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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 90 KB, 800x600, IMG2019060410000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1715329 No.1715329 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most efficient and painless way to exterminate 144 mouse or hamster sized animals at once?
Our current way leaves much to be desired in speed, and also takes the laborer quite some time to set up as well.

>> No.1715331

Also, physically holding the animals underwater until they are expired is causing quite a bit of emotional distress in the laborers, so this will need to be a concern in the new design as well.

>> No.1715332

Can you get in touch with Richard Gere?

>> No.1715333

When we had a stray cat problem we chucked hundreds of kittens into the river. If any did happen to survive they weren't our problem anymore.

>> No.1715335
File: 58 KB, 1000x725, shredder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, instant death. they already do this with baby chicks.

>> No.1715344

>>1715329a dumpster with airtight lid. Pump in cheapest gas available, probably CO2.

>> No.1715370
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1551130970318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck OP, this is the kind of threads is the reason I keep coming to /diy. Give us the background pls!!

>> No.1715372


kys instead


you as well

>> No.1715375

>Too stupid to realize he's quoting and paraphrasing some SS document.

>> No.1715376

All you need is an air tight container.
To feed our snakes, we toss mice in a plastic container, and put it in the freezer.

>> No.1715388

>too autistic to realize someone can have fun with the role play

>> No.1715395

got a problem with grablers?

>> No.1715400

> some SS document.
post it pls

>> No.1715406

1. Put them in a box
2. Drive the box far away

>> No.1715413

Too time consuming and stressful for the animals.
>Get cinder block.
>Get large wrench or ratchet.
>Hold animal by tail.
>It will grab on to cinder block when you hold it close, basically resting its head on the block.
>Press down on neck with wrench.
Takes a whopping 3 seconds.
No unnecessary stress to the animal.

>> No.1715415

>>It will grab on to cinder block when you hold it close, basically resting its head on the block.
>>Press down on neck with wrench.
I don't get it. Post a vid

>> No.1715419

Big empty plastic bin + CO2, wait till noses turn blue. Doesn't have to be air tight, CO2 is heavier than air and will fill the bottom of the bin first and stay there reasonably easy

>> No.1715424


>> No.1715431

>What is the most efficient and painless way to exterminate 144 mouse or hamster sized animals at once?
Gas them with nitrogen. Hypoxia is painless when there is still an inert gas to breathe.

>> No.1715433

Nope. Mammals have an autonomous response to breathe based on the acidity of the blood which is a result of dissolved carbon dioxide. You know the feelings of anxiety you get when you hold your breath? It will be incredibly inhumane to use CO2. You want to use an inert gas instead. The mechanism to breath does not depend on oxygen at all. Use nitrogen. They will all just fall asleep permanently.

>> No.1715434

doesnt killing them all at once take some of the fun out of it?

seriously you can just take the rodent and throw it on the ground really hard and watch the splat... they dont feel a thing and you can use day laborers

>> No.1715435

ok hear me out on this.
Clothes dryer. get it spinning up to like 3000rpm or somethin, then drop em in. if the impact doesnt do it, the G force should.

>> No.1715443

Use butane or freon, shit is easier to get than nitrogen in my shithole for whatever reason

>> No.1715458

Wrong, wrong, wrong, CO2 is an anaesthetic. Read >>1715424

Do it slow, use prescribed flow rates. This is done all. The. Time in animal research labs.

>> No.1715471

He rippen

>> No.1715472

hire this guy

>> No.1715473

Build a small room near their cage with wooden door. Herd them in and drop a zyklon b capsule. They absolutely won't break down the door.

>> No.1715675


>Put animal gas chamber with a valve on it
>Let butane flow in
>When the animal expires, take off the lid and introduce a flame (butane will remain inside as it's heavier than air)
>discard charred animal

>> No.1715705
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It is the law of our country that the animals must be destroyed after testing. We then cremate the remains. We have been loading them into a crab pot and then submerging the pot for several minutes to euthanize them, but as said this is causing the laborers emotional distress. We would prefer a more hands-off approach.

>> No.1715714

Build a small enclosure and attach the air vent to a car's exhaust. The CO should put them to sleep in no more than 20 minutes.

>> No.1715717

I work at an american zoo, in a raptor rehabilitation program, we get male chicks from a poultry farm, thousands at a time, thousands, we empty a couple of flats of chicks, five hundred at a time into a plastic garbage can half filled with water, then an empty garbage can goes on top and is filled with water, we usually have ten of these cans filled at the same time, after 30 minutes we drain and bag the chicks, 25 per bag, and put them in a walk in freezer, most of our smaller raptors eat 2-5 chicks per day, the eagles get rabbit, those are water euthanized as well, all this is done after the zoo closes for the day, our area is visible by the public all day, had a woman ask if we had considered feeding the raptors a Vegan diet.

>> No.1715721

I forget to mention in one of our reptile programs they breed mice and rats, mice are decapitated with scissors and the rats are thrown against a wall or floor, not kidding, some reptiles will not engage with dead food, so some if the rodents Guinea pigs especially, are stunned with a strike to the back of the head, small brass ball peen hammer, so they still move around, a bit, in the raptor program our Corvus's (crows/ravens) love eating live pinks (mice/rat newborns), we have a stellars sea eagle that eats live french lop eared rabbits, amazing to watch her gut them while they are still alive, I do enjoy my job.

>> No.1715748

BB pistol to the head. Load up a 15 round clip and pop pop pop. Very fast and the least painful way because you're taking out the brain directly. BBs are cheap as heck too.

>> No.1715764
File: 571 KB, 564x564, 1570357208852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R u fucking serious? You just cram hamsters in a crab pot and drown their asses? How could you possibly not find a better way than this neanderthal method. Ill list a few not even trying
>.22 pistol. dirt cheap ammo, quick death
>simply through into furnace, if hot enough, will be quick. If not, be prepared for hamster high-pitched death squeal (reeet)
>Tell them they are going to take showers, then ruse them into getting gassed with butuane or CO

so many ways better than crab potting them to death. Might as well go full mafia and tie cinderblocks to their paws

>> No.1715767

This is the way it's been done since at least the 80's here. It was never a problem for the laborers until recently though.

>> No.1715774

Eh i was just trying to get a reaction outta you. Nice work responding like a normal dude. Good luck with whatever you end up doing. This thread is funny as hell

>> No.1715818

>this thread again

>> No.1715820

Toss them into a cage. Toss cage into a pond. Come back in 5 mins.

>> No.1715867

Oh hell no OP, you don't want this one.

>> No.1715868

You dip em and they rippen from the rpm

>> No.1715869

A study on humans showed that the introduction of CO2 to the bloodstream from large quantities of the compound being present in the air, triggers an automatic fear response unlike anything. I'm unsure of the effects on other mammals but I speculate that they would react the same.

>> No.1715885

> had a woman ask if we had considered feeding the raptors a Vegan diet.
What a fucking blast of ego

>> No.1715893

feed them to a bunch of snakes. nature is complete, no guilt. then feed the snakes to a bunch of indians or southerners

>> No.1715896

Just cremate them alive, killing them first is an unnecessary step.

>> No.1715902

Use a tank and fill with CO2, close it and that's all.

>> No.1715904

He didn't say they had to die painlessly. Considering they're drowning them currently it's a step up.

>> No.1715925

Let me find my adolf_hitler.gif

>> No.1715987

Vsauce isn't study Michael

>> No.1716042

in a box in a wheelie bin pin the lid down while filling it with propane? just improvizing

>> No.1716297

They’re so cute

>> No.1716331

In Europe, male chicks are gassed in bags using CO2, shortly after hatching.

Richard Gore, more likely.

>> No.1716425

Dont use CO2, use argon (gas for welding) easy to get.
I saw some video, where they put a pig into a gas chamber, when they filled it with CO2 the pig was choking, squeezing, coughing, but when they put there inert gas it just passed away calmly and painlessly.

>> No.1716427

>male chicks

>> No.1716429

Wow that's humane. Back in my country we slice their throats so everybody around 1km can hear them

>> No.1716472

Shhh, they think I'm working!

>> No.1716501

being this new

>> No.1716509

I used to work for one of the largest feeder breeders in the U.S.. We gassed thousands of rats with c02 at a time. It's cheap, easy, painless, and clean.

>> No.1716513
File: 29 KB, 468x441, IwbdqhopSJAzpT7-LNj2xFEya1SWV-b7EdCHiB9FwVc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can modify one of these bad boys to fit 5 hamsters. they'll be gone in no time.

>> No.1717112

Build/buy a jet engine and put it over the cage.

>> No.1717130

You know those things potheads use to grind pot?
Something like that, something like >>1715335

>> No.1717141

This pic is so fucking funny it gets me every time

>> No.1717563

Reminds me of one of the machines from Krusty Super Fun House.

>> No.1718142

Which clothes dryers run at 3000rpm ffs?

>> No.1718144
File: 7 KB, 195x195, 1513971799289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a woman ask if we had considered feeding the raptors a Vegan diet.

>> No.1718161

Just tell them no vegans have volunteered so we can't.

>> No.1718399

Carbon Dioxide asphyxiation. You could also use helium.

>> No.1718403

>calculate necessary energy to immediately pulverize rodent skeleton and cartilage material with piston
>design pressurized system to drive piston and reset system with durable materials
>place rodents in small, standardized top-open containers on conveyor belt
>press big button, watch your new rodent pancakes come out the other end

>> No.1718406

>Use nitrogen
Nitrogen is neutrally buoyant in air. It can stay in a bucket if cool, but something like argon would be better.

>> No.1718408

That's pretty typical for a centrifugal dryer.

>> No.1718410

Same here, i only have one snek so I don't have to buy a lot of mice, that's why I just put them in a plastic bag, then freezer. I supposed they die because of the lack of air rather than of cold.

>> No.1718416

The old Andromeda Strain movie had a scene where they gas a monkey with CO2, it's not a nice thing to go through.

This is the only copy currently up on youtube, some brazilian filming his tv apparently, I'd imagine all the others got taken down for showing animal cruelty. I think the monkey lived, they revived him right after the shot, makes it a little easier to watch.


>> No.1718497

Suicide artists have been working on this for decades.
CO2 is just going to aggravate your asphyxiation response.
Consumer-grade helium contains 20% oxygen so you can't use it for this.
You need 100% of a noble gas because it doesn't react with anything--you can breathe it and you won't notice a thing.
100% helium is harder to find, but you can buy welding grade argon pretty easily. You can use this to gas the rats.

>> No.1718503
File: 109 KB, 539x405, holzhaecksler_55_mm_benzin_big_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1718523

>gassed in bags using CO2
CO2 causes distress response though
helium would be near instantaneous and painless

>> No.1718568

No it isn't

>> No.1718570

i know what you mean. company i used to work for was testing products on animals.

>> No.1718571

Would there be an easy way to electrocute them? It may be hard to get a current flowing through all of them, considering you'll need to make them the path of least resistance.
Mainly just a curiosity than an actual idea though.

Stop recommending helium damn it, that's needed for other things and is getting rarer nowadays. Noble gasses or CO are better.
Can you buy CO easily? I've never really thought of looking into that, I'm not usually in the business of mass killing

>> No.1718609
File: 18 KB, 320x180, E12ECA88-3DCA-453B-A43B-5E4AD0858B1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1718625

Could do a small cage for like 10 piece easily. If you're eager to grill them all at once you may put a big capacitor in front.
Or do something like a slide with a pole on each side, to woosh them off quickly one after another.

>> No.1718646

EZ, Carbon monoxide. Painless and effective

>> No.1718648

Wow you're not doing it properly then. Slitting throats done correctly is supposed to be very silent

>> No.1718652

I heard of a gang growing up in India that used CO for silencing witnesses. I'm not sure how, byt the gang leader said he learned to make it from high school chemistry. Something about burning lime in presence of something. Should be pretty easy I guess. Also, trust me when I say its painless. The victim never even realises he or she is dying

>> No.1718791

The NIH OACU guidelines for small animal euthanasia calls for CO2 using low, prescribed flow rates.

>> No.1718810
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Centrifuge at 10G for 1 minute.

>> No.1718870

Argon is the cheapest noble gas and you can get giant tanks of it.

>> No.1718881


>> No.1718882

Also super toxic and lighter than air. Safety aside, OP won't meet OSHA exposure limits if he goes with that.

>> No.1718913

lace their water with fatal doses of opiates

>> No.1718914
File: 92 KB, 640x855, 3b77vxss4ml31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only 3500 rpm dryers are all like that: https://www.daigger.com/labgenius-variable-speed-3500-rpm-clinical-centrifuges-i-upic8924ds

You are talking out of your ass. There are little to none suitable dryers that operate at that high rpm

>> No.1718933
File: 129 KB, 812x1442, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other useless dross you want to contribute to the thread or are you done for now you smug cunt?

>> No.1718991
File: 102 KB, 749x770, Anonymous Delivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault that your Google fu is so weak that it's impacted your search results from following a link. The following are from my first page:
>a prominent result in the above link is Amazon's Choice for centrifugal dryer, a 3200RPM Panda brand dryer (https://www.amazon.com/Panda-Portable-Dryer-22lbs-Stainless/dp/B01IRMBG7I/))
And a sponsored ad from these fellows:

But I suppose it's understandable if you're phoneposters. You that's not the correct way to do this "internet" thing, right?

>> No.1719001

Uhh, thats a crop dipshit, just because its landscape does not mean its from a phone, unless 812x1442 is some weird chink resolution im unaware of.

Either way, the link you posted gave me exactly the same results as the other anon. Instead of being a condescending faggot posting le ebin lmgtfy links, how about you just post some actual fucking sauce next time you cockwomble. You have cherry picked and posted a bunch of links. Proves nothing.

>> No.1719004

> landscape
Portrait. Fuck.

>> No.1719012
File: 36 KB, 450x253, eyebrows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that 3000RPM is typical for centrifugal clothes dryers. Which was the original point of contention.

>> No.1719017

Yet not common enough to show as a result in the very search you posted as evidence of it's commonality. GG cocksniff.

>> No.1719024

>human garbage

>> No.1719029

>being this assblasted over internet dryer discussion.

Jesus dude calm down. Bad for your blood pressure. Go have sex or play video games based neetposter.

>> No.1719116
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, vacoom_systen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CO2 is just going to aggravate your asphyxiation response.

Would evacuating all air be Humane?
Toss them all in a larger vacuum pot, activate the pump, few minutes later flush the vacuum.

The one human that was exposed to vcoom said he just felt liquid starting to boil under his tongue and then lost consciousness:

>> No.1719119

Most efficient?
Dig a hole and bury them alive

>> No.1719178

>tie cinder blocks to their paws
My fucking sides anon

>> No.1719196

>everyone arguing over CO2 vs Argon Vs CO
>not a single mention of nitrogen
Nitrogen is non-toxic, the atmosphere's already 80% nitrogen so you can release it as much as you like. You can buy the stuff on amazon. And it's cheap as shit. In bulk, litre for litre it's cheaper than coke.

Nitrogen is for sure the way to go for mass rodent suffocation.

>> No.1719202

But they can dig, remember right?.

>> No.1719212

>everyone wants to gas the rodents
Calm down nazis.

Why don't you just poision them? Just buy some rat poision, or anything toxic they are willing to eat. Or something that's soluble in water.

>> No.1719216

We're talking mass death here. Systemic killing of batches of hundreds at a time. The nazis are the perfect role models for this situation. Poisoned food isn't going to cut it. How do you ensure eat hamster eats a lethal dose in a short enough time. How much rat poison does it take to kill 144 hamsters? Probably a lot. Rat poison costs money. You want a set up that is repeatable for large scale re-use with minimal set-up and cost between each run. Gassing or some other dispersed method of killing is best for this situation.

>> No.1719218

>The one human that was exposed to vcoom said he just felt liquid starting to boil under his tongue and then lost consciousness
That's instant vacuum. A compressor can't remove the air fast enough for them not to feel anything.
Just imagine being in a dark room and suddenly hearing the sound of a whole platoon firing at the same time while you can feel yourself breathing heavier and heavier, faster and faster, but your incredible thirst for air can not be satisfied, and you don't understand why. Doesn't sound too pleasant.

>> No.1719227

I'm pretty sure with enough looking around you can find some water soluble poision that's easily obtainable and cheap. Like copper sulfate. The lethal dose is 11mg/kg for a human. You can get 2 pounds for 16 bucks on amazon.
You put the animals in a cage with the poisioned water source and just leave them there for a few hours. Literally no effort, and it's not an "emotional distress" for the laborers.

>> No.1719231

>copper sulphate
Toxic to the environment, highly damaging if it leaches into water courses. Also the LD50 may be low true, but how long does it take to kill? Longer than painless suffocation I'd wager. Try again sweaty.

>> No.1719243

>Toxic to the environment
Only if you dump several litres of it into a river. Otherwise it'll kill a few plants at most.
It's really unlikely that it would seep throgh the ground and into groundwater.

>Takes longer to kill
Doesn't really matter, you can just leave them alone, they won't need supervision to die. You just have to check back in a few hours and shovel the corpses into a furnace.

>> No.1719250

You forgot
>the EPA up your ass demanding to see risk assessments and emergency protocols.
Whatever this guy is doing that involves killing a shitload of rodents it's probably commercial or industrial meaning that there has to be records and documentation about what's happening.

Why do you think an aquarium full of soon to be dead fluffy animals and nitrogen would need more monitoring than a pen full of soon to be dead fluffy animals and a water bowl?

>> No.1719252

Nah, I meant you'd gas them with the exhaust and then automatically incinerate them with the jet swath.

>> No.1719259

In case the whole thing has to be documented I agree that the nitrogen would be more appropriate, but copper sulfate is easier to obtain (you can get it at any farmer's shop) and cheaper than nitrogen.

>> No.1719262
File: 17 KB, 351x329, potato-french-fry-cutter-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to have to clean out the machine, go with the fry cutter.
>bodies right into the trash
>smaller size means more space efficiency
>using interchangeable blades means less mechanical stress over an impact system and less down time

>> No.1719264

It's obvious that you've never used one of these. They jam with just potatoes, and cleaning them is like having a knife fight with yourself: someone's gonna get cut, and there's no question who it's gonna be.

>> No.1719283
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I made the mistake of going through that video's comment section.

My god I hate willfully stupid people.

>> No.1719290
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Put an ad somewhere offering to give them away to some reptile hobbyist who might own some snakes or monitors and would be happy to get some free food for their pets.

>> No.1719379

just use a sheet metal brake to kill them

>> No.1719420

>Air tight cage
>1 cup ammonia
>1 cup bleach
>add mice
>mix everything together and wait an hour

>> No.1719431
File: 20 KB, 599x599, 0476-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna make crystal covered mice?

>> No.1719465


>> No.1719536
File: 173 KB, 324x324, flowing spice but also disappointment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the very search you posted as evidence
I posted three from my search. The image here >>1718933 shows two (items 8 and 9). And centrifugal dryers being common was never a point of discussion. Do you disagree with anything that I've actually said?

>> No.1719539

Nitrogen is lighter than air at equal temperature and pressure. Unlike argon or carbon dioxide, it won't just sit in a bucket displacing all the oxygen, at least for very long.

>> No.1719550

nitrogen/helium asphyxiation. Basically anything except for CO2, which will cause discomfort in the animals. Inert gases will just make them black out.

>> No.1719551

These kinds of posts are why I come here

>> No.1719553

I wish I could be there for the board presentation on the hamster euthanasia centrifuge, fucking kek

>> No.1719554

I like your style

>> No.1719803
File: 527 KB, 626x467, 1568154077927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based eco-friendly cat killer. Cats are a plague and deserve to die.

>> No.1719814

>Time in animal research labs.
You are a sick fuck then. CO2 is not an anesthetic. It's probably the worst way to go.

>> No.1719823

is halal or kosher guinea pig a thing?
could be a way to make some extra money

>> No.1719828
File: 40 KB, 1098x1008, pepegas-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freon. Easy to buy, also ozone layer gets recovered.

>> No.1719887
File: 91 KB, 783x1044, v3houx2jp8w01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy tannerite or make your own explosive and blow them all up inside something. Make sure its powerful enough to completely vaporize them

>> No.1720032

>which will cause discomfort in the animals
Their their last moments of discomfort are not a consideration. Economically co2 is the cheapest. It's what most animal shelters use.

>> No.1720116

Stationary rock crushing hammermill.

You could dump a fucking 100 ton tank of gerbils in there and the only thing it would feel is the other fuzzballs scurrying around with him.

You ever see an animal get hit with a hammer? Well try 100 hammers, swinging 10,000 times as fast, that are twice as big. Hell, i considered jumping in it a few times during a shitty 16 hour day in shot weather at a shit job

>> No.1720118

Call the sky gerbal guy. Put in a dumo lever

>> No.1720119

Dick. Build a floating raft from trash with a solar flashing light, tons of food and water, and a litterbox.

>> No.1720120

I want my clothes dry yesterday.


>> No.1720121

Airtight sealed clear container (for monitoring) and preferrably nitrogen. CO2 is not a humane euthanasia gas as it elicits an autonomous physiological response and results in needless suffering.

Exposure to nitrogen gas will result in painless asphyxiation. The animals will die without a struggle and without response.

15 minutes should more than suffice. 5 minutes are usually enough to induce cerebral death due to hypoxia.

>> No.1720134

Poor, ignorant dumb fuck. Only swallowing the shit that aligns with his hunches

Read what the American Veterinary Medical Association has to say about small animal euthanasia or what any IACUC board recommends. And yes, it is an anesthetic as well as an analgesic.

I'll say it again real slow...

Slow... prescribed .... flow rates ... of... CO2

And for all you shitheads saying N2 and Are is more human, "Use of Ar or N2
is unacceptable for other mammals. These gases create an anoxic environment that is distressing for some species and aversive to laboratory rodents and mink"

>> No.1720141

nooo dont kill piggies :(

>> No.1720156

This is why no one likes snake fags

>> No.1720158

This seems really efficient, I will try this.

>> No.1720192

Build a potato gun and fire them at a brick wall from 3 feet away one by one.

>> No.1720341
File: 203 KB, 1080x1587, IMG_20191121_092017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found what you're looking for OP

>> No.1720383

did you try feeding them to 30-50 feral hogs
if not, I agree with nitrogen

>> No.1720478

You faggots are the main reason for rats, spiders and several more venomous bugs or vectors. Cats and dogs are the only human compatible creatures in the city. I hope you kill yourself (before a false widow spider rots your arm anyway)