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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1787323 No.1787323 [Reply] [Original]

Basically I'm a plumbers apprentice of 1.5 years. I did handyman work before and learned how to fix finish stuff and shower bodies and what not so I have a good amount of experience. I can work with everything except PVC and pex which isnt common in my city.
But my company is scummy. They wouldn't get me a seatbelt for 6 months, they stick me on shitty jobs all the time even though I want to learn and do real jobs. They pay me 18 bucks an hour when I could be getting 22 elsewhere as a Jr. plumber. And they keep me with a scummy plumber who's always high and has temper issues because I'm the only apprentice he likes.
I've responded by not coming in as much as i should. We all get 2 sick days and 5 vacation days, mechanics included, I've taken maybe 10 days off so far this year and they're mad at me for it. I took a lot of time off at the end of last year but my mom had gotten very sick and passed away so they didnt bother me about it.
Anyway, I just dont like my company anymore. I'm tired of working with the same dude for almost 2 years. I'm tired of working in an old shitty van with a bent frame. I'm tired of being stuck at 18 bucks an hour. I'm tired of being basically treated like shit by a bunch of rich guys that were born into the family business. WWYD? I've complained to my supervisor before but nothing has changed. Now they're mad I take days off but I hate my job and I've explained this to them and they agree with my points I bring up but nothing changes.
I have a good work ethic and get along with everyone and my supervisor tells me i have real potential, but i feel like they're taking advantage. Should i care about leaving on a good note or put in my 2 weeks once I find a better deal?

>> No.1787331

Sounds like time to move onward and upward Anon. Its always easier finding a new job when you already have a bad one.

Get over that "bunch of rich guys that were born into the family business." shit though. Theres absolutely nothing you can do about this, and it'll only make you miserable. Cant blame a guy for taking care of his senpai.

You do sound like a faggot though, complaining about "shitty jobs". Your a plumber, shitty jobs are your life. If you can make $22/hr somewhere else, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! Dont cry about it like a faggot, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I will say, you may want to wait a little bit... not many people hiring at the moment, and those that are know they're in the empowered role due to the economy.

>> No.1787337

When I say shitty jobs I dont mean waste lol. I mean, "go pick up 20 bags of dirt other mechanic left behind" and then the next day "deliver 6 water heaters and then go back and take the old ones when the other team finishes installing them". They do that to me and the guy mentoring me more than they should. And that's not plumbing. I shouldn't be digging holes so someone else can do floor drains. Its dumb. I want to learn not kill myself doing mindless jobs. I can make 22/hr doing real plumbing not bs.

>> No.1787343

I don't see the issue here. If you're not getting paid what you're worth, and your supervisors agree, then you should leave. As long as you did your work well and you were respectful and professional when you left, you should be able to get a good reference.

>> No.1787345

Learn your skills then kiddo. You gotta pay your dues. As far as i can tell, you have a shitty millennial attitude. Picking up 6 water heaters needs to be done sometimes, you think the owners time is best spent picking up the water heaters themselves so you can "learn"?

Why should they care to teach you anything if you already have that previously mentioned shitty attitude, zero willingness to handle the tasks given to you, AND you have one foot out the door?

Fix your attitude shithead. Until then, go make "$22/hr" elsewhere. You keep mentioning this, go fucking do it.

>> No.1787346

No one in trades checks references. Why would I call a competitor to ask about you and then believe anything they tell me?

>> No.1787350

Depends... its a small world. Just knowing someone worked for one of your competitors (that does good work, is on top of safety, and doesnt put up with bullshit employee behavior like OP), tells you he has basically been pre screened.

Most wont make phone calls, but its still worth putting names and phone numbers down, to show you aren't lying.

>> No.1787369

Fuck you too boomer. I'm not gonna pay my dues to a company that let's drug addicts and kids who start fights get what they want because they dont want to deal with them.

>> No.1787375

>drug addicts
>kids who start fights
sound like this is probably you.
the owner knows if he stuck you on a job where you actually had to use your brain you will end up costing him time and money.
you are not hard or seasoned. your problem solving is juvenile and your work etiquette is that of a nigger.

>> No.1787381

I'm no druggie and I dont start fights. I think you're projecting now. If its juvenile and nigger tier that I dont want to break my back for the same pay as someone flipping burgers than I'm a juvenile bigger, so be it.

>> No.1787382

GC in Annapolis, we check.

>> No.1787385

>I dont want to break my back for the same pay as someone flipping burgers

That's thinking like a kid. You could have a future as a plumber same as someone can have a future as a cook.

>> No.1787389

So if you already know you can go elsewhere, make more and be respected, why the fuck aren't you there already?

>> No.1787390
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You're not paying your dues to them, your paying them to your future.

I stand by my earlier comment, your attitude is shit, and your not worth more than a water heater gofer, or a trench digger.

Piss off millennial.

>> No.1787397

Because I'm comfy where I'm at. And I get along great with my supervisor. Idk what its really like at other places
>you're a druggie
>oh, you're not? Then you have a bad atittude
Fuck off boomer.

>> No.1787402

The only way I can actually do plumbing is if I do plumbing. At least the burger flipper at McDonalds is flipping burgers.

>> No.1787405

differant fag, you suck at 4chan as much as you suck at being a plumber.
>>1787350 >>1787390 >>1787345 >>1787331

>> No.1787411
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x1908, 20200319_092842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! I'll never make it as a Janny now! I probably make more money doing side work than you do at your regular job. Here's a pic of a pump I installed just before this quarintine mess took over my city.

>> No.1787412

If you can work on copper you can do pex. Pex is like putting legos together, super easy

>> No.1787430

I've heard it's easy. But copper now has pro press fittings and those are easy too

>> No.1787434

Does it move more shit then you do?

>> No.1787446

It doesnt move your mother so no.

>> No.1787449

Yeah propress is nice we use that at my shop. Propress can be a pain for hard to reach places. The expansion tool for pex makes pex stupid simple.

>> No.1787452

Legally all you're allowed to do as an employer on a reference check is confirm if they employee worked for you, what their pay was, and whether they quit or were terminated. Anything else violates federal labor laws.

>> No.1787461

Uh dude. Start your own service. It's simple.

Make a Google business profile. Have a web guy make you a website. Put a sign on your truck. Put out some fliers and a ton of social media posts. Angie's list and home advisor are decent to get started.

I started my own company 5 years ago. Best decision I have ever made. Shit is not that hard, look at the fucking idiots you're working for. I went from $15 an hour working for a piece of shit to making $60 an hour running my own deal.

>> No.1787462


> pay your dues

Lol I worked for a company for 6 months before starting my own. 6 MONTHS. fucking scum that I worked for now I steal jobs from them all the time.

>> No.1787466


>> No.1787482

This is a really interesting post fren. Do you do actual plumbing you need a license for or just heating/bathroom renovations? In my city that's all I can do without my plumbers license so I cant just start a plumbing company. But I could start a heating/Reno company.

>> No.1787484
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x1908, 20200319_092844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to try it sometime but i have never seen it used, I think its illegal in my city. all water supply is run with copper. Would be cool though.

>> No.1787490

Just lie about your experience and get a Sr plumber position in another state, fake it

>> No.1787513


I just do handyman work. Mostly flooring and tile. But I do a little bit of light plumbing.

I'm not licensed and I don't even have insurance. Red tape fags can suck my fucking dick. Made $90k last year.

>> No.1787813

There are so many scummy companies out there. Dont worry about getting a reference. You cant lie in trades, so if you're as good as you think you are you'll be hired and keep your next job no problemo.

>> No.1788268

OP there is not a Jr. plumber, either helper/apprentice or licensed or you can say you do plumbing work but don't get caught plumbing without a licensed plumber on site "supervising" you. 2nd, two years under same lead is enough as you need exposure to other experienced leads in the trade to broaden your experience. suggest to contact other reputable plumbing firms in your area and line up new gig before jumping ship, yes, when leaving offer 2 weeks notice in writing but they'll likely let you go right then. good luck OP... old plumber here been where you are at..

>> No.1788294

6 more months. Get licensed. Move on, make more then 22.

>> No.1788615

>I'm not licensed and I don't even have insurance
jesus christ, I admire your courage. you are one fuckup away from losing everything you have

>> No.1788618

OP you should try to find a restoration service company that takes insurance claims, they'll have all sorts of work for you as most of the insurance calls have to do with flooding or faulty plumbing, don't do it through your current company contact them on your own and just let them know you're available

>> No.1788626

propress faggot

>> No.1788762

Why would you install a gauge on its side? Always vertical to avoid entry of contaminants

>> No.1790596

Coof check

>> No.1792145

>I'm tired of being basically treated like shit by a bunch of rich guys that were born into the family business.

You don't think that your foreman or lead guy that is in charge of you doesn't get treated like shit? Come on man.

>And they keep me with a scummy plumber who's always high and has temper issues

You're a bitch if you take that shit personally, I had a foreman who I worked with few years ago, good guy and he really did look out for me BUT on the jobsite he was a complete asshole and would always scream at me threatening to fire me but usually at the end of the day he would text me some shit like "lol good job today you kicked ass man!" and of course on some days I gave it right back to him when he made the mistake of fucking with me on the wrong day.

Grow some skin ffs kiddo.

>> No.1792146

>Just lie about your experience and get a Sr plumber position in another state, fake it

Then get fired a few weeks later after your operations manager figures out you don't know the fuck you're doing, yeah fake it til the end of the job that you fucked up beyond belief and now your boss is sending out weekend crews to undo the shit work under your leadership.

>> No.1792415

JOIN A UNION SON, and get a license. Say get fucked to your scummy contractors, and hit the road.

>> No.1792694

I will never trust propress for joints buried in walls. those o-rings will eventually rot/crumble and then leak when a new washing machine starts water hammer, the city randomly changes treatment chemical ratios, mouse piss seeps in from outside the pipe joint, or some ant finds out that rubber is good for building nests and is available at every pipe joint in the house

>> No.1793011

How about you work hard and become worth more than $18/hr? Then ask for a raise.