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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 88 KB, 366x640, asbestos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1825635 No.1825635 [Reply] [Original]

Since 2003, asbestos has been banned as a construction material, here in the European Union. Whenever you encounter old asbestos, you can bring it to a recycling center. This makes me curious. What happens next? What are the possibilities?

>> No.1825643

>What happens next?
people eventually remember that asbestos only fucks you up if you're extremely careless and resume using it in technical applications

same as lead

>> No.1825666

They bag it and put it in a landfill. I mean, the shit is a hazard if it gets airborne but if you bag in and bury it somewhere where it will never be fucked with it is fine.

>> No.1825667

Chelation exists to purge your body of heavy metals, and once they are gone there is little damage done by lead.
It WAS a problem as paint chipped and it did become dust, or it was being burnt and floating as exhaust. The damage done was mostly to children and expecting mothers.
Now that we dont have those problems, lead doesnt turn to fine dust the second you touch it. Leaded stuff isnt really a big deal NOW because of how its been restricted.

There is no way to rid your lungs of Asbestos. The industrial forms of asbestos used all do turn to fine dust when distressed especially as it ages, the "safe" forms of asbestos are not in form factors that are useful.

We get it. You want there to be no regulation on Asbestos. Your boss and your bosses boss have convinced you that things would be so much better if people would man up and not be stricken by law to leave it to the professionals.

Your boss is right, it would be much better for them if that was the case. They would save a ton of money by forcing the likes of YOU to ruin your body instead of hiring pros to do it.
Too bad that money doesnt trickle down, and the benefits dont benefit you in any way.
But keep harping on it. Maybe one day youll make a difference, youll make mr bossman a few more dollars while hurting your fellow working class men

>> No.1825669

Depends which country.
If netherlands:
>Government decided to let asbestos removal companies come up with the rules
>What could go wrong?

So the official way is
>Hire company to investigate all asbestos in your house
>Use their inventarization to get quotes from companies
>Expect to get quotes between 1000 and 4000 for just collecting a piece of 1m2
If it's attached to something, you're better off burning the house down.
Some dude came up with the brilliant idea to spray sticky stuff on it, then it's safe, could be dirt cheap, but apparently it being tested safe by all institutions is not enough, the board of asbestos-maffia wants to protect their business and has enough power to stop it. (Inb4 tinfoil hat fag, it's actually pretty out there in mainstream papers and known by anyone who's had to deal with them)

If you can, remove it yourself, at least now you can still claim you didn't know.

>> No.1825671

>let the people who know what they are doing create guidelines on how to do something
As opposed to what?

>> No.1825685

Asbestos is dangerous because if moving the material airborne fibers attatch themselves to the inside of your lungs. If trying to remove it with no protective gear and enough is inhaled in you will die in about 10 years and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.1825706

its not as bad as people make it out as the guys used to install it by blowing it in place a fog would fill the room. only a handful died from this work thats why the lawsuits took decades

>> No.1825714

>asbestos abatement workers
>know what they are doing

Is that before or after they hit their crack pipe in the morning?

>> No.1825732

Let people who know what they're doing but are independent make the rules, like scientists. Or at least formally involve them. I understand the bussineses are needed for some input, but the way this was done is just wrong. It shuts down every possibility for innovation on cheaper and safer techniques for removal.

100% true, hence do it like the professionals, except don't receive 1000 euros for a 1hour job:
>Wear a disposable suit and a breathing mask, too bad they're not available cuz of covid
>Make everything wet
>Package whatever needs removal in plastic
>Don't break anything, try to get it packaged whole, you can break things after its packaged but preferably leave it whole.
>Dispose mask and suit, don a New suit and mask
>Clean everything with a moist cloth several times
>Never use a vacuum
Dispose clothing, mask and equipment.

Now that works for roof panels, pipes and such, if you have glued linoleum or plaster that contains asbestos then you're fucked, hire some kebabs or burn the place down.

>> No.1825807

asbestos is only dangerous to wrecking crews

>> No.1825816

as a med fag, that is total BS
It doesnt even do much to the lungs.
You need a few years of working full time in a asbest mine or a factory that produced stuff from asbestos to get an elevated risk.

And what it medically does is: pierce the lungs and lunge into the pleura, where the body cant get rid of it. There it causes a very specific cancer, but really only in people with those years of exposition.

I have cleared multiple houses from their asbestos plates with no more protective gear than a mask and that was also more than 20 years ago. If you were remotely right, I would have been long dead. So cut out that BS

>> No.1825829

There are less harmful forms of asbestos and less harmful ways to use it that logically would mitigate the danger to a level I'd personally be OK with working with, or let me put it this way; I'd be OK with my kid working with, considering even being absolutely retarded and spraying fine particles of it into the air on purpose without the right PPE only created problems that take decades to manifest.

Literally just stop being retarded with it, give workers proper protection, and it wouldn't need to be banned any more than a thousand other dangerous substances we use every day with the proper precautions.

>> No.1825900

Oh look, it's another discord tranny trying to make a political thread on a non political board.

The purpose of these threads is to segue into Drmpft posting. Here is how the tranny starts it >>1825667

>> No.1825909

>We get it. You want there to be no regulation on Asbestos. Your boss and your bosses boss have convinced you that things would be so much better if people would man up and not be stricken by law to leave it to the professionals.
What boss? I'm a NEET. I just think asbestos is a cool material. I don't give a shit about the working class, I've met them and they're retards.

>> No.1825913

Nah anon. Come break rocks with me and get silicosis. We die like men around here. I'ma have a grabber eating a double bacon cheeseburger well before i get the black lung or whatever. Kek

>> No.1825916

no "medfag" will tell you its ok to embedd cacinogens into your lungs, which your lungs encapsulate and try to remove the whole rest of your life.
Every piece hurts your lung function, and yes it has only been "linked" to one cancer enough to sue the fuck out of companies. Any medfag will tell you in good conscious that exposure to such carcinogens that permanently damage your lungs is not good thing.

Look at this post.
Just look at it. This person is so self absorbed into identity politics, the second someone says something he doesnt agree with "it must be something bad about trump" and he immediately starts throwing out buzzwords like "trannies".

Literal definition of a snowflake letting people live "rent free" in his head.

>> No.1825918
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I worked in a grind shop where abrasive discs and grinding wheels were used all day long.
I actually got shit from the bossman when I requested they supply us with respirators. And when I did get respirators brought in, I was the only one who used one.
Everyone else had this machismo complex.

They are the exact type of people like >>1825900 who would pull down their pants and remove asbestos with no masks and no protection if their boss told them to. And they would tout how smart they are while doing it.
Retards are going to retard my friend.

>> No.1825926

I am a project manager for a general contractor. We recently had a project to demo an old hospital built in the late 1970s. There was asbestos and lead paint everywhere. To do this job we had to hire 2 different crews; a general demo crew for non hazardous waste, and an abatement crew for the asbestos and lead paint. We had to pay the abatement guys an extra 5$ an hour, which amounted to about 500k more than the other crew once the project was done. I don't really care about any of that because as general contractor we have already built their numbers into our estimate with a 15% markup, so it's all profit to us. What posses me off though is that the garbage bins from the abatement crew and the general demo crew wound up in the same landfill. Doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.1825935

>Doesn't make any sense to me.

Nobody is playing around with the asbestos in the landfill.
Its about limiting and stopping exposure of hazardous conditions to your normal working man.
If you are going to make someone play with stuff seriously detrimental to your health, you equip them correctly with strict guidelines. Not just hope the general demo crews boss will do the right thing and protect the workers. We know that doesnt happen unless its forced upon them.

>> No.1825963

>h is inhaled in you will die in about 10 years and there's nothing you can do about it.
More like 10-90 years. Here in South America asbestos is removed without any PPE - no problem. Same for my previous shithole, Russia.

Asbestos is your best friend, if your lung is full of asbestos fibers, corona can't pass though.

>> No.1826040

well the asbestos needs to be tracked the whole way and signed off on via the waste manifests, when it gets to the landfill it 'should' be handled differently, buried immediately. I think the landfill has to keep a record of where its buried too so that if there are inconsistencies with the manifest it can be dug up and confirmed. though I doubt that would ever happen

>> No.1826050

HVAC fag here.
Here in the US asbestos has become a boogie man in residential application. It's actually a very efficient insulator and could be easily molded to difficult shapes. Properly installed, it's pretty harmless to you. It has to be damaged, then aerolized, then inhaled repeatedly for YEARS to build up enough to start causing you respiratory issues. People only started freaking out over it after the lawyers started suing for asbestos related deaths. Keep in mind that most people who die from asbestosis worked in the 50's and 60's when safety standards were way lax AND no one who worked with asbestos wore masks because they had no clue how dangerous constant exposure was back then.
If it's wrapped around your ductwork and not damaged or falling off then there's no reason to freak out over it. If it scares you then you can either wrap it in duct tape or seal it with duct mastic to protect it. Around here a homeowner can remove it themselves and put it out with their garbage. If you call an abatement company they will charge you thousands of dollars to come out in moon suits, set up air scrubbers, and send some Mexicans in to remove it. All you have to do is wet it really well, once its soaked it'll slough right off. If you're worried wear a dust mask and gloves.
Really the only time it needs removed is if your furnace is so old it's wrapped in it, it's already peeling off, or you are replacing ducts that are coated in it.
It's like mold, most "mold" in houses is harmless unless you're allergic but as soon as some pussy homeowner sees a spot of mildew it's a biohazard emergency. Mold kills 38,000 people a year in a country of 400ish million people, and most of those people (if not all) have severe mold allergies or underlying breathing issues.

>> No.1826053

12,000 to 15,000 people die from asbestos related causes in the US each year. That number is also bound to shrink because it's been out of use for years and most of the generation that did usw it has died off.
I also suspect that number is inflated - lots of people smoked heavily in the 50's and 60's, plus if you were a shipbuilder or hvac tech you got exposed to plenty of other toxins that could've caused lung cancer.
38,000 people a year die in car accidents but you don't see class action lawsuits against the car companies do you?

>> No.1826702

Technically you do...

Why can't employees get their own ppe? I've never worked for anyone else desu. If I start employing people, how am I supposed to know what they're afraid of? I'm not gonna stop em from wearing boots and safety glasses in my shop

>> No.1826704

if you started legally employing people you would be forcing them to wear ppe for insurance reasons

>> No.1826720

>Why can't employees get their own ppe?
Here in the US anyway you are required by OSHA to supply all necessary PPE to safely perform a job. If OSHA shows up on a jobsite and sees your guys without safety gear bend over because they are gonna fist you. Plus if someone gets hurt and you didn't supply the PPE they were supposed to have the insurance companies and lawyers will also be inserting things in your ass.

>> No.1826739

> has become a boogie man
> underlying breathing issues.
>I also suspect that number is inflated - lots of people smoked heavily in the 50's and 60's,

This is the problem, people miss the big picture.
Asbestos has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt to cause immediate permanent lung tissue damage.
There IS a specific type of lung cancer that can be caused by that specific type of tissue damage, and it kills lots of people each year. That is the one single case where you can unequivocally blame asbestos for the death.

People look at this and say "well if it only kills 15k a year, it must not be THAT bad right".

Leading causes of death each year
>1. heart failure
>2. cancer
>3. accident
>4. respiratory failure
>5. stroke
>6. alzheimers
>7. diabetes
>8. pnuemonia
>9. kidney failure
>10. suicide

The reality is, your cardiovascular system and your pulmonary system work hand in hand.
You do damage to your lungs, it strains the heart, which contributes to heart failure and stroke and kidney failure, it causes chronic pneumonia and respiratory failure, it can cause all sorts of cancer.

Smoking is bad because it causes tar buildup which causes poor function and tar, putting huge strain on other organs.
But if you quit smoking, in 4-5 years but your lungs actually repair and remove most of the tar and damage done. Its the heart damage that isnt fixed.
With asbestos, there is no repairing the damage. Its there encapsulated forever making the lungs weak and susceptible, which in turn makes the heart susceptible which makes everything else susceptible.
This is the same for a lot of other chemicals and toxins you used to be (and still are) exposed to in the industry.

No asbestos wont kill you tomorrow, no it wont show up in your death chart as being the thing that killed you unless "cancer" happens.
But it clearly is a factor in ~7 out of the 10 leading causes of death.

You dont ban longstanding industry standard materials on a whim

>> No.1826744
File: 45 KB, 400x265, Hemp-Field_combo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hemp would like to have a word with you

>> No.1826749

I know nothing about hemp. Do the fibers do the same thing? Long term exposure to any carcinogens create problems in the short term.

Asbestos is kind of an anomaly because the lungs can break down and/or expel most materials given enough time. It just cant with asbestos so the long term implications are huge.

>> No.1826750

My dad never made me when he ran the shop. But I see your point yeah, I probably would. Family is different I suppose.
I've been at it for a decade. Building inspectors show up now and again and they can be dicks, but never osha. I imagine because I'm too small for them to give a fuck.

Either way that doesn't really answer my question. This guy >>1825918 says force the employer to provide these things. Then goes on to say he's the only one that ended up using them. Like, I can understand if it's integral to the building like a car lift. That's part of the employers equipment so it's they're responsibility to maintain it. But a respirator seems more like a tool that goes in your own box.

>> No.1826751

asbestos is on the same danger level as fine silica
hemp fibers can be used as durable insulation and was also banned with knee jerk laws from fear campaigns.

>> No.1826753

>from fear campaigns.

Im sure the scientists and doctors who pushed for it made a lot of profit.

>> No.1826754

respirators and fall protection are defiantly employer provided
things like steel toe boots and proper clothing is for the employee things like gloves and eye protection is debatable but your a dick if you dont provide and are asking for osha fines

>> No.1826755

if not those teams of lawyers sure did. dont you remember the commercials? everyone that got money from the class action gave a lawyer a sizeable chunk

>> No.1826756

Every shop ive been into has respirators, eye protection, and earplugs provided. Everywhere ive worked reinbursed you for steel toe boots.
Im not sure what the law actually states what should and should not be provided.

Im a machinists fwiw.

>> No.1826757

Bloodsucking lawyers will make a dime anywhere they can, for anything.
They are middle men vultures, they arent the actual people using science and research to regulate industry.

At the same time, we have known the dangers of asbestos since the 60s, and it didnt fully get banned until like 2013

>> No.1826760

because its extremely useful in industry just like lead paint
have you ever used asbestos gloves? you can pick up glowing steel. in hot work nothing beats it. hell the replacement fiberglass is just as bad to breath your breathing glass fibers that dont come out

>> No.1826762


>> No.1826763


>> No.1826767

Fiberglass is not considered a carcinogen and doesnt get the same immune response in the lungs which makes it exponentially safer.
The people who push for regulations dont really give a shit about the industries themselves, they care about the wellbeings of the workers.
As much as its annoying sometimes, on the whole its a good thing. Innovation is happening every year anyways

It wasnt that long ago factory owners were chaining doors so people couldnt leave during their shift, or making people paint with radium telling them to clean the brushes with their mouths.

>> No.1826803

I work alone. Not sure what makes me a dick head. How is a respirator not the same as steal toed boots though? They both run about the same money. I don't know about fall protection, auto mechanic. But I did buy a respirator to paint my car. Ffs it's not even expensive it's like a hundred bucks. I'd argue you're really gross if you're sharing them amongst yourselves desu. I'd rather buy one

>> No.1826810

Idk your experience but I live next to a shipyard in VA. My dad and half the guys be worked with got lung cancer from exposure 30 to 40 years after the fact. Probly 75% of the people who worked there at the time are dead now.

Shit half the widows have lung issues just from washing their clothes. And all these people were told it was safe and no big deal too.

>> No.1826835

Bet you're a riot at parties

>> No.1826852

You can only have a good time at parties when you are alive and healthy.
Dont let anyone rob you of your health for bullshit reasons.

>> No.1826979

Not him but I am >>1826803
"alive and healthy" key word is "and" isn't it? Because I can have lots of fun at parties despite my health issues mainly high blood pressure. I can even participate in the activities which make my condition worse and have fun like eating steak tips and shrimp wrapped in bacon and drinking a gallon of beer b4 wrestling with my brothers over a stupid argument then drinking over a good fight had.
Matter of fact, many of our parties happen at my shop where we blatantly ignore safety for the fun of it all.
Particularly I remember replacing some crossmembers for the bed on my brothers f250. Had the bed off the truck, upside down on the shop floor and two grinders *gasp*without the safety shields attached going on either side of the bed to grind the supports off. I can remember 2 times mine came within 2 to 4 inches from the one my uncle was using on the opposite side of the bed as we ground at the same support.
Was fun because we'd take breaks and our ol ladies would try to talk but we always had the tool in our hand to drown out their voice, many laughs were had.
Then I started welding the new pieces on and *gasp* not everyone was wearing eye protection from the uv! In fact I was the only one with a mask *gasps some more* and even though I had the mask, sometimes I would just close my eyes to tack weld *faints*. Don't really remember the end of the night but I'm told I threw my older bro off my back porch and so my little bro tackled me off and we wrestled ourselves tired and then we ate, played poker, and went to bed.
If you can describe a better party I'd like to hear it

>> No.1826982
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My grandma tiled over her asbestos in the 70s but skipped under the stove and fridge.
Now I can pick up whole tiles because theyve become hard as rock and brittle. If I wanted to lay down new tile do I need to scrape up the black tar/glue under it too too?

>> No.1826985

Despite it not being asked, my little bro did in fact dominate the wrestling match because he's like 6'4 240. But in the poker game! Well I got second to him...

>> No.1826987

Also yes that party was today and I'm supposed to be asleep

>> No.1827035

Bad dream woke me up. Forgot to mention that NONE of us including the women wore ear protection! It is time for me to confess, I am sorry osha for these infractions. Yes, it makes it worse that we had fun doing it all. Please osha let the ear ringing be the end of my punishment. Oh, no, okay, take my things that's okay. Here's my wife too lol nigga

>> No.1827106

here the German version of OSHA classifies Glass fiber and rock wool made before 2006 as a carcinogen. not as bad as asbestos but still dangerous.

has something to do with the manufacturing process and in pre 06 mineral fibers there are very thin fibers which have asbestos properties.

>> No.1827108

The Black glue can contain asbestos to.

>> No.1827109

cover the entire floor with 1/8th or 1/4 inch plywood then put the new floor it will solve lots of problems

>> No.1827272

What the fuck do you know about the working class you bourgeoisie dork?

>> No.1827290

right over the tiles? problem with that is the tiles are warped so its not a smooth surface for the ply. unless it will flatten it out due to weight

>> No.1827291

remove the fucky tiles and build it up with layers any small gaps will get bridged by the plywood

>> No.1827294
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>> No.1827523

People die from other shit before developing life threatening cancer stages.

>> No.1827526

Black glue may or may not contain asbestos.

>> No.1827527

either way its not worth the effort to scrape it
just bury it under plywood floors are smooth again

>> No.1827532

one mre queston, were fresh new asbestos tiles flexible and soft like current vinyl tiles or were they stiffer and more rock like?

>> No.1827534

Its fine braid /strand the composite in it , an if it strand gets stuckin lung it grows slowly in lung ..
an you drown ./...NO Cure ... Death Sentence like cancer ..

>> No.1827544

I agree, but make sure you use waterproof plywood.

>> No.1827555

Why wouldn't you use a vacuum, proper HEPA bags are supposed to be able to catch the 'bestos.

>> No.1827560
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>that typing style
>random ellipses
>a slash just, thrown in there
jesus boomer, how fucking old are you?

>> No.1827565

Best mate died recent , just doxxed go visit you CUNT , listen its a CUNT on a chat door step ok

>> No.1828311

Everything is carcinogenic, but some things more than others. Clearing a couple of minor projects of asbestos with regular PPE is no more carcinogenic than a couple of flights with an airline. If anything, it would probably be better if carpenters and masons did the job themselves with basic PPE the two or three times a year they encounter some asbestos, than to have designated people work with the stuff all day, every day for decades, even with extra super duper PPE.

>> No.1828325

there were 2 kinds of asbestos tiles.
Flexible "Cushion Vinyl" Tile which had a layer of loose asbestos paper underneath verry dangerous because they contain 95% loose asbestos.

and hard Tiles where the asbestos bound is inside the PVC layer and these are not that dangerous if they are not broken.

>> No.1829356

is that the same kitchen anon?

>> No.1829396

yes, from about 1971 or so, thats the old stove in the background
thanks for info, almost positive its the second kind

>> No.1830574

>hasn't seen strokeposter before
shit I'm sorry to hear it bro.
we had those in the bathroom when i was a kid. one of my favorite things to do at about 7 (so, 1988ish?) was pulling them up with a plunger. i never understood why my parents got so pissed until i got older and learned about asbestos. they weren't mad, they were afraid for my safety. wish i could tell them i get it now, but they've been gone for 25 years. huh...thanks for the pic, anon; triggered a trip down memory lane.

>> No.1830575

is it even possible to get 9x9 tiles anymore? I really like the smaller grid size so I can customize the floor pattern a bit more in smaller rooms. 12x12 is just too big sometimes

>> No.1831078
File: 1.93 MB, 2592x1944, SDC10611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some more of that green tile friend

>> No.1831760
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>> No.1831805

>I'm a NEET. I just think asbestos is a cool material. I don't give a shit about the working class, I've met them and they're retards.
include me in the screencap pls

>> No.1833602
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>> No.1833604

unless you got an Masters, you don't know shit
you sound like a CNA or tech who changes bedpans
or worse, the RN who thinks that they are better than an NP or MD

>> No.1833606

it was that newspaper mogel who owned all the paper mills and presses and did not want hemp cutting into his terf,

>> No.1833608

I used to cut plenty of blue asbestos flue pipes with a hacksaw years ago , Not dead yet.

>> No.1833609

can you provide a source?

>> No.1833619

any mono culture is bad

>> No.1833971


>burn the place down


>> No.1833975
File: 347 KB, 800x525, colombia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asbestos is your best friend, if your lung is full of asbestos fibers, corona can't pass though.

>> No.1833987

Wow your survivors bias and anecdotal evidence really convinced me. You can sit bedside with my friend who is slowly dying from mesothelioma, and tell him how you survived clearing a few houses 20 years ago.

>> No.1833988

he should of filtered the air through his teeth
what a pleb

>> No.1834013

Papers or GTFO

>> No.1834029

I know I'm on 4chan but come on. you're trying way too hard to be a contrarian if you think asbestos is a pefectly good building materail

>> No.1834038

Duck yeah, iPod nano

>> No.1834955

unironically based

>> No.1834975

My brazil

>> No.1835172

So hitting those tiles with a hammer and breaking them means I’m going to die soon? I’m kind of having a panic attack.

>> No.1835199
File: 180 KB, 1560x1167, vintagePPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like few informed people say:it's the people that were in heavy contact with it for years and years.

Think of all the renovations and work with asbestos products over the decades before it was found to be 'bad'. All the tiles and tabletops, shingles, wall panels, etc. And the lead paint, all the sanding and scraping.

And those people lived to old age.

It's dudes that worked in factories or with raw asbestos day in day out.

Look at the woman casually handling it barehanded. Today she'd fall over dead by modern standards. The scientists just casually handling and testing it.

>> No.1835206

pretty much. at the asbestos mines we had in australia they'd hold open days and have shoveling competitions of the stuff with the crowds standing in the dust. the other cohort that took a big hit were the workers in the fibreboard and brakepad factories. Basically every building and home made pre-1995 in australia will contain asbestos in some form, that is like 80-90% of all the buildings in the entire country. the asbestosis rates are falling. people are aware that it is everywhere and take precautions.

>> No.1835312

It means you have increased risk of cancer 30 years down the road. Why would you risk it if you are completely safe with PPE for like 25 euros?

>> No.1835325

>if you have glued linoleum or plaster that contains asbestos then you're fucked
Do you say this just because it takes a lot of effort to get them up? I've seen videos of people using heat guns, and on that 50yo brittle glue they just slide right off.

>> No.1835504

Because of laws you're fucked ( at least here). In the end it's just a kebab doing what you describe but with "containment" and paperwork and suddenly you're in for over 5000 euros for a square meter.

>> No.1835573

Fucked alright. Back in the early 80's I worked HVAC and tore out a bunch of cast iron furnaces that had layers of loose asbestos on them. Last week they took out tumors and part of my lung. Doctor scraped my lung of junk he said was asbestos as well. Good luck and breath deeply your kebab. Make sure you suck it as well.

>> No.1835922

Wait what, I'm not the one saying to not be carefull with asbestos, just that the means needed to be safe (mask, disposable suit, water) arent that expensive and that the expensive companies will ultimately just send some cheap immigrant and charge a lot of money to do the paperwork that proves he did indeed use the PPE.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation, I hope you recover well.

>> No.1836425

You used a mask and nothing happened, so that means you don't need protective gear?

>> No.1836557

What a retard.

>> No.1836558

A little asbestos won't kill you.

>> No.1836560

Fake news.

>> No.1837959

you're right but you type like a dork

>> No.1838248

>I should risk getting lung cancer at work

No thanks. You go ahead, though. I think I'll give it a miss.

>> No.1839184

This. Asbestos management in NL is a giant scam. I had some asbestos (maybe 1,5m2) in my house but I just removed it wearing a gas mask and ventilated well afterwards. This shit kills you in mere decades after a life of working in an asbestos sawmill. It's not the enriched uranium people make it out to be

>> No.1839191

Kek that radium paint story was about workers had to paint intricate details on watch dials and hands so they sucked pointy tips on the brushes with their mouths, leading to horrible diseased jaws and mouth cancer

>> No.1839193

the women who had the problems were the ones who painted their teeth to make them glow

>> No.1839197
File: 391 KB, 952x735, Graybanns_Medic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe he just mains Medic in TF2.

>> No.1839198

Well it is true that some painted their nails etc. with it but the company purposefully withheld the knowledge that radium was highly toxic. The managers and scientists literally handled it with ppe and told the workers to 'lip (i.e. put it in your mouth), dip, paint'

That's pure evil just to make some fucking watch dials

>> No.1839203

One needle can pierce one of your alveoli, that's not coming back and this means one wee bit of your respiratory surface is gone forever. Now imagine having a shitton of needles fucking up your lungs through the passage of years. If you don't get cancer, you'll develop emphysema, and choking every constant moment of your life is no joke.

The other thing is, It's reactive enough to damage a cell's DNA, it is damaged in a way that the cell may not die and will keep popping up faulty cells. Since this can happen with one cell, one needle in the right place, a single exposure is enough to give you cancer if you're unlucky. Now imagine being retarded and being constantly exposed to the shit.

Don't be a retard, my friend. If something can go wrong it will go wrong eventually. Minimize the risk.

>> No.1839207

Your employer profits from your work. You expose yourself to dangers because of your employer. The cost of your life is your employers profit, so it is his responsibility to provide you with at least a workplace that will do you the minimal possible harm.If the employee uses those tools to protect his life or not, that's on him.