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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 129 KB, 480x640, home-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1765785 No.1765785 [Reply] [Original]

How much does it cost to build a home?

>> No.1765791

Depends who you know.

>> No.1765795

bout three fifty

>> No.1765813

details you shitbag! cost per sq. ft. based on design can be somewhat consistent in a given climate zone. property cost can go all over the map.

>> No.1765829

Cheaper than it is to buy a prebuilt by 20%

Usually, unless you fuck up then they can get way more expensive.

>> No.1765856
File: 34 KB, 425x340, it depends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never expected to use this image on /diy/

>> No.1765879


Seems more like an image that would fit in just about any /diy/ thread at some point.

>> No.1765881

Just bury a shipping container

>> No.1765887

That's a very very location-dependent question. Average livable price per square foot is $100. But it's going to vary a fuckton on a lot of small variables.

>> No.1765928

this is a troll thread, no one is this stupid in real life.

>> No.1765934

Bout tree fiddy.

>> No.1765939

... it's a /tg/ meme, anon.

>> No.1765940

home building is usually about 1/3 cost in supplies, 1/3 cost in labor, and 1/3 return in profit. So about 2/3 the price of just buying.

>> No.1765953

$200-500/sf depending on location

>> No.1765968

Your pic related isnt a home, thats a meme. You cant accuratley price that meme because youre going to have to tear it down and rebuild several times in the lifetime of that property.
Go to my OSB thread and ask.

>> No.1766028
File: 123 KB, 900x543, house2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends mostly on your region and on the level of fit and finish you want. I've scoped my house to about $150 / sq ft in central Texas, but I'm going to be doing most of the flooring, paint, light fixtures, counters, etc, myself.
>pic related

>> No.1766043

I can build a house, a proven 1920's single story 3 bedroom bungalow for about $50 a square foot. That's with Basic "no frills" everything.

I've never done anything like OP pic, but I'd guess such a monstrosity would cost about a Quarter Million to build, just due to the bullshit "architecture".

>> No.1766059

How much does it cost to build a barndo in northern Iowa?

>> No.1766114

Why are you people so angry at the house OP pictured lol ?

>> No.1766130

They're social conservatives who view anything vaguely modern as representing the decline of society in general.

>> No.1766177

I built mine for $110/ft2 but did a shitload of the work and my brother works at a hardware store so I get the employee discount. It can range anywhere from $100 to $500. Where are you building? How big? What style of house? Finishes? Etc.

>> No.1766246

Are you bored, OP? Ffs, give details. Do you want to live in a shithole dry shack or gold plated bidet appliance house?

>> No.1766248

>1765785 (OP) #
home building is usually about 1/3 cost in supplies, 1/3 cost in labor, and 1/3 return in profit. So about 2/3 the price of just buying.

OH? Not in every part of the country. I have built 5 homes in 50 yrs. and in 4 different parts of the USA. Extremes, AK and AZ and in between.

>> No.1766877
File: 765 KB, 561x901, DIYCaptcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1766913


>> No.1766930

Honestly? Why do construction companies build houses in the winter? Won't the snow cause warping and mold in the wood structure? At worst wouldn't it cause long term damage to the wood studs that would cause the entire wall to be replaced?

>> No.1767306

Cob houses are like $500

>> No.1767309

>rent free

>> No.1767316


>> No.1768496

I am stumped as to WHY anyone would put wood on the f—-ing OUTSIDE of a house. Floridabro baka — rains a lot here!

>> No.1768508

I dunno 7?

>> No.1768521

slightly less retarded question /diy/

I want a house and I have roughly 35k british shillings saved at the mo, any general advice? land here seems stupidly expensive to attempt building something cheap from scratch

>> No.1768531
File: 778 KB, 700x806, penn station.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're social conservatives who view anything vaguely modern as representing the decline of society in general.
I think it's more about us social conservatives hating basic bitch brutalism or windowless Libeskind protractors-gone-wild abominations, especially when either requires tearing down something old and beautiful and real. Lefties used to be on that side, too, like when they tore down the first Penn Station to put up the soulless box that currently resides there. And for the record, I like bauhaus as long as it doesn't become just another glass or plaster cube. I think OPs pic is a good example of a version of that style done right.

But what do I know? I'm just one of those red state suburban and rural retards too busy fucking my cousin to develop a cogent opinion.

>> No.1768537

From what I've heard, the only places that are affordable in the UK are out in the far flung hinterlands of the North where no one wants to be in places where there are no jobs to be had, and even then it's 100,000 queenbucks to buy a house.

>> No.1768603

How much does a car cost?

>> No.1768628

about 1.5x more than you estimated

>> No.1768645

At least you're honest.

>> No.1768646

If you can get all the lumber for free somehow, I guess not a whole lot.

>> No.1768652

Move to the USA, specifically Wyoming, there's lots of cheap land there. You can't live a decent life in Muslimland.