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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1752187 No.1752187 [Reply] [Original]

Prebious bread >>1711425


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


>What about planes?


>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?

Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly around my yard/garden

Syma X5C

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly inside my house

Eachine E010/Hubsan X4

>What are some good YouTube channels for learning or fun?

Joshua Bardwell - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX3eufnI7A2I7IkKHZn8KSQ
Painless360 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp1vASX-fg959vRc1xowqpw
Flite Test - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9zTuyWffK9ckEz1216noAw
Peter Sripol - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yF9tV4xWEMZkel7q8La_w
7demo7 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTa02ZJeR5PwNZK5Ls3EQGQ
ArxangelRC - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG_c0DGOOGHrEu3TO1Hl3AA
RagTheNutsOff - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWP6vjgBw1y15xHAyTDyUTw
Albert Kim - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnJyFn_66GMfAbz1AW9MqbQ/

>> No.1752189

shilling my video:

>> No.1752493

>joshua bardwell

joshua bardwell is gay and wears skirts also his fc sux

>> No.1752501

But skirts are comfy, even if they aren't socially acceptable for males to use. You don't want to cook your testicles and lower your sperm quality while wearing pants, do you anon?

>> No.1753047

RPM filtering makes my quad fly alot smoother.

I had one quad with Jesc and an Identical quad without it and I like the sound of the Jesc quad better. It flys better too.

Now ive got the jazzmavrick firmware on my second quad and its flying just as good.

Jazzmavrick is the free version for BLheli S esc's Its the same as Jesc.

>> No.1753175
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I modified this knock off of an Eamachines so it would take a standard battery. The center pin didn't appear to connect to anything, so I just ignored it. However, I am having problems once I put the drone back together.

1) Drone starts up and idles no problem
2) When I go to full power it immediately powers down

When I only have 1 prop attached, I can power up and if I move the drone up and down the prop adjusts speed as if adjusting altitude. However if I leave it alone it just slows and stops. Rapidly moving the drone causes it to power down.

Next step would be to solder the little 3 pin board in-line with new battery to see if that makes a difference.

The current error I'm seeing though makes me wonder if the internal gryo is messed up, since the "power down" happens when I move it around too much also.

The power wires I used are a tiny bit smaller then the originals - could that be an issue?

Yeah it definitely does say it - you can see on the packaging. Air pressure sensor locks light attitude. They are probably just packaging older versions with the newer ones.

>> No.1753935

Havent been frequenting these threads much in the last few months. Winter where Im at so havent flown since like July.
How long has it been since someone asked for help with something retarded and got pissed when you told, them it was retarded?

>> No.1755188

How do i fly drone is it hard?

>> No.1755192

A DJI or similar? Child's play. Racing quad, helicopter with gyro or such? Medium difficulty, but anyone with average intelligence can handle it. Helicopter without gyro is hardmode, but also really rare nowadays.

>> No.1755214
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anyone got experience with soft robots? I've been looking at these things https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBrlQfCUmCo but I'm guessing fishing line would be easier

>> No.1755226


You can use PC simulators with a radio to learn how to fly.

The first helicopter I flew was in a PC game back in 2000. All the skills I learned flying helicopters in war games helped me be a better drone pilot.

>> No.1755264

My serial RX just arrived. I've got the datasheet for the communications protocol printed out, tomorrow I'm going to write an arduino program to talk to it, as a step on the way to my homemade flight controller. Wish me luck!

>> No.1755408

good luck!

>> No.1755421
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my dumb ass drone questions...

As I posted in last thread, I picked up a few older drones as part of an auction.

I have a frsky x9D plus to control them, and have bound 1 as shown. Some help with basics?

1) I get constant "telemetry dropped / recovered" audio messages. Especially if I'm moving the control pads. In my controller I only have 4 channels assigned in the controller - is this the problem?

2) The Manual on the x9d is really light. Is there a better explanation of the various uses and functions? I'm assuming all these switches can be assigned, but no idea how to do that.

3) How do I start the props! Pushing to the top inner corners starts some kind of beeping on the drone, but nothing happens. Other directions seem to do nothing. Random switches seem to do nothing.

4) Software seams to be an integral part of this - should I be using something to config the drone / controller right away? beta-flight? base-flight?

5) What is up with these control warnings when I boot? Did I get a faulty radio? Also I see these terms used in a confusing manner - which is the transmitter and which is the receiver? I swear I see people swapping these around constantly. The Transmitter is the large device I hold in my hand, the Receiver is the small unit that sits on the drone, right?

>> No.1755427

1. The receiver is losing connection to the transmitter. This can happen if they're too close.
2. Look up OpenTx, that's the software the transmitter is using.
3. You don't have any idea what's on that flight controller, do you? Most people don't use the stick commands to arm the drone because you can accidentally arm or disarm it. See next answer
4. Yes, this will need to be the first thing you do because it will configure the flight controller to work with your transmitter/receiver. I'm not familiar with Pixhawks, I think most people run ArduPilot. There are youtube tutorials for it.
5. Those are switch warnings (switch A not in default position, etc). Flip the switches up (away from you) before turning it on. You can shut off these warnings, but most people have the default position be up and wouldn't want the drone/plane/heli/ to start in the wrong mode/rates/whatever. Yes, the transmitter is what you hold in your hand. It transmits the signal to the drone. The receiver receives it and converts the signal to commands for the ESC and servos or flight controller. I don't know where you're seeing them swapped around, but they're not interchangeable. They're usually abbreviated Tx and Rx.

>> No.1755536

Thanks man. This is seriously useful info for me.

>3. You don't have any idea what's on that flight controller, do you?
no I'll check later and find out what kind of board it is

ok, I thought that this was being handled through the x8r, and that the only working features right now would be the 4 channels assigned to movement.
I've messed around with the drone toys, and briefly with a mavic pro, which was pretty cool. This is definitely a step up in complexity.

>> No.1755699

I need to buy an r9mm receiver and some 1s batteries, but I don't really want to have to wait for the delivery from china with the added hassle of their new year... Any EU based websites you guys would recommend? Amazon is not showing any results sadly...

>> No.1755747

Part of my yard is all over grown with trees and bushes. In the spring when the snow melts I am going to clear out a bunch of scraggle and make it into a great obstacle course.

Gonna leave some big trees to fly around and between.

>> No.1755990

Hey /rcg/ so a bit off the mark but while i recently got into the hobby, the military decided to send me to the Middle East. No drones allowed on military facilities, but I can take my controller. I'd like to ask you all what you think the best application is, now that they've all had a few years to progress. Also, seeing as it's hot as fuck there and it would probably have to be off a laptop, which is the most 'efficient' and doesnt require a rig to play?

Second question: Where do you think the regulation will be at in a year? Tech? I'm hoping the ID doesn't hold water and prices come down on goggles.

>> No.1756137

The Taranis QX7 is very popular and is consistently $105-$115
Dunno about the sims
The ID thing is likely to hold water, as corps are lobbying for it so they can nig the public airspace. Just don't comply. If you don't fly where you're not supposed to anyways, you'll be fine.

>> No.1756253

>I'm hoping the ID doesn't hold water and prices come down on goggles.

Expect more regulation, that is poorly enforced.

Regarding prices: I just got a x9d on ebay for $130 shipped, though they usually go higher. As a newcomer to this hobby, I bought a Phantom1 for $50, a pair of fatshark v2 on CL for $100. The second hand market devaluation is pretty crazy. example, I bought a DJI Mavic Pro for $350 to flip, and I was grateful to get $500 for it - I ended up selling it on ebay because I couldn't even sell it locally for $450.

I picked up 3 of these type of drones for $200, and $100 of that was shipping.

I fund my hobbies by doing this - I'll buy at a low price, then sell 2 units to pay for the one I keep. And I've stopped buying drone stuff to flip because prices drop so quickly.

>> No.1756593

Jesus Christ I was not expecting to have to fight with compiling and installing software lol. Gave up after an hour of trying to install packages with cywin. Guess I'll check out some yt videos after all

>> No.1756651

Literally what? You don't have to compile anything to configure ardupilot. All you have to do is install QGroundControl or MissionPlanner, snd then figure out how to actually configure the flight controller.

>> No.1756854

Bring a whoop and fly indoors

Or get an rc car

>> No.1757083

ok thanks. I was going hard down this path:


>> No.1757466

How do I pick vtx, antenna, and receiver?
I want something for a plane that can go a long way.

>> No.1757599

I'm a fucking retard guys, i somehow connected the wrong color wires to my admittedly idiot proof xt60 connector and accidentally a whole fc

Fuck me i'm stupid

>> No.1757754

the markings on the XT60 are really small. Don't worry, we've all smoked a few components before.

if you ask shit like this, then no.

>> No.1757766

if you want to compile a custom firmware you have to build it and it's piss easy if you follow their instructions to the letter. I recommend Linux.
dragonlink, orangeLRS, idk about tbs stuff, those are long range telemetry options unless you want to fly without telemetry then l9r would do.

>> No.1757922

I smoked my first FC in a different way, but your definitely not the first or the last.

But hey, bet you $20 you wont do that again. Failure is a hell of a teacher!

>> No.1758029

I have a very stupid question about FC.
Is it possible to install inav to any quad FC? Is it possible to use quad FC for a fixed wing? Will features like auto-take-off work?

>> No.1758247

no interest in doing that. Just want to get this up in the air as I have zero experience with quads at this level.

Question: Finally got it armed, powered up to try and lift it off the ground, and it twisted, flipped crashed. I'll double check my props and motors.

1) How do I set up a power kill switch? Thing was flipping around my house smashing shit and the 5 second power down or whatever was WAY too long. I have a channel open for it and a switch assigned on my x9d, but not sure where or how to assign it.

2) Is my control base supposed to have a wireless receiver ? I have a 915MHz antennae on the uav. What do I need to pair that with?

Thanks for all the help everyone - pretty fun stuff so far.

>> No.1758327

Sounds like you have more money than brains

>> No.1758330

I once accidentally a raspberry pi zero 5V rail to a 24V power source.
It took like 30 seconds for it to start smoking, almost managed to boot up.

>> No.1758341

Nothing wrong with the x9d, for $190 I love my rock monster, though the qx7 looks nice. Not everybody has to pinch pennies.

You can setup a switch in Betaflight, modes tab. Make sure you're firmware is up to date on your FC, and your controller is configured correctly. If so, when your controller is connected you'll be able to see when you move your toggles, and can then choose what they'll do. I also giving your quad a setup for when you lose signal; people have left it on hold only to drop signal and have their quad fly to the horizon, I had mine on kill until I dropped out and it came down like a meteor in an empty field. Joshua Bardwell has a ton of videos in the how to stuff, highly recommend his channel.

Get comfy with Betaflight, it's very logical. After getting some time under your belt where you can fly packs and not crash, you'll want to consider going in to change your tune, which can change your flight patterns considerably.

>> No.1758410

Issue is, he is using ardupilot.

I'd suggest you scour through the ardupilot docs when having issues. Admittedly, they are pretty lackluster and not well organized. This article should have what you are looking for: https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-auxiliary-functions.html

>> No.1758561

>Issue is, he is using ardupilot.
Literally the same thing is done in ardupilot in mission planner/qmissionplanner. He should really lift it in stabilize in open space like garden to test if everything is ok
there is no such thing as power kill switch, you either switch into mode that read direct inputs from throttle and put to throttle into 0 or whatever the value for the quad to come flying down. I always have RTL, Land and "killswitch" ready cause you never know what can happen. You'll have to play around with stuff like that, If you're afrad with playing around with a real quad, ardupilot does offer simulator/sitl for testing ardupilot code and works out of the box with taranis.
915mhz should be the telemetry one, on the picture you posted there was a frsky receiver that is connected to your taranis and a 915mhz (433mhz eu) telemetry board, you should have the same looking one with usb to plug into pc and connect in mission planner via selected com port to your quad.
Also, never ever fly a bigger quad inside the house, especially when testing unless you got a hangar/warehouse with lots of space, low height and closed enviroment just add to instability of drones hence the uncontrollable behaviour.
You can see the same thing happening if you fly in stabilize like half a meter above ground, the quad will be pretty much uncontrollable. Put it in stabilize and rise it 3 meters above grounds, try slightly playing around with the quad to test how it behaves or if everything is alright before moving to auto missions. For killswitches and stuff like that I suggest you look up rc forums, ardupilot forums and youtube, i think bluefalcon was discussing a killswitch on taranis.

>> No.1758606

oh no, I have very little of either.

I'm using Mission Planner currently - and I can see the different channels, I'm just having some issues assigning them. there are the different flight modes, but I don't want a kill switch on that same button.I have a lost signal set up - it's on RTH currently.

I'll check out betaflight too.

yeah, normally I do it outside, didn't think it would be a big deal. lesson learned.

Yeah mostly it's a lot of information to take in, and I admittedly suck at RTFM

Even with throttle down, it was still idling and chopping through shit. I hooked up to mission planner via USB prior to that - but how does the 915MHZ telemetry board work - do I need a separate receiver for that ( like on my ground control station? )

I'll check out those forums and channels you recommended!

>> No.1758860
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>and I can see the different channels, I'm just having some issues assigning them.
You have to set up channels/buttons on taranis. Scroll through opentx help and taranis help on youtube/opentx forums. Ardupilot offers 6+modes so obviously you can't just have it on 1 switch and you have to mix the switches/combo to by only on 1 channel.
>I'll check out betaflight too.
betaflight is for other FCs and is mainly for acro flying on smaller quads, since you got pixhawk you use ardupilot on it, unless somebody made a build for the pixhawk1/radiolink, in short don't even try with pixhawk or that frame/quad you bought.
>do I need a separate receiver for that
to connect to fc you would take microusb and attach to the fc to pc via that usb cable. On pixhawk you have telemetry pins where you connect the telemetry TX/RX, the other one with usb, see pic related.
You really should read the arducopter wiki, you don't control the quad directly like with taranis via telemetry, just assign missions/read values.
Read the wiki, you can't start doing something before reading the whole wiki/watchin few videos
Try painless360, he has few ardupilot videos, and general pixawk/arducopter videos are available where they guide you through the steps of what and how

>> No.1759015

Is it possible to pick up chicks by doing tricks while flying fpv?

>> No.1759032

FPV is like motorcycles.... Only dudebros actually end up talking to you.

>> No.1759039

i dunno man, you like trannies?

>> No.1759082

i had several women tell me it's cool and they would like to watch it or even come and throw planes for me, 0 of them actually showed and most of the time it's dudebros or small group of friends since you don't want to catch too much attention cause flying anything is illegal pretty much where I live, not to mention fpv/recording or god forbid anything with pixhawk/auto missions.

>> No.1759121

I can count on one hand the amount of times I've flown with other women.
As a hobby to pick up girls with, I wouldn't recommend RC.

>> No.1759179

"Facebook" page of mine local shop have only 1% of subscribers are women most of whom are married, other half are scarier than nuclear winter.
Plus, at least in cyka-country most of women find all rc-related stuff being childish, despite it being such a great money-hole. (at least, i was told so after a very long-term relationships).

>> No.1759348

I always thought motors couldn't run under water, but then I saw a video where a brushless DC motor was run in a kitchen sink with no problem. How come this doesn't work with the industrial AC motors? Both the BLDC and the asynchronous motor are three phase, both have alternating current directions inside... Only difference I can think of is that the BLDC is driven by a square wave instead of a sinus wave, but I don't see why that would make a difference...

>> No.1759383

There are no exposed electrical contacts in brushless dc motors, there are some coils in insulation on stator and some magnets on the rotor which are able to rotate on axis.
As i remember, in case of brushless ac motors there are second rotating magnet field caused by coils placed in rotor, so there are some exposed contacts. I could be wrong, but i am sure about dc motors part.

>> No.1759454
File: 74 KB, 640x1284, FB_IMG_1580245781908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my new tattoo

>> No.1759507

I think it looks fucking lame you homo.

>> No.1759603

I'm not gay i am married to a woman

>> No.1759648

Not a fan of the Rotor Riot (not a hater just find the logo meh) but the Betaflight is nice. Skull with the goggles is interesting, I've thought of doing something like that, maybe like a parch antenna out the arm.

>> No.1759655

That is an awful argument Elton John.

>> No.1759953

Is it a good idea to use 0803 16000 kv motors on trashcan instead of original 0803 15000 kv?
I am pretty afraid of burning mine fc again.

>> No.1759983

Remote ID
I was reading the proposal, and was confused about the UAV not allowed to fly without an internet connection.
What happens if The UAV looses the connection while flying? Does it fall out of the sky or return to home?
How do you feel being charged $5 a month?
What about winter, too cold or snowing to fly, still have to pay.
I guess I'm cheap, but things like Netflix, XMradio and HBO add up

>> No.1759987

If this law ever gets enforced, it's only going to be if you fly in city parks or near schools, or if you're constantly bothering your nosy neighbour. Fly a little bit away from civilisation and the cops couldn't care less. If Nancy calls them to file complaints every minute they'll stop by just to shut her up, and if you're flying in areas with people or children they'll stop by because you're being a pest, just like they would if you were standing around stoned half unconscious trying to sing the Russian national anthem. But if you're not bothering anyone they won't give half a fuck, RC regulation is a rulebook they've never read and they'd rather sit downtown munching donuts and issuing speeding tickets, which is more comfortable and more lucrative.

>> No.1760018

Skip to 5:50 ish
How does he make the zip line thing
The charging itself
The remote to move it on its own.

>> No.1760436
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>> No.1760508

Damn am I the only RR fan in here?

>> No.1760678

yes. If you're going to put that shit where everyone can see it, why the fuck would you get 2 linear antennas on the goggles?

>> No.1760812

I figured they would work just as well if they are tilted slightly different directions enough that both of their nulls are covered by the antenna

>> No.1760813

The other antenna*

>> No.1761211

Went to trim out my FT Explorer. Almost Kobe'd while trying to do it. It was ripping to the left. Dunno how I got out.

>> No.1761212
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, Almost crashed longer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach file

>> No.1761401

Has any commercial drone been hacked, or is the only way to run custom software to build one?

I want to use one to count livestock with a custom program I made that can count it using video. Only way atm to do it is to record it, go to my pc, load it onto there, and run the program on the pc.

>> No.1761502

Getting into this hobby with my initial build thanks to the knowledge in these threads. My planned build is nothing fancy, just something with training wheels to start off FPV with. I bought everything except a receiver, radio, battery charger, and set of goggles at this point. Those are bigger purchases that I've been stalling just because I'm worried about making decent choices. I've found the initial cost to be suprisingly high, but then again there are a lot of one time costs.

If someone could provide input on the radio/receiver/goggle combo, I would greatly appreciate it. I also have no clue what a good battery charger is. Also, if I am missing any other component from the part list, please let e know. I'm also worried I screwed up my research in terms of compatibility or quality part choice.
Thanks in advance for any input.

FRAME -- TBS Source One
requirements: has ability to mount action camera on top of FPV

MOTOR -- Racerstar Racing Edition 2306S

BATTERY -- AHTECH Infinity 14.8V, 1500 mAh, 85C w/XT60
LINK: https://www.banggood.com/Infinity-4S-14_8V-1500mAh-70C-Graphene-LiPo-Battery-XT60-Support-15C-Boosting-Charge-For-Racer-Drone-p-1058084.html?rmmds=search

FC: DALRC F405 AIO Betaflight F4 Flight Controller

ESC: Flycolor Raptor BLS-Pro 30A

VTX: ImmersionRC Tramp (6-18V, 5.8GHz)
ANT (antenna): -- Lumenier AXII 5.8 GHz

FPV CAM: RunCam Micro Swift 3

Footage CAM (planned): Either Go Pro Session X or Run Cam X depending on budget etc.

Footage CAM Mount: Generic
Make it 3D printed TPU holder 25-35°. PRCJ

PROPELLER: Dalprop Cyclone T5040C and T5046C

RADIO(planned): FrSky 2.4G 16CH Taranis QX7S -- Plus
Notes: Upgraded gimballs compared to the X9D, X9D

Receiver(planned): R-XSR

VISUAL DISPLAY W/ VRX(planned) : Fatshark Attitude V paired with True-D attitude VRX

>> No.1761599

You can talk to ardupilot over a serial connection and control your drone from another computer on the drone

>> No.1761732

Welcome to the Hobby! Its definitely a big upfront coat but it's easier to maintain....I swear.

First I'd like you to confirm the dimensions on your source one and the if you got a micro swift - I did the similar on my first build where I got a tiny camera and required an adapter - a regular sized swift cam will fit well most likely.

I have an X9D and R-XSR combo, QX7 should also be on the frSky system, everything should work fine. Goggles dont care about setup really, just that the signal is bieng sent; When you build dont leave it running the heat can damage the VTX without proper air circulation....a lesson you only need to learn once.

Battery charger boards aren east pickups, not much difference . Power supply a 300-400w is more than enough, no need to get a server blades PSU. iSDT q6 pro is portable, affordable, and works great. For $10 more than the non pro it's a no brainers upgrade. As far as batteries, I'd buy a few! Have at least 3-4 in case one gets wrecked, also cause nobody wants to leave after a 5 minute session!. I stay strapped with 10.

Other than that, good luck with the build and send pictures! A before and after the crash is always a welcome sight. Save your flight videos often; I'm a new lot and just lost a lot of old videos, but its incredible seeing the progression even over a year.

>> No.1762846

Thank you for all your input, makes it easier to make purchase decisions on the few outstanding parts.

>source one dimensions
I realize now what you're talking about. The microswift 3 is tiny (compared to other runcam models) but comes with an aluminum bracket that I think is included specifically to fit the camera into a build.
The source one's dimensions are here https://github.com/tbs-trappy/source_one
but no idea what specific dimension would confirm compatibility.
I will test assembly with the source one camera plates and frame in combination with the aluminum bracket included with the microswift. There are some neat aftermarket mounts for both the footage and FPV cameras if what comes out of box doesn't work. I will need to get a footage cam mount anyway

>I have an X9D and R-XSR combo,
that's more or less my target if QX7S is not too available or significantly more. Thanks for confirming that this is a good bet.

>goggles don't care about setup
ok, good to know. Are goggles my best bet or should I ease in with operating from a display (I think this is possible with right hardware)? seems like goggles are the most immersive and fun

>don't leave it running
you mean, I should always power down the drone immediately if I'm not planning flight (aside from build testing?)

>ave at least 3-4 in case one gets wrecked, also cause nobody wants to leave after a 5 minute session!. I stay strapped with 10.
that's a great point. I haven't considered flight time per battery at all so will need to buy a nice collection. Rather get heavier larger capacities since I'm very far from thinking about racing or other fancy weight restrictive action

>> No.1762847

>iSDT q6 pro
thank you, I will just go for this on your recommendation. It was difficult to find a go to brand/model and battery charging isn't something I want to cheap out on.

>d send pictures! A before and after the crash is always a welcome sight
Will do, not looking forward to crashing. Got a nice iron and small tools so should be clean for a first build. Will ease in with real careful sessions. I guess I should also do some simulator depending on how all that hooks up but that's more research

Again, thanks for your insight

>> No.1763287


If you have the programming skills to write something like that, you can probably build your own multirotor from the microcontroller on up. It's really not that hard - at the core you just have a loop checking the state of a gyro and correcting. You can take that and get more complex, adding things like GPS position, pressure altitude, LIDAR, whatever. You'll be reinventing the wheel but

>> No.1763310

What kind of processor do you need to run those calcs? Seems setting up streaming download to a laptop is going to be way easier than adding CPU power to a drone.

>> No.1763369

>If you have the programming skills to write something like that, you can probably build your own multirotor from the microcontroller on up.

This mentality is so broken. The combination of Arducopter & OpenCV is already a well established space, why would you start from absolute scratch & write all the fundamental flight control code yourself?

It's called a 'companion computer' in drone parlance. Something like a Raspberry Pi is a popular choice for running CV on the drone. Streaming a HD digital feed back to a laptop is definitely not the easier solution.

>> No.1763584

I'm more concerned with the cost of hardware and tolerances I'd have to assemble it compared to a premade drone for something of similar quality.

It runs on a raspberry pi.

I thought I'd have to strap a pi to it, want to know if there's any way to connect it in some way to a premade drone or if I'd have to make one.

>> No.1763590

>want to know if there's any way to connect it in some way to a premade drone or if I'd have to make one.


>> No.1763631

>It runs on a raspberry pi.
Oh, didn't realize this. I figured you'd need some a heavier CPU / powersupply/ etc

>> No.1763797

Had to do major surgery for my quad and replace stack standoffs that broke and replace an esc and while I was messing with the stack and putting the plastic nuts on I broke one of the surface mount components on my VTX. It made it so my Audio died on and I didnt get audio to my fatsharks anymore.

But I just took the VTX and tried to resolder on the very tiny chip with 3 legs and I fixed it with some very tiny solder work. I basically did surface mount work with my TS-100 and some flux.

I fixed my Audio and now the quads back to 100%

>> No.1764504
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We've got 50mph winds & sideways rain all weekend here, so I stayed in & updated firmware on 8 different drones... Still, good to finally get both hexes onto stable Arducopter 4.0.1, they were still on a dev build of 3.7 before.

>> No.1764506
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>> No.1764507

Forgot link
We're competing soon

>> No.1764792
File: 64 KB, 640x350, 0E905BF1-FE45-42E3-98CA-CEDCAD5A864B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got one of my “new” drones up in the air. Pretty exciting. I’m using clean flight bc it’s a clean flight board.

Noticing a few things. It’s twitchy as fuck. I’m used to a phantom or Mavic that auto stabilizes really fast. I don’t know if this guy even does stabilize. So I’m just bouncing him up and down until it crashes. Board is SPracing f3 NEO. It doesn’t have the other NEO board that has camera attachments and such.

What would be a next step here. How do I learn to pilot this thing without cratering it - any tips other than get gud?

>> No.1764800

Set it to Level mode for starters, if it still doesn't fly nicely, there's some issue with your PID's or filters.

>> No.1765195

Does updating arducopter wipe your settings and whatnot? Ive got a 250mm quad I put a Pixhawk mini on, it only gets off the ground if I use the PIDs I found on an old thread for a similar build.

>> No.1765210

Hello guys,

What do i need to flash this esc (simonk): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32952626735.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4djd47qP

I bought this usb programmer but couldn't get it to work

>> No.1765234

I had to use this linker to address some old ESCs I had.


>> No.1765248

the description is basically the same :(
What software do you use/ how do you flash your escs? Im noob

>> No.1765267

BLHeli Suite, either install it or run the chrome extension, I had to install it. I also didnt flash my ESCs though, all I needed to do was change the rotation.

>> No.1765325
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Long story short
>got a Tinyhawk RTF
>had to solder motors directly to FC
>went the way of extending the wires
>first time soldering ever
>did a shit job pic related

It works, but I want to redo it better. Got a slightly better iron, but I still wasn't able to find a video explaining how to solder together 30 AWG wires. How the fuck do you splice together those microscopic stranded wires?

>> No.1765327

Only thing I can really say it probably exactly what you did, which is just twist the wires together and apply solder. Why did you have to solder the wires directly to begin with?

>> No.1765332

Connectors are crap to begin with since they are like a third of the gauge of the wires, and after enough crashes they loosen up and stop making good contact, so motors would stop arming properly at random or disarm if they hit low enough RPM. It's my first drone ever, and it took me week of crashes while learning how to fly to kill the connectors.

>> No.1765333

Cant say Ive ever had this problem, if the connectors are fucking up on the motor end instead of the FC seems like it would just be easier to buy new connectors. Could also just hot glue the connectors on in their socket.

>> No.1765336

It's an issue of the wires going into the connector, rather than the connector itself. Wiggling the wires near the connector made a difference while bench testing the motors, which is ultimately what convinced me to solder the wires, and I must say soldering did solve the problem. Now I just want to do a cleaner job, even if it's not strictly necessary.

Also, what causes voltage sag? At the beginning I'm sure I didn't drop 0.3V every time I gave full throttle.

>> No.1765338

Usually use and overdrawing the battery cause voltage sag. Basically if your motors are trying to draw more amps than the battery can provide it both directly causes sag and degrades the battery which also causes sag.

>> No.1765342

I see, thanks.

>> No.1765351

I only see these flight modes:

Angle Mode, Horizon Mode, Air Mode, anti-gravity - none of these deal with just keeping it hovering a few feet off the ground, right?

>> No.1765354

Yeah sorry, I mean't angle mode. There's no altitude hold by default unless you have a barometer or sonar. Meaning you have to manage your throttle by yourself like a big boy. If you want to learn without crashing, there's always a simulator.

>> No.1765376

Usually, no. I upgraded from 3.7.0-dev to 4.0.1 on both of those & they retained all of their settings (including the PIDs that resulted from running autotune).

However you should always do a backup of your parameters before upgrading anyway - just go to the Full Parameter List section in Mission Planner & use the button on the right to save them all to a file. Then if something goes wrong & it wipes the settings, you can just import that file.

Pretty sure the Chrome apps is obsolete (on account of Google announcing the end of support for Chrome apps & developers abandoning them), use the standalone applications instead.

And obviously BLHeliSuite won't be much use for a SimonK ESC, considering it's not running BLHeli.

You don't need to splice. Just strip & tin both wires, then place them side by side & solder together. The mechanical strength of the solder joint is more than sufficient for an application like this - the wire will literally snap before the joint physically fails.

>> No.1765377

>you don't need to splice
My concern was creating a good electrical contact, more than the mechanical strength of the joint, but if that method is good enough I'll do that, thanks.

>> No.1765381

As long as the wires are in contact & properly suffused with solder the electrical connection will be indistinguishable from that of a spliced joint.

>> No.1765391

ok cool thanks. I expected that because its a racing drone, it wouldn't have those training-wheel modes. good to confirm.

What is going on with my motors? When I throttle up, they aren't all moving smoothly. One is also making a weird whine. I was going to replace that motor.


>> No.1765395

I'm assuming you're not using ESCs with DSHOT, so you need to calibrate your ESCs.

>> No.1765459

We need more info about what ESC's you have. It's usually not the motor that is the issue.

>> No.1765506

Don’t know what Dshot is. I’ll look it up. eSC are the four things wired to the motors right?

>> No.1765578

Follow the first approach here



>> No.1765827

haha, already done the "leave props on while testing" and the "forgot to disarm before I picked it up and leaned on the throttle while holding". Those racing blades are sharp as fuck man.

Oh and "flew drone right back into my fucking face and had it cut up my chin"

as blood has been spilled, I felt baptized into the hobby

ESCs on the 3 drones:
-Favorite LittleBees
-Simonc 30A
-Afro Race Spec

Right now I'm flashing the racing drone with betaflight firmware.

>> No.1765836

IIRC the LittleBee ESCs will have original BLHeli firmware - *not* BLHeli_s nor BLHeli_32. The Afros will have SimonK firmware.

All of them are obsolete but will still work fine. Flashing the flight controller to the latest version of Betaflight it supports is a good first step. I say 'latest it supports' because if it's similarly old as the rest of your parts it may well be a F3 based flight controller which are no longer supported by the latest versions of Betaflight.

>> No.1765844
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>t may well be a F3 based flight controller
yes, its a spracing F3 Neo. I went back to cleanflight to calibrate the ESCs. I'm having an issue here:

I Set it to ONESHOT125 in config and rebooted

Then doing this:

1 Ensure that your ESCs are not powered up.
2 Connect to the board using a USB cable, and change to the motor test page.
3 Set the motor speed to maximum using the main slider.

>I cannot move the main slider.
>power up transmitter. Cannot move slider.
>Arm drone. Cannot move slider, but now I see the yellow bars are maxed and show low numbers ( 1000s )
>Push throttle all the way up - I see the numbers on the motors jump to 2000. motor 2/4 slowly drop to 1500. I can get them back up if I mess with either stick.

>Plug in battery. Motors come online. Nothing happens. Push throttle all down. lots of beeping. push all the way up, engines fire up.

I know I'm not doing this right - but can't figure out how to get the main slider working.
>Connect power to your ESCs. They will beep.
>Click on the slider to bring the motor speed down to zero. The ESCs will beep again, usually a couple of times.
>Disconnect the power from your ESCs.
>Re-connect power to your ESCs, and verify that moving the motor slider makes your motors spin up normally.

>> No.1765847

First thing to do is double check that whichever set of ESCs you're using actually supports OneShot 125. Your ESCs may be so old that they don't support it (early versions of the SimonK firmware didn't have OneShot at all).

One thing to do would be to set the ESC protocol in the config tab to PWM, because they will definitely support PWM (literally all ESCs do). If you still can't get them to calibrate properly when set to PWM then that would indicate a problem elsewhere.

>> No.1765867


They are supposed to support it. Why wouldn't the slider be working - or only work sometimes?

>> No.1765872

This is frustrating as shit. Sometimes, if I turn everything off, reset config, this works. I can get all the way to last step - but once I disconnect ESCs and reconnect to Cleanflight, the master switch stops working.

>> No.1765878

>but once I disconnect ESCs and reconnect to Cleanflight

What do you mean by this?

>> No.1765890

>>Disconnect the power from your ESCs.
>>Re-connect power to your ESCs, and verify that moving the motor slider makes your motors spin up normally.

Am I supposed to stay connected via USB when disconnecting and reconnecting power?

>> No.1765921


>> No.1766187

Deleting all my modes in ClearFlight allows me to use the slider, but nothing happens.

>Connect power to your ESCs. Makes no noise, does not calibrate.
>Click on the slider to bring the motor speed down to zero. No beeping.

Is my drone supposed to be connected to the Tx and Armed?

>> No.1766192

Y'all got any recommendations for a 1s or 1s/2s charger? I'm starting to fly my tinyhawk s and I'm loving it, but the supplied 2 battery capable USB charger is really a chore, would like one that could charge something like up to 6 batteries faster, than the stock one can. Storage mode discharge and a way to also power it with a lipo would also be great. Thanks in advance.

>> No.1766193

It's weird. sometimes the slider works. I reconfigured my modes, set to PWN, and now I can access the slider. Tx is connected, drone not armed.

>toggle "I understand risks"
Throttle up slider / plug in battery / hear tones
>Throttle down slider / hear tones
>unplug battery
>untoggle "i understand the risks"
>connect battery
>toggle "I understand risks"
>slider controls the motors, and is significantly smoother than before.

I am wondering if having the drone in Angle mode as default was part of the problem?

>> No.1766196
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This seems to have worked. It's flying so much smoother now. I'm still going up/down quite a bit near the ground. hard to keep it at a stable altitude, but figure that is probably practice.

On to set up for drone#3!

>> No.1766308

seems like this FC is too old to do shit, and I don't have the USB plug anyway. I can just go buy a new FC right? Should I keep any of the other crap on here?

>> No.1766311
File: 552 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20200130_222228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have this thing which eats 20A at 7V peak.
I've installed a switch for it. See next pic.

>> No.1766312
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Which is good for 3A 250V 6A 125V. Naturally, being a retard, I assumed that it can do 50A 7V which apparently is not the case. 7V DC I mind you. Got into an argument with a colleague, he saying that I shouldn't have even installed one and instead should have used a connector, which is not convinient, but reliable.

I am being a retard on purpose here?

>> No.1766330

No, the drone should not be armed. It doesn't need to be connected to the tx. You shouldn't be toggling the 'I understand the risks' switch multiple times.

Watch a YouTube video of somebody doing this. You're misunderstanding the process badly.

>> No.1766340

>You shouldn't be toggling the 'I understand the risks' switch multiple times.

It seemed like the "risks" switch was not acting appropriately. So I was turning it off, then rearming it.

I watched several videos, and until this last time, what I was seeing was not what they were showing. The slider simply would not move.

>> No.1766344

Do yourself a favour & buy some modern components if you actually want to enjoy this hobby.

That's not how electriicity works. Just because a switch, connector, cable, etc. is rated for 1A at 1000V doesn't mean you can put 1V at 1000A through it. If you want to switch 50A (even at 'just' 7V DC) you will need a _substantially_ beefier switch.

>> No.1766513


Voltage =/= Amps, thatd be like trying to fill a balloon with a pressure washer - the current of the water coming out will shred the balloon before it has a chance to be filled.

>> No.1766594

Switch ratings work like this:
Voltage rating means the switch is able to switch this voltage OFF, meaning the contacts are spaced far away enough so that there will not be an arc burning.
Amps rating means the switch is able to conduct this kind of current without melting. The waste heat produced inside this switch depends on its resistance and the current. More current, more heat. Double the current, 4x the heat, actually. Voltage has nothing to do with it as long as the switch is switched on.

>> No.1767137

I found a place where I can buy a lot of small diameter aluminum tubes (e.g: 4.7mm). What kind of cool rc vehicle can I build with the tubes?

>> No.1767140

They can go to 1000A if you cool them with butane. They'll get pretty warm but survive.

>> No.1767188

>Do yourself a favour & buy some modern components if you actually want to enjoy this hobby.

Got a Naze v2 can I keep everything but the tarot flight controller? ( antennae, etc ) Or do I need to replace that too.

>> No.1767338

Would a strong LED light disrupt any element of my flight/piloting/ if directed at me?

>> No.1767361

Naze is also laughably obsolete. Just spend $30 on something current, it will seriously make life so much easier for you.

Not sure what you're asking, but as long as it doesn't blind you?

>> No.1767429
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If you mean something like pic related, it either blinded the camera or messed with the shitty collision avoidance systems typically used on the crap police departments buy

You'll be fine as long as you are actually flying the damn thing yourself

>> No.1767468

>it either blinded the camera or messed with the shitty collision avoidance systems

Or way more likely this was just pilot error & the lasers were completely unrelated.

>> No.1767558

Pilot error tends to happen when you can't see shit because there are bright lights shining into your camera

>> No.1767579

My point is that there's a big difference between 'lasers crashed the drone' versus 'the pilot was an idiot & couldn't keep it in the air without the camera feed'.

>> No.1767810

Confused Naze and Naza. I got The Naza-M V2.

Can I still use the old PCM and LED and Antennae from the Tarot set up?

>> No.1767843
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>finish soldering my first tinywhoop
>want to check if there are bridges between the pads
>continuity everywhere
>after a minute remember brushless motors have their phases Y connected

>> No.1768122
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Transplanted one of my Hyperlite Flowrides onto an iFlight DC5 today & I'm really liking it. Probably end up buying another to transplant my second Flowride over as well.

VTX antenna mount has finished printing now, so that's added on the back.

The GPS, RC receiver, etc. will probably work fine with the Naza.

>> No.1768990
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The FFA is trying to kill our hobby.
They have some new proposed rules "Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft Systems"

You may look at the title of the new regulations and assume it just means they are going to make you register a serial number for every drone you have, well your right but that's not even the tip. They are mandating you install a new GPS tracker on every drone, have it hooked up to the internet the entire time your flying so they can track you and automatically identify any infraction, opps you flew one foot too high, instantly busted.

Now that, that was just the tip. This new fangled tracking system, it has to be built into your drones from the factory, and your not allowed to modify or repair your drone at all, gotta send it back to the factory for every god dammed thing you want changed or need fixed.

You'd be given one year grace and then all your old drones are illegal to fly except at tiny designated parks several states over. They don't give a fuck if your part 107 or not.

They are trying to clear the airspace of all us to make way for the amazons and what not to have it all to themselves.

Fortunately they are required by law to give us a couple days to give them a piece of our minds about any rule changes. I urge you to do so. They do allow file uploads too, would be a real shame if someone labeled some gore of self castration with the man being the FAA and the hobbits being his dick or something and spammed them with it. I'm sure the intern that's forced to review the submissions would appreciate the PTSD.


>> No.1769065
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Washington protest at http://www.helpsaveourhobby.com

>> No.1769230

What's up the image, surely such a small piece of foil wouldn't affect much?

>> No.1769429

Strong radar cross section. Plains would be diverted around it.

>> No.1769538


>> No.1769559

If that were the case, planes would get diverted every time somebody released a foil party balloon. Y'know, the kind that are literally made from foil.

>> No.1769707

Those are mylar, not foil

>> No.1769712
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Can I wire these batteries to deliver the necessary voltage to the camera, and still use the bulk of it to power the car?

>> No.1769749

You could add a fourth cell in series just for the camera (non standard wiring, would need special attention when charging), have a smaller secondary battery pack just for the camera or you could use a dc to dc converter.

>> No.1769751

They are often (but not always) alumininized mylar, which is to say it has a nanoscopic layer of aluminum vapor which condenses onto the mylar, this is typically not thick enough to be super reflective to radar. They can and sometimes are made with thicker aluminum just for this purpose though. A strip of aluminum foil will be much more reflective to radar than a typical mylar balloon.

>> No.1769757

After a few weeks of flying in my house, and after a few tweaks to my Tinyhawk (extended the motor leads and soldered them directly to the FC, replaced stock props with turtle mode ones, replaced the stock camera with a Runcam Nano 2, set up JESC+telemetry and set up PMB tune) I flew for the first time outside at the park. I love it, but damn the vtx sucks. Can you suggest me a good vtx antenna?

Also, the PMB tune isn't quite right and fell out of the sky more than once because the drone became unstable.

P.S. Do you have any suggestion to learn to fly acro?

>> No.1769758
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Rebuilt the 680 with another Matek F405 board; ditching the Pixhawk saves so much space.

>> No.1769778

fuck ok thanks. It's just a tiny little car ( it runs on like a 90 mah 3.7 ) and I wanted to add the camera to it. Guess I need to use a larger vehicle where I can piggy back the camera at the same voltage as car.

>> No.1769779

I'm pretty sure 1000 people releasing shit near the whitehouse is gonna get themselves beat by trumps riot squad

>> No.1769783

What better way to protest the proposed regulations than by doing something dumb and irresponsible.

>> No.1769812

Right? They should all land their unregistered anonymous drones on trumps resort in florida in protest.

>> No.1769936

>law passes banning everything and everyone from enjoying things
>ignore the law and do as you've always done
>nobody will ever bother you anyway

In EU new laws have been passed on drones, with new categories based on weight, each with restrictions and whatnot. In a matter of time the biggest names in the industry will orient their production to comply, but I doubt hobby-level chink stuff will care that much.
Here in Italy you should register all your drones and pay a few taxes to get a QR code to apply to each drone and do the bureaucratic dance and check in on a website to see if you can use the airspace and whatever and FPV is strictly forbidden because MUH LOS.

The fun facts are
>all these ridiculous rules are a solution to a problem that just doesn't exist in any measurable way, and may just be yet another way to let the hands of the government dip in your pocket
>whenever something happened, no amount of regulation could prevent it, because any security system can be bypassed, and anyone with a soldering iron and spare parts can build a drone
>it's incredibly unlikely these kind of regulations will be enforced. Hell they fail to enforce the vast majority of traffic laws, and those have serious impact on mortality at a statistical level
>there are two kind of people, those who care and those who don't: the former already behave in a responsible manner and are the only one to be affected by the law, the latter will never even know such rules exist
This situation reminds me a lot intrusive DRM in videogames like Denuvo, which are completely inefficient at preventing piracy (and demonstrably so), but constitute a major inconvenience to those who purchase the game and thus didn't pirate it.

>> No.1771087
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why aren't blimp drones more of a thing?

>> No.1771091

Few questions:
Is there a benefit to getting the Hubsan over the Syma if you're just doing indoor flying? I don't see any FPV noted on the Hubsan even if it has a camera.

Should I get the 2MP or 5MP Syma, if I go with that? I presume it affects battery life, but what about latency?

What are some fun mods I can add? I'd like a speaker+mic combo so I can communicate through it, maybe a horn/alarm to mess with my cats with it. How about an arm to grab stuff with?

>> No.1771092

they're too fat; people don't like that

>> No.1771094

gay. I'd expect them to be way more suited for some light-hearted practical or recreational activities.

>> No.1771097

Helium is expensive.

>> No.1771114

My guess:
>too slow
>too much affected by wind
>the batteries we have are energy dense enough we don't need any buoyancy to stay afloat because we can just be inefficient all we want by using raw thrust
>too big for the payload they can carry
>probably too expensive to run, even when not filling them with helium, using something cheaper like ammonia instead
Their only real advantage would be being able to hover for really extended periods of time, but it's still such a niche need that nobody even bothered trying to make such a product.

>> No.1771122

Get an eachine e011 and put a micro camera/vtx combo on it. Extend the sticks on the little babby radio enough for pinching and not slamming it against the ceiling immediately

Pair that with an inexpensive pair of goggles or even an OTG 5.8 ghz receiver for ur phone and ur good to go

If you really like it from there you can upgrade to something better

I've thought about throwing one up there with a repeater on it to assist with long range flights

>> No.1771123

Hampture guy wanted to build an aerial habitat with one

>> No.1771230


>> No.1771238

Thank you so much for your help anon.
>eachine e011
Can't seem to find one, but found an QX65 with FPV & VTX, does this look good? Aside from the E011 looking like a sexy racer, that is.
There are different receiver protocols but I figure since I'm using it indoors with lots of wifi around, DSM2/X would be the choice, amirite?

>Extend the sticks on the little babby radio enough
are you suggesting I replace/solder more antenna on?
>for pinching and not slamming it against the ceiling immediately
I'm lost here, pinching?

>I've thought about throwing one up there with a repeater on it to assist with long range flights
and a dockable power bank for charging, maybe with a battery-switching station?

>aerial habitat
like with a beehive he can drop on drivers that cut him off?

although considering the scale I suppose it'd make it an ideal suicide bomber drone.

>> No.1771413
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Pic related, my setup i made for beginners or babbys to try out

It is what i put together for my son without having to worry about him smashing something expensive or wasting too much on something he may not even like

I extended the sticks on the radio with golf tees but it can be done with dowels or pen tubes or pretty much anything you want

The reason for this is cheap little quads like that come with those tiny radios with little flat nubs for your thumbs that take barely any movement at all to go from zero to ceiling before you can even think of slowing down. Pinching is pinching the sticks just like it sounds instead of using your thumbs like a video game controller

If you're sure you are into it and don't need to just try it out on the cheap, you may as well get a 2s brushless whoop to fly indoors, you can set a throttle cap if needed

The qx65 would work, but you'll need to buy a radio in addition to a pair of goggles

>> No.1771457

I like the golf tees, gonna steal that for sure

>> No.1771479

>radio means radio controller
>stick is the analog sticks
>ceiling is in regards to the level you're pushing the analog stick
I was way off-course.

Aight, thanks. I'm not really a /diy/ guy, what did you do to remove the existing sticks & cut down the tees, & did you just use bonding agent to glue the tees on?

>> No.1771515

radio transmitter rather

>you may as well get a 2s brushless whoop
Ahah I'm completely frazzled from doing research on this. So I've found the Beta75 Pro 2S
And a FS-I6 radio
& I'll get an OTG 5.8GHz receiver (feel free to recommend) to hook up to my phone and use with Google Cardboard. This should set me up, right?

I got lost trying to figure out if the drone came with the X6B receiver that I found recommended along with the transmitter, but no luck on that end. I figured it's still too early to worry about such finer details anyway.

>> No.1771555

Tinyhawk s is pretty good as far as brushless whoops go

I have an eachine trashcan which is okay after they sent me a replacement flight controller because it came bricked right out of the box

Pokefpv has a cardboard mode so it should work, yea

FS i6 was my first regular radio too, i'm now using it for the wing i'm building for someone else. The only problem with it is the gimbals may wear out after a while.

As far as the cheap ones with a little radio that comes with them, the little buttons can be pulled right off and you can drill a small hole that the peg on the gimbals will fit right into then glue it on

>> No.1771586
File: 153 KB, 1193x1203, fml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that got out of hand. I almost gave in to getting an Eachine E012 because I couldn't find a cheap frsky transmitter to suit the tinyhawk, but there you go.

Any thoughts before I hit it?

>> No.1771597

OTG receivers have a fair amount of latency as opposed to actual fpv goggles. It should work for training and will be cheaper, just bear that in mind if you have a somewhat bad experience when starting out.

>> No.1771604

That transmitter and phone FPV receiver are a waste of money. What's your budget?

>> No.1771608

I guess I can add fpv gogs, can't bear latency.

Ahhhahah, I was thinking maybe AUD 300/ USD 200, but might be willing to go up to 400/260

>> No.1771628

There's also the tinyhawk RTF option, which should be decent.

>> No.1771698

seconding what this anon >>1771608 said. Get this, it's actually cheaper.

and here's a review. Make sure you know what you're buying.

>> No.1771737

Get a taranis qx7

You can get a cheap pair of goggles like an ev800d if you want. If you end up rly liking it they'll end up being spectator goggles anyway when you upgrade

>> No.1771748


Don't get me wrong I wanna get deeper into more harcode racing drones if I get the chance, but it's not like I have friends or even a meetup to play with. At this stage, this set looks like just what I need. & I learned a fair bit about drones doing the shopping earlier, so I appreciate that I wasn't spoonfed.

Thanks, bud/diy/s.

>> No.1771755

I have a joystick and throttle on my PC, any idea if I can't hack them into the transmitter for the maximum simulation experience?

>> No.1771781

yeah. I would buy something cheap like a FlySky or OrangeTx and wire the joystick and throttle to the gimbals.

>> No.1771785

that would be fine except for the rewiring meaning I'll no longer be able to play my PC sims.

>> No.1771818

Yeah, i started year ago with ROTG02. It is doing its job while you are flying as flat and slow like a pancake. First irl flip after 10+ hours in simulator made me think about ev800. 120ms latency is not a joke. But i still using ROTG2 as a video RX for my friends, heh. Right now i am using ev800dm and i like it, but i swear that i am able to feel the latency in 100m+.

>> No.1771993
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I recently moved _from_ an older pair of FatSharks _to_ the EV800DM, they're a really good set of goggles even before you take the budget price into consideration.

>> No.1772058

Do they get sweaty when you wear them? I live somewhere that regularly gets to 95F 35C and hotter.

>> No.1772091

No idea, I live in Scotland.

>> No.1772849

So by any reasonable definition, a drone requires the ability to fly to waypoints on its own. If a quadcopter, does not have this abality, does the FAA consider it a drone, because everything I read just talks in knots.

>> No.1772859
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It has arrived

>> No.1772860

When quads started to boom, I dunno if it was a marketing thing or just people bring retarded, but they started calling them drones. Thing about the English language is that it isn't fixed, vocabulary d/evolves with time, so just by virtue of being called a drone by most people, the official definition of drones changed to include quads.

As for whether the FAA considers quads covered under the legal definition of drones, I dunno lol

>> No.1772895

There's no "legal definition" of drones. The FAA considers everything that flies under radio control (<55lbs) to be a Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS) and treats them all the same. The only major distinction they make is if it's used for commercial purposes, but even then the rules are the same except commercial can apply for waivers to certain rules. If you read the NPRM bullshit, it's clear the FAA thinks that everyone flies DJI.

>> No.1772922

This is the same with the CAA in the UK. If you download the 244 page Air Navigation Order & do a search for 'drone' you get zero results.

They do use the word 'drone' in some of their pamphlets just to make the rules more accessible to the general public (somebody buying a Mavic in a store isn't going to read the 244 page ANO), but the actual legislation that underpins everything considers both a race quad & a Mavic as the same thing - they're both 'Small Unmanned Aircraft'.

>> No.1772927

Thing about the English language is that it isn't fixed, vocabulary d/evolves

This is a trait of all languages

>> No.1773057

How do you like it so far?

>> No.1773063

Feels promising, I've only tried it for one charge and it's rolling strongly to the left so I'll try calibrating and more trimming today.
The FPV is perfectly adequate and responsive, as are the controls. I just hope I can get it to hover, trimming didn't seem to affect it yesterday and this is an issue I have with cheap drones I've bought on a whim before (<$50)

>> No.1773066

Try it on acro then you won't have to worry about drifting

Honestly tho none of these are going to hover like a dji that is basically flying itself anyway

>> No.1773073 [DELETED] 


Was painted with something similar with literal rocket fuel.

Commercially, yeah, fuck no would hydrogen-filled toys be a thing for liability reasons. But for /diy/ foolishness? Absolutely a viable option.

Been thinking I'll make one myself, once the list of projects gets to a more manageable size.

>> No.1773076 [DELETED] 


Was painted with something similar with literal rocket fuel.

Commercially, yeah, fuck no would hydrogen-filled toys be a thing for liability reasons. But for /diy/ foolishness? Absolutely a viable option.

Been thinking I'll make one myself, once the list of projects gets to a more manageable size.

>> No.1773079

You mean the skill-level/limiter switch? I was using it on the lowest, I think acro was the intermediate setting.

>not gonna hover
That's ok as long as I can get it to lift-off vertically and not sideways.

>> No.1773080 [DELETED] 


Was painted with something similar to literal rocket fuel.

Commercially, yeah, fuck no would hydrogen-filled toys be a thing for liability reasons. But for /diy/ foolishness? Absolutely a viable option.

Been thinking I'll make one myself, once the list of projects gets to a more manageable size.

>> No.1773088


Was painted with something similar to literal rocket fuel.

Commercially, yeah, fuck no would hydrogen-filled toys be a thing for liability reasons. But for /diy/ foolishness? Absolutely a viable option.

Been thinking I'll make one myself, once the list of projects gets to a more manageable size.

>> No.1773092

Acro is rate mode (auto leveling turned off) That way hovering is up to you and your skill on the sticks. It also allows more acrobatic flight and is great to learn on a whoop before smashing up a larger racing drone.

Sims are good practice too. Check and see if your radio can be used as a game controller on your pc for that.

>> No.1773110

based broken record anon

So expert mode. Aight, I'll try and report back. I haven't experimented with it much anyway.

>> No.1773122

If you really want to fly in horizon or angle mode, you can calibrate the gyro in betaflight and it might hover better.

A lot of people use auto leveling in whoop races so it's still okay to use at this level

>> No.1773125
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>based broken record anon

Man I kept fucking it up somehow and my OCD wouldn't let me leave it be, cut me some slack.

>> No.1773275

I did see the stuff on UAS, a quad isn't unmanned though, it's just remotely manned. The unmanned for me is the arguing factor. If it can fly its self with out input from someone controlling it, then I say it's unmanned. If I'm there manually providing input, then I'm manning the controlls, and it isn't unmanned.

>> No.1773346

I wanted to get a "modern" flight controller, and searching on line I saw recommendations for Naza V2. I pick one up cheapish, and see this is from like 2013? Can't get the software to run on win10 for shit, since I guess DJI is basically chink spyware or whatever so to install it you have to remove the secure boot loader, and the fucking driver still doesn't install properly.

what the fuck.

>> No.1773374

>The unmanned for me is the arguing factor.

Manned/unmanned refers to whether the aircraft carries people, not whether it is _controlled_ by people.

Naza v2 is obsolete/discontinued, it's not 'modern' at all. If you want something like that for big semi-autonomous projects look at the Pixhawk Cube range.


>> No.1773397

we're trying to give the FAA good reasons to leave the hobby alone and you come up with this shit?

>> No.1773454
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I'm just getting into the hobby. I built this wing. It is way too fast and manuverable for me too control. How can I make it more stable so I don't crash in less than 5 seconds

>> No.1773476


I have the similar EV800D's and I live in Spain, hard for me to tell you about summer temps thoughsince I've had them for less than 3 months now, can't imagine they'd get too hot to be honest, been flying em on some sunny days and honestly the only thing that irked me was how front heavy they where, but thats easy to fix with a battery mod.

>> No.1773528

Same actually
I scratch built a wing with my kid and smashed the front of it while adjusting the trim on the radio
It was my bad for trying to fly los before installing the camera and vtx when i've only ever flown fpv
I thought it would be easy, model aircraft boomers have been doing it for decades

>> No.1773626

I just want something fun and functional. What is a decent fc that has come out recently?

>> No.1773629
File: 439 KB, 1080x1826, Screenshot_20200226-141434_Banggood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get an omnibus f4 pro v2. They're like $25, have plenty of features, and can use iNav.

>> No.1773655

thanks, appreciate it. I spent like 4 hours making sure my PC could install chinese spyware. I'm glad I did it though, because I think I need that driver if I want to fuck around with Phantom or Mavics.

>> No.1773656

is that an autopilot too?

Why do I still see Naza-M V2 listed as a top flight controller, still on the dji site, etc if its so old and discontinued?

>> No.1773659

Yeah, it does waypoint navigation (if you add a GPS), leveling, return to home (GPS), flight modes, OSD,battery monitoring, etc.
Inav has a good github documentation you can check out.

>> No.1773660

thanks - so I don't need a whole separate device like naza, etc.

>> No.1773661

Idk what a naza is/does so I don't think you need it. I have 3 omnibuses, one that I use in a long distance FPV plane, and two others that I use in planes strictly for osd, launch mode, and leveling modes. If you are putting it in a quad, you'll need a power distribution board. I believe the omnibuses can run betaflight, which is more quad-oriented than iNav, from my understanding, but I've never looked into it.
Matek makes good FCs too, but are $5-10 more extensive.

>> No.1773672

Add expo to your controls, this softens up the center of the stick movements. You're best off starting with a high-wing trainer, but you can make do with what you have.

>> No.1773848

Haha, no you don't, mavics and phantoms actually work, unlike nazas. :)
Wings aren't usually the best choice for a beginner.

>> No.1773875

Aight, I tried it out in acro mode and THAT SHIT IS CRAZY. too fast for me to compensate for. I dl'd betaflight & will see what I can tinker with.

>> No.1773897

I've been flying quads for years now, the wing is my first fixed wing tho

>> No.1773924
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Traditionally there has been a distinction between miniquad style flight controllers (Omnibus, Matek, etc., the kind used in racing drones) & larger more advanced flight controllers (Naza, Pixhawk, etc., used in big semi-autonomous drones).

These big expensive flight controllers often have features which are nice for big expensive drones, such as redundant microcontrollers, redundant IMUs with temperature controlling heating elements, additional connectivity like CAN, etc. & run more advanced software with all sorts of GPS/autopilot functionality.

However these days this distinction is fading as miniquad flight controllers have gotten more powerful & are now capable of running the same sort of advanced software as the Pixhawk, Naza, etc. Obviously you don't get quite as much flexibility & reliability, but if you're not flying a huge octocopter with a $50k camera underneath, chances are you don't care.

I personally use the Matek F405-STD for Arducopter builds. Of course it can also run Betaflight/iNav as well. It has a nicer/more logical layout than the Omnibus boards.

I also started flying wings recently, after years of flying quads. I started with a small, fast, twitchy flying wing (Nano Goblin) & it was a dumb idea. I managed to keep it in the air, but it was a constant struggle/fight & was no fun at all. I sold it & bought a much larger, slower, easier to see wing (Mini Skyhunter v2) & have been having great fun with it.

Get yourself something big that's easy to see in the sky, with an obvious tail & colouring that lets you easily work out the orientation. Picrelated is the Bixler 3 I got in the mail yesterday for exactly these sorts of reasons - I think it's going to be even better than the Skyhunter, as the top mounted motor means no worries about hitting my hand when launching.

>> No.1773930
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I have:

- 1 meter of 8mm carbon fiber tube
- Access to foam core board
- A single brushless motor and an orange prop, don't know the size
- A few 9g servos
- A pair of radio receivers
- A radio controller
- An ESC
- Li-ion batteries
- Arduinos
- MPU6050 IMU modules
- A 3D printer with 150x100mm bed
- A laser printer

Is there a way to intuitively build a plane without a lot of testing and engineering knowledge? I made an RC air boat 3 years ago.

What wing designs would be easy to reproduce with the foam core board?

>> No.1773931

>it's not 'modern' at all
It could control a lander on the moon if you wanted it to

>> No.1773941

Look at some of the free designs from Flite Test.

The Apollo lander had a 2MHz processor, landing on the moon is hardly a high bar for modernity.

>> No.1773942

It isn't that hard desu
All the programming is done in your radio if you aren't using a fc and if you are using a fc the firmware is already out there to download

They are cucking pretty hard for the faa rn but flite test has good info on foam board planes

>> No.1773951

I'm not used to flying without any kind of yaw control lol not that it's hard to do, but most wings i've seen don't have rudders or even differential thrust so I figured i'd try it too

>> No.1773960

>All the programming is done in your radio if you aren't using a fc and if you are using a fc the firmware is already out there to download

What can a flight controller do? I program the plane to fly in a big circle and come back with no input of my own other than launching it with a propane catapult?

>> No.1773964

Accidentally shorted my 1c 3s transmiter lipo pack fir what must have been less than half a second. Small whiff of smoke came from it. I've cicled charge and discharge runs with my imax and it's not puffing or anything. How likely it is that my radio will catch on fire in my hands? Any tests that I can do to verify pack integrity other than cicling it on a controled scenario??

>> No.1773975
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I've not actually flown a wing with a rudder yet, but I found bank & yank pretty intuitive on picrelated. It's just like flying a plane in a video game using a keyboard or a cheap joystick that doesn't have the twist ability for rudder control.

Remember there are simulators for fixed wing that you can connect your RC transmitter to, just the same as there is LiftOff/DRL/whatever for quads.

>> No.1773996

Lol i'm running an X-Lite too

What kind of range are you getting out of it? Are you using an r9 or crossfire?

>> No.1774042

R9M Lite Pro, I'll never get anywhere even remotely close to it's maximum range (it's 1W of 868MHz).

>> No.1774534

Anyone else waiting for the inevitable false flag drone on protest day?

>> No.1774546

Colorado mystery night drones wasn't successful

>> No.1774560
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Someone was following me through the woods and around the lake with a quadcopter last week. The surveillance is inescapable now. Nowhere is sacred.

>> No.1774942

Build an antidrone drone and knock their shit out of the air

>> No.1774946



>> No.1775792

I started getting into fpv but I caught the poor before I decided on a set of goggles. I was wondering how viable it would be to just get a good fatshark compatible receiver module and nig rig it to a backup camera screen and a battery since I already have some of that sort of crap around.

>> No.1775808

Just buy a set of 'box' goggles like the EV800DM, they don't cost much more than any FatShark module worth buying. See >>1771993

>> No.1775831

Sure, I just thought maybe if I get a good module, I could, once I get more dosh, get a set of goggles and upgrade without wasting nearly any money. Is the goggle form factor really more important than having the best reception for the money? I'm sure I could print something to strap a 5" screen and a Fresnel lens onto my face.

Which modules are worth buying anyway? For goggles I was looking at the ev100, and 800d, but the 800D is out of stock, and the 800DM is on sale for under $70, which is definitely a plus.

>> No.1775852

For my first goggles I went with EV800 and bought eachine pro58 with achilees firmware, works like a charm after a mod (you can find the mod on youtube/online). I didn't go for diversity version since I've read that the diversity is pretty shitty out of the box on eachine ones. You can use the module further down the road when you upgrade to other glasses and ev800 as a screen on tripod or your receiver.
If you're going dirt cheap I'd suggest buying a rx5808 screen and you print/make your own enclosure/goggles or go with otg eachine diversity video receiver which you can hook up to your phone/tablet and VR box. Vr box option is quite bad considering latency but is useful if you plan on doing anything with ardupilot or just in general to play around with video on your pc. As starter goggles I was heavily shilled to buy quanum cyclops which can be bought for 50 euros on discount periods, I only tried them but I prefered the monitor+goggles combo of ev800

>> No.1775893

Since they're all using rx5808 modules, is there much difference between the various fatshark modules with diversity other than the interface and maybe a few fancy software features? If the proi58 with Achilles is about as good as anything else, I might just grab that. I already have a small pile of lcd panels and batteries to combine it with. Aliexpress has a $12 board for adapting fatshark modules to the URUAV goggles, and it's basically a 5v? buck converter and a header for the module that breaks it out to one of those 2.5mm AV jacks. Would be easy to make one, but not sure how much I'd save vs buying it. With that, my outlay would be like $42 plus antennas.

I'm wary of going OTG because of the latency. I already have a 5" display

>> No.1776056

>Is the goggle form factor really more important than having the best reception for the money?

Honestly? Yes. If you have an uncomfortable ghetto rigged mess that keeps slipping down your face it does't matter how good the reception is and you won't enjoy flying.

>> No.1776072
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I post my frankengoogle. U like?

>> No.1776086

stock eachine ev800 works nice but the pro58 with achilees firmware is far superior, just look at youtube vids where they compare fatshark modules and what achilees offers for portion of the price. I went for pro58 cause some chink goggles didn't offer true diversity or there were simply lots of problems as there were with ev800d.
Also a headsup, my eachine ev800 came with a dead battery, but I simply rerouted inside to accept 5v from powerbank I have in my pocket, it's not the most elegant solution but it works, you can even use a 3s/4s bat with a 5v esc.
Do keep in mind if you do buy the pro58 you have to pay for achilees firmware for like 11 eur and he updates the firmware, plus you have to solder 2 resistors to the board, look up his website for more info and look at reviews.
Unfortunately for your budget you can't buy anything that is good so just think ahead what you can use in the future either as spectator goggles or simply a fpv monitor you'll stick on your radio receiver. Fatshark modules are reusable with other goggles. I did get myself a aomway commander v1s later down the line when they were heavily discounted and it's not even comparable to my first starting options.
If you're going for eachine ev800 or similar models that do offer video in, i'd even suggest you get a rca/hdmi converter for a couple of buck and hook it up to your pc, it's usable in simulators if you want to experience it that way.

>> No.1776425

Omg i love it do you walk around with it on like that? If so all it needs is an ir array for night vision

How did you hook up the camera btw?

>> No.1776495

what is the cheapest way for me to take the image from my goggles and also show it on a screen for my dad to watch. Or maybe just go from cam to screen. He can't use a smart phone for shit. I need something he can turn on / turn off with a switch.

>> No.1776499
File: 1.18 MB, 3546x1521, cheap ass banggood fpv monitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the first result on banggood for fpv monitor. Haven't seen this before and it's 1/3 the price, no-brand-name, so not sure I'd trust it. A decent monitor is $75-100, these have built in receivers and usually a battery so no wires, just turn it on.

What goggles do you have? If they have an HDMI out, then you can just get a regular monitor and run it off that.

>> No.1776500

that sounds perfect. thanks. I think my goggles have some sort of av out, but not sure what.

>> No.1776504

While you are flying, you mean? Most goggles have a dvr built in for you to store recordings on an SD card.

>> No.1776939
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I've been following the Yemeni conflict lately and the "Houthis" are building crazily effective kamikaze UAVs, targeting their rival meetings or even saudis airports and causing a big mess. https://youtu.be/rkkqSYen-tM

What I'm wondering is how do they get such great operational ranges, some attacks occurring more than 100km from the land they occupy. These guys are some kind of talibans, they don't have access to satellites and those aren't recorded flights using waypoints, there are attacks with live video feedback from the UAVs and accurate strike into moving enemy objectives.

With the best radio transmitter and receiver, best antennas etc, what would be the maximum range you could get for a UAV ? I guess it would also depend on the terrain and weather. What would be the best transmitter/receiver/antennas you could get for a few thousand bucks combined, and what would be the range in ideal condition?

>> No.1776959

Its an old skyzone sky01 i got cheap of ebay. Camera is stock for passthrough which is pretty neat. Just printed a proper faceplate and modded in dvr and a pro58 receiver.

>> No.1776985

whats the go two source for small powerful electric motors? I have a Porsche 944 remote controlled toy car from the late 80s and i want to swap that fucker for high speed memes.

>> No.1776990

You wouldn't use a RC transmitter/receiver for this sort of thing, you would use cellular or satellite. Even if they don't have access to their own satellite network, anybody can buy an Iridium satellite modem for a few hundred dollars.

>> No.1777790

> Iridium satellite modem
> live video feed
Those shit get like 50kbps download speeds. We sell an email app for satellite phones, because you can't even check your email at those speeds without help. a 200k images takes like 4 minutes to download.

I don't see anything moving that gets hit. To get the live video you just need it broadcasting , and someone in the area to get the feed. So a local spotter within a mile or two would work.

0:22. fixed target where vehicles are parked
0:38 fixed target
0:41: fixed target
0:53: local spotter recorded / called it in
0:54: footage from apartment across street. either security cam or spotter
0:57-:59 - test range shit
1:29: public footage / fixed target
1:08 fixed target
1:08 - ship is shown but is not shown getting hit
1:14: fixed target.

local intel + Google maps + GPS targeting = 1 hour or less to strike a target from 100km away.

>> No.1778039

I was pretty obviously talking about the RC control link, Iridium is plenty for sending MAVLink commands. I don't see anything that implies they're actually sending live video over long distances.

>> No.1778592

Regarding Iridium, I misunderstood - I thought you were suggesting they were piloting in real-time using a sat connection. I'm sure it's possible - I just know that iridium doesn't allow that kind of bandwidth.

I was replying mostly to the OP, I should have made that clear.

>> No.1778596

They're just using whatever the CIA gives them.

>> No.1778690
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I've outdone myself this time.

>> No.1779019

thoughts on using a low light fpv cam directly wired into googles as ghetto night vision?
i dont own any goggles but i could buy some cheap used ones

>> No.1779257

Surely for the same price you could put together an actual night vision set up using IR illumination?

>> No.1780047
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Finally got around to drilling out corroded bolts & working out what spare parts I need for the Desert Fox. It's only sat broken for... 4-5 months?

>> No.1780341

Damn why is rcg so dead lately?

>> No.1780409
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>finally got an fpv quadcopter built up
>Chang died on the warehouse floor clutching my package containing the fpv receiver, before he could ship it.
>est. Shipping date: Cinco de mayo

>> No.1780655

Our supplier of parts died. RIP Chang.

On another note, should I build a larger reconnaissance-type quad for a first quad build, or a smaller freestyle kind of one? I had an eachine E012 and liked it. i assume a bigger one with an f4 flight controller and all the settings would be more forgiving.

>> No.1781291
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Eachine ev300d, yes or no? Did they fix the issues with delay and blinking yet?

>> No.1781398
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First 6S build. Refreshing to build with entirely new parts for once - laboriously extending motor wires when swapping old motors to a new frame so soul crushing.

>> No.1781470
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Hey guys, a couple years ago I bought a wltoys 959 I believe, as a beginner, and ended up having fun with it. But due to financial reasons I couldn't pursue farther in drones.

I am wanting to buy a new drone, but something different. Since I have more money to spend, but not a ridiculous amount, as in couple hundred USD is fine if I need to buy hardware (controller, goggles or a screen to watch fpv, especially if I can use it on future quad builds)

I am basically wanting to get a fpv micro quad, that I can also record in 1080p, I am guessing it is since people talk about AIO cameras or I guess they use two different camera (not a go pro)

I am perfectly fine going DIY style with it, I also have a 3d printers (ender 3) some videos ive seen (not micro quad) people would 3d print certain parts. So I don't mind doing that too.

basically FPV, record in 1080p, and want to keep it small. I've seen some videos but theyre a couple years old, and some of parts are no longer for sale, so I figured I would ask in here.

>> No.1781486

you want a "split" style camera. Runcam came out with the split which is an FPV camera that also records in HD. All of the major camera companies now make them. Prebuilt micro quads that use them are called cinewhoops. What is your budget for the quad and your budget for the transmitter and FPV equipment?


>> No.1781501

Thanks for the response, my budget would be 300-400 dollars USD, of course this is including goggle box, or screen, or any other fpv equipment, controller, or anything else needed, on top of a micro quad, whether its diy or pre built.

If I am too vague still please let me know what specifics you need.

>> No.1781508

That's pretty good. For a transmitter I use a QX-7, they can be had for around $110. You need to decide if you want box goggles or just a monitor, Fat Shark style goggles are out of your price range. I use FXT vipers since they fit over my glasses and have a removable screen, but these aren't very popular. Watch some reviews on different ones. Look for something with DVR and a diversity receiver. Plan on getting a decent battery charger for $30-$50. This leaves you $250 to split between the quad and your FPV gear. Eachine makes some for <$100.


>> No.1781545

damn eachine watch, I almost want to do that just so I don't have bulky goggles when I ride my scooter, and want to fly it.

Thanks anon for the help, ill go compile a list, and post it later, and see what other anons thinks.

>> No.1781690

I don't recommend actually flying from an FPV watch. They're fine for spectators, but just too small for actually flying from. (I have one, I've tried it).

>> No.1781700

do not buy that stupid watch

>> No.1781740

Wear the watch like an eyepatch so u can see the screen closer

>> No.1781759
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Update to >>1780047 it turns out I must've done it right because it works again. Actually drives better than before it broke, seems like the sway bars I added do actually help.

>> No.1781787

Im not, obviously. It would be a bitch to see on that screen when trying to fly it on a sunny day.

>> No.1781812
File: 2.90 MB, 480x270, 15-03-2020_clip_rcg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In-camera stabilization is crazy now.

>> No.1781934

that's pretty amazing

>> No.1781936

>Fat Shark style goggles are out of your price range
>$50 on ebay

>> No.1781955

Even used on eBay you're looking at $200+

>> No.1781988

Thanks for the help, I am gonna go with the iflight cinebee 75hd that you linked, as starting out, along with Qx7 transmitter.

I have been looking at 2s lipos for it, around 500mah, seems to be fine for these drones.

Now, as for the fpv goggles, I was looking around, and what caught my eye was the mods you can do for the eachine ev100, for beginner fpv goggles that are a little more pricey, but not so bulky like the ev800d or even the dm, what would be your thought, or any one thats reading this post?

>> No.1781992

The EV100 have a hideously narrow FoV, you're honestly better off just saving a bit of money by going with a box style goggle & saving the extra money to put toward FatShark style goggles later on.

>> No.1782032

If I have the money to drop on fatsharks, should I just do that, or no?

>> No.1782056

I should probably bring this up, im obviously not planning to race or freestyle with this drone, if I want to do that, ill buy/build a bigger drone.

>> No.1782126

If at all possible, find a local group where you can try somebody else's before you buy.

>> No.1782155

Oh, ill settle for the eachine ev800dm, groups in my area are not very active, and posts people make rarely have reply comments.

>> No.1782235
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What's a good 4wd RC vehicle that would go well under the Spike Ultra Dinosaur. I want something to "walk" around at the Renaissance Faires.

>> No.1782381

Check your local thrift shops and find one for a few bucks without the remote. Im sure you can find info online on what freq is runs at and get a controller to bind with it.

>> No.1782524

thanks for the help, I decided to go two different ways, one way is with drone you suggested (unless you can suggest other micro drones that use split cam)

and I decided to compile a list of parts to diy my own drone. Now with me being new im sure I wont go diy way, I tend to jump ahead in something im new with, but here is parts list of my diy router (critique please I tried to make everything compatible with each other) and then I have listed farther down is the prebuilt drone and other parts too.

obviously I didn't order anything, just looking for recommendations, and shit.

>> No.1782611

look for reviews of that specific quad to be sure it performs well. When you /diy/ get a spare motor, racerstars are cheap for a reason. And get more spare props than just 2 sets. Also, you'll want a rechargeable battery for the QX7 and battery charging adapters. And shop around for the high dollar items, the QX7 usually goes on sale. I just posted banggood links because you can find everything on one site and they ship internationally, that doesn't mean it's the best deal.



>> No.1782848

Thanks for the help anon. I left a message earlier but apparently im on a ip range with straight talk LTE where im banned (not me personally) i did some googling and it seems for motors companies people like T-motor, eachine, dys? Would 1104 be fine for my setup or should i go to different size motor?

Btw anon i appreciate the help. I think im gonna really go for diy route.

>> No.1782984

Is it possible to build a good drone for aerial photography.

>> No.1783027

No, not really. No matter how much time & money you spend, you're never going to come close to the integration & performance of a DJI drone when it comes to AP.

>> No.1783329

Banggood increased the price of a foamie I wanted to buy. I don't want to get chinked out of $10. They already chinked me with my previously damanged plane that arrived with missing parts. What do?

>> No.1783404

Build your own manufacturing industry in your local town where people work for pennies in slave-like conditions.

>> No.1783708
File: 2.66 MB, 480x270, 19-03-2020_rcg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time flying FPV in over 2 months, the weather is finally looking up... just in time for the government to tell everybody to stay at home.

>> No.1783826

how do you record your stream? or does it record to SD?

>> No.1783954
File: 2.69 MB, 480x384, 19-03-2020_analogue_rcg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not my stream, that's a GoPro Hero 8 Black. My stream is just regular analogue.

>> No.1783960


Excellent video. Post more if you have them.

>> No.1784644
File: 2.54 MB, 640x360, 21-03-2020_rcg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GoPro 8 stabilisation is insane, legit changes how you can fly & still get usable footage.

>> No.1784817

Anyone here has experience with autonomous drones?
I know ROS and want to build a drone that can track a marker while avoiding obstacles.

>> No.1784880

ok so you have two cameras going there ( you aren't like using gopro wifi or something, right? )

>> No.1784990
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Integration of a ROS/OpenCV stack running on a companion computer with the Ardupilot flight control software running on a Pixhawk etc. flight controller via MAVLink is a common approach.


I have experience with ROS & Ardupilot separately, but not together.

Yes, two separate cameras. GoPro wifi is completely unusable for this sort of task - both the range & the latency are massively insufficient.

>> No.1785041

check the links in the first post. They're actually helpful if you have questions like this.

>> No.1785129
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Welp, today's experiment didn't work at all. Just mad vibrations.

>> No.1785266

Has anyone ever used a high altitude tethered drone as an transmitter antenna for other drones -- in order to control drones over much longer distances compared to standard transmitters? How far away can a line-of-site connection between a transmitter and receiver still be effective?

>> No.1785272

>Has anyone ever used a high altitude tethered drone as an transmitter antenna for other drones -- in order to control drones over much longer distances compared to standard transmitters?

Almost certainly not, because for that sort of range/expense you would just use GSM/satellite/whatever.

>How far away can a line-of-site connection between a transmitter and receiver still be effective?

Radio goes a lot further than you think if you have line of site. Plenty of examples on YouTube of 900MHz RC links at ~200mW (which is legal in pretty much every country afaik) doing 20-30km. Of course that same connection would likely drop if you flew behind thick vegetation 500m away.

>> No.1785325

If I understand properly: Pixhawk is the hardware which is connected to the engines. It has Ardupilot software running on it. Ardupilot software is responsible for controlling the trajectory of the drone. A Pixhawk has its own inbuilt sensors which (along with it knowing how fast the engines are turning?) allow Ardupilot to deduce its attitude and speed.

MAVLink is the language used to send commands to the Ardupilot software from the remote control (go forward, go up, turn etc). A ROS stack running on an onboard computer would work out where the drone is and decide which way it should go. The ROS stack would then send MAVLink commands to the drone, this would be essentially the same as a command from a human-operated remote control.

Is that right?

>> No.1785404

I don't see how any of those would tell me what this specific person's set up was.

>> No.1785477

You're 99% correct.

>this would be essentially the same as a command from a human-operated remote control.

A hobby remote control essentially just sends numbers between 1000 & 2000 on 8-16 different channels. MAVLink on the other hand is a far more powerful/complex 'language' with a whole host of different commands/payloads.

Normally MAVLink control, whether it's from an onboard companion computer or a 'groundstation' laptop/tablet/smartphone on the ground, is used _in addition_ to a traditional hobby remote control.

>> No.1785515

No one flies through a GoPro, everyone has a dedicated FPV camera.

>> No.1785528

They're question isn't entirely stupid though, because now we have FPV cameras like the Split & Tarsier that record HD footage to SD while also providing the normal low quality analogue FPV feed. The HD footage isn't as good as a Hero 8, obviously.

>> No.1786326
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Anything glaringly obviously wrong with my wing design? The endcaps are 3d printed, everything wood colored is balsa wood, the spar caps are carbon fibre, the spar web balsa grain is oriented vertically.
The wingspan will be 2m with a 100mm chord for around half a kilo glider.

I will be lasercutting all of the balsa wood, assembling it with cyanoacrilate glue and then adding a film on top.

>> No.1786341

you'll want some dihedral or polyhedral. The spars could use some webbing, not so much open space.

>> No.1786359

>you'll want some dihedral
alright i'll ad that to the mounting structure.
>The spars could use some webbing, not so much open space.
you talking about the ribs? shouldn't they be fine? not like they're experiencing that much force.

>> No.1786445

yeah, the ribs. That's a big open space behind the spar.

>> No.1786913

/k/ here. I want a night vision quadcopter. Can I just slap a PVS-14 on a quadcopter?

>> No.1787108

Want to get into the hobby but read that a drone can only fly up to 20mins and charging the battery takes more than an hour. Wtf? Do you have to carry lots of batteries with you or what?

>> No.1787116

Flight time depends entirely upon the type of drone & the type of flying. A DJI camera drone will happily hover in one place or fly around fairly slowly for 20 minutes, while a 5" racing drone pelting around at 100mph might not even last 3 minutes, but then a fixed wing (aeroplane) drone can fairly easily stay airborne for 45+ minutes.

For DJI drones the chargers they bundle are fairly anaemic so the best part of 1 hour charging times are the norm. In the DIY/hobby world where we tend to use better/more powerful chargers you're looking at more like 20-30 minutes. Also parallel charging with hobby chargers allows you to charge multiple batteries simultaneously, so people will often charge 6 batteries in 20-30 minutes from one powerful charger.

You could, but I expect there are cheaper solutions.

>> No.1787123

Will it matter if i use 1300mah or 4000mah? Or no because 4000mah battery will weight more?

>> No.1787124

Of course it will matter, the capacity of battery you want depends entirely upon the size of the drone & what you're using it for. I use everything from 160mAh 1S batteries on tiny indoor quads all the way up to 8000mAh 6S batteries on giant quads with 14" propellers.

>> No.1787433

Is there any way to stop someone triangulating your signal and finding where you are?

>> No.1787436
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>> No.1787609
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Crag spoofing and KRELL spamming are pretty doable with a bit of soldering and a good DIY guide. You have to be careful though - If you are doing that so you can fly in a restricted area ( Class B or whatever ) you'll get away with it a few times, but post 9-11 you'll have some serious hardware tasked to finding you.

>> No.1787610

sorry I mean KRULL spamming - was looking at my stereo when I wrote that lol.

>> No.1787615
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