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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1818823 No.1818823 [Reply] [Original]

Is homeschooling your kid a bad idea?
I personally had a horrible time in school and wouldn't want to put my kid through that.
>but what about socializing
I'd gather with other parents that homeschool their kids
I would also follow an online curriculum.

>> No.1818827

Well from an education stand point school is worthless.

From a parenting standpoint, ain't nobody got time for that.

>> No.1818838

It’s a horrible idea.
One of the things kids learn at school has nothing to do with school, socializing your kid has to know how to talk and deal with others, your kid needs to learn the nuances of dealing with people those things not said but hinted at, what the general societal knowledge is and what other kids her age are like. Plus you’re denying your kids friends, opportunities to get hurt and learn from the pain as well as opportunities to hurt others and learn from it. In short socializing.

Even if you had the patience to home school your kid he/she will always be behind the classes in your area

>> No.1818869

fuck this

>> No.1818914

EVERY homeschool kid I have ever met is a combination of this:

- educationally gifted
- interpersonal retarded

They all seem to be intelligent beyond their ages, enter university years before a normal student would....yet lack the ability to interact socially with others when the time comes to land a career.

It's up to the parents to drive that aspect into them....

>> No.1819095

I encountered many socially awkward people during my time in public school (and its probably only gotten worse) so the argument against homeschooling based on "socialization" essentially boils down to slandering people who choose to homeschool.
And yet in the same breath these people will admit children who are homeschooled are actually more knowledgeable and ahead of their peers on the learning curve.

>really makes you think.jpg

>> No.1819102

Addendum: It's almost like they're discreetly admitting the purpose of school isnt an education but actually enforcing social conformity.

Ps, sorry its early and I felt like I had to round out that point.

>> No.1819109

>Is homeschooling your kid a bad idea?
There are two types of people who home school

Affluent highly gifted kids who get private tutors and are homeschooled to a huge degree training to get into a nice school.
Or they are crazy religious extremists.

There isnt much of a middle ground, and both just ruin a persons ability to grow as a normal functioning human being.

Being educated and being smart are two different things.
You act like "enforcing social conformity" is a bad thing. The whole purpose of grade school and high school is to teach a kid how to interact with others, work as a group and a team. Its to instill a routine and workflow.

When you first get a real job, you pretty much learn everything you need to know in house. You have to interact and learn and grow within your system. A more educated 7th grader will not perform better in a real job in the real world than a public schooler who learned how to deal with people.

Is this indoctrinating kids to be part of the cog or the world?
Yes, yes it is.
Whats the alternative? To never teach kids how to interact with people or how to successfully work at a career job?
You want them to work retail all their lives? Are you independently wealthy and they dont have to work?

>> No.1819119

if some socialization is good, is too much socialization bad?
also, does social media count as socialization?

>> No.1819122

you type like someone who believes the internet does not exist, nor did the coronavirus panic just happen, and prove all schooling can be done from home
l m a o

>> No.1819124

I was homeschooled

>> No.1819129

Social Media is pretty toxic and not a good replacement for real life socialization.
People arent getting anywhere near enough actual socialization. They are learning to obsess over people projecting false lives on Instagram and Facebook. Its not good.

>> No.1819130

Nobody said they couldnt be homeschooled. Its not a matter of it being possible. Its the long term side effects of sheltering your children from the real world.

>> No.1819140

You're not hearing me.

I'm saying public school is especially shitty at educating AND socializing children.

It's just that people like you fuck up the argument and actually confuse the issue as you've so aptly demonstrated here.

You admit that education is NOT the main purpose of public school while defending its extremely poor ability to socialize children properly.

Did you know that the VAST MAJORITY of retail workers, drug addicts, and social degenerates/deviants went to public school?


>> No.1819145

>Did you know that the VAST MAJORITY of retail workers, drug addicts, and social degenerates/deviants went to public school?

The vast majority of every worker in the whole country went to public schools.
These are the normal people you will have to deal with as customers, clients, coworkers, bosses.
You can say that public (or private for that matter) schools do an "extremely poor" job of socializing, but thats not true.
It teaches kids how to deal with being around others, because thats life and will forever be life in your career.

Whats your solution to teaching people to cope with the reality of working with people?
By homeschooling and letting them use social media?

>> No.1819157

>Is homeschooling your kid a bad idea?
Yes. Even if you're intelligent enough to understand and explain everything they'd have to learn (which I doubt, as most people aren't), you won't know which propaganda is currently taught in schools, putting your kid into a bad position for future socializing. Especially with topics like climate, history and biology, knowing what's true or logical isn't enough, you also need to know what brainlets believe, otherwise you risk becoming an outcast.

>> No.1819161
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> otherwise you risk becoming an outcast.
Why do you care about being an outcast if you are going to create a fake worldview and live in a fantasy land?

>> No.1819164

Why do you have this extremely inaccurate view of homeschoolers as sheltered and isolated?
Where does this misconception come from? And why do you persist in maintaining this misconception?

The children in the homeschool groups in my area that I've checked out are incredibly social and participate in many group extracurricular activities. Seeing this is actually what caused me to re-evaluate my view of homeschoolers.

And I have to ask, what social skills (specifically) do you imagine public school does such an amazing, incredible, and simply irreplaceable job of instilling in young people?
What class, ciruculum, or year of school does this occur?
And why would homeschool group activities not be able to perform this same function?

And I didnt say shit about social media, you have me confused with someone else, because I dont fuck with it.

And thanks for helping narrow this argument down to "socializing" so we can finally drop the whole "school is education" lie

>> No.1819168

there has to be some sort of way to home let them go to school for half a day and take all the dumb classes like P.E. and pottery and, literary arts (ok maybe that ones important to you maybe not it was useless to me) and then bring them home after lunch and teach them the important shit like math and science to a better standard.

>> No.1819170

>Why do you have this extremely inaccurate view of homeschoolers as sheltered and isolated?
>Where does this misconception come from? And why do you persist in maintaining this misconception?

Because I was homeschooled till grade 8 and went to these homeschool Co-op groups. Then when I was out of high school still living at home, I had a younger sister I helped out homeschooling.
Its just a mechanism for religious nuts who need to micromanage your every second and make sure you dont sway off their path of indoctrinating their worldview into you.
Just because I went to ChuckECheeses to pass out valentines day cards with other kids doesnt mean I was actually getting real meaningful socialization. Its not teaching me any real life skills. Just like talking shit then closing a tab on 4channel isnt teaching anyone socializing skills.

>And I have to ask, what social skills (specifically) do you imagine public school does such an amazing, incredible, and simply irreplaceable job of instilling in young people?
Being forced to interact with people you dont like for 8 hours a day is the quintessential work-life experience. Its literally training you to have a routine and experience a workload like they WILL have in real life.
You have to coincide with people you dont like, and if you fuck that up there are consequences because you WILL be seeing them tomorrow and for the next 4 years daily. You need to learn to deal with people, and it doesnt happen in home schooling.

Dont want your kid to wage-slave like the vast majority of people will have to do to survive? I hope you have money or a family business or something to pass on to them. Because you are doing them no favors by homeschooling in any sense.

>And thanks for helping narrow this argument down to "socializing" so we can finally drop the whole "school is education" lie
You learn the basics in school, its pretty important. But the most important things taught are social skills.

>> No.1819171

I've had this interaction many times in my life:
"It was nice meeting doug, he seems a bit weird though right?"
"Yeah he was home schooled"

Someone being home schooled is like putting a visible mark on them forever. They miss out on the peer interactions in formative years that teach them to pick up on social nuances or behave appropriately in certain contexts.

How about you start them off in a regular school, see if they make friends, see if they get bullied, and decide whether to home school them after a year (or sooner if they're not having a good time)?

>> No.1819172

Neither my wife or I have time to school our kids, they're not of age yet to go but it's just not feasible to put aside the vast amounts of time to do it properly. I do sympathise with the terrible time at school, however, its really only the two last years of high school here that really matter when it comes to getting grades worth anything for university. But in saying that, you do need to learn how to interact with people, not just the arseholes and scumbags as they're not going to suddenly disappear when you leave school and there's plenty of fuckwits wandering around still behaving well into the should know better years like they're 15 year olds.
So at some point you do need that hardening to get though duress, handle stress and all the rest, life is very hard and there's no point hiding from it.

Obviously the education systems in most countries are less than ideal at producing exceptional people, all we can really do though is just make sure kids have the emotional support, help with their studies and anything else. While I won't be able to teach full time, (its not really my vocation anyway!) I can help tutor them with what I know and likewise the wife knows a fair bit as well, hopefully there will be more options and changes by the time they're at school.

>> No.1819173

The "dumb" classes are a reprieve from the actual important stuff you learn.
Also AP and remedial classes exist for a reason. If your child doesnt apply himself in school, its a parenting problem not a school problem.

Middle and upper class schools are not ghetto schools. Some people seem to think they are equivalent.

>> No.1819177

>thinking ""socializing"" matters
If you live in a rural area where you can hit up the woods frequently, roam far, and play with neighbors, perhaps going twice a week to some tutor school or something, and if you live in a big family
(to sum it up, if your living like a human should live, and no, this does not mean you need to be wealthy)
then homeschooling would be an ideal option, especially if you're wife is not a KEK and actually stays at home and takes care of things like education. Nevertheless, whether public school will "pollute" your child, I disagree. I noticed the propaganda early on, and was not influenced. Being very religious and contrarian safeguarded me against that.

>> No.1819179

Also, I am very pro bullying and believe in corporal and verbal punishment, especially by peers, though not in extreme excess of course. So that is one very good benefit of public school. Public schools also have females, so a smart child early on can understand their wicked ways from observing them in public school, allowing them to not fall for them in university years, etc..

>> No.1819182
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>im religious and contrarian and live in a trailer park
>and I dont think schooling is important

>> No.1819184

When did I say schooling was unimportant? I belive in very high amounts of education, does one receive that in a shitty public school.
>the most important things taught are social skills
I sure did not learn any of that in public school! The internet and literature did more of that for me

>> No.1819189

What propaganda did you block out as a junior high school student?

>> No.1819199

In America it's rather obvious, modernism, sexual education, Soviet-Harvard delusions, etc.. It was only truly annoying in literature, having to read Beloved, Their Eyes were Watching God, Waiting for Godot, and a slew of other atrocities. However, it is a good thing to read bad literature. I had to retreat behind the library's untouched Great Books series, which brought me pleasure through all the junk being taught. I am grateful for learning the basics in public school, but beyond that, hmmm.

>> No.1819207

>Its just a mechanism for religious nuts who need to micromanage your every second and make sure you dont sway off their path

>Being forced to interact with people you dont like for 8 hours a day is the quintessential work-life experience.

I'm seeing a common thread here, I just cant put my finger on it.
And yes, a family run business to pass on would be ideal.

>> No.1819210

You really are the contrarian arent you. Hmm, I wonder why youve never gained any meaningful social skills.

If you dont want your kids to hold down a real job in the real world, I guess you could see if your church has a Janitor position open.

>> No.1819213

So it's a bad thing to be opposed to what is general accepted in wicked times? If I lived in the Soviet Union, I would gladly be a "contrarian" as if I lived in the modern west

>> No.1819214

If you homeschool, that would leave more time for getting your kids to be an apprentice plumber, carpenter or something, and actually work rather than stay stuck in school until 18 without doing anything serious. hence why I support homeschooling most in rural, not necessarily wealthy areas

>> No.1819215
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>wicked times?

>> No.1819217

Or you can let kids be kids and decide for themselves what their career path should be.
But hey, I understand the sentiment of needing your 16 year old to help pay the bills.

>> No.1819222

>Why do you care about being an outcast
Because I need to make enough money to live of somehow, which is kinda hard in a society where employers will fire you for questioning "facts" that anybody with a basic understanding of logic would doubt.
>if you are going to create a fake worldview
Could you elaborate? Fact is, if you speak about the current state of science on certain topics most people will claim you're a lunatic.
For example, tell any fedore "scientist" that some vaccines (like sanofi's denguevaxia, to name just one) are more harmful than the illnesses they protect against, that influenza vaccines increase the risk of contracting corona, that statistically, blacks are less intelligent than whites or that climate change is most likely natural and not caused by CO2, and see what happens. Remember to film it and send me the video.

>> No.1819225

I'm not sure how getting early job experience and a homeschool education inhibits "deciding for yourself". Seems like with earlier financial independence comes with an earlier chance of getting the hell out of home and going out in the world to fulfill your mission.

>> No.1819226

>see what happens
Youd get called a fucking retard contrarian.

>> No.1819229

>going out in the world to fulfill your mission.
Fulfill whatever role your parents chose for you, and took away any opportunity to get a higher education for a potential white collar job.

>> No.1819232

Yes. For stating scientifically proven facts, that just so happen not to fit certain people's dogmas. Which is exactly why knowing what lies are currently in fashion is as important as knowing the truth.

>> No.1819235

How does homeschooling take away opportunities for higher education? Aren't many homeschooled children heading into college earlier anyways? I don't follow. As a parent, why would I be choosing their role? More like alloting for the opportunity of getting a trade apprenticeship or something, as homeschooling can be very fluid. Plus, not everyone absolutely wants to be a white collar high paid bugman straight out of high school.

>> No.1819237

>scientifically proven facts,
Everyone who says this doesnt understand how peer reviewing works, and then they say its a political or other bullshit reason why its not being accepted in the community
It doesnt help when you are saying things in bad faith like alluding to vaccines being bad because of a single newer vaccine that has been under scrutiny. As if its equal to long standing actually scientifically proven to be safe vaccines that exist.

>> No.1819241

>How does homeschooling take away opportunities for higher education?

In a vacuum it doesnt.
If you are affluent and use tutors and push for a high level of execellence out of your child, it can be helpful.
If you area white trash plumber training his kid to be a plumber, you are pigeonholing him into that trade because you will not be an effective or balanced educator.
>Plus, not everyone absolutely wants to be a white collar high paid bugman straight out of high school.
This is true, especially If you were brought up in a doublewide

>> No.1819253

I dislike how you assume that I am promoting a sort of white trash lifestyle by promoting homeschooling and working at an early age. Is public school a remedy for this? You are assuming way too much from my words. Does being affluent somehow make you a better and smarter person?

>> No.1819255

>You are assuming way too much from my words.
Im just projecting very typical stereotypes.
And as we all know stereotypes are rooted in reality.

Smarter people typically dont want to work with their backs, they dont condemn their children to working with their backs. Why would they when they can go to college and party for 4 years, enjoy themselves and then get a white collar job making more money for less work?

The trades exist for high school drop outs (or most homeschoolers, their education is going to be the same tier).
If you arent using your brain, use your back

>> No.1819261

My state (Maine) just made vaccinations mandatory for school. My daughter is 1 years old and I can't imagine injecting her with brain emulsifiers so she gets that vax stare that most babies have.

My wife is down for homeschooling, we already use a lot of Montessori teaching style, and I DIY most of her toys. But it seems like so much work and money (plus 2 incomes would be nice eventually).

What do

>> No.1819262

>Is homeschooling your kid a bad idea?
How involved and capable of a parent are you?
What about your spouse?
How disciplined are your children already?
The answers to those questions determine how effective you will be at homeschooling your children in comparison to just having them in public school.
I work too many hours in two different jobs to be effective at keeping my kids on course in curriculum, and my son is a wiggly little spaz who will only learn things on his own that he really wants to. Unless I can drive more self-motivation into him he'll be too easily-distracted to keep himself on task.
My wife is bad at procrastinating, so I don't think I would be able to depend on her to keep him on-course either.

I was homeschooled from 4th grade all the way to just prior to college. But I'm diligent and my mother was stalwart in making sure I finished all my coursework each week. Socialization was primarily in boy scouts and church, and I hated both.

>> No.1819264

>What do
Save up for the funeral

>> No.1819268

Ah yes, the ever deadly diptheria is right around the corner. Or do you mean rubella? HiB? How many people contracted tetanus last year? Be thankful you survived chickenpox as a child before the vaccine arrived.

>> No.1819270

>Ah yes, the ever deadly diptheria is right around the corner. Or do you mean rubella? HiB? How many people contracted tetanus last year?
The irony is palpable

> Be thankful you survived chickenpox as a child before the vaccine arrived.
I wish I would have gotten the vaccine, born in 91 I was only a few years out from it. I have gotten shingles twice already because I was exposed to the chicken pox.

>> No.1819276

That's shitty genes on your part. I was born in 90. Caught chicken pox at the end of 93 with both of my sisters. We all survived (surprise surprise) and have never had shingles.

>> No.1819277

>I have gotten shingles twice already because I was exposed to the chicken pox.
If your immune system is so shit that it didn't build up proper antibodies when exposed to the real virus, it wouldn't have done anything when receiving the 5 limpdicked housebroken chickenpox boosters.

I get the low contraction rates - the point is: none of these diseases are that dangerous. They are only being pushed as a pharma revenue streams without studies on long-term interactions.

>> No.1819285

>none of these diseases are that dangerous
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella can have severe side effects in children. But sure no big deal if your kid gets cataracts or goes deaf from CRS. Or has seizures from the other two.

>> No.1819286

The varicella-zoster virus lies dormant in your body, in your brain stem as we speak. Its has nothing to do with your immune system. You havent gotten shingles yet, but you have the virus and it can happen anytime. And its solely because you got a full chickenpox infection.

The vaccine doesnt allow the infection to happen, shingles is going to be non-existent in 2-3 generations

>They are only being pushed as a pharma revenue streams without studies on long-term interactions.
A bunch of hippie faggots and illegal mexicans in California didnt vax their kids and a measles outbreak happened.
Also Measles literally destroyed your immune system and you have to start over from scratch, very dangerous.

>> No.1819288

> But sure no big deal if your kid gets cataracts or goes deaf from CRS. Or has seizures from the other two.
A 14 year old doesnt need good eyes or ears to be a plumber.

>> No.1819299

If you're white home school your kids
They are only going to learn to hate themselves in public school.

>> No.1819317

>Everyone who says this doesnt understand how peer reviewing works
Yeah, sure. I'm preparing for a doctorate in chemical engineering (focused on pharmatechnology, to be precise) right now, but of course, I don't know about peer review. Not like I have to go through it for every single publication I co-author, right?
>alluding to vaccines being bad because of a single newer vaccine
Nice strawman you've got there. Kinda proves my point btw - I've done research (in the lab, not on facebook) on the topic of contaminations in vaccines, yet you immediately assume I'm some kind of conspiracy theorists because my claims don't fit your dogma.

If you had bothered to read my post instead of skimming for buzzwords, you'd have noticed I spoke of "some" vaccines, not all.
Regardless, it's a commonly accepted fact that for most vaccinations and most people, not getting vaccinated is no more dangerous than getting vaccinated. While few are as extreme as denguevaxia (which was five times as lethal as the denguefever it was supposed to protect against), regular influenza vaccinations for example are about as likely to give you severe symptoms as getting infected with the flu is, and also make it ~3 times likelier for you to contract other lung-related sicknesses.
And that's not even mentioning claims and theories that simply aren't researched properly for lack of funding, like for example Singh's theory that regressive autism may be related to autoimmune overreactions in response to measles infection or measles vaccination. Btw, those were peer reviewed, with two further studies attempting to reproduce his results, one of which succeeded. Yet when you speak of measles and autism, people outside the vaccination business, even if they did study medicine or biology, have only heard of White's disproven hypothesis and will assume that you're falling for yet another antivax conspiracy theory.

>> No.1819318

I don't know about burgerland, but in civilized countries, you can get exemptions for religious reasons. or bribe a doctor to sign that she has an immune disorder and might die from vaccinations.
Though you should vaccinate against serious and common diseases (which those are varies by region), as with some of them, the risk caused by vaccination is negligible compared to the risk of contracting the illness.

>> No.1819323

Why are you guys, and everyone else here, responding to a troll in a troll thread? Here's one way to tell: if you see a thread with a divisive topic started by an OP that never shows back up after the original post, and all the arguments are basically opinions with no citations, it's probably a troll thread.

>> No.1819326
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It's a great idea

>> No.1819328

Having shingles twice before the age of 30 is not a normal thing. Even for people who are older than us who never had the chickenpox vaccine. I.E. he has shitty genes.
So the virus lies dormant in my body... wtf do you think keeps it from causing problems then? Could it be my fucking immune system? Or do you think it's just magic?
People that got the pox vaccine get shingles too.

>> No.1819331

Got any citations for those opinions?

>> No.1819337

>People that got the pox vaccine get shingles too.
Factually wrong
You have a detrimental virus that vaccinated people do not, period. A simple google search could have told you that

>> No.1819338

>responding to a troll in a troll thread?
I dont think its a troll or a false flag, I think its just a dude on the spectrum

>> No.1819341

preparing to get a doctorate from people you fundamentally dont believe and dont agree with

>> No.1819344

>Could it be my fucking immune system?
Its dormant, meaning that the immune system is ignoring it and isnt touching it. It takes weeks for it to go away once it flares up, even with the healthiest of immune systems.

>> No.1819357

It's a good idea, there's plenty of resources for homeschooling, it will obviously requires time and effort, but homeschooled children statically outperform other children, and if you think they'll be socially inept just send them to a weekly or biweekly club activity.

>> No.1819365

>if you think they'll be socially inept just send them to a weekly or biweekly club activity.

This is why all homeschooled kids act like they have aspergers

>> No.1819375

>Says the autist on 4 chan

>> No.1819377

I was homeschooled my friend

>> No.1819383
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>Nobody in public school turns out socially inept

>> No.1819384

Nobody said that.
I will say that someone who would have grown as a human normally in a real school could easily be stunted and turn out socially inept being homeschooled though.

>> No.1819391

I think the causation in the reasoning in this regard is just backwards though. Socially inept kids are more likely to be willing to be homeschooled in the first place because they don't like the environment that public school offers. It's not that homeschooling is the contributing factor or even the primary cause of the ineptitude. And it may or may not make that underlying issue worse when compared to public school. In both cases the likely outcomes will depend on implementation.

>> No.1819393

>Socially inept kids are more likely to be willing to be homeschooled in the first place because they don't like the environment that public school offers.

Oh god, he thinks the kids have a fucking choice in the matter. Not just the fact that "they be teaching EVILution and Sex ed in public schools, im not letting them rot your mind, now lets spend some time learning bible verses"

>> No.1819408

>oh god, everything in the world still fits into my narrowly held stereotypes
The majority of the children in the United States are currently "homeschooled", and have been for over a month. Whenever schools open up the number of families decided whether they want to continue homeschooling or not is going to be at a different balance than it was before the quarantine led to school closures.

>> No.1819425

>>oh god, everything in the world still fits into my narrowly held stereotypes
Look up the statistics
65% of homeschool parents were because of "religion" and "Morality"
The rest of the reasons were broken up into other things, like people pushing for academic excellence from their gifted kids.
Its the stereotype for a reason.

Going forward I dont think as many people are going to pull their kids out of school as you think. And if they are young the detrimental social aspects will still remain.

>> No.1819437

I think you might have queefed after typing that inane post, Edward

>> No.1819447

What part annoyed you
The insinuation that its white trash as fuck to pull your kids out of school to focus on teaching him a trade, at the detriment of their formal education and potential higher education.
Or insinuation the only type of garbage human to do that would live in a doublewide trailer.

>> No.1819451

The vaccine uses a live virus dipshit. Google that.

>> No.1819455

>i literally dont understand how vaccines work
Vaccines use live viruses that have been genetically modified so they cannot spread or reproduce. They alert the immune system to create antibodies and then quickly get killed off.
Im fucking baffled right now. For someone so worried about vaccines I figured you would know the basics of them

>> No.1819464

I'm not even that anon, autist elitist white collar bugman

>> No.1819468

Sign up your kid for martial arts, fencing or whatever sports or hobbies he shows interests in. There you have it, socialization. My ("gifted") nephew, that does go to public school, has tried a few, not all clicked, but a few did, he has made good friends and learned useful stuff. Don't ever force your kid to take up an after afterschool activity he doesn't like. Even if it was his idea.

>> No.1819469

You are right, whats the best way for me to repent and become more like a man?
Have a kid and let him get serious diseases and then deny him a formal education?

>> No.1819666

The modified dormant virus isn't even the issue with vaccines, it's the bullshit heavy metal conduits and chemical laden concoctions they use to stabilize it and get it into your body. Straight into your muscles so nothing gets filtered thru kidneys/livers or metabolized. That's why the autism theory exists, a lot of that shit gets lodged everywhere including in your brain; they're basically platelets clogging your shit.

>> No.1819673

>The modified dormant virus isn't even the issue with vaccines, it's the bullshit heavy metal conduits and chemical laden concoctions they use to stabilize it and get it into your body. Straight into your muscles so nothing gets filtered thru kidneys/livers or metabolized. That's why the autism theory exists, a lot of that shit gets lodged everywhere including in your brain; they're basically platelets clogging your shit.
based off one study that was faked.
how come you faggots can quote science adjacent shit, but fail at science?

>> No.1819913
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Op here.
Not only are the other students the problem, schools are like prison.
Is not that I'm saying that the prussian style of teaching is bad. Because there is really no alternative when managing a bunch of unruly kids.
Also my kid is half asian. So the other kids might pick on my kid because he's different desu.

>> No.1819914

>does social media count as socialization?
are you 12?

>> No.1819922

>I'm saying public school is especially shitty at educating AND socializing children.

Compared to what?

Education is a side bonus of public school, the main purpose of it although not graded is to teach people how to socialize, how to delay gratification, to learn before you jump into society. One of the things I wish I was taught is how public school is just a hoop you HAVE to jump through otherwise you will fall behind the rest of society, as much as you may not agree with that point, its the reality of our lives.

I am in Europe, and didn't graduate high school because of one language class, at the time the only solution the system provided me was to repeat all everything not just that class so I said fuck it. The next 10 years I came across people who were dumber than a bucket of rocks and had high positions, but guess what they fucking had their high school diploma and because of that they were always going to go further than I ever could, because I didn't jump over that hoop.

I have friends who decided to pull their girl out of public school when ever that controversy over the bathrooms came into effect in West Virginia, I fucking wish CPS had taken their kid away because they caused her more harm by delaying her school life.

Public school fucking sucks, but home schooling is even worse.

>> No.1819932

I could post a picture of my local hospital and it would look exactly the same.
>my kid will be picked on
that doesn't end outside of school so he may as well learn how to deal with it earlier rather than later

>> No.1819947

Well, by now I'm 99% sure you're either trolling or just plain retarded, but I guess I'll humor you a bit more:
>preparing to get a doctorate from people you fundamentally dont believe and dont agree with
is wrong in both regards. Go to any legit research university (or in western countries other than the US, any university at all) and talk to people involved with pharmacy, and you'll find that we're almost as sceptical of medicines as the average homeopath. Not because the science behind it is faulty (vaccines, for example, do give immunity against one disease if administered properly), but because we deal with problems caused by lack of testing or errors in production just about weekly.

For example, my diploma thesis was on methods for making sure that there were no "live" viruses left in vaccines and comparing their respective degrees of effectivenes. As part of that, I analyzed product recalls of one major manufacturer my university cooperates with. They get cases of suspected deaths after vaccination all the time. While most of those come down to user error (such as doctors not checking for known immunodeficencies) or coincidences (my favorite being a guy dying in a car accident after, allegedly, feeling "weird" since the vaccination), there are always several that can't be explained without assuming an error in production of the vaccine. And even if I assume that only 0.001% of vaccines have live viruses in them, for sicknesses like measles or polio, that still means that for central europe, vaccination gives you a higher risk of contracting them than not getting vaccinated.

But sure, everybody that doesn't believe in whatever source of propaganda you trust must be stupid, right?

>> No.1819951

You're not right either though. There are several versions of vaccines, some of which use live viruses, some use less dangerous variants of the same virus, some use destroyed viruses (in some cases, just the proteins are enough to trigger the immune response) and some even use antibodies created by infecting cell cultures or animals with the virus.

>> No.1819957

this. the #1 skill learned in public school is how to deal with other people, be a decent person, and cope with shit that happens around you.
homeschooled kids are largely shielded from any of this, even if it is done as a group, because they are protected by the parents at all times.

tl;dr: homeschooled kids are weirdos that can't socialize.

>> No.1819958

>vaccine autism correlation was based of one study
You can't even count above one, and you still want to lecture people about science?
Just two examples. I've read more studies on the subject in the past, but don't have them bookmarked on this computer. And obviously, searching for studies relating to autism and measles on any major search engine just gives you dozens of "vaccines are perfectly safe" results.

>> No.1819960

>What do
watch your daughter die from whooping cough. i heard it's a fun experience.

>> No.1819964

>Uses shocking language to try and persuade parents
>Ignores all logic
Do you know what the death rates for pertussis are? Did you know that most cases are in vaccinated individuals? It's as effective as the flu shot you boot licking mongrel. I bet you'd advocate for the Vitamin K shot too

>> No.1819970

>I was homeschooled

And that's why you're on 4chan and not reddit like a normie. Prime example here - don't homeschool your kids people...

>> No.1819976

The first citation in this post only attempts to correlate measles antibodies with autism. It doesn't mention vaccinations at all. The second simply gives the title of a paper and who it has been cited by, but there is no body to it. Why would you claim these as citations when they say nothing to help your case? Please tell me how stupid I am for not having your miraculous insight...

>> No.1819977

Did you leave your critical thinking skills at home today? Do you know why the death rates are so low?

>> No.1819984

Please don't home school your kids. I know you think you'll be setting them up in life with a better education, but the only thing you are setting them up for is failure. Public schools provide a high level of social interaction with many different people EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. They will do things like be in group projects with poor people, jocks, nerds, rich people, drama club people, kids who play guitar, kids who play football or basketball, ghetto kids, etc. They will learn to interact and work along side people from all races and backgrounds. And that's what you have to do in the real world at a real job. That's what school prepares you for, and that's something you can never provide for them at home. Why would you want to hold your own flesh and blood back from learning valuable social constructs? Kids behave differently when adults are not around, and they need the opportunity to do so. Also, plenty of kids go to public schools and make 100s on their tests, while others around them fail the same test. So it is possible to go to public school and actually learn a lot of things, or not, if they choose. Elementary through High School is NOT about grades, learning, education, etc. I can't tell you anything about history, geography, English literature, etc. and yet I'm an accountant making $80k a year getting paid to shitpost on 4chan. Let your kids do public school, and help them with their homework if they need it. College is the ONLY thing that matters, and you can't home school that. Public schools prepare your children to attend college which is the same format. Consider that other teachers will expect things from your kid that you might not, and they need to be prepared to handle those different expectations. Home schooling is for parents who want to control who their kids are now, rather than doing things to set them up for the person they will become. Please don't home school, give your kid a chance to live a normal life.

>> No.1819993

>everybody that doesn't believe in whatever source of propaganda you trust must be stupid, right?

Stupid is a strong word, misguided is probably a bit better.

>> No.1819994

You arent really wrong

>> No.1820016

Why expose your kid to feral niggers?
Education is the major of last resort for dimwit party sluts and sjws.

>> No.1820030

>Why expose your kid to feral niggers?
If you live somewhere with feral niggers, you are a failure as a person and shouldnt have kids in the first place.
Homeschooling them isnt going to fix that

>> No.1820061


>> No.1820075

So you live 10 minutes away from a ghetto and think this is an acceptable thing?

>> No.1820539

Bruh you are a fucking retard. High school was nothing but interference for me “deciding for myself”. Taking meaningless classes that I promptly forgot, dealing with niggers and retards I realized were subhuman 2 weeks into 6th grade.
Yeah, nothing like taking 12 years to learn how to talk with other people, all the while pissing away vast amounts of valuable time. My parents taught me how to interact with people by age 5. School is designed to produce mindless, soulless retards like yourself.

>> No.1820540

>Hate themselves
Under the right conditions, they’ll learn to hate everyone BUT themselves. Problem is most whites are smart enough to shelter their kids from niggers, etc, but that bubble makes them susceptible to the lefty brainwashing.

I’m honestly still trying to figure out how to make sure my kids will see the world for what it is, while not forcing them to spend 8hrs a day with it.

>> No.1820554

You're right Anon. There's no way that a thread that gets a bunch of autismos to argue about autism could possibly be a troll. Who could think such a thing?

>> No.1820572
File: 410 KB, 1080x628, Screenshot_20200414-111024(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1820578

I work in the education field and can tell you that it's baffling how much of education involves reinventing the wheel when it comes to curriculum and actual content/assignments. The stuff out there to give someone and say "here's everything you'll need to teach this subject well" doesn't happen. At all. This is the real issue-- you can have a full-time parent and include the kid in tons of activities to help socialize them, but the parent will never have enough time to create meaningful content.

Not just that, but they will also have random gaps in their knowledge or skills because their curriculum being pushed is taught either through weird content indirectly (usually religiously based) or by just the parents. Exposure to a bunch of teachers, both good and bad, is a better way to get general knowledge.

How is it admitting that? They are saying the knowledge given by a school can be transferred at home, but social skills cannot. While public education is horribly flawed in many ways, it isn't just devoid of all knowledge and skills.

>> No.1820582

Most kids aren't doing anything at all and the curriculum/grading/pressure is still being applied to the schools, not the parents. All the parents are doing is whining that they don't have time for it.

>> No.1820588

You're a 52 factorial faggot.

>> No.1820590

School should stop at 7th grade for 5 years. Then you get a job and can decide if you want to go back to school for free.

Wash out all the idiots that are going to wash out anyways

>> No.1820711

Yea i think it is alot of times based on where you live. This isn't always true but in alot of places kids are essentially zoned for a specific school. Parents have to go out of their way to appeal to the school-board for a transfer. I think the laws are more lenient than in the old days, but it's still a major issue when the only schools in your area have a high dropout rate.

>> No.1820743

Read the actual studies.
>The first citation in this post only attempts to correlate measles antibodies with autism. It doesn't mention vaccinations at all.
So, not only can you not count above one, you can't read a whole paragraph either? To quote:
>Thus autistic children have a hyperimmune response to measles virus, which in the absence of a wild type of measles infection might be a sign of an abnormal immune reaction to the vaccine strain or virus reactivation.
It's even in the summary.
>The second simply gives the title of a paper and who it has been cited by, but there is no body to it.
So? Believe it or not, most people do not publish their work for free. Either buy it or look it up on scihub. If you had any professional experience with scientific publications, you'd be aware of that.
>Please tell me how stupid I am for not having a basic understanding of scientific publications
I think I did that above already.

>> No.1820746

So, people who do scientific research or analyze the original data are misguided (like for example myself, as I've done both), while those that only believe what some "scientist" on TV or facebook says aren't?
If that's your basic assumption, I doubt discussing with you will have any more results than explaining Epicurus' Paradox to a fundamentalist christian.

>> No.1820753

It's the only way to keep your kids safe from the shitty, evil people who see schools as an ideological battleground.

>> No.1820758

>explicitly says he learned to deal with people he didnt like
>explicitly says he took classes he found meaningless (so pretty much narrowing down what you did and did not like, what you were and were not good at)
>all while hammering in a daily routine

>acts like this isnt invaluable and thinks his parents could have done half as well preparing you for the real world.

>> No.1820762

>people who do scientific research or analyze the original data are misguided

No, of course not. So when they come to an overwhelming consensus you listen to them.

And when a minority comes in, says he is been a "contrarian" who has "resisted" everything he has learned, and has done this his whole life since early in grade school because he is highly religious, I cant take a single thing they say seriously.

>> No.1820926

Sheltering someone from ideas isn't the way to combat them. Exposure and refutation is. It is pretty rare you see the really egregious SJW stuff at lower levels because it eventually hits the news.

>> No.1820964

"exposure to ideas" doesn't happen in public school

>> No.1820970

It's probably cause you were in public school, yeah totally, the public school prevented that. Good job, you won.

>> No.1820974

Way to add to the discussion.