, a bunch of antiques. Painted the inside baby blue. They redid the exterior to put in more glass windows so everybody could see in.

They ended up going over budget, sold their house and moved above the pizza place. And they finally got around to opening. They made a big deal about hiring female students to make the pizzas, at above minimum wage.

A few days before opening they finally got around to posting pictures of pizza (over the ~2 year saga to open the place, they never had). The photo showed a pizza made by their young female employees. It was burnt. But the owner posted how proud she was of their pizza.

So they open, and things must not have started good, because they started adding a ton of things to their menu. They added a dozen different types of hot dogs, and spammed their facebook page with them. But.. none of them looked good. It was hot dogs anybody could make. The hot dogs weren't premium, nor the buns. They'd sprinkle shredded cheese or canned chili on it. And put it on a paper plate in poor lighting and snap a photo. They looked gross.

They cut their hours, reduced their days. And eventually they closed up shop. Probably a couple hundred thousand. down the drain.

>> No.1861992


Anyways, they could have done a thousand things to better position themselves. First would be not renovating the place. It had been a pizza shop for decades prior to them buying it. It had passed through a dozen owners with a dozen business names. It didn't need an entire new kitchen, a new exterior, etc. That was a waste of money that never improved the product.

They didn't need the stupid decor. A lot of it took up valuable table space. This place was a hang out for kids at lunch, or after school. But the decor put them off, and the lack of table space reduced the number of kids who could chill inside and eat pizza.

They never marketed the pizza. No description of the crust, no talk of the toppings. Never mentioned the sauce. It was criminal to open a pizza shop, post a couple pictures of burnt pizza on facebook, and think they had a valid business. They created no story behind the pizza. No family recipe.

They were more concerned about aesthetics than anything else. And the lost their home because of it.

And even if they were successful, how much would they have really made, in profit? I don't think they ever considered that while they were pumping money into the place. I can't believe they bought the building.

And when the place was in its death throes, they were trying to shame people for not eating local. lol They went on the community facebook group and shamed the community for not eating local, which caused them to have to layoff their FEMALE employees! She then used her son to do all the work (kid was like 14). lol

So many business owners (especially women) seem incapable of starting a business from the ground up. They want everything to be 100% the day they open. Most successful businesses open with the minimum needed to be viable, so they can start bringing in money. And if the business doesn't work, they can either pivot or dump it without a major loss.

>> No.1861997

nice /r/blog

>> No.1861998

You can absolutely open small product range businesses. But you have to be able to move quantity if that's the case (or it has to be real high priced shit).

The secret to success in MLM is to find driven women, and tell them the secret way to making money with the model, which is recruiting women. You get those driven women signed up under you, they go out and sign up a bunch of housewives, and you'll have a flood of money coming in.

The first one's not me. But thanks! Do you think I'd do good with a blog business?

>> No.1862030

Most women are shit at housework and breeding too, anon.

>> No.1862159
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>You are a redneck living in a small redneck town, filled with retarded redneck women who will fall into pyramid schemes
>The rest of the country isnt like your small bubble
>I get you walk into wal-mart for 100% of goods and services you need, but in places that actually have a population there are customers who value small businesses