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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 171 KB, 267x302, fridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1752809 No.1752809 [Reply] [Original]

My wife and I went on a holiday. Before I left i stupidly turned off all the breakers in the house thinking it'd be safer or something.

Get home and everything in the fridge is fucked, of course. Smells like a dead body. Fridge is clean now but I can't get rid of the smell. Any tips? My wife wants to buy a new one but ours is otherwise fine, it just smells like shit.

>> No.1752811


put an ozone generator inside the fridge. wait until smell gone.

>> No.1752816
File: 18 KB, 466x466, 61kypFqDnqL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, just buy a UV-C lamp and stick it inside. The C stands for cancer, don't look at it or even expose your skin to it's light.

>> No.1752893

Fridges are cheap, buy a new one. You will not be able to get rid of that smell without the cost so great it will equal buying a new cheap fridge. I know that from experience and an up-right freezer.

It WILL taint all your food with that funky odor.

>> No.1752947

baking soda sprinkled on all the shelves. Try and get as much baking soda surface area as possible. It'll soak that shit smell up, but it might take a bit of time.

>> No.1752953

No, it's really best to remove all of the shelves in order to clean them.
My brother did this to his fridge and it required completely emptying it out of all shelves and drawers, cleaning all the rails and surfaces inside the fridge behind them, cleaning the shelves and drawers with dish soap and ammonia, THEN putting everything back into the fridge. If it's worse than his was you may also need to buy a "refrigerator brush" from wal-mart and see if there are channels between the freezer and fridge portions that need to be snaked with that type of brush after spraying it with ammonia.

>> No.1753004

>My wife wants to buy a new one
if it will shut her up then just buy one already. then clean the old one for beer duty

>> No.1753011

Bro, they're like $800 at the store.
Kek. Sounds like something I'd do. First step for me would be to take everything out and soak it in bleach, scrub inside, and toss in boxes of baking soda. Also vacuum underneath and check for drip trays and filters

>> No.1753056

>Can go on holiday
>Too cheap to buy new fridge
You fuckup; hope you don't procreate.

/diy/ tho so:
>baking soda
>hot water
>scrub bitch
>repeat x3

>> No.1753068

>turns off electricity to everything and doesnt think aboit the fridge

Wow what a fucking moron. Enjoy your fucked up fridge dork

>> No.1753082

I recently sanitized a fridge from the trash heap that had suffered a similar fate,

I started with a pressure washer for the coarse stuff, then I used a steam cleaner on EVERY. SINGLE. THING. inside. I even took the plastic lining off of the glass shelves and steam cleaned between the plastic and the glass.
The lamp glass.
The lamp holder.
Disassembled the interior fan.
Every shelf.
The little plastic cover that goes over the temperature probe.
The entire surface.

After that, I used bleach to wipe everything down. The whole procedure took about a working day. Before I reassembled it, I put a fan and a small bowl of bleach with some paper wicks inside it for a couple of days, letting the bleach slowly vaporize and get blown around by the fan, entering any small crevices that I might have missed.

The end result was very good, it smells like a brand new device, and a couple of months in there's still no sign of any returning odors or problems.

>> No.1753086

wash the inside with vanilla extract

>> No.1753089

1.she'll never shut up
2. She'll always "smell" something in this fridge no matter what.
I'd likely try everything to clean it. No idea if it's possible. I bought this though and it killed a funky smell in my vents. I have no idea the science behind it but it worked. It should kill all the stuff in the vents then when you're done in the fridge put it on your HVAC system.

>> No.1753122

Yeah we saved up for years to go on holiday. And we could afford a new fridge if we really wanted to but our current one is perfectly fine, it just stinks like dead people.

>> No.1753143

Box of baking soda. Or just add a few table spoons in each corner. Don't buy shit. That's fucking autistic 1st-world solution to an easy problem.

>> No.1753150

Have you tried using activated charcoal? It will remove more smells than baking soda. Use a lot! Leave it in there.

>> No.1753158

Open fridge in yard, spray it full of lysol and toss baking soda everywhere. Leave it in the sun and air for a few days, problem solved.

>> No.1753161

if she sees you spending a day doing >>1753082
she may shut up.

>> No.1753163
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>> No.1753223

fucking retard, why would you even think to turn them off? ive never heard of someone doing that. your wife is probably fucking the neighbor too

>> No.1753241

not OP, but My wifes aunt and uncle (they were very old) would unplug all the household appliances when they left the house (except the fridge) because they were terrified they would catch fire somehow.

>> No.1753252

clean the whole thing and scrub the fuck out of it. then baking soda.

>> No.1753277
File: 98 KB, 1920x1080, corona discharge plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just buy a UV-C lamp
The ozone generators for use in de-odorizing things use corona discharge plates. They generate orders of magnitude more ozone than UV lamps.

>> No.1753302

>1.she'll never shut up
>2. She'll always "smell" something in this fridge no matter what.
as someone whose been married going on 13 years THIS. it doesn't matter how clean you get it your wife will always bitch until you get a new fridge

>> No.1753307

>How do I get rid of the smell
Cleaning every accessible surface in the fridge with dish soap and bleach, and rinsing with warm to hot water, will get rid of pretty much all of the smell; I've had to deal with fridges that had abandoned food in them, I can safely say that cleaning will be sufficient.
>Turned off ALL of the breakers
To prevent problems in the future, make sure that your house is wired according to electrical code, and make sure that the following is always powered:
>boiler/furnace and any space heaters that are normally on in winter
>dehumidifiers (if applicable)
>sump pumps (if applicable)
>water softeners (if applicable)
>alarm systems (if applicable)

>> No.1753308


>> No.1753353

They are different methods of sanitation. Ozone is a strong oxidizer. UV-c kills things with light

>> No.1753364

>Before I left i stupidly turned off all the breakers in the house thinking it'd be safer or something.
You should be castrated to save future generations from your inevitably retarded offspring

>> No.1753388
File: 165 KB, 372x268, AAAAA anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.1753389
File: 640 KB, 733x739, heavy breathing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm. furrys are crazy enough to do this shit and make it work. i should know.

>> No.1753463
File: 38 KB, 427x640, 6a00e54facec83883300e5509bdea78834-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recently sanitized a fridge from the trash heap that had suffered a similar fate,
Dead hooker? We've all been there, bro. My dad's place had a power failure while we were on vacation a couple of years ago and, well, we had to get that one out as soon as we got back. Fortunately the chest freezer is only used for storing 'em until the spring thaw.

>> No.1753467

I do that too, and kill most of the breakers. And shut off the water heater, and shut off the water, too. The refrigerator is pretty much the only thing that I DO leave plugged in and running.

I had a small copper line to the basement bathroom sink blow out at about 2am while I was asleep. The previous owners had left some sort of corrosive under the sink, and even though they had taken it with them when they sold the place to me, the damage was done. When I looked at it after the fact, the thing was green and rotten along one side for half its length and had completely shredded itself. No reason it picked that moment to blow, it was just its time.

If I hadn't been there, sleeping in the basement bedroom (because nice and cool in summer), I would have probably lost the house from the basement filling up completely. Even worse if I'd been on vacation. The house would certainly have been uninsurable forever after due to mold and flooding. As it was, I spent five minutes wondering why it sounded like water was running, and then spent two hours mopping. I had to call in to work and let them know I wasn't going to make it in until the afternoon.

>> No.1753547

This exactly. But clean and bleach the shit out of that fridge. Then run an ozone generator in it for a couple days on and off. The smell will go away.

>> No.1753628

OMG what???

>> No.1753641

You're a faggot but I'm impressed you got that trip.

>> No.1753699

We were going away for a month.

>> No.1753812

You should have planned to not have anything perishable in the fridge at that point anyway. Or even hired a house sitter. Someone could have broken in and stolen everything because there was no one there.

>> No.1753823

Chlorine Gas kills everything. Once cleaned a Newborn Nursery room (it had a terrible stench that developed and no one could get rid of it, so I set up a fan at the window in the middle of the night and made some chlorine gas and waited) just take your fridge in the backyard in the middle of the night and make some in there. make sure the fan is blowing it away from your house. It kills ANY smell

>> No.1753826

Unfortunately the uv will also seriously degrade the plastic lining inside the fridge. Not recommended.

>> No.1753828

Based. Can confirm.

>> No.1754535

>she'll never shut up
>until you get a new fridge

>> No.1755207

warm water + tons of baking soda. form into a paste and cover every interior surface in this paste and wait 4 hours or so until dry.

then get some plates or trays and place dry baking soda on there and leave the fridge running for 24 hours or so.

YMMV but that shit absorbs odors and you're only out 20 bucks if it fails. the longer you wait the better the effect on the stank.

>> No.1755211
File: 25 KB, 560x560, cv_distilled_white_vinegar_32oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't believe nobody said vinegar. I recently cleaned with (a lot of it) small fridge and smell was gone. Nearly passed from vinegar smell and had to ventilate whole kitchen, but it was gone afterwards.

>> No.1755216

This is actually the smartest solution. The bacteria are likely still present due to water still being in the system. You need to dry, oxygenate, irradiate and clean. The sun and air are king of the first three. This is why laundry dried in the sun never stinks. I'd leave it our a couple of sunny days and then attack with bleach and then dust with baking soda. Run it with the baking soda for a day and I bet you'll be good. Maybe run it with bleach sprayed inside, first, similar to what this poster suggested.

>> No.1756294

>This is why laundry dried in the sun never stinks. I'd leave it our a couple of sunny days and then attack with bleach and then dust with baking soda

We did that with bloody car seats from donor vehicles after cleaning since we wanted the whole interior. Sunlight is amazing.

>> No.1756303

Beat your wife....then get a beer

>> No.1756966

>Bro, they're like $800 at the store.
Is that supposed to be expensive? Mine was about 15k and even that's like a day or 2 of work

>> No.1756979

Scrub with toothpaste. Apparently it's an old fishmonger's tip to get the smell of fish out of their hands.

>> No.1757472

UV-C lamps also embrittle most plastics.
The smell may go away, but every plastic surface exposed to the light will crack at the least stress.

>> No.1757476

It will still smell forever!
Even if you cleaned all the bacteria away, (unlikely)
The plastic inside absorbs organic vapors.
It's a big problem in the plastic recycling industry, trying to deodorize recycled plastic pellets.

If you keep this refrigerator, you'll probably get a food borne illness of some type, or best, your butter will smell like poo.

>> No.1758104
File: 193 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200126-173128_Calculator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mine was about 15k and even that's like a day or 2 of work
I seriously fucking doubt you're making over $3mil yearly, and even if you were, you'd have to be smart enough to not have the cognitive disconnection to think *everyone* makes that much money.
If bait, 8/10. The subtlety is on point enough that I don't know if you're trolling or flat out lying to sound cool.

>> No.1758128

I got a double-door stainless steel Frigidaire at a place called Bargain Hunt for $499. The front of the icemaker doesn't seem to work, but I can't bitch with a deal that great.

>> No.1758133

Fridges are not cheap. At least in America cheapest ones start at 1.5k trust me I was in the market two weeks ago

>> No.1758134

Nice dubs, but please see above. I assure you, you're just lookin in the wrong spot.

>> No.1758151

Would this thing kill mothball odor?

>> No.1758153

That stuff works great on cat urine smell.

>> No.1758184

Clean out your fridge removing all debris /gross soils and wash using standard dishwashing liquid or detergent then rinse thoroughly with water . Then go out and acquire a spray bottle Buy vinegar and high strength hydrogen peroxide. And mix 50 50.into a spray bottle spray on hard surfaces and allowing to dry (do not rinse off). It should do the trick,(wear gloves , eye goggles and a dust mask, and work in well ventilated area out of UV light sources , rinse off with water if exposed -t. Clean bean scientist

>> No.1758188
File: 348 KB, 1920x2560, 2011-12-21 19.38.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an a acceptable method, or if u have some actual no rinse sanitizer like star san (none of that sodium carbonate or percarbonate shieeettt like pic related)

>> No.1758460

that doesn't mean it's consistent work anon, not that guy but you're on DIY. This isn't wagecuck

>> No.1758480

Assuming he's working for the entirety of the 48 hours when he says "a day or two" will get him $15k, that's still over $300/hr--on top of implying that much money is a drop in the bucket. Do tell, what job in this wide world (even if only seasonal or inconsistent) will offer $15,000 for two days worth of work.
I understand specialty contract work exists and can pay exceptionally well *when you can find work*, but I seriously doubt that other anon is making that sort of money and is oblivious to the fact that that's not normal by any stretch of the imagination. He'd only have to work between 13 and 27 days per year, and be considered upper class even as the sole supporter of a household of 5 people mooching off him. To not understand that much money being made "in a day or two" is abnormal implies he has never once interacted with anyone in a business fashion making less than himself, or he just pulled asinine numbers out his ass to look cool on an anonymous image board.

>> No.1758668

how nice of a fridge are we talking?
a buddy of mine just got into the used fridge business. He picks up slightly used decent ones every few weeks from estate sales of clean freak grannies who recently passed for $5-10 a pop.

>> No.1758674

Hey brainiacs, do you think it's likely he meant to type 1.5k, which is a much more reasonable brag?

>> No.1758690

So not consistent, but still spending over 5k more for a fridge than the most expensive one I’ve ever heard of. Stop white knighting obvious teenager trolls.

>> No.1758692

>defending trolls by pretending they said something else

>> No.1758707

>falling for a troll by arguing about his shitpost for a fucking week

>> No.1759055

>nobody has posted this yet