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File: 35 KB, 532x509, 3mtm-particulate-filter-2091-07000aad-p100-resp-protection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1820501 No.1820501 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way to clean/refilter these fuckers?

>> No.1820503

Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.

>> No.1820507

Every result is just cleaning the mask, that's why I came here.

>> No.1820618

They're disposable filters dude. They have a service life, when that's up chuck em away and put new ones on. You can stretch them out for pretty much as long as you want, but breathing is going to be hard and fitleration will prob degrade as well.

>> No.1820638

>Is there a way to clean/refilter these fuckers?

>> No.1820640

The filtration actually gets better the more you use it.

>> No.1820641
File: 165 KB, 781x801, 81Yej2q-fiL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can clean HEPA filters

>> No.1820644

Until it filters so good that air isn't coming through.

>> No.1820646
File: 1.52 MB, 1536x2048, 20190917_160734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think it's dirty?
I have been using these every day for years working on classic cars, they last weeks with air full of dust and paint and shit, what makes you think a few months with essentially zero dust in the air has it depleted?
It says right on the package, replace when breathing becomes difficult, has breathing become difficult??

>> No.1820660

a lot of filters like that are electrostatically charged to pull in particles so if you wash them you basically only have the filter mesh collecting particulate. so you can wash them, they just become much less effective. just toss em.

>> No.1820708

A quick DYI approach if you do not want to go through more complicated methods:

Sperm contains proteins that denature viruses. Seriously. You can cum on it every few days and it WILL stop viruses. Mucus type sperm also stops particulate for obvious reasons.

>> No.1821150

Depends. If it's something that can be dried/evaporated you can use heat. I'd recommend either 45C and 70C for this. 70C for half an hour is what some dude involved in HEPA standard filter suggested to clean the mucus off the material, although those filters should not ever come in considerable contact with mucus or any type of build up like that.

If the filters are just hard to breathe I'd suggest just get new ones, they last a long time anyway so it's not that big of an investment even if they prove hard to find.

If you mean viral disinfection due to possible contamination refer to method 1. Could even go for a more mild 2 hours 40C 80% humidity, which is suggested to make most of the load undetectable according to some studies. Then again, these weren't conducted on a water absorbent super porous material, in which its survivality should be drastically cut short.

Washing might break the fibers. UV-C is surface only, so it work that well plus will also deteriorate the barrier overtime. I advise to avoid these two methods.

Controlled heat is, overall, the most non-abrasive option.

>> No.1821219

>has breathing become difficult??
Dunno, how much dog cum do you think he goes through on the daily?

>> No.1821235
File: 41 KB, 540x960, IMG_20200229_223342_940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply again, I'm breathing filtered air and big chillin because I already had a dozen filters before this even started because I'm not fucking retarded

>> No.1821803

Wait, is that a coyote?

>> No.1821806
File: 134 KB, 847x1280, IMG_20200127_171326_546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1821933

Just buy a new frisbee cheapskate.

>> No.1822229

What are they like as pets?

>> No.1822342

can't wait to spend all day huffing my cum fumes

>> No.1822362

Don't do any of this:
Wash it with alcohol for 4 minutes and then dry it.
Impregnate with copper and chlorhexidine
Replace the activated charcoal and then reseal the edge with fabric glue
You'll make a Chinese kike angry if you do

>> No.1822592

>They have a service life, when that's up chuck em away and put new ones on
i cant get new ones, nobody locally has them, nobody online has them

>> No.1822964

cute puppy

>> No.1823057

bump, I have the exact same filters

Could you fucking microwave them?

>> No.1823629

What was filtered thru them ?

Dry, non-caking, non-varnishing substance ?

Backward gravity wash with Isopropyl then thoroughly dry

>> No.1823746

I mean, maybe? theoretically? I'd go for something that would allow me to control the temperature better.

I need to ask, you fuckers are aware those filters aren't disposable and are supposed to last 6 months as is, right?

>> No.1823749

Ye I know, just wondering, here prices for them have gone up x10 and there isn't any stock

>> No.1825520

this is why I come to DIY- real facts, real evidence, real people. Amazon wants you to just buy buy buy when your body literally produces something that works just as well.

>> No.1825548

terrible; skittish and nervous, you'll constantly be dealing with people calling animal control on it, some places people shoot them on sight, especially one that's not running away from people because it might have rabies, also it has a strong prey drive and you'll never be able to trust it around children or other small animals. They're cute when they're pups and sometimes people do raise them, happens with raccoons as well, and it's probably just as illegal for the same good reasons.